
20. Return to Wave: Tenten Part 1

Naruto sat back in his chair suddenly awaking and looked up at the ceiling to let out a deep primal groan. "Ah fuck," Naruto said, before looking back down to see a sight that he knew would make him the envy of every man in Konoha as there kneeling around the front of his chair were, Ino, Hinata, and Sakura, who were in the middle of pleasuring his dick with their tongues like it was the most delicious thing they've ever tasted. Hinata was between his legs having stripped out of her clothes as she made her way to the chair leaving a trail from the bed. Ino and Sakura were also both completely naked having gone to sleep in the nude and leaning over the outside of his legs to gain access to his dick. Watching the three kunoichi run their tongues up and down his length made Naruto want to cum on the spot.

The girls upon hearing him stopped long enough to smile up at him and in unison sweetly said, "Good morning, Naruto."

"Great morning," he replied before groaning again as they returned their attention to his cock. Despite the pleasure coursing through him, he spent a moment to see just how Hinata was doing and was pleased to see that she seemed far more at ease with herself.

Again the three girls paused with Ino saying, "Let's get you out of these clothes," which they quickly did with Hinata and Ino pulling off his pants and boxers while Sakura moved behind the chair to pull off his shirt. As the blonde and blunette returned their attention to his manhood, Sakura leaned over the back of the chair to focus her efforts on his lips. Their tongues danced around each other for several minutes but Naruto ended up pulling away to moan in pleasure as Hinata after running her tongue from his balls to his tip paused a moment to tuck a stray hair behind her ear before taking him into her mouth. Working her head over what she could swallow comfortably. Hinata took her time as she would pause at the tip to run her tongue around it before heading back down to repeat the process over again.

Naruto almost found the slow pace exasperating since it felt more like she was teasing him as opposed to trying to get him to cum. Yet he still nearly lost control and coated Hinata's mouth in his seed when she moaned into his cock like a microphone on an upstroke as Ino with her access to his dick restricted reached behind the Hyuuga's ass to play with her pussy. Adding to his pleasure was Sakura who having moved to the right of his chair leaned over the armrest to take his nipple into his mouth while her hand played with the left one.

He continued to writhe about in his chair under the talented tongues on his upper and lower body until Ino pulling her drenched fingers from the Hyuuga's pussy said, "Naruto, Hinata's positively flooding down here. I think she's in desperate need of your dick."

Hinata moaned into his cock again in agreement, so Naruto reached down to cup the back of her head and gently pulled her up towards him. Hinata climbed into the chair to receive a light kiss to her lips before Naruto maneuvered her to face away from him and pulled her hips towards his cock. Ino helped guide his manhood to its destination as Hinata moaned when it began to spread and enter her pussy. Once she was fully impaled on his staff Hinata wasted no time in quickly raising and lowering herself on it. She moaned in delight as she rode him hard causing him to through back his head and groan. Sakura having remained behind the chair took the opportunity to plant her lips to his in a heated kiss. Once the kiss ended, Sakura came around the chair and knelt next to Ino and watched as the Hyuuga impaled herself on Naruto's stiff rod.

Sakura resisted the urge to rub her pussy wanting Naruto to be the one to give her pleasure but didn't resist as Ino slipped her hand between her legs. She moaned as the blonde kunoichi began rubbing her slit, but frowned slightly as her friend teasingly said, "Wow Sakura your pussy's sopping. You probably can't wait until Naruto fills you up with his dick again can you."

Despite having played with Ino some the night before as she had surrendered to her lusts, Sakura was still a little hesitant to do so now. But hearing Ino's teasing tone found herself reaching between the blonde's legs to slid a finger into her friend's pussy. Finding it to be in a similar state as her own she said, "You're one to talk Ino."

"Oh I know," the blonde moaned as her friend screwed her pussy with her finger, "I just wanted you to play with me a little. You're so easy to get worked up." Sakura blushed at being tricked but didn't stop her fingering of her fellow kunoichi's snatch seeing as she was enjoying Ino's actions on her own. Smiling at her friend's coloring cheeks Ino brought her free hand up to the side of her face. Staring into her green eyes Ino said, "So cute," before slowly bringing her lips towards Sakura's.

Sakura, realizing what Ino's intention was she opened her mouth to say something but found her ability to speak hampered by the blonde quickly sealing her lips with her own. Sakura stiffened but as Ino's tongue quickly entered her mouth to seek out hers got over her hang-up and simply decided to enjoy and respond to the kiss. It proved all too easy to do as she could feel Naruto's eyes on her causing a rise in her own lusts not to mention she found the kiss with Ino's playful and energetic tongue almost as breathtaking as Naruto's had been.

Naruto watched as Sakura really got into the kiss before shifting his focus back to the bouncing Hyuuga. Placing his hands on her hips, he pulled her down burying his cock to the hilt inside her and held her in place preventing her from moving. Reaching forward he grabbed the back of her knees and pulled her legs up towards him until her knees were even with her shoulders. Naruto then began working his hips sliding his dick in and out of Hinata whose moans of pleasure once more joined the two mutually masturbating kunoichi.

However Hinata noticing that both girls were eyeing her far more exposed snatch as Naruto pistioned his tool inside her panted, "N-naruto…don't."

"Hmm, don't what Hinata," Naruto grunted as she tightened around him despite her words.

"D-don't show it like this."

Enjoying the shy Hinata that had been missing lately Naruto couldn't help teasing her saying, "It…I'm afraid I really don't know what you mean."

Biting her bottom lip in both pleasure and frustration Hinata took a deep breath before shouting, "My pussy… don't show off my pussy."

Naruto grinned, but continued pounding away saying, "But Hinata a pussy this beautiful deserves to be seen. Don't you girls agree?"

Ino broke the kiss with Sakura as the pink haired girl's hand slowly stopped playing with her pussy saying, "Oh absolutely," before latching her mouth onto Sakura's neck. Hinata pouted at the blonde's words but nevertheless had to admit being watched where she was joined with Naruto was turning her on so gave up on her objections to simply bask in the feelings Naruto was causing inside her.

Sakura continued to watch transfixed as Hinata's lower lips swallowed and released the jinchuriki's dick while Ino continued to suck on her neck. The blonde brought the hand that had been buried in her friends snatch up to play with Sakura's breast as she moved her mouth to her fellow kunoichi's earlobe. After nibbling on it for several seconds she pinched Sakura's nipple eliciting a moan from her and then whispered, "Lovely isn't it, the way her pussy grips his dick. Why don't you get a closer look and maybe help her along so we can get out turns." Ino placed her other hand on Sakura's back giving her a little push forward, which despite how weak it was caused the medic to fall forward onto her hands. Mesmerized Sakura began crawling between the shagging couples legs. She paused a moment before she began licking along Hinata's pussy before zeroing in on her clit.

Hinata's reaction was immediate as she stiffened once the new sensation coursed through her causing her to moan, "S-sakura…don't…fuck…" Sakura pulled back hearing the Hyuuga curse not use to hearing her use such language, but quickly placed it back upon realizing it had been done in pleasure not anger. As she flicked the Hyuuga's clit with her tongue, she also reached up with her hands to play with Hinata's tits.

Sakura began moaning into Hinata's twat as Ino started to once more finger her now that she was on all fours. Running her fingers along the outside, Ino buried two of them inside her friend as she knelt on the side of her leaning over Sakura's back and looked down over her pink-haired friend's ass while her fingers worked their magic.

Naruto continued to churn away at Hinata's honeypot as he watched Sakura continue to please her as well. Feeling Hinata's inner muscles begin to coil around his length he said in an effort to alert the kunoichi between her legs, "You're about to come aren't you, Hinata?"

Hinata threw her head back against his shoulder as she moved her hands to her breasts and placed her hands over Sakura's to aid in the medic's ministrations. "Y-yes…" Hinata answered shakily trying to delay her release for as long as possible, "b-between your dick and her tongue…I…I…can't hold back."

Letting go of her right leg which fell to rest on Sakura's back, Naruto placed his hand on her breast above both kunoichi's saying, "You should know by now that you don't need to hold back, Hinata." Then with a final violent thrust he slammed his hips upwards making the tip of his cock press against the entrance to her womb. Hinata screamed as she came and coated Sakura's tongue in her and Naruto's nectar while the pink-haired girl enjoyed a lesser orgasms brought about by Ino's fingers.

Sakura sat back as Ino's fingers slipped from her sensitive quim and closed her eyes to savor the taste of Naruto and Hinata. She heard some movement after several moments and opening her eyes came face to face with Naruto's still hard member. Focusing on it with a lust filled gaze she still caught Ino out of the corner of her eye crawling between the still sitting Hinata's legs to suck out Naruto's seed. As Hinata mewed under the blonde kunoichi's efforts, Sakura rose up on her knees to take Naruto into her mouth. Running her tongue along his shaft and finding more of the flavor she had just been enjoying, she brought her tongue up to the tip and after running it around the head several times then opened wide and swallowed about half his length. Pulling back slowly, she stared up into his eyes as she began to slowly bob her head back and forth.

Groaning as much from the sight of his long time crush sucking him off as the pleasure, Naruto nearly came on the spot. However eager to enjoy her pussy again, he pulled his dick from her mouth and cupping the back of her head guided her back to her feet. Spinning her around he licked along her neck up to her ear where he whispered, "As much as I was enjoying that Sakura. I'm rather eager to once more bury my dick inside you."

Sakura shivered at the memories from the night before and was rather eager to recreate them so pulling from his grasp walked towards the curtained covered window his chair had been facing and grabbing the cloth draping bent over to present her dripping snatch to him.

A covetous smile appeared on Naruto's face before walking up to the bent over medic and grabbing her hips he slammed his length inside her. Naruto groaned in pleasure as Sakura raised her head to say, "Mmmm, so big."

Naruto wasted no time in putting his tool to use as he began to move, the sound of his hips meeting her ass filled the room as he began to rock back and forth inside her. "Uh," Sakura sighed every time Naruto would full bury his length inside her. Beginning to rock her hips back into him to meet his thrusts Sakura said, "Your dick is so fucking good… ah fuck…so good…"

Naruto was about to respond but through the slightly parted curtain Sakura was clinging to a shinobi running over a rooftop caught his attention. Although he knew he didn't need to worry about the man seeing in, since in addition to the sound proofing he had installed reflective windows to his apartment. They allowed only people to look out not in which was something of a must have in a village that had people capable of moving over walls and rooftops. Not to mention that Shinobi were notorious spies. However, he doubted that Sakura realized that since his windows for so long had been simple paned glass. Therefore seeing an opportunity for adding a little spice to their tryst Naruto reached over Sakura to grip the curtains and threw them open.

Sakura recoiled back as light flooded the room; however she was quickly pushed up against the glass by Naruto's powerful thrusts. Although she found the way her nipples tightened further upon making contact with the cold glass delightful she tried to push away but found even more of her upper body pressed against it as Naruto increased the violence of his thrusts. With her cheek pressed up to the glass, Sakura met Naruto's eyes out of the corner of hers and said, "N-naruto…stop…people will see."

"They might indeed," Naruto agreed but made no effort to stop. "Would that be such a bad thing to be seen fucking me?"

"N-no…" Sakura moaned, her pussy tightening even more around Naruto's dick something that pulled a groan from both of them, "b-but…oh kami… then people would think…"

"Let them think what they want," Naruto said, "Besides you need to be honest. The way your pussy is tightening around me makes me believe you want to be seen."

"N-no," Sakura said weakly, "I…I'm not that kind of girl…" Sakura stopped talking as she noticed a young blonde couple walking on the street despite the early morning hour and tried to keep her voice muffled.

A confused look appeared on Naruto's face as Sakura's demeanor changed despite her pussy gripping him harder than ever. Looking where her gaze seemed to indicate she was staring at he saw nothing that would cause Sakura to tense up like she had. Trying to elicit some stronger reactions from her, he reached around to begin rubbing her clit which caused Sakura to moan loudly.

Biting her lip to stop herself she whispered, "D-don't they'll see us."

Having no idea at what she was talking about he looked over his shoulder to see Ino had pulled her mouth away from Hinata's quim and was staring at them. She gave him a wink and it donned on Naruto that the blonde kunoichi had placed Sakura under a genjutsu. Gracing Ino with a pleased smile as she turned her attention back to cleaning Hinata of his seed, he began to redouble his efforts to make Sakura sing in pleasure saying, "Let them see."

Several more people began to crowd the street as Sakura did her best to remain silent. However, she was unprepared for Naruto to suddenly stop moving his hips as well as his hand from rubbing her sensitive clit. The abrupt loss of stimulation caused Sakura to look over her shoulder to shout, "No…don't stop!" She realized what she did and turning back towards the window she noticed several of the people stop to look about. She was about to breathe a sigh of relief as they appeared to go about their business since most didn't look up until one teenage boy that sort of resembled Naruto did. Naturally, he pointed up causing what she assumed was the boy's father who also looked kind of looked like Naruto to gaze up as well.

Naruto wasn't sure what Sakura was seeing but he assumed from the way her cunt tightened around him and the way her body stiffened that her little shout had caused some of the people she was seeing due to the genjutsu to spot her. Pulling his hips back he slammed them forward pulling another loud moan from her throat and received confirmation as she said, "T-they're watching… oh fuck…"

"Ah shit," Naruto groaned as he worked his tool in and out of her as her velvet grip bore down on him with almost vice like strength. "You love it don't you."

Now standing almost vertically as she was pressed against the glass Sakura turned her head as best she could to look into his eyes to say, "O-only because it's you. T-they're watching me being marked as yours."

Naruto leaned in to kiss her and grabbing her right hand in his held it above her shoulder as he broke the kiss to whisper, "That's right…you're mine now and always will be."

Sakura felt the urge to tear up but feeling her body nearing its release said, "N-naruto….I'm close."

"Me too."


"Together," he grunted in response and after several more thrusts he felt her pussy begin to milk him of his seed as she began to shout his name into the glass so loudly he was afraid the seals wouldn't contain it. But he wasn't much better as he shouted her name as well.

As her orgasm passed Sakura sunk to her knees still holding Naruto's hand who helped guide her down. Coming down from her orgasmic high she felt a sudden embarrassment at all the people who had been watching her and looking out the window could see the people giving her a standing ovation. She was about to duck down but before she did she took a second look and noticed that upon further review all the people looked like Naruto. Noticing the young couple that had first appeared were among the spectators and staring up at her she now recognized that the woman looked exactly like Ino who was standing with a an exact copy of Naruto.

Understanding washing over her, she made the hand sign necessary to release a genjutsu and as she expected the people began to fade away. She turned towards the chair to complain to her friend but it died on her tongue as she saw Hinata explode in another orgasm due to Ino's ministrations. Her blonde friend gave Hinata's snatch one last kiss and standing smiled at Sakura with her lips covered in the Hyuuga's juices. Caught up in the eroticism of the scene, her complaint died on her tongue as she figured that it was simply something she could expect from her new life. Not to mention she had enjoyed the thrill of being seen and supposed she should be grateful since she wouldn't have experienced nearly as great of a release if she had been expecting it.

But further thoughts on the matter were put on hold as Ino and Naruto met between the two already satisfied kunoichi. Kissing deeply, Ino raised her right leg high enough to wrap it around Naruto's hip and he held it in place by cupping her ass and allowing her leg to rest on his forearm. Ino reached down to guide his dick into her pussy. "Ahhh," Ino moaned looking up at the ceiling as it entered her and bringing her head down to stare into his eyes, she said smiling, "You've already cum twice and you're still this hard."

Slowly beginning to fuck her, Naruto replied, "You should know by now Ino. Once I start, I won't stop until all my women are thoroughly fulfilled."

Panting as she was slowly filled and emptied, she responded, "T-that…yes that's the spot… that's probably going to become harder…mmmmm so hard…and harder as time goes by."

As she spoke, Naruto had brought his head down to her chest where he teased her breast with his mouth. Giving a nipple a little nip with his teeth, he pulled his head away to say, "Afraid I'll eventually be unable to satisfy you?" Taking it as a challenge, he began thrusting his hips faster pulling a chorus of moans and groans from the blonde he was currently plowing.

"Oh fuck…" Ino shouted as he hit a particularly sensitive patch inside her, "J-just stating the obvious… you're one incredible man…goddamn…but still one man."

Naruto used his other hand to pull up Ino's other leg and holding her in the air he began to really violently piston his cock inside her. Grunting with exertion, he groaned as he felt a tongue run along his balls and looking down saw Sakura kneeling beneath Ino as she licked where they were connected. Beginning to feel the tip of his cock hitting Ino's womb on every thrust he knew it was only a matter of time before he coated her insides with his seed so giving her a mental picture to aid her along as well whispered, "Don't worry my little flower. I'm well aware of my limitations and soon you'll find that when necessary I'll be able to call on as many me as I need to satisfy even your wanton lusts."

Naruto's words did the trick as Ino suddenly pictured herself at the center of a room filled with the blonde jinchuriki all of whom where naked and ready to please her in an assortment of ways. The very idea was enough to cause Ino to scream in release which was prolonged as Sakura clamped her mouth over her pussy after Naruto buried himself in her fully to release his cum. Slipping from Naruto's arms, as her orgasm ended, to the floor she was held by Sakura whose lips were coated in a mixture of her and Naruto's essences. Unable to resist, she sealed her lips to Sakura's who quickly responded and shared what she had caught.

Naruto walked to his chair and smiled as Hinata stood to let him sit before sitting in his lap. Holding the nude beauty in his lap he watched as the two kunoichi kissed sloppily for his benefit and already feeling a stirring in his lower body knew it was only a matter of time before his member was being put to use again. Leaning back in his chair only one though coursed through his mind, "Life is good."


Tsunade studied the woman in front of her a moment before saying, "I can appreciate your desire to return to duty, however I think you are rushing things a bit, Taji."

The woman sitting across from her nodded saying, "I understand Lady Tsunade. But I've spent nearly seventeen years in a coma and have lost so much time already." Looking at her hands sadly she sighed before saying, "As I laid there asleep the whole world continued to turn… even my fian…"

Tsunade nodded her head in understanding so the woman didn't need to continue and explain how her fiancé had moved on and had eventually started a family. Eyeing the Anbu medic who was still recovering from nearly seventeen years of being immobile, Tsunade was hesitant to put her back to work. But she understood that Taji needed something other than the physical therapy sessions she attended to recover her strength. Therefore she said, "Alright I'll schedule a refresher course so that you can not only sharpen your skills but pick up some new techniques you may have missed out on. Once you complete it to my satisfaction, I'd like it if you could perhaps teach a few classes on medical ninjutsu to those genin and chunin interested." Seeing the woman about to protest she added, "At least until you are ready to resume your duties in the Anbu."

Taji stared at the Hokage but sensing that was as much as she was going to be able to get from the Hokage nodded saying, "That will be fine." Standing stiffly she bowed slightly as she said, "Thank you Lady Tsunade."

"No, thank you for your service" Tsunade replied, "I just wish you would reconsider and take more time to recover."

Taji smiled sadly saying, "Time seems to be something I'm in short supply of these days." She began to walk away before stopping to ask, "Lady Tsunade a question if I may." She waited for Tsunade to nod before asking, "The boy Naruto Uzumaki…he's the son of Kushina Uzumaki and the Fourth is he not?"

"He is," Tsunade answered, "I know I ordered you to keep what happened that night to yourself so I trust you'll keep this information confidential as well."

"Of course, but I don't understand why."

Tsunade smiled saying, "To tell you the truth…neither do I. However it was the Third's desire that not only the village not know about his heritage, but to keep it from Naruto as well. He's learned recently so truthfully I guess it doesn't truly matter anymore if the village knows since I'm sure there will be a lot of people who regret how they treated the Fourth's son. But should that information leak outside of Konoha well I'm sure you can imagine that it'll do more harm than good."

"Yes milady… I guess I just wanted to know for sure so that I could know some good came from that night."

Bowing one last time the medic left the office leaving Tsunade to contemplate whether or not to ask Naruto to perhaps add the woman to his growing ranks of lovers. At the very least he'd be able to perhaps give her those nearly seventeen years back. Making a mental note to bring it up at some point she turned her attention to the mission folder in front of her. With the week of training she'd given Team Kakashi nearly being over she was contemplating assigning the mission inside to them. Truthfully she didn't know how to classify it since the mission was asking for a member of Team Seven but didn't have any details on what was expected of them. It did say that the mission wasn't believed to involve any danger but the lack of details made Tsunade certain that the requestor a woman by the name of Tsunami was trying to hide some facet of the mission from her, something that the civilian woman expected the Hokage might take issue with. Deciding to send Sakura and Naruto, since it would give the recently reacquainted teammates sometime together as well as the fact that she had a slew of A ranked missions that she believed would require someone of Kakashi's talent she figured she'd wait until the week was over to make it official.

Writing down the information about who would be assigned the mission and giving it her stamp of approval she moved on to another as she waited for her next appointment. Fifteen minutes later a knock at the door alerted her to the kunoichi's arrival. Yelling for her to enter she smiled at Karin as the red-head moved to the front of her desk and took the seat Taji had been occupying moments before. Closing the folder she was working on she said, "Well first off, have you found Konoha to your liking thus far?"

"Yes very much so," Karin answered energetically, "Although perhaps a little lonely in the male companion department."

Tsunade chuckled saying, "Well with an Anbu team watching over you, I'm sure you can understand why that is."

Karin nodded in response before adding, "Thankfully they haven't followed too closely and have allowed a few of the others to fill me in over the week."

"Well we do try to help one another. Now onto business, you'll be happy to know that the Anbu tailing you will be pulled as of this afternoon. With all the information you've supplied about Sound bases in Fire Country being accurate we have no reason to doubt the information about those in other countries and we're currently in negotiations to share that information with those not allied with us." Karin nodded and she could tell the red-head was pleased that soon she could probably expect a little one on one time with Naruto. Although wanting to end the meeting on that high note she knew the kunoichi was waiting for information on the request she made to join Konoha's forces. Knowing she needed to be honest with the girl she said, "As to your joining Konoha in a shinobi capacity… I'm afraid I can't allow that to happen."

"W-what… but why… I mean…"

"I know," Tsunade said sympathetically, "However these are the consequences of your previous actions."

"B-but I'm no longer…"

"Karin, please be realistic," Tsunade said cutting the kunoichi off, "You are a two time defector. While you can make the case that you defected for Sasuke and did so again when you learned he didn't value you. If I simply allowed you to join up people would begin to question my judgment, not to mention they'd be studying your every move. Chances are you'd never get to be alone with Naruto then."

"Still… what am I supposed to do then… how will I make money to survive?"

"Like I said, we try to take care of our own and one of our fellows has already expressed an interest in you."


Smiling Tsunade said, "I think I'll leave it to her to make the introductions. But rest assured she's planning to put all your talents to use."

Karin nodded and much like Taji wasn't exactly happy with what Tsunade had said, but knew it was the best she could expect. Standing she said, "Well I guess I'll wait for this mysterious benefactor to make an appearance then. Thank you for your time."

"There's no need to be so formal Karin," Tsunade said with a smile, "Trust me when I say whatever she has planned is I'm sure you'll like it more than being a full time kunoichi. Not that we're going to let your skills slide anyway."

Feeling somewhat buoyed by Tsunade's words, Karin gave her a warm smile before leaving the office and wondered just what her role in Naruto's ambition would be.


"You must be excited about tomorrow," Ino said after taking a sip from her cup which was filled with weak sake. Taking a moment to look around the lively restaurant and drinking establishment to make sure nobody was listening in; Ino could see a small party of women having a good time as they presented gifts to a woman maybe only a year older than her. Spotting a bored looking Tenten among them, Ino wondered what the occasion was but shifted her attention back to the two kunoichi she was with and to the pink-haired one she had addressed her question too.

Sakura looked up from her own drink which was filled with tea having sworn off sake considering what her first experience with it had nearly led too. Gracing the blonde with a smile she replied, "Absolutely. It was hard waiting all week to finally go on a date with him."

"You didn't have to you know." Taking another sip of her drink she sighed as it slide down her throat before saying, "Shizune was willing to trade with you."

Sakura nodded, but said, "I didn't want to jump in front of anybody like that. Besides, I waited months to get to this point, a week is nothing." Looking down before eyeing Hinata with a look that showed she might offend her, she added, "Plus, I know a few people might be afraid Naruto might show me preferential treatment."

Hinata, who was drinking a tea like Sakura and had remained relatively quiet as they entered the restaurant in order to end their shopping spree wanting new clothes for themselves as well as to entice their lover. Hinata gave Sakura a warm smile showing her that she wasn't bothered, "I suppose you mean me?"

"Not only you," Sakura admitted, "But I know about how Naruto met up with you my first night. I never got a chance to ask you about it considering how the morning started off and how we all dashed to our team meetings afterwards."

"What are you talking about?" Ino said having slept the night through only to awaken and see both Sakura and Hinata kneeling in front of a sleeping Naruto and taking turns blowing him. Having guessed from how Hinata was directly in front of their lover that she had awakened first and Sakura had simply joined in she had no idea some sort of problem had arisen the night before.

Sakura took her eyes off the Hyuuga for a moment to tease her, "You'd know if you weren't such a sound sleeper."

"I always sleep soundly after a long night of fuc…"

"I thought it was because you snored," Sakura joked interrupting her friend to return her attention to Hinata.

Hinata giggled at the face Ino made as well as the response of, "I do not." But answering Sakura, she said, "I was afraid of such a thing happening, especially since I observed your chakra change its color."

"You were watching," Sakura said with a blush which wasn't due entirely to embarrassment but the slight wetness she felt beginning to appear.

Nodding her head, Hinata said, "I wasn't entirely convinced you were interested in Naruto but were hoping to use him to get Sasuke. I was afraid that you were upset at his seemingly focusing on us other girls at the expense of returning him to the village and upon Ino's showing you what he was truly up to would try to use his feeling for you by sleeping with him. I guess I felt you believed that once you did you'd be able to manipulate him into abandoning us."

Both girls stared at the Hyuuga with their mouths open for a moment before Sakura smiled saying, "And I was afraid you thought what I said was offensive."

"I didn't mean to insult you," the Hyuuga princess said quickly.

"I'm fine Hinata. I guess then when my chakra turned red it upset you."

Hinata nodded; looking into her lap for several moments she took a deep breath before continuing, "I'll admit I've been jealous of you for a very long time. You never needed to do anything to get it, but had the one thing I wanted and to my eyes was squandering it."

"I know," Sakura said sadly also looking into her own lap. Both girls looked up at the same time meeting each other's eyes before Sakura added, "But I'm aware of what I was given now. I'd wish I could go back in time to change how I was back then but…"

"I'd stop you," Ino interjected surprising both kunoichi.


"I said, I'd stop you," Ino said taking a sip of her sake before sitting back in her chair, "If you did that then you'd get him all to yourself and we'd be stuck with… well who knows but whoever it was would probably suck in comparison especially if I got Sasuke."

"Huh," Sakura said confused as Ino held up her pinkie finger which caused Hinata to giggle having heard about the genjutsu Sasuke's rather average size and the joke that since it was believed he'd probably pad himself there a little it meant he was rather undersized.

Waving her hand Ino said, "I'll tell you later."

Hinata took the opportunity to get the conversation back on track saying, "I do understand that you've recognized how lucky you were Sakura. I also believe the time where you were on the outside looking in is why you are so sure of your feelings. But at the time your chakra being red really affected me negatively since I wanted to know why you again seemed to be ahead of me when my own chakra hasn't moved forward but seemed to be sliding backwards." Taking a sip of her tea she took a moment to think of the night when Naruto had promised her that she'd be the only Hyuuga he'd seduce smiling at the warmth it filled her with to remember being held in his arms, she said, "Almost as far back as I can remember my father has always written me off as weak. Truthfully the change came about after Hanabi was born and my mother died. I suppose it was because he had someone else he could pin his hopes on for a strong successor." She paused as it looked like both kunoichi were going to come to her defense with their opinions of her strength. She held up her hand to stave off the comments so she could say, "Needless to say it didn't do any wonders for my self-esteem. Add to it that I feel that if not for this… hmmm, let's call it a quirk of fate… Naruto would have continued to devote himself solely to you Sakura. Well I'm sure the pair of you can imagine I've felt that my place in his ambition was tenuous at best. I guess that was why I was so desperate for my chakra to become red because then I felt if he knew I really loved him then even if I failed to secure the title of Heiress then at least I'd be held to a different standard. I got so caught up in worrying about colors that I forgot the most important thing."

"What's that," Ino asked setting her cup down in interest.

"Why I do love him," Hinata said serenely truly at peace with the whole matter. "Naruto doesn't just see me as a game piece that if it doesn't perform as he expects is to be discarded for a new one. Whether I meet his expectations or not he still cares for me and that is all I should worry about. If I concentrate on that then everything else should come with time."

Seeing Hinata so calm on the matter Ino asked, "Has there been a small change at least."

"I don't know," Hinata said with a shrug, "I've kept the chakra henge in place since that night. I'll worry about what I need to for now and that's assuring that even if Hanabi does become heiress she at least earned it from a worthy opponent. Nonetheless, I suppose this was just a long way of saying Naruto is with all of us now. The days where one or the other could have been his sole love interest are over and I believe Naruto is more keenly aware of that then anybody. If some of the others' feathers are ruffled he'll be the one to smooth it over. But you need not have worried about what they thought when considering the offer from Shizune the only one that would have missed out had you taken it would have been Shizune."

"Okay," Sakura said after considering Hinata's words, "Well I guess with that matter settled I should dedicate my time to thinking about which dress I should wear tomorrow."

"Afraid you're going to have to do that on your own," Ino said standing as Sakura eyed the bag which housed the two dresses she had bought because she couldn't decide between them, "I've got to get up early tomorrow to watch the shop."

Hinata surprised at the time also stood as she excused herself, "Sorry, I need to get going as well. I've got to get up early as well and sort files for Tsunade."

Sakura waved to her fellow Harem members as they gathered their own bags to leave after telling them she'd settle the bill. Sitting back in her chair as she relaxed she thought about the week and how it at times had seemed to drag, but it also had some high points which not surprisingly were related to Naruto. She had quickly learned that Naruto's week wasn't as scripted as what she had seen in the hotsprings had suggested. Although those moments tended to be set in stone, he still did his best to surprise his lovers by dropping by unannounced. One such example had been his volunteering at Hana's animal clinic where he had spent several hours helping out. She supposed that was one of the reasons that there wasn't a greater issue of jealousy among the various women as she didn't buy exclusively into the idea of the jutsu dampening it. Hinata's recent confession being a prime example of how they still felt such emotions.

Smiling as she remembered coming home the day before after a hard day at the hospital to find a single daffodil on her pillow, Sakura supposed it was little things like that which reminded his lovers that he was thinking of them. It also tended to make her rather curious as to what his other lovers were up to at times such as before meeting up with Hinata and Ino after her hospital hours she had run into Tsume in the hospital lobby who had asked her to help her load some chemicals into a pack her nin-dog partner was wearing. Although not exactly an uncommon occurrence since the Inuzuka often raided the hospital for supplies in order to create the compound they used to erase scents. The stuff on the elder Inuzuka's list seemed to be more geared towards masking or creating one. When Sakura had incurred as to such the woman had simply smiled to say it was a project Naruto had asked her to start in order to erase an oversight in his dating the women around his age. Tsume left it at that and after the supplies were loaded wished her a good time on her date.

"Hey mind if I sit here a moment," a voice cut into her reverie.

Focusing on the speaker she smiled before waving towards the seat Ino had vacated saying to Tenten, "No, not at all."

"Thanks," the chunin weapon user said plopping down into the chair.

"You're welcome." Looking to the party it appeared that she had left due to her dressing up similarly to the women, Sakura asked, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah," Tenten said although she didn't sound like she meant it.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really," she replied to which Sakura shrugged before sipping her tea. But after a moment of silence Tenten sat up saying, "It's just most of those women graduated from the academy at the same time as me, but to tell you the truth I was never all that close with them. I was actually surprised they invited me out tonight to celebrate."

"Celebrate what?"

"The one in the center got herself knocked up," Tenten said her voice sounding a bit harsher than she probably intended.

Looking at the party, Sakura could see that the woman at the center of attention did appear to just be entering her second trimester from how far along she appeared. "If you weren't all that close why do you care?"

Sighing Tenten said, "I don't know. Maybe it's just how all of them were talking. This to be honest wasn't the first time they invited me out they had these little get gatherings before saying it's important that kunoichi from our age group remain close."

Sakura wondering why there were so many kunoichi in Tenten's graduating class since she counted nine women not including the pregnant ones family asked, "Were there a larger amount of girls in your class then most?"

Caught a little by surprise by the change of subject, Tenten replied, "No, why do you ask?"

"It's just when we were tested by Kakashi-sensei he said only three teams made it each year."

"And you believed him," Tenten said giggling at Sakura's naiveté, "If that was true there'd be at most only a few hundred active shinobi at any time. He probably just said that because he wanted to amp up your competitive natures. I mean what if every team passed their genin exam test, would they really only take three?"

"I guess I just never really thought about it. I mean ever since the chunin exams I've only ever really been paired with either Ino, Hinata, or you."

"Yeah," Tenten said looking introspective as she didn't seem to be staring at her anymore but inside.

"Sorry to get us off track, you were saying."

Shaking her head a little and focusing on her fellow chunin, Tenten said, "Well whenever I've gotten together with them it seems to be a referendum on my choices in life."

"What do you mean?"

Waving a waitress over she ordered a stiff drink before saying, "It just they always make comments like, oh no man yet Tenten, or you don't know what you're missing Tenten when some of them talk about their sex lives. Like just because I don't go bragging about my own experiences that I'm completely inexperienced."

"Really," Sakura said interested and leaning in closer, "so just who did you rack up that experience with?"

Suddenly regretting her statement and realizing that maybe she had been a little too candid said, "Um they were nothing special really just a few one night stands."

"Oh," Sakura said sitting back in her chair.

"Hey, I'm not a slut or anything," Tenten said quickly worried that was what Sakura was thinking.

"I know," Sakura agreed, "I didn't mean to imply that I thought you were. I guess I just assumed it was with either Neji or Lee."

"You didn't hear about what happened between me and Neji from Ino?" Tenten asked confused, "She seems to know all the gossip."

"Um… no… I really hadn't talked to Ino for the past several months. We've recently sort the problem between us out…but we didn't really talk all that much about rumors."

"Okay," Tenten said wondering what the problem was and if it was related to the rumors she heard about Ino, and several of the other girls agreeing to date Naruto in order to help him make Sakura jealous. "Well anyway about right about before Naruto came back I asked Neji out."

"I take it that it didn't go well."

"Crashed and burned," Tenten replied and then took another sip of her drink. Sitting back in her chair until her butt almost fell out of the seat she stared up at the ceiling saying, "I probably wouldn't have even bothered if the fact that I lacked a love life hadn't been brought up by those…ugh."

Trailing off for fear she'd say something nasty she was surprised when Sakura said, "Let me guess, Neji was the most popular boy when you were in the academy and you figured that if you started dating him it'd show all those other girls what was what."

"Partly true," Tenten admitted, "I guess it was also since Neji didn't seem all the interested in such things as well and I figured that it'd allow me to concentrate on training."

"I could see that." Tilting her head slightly she asked, "So what went wrong?"

"Replace lack of interest with none. He's sees no point participating in any type of dating or union when the ultimate end result of such a thing i.e. a child would be born into service to the Main Family."

"I though he wasn't bitter about that anymore."

"For himself but that doesn't mean he wants to bring a child into what is basically indentured servitude." Sending a pointed glance at the kunoichi of her graduating class she said, "But somehow despite it being just Neji and me when I asked word got back to them and they said I was setting my sights too high."

"Let me guess they suggested Lee," Sakura said with a small smile.

Groaning in annoyance, Tenten nodded saying, "Yeah, don't get me wrong. Lee's a great guy…" sitting up and leaning towards Sakura conspiratorially she continued, "… but if you ask me, him and Guy-sensei are a little too close if you know what I mean."

Getting what Tenten was implying, Sakura said, "Really, I don't know. Lee did have a crush on me you know."

Shrugging, Tenten said, "It's just a vibe I get every now and then. Besides I think he believes that you've been pinning for Naruto recently due to how down you seemed about his recent dating spree."

Seeing that Tenten was about to start a line of questions about that Sakura headed her off saying, "Let me guess it was after being rejected by Neji that you went and had your first one night stand."

Sighing Tenten nodded saying, "Yeah and I guess you could say that one led to my next."


"Well the way they all talked when they'd boast about their lovers they tended to make them all out to be real stallions."

"While the one you choose left you less than satisfied."

"Exactly, number two was better than my first but still it wasn't as amazing as they all made it sound as they'd brag about how much better their man was then the others."

"Maybe they were empty boasts though," Sakura suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"Well nobody wants to feel like they're missing out on something great so even if their lovers are less than spectacular they feel a need to prove they didn't end up with a dud. Of course the other girl has to prove she didn't either so they keep trying to top one another."

"That makes sense," Tenten said feeling somewhat better about the possibility, "wish I had thought of that since I was beginning to feel it might have been me lacking sex appeal."

"Don't be silly, I'm sure there are a lot of guys that would love to get with you."

"Really name one."

Forced to admit she was stumped, although she had seen Tenten's picture when she had been shown the Naruto Bingo Book, she said, "Well to be fair this is probably the longest conversation where it's just been the two of us talking about such things."

Conceding the point, Tenten changed the subject asking, "Sakura, do you have feelings for Naruto?"

"Yes," she answered without hesitation but didn't want to say she loved him for fear admitting to such would cause more rumors about his dating situation to spread.

"It must bother you that he's been dating so many girls then."

"It did… but I take some comfort in that the rumors say they are just practice dates…maybe I'll get my shot soon and even if it's in a play date like some of these other ones seem to be I'll take what I can get."

"It must really bother you that you wasted so much time on a loser like Sasuke," Tenten said but realizing Sakura might still get upset added," Um… sorry I didn't mean…"

"It's fine really," Sakura said, "I… it's really hard to explain but I guess I got so caught up with the myth of Sasuke that I overlooked the truth about him. I mean it was pretty apparent that he had no interest in all us girls during the academy but we kept making excuses for his indifference. Although there was this one time right after we graduate where I though he…"

Sakura trailed off but curious Tenten said, "Come on tell me please." When Sakura shook her head she whined, "Aww, come on I told you plenty of embarrassing things today."

Forced to admit Tenten had a point she said, "Well he commented on my forehead. It was like he had peered right into my mind and heart since he repeated word for word exactly what I was fantasizing about just seconds before." After repeating what Sasuke had said to her that day on the bench she looked away sad at how that one moment had probably fueled her zeal for the Uchiha at the expense of her teammate who had proved how much he cared for her time and time again, she said, "He ran off a few moments later and the next time I saw him he had returned to his distant self and called me annoying."

"I don't know," Tenten said having a hard time picturing the Uchiha commenting on Sakura's forehead one way or the other, "that's something I'd imagine Naruto saying."

"That's exactly what…" Sakura began to say before trailing off. Sakura replayed the memory over and over again before bursting out laughing much to Tenten's surprise. But it trailed off as Sakura remembered what she had said as well. Going through a whole slew of emotions from happiness to being with the amazing man to anger at herself for taking so long to see just how a tremendous he was she settled on just being happy. Giving the brunette a smile to show she was fine she answered the question the kunoichi's confused face held saying, "It's nothing, I just realized something important."

Now more eager than ever to have her date with Naruto, Sakura stood saying, "I need to get going Tenten. It was nice talking with you we should get together soon."

"I'd like that," Tenten admitted feeling more accepted with the kunoichi from the year after her then her own class. "Next time you get together for a day of shopping let me know."

Gathering up her bags after paying the bill Sakura smiled and now more committed to her new life than ever before smiled slyly saying, "Oh I think we can do better than that," knowing that after being with Naruto should Tenten ever engage her fellow kunoichi in boasting about the sexual prowess of their lovers she wouldn't be making it up.


Naruto sank into bed rather surprised he was doing so alone. The date with Sakura had been just as enjoyable as he imagined it would always be, but afterwards she had asked that he walk her home. Although surprised he had agreed always wanting to do so and had simply been overjoyed by the small couple activity. Just before reaching her home on a secluded path she had stopped him giving him a heated kiss before explaining her parents were home so she wouldn't be able to do it there. Figuring she wanted a normal date and that once reaching her porch the night would end Naruto explained he understood and figured it might also have to do with the mission they would be receiving the next morning. Reaching her home he gave her a quick hug and a peck on the cheek hoping it sold the idea to any watching parents he had simply taken her on a date between friends and quickly returned home.

Getting ready for bed he decided to use the unexpected alone time to enter the seal and visit his mother. Focusing his attention to the seal he allowed his consciousness to enter it and found his mother sitting on the couch near the lamp which projected the null area as she was looking at a notepad filled with writing some in her handwriting and some in Kyuubi's. Looking at him in surprise she smiled saying, "This is rather an unusual night for you isn't it, spending it alone."

Shrugging nonchalantly Naruto replied, "Well considering how this week has been I'm not surprised you'd draw that conclusion. But not every date needs to end in sharing a bed together."

Agreeing she said, "Well it does prove that at least they are relationships despite how abnormal it is for so many to agree to share."

"Normal is overrated," Naruto said joining her on the couch, "besides I remember from studying for projects on ancient dynasties for history how some emperors had hundreds of women."

"They were concubines," Kushina said deadpanned, "and you're not an emperor."

"It doesn't mean the emperor didn't care for them," Naruto replied straightforwardly before allowing a small smirk on his face as he joked, "And maybe you should say, "Not yet an emperor."

"I hope you are joking."


"Naruto," she replied her tone taking on a warning tone.

Chuckling, Naruto said, "I'm joking, I'm joking. I'm just saying considering how great my life is at the moment despite all the other stuff going on its hard not to feel like a king."

Guessing her son had a point, although she thought she detected a slight amount of disbelief as if he feared he was dreaming and could wake up at any moment, however she decided not to comment and said her tone rife with amusement, "So why has milord graced me with his presence."

"To chat and I thought you'd like to know Kyuubi says she's about ready to begin her plan to infiltrate the prison."

"Really," Kushina said giving her son her complete focus, "Did she say how?"

"No," Naruto said, "But she said Yuugao's patrol mission is related to it."

Folding her arms across her chest in annoyance Kushina said, "Why is she being so secretive about this?"

"I don't know," Naruto answered with a shrug, "maybe she likes operating on her own initiative. She was locked up for a long time so it might feel good to function on her own."

"I suppose but I don't like not knowing what she is doing it might endanger Miko."

Trying to ease his mom's concerns but also trying to be realistic Naruto said, "To be honest mom. We can't be sure Mikoto is even still alive anymore, since Koharu didn't keep track of her after she was locked up. But if she is, Danzo is holding her for a reason. I doubt anything Kyuubi does is going to invalidate that reason."

"Don't be so sure," Kushina said ringing her hands in concern for her friend, "If Danzou fears his plot may be uncovered, don't underestimate the lengths he'll go to cover up his involvement."

"I'm not concerned," Naruto said after several moments, "I have faith in Kyuubi and should it become necessary I'll make sure to get Mikoto out of there unscathed you have my word."

Kushina nodded amazed at how her son could sound so confident but also project an aura that made her so assured that nothing could stop him from delivering on his promise.

Naruto was glad his words seemed to have the desired effect so in hopes of changing the subject asked while looking at the notepad, "What were you working on?"

"Oh just trying to make heads or tails of how to use the ideas found in this thing."

"Any luck?"

"Tons," she replied, "This notepad is simply the manifestation of the knowledge Kyuubi imparted me with. A lot of them were half-formed but I'm sure I can make them work." Looking at the pad, Kushina said, "This sort of makes me feel bad for Kyuubi."


"Well I wouldn't say I've been given any great insight into her mind…but from the way she has laid out so many ideas it sort of leaves me the impression she was disappointed with herself."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I think it's that ever since she began to want your love and acceptance it's like it left her with this feeling that she never really thought of how to use all her powers for anything but destruction before." Having difficulty putting her thoughts into words she asked, "Does that make any sense to you?"

"A lot," Naruto said looking at the notepad, "I think that's one reason why even though she's free now she is so dedicated to helping me with my goal. And why she gave me back you. Not to mention I'm sure she is also curious about just how else she can use her power in new ways. I think another reason she gave you her insights into her power was to see what you come up with separate from her." Looking at how his mom had filled some of the pages in with different conclusions from what he imagined Kyuubi would make said, "Maybe the two of you should compare notes sometime."

"I-I don't know about that," Kushina said looking away feeling vestiges of anger trying to take hold in her, "I appreciate that she gave me time with you and I appeared to be talking calmly with her when you first saw us together…but I don't know if I can ever forgive her for killing me and your father or trying to harm you."

Naruto nodded, but getting up and moving into his mom's line of sight said, "I understand but try and understand where she was coming from at the time."

"Where she was coming from," Kushina said her voice rising in anger, "she…"

"Was a prisoner," Naruto said calmly throwing a cold bucket of water on her anger, "and having attained freedom after so long saw you and dad trying to take it from her again. Maybe if we humans hadn't locked her away for so long and instead asked what it was she wanted from the world we wouldn't have needed seals for her to share her power with us."

"Naruto…" Kushina said shocked at her son's insight.

Rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment at his mom's stare said, "Well anyway it's something to think about right?" Rubbing his hands together he added his tone changing to a less serious one, "Now since it looks like my night is open how about you help me with training in how to apply seals one handed."

Kushina smiled vowing to herself to give Naruto's words some serious consideration before saying, "Sure, first you need to…" As she instructed Naruto in how to quickly apply a seal using the Hiraishin seal as an example, she marveled at what a great young man he was turning out to be and could understand why it was his lovers were willing to share in order to be with him.


Tsunade was chatting with Sakura about her date the night before having been surprised her and Naruto didn't arrive together. Her apprentice had explained that living at home with her parents had its drawbacks since they had been interested in her date with Naruto and as a result she thought it best to return after dinner as to not raise suspicions although she had kept an open mind to the possibility of spending the night with Naruto to the very end. But since Tsunade's message of a mission had arrived during team practice and had only mentioned them as members of Team Seven she had decided she could wait till then. Not to mention she had never enjoyed a normal date like the one she had the previous night.

Tsunade was glad the two had patched things up as well as proud that Naruto didn't just assume that sex with one of his lovers was a given. Waiting on the male jinchuriki they made small talk. Several minutes later Naruto arrived to find Sakura sitting on the desk leaning in to Tsunade as the two giggled about something he assumed may have been related to him.

Sakura leapt to her feet smiling at him as she said while closing the distance between them, "Your ears must have been burning."

"Talking about me behind my back," he said mock sternly.

Kissing him deeply she said after pulling back, "Only to say you were the perfect gentleman last night."

Before he could respond Tsunade having gotten up as the two made out in front of her turned his head towards her saying, "If Sakura couldn't play last night you should have called." When he opened his mouth to respond she sealed her lips to his.

When she stepped back to give him some air he replied, "Sorry, but I think mom was kind of pleased with the change of pace."

"Oh well," Tsunade said wistfully as she returned to her desk, "your loss."

Naruto chuckled before moving with Sakura to stand before Tsunade as subordinates before their Hokage. Getting down to business, she began to explain the mission request saying, "Well as Sakura figured out this is a mission that asked for members of Team Seven and since that was the moniker of your genin team before it changed to Team Kakashi, I'm guessing it wanted only original ones."

"Why isn't Kakashi here then?" Naruto asked already wondering who it was that was requesting his help.

"Because I don't believe the requestor thinks this job is overly dangerous as it is only requesting that members of Team Seven come to Wave. The requestor a woman by the name of Tsunami says there is a matter she needs to discuss with your team. But what that matter is she is leaving vague as if she is afraid to discuss it with anyone outside your team. Any ideas as to why she is being so evasive?"

Naruto shrugged saying, "I can't think of any."

Sakura thought for a moment before asking, "Lady Tsunade…"

"Just Tsunade when we're alone like this Sakura," the Hokage interrupted.

A little uncomfortable but starting over she said, "Tsunade, can I assume you read the official report of what happened in Wave."

"Sure, it said your team was hired for a C-ranked escort and guard job. The client lied but due to a little persuasion on Naruto's part and your and Sasuke's willingness to continue Kakashi agreed to see it through. There you encountered Zabuza and his apprentice Haku. After a difficult battle Zabuza, Haku, and their employer were dead and you stayed till the bridge was finished. Does that about sum it up?"

"Yes, but did they say what we did with Haku and Zabuza's bodies?"

"Well it did claim that their bodies were too badly damaged to be of much use in learning information from them. Are you saying that's not the case?"

Sakura nodded along with Naruto with the kunoichi saying, "In actuality we buried them next to each other. I guess we felt that was just the right thing to do considering how everything ended up working out. I think Kakashi might have told the Third the truth but entered the lie into his official report. He probably also let Tsunami and her father know that they shouldn't mention the graves in any correspondences to the village."

"That makes sense," Tsunade said folding her hands in front of her face as she began thinking about what it was the woman wanted considering the new information.

"Do you think something happened to their graves?" Naruto asked directing his question towards Sakura.

"I don't know," Sakura said after several moments, "Someone may have tampered with them, or Hidden Mist shinobi have been inquiring about the bodies in order to destroy them, or it could be something along the lines of someone bought the land we buried them on and we need to relocate them. I've heard Wave has had a rather large resurgence due to all the commerce the bridge has generated. I don't think it is too urgent though because she probably would have mentioned a chance of there being danger if she felt there was some involved."

Although Tsunade agreed she didn't discount the possibility of it showing up regardless, "Still it might be best to beef up the team nevertheless maybe…"

"I have someone in mind," Sakura said quickly before Tsunade could make her suggestion.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow but seeing something mischievous in Sakura's green orbs smirked and guessing she wanted to keep it a surprise from Naruto said, "Sure, go let her know and have her send a message of her going with you through the gate attendants."

"Okay," Sakura said before turning towards the door informing Naruto, "I'll see you at the gate in an hour."

Naruto was about to chase after his lover and teammate to pester her into telling him who she was going to get, but was stopped by Tsunade saying, "Naruto, hold on a minute please."

Stopping with one foot out the door, he turned towards Tsunade and seeing her looking serious stepped into the office once more. "What is it?"

"It's about Konan and her connection to…"

"You want to tell Jiraiya," Naruto said seeing were she was going having been wrestling with the decision since making Konan one of his lovers.

A little surprised at the young man's foresight she said, "You've been thinking about it as well."

"Yeah," Naruto said heavily, "He deserves to know what happened to them after he left. I guess what held me back is… well everything else and he'll want to know how we know."

Nodding Tsunade jokingly said, "I know. Knowing him, once he finds out we'll have to form watch teams to keep him away, lest we end up as thinly veiled characters in one of his damn books."

Naruto laughed saying, "I can almost already hear him begging me to let him watch sometime as research material."

Tsunade nodded, laughing herself but both of them stopped at the same time saying, "Still…"

The two lovers stared at each other with Naruto finally nodding saying, "Can I ask you to handle this?"

"If that's what you want."

Nodding Naruto said, "I think it would be good coming from you as to be honest I think he cared for you a great deal."

Tsunade nodded having known of the Toad Sage's feelings but never having been able to return them choose to ignore them since he never truly made it an issue. Focusing on Naruto as she heard him begin to speak, she smiled as he said, "Plus, I'm fairly certain he'll be too afraid of you to do anything against any rules you inform him come with us coming clean."

"Well if I do catch him peeking on us one day, he'll wish I killed him the time I caught him years ago," Tsunade said standing from her seat. Closing with her lover she kissed him again and resting in the arms he had wrapped around her said, "Be careful."

"I will," Naruto promised before kissing her one last time before leaving the office.

Watching the door close behind him Tsunade hoped the mission would be something simple but her gut told her that if she bought a lottery ticket she'd stand an excellent chance of it being a winner.


Kyuubi could feel Naruto's presence leaving the village through her mark. She wheeled her chair to the window to look out it catching sight of the genin Konohamaru ducking behind a tree. She doubted a civilian would have caught the small movement but she had been already been aware of her watchers. The only reason she had been free to enjoy her night with Naruto was due to her watchers that night had been Hinata and Ino. Ibiki had her under constant observation partly in case her assassin or her mysterious bodyguard returned. But it was also because he no doubt wasn't positive she didn't present a threat to the village. She couldn't blame the man considering all that had been happening around her lately, her mysterious recovery from brain death, her near returning to that state due to her body's husband, surviving another assassination attempt and finally the deaths of her body's two siblings, although she suspected that had been Danzou's handiwork. Though her recovery was but one of many she doubted all the other people had the same amount of extra baggage that she was having occur around her.

She sighed in annoyance though since when her watchers were people outside of Naruto's circle she was confined to her wheelchair or a cane she had recently begun using to show people she was making strides in her recovery. It was a precaution less one of the shinobi see her moving about freely and then reporting such to Ibiki.

As she looked out the window she allowed her mind to wander to her plan to infiltrate the prison. Truthfully she was simply waiting for the shinobi outside to be replaced with Hana and Hinata since they had already informed her of their signing up for a couple hours of watching her home. Once that happened she would be able to begin gathering the players she needed for her plan. Yuugao was already outside the village leading an Anbu patrol. Her part in it was simple which was to apprehend the assassin. Of course once the Anbu captain had left the village it had started a clock running since the Anbu needed to apprehend the assassin far enough from the village and close enough to the prison that dropping her off to be held there would seem sensible. Kyuubi didn't doubt that Yuugao could sell why she would leave her prisoner in Iwana Akame's, the prison warden, care though. That being it didn't make sense to transport a dangerous shinobi if one had access to a highly secured facility.

Naturally if her body's siblings, who had hired the assassins to kill Kyuubi, were aligned with Danzou as she suspected, then she didn't doubt Akame would take the opportunity to silence the last loose-end. He'd need to do it in a way that didn't reflect too poorly on him, but also was natural enough to keep Ibiki from suspecting foul play. Something Kyuubi knew from experience was no easy task.

Kyuubi's attention was grabbed by Hinata waving at her discreetly. Now free to act, she stood from her chair and teleported to her first destination. She arrived in a small apartment much as she suspected from the description she had heard from Naruto on the few times he had been able to visit it. Considering it resided in Kumo, she knew he had been taking a risk then especially since it belonged to one of the village's treasured jinchuriki. Kyuubi sensed the attack a second before it connected which was more than enough time for her chakra to coat her in a smaller version of the fox avatar she had used to face her would be killers.

Yugito's kick landed on her shoulder, and probably would have broken the bone of her arm if she hadn't sensed it. Spinning quickly, she dispersed her chakra afraid it may have alerted nearby shinobi but she hoped its short duration would lessen the risk. Grabbing the jinchuriki's ankle she pulled the woman off balance towards her and proving she was far stronger than she appeared clamped her hand over the blonde's mouth easily lifting her off the floor as she ran and slammed her into a wall hard enough to stun the woman.

The woman glared at Kyuubi, who calmly said, "Now is that anyway to treat a guest."

Yugito was surprised by the woman's calm demeanor as well as her letting go of her face and mouth. Sinking to the floor she asked, "Who are you?"

Kyuubi frowned and made a quick mental note to change the fox marks so that Naruto's lovers could sense each other. She supposed she should have considered it after Sakura had infiltrated the one time, but had let the matter slip from her mind. But considering the present circumstances, she supposed that it would help prevent confrontations from happening between harem members who hadn't met one another as well as prevent infiltrations in the future should people begin to suspect Naruto's involvement with certain women.

Answering the woman she said, "You may call me Kyuubi."

Yugito's eyes went wide but Kyuubi moving quickly knelt and clamped her hand over the jinchuriki's mouth again to prevent her from asking questions. Yugito felt a tug on her chakra as the room faded to reveal a canyon that the blonde recognized as the original form her seal had taken when Nibi had been sealed away. Kyuubi removed her hand and helped the woman stand as the human Bijuu said, "Sorry, I want my entrance to be a surprise to Nibi."


Smiling Kyuubi said, "Naruto told me that you suspected Nibi was hiding something from you. May I ask what makes you believe that?"

Yugito shrugged saying, "I don't know but lately Nibi has seemed preoccupied with something and whenever I've entered the seal… it's felt like I was delayed before appearing. I guess like Nibi wanted time to hide something. I don't know maybe I'm being paranoid." Despite saying that she looked around the seal saying, "Although I don't know why the seal's taken this form though. Nibi generally preferred the playroom."

"Perhaps she needed more room to stretch her legs," Kyuubi said purposefully using the pronoun although she suspected Yugito didn't notice.

Kyuubi began walking towards the cave that Nibi used to reside behind before Yugito and the Bijuu had begun to cooperate together making the woman wonder how the Bijuu knew which cave to go towards. Falling into step behind the woman she asked, "How are you free of Naruto? Is he alright?"

"You should already know the answer to that," Kyuubi said answering the second question. "As to how I'm free, let's save that discussion until everyone has gathered."

Stepping up to the cave, Kyuubi paused looking at the entrance and seeing the seal that bond human and Bijuu which looked like an intricate carving in the stone asked, "How was Nibi able to leave here but the seal remains?"

"When Killer Bee convinced the Eight-Tails to work with him. His Bijuu gave him possession of his chakra allowing the Bijuu free reign I suppose. I simply mastered the same process under their instruction."

"Interesting," Kyuubi said, "I suppose though you still required some sort of key to your seal."

Yugito nodded saying, "Yes, only the Village Elders have the keys to my and Bee's seals."

Kyuubi studied the seal before scoffing as she said placing her hand on the stone beneath it, "A child with a passing interest in seals could devise tougher locks then this. Not having the keys shouldn't pose any problems to my plans."

Yugito bristled slightly at the dismissing tone in the woman's voice wanting to defend her village's techniques. But considering the number of times the Eight-Tails had rampaged before Bee had become the host considered maybe the woman had a point. Following behind as Kyuubi stepped into the cave, Yugito wondered what the Bijuu was searching for as the proceeded deeper and deeper, but before she could ask they came across the unmoving form of Nibi.

Hearing the amused tone in Kyuubi's voice as the Bijuu said, "I thought as much," Yugito was filled with questions. However before she could give voice to them the Bijuu grabbed her shoulder. A moment later the two appeared back at the entrance to the cave.

Pulling free of the Bijuu, Yugito asked, "What the hell is going on? What's wrong with Nibi?"

"Nothing is wrong with her," Kyuubi answered, "She's simply taking a stroll as I imagined." Closing her eyes, Kyuubi began to concentrate and feeling the weaker but distinct signature of Nibi's Will asked the blonde woman, "Would you like me to show you?" Yugito nodded so Kyuubi placed her hand on the woman's shoulder disappearing only to reappear on top of the opposite side of the canyon. Pointing towards the edge she said, "Nibi's down there."

Quickly moving to the edge, Yugito peered over to see a strange dark skinned woman fighting what appeared to be monsters made up of living rock and rough ten feet tall. Looking back at Kyuubi, Yugito realized that much like the red and orange-haired woman her own Bijuu had taken on a form better suited to being with Naruto. Despite the rock monsters being animated by Nibi, Yugito knew the Bijuu wouldn't skimp out on making them a challenge. So when one of the monsters back-handed Nibi across the canyon towards another that looked like it was waiting to pound her into the ground, the woman quickly shunshined towards her Bijuu snatching her out of the air and avoiding the rock monster's fist.

Nibi was surprised not to be in more pain until she realized she was being held in someone's arms. "Um hey," the Bijuu said upon recognizing her jinchuriki.

"Don't hey me," Yugito said angrily, "What's the big idea holding out on me about something like this?"

"I wanted to come up with a form on my own. Plus if you knew about this you might have been different with Naruto since this form really increased just how much I could feel. But by the way… how did you get into the seal without me knowing?"

Yugito was about to answer but both women were nearly crushed by the two rock monsters that were sick of being ignored. However, Kyuubi answered by crushing both monsters with her Fox Avatar's paws as she landed between the two creatures. "You always did tend to bite off more then you could properly chew Nibi."

"Kyuubi!" Nibi said as Yugito set her down and was surprised at not feeling Naruto's presence as well as just how much stronger the woman before her was then when they had last talked. Concentrating she tried to sense the male, but instead found Kyuubi's chakra signature had not only changed since last time, but it also appeared outside the seal. Realizing what that meant she exclaimed, "You're free."

"That's right."


"I'll tell you later. I just wanted to see if you took my advice. I'm glad you did, and have begun training on how to move and fight as a human it should make things easier for you." Directing her gaze to Yugito she asked, "Can you come to Konoha for a few hours?"

The blonde kunoichi nodded, so Kyuubi quickly cut the connection causing both to disappear from the seal leaving Nibi to wonder just what Kyuubi had meant.
