
27.5 Why Me Part III 2

Kanji chuckled saying, "It still amuses me to think of how he got the Village leader to believe I was breaking his taboo against researching the scroll only to find I was long since gone with the results." Moving around Taki, he said, "Unfortunately I underestimated this bitch. She managed to track me down and get the scroll from me. But my luck wasn't all bad. She was chased off by some Konoha-nin, who even guided me straight to your village due to my forged papers. There I met a delightful young woman named Anko and began putting my new skills to the test. Sadly...she rejected me and I admit for some time I was afraid to test it on another kunoichi as a result. But there was another positive result and that was I first saw you apprentice. Oh... I doubt you saw me. But I recognized those eyes you possessed a mile away. Eyes filled with hate that wanted to see the world burn just like me. I decided then our paths would one day cross again and it's why I took Iwa's job to crush that fat fuck of a leader's spirit. Well not the only reason, I did have some unfinished business with Kanisawa and the family she started with the money she raised from selling the scroll. I was actually surprised at how contrite and apologetic she was about what she did to me. It's why she allowed me to work for her company and truthfully I wasn't sure if she slept with me out of that pity or just because Aoga was no longer interested in her sexually. I had no idea the Temptation's Touch was as effective against kunoichi as it was normal women. But you my apprentice were the true prize."

"How'd you even know we'd show?"

"Oh come now," Kanji said admonishingly, "The host of the nine-tailed fox doesn't just disappear without the world taking notice. It wasn't a secret. It was just assumed you'd be left alone due to Jiraiya's presence and considering his job as a spymaster well all I needed to do was be present at the time of some major event to guarantee he'd show. The annexation of a country is definitely an event that would peak his curiosity. After that, it was small potatoes to be spotted by Chikara's men in time for our destined meeting. After wards, I collected Fuku and with the money she stole waited for Kanisawa to fulfill the tasks I had implanted in her. Although in hindsight it may have been a mistake to give her that moment of clarity after she did it as that was when she slit her own throat. A shame really, her pussy was one of my favorites."

Kanji ignored the glare Naruto sent at him saying, "What? I gave her a choice and she chose death. It was more then she deserved. She had built a life, a company, and a family using funds she gained through trampling on my heart. Did she truly expect to escape from that kind of karma? Besides don't tell me you have never considered hurting those that hurt you. You may hide that side of you away, but to me it's still as clear as day. Together, with this jutsu, this world will give us everything we desire. We'll be free to indulge in every twisted thing our hearts have ever called out to do. What do you say apprentice?"

Naruto looked back at Tayuya and she could see some of Kanji's words had hit their mark causing him to doubt himself, but a moment later he pushed that doubt away as he said, "Well I imagine if Tayuya could, she'd tell you to go fuck yourself. It mirrors my sentiments exactly." Naruto stood as best he could so he could say, "I told you we're nothing alike. You think we share some destiny because we've had shitty luck growing up. How pathetic. We're the choices we make and all I see from yours is that you are a piece of trash that's only ever considered his own pain as important and therefore thinks nothing of inflicting it on others."

"You disappoint me Naruto," Kanji said moving back towards the table. Stepping behind Fuku and indicating Tayuya with a nod of his head he asked, "Tell me do you think that cumbucket actually cares for you. You're the pathetic one. What would you fucking know of love, huh? I bet the first time you even kissed a woman was because of the jutsu I gave you. Well I'll let you in on a little secret they don't fucking love you. Oh you might have convinced yourself they do. But, it's all an illusion." With that he whipped his dick out and in a violent thrust buried himself into Fuku who screamed at the intrusion. "Ah... every time she screams like it's the first." Thrusting at her roughly he said, "Do you think this fucking slut loves me? Fine...go ahead slut tell him what you think of me... be honest."

Fuku kept panting in pleasure even as she said, "I hate you more than anything."

"But when that fat fucker of a husband caught us what did you tell him?"

Fuku looked down as tears leaked from her eyes. A hard slap to her ass caused her to hiss before saying, "I told him... I loved you...but you told me to do that. M-made me do that."

Naruto couldn't watch, but weakly said, "I already know about your ability to control a woman's actions."

Kanji pulled out of Fuku, who whimpered at the loss, before sliding right into her ass saying, "He just doesn't fucking get it. I tell you some people just can't jump to a conclusion." Continuing his abusive treatment, he began slapping Fuku's ass over and over as he repeated, "What a fucking loser." Finally he stopped before saying, as if explaining to a toddler, "Yes, you can control their actions directly. But what about indirectly? Did you never consider that? Women are very intuitive have you never had one give you a glass of water without even needing to ask for it? What am I saying, of course you haven't. Well what do you suppose leads to that, hmmm? It's simple really; they read it from your body language... so suppose a sad pathetic sack of worthlessness like you suddenly can influence them. Well of course they're going to say they love because that's what everything about you is screaming. Couple that with the pleasure they get from the jutsu and of course they'll tell you they love you. They just want to keep getting their pleasure fix," Grabbing Fuku by her hair and pulling her face back he said, "Take this slut. She still loves that fucker Chikara, but she's currently clenching her ass around my dick like the cheapest of whores. Come on baby; tell him whose dick is better mine or your husband's."

"P-please...don't make me say it."

"Come on... fuck... you already admitted it you dumb bitch," Kanji said throwing her face forward. "If she wasn't being so shy she'd fucking talk you ear off about how much better I am. Not that that is saying anything, since fatso could barely last five minutes in her cunt." Reaching down to pull her clit Fuku screamed as she came before sagging against the table.

Kanji looked at Naruto who appeared nearly broken saying, "Do you want to hear your precious Tayuya screaming how much better I am then you."

Naruto glared at him saying, "If you touch her I'll..."

"Sit there and wish your hands were free to jack off loser," Kanji said coming around the table to push Taki out of the way. Grabbing the hem of the red-head's pants he said while looking down at the woman he planned to defile, "I'm sorry that it's come to this. I set these sluts up like that so we could see who would last longer in the cunt of their choice... but oh well. But hey, maybe I'm wrong and true love will prevail right? Yeah fucking right! Get ready bitch for the best fuck of your life"

Tayuya turned to see Naruto kneeling with his eyes closed and his head slumped looking as if Kanji's words had hit their mark. Desperately afraid she'd be unable to convey the feelings she felt for the blond after Kanji was done with her, she said pleadingly, "Don't fucking listen to him. Naruto even if I'm unable to say it...please don't ever doubt that I know I fucking love you."

Naruto looked up his eyes softened lovingly and she tried to smile at him, but it was ruined as Kanji said mockingly, "That was really touching. You know, I think I've had a change of heart...as if." He was about to pull down Tayuya's pants except two things happened nearly simultaneously. The first was all hell broke loose outside around the compound. But the second was of a more immediate concern to the man taunting the jinchuriki as with a yell full of rage, Naruto managed to call on his Bijuu's chakra which blew out the device affixed to his stomach and from the surge of power from his released chakra managed to pull free of the floor. He launched himself at Kanji slamming into him bodily and after knocking him to the floor landed on him to begin caving his face in with his fists.


"Hey what's taking so long?" Anko asked annoying the woman she was speaking to with the question.

"Asking me such a stupid question is not increasing my speed in the slightest," Kiyomi said irritably, and pausing in her drawing symbols on a wooden post that had been driven into the ground

"But bickering with her is," the voice of Tsunade cut in. "Anko, you're with Sakura's squad. Remember you only have as long as this op lasts to grab any information of value.

Tsunade waited till Anko was gone to say, "There was no need to be short with her. We're all antsy worrying about those inside."

"I'll apologize later," Kiyomi replied before sighing, "To think I was just telling him to calm down. I suppose it is different when you're the one feeling the fear."

Tsunade nodded, before saying, "That's always the way it is. Are you sure this will work?"

Kiyomi looked back to see that much like all the other women present Tsunade was dressed in black and her head was completely covered in a black mask that only allowed for her eyes to be seen. Normally Kiyomi would have replied defensively but her fear of Naruto's well-being not withstanding could understand why the Hokage would question her since all they were working with was the Bijuu's theory on how to bring the barrier down. "In theory it should," Kiyomi said returning to drawing the symbols. "What we are facing is a more powerful version of the detection barrier surrounding Konoha. It's designed not to just detect but to entrap."

"You can skip to the part where the posts bring it down," Tsunade said, not needing a long drawn out explanation.

Kiyomi surprised her saying, "Sorry...of course you'd know that. In any case, the barrier requires for people to supply it with chakra for it to function. Thanks to Hinata, we're already identified where those people are at. The barrier is covering the compound in a box that even extends underground but the chakra is feeding it from the center. These five posts that we've set up in a pentagram formation around the compound when activated will send energy to converge over the center of the barrier draining it of chakra. Like a lightning rod pulling a bolt of lightning to ground. In a sense they'll pull the chakra away draining it quickly rather than over a period of time."

"What about the women supplying the barrier with chakra?"

Kiyomi grimaced saying, "I can't be sure. It should happen so quickly that before they can compensate the barrier collapses. However... if Kanji doesn't care about their well-being and they try to give more before that happens, it could drain them completely killing them."

Kiyomi didn't need to look back to know that Tsunade was a little hesitant to harm innocents even for Naruto. Yet, Tsunade having heard from Hinata that outside of three people all those present inside chakra was black couldn't count on the women standing aside. Saying as much, Kiyomi put in her two cents, "Tsunade, its likely as soon as that barrier drops everyone present will try to stop us. Unless you are willing to die in their place you shouldn't hold back."

"I know," Tsunade said, "But even knowing that doesn't make the decision any easier. However we can only hope that Hinata is right in saying most of those women aren't shinobi. Fighting against fifty-eight kunoichi when all we have is seventeen is long odds even for me."

"It's only three to one," Kiyomi replied.

"Yeah, but even if a majority of what we are facing is non-kunoichi, if they are fighting with a suicidal mentality it is not going to be a pretty thing."

A shuffling attracted both of their attention as Shizune dressed similarly as Tsunade appeared saying, "Tsunade, all the teams have gathered by their posts." Directing her gaze to Kyuubi she added, "Hinata asked me to tell you that the rat hole you suspected is near her post to the east."

Kiyomi nodded asking, "What about Yugito?"

Shizune shook her head saying, "Yoruichi approached her in her cat form but unfortunately her disappearance would be missed. Therefore we're still at seventeen. Karin can't move from Wave without the team assigned to her noticing and the same can be said for Matsuri and Temari who are with the training force near the prison. Fubuki is also unavailable since Koyuki is attending a charity tonight at a movie studio."

"Damn it," Tsunade cursed. Although the missing kunoichi wouldn't tip the odds in their favor any more, Tsunade still would have liked to be able to count on their strength. In truth considering some of the women currently linked to Naruto, Kanji would need some exceptional women to not end up in a bad way when they attacked. The problem though was Tsunade was loath to go full out since according to Hinata all the women's chakra that they would face was black indicating they were only there due to the power of the Binding. As she had just explained to Kiyomi dealing with untrained women who had no control over themselves and thus would act recklessly would be bad enough. Facing trained kunoichi under those conditions would be worse, especially since she didn't want to turn the coming battle into a bloodbath since it was likely all the women present were victims of Kanji.

Kiyomi placed the finishing touches on the post before saying, "I'll activate them when I reach the tunnel. That will be the signal to attack."

Tsunade nodded and watched the Bijuu go. Reaching for her throat she activated the walkie-talkies that the Leaf used to communicate short distances to speak to the other women present, "Alright listen up." The small amounts of chatter that had been going on came to a stop so Tsunade said, "Kiyomi has finished the last post. Once she's in position she'll activate them which will be the signal to attack. Hinata, during the attack you will remain outside the compound acting as our spotter."

"Roger," the soft spoken Hyuuga replied.

Smiling at the determination she heard in the woman's voice she asked, "What's the current situation?"

"Naruto and Tayuya's chakra is still being suppressed by the device attached to their stomachs. It appears that, Kanji is talking to Naruto at the moment. One of his captives and Tayuya are chained to a strange table of some sort...I believe he intends to rape Tayuya in front of Naruto from the way she tied to it."

"That son of a bitch..."

"Quiet Anko," Tsunade snapped, "We aren't going to let that happen. What about the other women present?"

Hinata took a moment to run her eyes over the compound before reporting, "As I stated before, there are fifty-eight women outside of Naruto, Kanji, and Tayuya. One is with Kanji. Six are inside the central building with four sitting around a chakra field of some sort..."

"That would be the barrier team most likely," Koharu supplied through her headset.

"Putting it just inside the main entrance is a stupid place for his best defense," Tsume added. "If a strong enough force was able to get in before he raised it they'd be sitting ducks."

"Well then he's either an idiot or figures that if such a force got inside they were of no use anyway," Tsunade said. Sensing the unusual amount of chatter was due to the worry each of the women was feeling. She decided to end Hinata's report by asking, "The rest of the women are scattered around the compound, correct?"

"Yes," Hinata answered, "Kanji at the very least expects some sort of response to his taking Naruto captive."

Grinning mercilessly beneath her mask, Tsunade said, "Well he's not going to be disappointed. Alright remember our goal is to draw the defenders away from the north wall. Sakura once we achieve this your team is to make straight for the building let nothing stop you.

"Right," Sakura replied confidently.

Tsunade smiled since Sakura's role was to act as the door buster for her group which consisted of Anko and Haku. The former missing-nin and apprentice of Zabuza was to handle any opposition so the pink haired girl could literally punch her way to where Naruto was several stories under the ground. Repeating her orders to the last member of the squad she said, "Anko, once inside you are to collect every piece of data you can on Kanji and his operations."

"Leave it to me," Anko replied. Teasingly she added, "You didn't need to tell me again. I'm not an old lady like some present and need to be reminded multiple times about what I'm supposed to do."

Tsunade felt a vein of annoyance appear on her forehead but ignored it to say, "The rest of us are going to take the fight to these ladies. Remember they are being controlled most likely so try to take it easy on them, but not to the point that you get yourselves killed." Tsunade listened to the various responses to her orders, but noticing the post she was standing next to turning read shouted, "This is it!"

Tsunade began running towards the compound approaching from the southwest. Behind her were Tenten and Shizune. As they approached five beams of energy from the posts set around the compound in a pentagram pattern converged over the compound at the top of the barrier. As Kiyomi had described, the nexus they created pulled the energy of the barrier away. For a moment it seemed to flicker back to life, but finally collapsed as the barrier team failed to compensate enough for the sudden energy drain.

Tsunade reached the wall and pulling back her fist roared as she slammed it into the stone causing the southwest corner to collapse into rubble as she blew a hole through it. Kicking an unprepared defender away so that the woman skidded along the ground she heard Hinata report, "Naruto is loose. B-but something doesn't appear to be right with his chakra."

Having dealt with several weak defenders already Tsunade leapt back as a woman with a sword swung at her face asking, "What do you mean?"

"I-It's strange...it's like something is calling on his Bijuu chakra... he's beating Kanji rather ruthlessly."

"Well if what you reported on what he wanted to do to Tayuya is correct I can see why. That's probably why he's using his Bijuu chakra..."

"That's just it...I don't think he's calling on it. It almost appears like something else is pulling it out of him while Lady Kushina is trying to pull it back."

Someone gasped, but whether from Hinata's words or not Tsunade couldn't tell. Before she could inquire the woman with the sword charged to attack but a senbon embedded itself in her arm causing her to drop it. Still heedless of the fact she was unarmed, she charged wordlessly, but Tsunade easily sidestepped her clumsy charge and rendered the woman unconscious with a chop to the back of the neck as she passed by her. Tsunade was about to turn towards Tenten who was perched on the top of the wall to thank her when she sensed a violent attack coming towards her. Grabbing the woman she had just knocked out, she leapt out of the hole she had made as a large fire jutsu smashed into where she had been standing.

Putting the woman down she stepped back through to see a woman who appeared to be in her late thirties to early forties. She had a beauty mark under each of her eyes and wore a white kimono with a skull near the hem on the left side. As she approached she put her nodachi back in its sheath. Although Tsunade figured she was being controlled like the others, something told her the cruel smirk the woman wore had been a part of her features long before she came across Kanji.

"Take this," Tenten shouted using a scroll she had holstered in a belt around her waist to throw hundreds of weapons at the woman. Tsunade watched as the woman simply seemed to stand still yet all of the weapons landed around her harmlessly having been slashed in half.

"What?" Tenten shouted getting angry, "alright then dodge..."

"Forget it," Tsunade said, waving Tenten off, "It won't work. She'll simply slice them again." Stepping forward the Hokage said, "It was too fast to see but she channeled wind chakra into the sheath of her blade to send towards your weapons to destroy them."

Oh my, you've seen through my technique," the woman replied sounding smug.

Surprised since most of the women she had thus far encountered to be little more than puppets Tsunade said, "Strange, I was under the impression the women here were being controlled."

"Believe me I wish for nothing more than to kill that man. However for the time being I wish to entertain myself by killing you and your friends. He hardly needs to control me in order to do that."

"That's good to know." Tsunade said preparing to take the woman on seriously.

She charged forward towards the pink-haired woman who simply stared at her with a self-pleased smile as several weaker seeming women gathered around behind her. Tsunade was about to punch the smirk off her face when a woman leapt from behind the crowd of Kanji's slaves. "Shit," Tsunade cursed as the woman wearing green pants and jacket leapt at her. The white-haired with green highlights woman's hands were covered by the overly long sleeves of her jacket, but as she flew through the air towards Tsunade the sleeve pulled back enough to reveal a large bladed weapon. Before she could connect with the Hokage though, Shizune charged forward kicking the woman away who landed gracefully as her blade disappeared into her sleeve.

"Thanks," Tsunade said focusing on the pink-haired woman.

"You should learn to follow your own advice," Shizune said eyeing the woman who from the way she dressed and the way her long braid in back ended in what looked like a poison barb gave the medic-nin a feeling of dealing with a scorpion.

"My how close," the pink-haired woman said watching the master and apprentice studying her and her fellow slave, "Xiao Lon nearly ended this before I could even cut loose. I hope the rest of you aren't as weak."

Tsunade glared at the woman before shouting, "Judge for yourself," before smashing her fist into the ground. The explosion it created sent many of the weak women flying but the pink-haired woman and the one she identified as Xiao Lon managed to leap away. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Shizune close with the woman in green so concentrated on taking out the pink haired assassin, and trusted in Tenten to handle the weaker women as she charged her opponent.


Yoruichi leap into the air as she reached the center of the west wall of the compound. She passed between two women guarding the top of it so spun kicking both away. Landing on the edge of the wall so that she could look inside the courtyard she smirked seeing the various women being caught unprepared by her arrival. Channeling her lightning release through her body she was glad she had modified her infiltration clothes so that her back and shoulders were exposed or else when her jutsu burned the cloth there away she'd probably end up fighting topless. Using the lightning shroud that originated from her back but covered her whole body as well to propel herself forward at an incredible speed, she easily bested most of the women before they could draw their weapons. Closing with the last, who appeared to be a one-armed woman with her back turned towards the Bijuu she almost felt guilty at how easy it had been. But just as she was about to strike her in the back of the head with her palm the woman nimbly dodged out of the way and with her left hand pulled her blade striking at Yoruichi with a downward slash.

Surprised, Yoruichi managed to cross her arms to block the strike, her lightning shroud preventing the sword from cutting her. But she was still smashed into the earth by the power of the woman's blow. Raising her hand again the woman reversed her sword turning the tip downward and prepared to plunge it down again. Yoruichi wasn't sure if her jutsu would be able to block a hit from the tip of her sword due to it being concentrated at a single point. Not willing to find ou,t she rolled backward and once her feet touched the ground leap into the air away from the woman. However upon landing on the ground the woman stomped the earth causing the section of the ground she was standing on raise up almost like she had stepped onto a loose tatami mat. The human Bijuu was launched into the air by the section of earth towards the woman again who not content for gravity to bring her back down launched a chain rope from the sleeve of her missing arm which wrapped around Yoruichi's neck.

The chain began disappearing back into the seal inside the sleeve from which it had been summoned from pulling Yoruichi to the ground. As she neared the woman thrust her sword at the descending Bijuu's face, but the dark-skinned woman managed to grab the blade and used her handhold to pivot in mid-air so that she landed behind the woman. Still the woman was determined and pulled the chain taunt to force the Bijuu closer but the point of a kunai landed in the link of the chain between the two women and the weak exploding tag caused it to shatter as it went off.

Yoruichi took the opportunity to leap over the woman to land near the kunoichi that had helped her saying to Ino, "You took your sweet time in getting here."

The blonde smirked replying, "Well if you hadn't of taken off like a maniac we could have arrived together." Staring at the pink-haired one-armed woman she smirked saying, "What's the matter having trouble?"

Yoruichi was about to reply, but the woman spun towards them and from the ruined sleeve of her missing arm a dragon like mouth appeared. It reminded Ino of the firework launchers she remembered from festivals as a kid, and as it drew a bead on them said, "Crap." Both she and Yoruichi leapt to the wall just as it exploded from the cannon blast the woman released.

Ino landed less than gratefully on her behind in the courtyard and as Yoruichi landed on her feet next to her the Bijuu asked amused, "What was that you were saying?"

"Oh shut up," the blonde kunoichi said standing back up. However, by then she and the Bijuu were no longer alone with the pink-haired swordsman as several more of Kanji's slaves arrived.

"Deal with them," the Bijuu said charging the swordswoman who seemed to be enjoying the battle.

Ino nodded charging at the women confident they wouldn't be much of a threat, but the voice of Hinata cut in saying, "Careful Ino there is a skilled fighter in their midst. She's wearing a..."

"I've got her thanks," Ino said as she spotted the woman wearing an A-shirt that exposed her stomach as well as dark combat pants. Donning the woman's feet were heavy boots making the kunoichi guess that although Hinata had called her out of the pack of women charging she wasn't a ninja. If Ino had to guess the blue-haired woman was a mercenary of some sort and often spent time fighting in inhospitable environments.

Apparently the woman sensed Ino's picking her out of the pack as she no longer advanced with the other women instead charging forward quickly. As the woman charged at Ino the blonde kunoichi noticed her opponent's hands becoming coated in chakra. She began to backpedal in part to buy herself some time, but also to open up some distance between the woman and those following behind her. She ended up pressed against the wall, and the woman tried to take advantage of the seemingly rookie mistake by increasing her speed. However at the last moment Ino ducked as the woman slashed at her with her hand gouging out a scar on the wall. Having suspected as mush, Ino lashed out with a kick that knocked the woman off her feet as it swept her ankles.

The woman needed to cancel her jutsu so that as she recovered and her hands hit the ground they wouldn't cut into the earth. Leaping from her crouched position as the women stood again, Ino kicked her across the face and grabbed the woman's hand before she stumbled too far away from her. Pulling her roughly towards her. Ino slammed her fist into the woman's stomach and as the woman folded around the punch stepped back before raising her leg up near her head to bring down on her opponent's skull knocking her out of the fight.

Ino stared down at her opponent and was surprised at how handily she had beaten her. For some time after her defeat by Sakura during the Chunin Exams, and Ino did consider it a defeat, the Yamanaka kunoichi had suffered some self-esteem issues. As a result, she had begun to rely more on her team to fight her battles. It hadn't really hurt her performance since her team had been built around their abilities with Chouji being the one expected to do the most fighting. Still it was only after her time with Naruto that some of her self-confidence began to return in part to all the support she received from him. As Ino focused on the other women now approaching, she pushed such thoughts aside as it still didn't change the fact she was scared of the emotions rolling around inside her. Therefore she concentrated on the task at hand, less the most pressing fear of losing a loved one became a reality.


Hana followed behind Fu with her mother keeping pace at her side. As they ran golden chakra began to leak from the former jinchuriki as an energy construct grew around her. That chakra then seemed to harden into a shell that resembled the exoskeleton of an insect so that by the time they approached the east wall Fu appeared from the trees nearly twelve feet tall and resembled a samurai wearing armor which looked like a rhinoceros beetle. As a result she easily destroyed the ten foot tall and four foot thick structure. Stepping into the courtyard, she battered away some of the defenders. Her forward movement was halted as blonde hair wrapped around Fu, before pulling her backwards towards the wall. The construct with Fu at its center fell backwards and began to struggle to stand especially as the hair tried to hold it in place.

Hana spotted the woman standing on a still standing section of wall so leaping began to spin like a buzzsaw in order to hit her. However the woman managed to avoid her for the most part but Hana still managed to cut through the hair holding Fu in place. She slid to a stop near the former jinchuriki who was beginning to stand again, but was blown back to her knees by a lighting strike. Hana spun to see a woman with red-hair whose bangs covered her eyes and the back ended in twin ponytails. She was dressed in a blood red skirt and jacket under which she wore a purple shirt. The dark-skinned woman blew a kiss towards her and Hana suddenly felt the air around her grow rich with static electricity. Hana leapt away just as a large ball of energy appear where she been standing and would have likely fried her had she not moved.

Hana felt another attack from behind and turned to see a large mass of blonde hair traveling towards her. Surprised that the woman's whose hair she had cut had regrown so quickly she knew she wouldn't be able to avoid it. However, Fu returning the favor and smashed her fist into where the blonde was standing sending her and that section of wall tumbling outside the compound.

"Thanks," Hana said to which Fu's entire torso tipped forward making the Inuzuka think she was nodding her head in response.

Fu turned to see that the red-head had been joined by another woman this one wearing a type of military uniform and was holding a blue whip. To Fu, her new ability, which she assumed was gained from having her seal broken, was sort of like being suspended in a warm liquid inside a suit of armor. Most physical attacks barely even phased her however as she learned when the lightning stuck her she wasn't completely impervious to pain. Still able to see despite being inside the chest of her construct she imagined it was due to the white glowing eyes inside the helmeted head. Charging the two women she felt Hana leap onto her shoulder before jumping off to attack the woman she was calling Whip due to the weapon she held.

Concentrating on the other woman, she slammed her fist where she was standing and was surprised when it felt like she hit some sort of electrical barrier. The woman then allowed her jutsu to fade as she grabbed the large arm and despite Fu's massive size managed to flip her onto her back. The woman then leapt into the air to deliver a kick towards Fu's chest, but she countered by firing a mud jutsu from the mandible like mouth of her armored head sending her opponent flying. Recognizing her larger size wouldn't help her much against such a skilled opponent, she pulled her chakra inwards until only a thin layer coated her before hardening it. The woman recovering from Fu's jutsu blew a kiss at the giant construct and as the energy ball exploded its chest Fu leapt out in a smaller version of the construct. Fu thought she caught the women's eyes widening in surprise as the armored kunoichi appeared from the ruined chest and she capitalized on it by quickly closing with the woman. Fu learned that she was a grappler as she got within striking distance only for the woman to slip out of her grasp in order to suplex her. Fu managed to break the hold, before gripping her opponent in return and leapt into the air. She again surprised the woman as wings spread from the shell like armor on her back causing her jump to turn into vertical flight. Reaching about fifteen feet, she cut the chakra feeding her beating wings so that they began to plummet back to the earth where she smashed the woman into the ground. Pulling herself from the carter they created she saw some of the women she had knocked around getting back to their feet so prepared to take them down again.

Tsume watched the other two of her squad fight the two women. She was proud of how aggressive her daughter had become as a result of her desire to save her mate. Smashing a woman's head into the guarding on top of the wall she was fighting on, she had to admit she was in a similar state of mind. She growled as she launched herself at another defender smashing her downwards into the walkway of the wall. But she leapt away as the woman was hit again by an attack meant for her. Glaring at the mass of blonde hair as it pulled back over the side of the wall she leapt down after it spinning in her family's familiar jutsu, Fang over Fang. The hair blocked her attack as it grew incredibly solid. Tsume could feel stray strands of the hair trying to wrap around her so ended her jutsu and leapt backwards before they could.

Landing on all fours she growled, "I suggest you back off unless you want a haircut."

The woman looked at her sadly replying, "I wish I could. Please don't hold back."

Tsume nodded, but did as the woman recommended as she charged forward again trying to take her out of the fight.


Koharu couldn't believe who she faced as the woman blocked her kick by raising her leg up enough to ward off the blow. She then pulled the sword holstered there forcing the Konoha elder to retract her leg as she brought the blade around to parry Yuugao.

"What the hell are you doing here, Kagura?" The Anbu commander shouted angrily as she struggled against the missing-nin's blade.

Koharu was surprised when the woman asked sounding as arrogant as the elder remembered, "Do I know you?"

Yuugao relented for a moment due to her own surprise and received a kick to the stomach as a result. As the Anbu captain stumbled back Koharu wondered why Kagura had seemed to revert back to her old self, since Tsunade had reported that after her defeat years before at the Hokage's hands the woman had seemed remorseful of the path she had chosen. Although Tsunade never admitted it, Koharu suspected that she kept her ears open for the woman's whereabouts. Koharu had as well, but for the purpose of sending the Anbu to eliminate her. However, the tales that had reached her ears had stayed her hand since Kagura had been aiding the less fortunate. She suspect Kanji was the reason for the relapse to evil and supposed such tampering would explain why she didn't seem to recall Yuugao despite her not wearing her Anbu mask.

Yuugao charged forward only to miss with her blade strike and be sent airborne as Kagura used the hilt of her sword to catch the Anbu in the chin. She then raised her right hand and chakra strings wrapped around the woman's ankle. However before Kagura could pull her into the ground, Koharu shot a fire jutsu at them destroying the strings and allowing Yuugao to recover enough to land on her feet.

"Two against one huh," Kagura said smirking confidently. Waving them forward she said, "At least try to make this entertaining."

Both masked women charged with Koharu attacking first using taijutsu to force Kagura back. The missing-nin was kept on the defensive due in part to Yuugao remaining behind the elder darting out to strike whenever she saw an opening. Kagura proved she had deserved her rank of Anbu as despite facing the two exceptionally skilled fighters she managed to not receive any debilitating hits. Still, she was forced back more and more in the direction of where Tsunade and her squad were fighting.


Kin pushed the young woman away breathing hard as she fought her spunky opponent who was dressed in a karate gi and blue spandex pants. Her long brown hair, which ended around her lower back in a braid, was being kept out of her eyes by a red headband. She had hit the South-East wall with Yuugao and Koharu and as they fought the woman called Kagura. She had kept some of the weaker women away. Until she ran smack into the woman she now faced.

Although the woman didn't seem to be a warrior she carried herself as someone who had practiced the martial arts her entire life. As a result, she displayed a simplistic understanding of how to wield chakra. A fact she demonstrated as she pulled off a spinning kick that caught Kin across the face. As Kin staggered away the girl charged forward and then leapt at her butt first smashing into Kin's chest and knocking her to the ground. Getting angry she waited for the young woman to charge again before stepping out of her way as she threw a running uppercut. Kin lashed out with a kick that caught the woman in the back sending her sailing into the wall near the section that Yuugao had brought down using rolls of exploding tags that she had quickly affixed.

The girl bounced back so Kin gripped the sword she had been given by Yuugao and kept sheathed behind her back and pulling it free slammed the hilt into the stunned girl's head taking her out of the fight. She side stepped a sword thrust aimed at her back allowing it to pass by her side and slammed her elbow into her attackers face. As the woman fell back Kin saw it was one of the slaves that she had already dealt with and mindless of the injuries she had sustained was attacking again. Seeing more of the women beginning to stand again she sighed before charging forward to take them out once more.


Sakura waited tensely wishing she had Hinata's ability to look through walls so she could see how Naruto was doing. Finally Hinata said, "Its all clear, except for those that remained near the barrier team Sakura."

Sakura launched herself from near the post she had been waiting by followed by Haku and Anko. As they ran she heard Hinata curse so asked concerned, "Hinata what is it?"

She could hear the kunoichi fighting as she replied, "Nothing...just my presence has been noticed...I won't be able to guide you. Just keep descending; Naruto and Tayuya are in the lowest chamber."

Sakura didn't reply as Hinata turned her radio off to concentrate on her own troubles. Reaching the wall Sakura brought it down in a similar manner as her teacher. They arrived uncontested so quickly made their way for the central building. Although approaching it from the back where there was no entrance Sakura wasn't going to let that stop her as she smashed her fist into the building creating a large hole. She was surprised to find the room covered in mist, four women came charging out of the thick fog charging right at the pink-haired medic. Sakura easily battered them aside but she nearly ate a kunai that emerged from inside the room. Anko deflected it for her as Haku charged into the fog to fight the woman inside.

Sakura ducked back behind the building saying, "Hinata the room is covered in a deep mist. Can you guide us towards the stairs down?"


Hinata stared down at the woman that had attacked her. She was blonde and had obviously been trained as a shinobi and dressed somewhat provocatively in a black suit that exposed her ample chest. Hinata smirked wondering how the woman hadn't popped out of her clothes as she had wielded two boomerang weapons she carried. Still despite the weapons suggesting she was a far-range fighter the woman had tried to close with her and that was what led to her down fall.

"Sorry what was that?" she asked switching her radio back on to respond to Sakura.

Sakura quickly relayed the information, so Hinata moving to a new vantage point and stared at the compound saying, "It would do you little good. Someone threw a barrier over the door way leading down. Most likely the same person who designed the main one, Kiyomi you probably have the best access to Naruto now."

Sakura refused to give up saying, "What about making our own entrance?"

Hinata smiled as she understood what Sakura was getting at and said, "Your best shot would be about dead center of the room. Haku your opponent is..."

"Thank you," the former missing-nin said politely, "but I already know where she is...just as she knows where I am. Sakura you may proceed she will not interfere."

Hinata nodded watching from afar as the two women moved around in the fog with each movement by one being countered by the other although neither was attacking just yet.


Haku could tell the woman in the mist was skilled. She would subtly and silently move forward and the woman would shift her own position to counter. In a sense it was like a chess match in which neither opponent could see the move the other made but almost instinctively knew it had countered the one they made. The only talking between them thus far had been the woman replying to what she said to Sakura, "Please don't allow your friends to enter. I'm tasked with guarding this chamber and will kill them."

"No, you won't," she replied calmly. She wondered if Sakura didn't trust in her skills enough to protect her and Anko. However a moment later both slowly entered the room being guided by Hinata. Haku waited as the two moved slowly keeping their guard up for an attack and was aware that the two kunoichi was forcing the Kanji bound woman's hand. Finally with no choice she rushed the two silently however she was bounced back as Haku had created a wall of ice between them and the woman using the vapor in the air. She then charged the woman in turn kicking her in the chest and knocking her out of the building. Following her out through the doorway Sakura's fist had made.

The woman stood slowly revealing she wore a standard Kirigakure jounin outfit although modified, Haku assumed by Kanji, to show more skin by removing the dark shirt so that only the flak jacket covered her chest. Although beautiful with brown eyes and blonde hair that beauty was diminished by the look of hopelessness on the woman's face. She gave off a sense that Kanji was just the last in a long string of hardships that she had suffered. Haku believed she gained some knowledge as to why from a slave brand she sported on her right arm.

The woman seemed to notice where Haku's masked gaze was resting as she subconsciously coved it with her hand. "I'm sorry," Haku stated wholeheartedly aware of the hard life suffered by those captured to become slaves. A part of the reason Zabuza had always insisted she act more manly was to prevent them from being targeted by such groups. As a result of her own harsh upbringing she knew the slave marker on the kunoichi's arm belonged to a group called the Southern Wolves which were a group that operated inside of Earth Country almost exclusively.

"It doesn't matter," the woman said lowering her hand and reached for two blades strapped across the middle of her back.

The shout of "Shannero," cut through the air, as dust came blowing outside from the building and thus obscured Haku's view of the woman as Sakura made her entrance into the compound's lower levels. The Mist kunoichi took that opportunity to strike but Haku parried the attack with a kunai. The mist woman slashed at her with her other blade but Haku dodged backwards before throwing a senbon she had palmed with her other hand. The kunoichi batted it away but was forced to guard as Haku leapt forward in an effort to keep the pressure on while Sakura and Anko completed their tasks.


Sakura landed in the hole she made and landed next to the unconscious form of a priestess dressed in black robes. "Looks like someone was waiting to greet us," she said upon dusting herself off.

"Forget her," Anko said landing besides the chunin. Speaking into her radio she asked, "Alright Hinata where is this prick's study."

"I imagine a good probable location would be a room about one floor down from your location. Naruto will be two floors below that."

"Okay," Sakura said taking off down the hall in an effort to find their lover. Anko followed behind so Sakura asked, "Are you sure you won't need me to open any doors for you?"

Anko gave her a wild grin before pulling out a role of exploding tags and flipping it in her hand said, "Nope, I brought my lock pick set with me."


Naruto could feel his lovers' presence again so knew the racket from above was them. But at the moment that was all secondary to pounding Kanji's face in. The fury he was experiencing frightened him since unlike every other time he had ever been angry this wasn't a red-hot anger. Instead it seemed almost cold. As much as the anger was directed at Kanji a good portion of it was directed at himself as well. The reason being that as a result of hearing his own dark thoughts about why the women in his life were so devoted being repeated for just a moment had caused him to wonder what would happen if Kanji had sex with Tayuya.

Hearing Tayuya's confession had given him the strength to overload the device, but hadn't completely erased the doubts as a voice continued to repeat them in his head while calling on more and more chakra from his Bijuu. The voice seemed to be growing frustrated that it actually seemed the Bijuu locked inside of him was trying to prevent the chakra from escaping the seal.

Naruto was forced to end his beating of Kanji as his slave Taki apparently had received enough instruction to attack anyone harming her master. He moved back just enough to avoid her sword strike at his throat, but was going to return to pummeling Kanji when he was kicked back by the man.

"It's about time you stupid whore," he shouted scrambling to his feet to escape. But seeing Naruto focusing to leap at him again, shouted, "Ah...kill him already."

Taki charged at him quickly pulling her sword from behind her shoulder to strike. But Naruto caught her wrist and stabbed it into the floor into the iron ring that Tayuya's arm was chained to. He then backhanded Taki away before kicking the blade shattering it and breaking the ring holding Tayuya. Taki charged forward again but Tayuya whipped her free arm and wrapped the chain around the kunoichi's feet and pulled it taunt tripping her. The kunoichi fell flat to the ground, and tried to disentangle herself from the chain. However Naruto quickly prevented this by hitting her quickly in the jaw rendering her unconscious.

Quickly moving to Tayuya to free her, he smiled as she said, "About fucking time. What were you waiting for me to save myself?"

"Sorry," Naruto said and despite the smile she could tell he was still haunted by Kanji's words since his eyes appeared duller than normal.

Reaching up she was about to cup his face and remind him of her feelings but a sound attracted their attention to reveal Kanji hitting a brick that opened a secret passage to the surface. Before either of them could stop him, he disappeared inside and shut it behind him. Naruto looked like he wanted to pursue him as he readied a Rasengan. However a second later the compound began to rumble as if he had activated a self-destruct mechanism. "Ah fucking shit," Tayuya shouted frustratingly as she tried to free Fuku despite the collapsing ceiling, "Who the fuck sells those fucking things and why does every asshole in the world have one?"

"Just be glad they always seemed to allow plenty of time to esc..."

"You were saying, FUC...," Tayuya replied angrily as all the pillars seemed to collapse at once.

Naruto quickly grabbed her, Fuku, and Taki, before he Hiraishined, reappearing twice more inside to grab Anko and Sakura as the compound began to collapse inward.


Kiyomi could hear the ragged breathing as it neared the end of the tunnel. Just before it reached her though, she heard a switch activate followed by the sound of the compound beginning to collapse. Kanji appeared from the darkness and paused upon spotting her saying, "If you want any chance of saving your master you better hurry slu..."

Kiyomi closed the distance faster than the man could respond and grabbing him by the throat said, "Such a basic trap wouldn't catch Naruto." Tilting her head as she looked at the struggling man as he tried to breath she said, "You may be unaware of it but I do owe you a debt of gratitude. As a result of your actions my world view has expanded and I feel closer to being what I was always meant to be. A shame it was so some worm could try to latch onto real power. I assume this was all so Naruto would join you in whatever schemes you've developed for yourself."

"F-fuck you...you bitch," Kanji managed to get out despite the iron grip around his throat.

Kiyomi's eyes grew red as she pulled his face towards hers to say, "No, fuck you worm." She then channeled her chakra into the man before tossing him behind her already forgetting about him. Kanji managed to get to his feet but only managed to take a step or two before collapsing as steam appeared to rise out of his body from his eyes and mouth. He gave one final scream as fire erupted from inside of him leaving his charred skeleton behind.

It was followed by a female scream, before the woman it belonged to shouted, "I'll kill you."

Kiyomi turned to see a priestess emerge from the woods charging wildly at her. Kiyomi swatted her away with a chakra tail before focusing back on the tunnel as a result of the compound collapsing. Feeling that Naruto was safe she called into her radio, "Kanji has been dealt with."


Tsunade was covered in cuts as she struggled against her opponent. She knew she could easily heal them but since that would likely reveal who she was to her foe refrained from doing so. She heard Kiyomi's statement about killing Kanji, but when Hinata reported, "Their chakra is returning to normal," she relaxed slightly. Ikaruga responded by pushing Tsunade backwards causing her to trip on some rubble and fall the woman then prepared to stab her in the chest. "Oops, looks like you lose," she said smugly, "you should never drop your guard."

"You're free of his jutsu," Tsunade said noticing the other women running off into the woods.

"Oh I know, but I already told you killing you is for me."

However before she could bring the sword down the blade of one appeared through her chest with a kunai hitting her in the eye from the opposite direction which had been thrown by Tenten. Looking behind her opponent, Tsunade was shocked to see Kagura had thrown her blade like a dagger hitting the woman in the chest. Ikaruga looked down at the blade that had help killed her saying, "Kagura you..." before collapsing dead.

Having no idea as to who she saved, the Konoha missing-nin said, "I owed her that for helping that bastard to capture me. Believe me, she had that coming."

Kagura then turned to leave causing Tsunade to call her name. She paused just long enough to look back in confusion before leaping the wall and disappearing into the woods. Seeing Shizune also was covered in cuts she called into her radio, "Report."


Tayuya watched Naruto who in turn was watching Princess Fuku. It was easy to see both were haunted by their time with Kanji. Naruto had remained quiet after rescuing her, but had remained near her while Sakura checked her out to make sure Kanji hadn't done anything while she was unconscious. There was a lot she wanted to tell the blond man but figured that could wait until after the clean-up. The compound ruins had still been burning at the time as a result of a fire jutsu Kiyomi had launched down the escape tunnel. Fuku was the only slave still in their grasp but that was only because she had remained unconscious, unlike Taki, as the others had ran into the woods upon being free of Kanji's influence.

Tsunade had wondered how they had known, till Tayuya had explained about how Kanji's chakra felt cold and slimy. She suggested that feeling the disappearance of that was probably what had alerted them to their being free of Kanji. But she had noticed that her describing his as warmth had brought Naruto no peace even as she had needed to explain why it was they didn't feel it all the time. Her explanation had been that a person only tended to miss the sun when it disappeared behind clouds. She tried to explain to him that her mind was her own, but Ino had stepped up reporting, "I've blanked her memories about any details of Naruto having a harem also. To her the memory will be Naruto was looking for the missing agent of Koyuki. He stumbled onto Kanji because a bounty hunter had been using her image while looking for Princess Fuku."

"Thanks Ino," Naruto said brightening somewhat as he stepped up to her.

However his good mood faded quickly as Ino placed a hand on his chest and unable to meet his gaze said, "Please Naruto...I just need space right now...I'm not sure what is me or this jutsu anymore so please."

Tayuya had been about to yell at the blonde since she was in a sense playing right into Kanji's taunts. However Sakura stopped her and when she was about to shout at her the pink-haired girl whispered, "Calm down, she's been feeling unsure even before this all started."

"So the fuck what...that's the worst thing she could have said to him. You weren't down there that mother fucker was filling his head with all sorts of shit like that," the red-head replied just as softly.

Sakura looked up worriedly, but said, "Don't worry, he'll bounce back you'll see."

Tayuya wasn't so sure, but the matter was put on hold as Naruto scooped the princess into his arms. He approached Tayuya asking, "You ready?"

Tayuya nodded grabbing her lover just as he disappeared from the burning compound and they reappeared in the former Land of Noodles on the spot Tayuya had buried one of his kunai. Naruto woke Princess Fuku and after making sure the false memories about him had taken hold informed her they were taking her to her husband. Fuku had brightened immediately but as they neared his palace the woman began to fret more and more.

"I-I'm scared," she finally admitted, "He should despise me."

"He doesn't," Tayuya assured the woman, "I've explained the situation to him. He knows Kanji was controlling you."

"I still don't know how he did it," Fuku said, "But I still should have been wary of him. I just... was so lonely since Chikara was always so busy."

"I think it's best if nobody learns how he controlled you. But trust me as soon as Chikara sees you everything will be fine."

Once they reached the palace, they were quickly escorted to the governor's chambers. Tayuya could tell Fuku was mindful of the whispers about her as she passed both servants and visitors to the palace. Still the woman steeled herself for whatever greeting she would receive from her husband and tried to walk proudly through the halls.

Reaching the audience chamber she looked back with a little fear but Tayuya gave her a bright smile. The woman nodded at the support and pushed open the doors. She gasped at the sight of her husband since he was so skinny now. "Chikara," she said worried for his health.

She would have rushed to him but one of the samurai present recognized Naruto shouting, "That's him milord, the bastard's apprentice." This naturally caused all the men to grab for their swords.

Naruto seemed to shrink at the description so Tayuya shouted, "Shut the fuck up." Directing her attention to the governor she said, "Your wife wouldn't even be here right now if not for him."

"Is this true," Chikara asked standing from his throne.

"In a manner of speaking," Naruto said. He could see the lead samurai about to shout about how Naruto had been present three years before so cutting the man off added, "But it's also my fault she suffered for so long. He played your men off against me and used the chaos to escape. He even met up with me later to thank me...I should have stopped him, but I didn't realize just what he had done or really was at the time. I probably would have left him be if not for this woman's looking into it for you."

Chikara eyed both Naruto and Tayuya before telling his men to put their weapons away. Gazing on his wife, he raised his arms saying, "Darling, how I've missed you."

"Chikara," the princess shouted closing the distance in a heartbeat and nearly knocked him down.

Chikara wrapped his arms around her and almost as soon as she was snuggled into their warmth she began to cry. "Shh, my little sugar plum. It's all over now. You'll never suffer like that again I swear."

Naruto and Tayuya turned to leave the two lovers to their embrace, but Chikara stopped them saying, "Bounty Hunter, what of your reward?"

Rubbing her head in embarrassment she said, "Call me a softy, but I can't take money from a man who wanted nothing but the love of his life back."

"At least tell me your name."

Tayuya quickly henged herself to look like the Sound-nin she had met that night saying, "Kin Tsuchi." She then grabbed Naruto and shunshined them outside the palace. Before Naruto could say anything she asked, "Can you take me back to my hotel room?"

Naruto nodded, and a moment later she was back in the Land of Honey. Pulling away she said, "Well that certainly was an eventful night. It was nothing what I expected it to be."

Naruto tried to crack a smile but he still appeared to be lost in thought so trying to take his mind off it pressed against him saying seductively, "Now how about I reward you for saving me?"

She looked up to kiss him, but Naruto stepped back his eyes dimming as her attempt to seduce him backfired. "No, no, no," she shouted mentally as he appeared as he had as Kanji had taunted him that the jutsu was the only reason for the women around him wanting him.

She tried to set him straight but sounding defeated mentally he said, "It's late Tayuya...I should go."

Before she could stop him, he disappeared in a red-flash. Standing alone in her hotel room she could almost her Kanji laughing at her so kicked a chair into the wall causing it to shatter and shouted, "Fuck!"