Need a shower, stole a kiss!!

"Hmm... What to do with this innocent culprit here?" Mia asked pinching the man's cheek, making his skin go all red. 

"Kiss him!!!" Anna beamed clapping her hands, her excitement teaching it's peak watching the two cuties. Realising what she just said could turn many questioning eyes towards her. The girl rephrased her sentence with. "Umm... I mean that's an adorable effort, pretty selfish though!" The girl turned her head sideways. 

Alex who had no clue how his little sister got this much bold turned his widened deep brown eyes towards Mia. "She's your sister!" The girl shrugged. And the hall fell into the fit of laughter. Soon they bid farewell to the doctor who was the supporting actor of this small prank.

"Sooo??" Alex raised his brows at the girl besides him, side hugging her. "You're staying at my place?" He asked seizing a soft peck from her. 

"I will, but only on one condition!" Mia nodded her head in approval.