Upcoming troubles. Confessions.

April didn't turn her head as the voice brought her a moment of grief and terror. Her subconscious mind wished that person wasn't a certain someone. He could not come here, can he? How could he enter the vicinity. There wasn't a chance. She wished internally trying to console her poor heart but the next words rung in her ears. Which broke her consolation into peices. "You've changed and committed." The man sneered closing the distance between them. 

The girl turned her head a little. Stuttering a bit. "You---" the last brink of hopes shattered when the face came into her view. His smirk as sharp as his eyes trying to dig a hole into her body. April backed off a little but the man inched close, the crowd flocking around them was an advantage to this situation. Before she could rebut or speak a word. The man whispered near her ear. 
