Second chance..

"And what is our plan B?" Peter asked. To which the man answered with confidence. "There won't be a need for plan B. We will bring your woman back." He patted Alex's shoulder and left the room without saying much or looking back. 

"Who is he?" Eddy inquired watching the man's confidence in what he just said. He was a complete stranger standing before them. Yet he knew much than these people knew about the said Patricians. His presence seemed very hideous too. 

"He's the head of our Verglas." Bryan answered to which the men gave him questioning gazes. Sighing in helplessness he finally gave a detailed information about his relationship with the people and Verglas. And what it was. 

"Yeah I've heard about them, they were such a craze in the past years. But I've heard they vanished from the scene after an incident." Eddy recalled from the past. He got to know about these people working underground from his acquaintances.