She's not that bad!!

Her legs synchronised with her arms, dancing to some imaginery jingle in her head. Watching her parents, observing her from quite a distance the girl swirled around them, waving the empty sock at their faces. "Santa... Approved my wish!! Hurray!!!" The girl spoke her voice reaching the end of the pitch. As curiosity hit Bryan he too rushed towards the tree to see if his wish got true. To his surprise the sock which he left was too empty from inside. It was hard to believe, he gave a look to his parents who stood yeilding the same surprised look on their faces. Nodding off the curiosity the man took his sock in his hands, waving at his younger sister. 

"Mine's empty too." He spoke, his words made Mia turn in glee. 

"That's great, but mine was the first Santa read." She spoke hugging her brother. Never did the people understood how Mia managed to show much confidence even her habit of talking with non -living stuff.