Change in the timeline...

"Isn't it the best photo ever captured honey?" Eva caressed the glossy surface of the wedding album. Eddy and Eva's first kiss after their vows, after them being man and wife officially. The woman flipped the page, her eyes stared on one figure longer than she thought. Tears started wellinh up in her eyes while her fingers trembled. The smooth surface suddenly turned rough as her skin felt cold beneath it. Eddy covered his wife's shoulder sharing his warmth with her. 

"Baby this is why I don't let you see this album." He took the album from her hands a dissappointed look surfaced upon his clear face. "It's not good for you." He added his hand caressed the bump of her tummy which was three to four months old now. 

"It's been two years Eddy!! We haven't seen her... Where is she?? How is she?? She was right there when we were honeymooning!!! Then what the hell happened in those cursed days!!" The agitation in Eva rose to it's peak her eyes turned blood shot.