The calm in the waves..

"Right!! Time for me to leave." Rick muttered tapping his fingers upon the steering wheel. He soo much wanted to spend time with her, which he knew the chance was long gone. The doors were closed for him and he was the one closing them. Pursing his thin lips the guy was about to drive away when a person called his name from the balcony. 

"Sis' boss?" Lauve asked loudly, leaning his arm on the balcony. The two indeed formed a bond. The true bond of brotherhood. Lauve was indebted by Rick. 

"Hey man!!" Rick waved at the latter from his car's window. 

"Care for a game?" Lauve asked playfully, his eyes already excited for the match about to happen between the two. The guy knew Rick wasn't the one to turn this offer down. The way they got connected was gaming.