
24.5 Kin Part II

Shizune moved her gaze from screen to screen monitoring all of the readouts from those currently mind linked to the Sound-nin with a growing sense of panic. Moving back to Kin's group of screens, she looked at the one that was a recording of her brain wave pattern from the fifteen hour period before Naruto and the others had entered her mind and was thus clear of any contamination from their presence. Looking at the monitor of the current readout, she felt like cursing due to it being almost completely different. Turning her attention to the readouts for the vitals of Naruto, Sakura, Ino, and even Kin, she calmed somewhat as they returned to normal from their agitated state.

Breathing out a sigh of relief she nearly peed herself as Tsunade entered the room quickly barking, "Any change?"

Getting control of herself Shizune answered, "Things seemed to have calmed down for the moment although Kin's current brain wave patter is nothing like it was at this time from before they entered."

"That's only natural," Kyuubi said entering the room behind Tsunade, "It just means they have likely made contact."

"I don't think so," Tsunade said grimly, "I wouldn't have gotten you otherwise. I nearly couldn't wait for Tsume and Hana's shift for watching your home."

Kyuubi appeared surprised to hear that Tsunade would consider blowing her cover so said, "What pray tell happened to elicit what would have been such an unwise decision?"

"Before I approved this little experiment I made sure each of those entering gave me a full account of what had happened to them during the exams. I did this so I could map a stress chart. Since Ino and Sakura were the only ones fighting when Kin showed up, I would use when they were both in an excited state as the best guess of when they made contact with her. That along with the sudden change in Kin's brainwave patter would most likely be when they made contact."

"A good theory," Kyuubi said praising the Hokage, "So I take it they made contact?"

"Most likely."

"Then what is the problem?"

Tsunade turned towards the monitors and pointed to the one marked for Naruto, "The problem is that Naruto was active during this period as well. If they were following the timeline he shouldn't have been."

"Perhaps they haven't arrived at the point of contact yet," Kyuubi supplied with a shrug. "I don't wish to say you are worrying over nothing. But the point in time we wanted them to try and talk to her was during the second test of the chunin exams. It could simply be that at this time they were facing different opponents at the same time."

Tsunade shook her head a little of the worry she felt reaching her face as she said, "That wouldn't explain Kin's brainwave patterns. They no longer resemble her pattern from before they entered. They…" Tsunade's attention was pulled from the Bijuu as all the monitors began to beep indicating the person they were connected to were under considerable stress. The type of stress that a person felt when their life was in danger.


"Well…" Naruto began to explain to Kin but he was cut off by someone shouting his name.


Spinning towards the possible threat, he was knocked off his feet as something collided with him. However he relaxed somewhat as his lips were covered by the soft wetness he usually associated with kissing. Focusing on the face, he couldn't help wrapping his arms around the girl as he pulled her closer. She broke the kiss saying, "I always wanted to kiss you even back then Naruto."

"Well here's to making up for lost time, Hinata," he replied pressing his lips to hers.

"What the fuck? Why are you kissing Naruto of all people Hinata?" her teammate Kiba shouted from the tree she had launched herself from.

"Be quiet Kiba," she replied sternly, "I've waited a long time to kiss Naruto when he looked like this. It was too good an opportunity to pass up."

"Hey since when do you…" Kiba trailed off as it became apparent Hinata was ignoring him in favor of kissing the blond shinobi.

"This does not appear to be the same Hinata we entered this forest with," Shino stated walking up next to his male teammate. "Why, perhaps she has entered a mating cycle."

"She ain't some bug," Kiba said with a shake of his head.

Hinata broke the kiss whispering, "I don't know I feel like mating." Rubbing her crotch up against Naruto's, she added, "It feels like someone else does too."

Temari, who had been traveling with Hinata since their teams had run into each other, pulled the girl by the ear back up to her feet saying, "Easy there girl, let's not forget who we're trying to lose."

"Ow, ow, ow," Hinata moaned as she was pulled away by Temari whining, "But I wanted to kiss Naruto for so long even back during the first exams."

Naruto sat up and conscious of Kin staring at him in a mixture of confusion and embarrassment tried to adjust his sitting stance to hide his erection. Having an idea of what the two kunoichi were doing traveling together he simply asked, "Gaara?"

Temari nodded as she said, "Yeah, back during the real exam we set a record for how fast we reached the tower. After he killed some Rain-nin for their scroll we were supposed to head to there. Back then we had sensed a team, but since his blood lust was sated he let them go. He wasn't going to this time so we bolted."

"He's a monster," Kiba supplied, "Akamaru has never sensed such a huge chakra before." He directed his attention to the dog whose head was sticking out of his jacket and noticing it shaking asked, "What is it boy? Is that freak near again?" The dog whined in response causing Kiba to say, "What do you mean you have before?" The dog replied again causing the Inuzuka to reply disbelievingly, "Naruto has more chakra then even that freak get out of here."

Naruto tensed something both Hinata and Temari noticed. They also picked up on the fact that both Sakura and Ino moved so that they could attack the other members of Team Eight. It was a move that didn't go unnoticed by one of them who spotting the corpse of Chouji moved up to it to look at the wound it sported. Crouching down and turning the corpse he was unfamiliar with the type of jutsu that had caused it so turning asked, "It would seem we are making our Leaf colleagues uncomfortable Kiba. That may explain Chouji's condition."

Temari reached for her fan obviously going on guard as did Kiba. Naruto doubted that at the moment either male believed she was preparing to attack them. Turning towards Kin, trusting his ladies to makes sure neither Kiba nor Shino took advantage of his inattention to them he said, "Kin, I know you're confused. But, from what I've gathered Gaara is probably going to be hunting us down since Temari's here. Trust me when I say that's not a good thing. If you'll trust us for just a little while I promise we'll explain everything to you."

"Hey don't ignore us you bastard! Did you kill Chouji?" Kiba shouted taking a step towards Naruto only for Hinata to bar his path. "Hinata what are you doing?"

"It's obvious her attachment to Naruto is stronger than the bonds to her team," Shino said as bugs began to leave his sleeve in preparation to attack. As he raised his sleeve his attention on the kunoichi preparing to attack him, he failed to notice the body behind him begin to twitch ever so slightly. That all changed though as Chouji's corpse suddenly lunged forward and grabbed his leg. "What the…" Shino said looking down at the threat and screamed as the reanimated Chouji bit into his leg.

"Shit," Naruto said noticing the bodies of both Dosu and Zaku rising as well and then making straight for Shino to bite into him. "I-I don't fucking remember this happening. What's going on?"

Hinata activated her bloodline and saw the chakra systems of the undead shinobi were still active but was a black-white color. Reporting her reporting her findings Sakura said, "You don't suppose Sasuke's curse mark is behind this?"

"If it is that's the first I've heard of something like this happening," Naruto said, "Let's get the hell out of here."

"W-what about Shino?" Kiba asked torn between following the jinchuriki and kunoichi and helping his teammate.

"He's gone," Naruto replied causing the shinobi to turn and notice the Aburame was no longer screaming and that the reanimated shinobi were beginning to focus on him.

"Shit," Kiba said before taking to the trees to follow the others.

Naruto looked back towards Ino asking, "What just happened?"

"I don't know," she replied.

"Shit, that's the last time I watch a horror movie with Anko." Thinking of his other lover he said, "I'll be right back." Disappearing in a red flash he reappeared first with a surprised Tenten, and after filling her in then teleported once more. This time when he reappeared Anko was clutched to his back looking as if she had been in one monster of a fight.

"What happened?" Sakura asked moving to see if the woman needed medical assistance.

"Orochimaru," she replied simply.

"We're in some deep shit," Naruto said which was a sentiment everyone seemed to share.


Despite her earlier calm, Kyuubi was beginning to feel slightly nervous despite the safeguards she had built into the seal. "Do you know what's going on?" she asked figuring the Hokage would ignore her like she had the last two times she asked.

"Most of them are reacting as if they had seen something that gave them a shock," Tsunade answered, looking over her shoulder. "Do you have any idea as to what it is they are facing?"

Kyuubi shook her head in the negative saying, "I'm afraid if they've made contact with Kin and have revealed the truth to her, then for them all to be reacting this way she must be resisting."

"I doubt she could put up that much of a fight," Tsunade said motioning to screens monitoring Naruto and the others.

"Not her in a physical sort of way. But mentally."

"I don't understand," Shizune said joining the conversation, "If she's been made aware shouldn't she wake up like what you did with Tayuya?"

Kyuubi shook her head no explaining, "Tayuya's mind was somewhat aware. It was just unable to communicate due to damage to her body. Kin's mind while active began to operate in a circuit so she didn't have to come to terms with what happened to her. Orochimaru's betrayal and the time alone in the isolation of the coffin probably created such stress on her that she'd rather retreat into her memory then face it."

"Damn it," Tsunade said moving to crouch down next to Naruto. Running her hand across his face she asked worriedly, "If they are in danger what will happen to them if they are hurt or killed?"

"Nothing," Kyuubi replied sounding vaguely insulted, "I was aware things could go poorly for them so made sure that if anything happened to them in her mind they'd simply wake up." Tsunade breathed out a sigh of relief at that, but she tensed as Kyuubi added, "However, I'm afraid that Kin on the other hand is a different story."


"The dangers that they are facing is Kin's subconscious way to not deal with what happened to her. But, the conscious part of her must realize the truth now, especially if Naruto has explained it to her. Therefore, if they reach the time limit and she hasn't awakened then it could be disastrous for her."

"Disastrous how?" Shizune asked sending a worried gaze back towards the Sound-nin whose face seemed almost pained from hearing bad news.

"If they reach the fifteen hour mark, and her mind resets then one of two things will happen. Her conscious side will face what it needs to and she'll wake up. Or, she will not be able to deal with it and she'll likely lose her will to live."

"You mean…"

"Her brain will simply shut down and she'll die," Kyuubi said matter of factly. "It may be prudent to wake them up since at this point I doubt they'll be able to do too much more for her."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Tsunade said standing and turning from her lover, "Kyuubi, I need you to get someone for me."

"I don't think that's very wise. I'm supposed to be in my home at the moment."

"I know, but you're the only one that will be able to get there and back in time to make a difference."

Kyuubi arched an eyebrow asking, "Where exactly do you expect me to go?"

To which Tsunade simply smiled before saying, "Suna."


Kin watched as Naruto stood behind Sakura while she scanned over Anko. Looking around the cave they were hiding in she could see that all of the kunoichi present were just as concerned. Kin moved to the entrance and looked at the lake that was just outside after a several meter drop. They had been led to it by Anko, who had boasted that she had practically lived in the Forest of Death for a while. Kin scoffed softly since the name of Training Area Forty-Four was more fitting than ever. Looking back at the assembled Shinobi, she wondered why they were so concerned for the one woman but had barely shed a tear for the boy Kiba. He had been taken shortly after they had begun running as the one they had called Chouji easily caught up running along the ground and although it seemed the zombie genin had been unable to harness his chakra to leap among the trees. It hadn't stopped it from making a leaping jump to snatch the Inuzuka out of the air. His calls for help had gone unanswered, but when the zombiefiied Dosu, Shino, and Zaku had tried to grab a victim of their own. Temari and Tenten had unleashed a barrage of long range attacks that had destroyed Zaku, due to an exploding kunai to the head, and had cost the other two a couple of limbs. Tenten had finished off Shino by throwing another exploding kunai as the legless corpse had tried to crawl after them. The creature that had once been Dosu must have sensed an easier prey as it had leapt away albeit minus an arm.

Kin's focus switched back to the woods surrounding the lake as a scream pierced the night leaving her to guess another person had joined the ranks of the undead. Turning towards the others, she said, "We should have killed those things when there were only three."

"It wouldn't have mattered," Ino replied looking up having been lost in thought, "Something else would simply have popped up in their place as a threat."

"What are you talking about?" Kin asked, nearly exasperated as her patience was running out.

Before Ino could reply, Sakura's voice interjected as she reported to Naruto, "She's fine, just some cuts and bruises."

"I said as much," Anko replied although she groaned slightly as she adjusted herself, "Damn, I really thought I'd do better this time around especially since I didn't have the curse mark."

Kin, recalled how Sakura had seemed to imply that she had met her before and wanting answers demand, "What do you mean this time around?" Pointing at Sakura, she said, "Why were you acting like we met before?" Losing some of her anger, it was replaced by confusion as a lost look appeared on her face. Crouching down and holding her head with her hands she asked, "What's going on?"

She heard footsteps approach so looking up saw Naruto standing above her looking at her with a face full of sadness. Crouching as well he said, "Thanks for your patience." He gathered his thoughts for a moment before continuing, "There is no easy way to say this but what Anko means is for us the Chunin Exams are a thing of the past. Almost four years to be exact."

"W-what!? That's insane," Kin replied her eyes searching all those present for some sign of deceit. Although she didn't find any, she figured that just meant they were excellent liars. However, she didn't discount the possibility that it was possible she and her team had failed to kill Sasuke and was reliving the Chunin Exams via a Leaf trick to reveal something about the Sound Village. Stating as much, she said, "I get it, this is some sort of set-up and we're living out some nightmare scenario so that I'll come to trust you guys. That's why you left that Inuzuka to die he wasn't real."

"In a way you are exactly right," Naruto admitted, "We are using a variation of an interrogation seal to enter your mind. However, we don't care about the Sound Village and any information you have is horribly out of date."

"Bullshit! I'm on to you now. You'll never get me to betray Lord Orochimaru."

Naruto sighed, but Ino put a hand on his shoulder saying, "Naruto. Concentrate on how you look now."

Kin fell backwards onto her butt as he began to glow a bright yellow which began to grow. She closed her eyes as the others began to as well. When the light faded and after blinking the spots from her eyes she was surprised to see all the genin had appeared to age. Still, she knew that the appearances they now had could simply be to fit their cover story so said, "Come on, I wasn't born yesterday. You already told me that four years supposedly passed it would be monumentally stupid…"

"The Sound Village isn't just one village but several bases scattered all over the elemental countries," Sakura said cutting in having read the information Karin had revealed during her interrogation.

Anko picked up as she paused adding, "Each base has a specific purpose whether it be experimentation, training, or weapon manufacturing. Since you're simply a genin I assume you came from the base in River Country. I don't recall you having any great manufactured abilities like your teammates, so I'm guessing you've never been to any of the others. You must have felt cheated especially considering throwing senbon and genjutsu seem to be your only talents."

Kin's eyes grew wide in surprise but she shook her head saying, "All that means is that maybe one of the others has talked."

"Then why are we bothering with you," Naruto said calmly but his words acted like a bucket of cold water being thrown on her. "If we have information on Sound, and your words would confirm that what we said is true. Then there would be no reason to continue. But I'm afraid it's not that simple."

A part of Kin recognized the truth of Naruto's words. Recognizing she really had nothing of value to them information wise she said, "You say it's been four years." Naruto nodded so looking away, she asked, "W-why then would you wait so long to use this jutsu to enter my mind? What do you hope to gain?"

"Nothing," Naruto replied causing her head to snap back to face him. Meeting her eyes he said, "You've been asleep for a long time. After your team failed to kill Sasuke, we all headed to the tower. There a bunch of preliminary matches were held to see who would advance to the final round of the exams. You and Zaku were defeated…" Naruto paused wondering if his words were stirring any sign that she remembered what happened after, not seeing any he continued, "What happened next we don't know for sure. But we believe you were used as a sacrifice for a jutsu called Endo Tensei and that Orochimaru planned to use you to bring back someone during the invasion of the Leaf."

"What invasion?"

Naruto was surprised at her lack of knowledge sending a look back to his lovers. Anko let her opinion on the matter be known saying, "That fucking bastard. He didn't even tell them he was planning to invade with the Sand Village."

"I'm not surprised," Sakura said sadly crossing her arms as she directed her gaze out the entrance to look over the forest, "I don't think they were meant to live past the exams."

"Shut your mouth," Kin snapped angrily, "We were chosen by Lord Orochimaru…"

"To die," Naruto said calmly again, the truth his words seemed to carry sapping her anger. "Do you remember those black marks Sasuke had upon waking up? That was from the curse mark Orochimaru gave him before your team found us. Now I'm only speculating, but I believe he did it so that when a team as strong as yours showed up and he defeated you then he'd want more of what the snake bastard had to offer."

Kin wanted to deny it, but she had been questioning why Orochimaru would send her team to kill one genin. "Why?"

Naruto looked away to gaze out on the forest outside the cave before saying, "To lure him away from the Leaf and his friends in order to one day take over his body. Sasuke has always craved power and knowing that, Orochimaru planned to sacrifice you and your team to prove that he could give it to him. But when you turned up alive, I'm guessing he had further use for you so decided to use you for his forbidden jutsu."

Kin closed her eyes and wanted to deny what she had been told. She was about to give a half-hearted denial when she suddenly flashed to a memory of her kneeling in a circle. Orochimaru and Kabuto were standing in front of her as she pleaded for them to stop and after Kabuto placed a bloody kunai on a scroll she remembered screaming as ash and dirt floated towards her to begin covering her. Her eyes snapped open, and she imagined that she appeared quite panicked as Naruto quickly placed a hand on her shoulder asking, "Are you alright?"

"Y-you're not lying… I…I think I just experienced them using that jutsu you were talking about."

Naruto nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. He paused as if waiting for something, but when it didn't materialize he turned towards Ino to ask, "Uh…shouldn't she be waking up now if she's recalling what happened to her."

"I'm afraid it isn't going to be that simple," the Yamanaka replied moving to the entrance of the cave. From her vantage point she could see the tower that had been the goal they needed to reach during the exams.

Despite knowing the seriousness of what they face she couldn't help smiling as her lover whined, "Why not?"

She turned to face him, and then allowed her gaze to settle on Kin before saying, "For the same reason things are getting so out of hand. Think of Kin's mind as two parts. There is the conscious level of thinking and the subconscious. The conscious level is the one with us right now."

Everyone turned to face Kin causing her to feel a little awkward as a result of the different gazes which ranged from thoughtful to intrigued, feeling put on the spot she raised her hand meekly and said, "Um…hello."

Ino smirked and then continued her explanation, "When she was used and abandoned her subconscious mind dealt with the stress by creating all of this to protect her from the isolation." Ino held her arms out to indicate the world they now resided in.

"We already knew that," Temari said leaning against the cave wall, "But that doesn't explain why she isn't waking up now that she knows the truth."

"I'm getting to that." Ino moved behind Kin to be able to look at everyone. "The problem is that her subconscious is what is keeping her from waking. It's also what is creating all the obstacles in our path."

The group remained silent for several moments. Much to everyone's surprise it was Kin that broke it as she asked, "Why?"

"Basically you are trying to protect yourself," Ino answered moving in front of the girl and tried to smile at her. It proved somewhat difficult to do since she knew that with her subconscious working against them waking the kunoichi may very well be impossible. She abandoned the effort to smile in favor of saying, "That's why everything keeps going against us, and why some people act differently then we remember. It's her subconscious mind trying to prevent her from waking up and facing the truth."

"But she is safe now," Naruto said quickly. Then jerking his thumb towards the entrance of the cave he added, "That also doesn't explain the horror movie going on out there.

Ino looked at him sadly before saying, "I'm afraid it does. In order for us to enter Kin's mind the link needs to be two ways. We were imposing ourselves on her memories. Normally when such seals are used it is a one way communication since the intruder is an outside perspective viewing the events but not interacting. For us to be a part of it, Kin's mind is able to view our own memories to expand the world so to speak for our perspectives. For instance, this cave is probably a part of Anko's memories since she guided us to it. By the same token, that thing that Sasuke became is from yours."

"But still that's a long way from the dead suddenly rising from the grave," Anko said sitting up from the cave wall she had been propped against.

"I'm willing to bet that's also due to Naruto."

All the kunoichi turned their gazes to Naruto causing him to whine, "Ino, why are you going to put the blame for that on me. Anko's the one who likes those kinds of movies."

"Hey," Anko quickly replied at her lover trying to shift the blame.

Ino couldn't help but laugh softly at the two since they were staring at each other in a way that made her guess they were trying to force the other to accept the fault for the situation. "True," she said moving behind Naruto and dropping to her knees and pressed herself against his back, "but again we have to deal with the fact that Kin's subconscious is working against us and I'm willing to bet subconsciously you're more inclined to believe zombies can be real."

A little flustered by Ino's closeness in front of Kin due to the effect it had on his body, Naruto said while trying to fight growing another boner in front of the kunoichi, "Well yeah you saw the way that dark chakra was arcing around Sasuke when he fired up that black chidori. I mean that movie Anko wanted to watch said the zombies were a result of a chakra virus."

"Ha! See, it is your fault," Anko said triumphantly as she pointed at the jinchuriki.

"Uh-uh, you made me watch that movie so technically speaking it would be your fault, wouldn't it?"

Ino peeled herself away as the two began to argue before turning to Kin again as she said, "Regardless, the point is we have to find a way to force Kin awake."

Hinata looked away from Kin due to the girl looking so utterly confused and scared, "Um…If her mind is fighting us then why give us a chance to rest like this?" Wouldn't it be prudent for it to keep the pressure on?"

"It doesn't work that way," Ino said turning to her fellow harem member, "There still has to be rules. For example, Naruto saw the black lightning surrounding Sasuke and subliminally might have thought that it could create those creatures. Kin's mind in turn seized on that, but zombies don't hunt for specific targets. They simply follow instinct so when we were close we were targets, but now that we aren't…"

"I get it," Sakura said, "That's why Shikamaru turned on us. Subconsciously we see him as the chunin he is now who would never abandon a fellow Leaf-nin."

"Exactly," Ino said, "which is why Naruto was right that the only people we can trust are those in this cave. Everyone else will probably find some reason to turn against us."

Kin had been looking down at her lap as she tried to process everything she was learning. Finally she looked up, "Then how do I wake up?"

"I don't know," Ino admitted, "I think we should rest her till morning and then make our way to the tower."

"Why," Naruto asked ending his bickering with Anko.

"That's where we were supposed to head after the exams and is therefore the most logical place to expect some sort of conclusion to the second exam."

Naruto nodded. Standing he dusted off his pants and moved to in front of Kin. Placing his hand on her shoulder he assured her, "Don't worry, we'll definitely find a way to help you."


Ino was on watch as she stared out of the cave entrance. Several hours had passed and from time to time the Yamanaka would hear screams. It was easy to imagine the zombies were behind it but truthfully it hadn't been all that different during the real exams. Hearing someone approaching from behind she asked, "Can't sleep?"

Despite the darkness, Kin shook her head as she said, "No, it's difficult to sleep what with everything I've learned today."

"I can imagine but it would be best if you try. We might just be inside your mind, but fatigue is fatigue."

"Yeah," Kin said but nevertheless sat down next to the blonde. They sat in silence for several moments before Kin asked, "Why are you doing this for me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You already pointed out any information I have on Sound is useless. I couldn't have been all that strong for Lor… for Orochimaru to abandon me. So why help me?"

For a moment Ino thought of the powerful crystal user that Orochimaru had sent against them when they tried to seal away the Three-Tails. Thinking about how he had put her and the boy whose mother she had murdered together just so the boy would grow attached and then more powerful upon learning the truth, she said, "Don't let what that bastard thinks bother you. He values nothing but jutsu. People are just things to be used and discarded."

"Still… that doesn't answer my question."

"No I suppose it doesn't." Ino turned to look inside the cave. Due to her eyes being used to the dark she could just make out Naruto laying on the ground snoring contently. Snuggled into his sides were Sakura and Hinata. Ino looked back out to gaze on the forest before saying, "Truthfully we're here because of him. When he learned about what happened to you he became hellbent to help you."


"Because he knows what is like to be alone."

Kin turned to look at the sleeping man. Seeing the two beautiful women clutching him in his sleep she said, "I find that hard to believe."

Ino smiled and knowing what the kunoichi was referring to replied, "That's a rather new development."

"Um…" Kin began but from the way she trailed off Ino could imagine she was blushing."

"What is it?" she asked wondering why the girl was so nervous all of the sudden.

"Well it's just… aren't you jealous?"

"A little," Ino thought wanting to be one of the two kunoichi snuggled into the shinobi. "It's complicated."

"Oh…okay. It's just from the way you were hugging him earlier I thought you two were together."

"We are."

"But…I… aren't they…"

"Like I said, it's complicated." They trailed off into silence again and Ino realized that she was talking about more than just the many relationships Naruto was currently involved in. But that she was also speaking about her own feelings for the jinchuriki.


Naruto backpedaled as one of the large overgrown beasts that called the forest of death home swiped at him with its claw. Naruto threw a kunai that hit the massive tiger in the eye, but unfortunately the creature didn't even flinch due to it already being dead. Luckily though, the creature wasn't bright enough to compensate so its next swing at him was way off. Naruto took advantage to move to the recently created blind spot and leaping behind it shouted, "Tenten, do you have any more exploding tags?"

"I'm running low," she shouted back, avoiding a human woman that was obviously a civilian making it apparent that the virus had spread outside the training ground. She easily avoided the dead woman, who moved far more slowly than the turned shinobi due in part to the chakra in their systems. Summoning a sickle she beheaded the woman, and turned towards Naruto to try and hit the sweet spot where spine met brain.

However, Temari shouted, "I've got this," and swinging her fan she sent a wind scythe at the giant tiger which cut through its neck. The beast's body fell to the floor as Temari turned to the weapons mistress saying, "I'd have thought you'd have trained in something more than just weapons instead of doubling down on it."

Tenten glowered, but before she could respond a shinobi zombie landed on a branch and then leapt at the Suna kunoichi whose back was facing it. Letting her sickle fly, it passed inches over Temari's head and caught the zombie in the mouth separating the top half of its head from the rest. Hearing the dead meat hitting the ground behind her Temari's complaint died on her lip, as she spun to see the corpse sliding the final few feet towards her. "Thanks," she said turning back to the kunoichi.

"You're welcome," Tenten replied, but her voice hardened slightly as she added, "And don't think that if we ever fight again I'm not prepared to deal with you and that fan."

Temari's voice grew heated as well as she countered, "Oh yeah, I'd love to see you try."

"Stow it you two," Anko said throwing a senbon that passed through a zombie's throat to hit the brainstem, "Settle your grudge from the chunin exams some other time, preferably not when we're fighting for our lives."

Both kunoichi grumbled under their breaths as they turned from one another but felt their blood run cold as they saw more and more undead appearing from the forest. "Dammit Ino, I thought you said these things weren't targeting us," Tenari shouted swinging her fan and blowing several away.

Anko was the one that answered as she said, "They've reached the village and if I had to guess ravaged the place. As survivors become scarce they're going to target the few that remain."

"Shit," Naruto said blocking a shinobi zombie jaws that had leapt over the horde of civilian ones. Pushing it away it collided with several of the slower moving civilians knocking several over, but it quickly sprung to its feet to leap at him again. Naruto was ready shoving a Rasengan in its face which sent it flying away creating a path. But it was quickly filled with more faster moving shinobi zombies that ran at him. Naruto created several clones to meet them and asked, "Are we sure these things aren't intelligent they're plugging whatever holes we make rather quickly. And if we take to the trees the faster ones force us to the ground."

"Think of them as animals," Anko supplied as she raised an arm and sent several snakes from her sleeve to wrap around the legs of one. Pulling back, she knocked the zombie off its feet and then spinning spun it around to batter away a bunch of them before tossing it away into a group of others, "Much like how wolves hunt in packs so do these with each one instinctually knowing how best to surround, wear down, and finally make the kill."

"What happens to us if we get killed in here," Sakura asked as she put her fist through the head of one zombie before kicking another in the chest that created a gap through the horde of undead as it sailed backwards. Charging forward, she slammed her fist into the ground creating a massive shockwave which blew the undead off their feet. However two of the shinobi zombies leapt from the trees from opposite sides forcing her to leap back towards the group. Upon landing where the kunoichi was just standing they charged towards her, but Hinata stepped in their way and using her Protective Eight Trigrams jutsu created a net of chakra around her which as the creatures slammed into it sliced themselves to ribbons.

Ino kicked away a civilian before answering Sakura's question, "Nothing should happen. If we die here we should just wake up in the Den, but considering how everything is going I don't want to test it out."

Kin felt helpless as she watched the much more experienced shinobi tear through the undead. It really made her wonder why they were going through so much effort on her behalf since she couldn't believe it was just because Naruto supposedly understood what it was like to be alone. Her feelings of worthlessness stemmed from just how little she was contributing to their slow march to the tower. Her aim with her senbon wasn't nearly good enough to hit the spot that granted the zombies instant death, nor was her taijutsu good enough to mix it up with the creatures which seemed to shrug off some of the hardest of blows. Therefore she was in the middle of the group being protected from danger which made her feel guilty since if things had gone her teams way during the true Chunin Exams they would likely all be dead. Her inattention nearly cost her as a large Akimichi zombie leapt over the horde of civilians. Kin's eyes grew wide as it shrugged off a kunai from Tenten to the throat which apparently didn't penetrate deep enough due to the creature's bulk. It would have probably crushed her had a chain not wrapped around its neck from behind which was pulled taunt causing the zombie's neck to break as it disappeared into the canopy of trees.

What emerged from the leaves in its place was a gorgeous woman dressed in a tan short sleeved kimono which was tied by a black obi. The kimono stopped at her waist below which she wore a short black skirt and leggings which reached her thighs. Donning her feet were a pair of brown sandals. What was most striking about her though was the long read hair that flowed behind her as she flew through the air before landing in front of Kin.

"Mom," Naruto said in disbelief, "What are you doing here?"

"I'll explain later," she said as she began to flash through several handsigns. Several chains appeared from her back which shot straight down into the ground. They emerged from the ground having apparently divided and multiplied as they passed through the earth since they wrapped around the legs of all the various undead present. A moment later the chains pulled the creatures completely into the ground before the chains emerging from Kushina's back disappeared. The few zombies that had been perched in the trees proved easy targets to dispatch minus the aid from the horde of civilian ones that had been surrounding them from all sides.

"That was awesome mom," Naruto said in awe, "How'd you do that?"

Kushina smiled at the praise from her son before replying, "It's what made me such a good host for Kyuubi. My chakra is special in that I can form chains from it. They were able to work that ability into my seal to restrain Kyuubi."

Kin noticed that as she explained her ability she was passing an eye over the kunoichi present as if judging whether or not they were worthy of her son. It made the Sound-nin question just what his relationship was with the women since they each seemed to be more than just friends with him. Naruto seemed to sense it too so forced his mom's focus on him as he asked, "But how are you free of my seal?"

"When you all entered… um which one of you is the one we are trying to awaken?" Kushina asked, surprising Kin since she would assume the woman would be able to pick her from those not apparently interested in her son.

Kin raised her hand, answering, "That would be me."

Kushina stared at her for a moment before saying, "In any case, when you entered her mind it had to process certain differences. The fact that Kyuubi is no longer inside of you meant it had to process my consciousness and did so by allowing me to operate free of the seal. It's a good thing you haven't called upon the Bijuu chakra since that Kyuubi would still be trying to escape."

Naruto nodded saying, "Ino suspected as much already."

"I see," the red-head said turning to the young blonde woman probably recognizing the traits that made her a Yamanaka with another judging gaze. "Well I think we should get going before we are surrounded again."

The others nodded, so Naruto suggested, "Temari, Tenten, you two take point. With your long range abilities it should prevent any of these things from getting in our way. Hinata follow them to point out any that might be lying in wait. The rest of us will spread out behind you guys."

Following Naruto's directions they took to the trees. With the formation Naruto had suggest they were able to move more quickly. The creatures began bunching up again obviously searching for them. However Hinata was able to pick out which ones were the more dangerous shinobi allowing Tenten or Temari free reign to decimate them. The trees began to thin out forcing them to the ground in a clearing littered with the undead causing Naruto to say, "Sakura, would you be so kind?"

Sakura took point leaping straight from her branch to the ground and slammed her into it causing the earth to erupt cataclysmically. The others followed her down slicing through any that got in their way. "Come on we're almost there," Naruto shouted recognizing the area as close to where his team had fought the Rain-nin with Kabuto's help.

Reaching a spot where he could see the tower, Naruto paused as he heard Hinata shout, "Kin watch out!"

Turning, Naruto saw something dark slam into the ground blocking his view of the surprised looking Sound-nin. The dust of the landing obscured his view causing Naruto to shout, "Kin," as he charged towards whatever had grabbed her. He was slapped away by something large.

"Hahahahaha, you still leap before you look, loser," a voice everyone but Kushina recognized. The Wing he had used to slap Naruto away caused the dust to blow away revealing Sasuke in his second stage form holding an unconscious Kin under his arm.

Naruto was being helped up by his mother as he shouted, "Sasuke let her go. Your fight is with me."

"Maybe some other time," Sasuke said as he pointed towards the tower, "Orochimaru has promised me power in exchange for the girl. By all means try and take her back." Leaping into the air he flew directly for the central tower.

"Shit," Naruto said slamming his fist into the ground.

"There's no time for that Naruto," his mother said shocked at what Mikoto's son had become. "It's likely we're running out of time if her mind is making such an overt move for her."

"I don't get it, shouldn't things be happening differently now? So shouldn't the fifteen hour time limit change as well," Sakura asked noticing they were being surrounded again.

"I'll explain later, for now we need to move," Kushina said turning to her son who was already back on his feet his eyes shining with the determination to help the Sound kunoichi. He leapt first to the trees and slammed a Rasengan into a shinobi zombie which tried to grab him from the air. He looked back long enough to make sure the others were following him before focusing on the tower determined to reach it as he had a promise to keep.


"Raaggh," the undead creature yelled as it tried to charge the youth waiting in front of the tower.

"Be quiet," he calmly said before sand shot from his gourde to wrap around the zombie before crushing it with his sand.

He sighed at the wasted effort before his ears picked up, "Shit it's Gaara!"

"I can hear you," the Sand-nin said turning to the sound.

"Fuck, alright leave this to me," Naruto's voice said obviously talking to those with him even though he had tried to whisper to them. The blond jinchuriki appeared from behind a tree and holding his hands up as none threatening as possible and said, "Hey Gaara…you probably won't believe me but we're friends."

Gaara stared at the older Naruto for a moment before saying, "You've changed. I would have thought you would still appear as your younger self like me."

"Wait…you're the real Gaara?"

The calm boy nodded as the blond approached, "I would think you of all people would recognize that."

"You're joking right," Naruto said finding it difficult to tell, but guessed he probably wasn't. "I mean you are always so calm…well except for back then when you'd freak out."

The others appeared from forest edge guessing that they weren't going to need to fight to get by him. Temari approached him saying, "Am I glad to see you."

"Yes…I imagine it was difficult for you considering how I used to be." As his sister nodded at his words he looked over the others before asking, "Where is the Sound-nin?"

"You didn't see her being carried into the tower?" Naruto asked his voice filled with concern.

"I'm afraid not. I've only just arrived myself," Gaara said turning to the tower's many entrances. He did so as to not reveal his face to his friends since he had entered the seal to find himself in the village in the midst of slaughtering survivors and zombies alike. Being reminded of the monster he had been he was more grateful to Naruto then ever. The memory passed so he looked back at his friend saying, "Tsunade determined that Kin was fighting you. She had Kyuubi teleport to Suna in order to ask Matsuri to get me. Luckily it is night there so my presence should not be missed."

"There must be a reason she got you since even with your help it probably won't make things any easier," Ino said.

Gaara nodded before saying, "Yes, due to all the changes and Kin's conscious mind being made aware of what happened to her. I'm afraid the stakes are much higher. Should we fail to wake her, the in its possible her mind will shut down."

"What… then there isn't a moment to lose…"

"I understand Naruto. But there is more…any of us who are still linked with her when that happens will face the same possibility."

Gaara watched as the kunoichi's gazes all shifted to Naruto's back. "How much time is left," he asked after several seconds.

Gaara pulled out a stopwatch from his pouch and tossed it to Naruto. Looking at the display the jinchuriki say they had little under an hour left so asked, "How do we get out?"

A few of the kunoichi were surprised, although Ino was relieved as she wasn't sure she wanted to face the possibility of dying for some girl she barely even knew. Even if something about Gaara's explanation struck her as false. The Kazekage answered Naruto's question saying, "Press the button on the top left to send everyone but the one holding the watch back. The top right one sends even the one holding it."

Naruto nodded and turned as he tucked the watch into his pouch to say to his lovers, "I'm going on. If anyone wants to back out I understand."

"Fuck that," Anko said after they all shared a look, "I'm finally having some fun here. Let's storm the tower."

Although Naruto could see not everyone was as enthused as Anko, he waited for a few heartbeats for anyone to take him up on his offer. When none did he said, "Thanks, I'm the luckiest man in the world."

"Oh you'll be thanking us later," Temari said causing both her brother and Naruto's mother to blush at her tone.

Naruto smirked before turning to one of the many entrances surrounding the tower's base and pushed the closest one open. Entering into a room with the Hokage words on Heaven on Earth printed on the back wall, he said, "Where should we go from here?"

"I think the top would be the best place," Kushina supplied. Moving to the door where all the would-be chunin met up after reaching the tower she said, "If I remember correctly stairs leading up should be this way."

Pushing the door open, they entered into the room where the preliminary round for the Chunin Exams was held. Waiting for them in front of the two large hands clasped in the sign of the tiger was Orochimaru who upon spotting them said, "Kukuku, so you've come for her after all."

"Where is she," Naruto said angrily taking a menacing step forward.

"Now where did I put her? Ah, that's right she's getting ready to be of use to me for my invasion of Konoha."

"Bastard," the jinchuriki said taking another step towards the Sannin.

However he stopped as his mother placed her hand on his shoulder saying, "Relax, we can't afford letting the Kyuubi loose here. Besides, whatever anger you're feeling towards that man is pointless. He's just a recreation Kin's subconscious is using to delay us."

Naruto nodded at his mom's words. Orochimaru smirked before leaping towards one of the two balconies lining the room. A rumbling sound could be heard as the large door leading to a tunnel which connected to Konoha raised. Normally the tunnel was used to allow the genin who had participated in the exams a trouble free path back to the village. However, from the sounds coming from it, Naruto and the others knew that it was allowing trouble a path towards them.

Sakura, Hinata, Temari, and Tenten quickly moved to block the undead emerging from it with Hinata calling, "Naruto go on. We'll hold the line here."


"She's right," Kushina said giving the women a small nod of recognition. Directing her gaze to the balcony, she saw Orochimaru enter a door which led up to the next floor. "We can't afford for all of us to get bogged down."

Naruto growled angrily, but allowed himself to be pulled after his mother. Leaping to the balcony, he was surprised that Ino was following them, yet figured that she might believe she would be of more use deeper in the tower. Kushina led the way as they climbed the stairwell towards the next level with Naruto, Gaara, and Ino following behind her.

Upon reaching it they found their path blocked by five individuals. "Tayuya," Naruto said surprised at her appearance in the Exams. But realizing she was just another false recreation sighed and prepared to fight.

The one he recognized as Kimimaro stepped forward saying, "For the glory of Lord Orochimaru's ambition we will not let you get past us."

However despite his words a tunnel of sand appeared blocking the Sound Five and led right to the next exit. "Go," Gaara said, "I'll handle them."

"Are you sure? They're no pushovers," Naruto said hesitating.

"I am the Kazekage," Gaara replied his appearance growing older as a result of his belief in himself, "neither am I."

Naruto nodded shouting back his thanks as he ran for the exit with his mother and Ino following behind him. As they reached the next set of stairs, Kushina said, "If this keeps up we're going to be in trouble."

Naruto nodded, but kept charging ahead since whatever the risk he couldn't allow himself to abandon someone that needed his help.


Kin was thrown roughly towards the ground as Sasuke dumped her at the feet of Kabuto before heading for the exit to head down. "Ah, hello Kin, how nice of you to join us."

Two masked Sound-nin grabbed her roughly underneath the arms to lift her to her feet. Glaring at Kabuto, she asked, "What do you want with me?"

"Come now, you already should be aware of that. You've been reliving this even for years now."

She flashed back to when the man she had admired had discarded in order to power his jutsu. The reliving of the memory caused Kabuto to say, "Ah you remember." Stepping aside, Kabuto revealed a casket on the ground. The inside of the casket was pitch black almost like a murky liquid was filling it up. Kin pulled back trying to get as far from it as possible, but she was held firmly by the two men. "Relax," Kabuto said as the two men pulled her forward towards it, "There is no point in fighting it any longer. Sooner or later those fighting inside the tower will cut there loses and abandon you. Just like Orochimaru. The sooner you accept that the more likely it is you'll survive."

"N-no," Kin shouted fighting against the pull of the two men, "H-he promised me."

Kabuto laughed saying, "So what. Didn't Orochimaru as well promise to appreciate you if you would follow him?" Unable to deny the truth of the man's claim the fight left her as the two sound-nin dragged her towards the casket.


Several of the floors after meeting the Sound Five where populated by masked Shinobi of the Sound, Naruto and his mom barely slowed down as they easily handled the small time lackeys with Ino doing her best to keep up. However, they came to a screeching halt as at the floor before the top was blocked by Sasuke no longer in his level two form.

"Well if it isn't the loser again," Sasuke said standing from his sitting position.

Naruto was about to retort, when Kushina said, "Perhaps you'd have more friends if you weren't so rude to them. I'm sure your mother wouldn't want to see you like this."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion hag," Sasuke said his Sharingan eyes blazing.

Naruto and Ino took a step back as a menacing aura that could rival Kyuubi's began to emit from Kushina. Her hair began swirling behind her like tails as she asked, "What did you say?"

"It appears the hag's hearing is going as well," the false Sasuke said apparently undisturbed by the Killing Intent Kushina was leaking.

"Naruto, go on ahead. I'm going to teach this boy some manners."

Naruto didn't question her since he doubted anything could stand before her at the moment. Sliding past her pulling a stunned Ino behind him, he moved towards the door. Sasuke took a step towards him but had to leap away as Kushina closed the distance quickly. Before he had reached the peak of his jump she grabbed Sasuke by the ankle smashing him into the ground. Naruto reached the door just as his mother picked him up and began slapping him over and over again while lecturing him about the proper way to address a lady.

Reaching the stairs, Ino said, "Your mom's scary Naruto." All the blonde could do was nod his head in response since Sasuke's screams were still reaching them.

Arriving at the top of the tower they found Orochimaru leaning against a set of double doors. The Sannin pushed off them as Naruto said, "Finally stopped running."

"Running, haha that's rich, why should I bother with the likes of you win my minions are enough to handle the job."

"But we made it," Naruto said preparing to attack.

Orochimaru smirked before replying, "Indeed. However you're too late. You might still have some time to say good-bye if you want. But there's no reason to fight you or delay you any further." He began to sink into the floor as he laughed at the pair of blondes.

Naruto ignored him in favor of heading towards the double doors, but was stopped as Ino grabbed his arm. "Use the watch," she said.

"What… there might still be a chance…"

"Naruto there isn't," Ino said cutting him off, "If her mind believed that Orochimaru would have stayed to fight us. We need to leave or else risk facing brain death as well."

Naruto pulled the watch from his pouch to stare at it, but finally said, "I can't."

"Why," the blonde snapped, "Are you really willing to risk death just to save some girl you barely know. What about us… aren't we enough?"

Naruto stared down at the watch again. Ino imagined he might grow angry at what she was suggesting that he was acting to simply add another girl to his growing harem. However, she didn't expect him to look at her and smile as he said, "Thanks Ino. You and the others have made my life great. I know it's selfish of me, but I can't just turn my back on someone in need. I hope you understand."

She saw his thumb moving for button on the left so tried to stop him saying, "Naruto! No don't." However she wasn't fast enough and a light shined from the watch as she and the others were expelled from Kin's mindscape.


Ino's eyes snapped open as she awoke in the Den. Turning quickly towards Naruto, she could see the others slowly awakening. Ino tried to move towards Naruto but after sitting in the same position for so long her body rebelled at the idea of moving so suddenly. Tsunade caught her before she could face plant, saying, "Relax, Ino."

"We have to wake him," Ino said panicked as she noticed one of the monitors still counting down to zero. "He's planning to still try to help her."

She could see the others looking worried accept for Tsunade, who allowed a smile to appear on her face as she said, "I thought as much."


Naruto pushed open the doors and saw just a casket lying in the room. Kin lay inside of it as if floating in a sea of dark ink which was slowly pulling her beneath its surface. Rushing to her, he tried to pull her free but his hand passed through her.

"P-please help me," Kin pleaded as only her face remained above the dark surface.

Naruto knelt down next to the casket feeling worthless as he said, "I-I can't." A tear leaked from one of her eyes, but Naruto suddenly leaned forward saying, "But don't you give up Kin."

"Why…I'm alone…" She replied as if the darkness surrounding her was sucking the life and warmth from her.

"No you're not! I will not allow you to be." Despite her being intangible Naruto attempted to cup her face as he said, "I'll never abandon you, I give you my word."

"Y-you should go," Kin said trying to smile, as she continued her slow decent into the darkness surrounding her, "If you're here when my mind resets then who knows what may happen if I die…"

Naruto shook his head saying, "You'll only die if you accept that you're alone and no one is waiting for you." He grinned brightly at her as he added, "Besides I just gave you my word, didn't I?"

Kin's eyes grew wide in surprise as she finally sunk beneath the surface. Now surrounded by the darkness, she curled up into a ball as she remembered the time she spent inside the coffin praying for release. Be it from the box she was trapped in or her life, she hadn't cared. Eventually her mind had retreated using her memories to escape from the reality she now faced. On some level she had always known she was still in the casket, but hadn't wanted to face the truth since even though it ended the same way for those precious moments she wasn't alone.

Now again floating in a sea of darkness, she felt that old desire for death to take her. However as her mind seemed to begin granting her wish, a small light shined from inside her and for the first time in forever felt hope once more bloom within her.


Naruto sat on the Hokage's monument as he stared over the village. Lost in thought he recalled how upon waking from the mind-link he had immediately been hugged by Hinata. His head had nearly been caved in by Sakura before she too began hugging him. Temari meanwhile had remained composed but he suspected that was due to her brother's presence as her eyes smoldered with both anger and her own feelings of relief at his waking up. Tenten had simply watched giving no clue of her emotional state while Anko promised she was going to tell Yuugao about his stupidity.

Tsunade had calmed everyone before explaining that there had never been any danger to them. When he had asked if the same held true for Kin, she simply had shook her head. Naruto had then tried to move to her side, but then her vital signs began to crash. Both Tsunade and Shizune had snapped into action, but Naruto could tell the two didn't believe they would be able to help. However to everyone's amazement a few moments later she began to stabilize. "I'll be damned," Tsunade said before ushering everyone out of the room and telling them to rest.

Naruto had quickly returned Gaara to his home along with Temari who had decided to spend the rest of her leave in Suna. Upon returning, he had been unable to sleep and not wanting to get in Shizune or Tsunade's way as they checked Kin over had decided to sit atop his dad's head.

He was pulled from his thoughts by Tsunade saying, "Are you alright?"

Naruto wasn't sure how to answer so looking back at her asked, "Are you asking if I'm mad at you for sending Gaara to lie to us?"

Tsunade bit her lip her nervousness easy to see. Although a part of him was, he let that part go as he answered, "No… I suppose it's fitting the period in time that we were reliving was the chunin exams. Truthfully what you did was no different than the first test. You made me and the others believe the stakes were higher than they actually were to see how I'd react. Do you think I would have passed?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know," Naruto said looking up at the moon, "My goal is to try and build a peaceful world. However, I would have thrown it all away to help Kin. I would have subjected all of you to the pain of loss if I died and for what. A slim chance I might have been able to help her."

"You did help her though," Tsunade said proud of her lover, "The fact that she isn't dead is proof of that. If she didn't have hope that there were people waiting for her, she would have died from having the truth being revealed to her."

"I didn't know that at the time though. It also calls into question how you can follow me if I can't keep my eye on the real goal."

Tsunade hugged the sitting man from behind as she said, "Do you want to know what I think? I think you passed with flying colors. Your ambition Naruto is a great one, but if you aren't willing to cure the misery in front of you how can you expect to do so on a larger scale. Keeping your eye on the big prize is good and all, but not allowing yourself to see the small stuff as well is why I think so many others have failed." Turning his face towards her, she said, "My grandfather's goal of creating Konoha to end the strife failed because he allowed himself to believe that once it was achieved he was done. He didn't dedicate himself to trying to heal the rift between Senju and Uchiha; as a result eventually they betrayed their home. Not to mention it set into motion far larger wars due to the one village per a country system."

"But what if I end up losing one of you or the other way around due to my going off on side quests?"

Tsunade kissed him tenderly before saying, "You wouldn't be the man I love if you didn't. That's something the others are going to have to accept about you as well." Naruto nodded and allowed Tsunade to pull him back into her as they stared up at the stars together.


Kin awoke to find herself in a sterile room. She tried to sit up but her body resisted any such effort to do so. Looking down she imagined it was due to the scrawny and withered condition her body was in. "W-where am I?" she croaked her voice sounding dry and scratchy.

A beautiful red-head leaned over her to say, "I see you've decided to rejoin the land of the living."

"Who are you?"

"You may call me Kyuubi," the red-head replied with a smile as a look of panic appeared in Kin's eyes. "Oh relax," she said soothingly, "I'm not going to eat you. For heaven's sake you're all bones." Kyuubi sighed as the girl didn't seem to realize she was joking. Changing the subject she said, "You don't seem surprised by my appearance."

"The others kept mentioning that Naruto shouldn't call on the Kyuubi since you weren't a part of him anymore. That meant you must have become two different beings at some point since the Kyuubi inside of him during the mind-link would probably turn against him," Kin said surprising the Bijuu with her insight. She looked around the room asking, "Where is he?"

"I'm sure he would have wished to be here. However he has other responsibilities. But he's been down here as often as he could to keep his promise to you. You've been slowly slipping in and out of consciousness for some time now. Hold still."

Kyuubi held her hand over Kin's chest and then shot a tendril of energy into her. To the Sound-nin's amazement her body seemed to grow stronger right in front of her eyes. She was also pleased to see that her bust which had been practically non-existent due to her lack of nourishment also grew to a healthy C-cup.

As Kyuubi finished the Bijuu said, "There you go. I think that should just about do it. You won't be running any marathons any time soon. But you should be fine for moderate activity."

"Thanks," Kin said sitting up from the medical table, "You're welcome. Now follow me."

Kin nodded and despite her body being strengthened still stumbled as she stood from the table. Kyuubi caught her saying, "Easy there. Your body still hasn't moved in close to four years."

Kin nodded, so allowed Kyuubi to help guide her out of the Tsunade's medical room. Entering the main tunnel of the Den, Kyuubi led the woman to a room which upon entering appeared almost like a small apartment. "This is where you'll be staying for the time being. Considering that you're supposed to be dead I'm sure you can understand why."

Kin nodded, asking, "You just happened to have an apartment here for me?"

"Why of course not," Kyuubi said with a smile, "Naruto fixed this room up as it became apparent you were waking up. I wasn't sitting in that room for the company."

Kin laughed slightly, so Kyuubi said, "Now rest. If you want to clean up the bathroom is over there."

Kin decided to take the Bijuu's advice so headed to the bathroom to clean up four years of neglect. But when it came time to sleep and she turned off the lights soon found it hard to breathe as the darkness surrounded her.


"Alright see you later guys," Naruto shouted leaving team practice with Sakura and Fu since Kakashi was still on a mission to help protect a member of the Tsuchigumo Clan. The day's practice had been watched over by Ebisu making Naruto guess that Tsunade wanted to insure that they really trained.

In the week since the mind link with Kin things had steadily gone back to a form of normal for the blond. Luckily most of his lovers seemed to understand it was in his nature to put his life on the line to help others, although Ino had been rather distant. He had tried to talk to her several times, but she refused to be baited into talking about what was bothering her.

Heading down to the Den using the teleporter seal in his apartment, he appeared in a room that still had yet to be fixed up yet. Stepping into the main hall, he headed to the living quarters he had fixed up for Kin since he had heard from Sakura, who in turn had heard from Tsunade, who had received a report from Hinata, who had been told by Kyuubi about the girl's status.

Knocking on the door, he didn't receive an answer so figured that she was probably asleep. However he decided to peek inside to make sure she was alright, but found her sitting in a corner holding her knees as she rocked herself. It appeared as if she had broken the lamp reaching for it in a panic long before his arrival. He wondered why she had been crouched in a corner sitting in the dark, but from the way she crawled into the light cast by the hall behind him felt he had his answer. Kneeling down next to her he stroked her hair trying to comfort the panicked girl.

Kin clutched him saying, "I'm sorry, I tried to deal with it. But it felt like the room was closing in on me. I-I didn't want to be a bother since I'm supposed to remain down here."

Naruto picked her up wordlessly surprising her and carried her back to the transportation seal. Activating it, he reappeared in his room and set her down on the bed. Due to the large window plenty of light was shining in from the moon, so Naruto slid his chair next to the bed saying, "Sleep, I'll be right here."

Kin nodded, and from the blond's presence felt a sense of ease settling over her. As she began to slip into sleep she asked, "Why are you doing this for me?"

Naruto shrugged before replying, "It's because you needed help. What kind of person would I be if I ignored that?"

"I don't get it really," Kin said, "You must want something."

"I want you to be happy," the man replied, "As long as you can achieve that it will be worth it."

Naruto smiled when she didn't reply as her eyes were closed and she was sleeping contently. Making sure she was tucked in he settled into his chair and soon joined her in the land of dreams.


Kin sat in the warm waters of the hotspring located on Kyuubi's property. She had been teleported there by Kyuubi, who was currently sitting on a rock wrapped in a towel as she dangled both her legs in the water. Standing behind her completely nude was a woman that one of the others had called Nibi, but had been quickly corrected by the dark skinned woman telling her to call her Yoruichi. Staring at the woman, Kin felt a little self-conscious due to the way she was flaunting her own nakedness.

As she sat there wondering why she had been invited, she thought of that morning as she had awakened in Naruto's bed. She had been a little disorientated, but had quickly recalled her panic attack as well as the feelings of comfort she had been given from the blond man's presence. She had become aware of water running which soon shut off. She had blushed as Naruto stepped out of his bathroom wearing only a towel. He had paused upon noticing she was up and had said, "Sorry, not used to needing modest. Let me just grab these clothes." Scooping up his clothes that had been draped over a kitchen chair he quickly retreated back to the bathroom to get dressed.


[/A moment later he emerged and sitting on the edge of the bed he smiled at her asking, "How'd you sleep?"


[/"Good, thanks to you."


[/Naruto nodded at her and heading to his refrigerator said, "I've got quite a few choices for breakfast. Is there anything in particular that you have a taste for?"


[/Kin shook her head and realizing she was only wearing only the robe she had found in her quarters bathroom she asked, "Um…you don't happen to have anything I can wear, do you?"


[/Naruto in the midst of making pancakes nodded his head towards the foot of his bed. Kin could see the handles of a paper bag just sticking over the mattress. Grabbing the bag, she pulled out a green vest and was surprised that it seemed to match what she had worn during the exams. Pulling out the grey and black camouflage pants as well as the matching scarf she looked up to see Naruto staring at her.


[/"I figured that you'd want to wear something familiar so asked Sakura to pick it up for you."


[/Thinking of the pink-haired girl and how during the mind-link she and Hinata had been hugging the man now cooking her breakfast as they slept, she said, "I'm surprised she'd do that for me. I would have thought she would be quite upset at me for putting you in danger."


[/Naruto turned from the stove holding a plate stacked with pancakes and bacon. Motioning to the table he turned to get his own ready and said, "You didn't put me in danger Kin. I put myself there, although," he paused for a moment trying to collect his thoughts; "… there's no sense in beating around the bush since you might have sensed as much all ready. I'm currently involved in quite a few relationships."


[/"I see," Kin said slowly beginning to understand all the different looks the jinchuriki had received from those that had entered the mind-link with him.


[/ Naruto chuckled at the face Kin made as she processed what he told her, "One of my lovers decided that it would be best to raise the stakes that we faced during the mind-link."


[/"Raise how?"


[/Naruto turned back holding his own plate and seeing Kin still in bed ignored her question asking, "Hey aren't you going to eat?" Kin quickly moved from the bed, careful that her robe didn't give him any peeks at her nakedness. He waited until she joined him at the table before saying, "After Sasuke nabbed you. A friend entered the mind-link as well. He told us that if we remained linked to you when your mind reset we would die." Kin looked at the blond man in shock and wondered why it was her heart suddenly sounded so loud. He seemed oblivious to the effect his words had on her as he cut into his pancakes and stuffed his face. He smiled at her briefly as he chewed. Swallowing, he continued, "It turns out that was a lie…"


[/"But you couldn't have known that," Kin said, her voice full of emotion.


[/"True, but that didn't matter…"


[/"Of course it did, why would your lover do that to you?"


[/"Do you remember the tenth question of the exams?" Kin nodded, and smiled briefly as she remembered how Naruto had proclaimed he would be a genin for life if necessary in order to achieve his dream. "What she did is the same thing. It was to test my resolve to help those in need despite my ambition, but also to test out my lovers that were in the link with me. It was to point out that what we are doing is dangerous and at any moment we may very well die and to see if they are going to be able to live with those types of stakes."


[/Kin looked down at her plate and still wondered why he would put everything on the line for her. Feeling a need to prove it had been worth the risk she asked, "What is this ambition you are working towards?"




Kin's recollection ended as she noticed that the area of the hotspring was currently filled with women. Aware that all of them were in some way linked to Naruto's ambition as well as more intimately involved with him she wondered just how much stamina he possessed to be able to keep up with so many women.


Tsunade called the meeting to order saying, "Alright, let's begin with any updates that the group should know."

Shiho stood first saying, "I believe I've close to decoding the scroll."

"Excellent Shiho," Tsunade said pleased, "Any ideas as to what it is?"

"Yes, I believe my theory is correct and that it is a record left by a woman that had been ensnared by the jutsu. If my initial translation is correct she calls it The Binding."

"That makes sense," Koharu said looking down in thought, "especially considering as Tsunade suspected the true jutsu in the scroll given to Naruto was changing his chakra. The Temptation's Touch was just a smoke screen."

"Or derived from it," Shizune suggested looking up from her arms where she was sunbathing nude.

"I'm sure once I've translated it we'll no more," Shiho suggested moving to sit back down.

Tsunade nodded, before asking, "Anyone else have anything to share."

"I have a question," Ino said her voice sounding as if she was trying to keep her emotions in check.

Tsunade looked at the kunoichi as if she expected to get an earful but regardless said, "Go ahead."

The blonde jerked her head towards Kin asking, "What's she doing here? Did Naruto already bang her?"

"Hey," Kin said sounding indignant.

"No," Tsunade replied diplomatically obviously surprising Ino with her answer, "She's here because she wants to help Naruto achieve his dream."

Ino harrumphed as she crossed her arms across her chest before she looked away. Despite her demeanor seeming to suggest she couldn't care less she said, "We still haven't figured out what to do about the rumors Naruto and Sakura are together."

"For now we'll let them die down," Tsunade answered. "We'll let them take shape and then once we know what people are thinking proceed from there. But until then remember to be careful about being seen in public with him."

"Speaking of being seen in public is it really okay for us to be bathing with you guys?" Karin asked sitting at the edge of the water in the nude, basking in her healed skin which was done by Kyuubi.

"Naturally," Tsunade replied with a smirk, "After all, the Konoha Women's Bathing Association is a place where influential kunoichi and civilians can mingle without fear of being peeked on thanks to our rich patron over there."

"You're too kind," Kyuubi said inclining her head as Tsunade pointed at her.

"Besides," the Hokage said indicating Yuugao, "Everything you did here will be reported to Ibiki via our very own Anbu Head Captain. Naturally all that he will hear is that we enjoyed this amazing bathing area. I suggest next meeting we try the jungle setting."

The other kunoichi agreed since they thus far had only tried the wooded mountain setting since it was the first one encountered when entering the Bathing Area. However connected to the grotto were several other themed areas, which they were eager to try sooner or later. Whether that be alone or with a certain blond of the male persuasion.


Kin rolled alone the ground after blocking a kick from Sakura. She came to a rest and out of the corner of her eye saw the pink-haired medic engaging Naruto now obviously believing her to be out of the fight. Kin tried to sit up, but sadly her estimate of Kin's ability seemed to be correct.

Kin stared up at the sky having joined the others at Training Ground S for a battle royal. The training session was to help prepare them for a battle type situation were team tactics tended to fall to the wayside. Kin felt the familiar sensation of worthlessness try to settle over her, but pushed it away since Naruto seemed to have the amazing ability to sense when she was descending into self-pity and would go to great lengths to cheer her up. Considering, Sakura and Tenten were now teaming up to try and knock the jinchuriki out of the competition she doubted he needed to be worried about her.

Thinking of him though did the trick as she smiled due to the week she had spent with him. Although she wasn't allowed in the village per se since he spent plenty of time in the Den with her, not to mention she spent every night in her bed. In truth, the night terrors she was experiencing seemed to be a thing of the past as she had locked herself in her room in the Den once to see. However, she hadn't wanted to give up going to sleep under the caring and watchful gaze of Naruto.

She was considering asking him to lay in the bed with her since she knew the chair he slept in while comfortable probably didn't compare when a shadow passed over her. Focusing on the figure blocking out the sun's light she saw the Anbu Captain Yuugao staring down at her from behind the mask she wore. "Get up," Yuugao said harshly.

"I don't think I can," Kin replied with an amused smile.

Kin got the feeling the woman was glaring at her. Confused as to why, she was about to ask when Yuugao swiftly pulled her sword from behind her back and flipping it so that the point aimed downward stabbed it towards Kin's head. Kin quickly rolled out of the way, and managed to get to her feet to glare at the woman. She reached for some senbon in her pouch when Yuugao said, "So you can get up after all."

"Are you crazy? You could have killed me! What did I do to you?" Kin noticed that she was alone with the Anbu captain as the fighting had moved elsewhere. She didn't doubt that if the woman wanted to she'd be dead before she could even open her mouth to scream.

"I was taking your measure," the woman said her voice holding no hint of what she was thinking or feeling.


Yuugao turned to walk away saying, "To see if you were worth it."

"Worth what?"

"For him to believe it would be worth trading his life for yours." Yuugao turned to face her saying, "I've lost a lover once already and I refuse to allow that to happen again, especially due to one of the people claiming to want help him being weak."

"I'm not weak," Kin stated.

Yuugao faced the kunoichi completely and holding her hand out waved her forward saying, "Then prove it."

Kin charged the older woman and although she was easily bested by her. She refused to stay down until Yuugao acknowledge her. Unfortunately she had lost consciousness before that happened so didn't get to fall asleep under the warm gaze of two blue moons she had grown accustomed to since rejoining the world.


Naruto awoke somewhat stiffly, due to his spending the past two weeks sleeping in his chair. Staring down at the woman currently occupying his bed he told himself it was worth it as she was sleeping with a smile. Stretching, he yawned before entering his bathroom in order to get ready for the day.

Standing under the warm spray of the water, he began to organize his day. Due to Kakashi still being on a mission he doubted they would be assigned anything so turned his thoughts to Ino. She was being somewhat distant from him and although she didn't avoid him. Naruto couldn't really get by the wall she had thrown up making their time together feel awkward. From what he understood that was working to their advantage somewhat since people who had seen them together having noticed the distance believed it was due to Sakura. The rumors were also growing that it was the reason Naruto hadn't taken his pink-haired lover on another date. Still he didn't like the awkwardness so would try to once more talk to her at her family's shop to find out what was bothering her.


Kin listened as the shower turned off. Sitting up in the bed, she was of a mind to give into the thought that had been tempting her for the past week. Still she was a little freaked out at the idea of the young man being at the center of a harem. But what really gave the tempting thought to join into such a life was the fact that she had lost four years of her life and very nearly had died a virgin. Although not really ready to make a lifetime commitment which she had learned would likely be a result of sleeping with him. She did think that he was probably the best candidate she would likely ever meet to spend the rest of her days with. Kin stared at the bathroom door the tempting thoughts running through her head painting all sorts of scenarios for her.

Unaware of her moving from the bed, she was suddenly standing before the bathroom door. She raised her hand to knock, but instead decided to open the door. Naruto turned slowly with a toothbrush in his mouth and a towel around his waist. "Um…what's up?" he asked pulling the toothbrush from his mouth.

Kin felt her nerve leaving her, but remembering his kindness and the warmth she felt around him said, "I wanted to thank you."

"Oh…okay," Naruto said cheerfully, "But you've thanked me plenty of times."

Kin smiled at him before reaching for his towel and said, "I mean I really want to thank you." She pulled it loose letting it sink to the floor. Following it down, Kin knelt in front of the blond wearing only a t-shirt and panties. "K-kin, you don't need to…"

"Shh," Kin replied grabbing his cock as she began to stroke it, "I'm not just doing this as thanks…but so I can experience some of what life has to offer." Her eyes grew to the size of saucers though as his body began to respond to her touch and his dick began to grow harder. "Oh wow," she said getting a sense of the size as blood began to flow into it. Staring into his eyes she said, "No wonder you can satisfy all those women.

Naruto groaned as she began to lick his cock before she began to take its head into her mouth. Now fully erect she kept one hand on the base, as she began to take in what she could of his length. Although clumsy at first she soon established a rhythm as she would stroke him with her hand and as she was moving it back towards the base of his cock would then cover his exposed length with her mouth. "Oh fuck," he groaned as much from the blowjob as the image of her burning itself into his eyes.

He had to admit Kin looked awe-inspiring as she knelt in front of him with her dick in her mouth and her eyes locked onto his. The tight T-shirt she wore clung to her body showing the nubs of her breasts were visible signaling she was as aroused as he. He attempted to reach for one but she pulled back letting his length slip from her lips as she said, "Ah, ah, ah, this is for you."

"Trust me giving you pleasure is as much for my benefit as it is yours," he replied with a lusty smirk.

Kin placed her lips on the side of his cock running them up and down it before moving back in front of his one-eyed beast to circle its head with her tongue. Giving his cock a few strokes with her hand she said, "I'm sure it is…but truthfully I'm a little nervous about committing myself to you so completely. I don't mind helping in your ambition, but can this just be enough for right now."

Naruto reached down to cup her face and was pleased when she leaned into his hand. "Of course, I just feel a little guilty being the only one that feels good."

Kissing the tip of his prick she said, "Don't be you've given me enough already." Kin went back to pleasing his dick and tasting his precum which had begun to leak in earnest she moaned in enjoyment. Reaching a hand between her legs she began to rub herself over her panties. Her actions caused Naruto to groan as he stared up at the ceiling while placing a hand on top of her head.

Kin pulled her lips free on his dick to run her tongue underneath his shaft and began to poke and prod his balls with her tongue. Sucking on his nut sack she retraced her steps with her tongue before beginning to use both hands to stroke him. Even with both hands the head of his dick still poked through so she covered that with her mouth. Rocking her upper body back and forth his cockhead would disappear on the up stroke but reappear inside her mouth on the downward one where she would run her tongue over it.

Naruto began aiding her by rocking his hips in tune with her, "Oh that's it. I'm close."

Kin was pleased to hear she was giving her savior so much pleasure. Pulling her face away she continued her hand actions to stare up at him to say, "Go ahead, let it out. " Sticking her tongue out she began to run it underneath his sensitive cockhead and talking dirty said, "Cum, let me see it. I want to experience your seed shooting from you hot prick all over my face."

Naruto attempted to hold on just to enjoy the sight of Kin leaning her head back as her tongue continued tickling his sensitive spot as her hands began to stroke him faster and faster. Unable to deny his release any longer he reared his head back as his seed began to shoot from his prick. Kin was shocked by the volume as the thick strands of cum began to coat her face with some even ending up in her hair. As the final shot landed in her mouth, lacking the power to travel much further, she felt as if she was wearing a hot mask.

Tasting his essence she moaned in contentment as it passed the warmth currently coating her face down her throat. She rubbed her face along Naruto's prick enjoying the feeling of it sliding over her skin. She gave it a few kisses before standing to look in the mirror, "Wow," she said upon seeing just how much cum he had released. Running her fingers along her face, she scooped up one of the largest blobs and sucked it into her mouth. Turning to Naruto she smiled saying, "I'm definitely going to need a shower after that. Mind if I use yours?"

Naruto shook his head and stepped out of her path to allow her access. Kin stepped past him and pulled her shirt over her head. Looking back at him sultrily over her shoulder as she clutched her arms over her breasts, she said, "I might not be ready to go all the way right now, but I definitely think I can get addicted to this if I'm not careful."

Naruto chuckled turning to leave the bathroom saying, "Well I'll let you get cleaned up. I'm sure Yuugao has a lot planned for you today." He detected a slight shiver of dread emitting from the kunoichi adding to his amusement remembering how sore she had been after the first time Yuugao had tested her before deciding to train the girl herself. Having an excellent idea of just how rough a taskmaster the Anbu captain was he knew it was difficult to get psyched up for her training. But he also detected a hint of determination and felt it was Kin's desire for Yuugao to recognize her as an equal.

Stepping out of the bathroom, he went to grab his clothes in order to face the day himself and see what other surprises lay in store for him.