Getting married I

"Just don't act ras---" before the former could speak the latter already ended the call and beep noise came from the dead line. "Ahhh!! That rascal!!" The man gritted his teeth already annoyed by the overconfidence of the person he was talking to. 

While ending the call, the man saw the palace for one last time before leaving the vicinity. "See ya soon Love." He grinned eyeing the structure of the palace as if seeing through it's walls. 

The next morning. 

The Wedding 

Alex and Mia rested in eachother's embrace for the longest time. The small stature of the girl was fitted completely into Alex's warm body. As if she had a shell to cover her from the strong winds. "Babe my feet hurt." Mia groaned due to the sore feet. Even the warm water didn't help much.