Only reason to be killed..

"So you waited for me to come?" Alex asked in a challanging tone, raising his brows. From his judgement the voice echoed all over the room. It was possible that the man wasn't present in the room, or may be.. "Hah!!!" A loud voice rang just above him, with a huge swords in his hands. "You're dead already?" The man spoke, due to the sudden attack the mud fell upon the ground also got into his eyes. 

"Overconfident, aren't you?" Alex spoke standing behind him, with his gun at the man's head. 

"Huh?? How did y---" before he could turn his head around the man punched the nook of his neck with much force. "My senses are strong." Alex replied landing another fist upon the person. This time it was strong enough to hit his head into the ground.