Inside Rick's room. 

"Leave me... Let me go!!! I wanna dance." Clareil was completely under the influence of alcohol. Even her breath smelt like alcohol. Rick sighed at the helpless state she was in. He knew she wasn't in her best of the condition. "You need to get sober first." He replied, placing her gently on the bed. The man kneeled to take her heels off. But the moment he touched her feet, she pulled them back. "Don't you dare touch me." She shouted, a death glare came in his direction. 

"Clareil please, try and understand." Rick tried to coax her but the girl got up again, her moves clumsy but she made it to the door. "Open up!!! Please open... Somebody open this door." She banged the door but there was pin drop silence. Clareil pouted at the silence. Her head hung low. Rick approached the girl slowly. "Come." The word came out of his mouth, with gentlest eyes which showed how badly concerned he was for the girl.