13. Yugito Nii & Confessions Part 1

Naruto was surrounded by warmth after he had fallen asleep shortly after pleasing Hana and Tsume again. Apparently the two women while still under their animalistic lusts had curled up next to him. He felt one of the two bodies shift next to him before pulling away to head upstairs. Cracking his eyes, he could see that it was Tsume and that she hadn't bothered to pick up any of her clothes. He knew she didn't have to worry about Kiba coming home as Naruto had made sure that the boy was out of the village before heading to the dog show.

Carefully extracting himself from Hana, he followed silently behind. He heard a door close and assumed that she had entered her room. Reaching the one she had entered he knocked at the door only to receive a brisk, "Go the fuck away."

For a moment he was surprised that she knew it was him but shook it off as foolish as her sense of smell had no doubt confirmed his identity. Sighing he answered, "I can't do that. There are things we need to discuss." Receiving no reply, he turned the door handle and finding it unlocked opened the door.

Entering the room, which he assumed to be the master bedroom, he found it rather bare. There were a few pictures of her children at what he could only guess to be at certain achievements of their lives, such as a picture of Kiba wearing his headband or Hana holding a diploma of some type, most likely when she passed her veterinary training. But pictures of the man who helped bring them into creation were missing.

Focusing on Tsume, he could see that she had expected him to heed her words and leave. Partly due to when he had first entered she had been sitting at a vanity, still naked as he was, holding her head in her hands. Now though, she was glaring at him using the mirror so that she didn't have to face him. He noticed that for a moment the glare stopped as she ran her eyes down his nude body. But, when they returned to his face so to had the anger. Eventually she sighed though before saying, "Look there's nothing to discuss. I've been around the block enough times to know when I've been played. The way you've been showing up in my territory and your stunt at the show yesterday all but proves it. So do us both a favor and get the fuck out before I forget myself and kill a fellow Leaf shinobi."

"I can't just yet," Naruto replied causing Tsume to growl slightly but he stood his ground. Stepping closer he said, "I admit that what you say is true. I did set about challenging you in order to bring about something like what we shared yesterday. But have you asked yourself why?"

"To put a notch in your belt," Tsume answered heatedly. "You have become popular with some of the women in the village lately. If those dates weren't just the playful ones that the rumors say they are then you've been rather busy lately."

Naruto nodded as he said, "True, but all this wasn't just to say I've slept with an Inuzuka."

"Then what?"

Smiling Naruto replied, "To unify the shinobi villages."

"Great, I've let myself sleep with a delusional nut bag," Tsume said lowering her gaze from the mirror to stare at the top of the vanity.

Sighing, Naruto said, "Look I know it sounds crazy but hear me out." Tsume looked up from the tabletop to look at him through the mirror again so he continued saying, "Since I've started on this path I've already gained the support of several powerful women. With yours, we'll have a voice in three of the clans that make up the council."

Tsume turned in the chair, surprised at Naruto's revelation before saying, "I see. Then Ino and Hinata have already been lured to your quest then."

Naruto nodded guardedly wondering if it was a good idea to give her so much information without gaining her allegiance as otherwise he'd have to use his control over her, and truthfully he was hoping to avoid that. Tsume though didn't really notice, instead she was trying to figure out whom else Naruto had already seduced. Thinking to a recent clan meeting she looked up in shock saying, "Elder Koharu is one of the women you've slept with!"


"Her scent changed recently," Tsume said eyeing Naruto with a mixture of awe and perhaps slight revulsion, "It's hard to explain but I guess she smells less of frailty."

"Is that a polite way of saying she doesn't smell like an old woman anymore," Naruto said with a playful smile. Tsume blushed at being teased but Naruto didn't comment instead saying, "Let's just say that if you saw her true appearance you'd understand why her scent doesn't match with how she looks. But still it was quite a leap of logic to associate her smell with being one of my women."

"It wasn't just her scent," Tsume said reconsidering Naruto's chances of pulling off his ambition, "The meeting that decided Fu's fate, who is another of yours I'm guessing. In the past, Koharu would have sided with her fellow elders in a heartbeat. That she didn't speaks volumes, and makes me wonder. Just how are you controlling her?"

"I both am and am not," Naruto admitted, "The only way I was controlling her was to make her keep quiet about what I was up to. I had to take these steps to keep her quiet about me and another of the women I'm with."

"Tsunade," Tsume interjected surprising Naruto.

Getting ahold of himself, Naruto nodded saying, "Her scent changed as well?"

"That and if both Koharu and her have been made younger somehow and the Byakugan hasn't detected it. Then the only genjutsu I know capable of that is Tsunade's."

Naruto inclined his head telling Tsume that she was right. "I have also brought a few kunoichi outside the village into the fold. I'm hoping that you will join with me as well."

"What of Hana?"

"Her too," Naruto said, "If it makes you uncomfortable I'll make sure to see the two of you separately. But now that I've been with her, well there have been some changes to the two of you as well."

Tsume's stare hardened so Naruto explained all that they had learned over the few months he had been in possession of the jutsu. When he was finished Tsume asked, "If you have so much control over us why not simply force me to obey you?"

"If I did that I'd have to micromanage everything you did and I have little doubt you'd be constantly testing the controls for ways around them. If you don't agree, I'll place a few suggestions that will keep you quiet and then I'll ask Hana. If she agrees, I'll encourage her to one day take your spot as clan head."

"You could just have me step down," Tsume said.

"True, but when Hana took your place then it would be because she earned it," Naruto said. "Besides, I know that your clan passes the position through combat. If she didn't earn it, then she wouldn't keep it very long."

Tsume hated to admit it, but as the conversation wore on. Naruto's nudeness was having an effect on her. Yet it was not just that, but the frank way he spoke to her as even her ex-husband hadn't talked to her like that. "Hell," she thought, thinking of the father of her children with an internal smirk, "That wimp wasn't even able to make me submit when I was lost to my animal side." Eventually she had proven too much for her ex-husband and he had left her for a weaker female, one that he could dominate. Not feeling the bitterness she usually associated with thoughts of the man that had left her high and dry. She continued her current train of thought thinking, "Now this is a man though. How many men in this village would sleep with both a mother and daughter and with all the power he gained over them still rely on his own strength to sell his idea."

Standing and leaning against her vanity. She ran a hand between her breasts as she said, "I take it there are perks to agreeing to go along with what you are planning?"

At the change in Tsume's demeanor, a smile appeared on Naruto's face as he closed the distance between them. Wrapping a hand around her waist, he pulled her towards him stopping his face inches from hers before asking, "What sort of perks are you hoping for?"

Before Tsume could reply, Naruto pressed his lips against hers and soon both of their tongues were clashing against each other. Naruto then grabbed both of Tsume's ass cheeks, both picking her up and spreading them as he sat her on the vanity. Tsume reached her hand forward and grabbed ahold of his cock finding that it had already hardened in preparation of entering her. Giving it a few tugs. She lined it up with her cunt and groaned as Naruto buried it in her in one go. Naruto didn't give her any time to adjust. Instead filling and emptying her in a rapid succession that soon had her close to the edge. She was aware of the vanity's mirror she was sitting on smashing as a result of the vicious assault she was under due to its bouncing against the wall.

Reaching her hands up to grip his shoulders, she was unable to do anything else but moan her approval and it was no surprise to her when she came. Upon reaching her orgasm, she raked her sharp nails along Naruto's back leaving long gashes that quickly healed, but the sudden pain caused Naruto to lose control and pump her full of his seed.

As she recovered along with the blond, she realized that much to her amazement the cock still buried in her hadn't wilted as a result of his release. Giving it a squeeze using her internal muscles she smiled as she heard Naruto groan at her actions. Constricting around and releasing his dick several times. It was only a matter of moments before Naruto began to respond as well. Picking Tsume up with his dick still inside her, he carried her towards the bed. Where he sat down before he leaned back allowing her to set the pace while on top.

Tsume planted her feet on the bed before she began raising and lowering herself on the thick meat staff that had impaled her. Naruto groaned as he reached up and cupped her breasts while she slid herself up and down his cock. Grabbing the nipple of one of her breasts, he gave it a tug as she was on an upward stroke allowing her own momentum to increase the sensation causing her to howl in pleasure. Dropping to her knees, she began a more relaxed pace gentle swirling her hips as she asked, "Just how long have you been at this?"

"A couple months," Naruto answered having moved his hands to her hips as she began a back and forth motion with her hips.

"Kami," Tsume replied both from the revelation and his dick hitting the entrance to her womb causing her to crash forward into his chest. Raising her hips up and down his staff slowly from her new position she said, "You… you must be a natural."

"Nah," Naruto said with a groan, "I-I just get lots of practice."

Tsume didn't reply instead licking the sweat from his chest before moving on to one of his nipples. She swirled her tongue around before nipping at it with her teeth. Naruto responded with a vicious upward stroke which again poked at her deepest spot causing her to howl once more in pleasure. Naruto then rolled them over so that he was on top. He then withdrew almost all of his cock leaving only the tip still inside Tsume. Who then began whimpering at the loss.

Looking down at the woman, Naruto leaned forward to kiss her tenderly and when she responded slammed his hips forward. Tsume screamed into his mouth and was soon panting from his renewed assault. Sweat dripping from his brow and feeling the end approaching Naruto said, "I'm at the end of my rope…"

Her arms clamped around his neck as Tsume nodded weakly before panting out, "M…fuck…me too. Cum…cum on my tits."

Naruto was surprised, but leaned forward and bit Tsume's nipple in a manner similar to how she had his earlier. It provided the spark she needed to reach her climax causing her inner walls to clamp around him in a milking sensation. Naruto's own orgasm was reached as a result and complying with her wishes pulled out bathing her tits in his spunk, before collapsing next to her on the bed. Tsume spent several moments catching her breath before reaching her hands up and working his cum into her skin as if in a trance. When she was finished she licked her fingers clean.

Noticing Naruto staring at her in a strange manner she blushed before saying, "I like having the smell of my mate on me afterwards."

Naruto sat up against the headboard of her bed before holding a hand up and beckoning her towards him. Tsume quickly accepted the invitation moving to lay her head against his chest where she was content to let sleep claim her except for a surprised sounding, "Mom…Naruto…it wasn't a dream then."

Tsume sat up to see her naked daughter standing in the hall no doubt confused from the after affects of having experienced the Inuzuka's lust for the first time. No longer under the effects herself Tsume moved to cover her own nudeness but Naruto held her tight saying, "No it wasn't a dream. Come in Hana there's a lot I need to tell you."

Hana nodded still no doubt confused as Tsume wouldn't have been surprised that if not for the fact she had awoken naked in the mating chamber. That Hana would have written the whole experience off as a dream. Hana stepped into the disheveled room sitting at the edge of the bed that contained her naked mother as well as the young man who had taken her virginity who said, "Now where to begin?"


Koharu walked wearily to her home, while hoping to reach it soon so she could drop the henge she was under. Having come to cherish the times where she could run around in her new youthful body it had become almost a chore to leave her home to attend the endless meetings that her life as an elder had become. However despite entering her home the respite she sought was denied to her as she could feel the presence of people inside. Sighing and keeping her henge in place she approached her study and much as she expected found Danzou sitting there waiting for her.

However, what she wasn't expecting was the kunoichi and shinobi standing behind him on either side. The kunoichi was dressed in the standard armor of the Anbu and had long light brown hair that was done up in a bun that had a ponytail coming from it and held in place by six needles. Her cat mask was framed by her bangs as she stood at relaxed attention behind the elder. Koharu wasn't sure but believed the woman's name was Komachi. She remembered her name coming up briefly as a result of the Kagura incident several years ago.

Her partner wore a bird mask and if she was correct his name was Towa. While the two had served Konoha faithfully in the past, Koharu was afraid that their presence here with Danzou meant that they secretly served him as remnants of the Root Organization.

"Danzou," she said her voice sounding at ease with his presence although she was anything but. "What brings you to my home so late at night?"

Danzou's visible eye remained squinted but she knew that he was analyzing her for anything he could use against her. Finally he said, "I felt it prudent that we talk as lately it seems we have begun to differ on the path Konoha should be following."

"Really," Koharu said having an idea of what he was speaking about, "I don't think one difference of opinion on the fate the seven tail jinchuriki is a cause for such concern."

Danzou grunted, but remained silent on the matter for several moments before saying, "I've noticed that your Anbu guards have been removed."

"By my request," Koharu said calmly pouring herself a glass of liquor. When she offered Danzou one he shook his head no. Taking a sip, she continued, "I've come to the decision that they would be better suited guarding more vital parts to the village."

"Don't underestimate your importance to Kohona," Danzou said sounding as close to friendly as she had ever heard him.

She smiled politely at what he said but replied, "I'm afraid our time is done Danzou. Better to let the younger generation step up and hopefully build a better world then we left them."

"Hmm, you're beginning to sound a lot like Tsunade," Danzou replied standing abruptly. "But I guess we'll see if the current generation is capable of meeting the challenges that they will soon face." The crippled elder began making his way to the door and Koharu was sure that he no longer considered her an ally.

She frowned at that as she didn't doubt for a second that the man hadn't given up his hope to one day become Hokage. In the past she would have admitted that such an event may have filled her with a feeling that Konoha would be well protected. But now she was positive that it would only spread misery and death. As his two Anbu fell into step with the elder, Koharu's gaze drifted to Komachi and found herself wondering whether or not Danzou had exposed a weakness that Naruto could exploit.

Dropping her henge and glad that Danzou had left as thinking of the blond caused her body to react in the predictable manor of her nipples hardening and her panties growing moist. She knew the day when she would breakdown and beg him to take her again was fast approaching as she would probably spend the next few hours masturbating herself to several orgasms that only made her desire for the young man stronger.


Naruto groaned as he lowered himself into the hot springs. Although his body didn't show it, he was sure he could feel the phantom pains of the many scratches and bite marks that would have marred his body as a result of his time with Hana and Tsume. After explaining his ambition to the younger Inuzuka, he was pleased to learn that despite no longer being under the animalistic lusts that they had been under during their first encounter the two Inuzuka apparently didn't have any problem pleasing him at the same time. As after pleasing Hana similarly to how he had her mother, Tsume had quickly joined in. After enjoying them both, he had been a little concerned that Kiba would find out due to the smell of sex Tsume's room had reeked of, but he was put at ease upon learning that all Inuzuka homes came with seals that when activated dampened the senses. A necessary item, as very few people wanted their young kids or neighbors figuring out what mischief they were up to in their rooms due to the heightened senses the clan possessed.

As he allowed the springs to rejuvenate his body, Naruto turned his attention inward to the person that had helped him seduce the Inuzuka head and her daughter but seemed to have retreated from him as of late. He knew where she was hiding of course which was behind the bars that the seal represented. What stopped him from seeking her out was the nagging fear that it was all a set up. That if he crossed into her cage he'd find her waiting to pounce and take over control of his body. However, he got the sense though that his fears in this instance were misplaced. Due in part to the fact that Kyuubi had retreated so completely from him and wasn't even trying to bait him into the seal. Of course, he'd be remiss if he didn't consider it a part of her plan, but on the few times he had entered the seal hoping to see her all he could feel was a deep sadness.

Despite knowing he was taking a risk that could spell his own destruction as well as the villages, he decided to trust his instincts. Focusing his attention into the seal, he appeared in the recreation of his apartment complete with massive barred gate. Approaching it, he considered calling out for Kyuubi but considering all the success he had experienced up to that point decided against it. Especially since he couldn't be sure that she wouldn't force him out of the seal if she knew he was coming.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself he walked through the bars. Almost immediately he looked to the face of the massive fox that lay on the other side. But by all indications Kyuubi was currently occupying her human body as the massive creature was barely breathing like it was in a deep sleep. Having never really been on the Kyuubi's side of the bars he spent a moment looking around only to see that it appeared that the area he was standing in seemed to stretch out in a void of infinite darkness. For a moment he wondered if Kyuubi was wandering that darkness in her human body, but looking back to her chakra beast body found her lying asleep in a nook behind the beast body's crossed front paws.

For a moment he worried that it was a set-up and that he'd approach only to find she was occupying the fox's body in order to devour him. However, upon a closer look it was easy to see that she was currently residing in the human one as although sleeping, every now and again she would shift. Whereas the fox remained unnaturally still.

As stealthily as he was capable of, he managed to work her out from behind the paws and carrying her bridal style took her to the other side of the seal. Laying her on the couch, in such a matter that she was curled up against him, he then began stroking her hair waiting for her to wake up. After almost an hour, at least in the seal, she began to stir. But almost immediately she stiffened as if realizing she wasn't alone, which was followed by her quickly sitting up.

"Naruto…," she said, upon laying her eyes on him. For a moment she looked like she wanted to say more, but then quickly stood before trying to make a break for the seal.

Naruto caught her wrist as she moved past him and holding it tightly said, "Kyuubi, if you are angry at me then let's talk about it. But I'd like to know why you've been avoiding me."

"You…you think I might be angry at you?" Kyuubi asked surprised looking over her shoulder at the blond still sitting at the couch.

"What am I suppose to think when you haven't spoken to me in weeks?"

Kyuubi looked away towards the bars of her cage as if she was still considering running towards it. Sighing, she moved back towards the couch sitting far away from him. Naruto was about to scoot over but she held up a hand saying, "Please, stay where you are." Naruto looked concerned but nodded and settled into the couch prompting Kyuubi to say, "Congratulations on your latest conquest are in order I suppose."

"Thanks," Naruto said watching Kyuubi who appeared incredibly nervous and scared, "I owe a great deal of it to the pheromones. So thank you." Kyuubi smiled weakly so he asked, "Now maybe you can tell me why you've been avoiding me?"

Kyuubi looked away focusing on some unseen object in front of her before saying, "I've recently been made aware of something important about the day our fates became connected… and I'm afraid that once you learn of it too that you'll despise me."

Seeing how vulnerable she looked Naruto almost automatically wanted to say that she didn't need to worry about such a thing. However he stopped, since despite how she looked now there was a time when she had delighted in death and destruction. When silence was all that followed her statement Kyuubi turned to look at him and giving him a grim smile said, "I guess the best place to begin is my being freed from my previous host." Naruto couldn't keep the shock from his face prompting Kyuubi to say, "I know it must be a surprise to you, but in actuality you are the third jinchuriki to host me. The first was a woman named Mito Uzumaki. You probably know her best as the wife of the First Hokage. She sealed me into herself in order to rob Madara Uchiha of my power. Eventually though she grew old and they needed to find a replacement. That replacement's name was Kushina Uzumaki…your mother."

"My…my mom," Naruto whispered stunned and confused but quickly gave way to an excitement at learning of one of his parents.

"Yes," Kyuubi said dejectedly seeing Naruto's face lighting up at the idea of learning about his mother. "I wish there was something I could tell you about her other than that on the few times she entered the seal she was as defiant as you. But her seal was designed far different than yours. As it didn't allow me to sense much of anything about her personal life, therefore for the most part I spent most of my time sealed in her chained to a damn rock."

"I don't understand," Naruto said interrupting her.

Glad for any reason to prolong telling him of her role in his parents' deaths she began to explain, "Each seal designed to contain a Bijuu takes on different forms. For instance yours before you modified it resembled a cage with sewer pipes running to it. That was so that my Chakra would slowly bleed into yours or you could call on it when you were in need of it. Nanabi's looks like a giant bug container."

"You've seen Fu's Bijuu?" Kyuubi nodded, causing Naruto to ask, "Are you the reason she's been getting so horny all the time?"

"Partly," Kyuubi admitted, "I modified her seal so that Nanabi would feel what its host did. I hoped to make Nanabi more willing to help Fu in the future."

"You did this despite knowing that I might become angry at you." When Kyuubi nodded, Naruto added, "Thank you." But growing somber he asked, "Does what you have to tell me involve what happened to my mother?"

"And to your father," Kyuubi said looking away for a moment to avoid seeing how Naruto would react. Closing her eyes she picked up her tale again saying, "As I was saying your mother was my second host. After years of not feeling anything I suddenly became aware of the seal weakening. This I guess was due to the fact that she was pregnant…with you." She paused opening her eyes and looking at Naruto saw him listening intently, "Naturally, I tried to make the most of it by trying to escape. But your father was prepared and reinforced the seal while she was giving birth to you. I'm not aware of what happened exactly but the force your father was exerting to contain me was suddenly removed and I escaped…only to come face to face with Madara Uchiha."

Instead of commenting on the appearance of a long thought dead Uchiha, Naruto asked, "My mom died because you escaped, didn't she?"

Kyuubi winced at the unemotional tone Naruto used. Answering his question, she said, "She should have. But apparently you Uzumaki are rather resilient; she was still alive despite my escape. Madara enslaved me again using his damnable Sharingan and ordered me to finish her. Your father though saved her…using the Hiraishin."

"The Hiraishin…you can't mean my dad was…"

"Yes, he was the Fourth Hokage," Kyuubi stopped giving Naruto time to adjust to the news as he looked away from her. When he refocused on her, she could tell he wanted to ask her something but she continued her story to prevent him wanting to get it over with so said, "While under Madara's control I began my assault on your village. Eventually though, and I assume because of your father, Madara lost his ability to direct me…but still I continued my assault. Your third Hokage and the defenders of the village managed to drive me back but I was about to destroy them all using a beast ball when your father reappeared. He then Hirashined it and me away, where we began to battle…"

Kyuubi paused to spend a moment to look at Naruto. However his face and body language gave away nothing of what he was thinking. Gathering up her courage, she finished her tale saying, "By then your mother had entered into combat with me using a special jutsu to turn her chakra into chains and bind me. Eventually your father realized that the only way to defeat me was to seal me. He chose you, his own son. But when he began the jutsu I managed to break free one of my paws and attempted to destroy you. Your parents both got in my way allowing me to impale them with one of my nails and then your father sealed me into you."

Kyuubi returned her gaze to his face looking for some sign that he wasn't going to reject her. Naruto could see that she was scared at how he would react. But due to having so many emotions warring within him couldn't tell her that he wasn't mad as he wasn't sure just what to think. "You obviously only learned of this recently, so how did you learn of my connection to the Fourth?"

"The Senju," Kyuubi said.

A hint of emotion appeared on Naruto's face as a result causing him to say, "Why didn't she tell me?"

"Perhaps she couldn't for some reason," Kyuubi said but leaned back as Naruto's gaze landed on her. As his face was no longer calm due to anger appearing in his eyes. Kyuubi could feel his anger getting stronger, but before she could say anything he disappeared leaving her alone as well as afraid that was how she would remain.


Naruto awoke back in the hotsprings having left the seal before his anger caused him to snap at Kyuubi. He knew that it had taken courage to tell him about her role in his parents' deaths. But he was also aware that it would take some time before he could speak to her civilly. So before he said something he couldn't take back, had decided to take the time to calm himself before talking to her.

Getting dressed, he headed to the academy and was glad that it was late at night as all he wanted was to be alone. Climbing to its roof, he had an unfettered view of the Hokage monument and of the face of his father. After learning of the Kyuubi, he had always wondered, why him? Now knowing that it was his father that had done it hoped it was because he believed Naruto would use the power wisely. But it also left him feeling bitter at him, in light of the fact that he had been regarded as a hero for his actions. Meanwhile he, the one that had to live with the results of them, had been considered a curse on the village.

Naruto forced himself to abandon his current train of thought though. He believed that his dad hadn't placed the burden on him lightly and at that realization felt a good deal of his anger at his father fade. As he knew if he let it take over he'd be disappointing him. With his head clearing, he believed he knew how to explain how he felt about Kyuubi's role in his parents' deaths. Sitting cross-legged in the center of the roof he was about to reenter the seal when he sensed the presence of one of his lovers appearing behind him.


Koharu had ignored her body's desire for release and had instead decided to go in search of the cause for it. Her primary reason was to alert him of Danzou's meddling, but also she wanted him to once again make love to her. But before that, she needed to clear her conscious by telling him the truth about the Uchiha Massacre. She arrived on the roof behind him just as he assumed a sitting position.

"Is something the matter Koharu?"

Not surprised he knew it was her, but that he knew that something was indeed bothering her she asked, "Are you a mind reader now?"

Naruto stood turning to face her and although he tried to smile she could tell that he was burdened with something as well. "No," he replied, "But since it's rather late for a training session. I figured you needed to speak with me." A small lecherous smile appeared on his face as he added, "Unless you've decided it's time for things to get physical in a wholly different way."

Koharu blushed at the innuendo, but said, "A little bit of all of the above."

Naruto's eyebrow rose in confusion, but sensing some of what was troubling her asked, "You're not about to drop some bombshell that is going to force me to reevaluate how I look at the world are you?"

Koharu stared at him with surprise that Naruto had guessed her reason for searching him out. Sighing he moved to the end of the roof and leaning against one of the supports that rose above it said, "Alright hit me with it?"

"Before that, am I to take it that Kyuubi has spoken with you?"

For a moment Naruto's eyes hardened as he stared at her. He was surprised at how quickly his anger was roused by the question but figured it was due to someone else knowing of his connections to the Fourth. A little of the anger bled into his voice as he asked, "You knew as well?"

Koharu shook her head, quickly saying, "Only a few odds and ends. Tsunade let a bit of it slip after a training session. I believe that she is under some sort of promise to keep quiet about it, but used Kyuubi's involvement to go around it."

Naruto felt more of his anger bleed away at that. He knew how much Tsunade valued keeping her word and that she engineered his learning of it through Kyuubi was probably skirting the line of keeping it for her. Koharu had stopped to allow him to process that so when he refocused on her she continued saying, "I believe that the only two people who knew of your connection were Sarutobi and Jiraiya. Why they chose not to tell you I can't say. But I caution you against feeling any bitterness towards them."


"Because at times people need to make decisions that they are not happy with but believe are for the best. I suppose that they felt keeping you in the dark was a way to protect you from your parents' enemies. People that wouldn't hesitate to kill a harmless child even though the targets for their revenge were already dead."

Naruto nodded feeling some more of his resentment disappearing. Koharu took a seat next to him causing him to say, "I take it what you have to tell me involves a difficult decision you had to make."

Koharu sighed before saying, "I'd be lying if I said I felt it was difficult at the time. As you know as I grew older, I grew more jaded about my sensei's desire for peace to reign throughout the shinobi nations. Instead my focus turned towards making sure that Konoha's peace was not disturbed." Koharu took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous. But, she figured it was due to the light in which Naruto may see her when she finished telling him of her role in destroying the Uchiha.

Seeing that Naruto was calmly giving her the time she needed she picked up her story saying, "The Kyuubi attack had more ramifications on the village then you could possibly know. Our enemies began probing us almost daily for weaknesses. I'm sure your own experiences during the aftermath of the Sound Invasion have shown you that." Naruto nodded, remembering the Iwa kunoichi that had led a battalion of genin in a failed assault on the village.

Koharu smiled weakly at seeing Naruto small sign of understanding and continued adding, "Sadly it also negatively affected the Uchiha. You see many in the village remembered the tale of Madara's controlling the nine-tails with his Sharingan. It also appeared that the Kyuubi was being controlled during its attack as its eyes suddenly changed during the battle."

"She was," Naruto said absentmindedly thinking of what Kyuubi had told him. When Koharu looked at him shocked, he said, "During her confession she told me that Madara controlled her after she escaped from my mother."

Koharu couldn't keep the surprise from her face as she was hit by two bits of knowledge she wasn't aware of. That Madara Uchiha had been behind the incident and that Kushina Uzumaki had been the container of the Nine-tails. Responding she said, her voice tinged with disbelief, "Naruto, Madara would have to be over a hundred years old to have orchestrated the attack."

"I know," Naruto admitted, "But Kyuubi seems sure and since she has compared Sasuke's chakra to his I'm inclined to believe she remembers it and him."

"I see," Koharu said wincing at the mention of Sasuke. "To continue, many believed the Uchiha to have been behind it."

Naruto wanted to deny it, but in light of what he had learned could understand why people would believe such a thing. However he said, "But weren't the Uchiha part of the Police Force."

"Yes, but they eventually came to believe that we were using their being in it as a way to observe them."

"Were you?"

"No," Koharu said immediately, but with a sigh added, "Not that we didn't suggest it. However, Hiruzen would never allow it as he feared it would spread dissent among them. But still it couldn't hide the many doubting looks they received and eventually due to their own paranoia they began to plot against the village."

"You mean…"

"Yes, one of the founding clans of the village began plotting to overthrow it." She could see that Naruto had hundreds of questions, hoping to answer one she said, "We learned of this from Mikoto Uchiha, Sasuke's mother. She had been a prominent shinobi before retiring to start a family. Her husband had included her in the planning and she discreetly warned the Third of the pending threat. We also learned of it from Itachi."


"Itachi loved the village," Koharu said, "And after reaching Anbu did everything in his power to protect it. Everything…"

"You mean…"

Koharu nodded her head saying, "Yes, his father attempted to use Itachi to spy on us. But in truth we used him as a double agent. Sarutobi used the information to attempt to stop the rebellion before it began, but Fugaku rebuffed him. Still Sarutobi held out hope that violence could be adverted. I and my fellow elders were not so sure. Our fears were shared by Itachi, and so together we planned to eliminate them. Itachi asked us to allow him to handle the matter alone and his orders were simple, kill the entire clan."

Naruto stared at her both spell bound and shocked. Koharu feared her standing was slipping in his eyes but continued adding, "As you know he did as ordered. Mikoto who initially warned us of the threat was appalled at our decision and joined her clan in the end."

"You weren't going to spare her anyway were you?"

"No, for the same reason we weren't going to spare any of the children. We feared that one day much like how the truth was kept from you but you learned of it regardless. Any survivors would become potential threats should the truth become known to them. However we underestimated one thing."

"Itachi's love for Sasuke."

Koharu stared at him in surprise, but nodded. "Yes, as much as Itachi loved Konoha he loved his brother even more. It was Itachi who after completing his task went to Sarutobi and begged him to spare Sasuke. He then took on the sins of his clan and left in exile, before turning up in Akatsuki."

Naruto stood, before moving away from Koharu. He could feel her worried gaze staring at his back. Again he felt anger but this time on Sasuke and Itachi's behalf. But then took several calming breaths to force it away. Partly because he felt Sasuke was unworthy of his getting angry over him. Although it turned out his old teammate had reason to hate Konoha, the truth was he hadn't known any of it at the time. It also raised the question that he gave voice to saying, "You realize if Sasuke learns of this, he'll become a threat to the village."

"I do," Koharu said looking away.

Naruto nodded directing his gaze to his dad's face on the Hokage monument wondering briefly what he would have done if he was still Hokage. He knew he wouldn't have allowed the rebellion to happen, so wondered if he would have taken on the duty of stopping them as Itachi had. If so, and Sasuke had survived he would have no doubt have seen Naruto's family as something to be destroyed which would have put them on a collision course to fight one day, of that he was sure. Looking over the village he was more positive than ever that Sasuke and he were destined to fight.

Turning to Koharu, he could see she was worried that he was angry with her. Trying to sound soothing and having gained a better understanding that if he was going to unite the villages he needed to rise above his own anger and hatreds said, "Thank you for telling me the truth."

Koharu was obviously surprised so he smiled at her and moved to kneel in front of her. Reaching a hand out, he cupped her cheek saying, "I know it wasn't easy for you to tell me this." He then leaned in and delicately kissed her.

When he pulled back, Koharu had tears in her eyes but pulling it together said, "You should also know there was a second survivor. Mikoto survived her wounds and Danzou had her transported to the Leaf Maximum Security Prison."

Needless to say Naruto was shocked but getting over it quickly asked, "Could you get near her and place a seal on her."

Koharu shook her head saying, "Perhaps before tonight, but I'm afraid that if I do Danzou will have her killed. Also I was against saving her so if I were to suddenly show an interest in her. Danzou may come to believe I'm positioning myself as an enemy."

"What do you mean?"

Quickly giving him a rundown of her meeting with her fellow elder she added, "Due to my siding with Tsunade on Fu's inclusion into the village. I fear he no longer counts me as an ally. When he learned you had become the host of the Kyuubi. He petitioned Sarutobi to allow him to train you. As you know this didn't come about in part to the Third's fear that Danzou would turn you into a weapon. I believe he was against letting Fu join the village for much the same reason. Why do you want to meet her?"

"I was hoping that if we could free her that maybe she could blunt Sasuke's anger should he learn of Konoha's complicity in his clan's destruction."

Koharu nodded but said, "I wouldn't count on it."

"I know it wouldn't be easy. But if we can show her what we are hoping to accomplish…"

Koharu stopped him saying, "Naruto, if anyone can do it perhaps you can. But, I fear you are underestimating Sasuke's desire for revenge and the effect it will have."

"What do you mean?"

"Sasuke has desired nothing but his brother's death for years. He even abandoned the village something Itachi would never have wanted. That tells me that whatever Itachi had planned for him is no longer valid. Perhaps he planned for Sasuke to kill him and erase the stain on the Uchiha that had plagued the clan since Madara. I can't say with any certainty that is what he had planned, but it's what I always believed. However what even Itachi can't control is how a person lost in the depths of his own hate will react."

"I know but…"

"Forgive me, but I don't believe you do," Koharu interrupted. "Take all that you have learned tonight. Most people would have lashed out at the world and the people around them. You are trying to take a higher path…"

"It isn't easy though…"

"I know," Koharu said smiling despite herself at how they kept interrupting each other. "But that is exactly my point. All Sasuke has ever done is take the easy path. He left for Orochimaru expecting a quick path to power. He gave into his hatred of his brother. You fear if he learns of the Elders and mine role in his family's destruction he'll target Konoha. And, what if he learns that his mother was the one that originally tipped us off…"

Naruto nodded at her point saying, "Whatever use she may have been in blunting his anger would evaporate. But if only the other elders, Itachi, and you know of it then…"

"I fear that might not be entirely true. We have long believed that Itachi had help that night. It may be possible that he even enlisted the aid of Madara."

"Why would he do that?"

"Madara had long nursed a hatred of his clan and Konoha. It's possible that the Kyuubi attack was carried out to do both. That way even if the Kyuubi was defeated then perhaps he could hurt the Uchiha's standing. It's sad to say we all probably played right into it."

"Which is why getting her out is all the more important. Can you think of a way to get to her?"

"Perhaps," Koharu admitted thinking of the kunoichi that had accompanied Danzou. "However give me time to look into Danzou's operations a little closer before I commit to anything. If we are smart about this there may be a way to discredit him limiting the threat to us that he may pose."

Naruto nodded, before giving her a bright smile asking, "Is that all you came to see me about?"

Koharu blushed but standing said, "Perhaps tonight isn't a good night for what else I had planned." Reaching into her pouch she pulled out a folded scrap of paper before handing it to him.

Naruto opened it and seeing an address asked, "What's this?"

"It's used to be a safe house I had set up."

"Why would you need that in the middle of Konoha?"

"Just because we all wear the same headbands doesn't mean we don't find enemies that live near us. I took this precaution years ago just in case. Seeing as how Danzou might eventually begin watching me to make sure I'm not moving against him it seems to have paid off." Blushing she added, "Perhaps if you feel up to it you can stop by tomorrow night."

Naruto smiled at how nervous she was but nodded saying, "I'd love too. See you then." Koharu surprised him quickly leaning in to kiss his lips chastely before taking off over the rooftops. Looking at the piece of paper he committed the address to memory before setting it alight and heading home himself. Upon reaching his apartment he saw a package of parchment paper lying in front of it. Pulling the string that had tied it close he saw it contained his jacket. Smiling he pulled it to his nose smelling it for a hint of who had delivered it. However, it had been washed and although the soap used smelled familiar, he had a hard time placing it. Entering his apartment he threw it over the back of a chair and then taking all his clothes off got into his bed. For a moment he wondered where Fu was but since she still had a penchant for sleeping in strange places wasn't too concerned. Focusing his attention inward he appeared inside the seal and heard the sound of crying.


Kyuubi had been devastated when Naruto had just left. Anger she had expected, but not calm dismissal. Fearing that his visit to the seal had been his last she was surprised to feel her cheeks getting wet. Reaching a hand to one, she pulled it away to see it wasn't her imagination. With the realization that she was crying a huge sob overtook her and she buried her head into the couch where she let her sadness engulf her. She knew that if she could speak to the many victims her rampages had left behind many would say she deserved it. She figured it was quite ironic to find that she had come to care for someone other than herself only to learn that he too had been one of them. Perhaps that was the fate Kami had planned for her. She had long thought that being contained in the various seals that she had been were hell. Sadly she was wrong. So caught up in her misery was she that the hand that landed on her shoulder scared her nearly to death or as close to it as she could come.

Spinning she was surprised to see Naruto staring at her. But not nearly as much as she was to see that he was doing so with genuine concern in his eyes. Before she could ask anything he said, "I'm sorry for leaving you like that."

Naruto could see that she was surprised he was apologizing to her. He smiled gently and although nude in the outside world had appeared in the seal fully dressed. Sitting next to her, he said, "I needed some time to process what you told me. Tonight seems to be a day full of confessions." He shook his head when Kyuubi stared at him strangely letting her know he'd talk about it later. Continuing he said, "I suppose on a certain level I still hate The Kyuubi." She gasped at his statement and although he expected such a response had decided to speak bluntly. However when he stared at her, Naruto hoped none of the hatred he said he felt showed as he explained, "But truthfully you aren't The Kyuubi. At least not anymore, instead I suppose it would be best to think of you as My Kyuubi." Again Kyuubi gasped but this time it strangely sounded happier and as more tears appeared in her eyes Naruto reached up to wipe them away. "Now, now there's nothing to cry over."

Kyuubi nodded pulling out of Naruto's grasp wiping at her tears herself saying, "I know, but despite feeling happy they won't stop falling."

"Then let them fall," Naruto said and smiled as Kyuubi buried her head into his shoulder crying her first tears of happiness.

When she finished, which took a while, she pulled back to stare into the blue eyes that had truly tamed her. Leaning forward she placed a kiss gently against his lips. She feared she had overreacted to Naruto's kindness when he didn't immediately respond but he soon did, easing her fears as he pulled her closer. She felt his tongue run against her lips asking for permission to enter which she quickly granted engaging his with her own. As they kissed she climbed into his lap placing her knees on the outside of his thighs.

Naruto broke the kiss picking her up bridle style before she could complain. Smiling down at her to calm her, he said, "Let's move this to the bed."

Kyuubi blushed, but quickly nodded her approval of the idea. Naruto carried her to it where he laid her down and quickly pulled his shirt over his head. Leaning forward, he again placed his lips to hers where their tongues once again danced around each other. Kyuubi while engaged in the kiss, kept the rest of her body still unsure of what to do with her hands.

Naruto pulled back and kneeling rested his hands on his hips giving a knowing smile to his soon to be newest lover. Placing his hand on her bare lower leg, he began to move it up and down slowly raising how far up her leg he traveled. As he did so he pushed the kimono she wore to the side exposing more and more of her skin to his gaze. As he continued this, he leaned down and began placing kisses on Kyuubi's neck before traveling downward. When he reached her collarbone Kyuubi gasped in surprise at the sensation, feeling it more than any of the other places he had thus far explored. Naruto zeroed in on the spot and soon Kyuubi began moaning and her hands naturally found their way to the back of his head.

As he continued to attack her neck, Naruto's hand had made its way to her inner thigh. He began rubbing it moving his hand in small circles that were getting progressively wider. Eventually he bumped into the junction where her legs met and smiled against her collarbone as he found it covered by the same panties she had created at his request the first time they fooled around. Kyuubi spread herself wider so Naruto moved his hand to her covered mound and began rubbing her slit.

"Mmmm," she moaned as Naruto's fingers began to run outside her panties. And despite her thinking she was wet before found that it paled in comparison to what she could produce as her panties quickly became soaked with her juices.

Naruto removed his hand and his mouth from her body causing Kyuubi to moan a complaint but watching her container he simply smiled at her before slowly reaching for the sash that held her kimono closed. He pulled it slowly like a person savoring opening a present and once the knot gave way slowly spread the kimono open exposing her creamy chest to his eyes. Despite herself she moved to cover her chest but Naruto moved quicker taking one of her nipples into his mouth so that her hands instead found their way to the back of his head. With his mouth occupied his hand again moved to her pussy where he slid his hand beneath her panties to stimulate her pussy directly.

At first Naruto's hand began sliding along her outside lips, and every now and then he'd give her clit a gentle tweak between two of his fingers. But then when he buried his finger inside her she gasped and moaned at the intrusion. As Naruto worked his finger inside her Kyuubi came to the conclusion that all her experiences that had come secondhand from Naruto's other lovers paled in comparison to what she was now enjoying. With that realization she also felt an orgasm approaching but Naruto must have as well as he suddenly stopped.

For a heartbreaking moment she feared that Naruto hadn't forgiven her and that he stopped to show her everything she would be missing as he continued in his self-appointed mission. However, it was quickly pointed out to her that she was jumping at shadows when he held his fingers in front of her face showing her how covered in her juices they were. He then licked them clean closing his eyes as he savored her taste. Moving to between her thighs, he placed his hands on the sides of her hip and after she raised herself up slightly pulled her panties down and off. Tossing them over his shoulder he was about to lean forward to dine on her snatch but she said, "Naruto, please… no more foreplay…I want you."

Naruto smiled but instead of complying move to lie on his back as he said, "Show me."

Kyuubi nodded, and getting on all fours crawled towards him. Reaching his legs, she reached up to where he was tenting his pants, and unbuttoning them slowly pulled down his fly. As soon as it passed a certain point his cock sprang up still covered in his boxers. Despite her earlier insistence, she placed a kiss against the clothed tip. Naruto groaned his approval which increased in volume as she engulfed the tip boxers and all. She stopped though and looked at his cock in confusion as she couldn't really taste the cloth like she would have expected.

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing," Kyuubi said shaking her confusion off before fishing his cock out. Swallowing it quickly she could taste him so let the matter drop.

Naruto reached his hand to her head and pulling her away said, "Now who's taking her time."

Kyuubi blushed, but nodding helped Naruto out of his pants and boxers, which was followed by her own clothes. Now completely nude she felt her body heat up in embarrassment but it faded as Naruto said, "You're beautiful."