Roseate. Buying dresses.

The girl nodded her head in a yes, there was only half an hour left for their flight. The people were already in the air to reach Tuscany. Yet due to his busy schedule he had to take flight from wherethey were currently staying. Horror crept on the man's face as the dumb secretary of his wasn't sure about the dresses she just packed. Was she even prepared? Ofcourse not her fault at all. She got no time for packing her stuff or go on a shopping at all. 

Infact she didn't remember when she last went shopping. Braylon didn't blame her too, what he was worried about was they were going to be late for the welcome party. "Let's get going." Grabbing the girl's hand he dragged her out of the room. Soon they headed to their car, as he wrapped the girl up in a coat to prevent from the pre spring cold. 

"To Z lane." The man ordered his chauffeur, nodding his head the man hopped on the driver's seat.