Eva's anger. Eddy's Bump

Their laughter echoed into the dining room. That was the blunt answer anyone could ever give. Eva turned into a dark shade of crimson as their actions were bluntly being exposed to everyone upon the table. She couldn't face anyone anymore. The girl excused herself from the breakfast not able to keep a face. "Shameless!!" Peter poked Eddy hard muffling in the process. While Eddy's ears turned red at the embarrassment he caused. 

The man no longer felt empty with the thought of his girl filling his stomach with harsh scolding and he deserved them right now. So there wasn't a chance of rebuttal. "Excuse me." Wiping his mouth with the table napkin he went after Eva. 

"I hope the higher power in heaven have mercy upon this guy." Mia prayed louder for everyone to hear her prayers. The girl knew the amount of Eva's temper when someone got out of control. What just Eddy did surpassed her last sliver of patience.