The one on one fight!!

Mia was taken aback by what Eddy just said. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "That's right Mia, without you everything means nothing. Your absence has affected each one our lives. Alex picked upon the habits which he hated. He started living like a lifeless body. Think about your mother, she had shed soo many tears only to hear your voice again. Your father has gone through a torment of missing you and handling your mother at a same time. And more importantly your brother who haven't had any good night's sleep since the last two years is still fighting for you. And about my wife, she has gone through a hell of a ride. There's not a single day that she doesn't take your name. She waits for the hope to find your existence." Eddy spoke this in one go making Mia lose it. He summarised literally everything he faced in the last two years. Which was indeed the truth.