
28.5 Recovering Lost Mojo Part I

"No... this path doesn't look familiar to you?" When Kushina shook her head in the negative the Bijuu smiled saying, "No I suppose at the time you were more focused on meeting your son." Kushina looked confused for a moment before a look of understanding appeared causing the Bijuu to say, "Picking up where I left off you could say that Jiraiya gave me the idea although Sasuke Uchiha made it possible."

"Huh, what do you mean? How did Mikoto's son make your plan possible?"

"Naruto does an excellent job of shouldering his own burdens and keeping them from people. His will was like steel and a reason for that was his goal to be Hokage. He understood just how difficult it would be but was so positive once he achieved it he'd have many bonds with others that he could cherish. I would know as I spent countless years trying to break free of the seal. Sasuke Uchiha gave me the one thing I had needed to make my dream of escape reality. He introduced Naruto to a lingering feeling of doubt."

"Are you saying Naruto had never doubted himself up till Sasuke defected?"

"Don't get me wrong. He doubted himself... but he always quickly squashed it as he concentrated on his next goal to attaining the position he dreamed of. Plus, on some level he never doubted that with enough time and effort he could achieve any result. Sasuke changed all that. Oh he never doubted he could and would bring him back... but he did begin to fear that no matter how much effort he put into it he would never be able to reestablish the bond of friendship that he shared with him and which the Uchiha was so hellbent to sever, something which Jiraiya constantly tried to pound into his head."

Surprised her husband's teacher would do such a thing she said, "I... I can't picture Jiraiya acting so coldly."

"He's coming from experience," Kiyomi replied after a moment as they approached an end to the corridor they were traveling through which ended in a door with a small pipe leading to the wall, "No matter how much Naruto wishes for Sasuke to return. Jiraiya knows that it is not going to happen if the desire is only one sided. His own history with Orochimaru is proof of that. With doubt comes anger and that was what I planned to exploit to escape. It nearly worked too when Jiraiya loosened the seal using the key Minato left him. Jiraiya just barely managed to restrain me long enough to retighten the restrictions on my chakra. Although it still left the seal in a weakened state and as a result..."

"You created me," a third voice called towards them as the door at the end of the passage way swung open. Kushina gasped as a person looking exactly like Naruto stood in the doorway although he had red pupils surrounded by darkness. "Although perhaps creating isn't the right word exactly, more like gave me enough chakra for me to manifest."

Kiyomi nodded before saying, "Yes...although what you hope to achieve now is impossible to say."

The dark version of Naruto smirked as he said, "My dream is the same. I'm going to become the real Naruto and then I'm going to teach this stinking village a lesson for all the times they've disrespected me."

Kushina and Kiyomi shared a look before the Uzumaki said, "Naruto... honey you don't..."

"Shut-up," the dark aspect shouted causing the red-head to take a step back, "You weren't there. You have no idea of the shitty life I had. Do you really think that smiling buffoon you met is who your son really is? He's just a mask that became real."

Seeing her son's face twisted in such a furious veneer as it spit its ire at her caused tears to appear in the woman's eyes as she said, "I-I so badly wanted to be there for you... to give you..."

"But you weren't," the Dark Naruto said coldly the words stabbing Kushina like a knife making her wonder if that was how her son truly felt about her. She began to hug herself as she felt on the verge of sobbing.

Kiyomi placed a comforting hand on her shoulder though as she said, "Don't let its words bother you. It is merely acting as I had wished it too. But this is why Naruto has been so... withdrawn lately. It is merely using his own doubts against him."

"It... that is so very cold of you, Kyuubi," The dark Naruto said, "There was a time when you would have called me the real Naruto."

"But you aren't," Kiyomi replied calmly. "You're merely a construct of his negative emotions given a semblance of life due to my chakra and are no doubt using the platform that had sustained Kushina's soul to maintain your existence."

Dark Naruto smirked saying, "You're only partly right. True, although you ripped the pipe from the dais she was lying dormant on the pipe itself is still active. But in all honesty do you think I've been able to influence him to such a degree off of the scraps of chakra that left me access too." The dark Naruto raised his hand and suddenly the corridor disappeared to be replaced by the Falls of Truth.

"How!?" Kiyomi exclaimed looking around in shock.

"Why you were just talking about it?" Dark Naruto said smirking, "You know you have some rather dark memories of this temple. Ah...betrayal, it's such a beautiful emotion, why it almost feels as good as when Sasuke slammed that Chidori into my chest." Kushina gasped upon hearing that causing the dark version of her son to say, "Oh I'm sorry did the buffoon fail to mention that to you. Makes you wonder what else he's hiding from you doesn't it." Focusing back on Kiyomi, he said, "Come on Kyuubi don't pretend you truly give a rat's ass about this buffoon's dream. These are the same people that locked you up for over a century and do you really want to be reunited with your brethren. They're the same ones that were always jealous of you and your power. Why I imagine they were snickering for years after abandoning you to the Uchih..."

"Shut up," Kiyomi shouted losing her composure, "I will not be lectured by some puppet that I gave an aspiration to become real."

The dark Naruto chuckled saying, "There you go again acting as if I'm not the real Naruto. If all it takes to be considered real is to be flesh and blood then once I break the buffoons will I'll be the one calling the shots because as you well know being considered real is a matter of perspective."

For a moment Kiyomi was confused as to what the construct of Naruto was alluding to. However a memory flashed of Madara confronting her saying, "Kyuubi you are merely a momentary life, a temporary existence of coalesced energy...energy that once was a single ultimate form." Hit by a revelation she thought towards the Dark Naruto, "Is that how you see me?"

The dark Naruto smirked as if it had heard her silent question. But then a pair of arms wrapped around it from behind and Kushina whispered softly, "I'm not sure what to think of what you are at the moment... but I do realize that you are an aspect of what my son must feel on some level and since you are a part of him... I love you too."

The dark Naruto's eye shot wide open at Kushina's words. It shouted, "Let go of me," however despite its words the construct of Naruto's dark emotions seemed to melt into the embrace. But then it felt as if the existence it had fought so hard to maintain was beginning to slip away and surprised the woman by pulling loose of her grip. Spinning it formed a Rasengan in its hand shouting, "Do you think that's all it would take, you spouting some nonsense about love to make me go away? I want..." The construct trailed off as it began to bring the Rasengan forward and Kushina could see tears appearing in its eyes.

Yet, before it could strike Kiyomi grabbed it by the neck from behind and almost before it had time to react the dark Naruto burst into red chakra as it was absorbed by Kiyomi. Kushina shocked by the sudden end asked, "W-what did you do?"

Kiyomi brought the hand she had gripped the dark aspect of Naruto with towards her stomach saying, "I merely reabsorbed the chakra I lent it."

Kushina could sense that Kiyomi was holding something back so asked, "But what about...well him. I-I think he just wanted a chance to exist to experience..."

"Kushina, the matter has been resolved," Kiyomi said rubbing her stomach almost maternally, "It was only a single small aspect of your son's personality unable to feel anything but the negative emotions that I needed to crack the seal. Those emotions exist in your son, but not to the extent it would have wanted you to believe."

Kushina wasn't sure if Kiyomi believed what she was saying. However as the alternative would be to once more let a darkness loose inside Naruto, she nodded and accepted the Bijuu's words.


Naruto awoke feeling surprisingly upbeat and was rather shocked when he didn't immediately begin to feel the insistent voice in the back of his head trying to remind him of Kanji's words about his lovers' reasons for caring for him. That wasn't to say his doubts had just disappeared, but they seemed more manageable. Getting out of bed, he had a strange sensation like someone had just left the room. But he shrugged guessing it was his mind playing tricks on him, and considering where his mind had been at the last several weeks he'd gladly take it.

Now though a new worry was entering into his head and that was how to approach his lovers. After all, it had been three weeks and although he had still tried to spend time with them. He would quickly put the brakes on anything turning physical. After taking a shower, he dressed and as he ate his breakfast he wondered on how to best approach the subject when there was a knock on his door. Upon answering it, he was surprised to find an Anbu waiting on the other side, "Um... yes," he asked disappointed although he had already known it wasn't one of his lovers.

"Naruto Uzumaki," the Anbu replied stiffly, "You've been summoned to the Hokage's office."

"Any idea why," he asked although he doubted he'd get an answer.

"No," the man said before disappearing into smoke.

Naruto closed the door and wondered what Tsunade wanted. He reasoned it was for official reasons since she had sent an Anbu and not one of his other lovers. He sighed and began to mentally berate himself for taking so long in getting over his funk. He shook his head to clear his head to prevent a darkening mood from setting in and resolved to show each of his lovers just how much they meant to him. He was aware they had gathered in the village the night before although Karin seemed to have left already as had Tsunami, with the civilian traveling much slower.

Stepping out of his apartment, he locked it behind him and slowly walked to Tsunade's office. He hoped to find her alone and although he could sense Koharu nearby wanted the reasons for his summons to be unimportant so he could plead for them to forgive him for his recent withdrawal. He knew his way of handling things had been childish, but his extreme fear that everything was based on the jutsu made it almost seem impossible to confront. Every time he had tried to talk himself into bringing it up something would whisper his deepest concerns to him. One such example having been before going to sleep the night before and sensing his lovers gathering he had nearly headed to their private hot-springs. But just before getting out of bed his inner voice had said, "And do what exactly? Ask them, 'Hey are you sure none of you are being controlled?' Never mind the fact that even if they are, they'll quickly assure that they aren't. Face it, the only reason you've known any of their sweet caresses is because of that jutsu. You're nothing special you couldn't even save your best friend and you expect to change the world." He had fallen asleep to the voice's dark laughter as he just curled up into a ball feeling so very small.

Reaching the office, he was about to knock when Tsunade voice beat him to the punch as she called, "Come in Naruto."

Feeling bolstered by the fact that if she was using her mark it meant that both his lovers were likely alone in the office. He entered happily but stopped upon seeing the serious look on their faces. Taking note that although they were alone Koharu was henged to look like her natural age instead of her more youthful appearance, he asked, "What's wrong? A-akatuski hasn't gotten their hands on the Six-tails have they?"

"I'm afraid we still do not know what the Six-tails status is. Although it appeared he got away as Pain fought Kakashi and the others. We can't be sure if Akatsuki caught up to him since then," Tsunade said her tone grave.

"T-then what is it?" He said worriedly splitting his focus between the two women.

Tsunade folded her hands in front of her face as she rested her elbows on her desk to hide her mouth from her lover. Her voice carried the weight of her authority as she said, "The reason we've called you here is due to a need to address your recent dereliction of your duties."

"Huh," Naruto said elegantly, "I... I mean if this is about my..."

Koharu still henged as her seventy year old natural age attracted his attention saying, "Naruto perhaps you are unaware that it has been over a month since you've taken an official mission for the village."

Both women could tell the last thing Naruto expected was for them to be talking about his performance as a shinobi. Tsunade took the opportunity of his looking at Koharu to push a sheet of paper towards him. After the young man picked it up to look at it he asked, "Um what's this?"

"That is a list of D-ranked missions, as well as your scheduled physical evaluation that you will need to perform today." Tsunade said her tone telling Naruto she wasn't in the mood for debating the matter.

However, Naruto couldn't stop himself from saying, "Ah come on I've been training all this time... I mean I can understand needing to..."

"Naruto," Tsunade said cutting him off, "You are a genin and per Shinobi code 9612-42b you need to perform tasks appropriate to your current rank. D-ranked missions are exactly what a genin should be performing without the benefit of a team. And while we are aware you've been spending a great deal of time at the training field these several weeks that does not excuse you from performing mission unless you ask for permission, which you didn't do."

Naruto sagged his shoulders before he said, "Alright... I guess I'll go get started." Making his way to the door, he walked slowly towards the door making it obvious he was hoping for one of them to stop him and let him know they were kidding or that they wanted to talk to him about his recent behavior. However even after he opened the door and no one stopped him they could hear him mumble, "Dog walking, man I hate dog walking."


Nanabi stood a little straighter as the seal the prison used to restrain her chakra switched off. The other prisoners around her also straightened up as their chakra became accessible again. Taking in some of the faces of her fellow prisoners, she imagined that many of them would have joined up with Akame just to have access to their chakra again. Still Nanabi only felt halfway complete due to her in ability to use her Bijuu chakra as it was being mostly sealed by Kyuubi.

Nanabi ignored the anger her inability to remove Kyuubi's seal usually gave rise to in her to focus on the task before her. Spending a moment she studied her fellow inmates who surrounded her and were also waiting for the signal to begin the day's training. Although to be honest it felt more like a test than just the usual being put through their paces.

The inmates were crowded inside a room within a compound the chunin guards of the prison used for training. On the other side of the door that the prisoners were waiting behind lied a room that could be modified to reflect almost any environment. Usually it was mocked up to look like the prison's interior so the guards could practice what they would do in case the inmates ever got loose. Over the past several weeks Nanabi and her fellow prisoners had engaged in battle in several types of environments. Usually their opponents would be other new recruits to Akame's scheme. During these mock battles it was stated that they didn't want the inmates to kill their opponents although it still happened. To Nanabi's surprise Akame almost seemed to silent praise the more bloodthirsty inmates due to his general disdain for their lives. Upon receiving a report of a death or even witnessing one he'd often shrug his shoulders and whisper to his number two man Bekko. The second in command would then mark something down on a clipboard he'd carry as they observed the training sessions. This left all the prisoners with the impression that being as aggressive as possible during these training sessions was actually a plus.

Another thing that surprised Nanabi was that the training wasn't geared towards making the inmates act as a team. Instead it was as if Akame was simply culling the herd of the weaker prisoners. For what though she wasn't sure as she was still having trouble figuring out why they would allow the number of prisoners to drop. After all, if the enemy they were supposed to attack was Konoha then the Bijuu figured they would need every able body person they could get. Therefore Akame was either a quality over quantity type, or he had something else in his pocket that he felt would give him an edge.

Nanabi's focus was pulled from her thoughts as Akame's voice began speaking through a speaker. "Good morning comrades. Although I imagine as you sit there waiting for the starting bell you probably are finding it difficult to enjoy it. Well in the interest of elevating your mood you'll be pleased to know this is the final hurdle before officially becoming one of the soldiers that will remind the world what it is to be shinobi. Good luck... oh and try not to die."

Suddenly a buzzard sounded and the door to the room swung open. Nanabi had positioned herself to be the first through it, and although that might have been a mistake if someone was waiting for her on the other side. She figured as long as she didn't hesitate, that if someone was there they would be as surprised as her at the sudden start and would be unprepared enough to miss the first person through. Running forward, she cleared the doorway where she was both surprised and disappointed to find no one waiting for her. The other prisoners began to follow her out to find the area was configured to look like a typical small one street village.

Although the buildings were complete it was obvious that they had been used many times most likely in scenarios on how to subdue escaped criminals in such an environment. As a result of the damage it gave the air of an abandoned town due to the lack of other people. Nanabi could feel the rest of her fellow inmates shifting uncomfortably behind her since they all knew that something was there to test them. Not wishing to be grouped in with the rest of the crowd she began strolling down the center of the street as if she owned it. Her reason for putting herself at such risk was simple. She needed to be viewed as one of the more highly valued soldiers in the coming rebellion. But whether it was for the sake of Kyuubi's plan to bring down the impending revolt or her own ambitions she wasn't sure of at the moment. The truth was Nanabi wasn't even sure of what she wanted either, outside of taking full possession of her new form. If she could break Kyuubi's seal, which would expel her will from it and was also denying her full possession of her Bijuu chakra, she would have no need of playing along any further. However she was still drawing a blank on what to do after, something that was annoying her greatly. The reason being that for close to over a hundred years, having been the second Bijuu captured by the man that would become the First Hokage, she had longed for her freedom, but apparently had no idea on what to do once attaining it.

Nanabi's boldness paid off as out of the first two buildings she passed two large men burst from the walls shouting, "Ta-da." Spinning towards the threats and recognizing the Legendary Stupid Brothers of Fujin and Raijin, she felt a small measure of relief as they headed straight for the other prisoners. It didn't last though as she felt a presence land behind her. Turning again she came face to face with Mizuki who gave her an amused smile as he said, "Aren't you the brave one?"

Nanabi leapt back creating some distance and as she entered her fighting stance only relaxed somewhat as Mizuki having remained completely relaxed said, "Hey now, there no need to fight... well unless I don't like your answer to my proposal."

Nanabi scoffed as she replied, "Proposal? Is that what you were calling it? Funny, to me it simply sounded like an offer to be one of your whores."

Mizuki's face grew dark as he said, "Sounds to me like that's a no. What a shame really guess it's important to remind you why some of your fellow kunoichi were so quick to accept my protection."

Nanabi scowled but could understand why some of the other women had joined with Mizuki as it was obvious that the warden viewed him as something special. Due to his status, one of the women Mizuki had taken a shine to had not needed to bother with any of the training the rest of the new recruits had. Not to mention it had afforded her protection from any of the other predators the prison had to offer, besides the one she had aligned with.

Nanabi much to her surprise found herself unwilling to follow suit even though it would fulfilled some of her goals. The most obvious being gaining a good position in Akame's rebellion, the other though was a baser need and that was to enjoy the thrills of sex in her new form. She had little doubt that Mizuki would quickly use her in such a way and that coupled with the inside track to Akame's plan would be killing two birds with one stone as it were. Still, even with her knowing that something prevented her from agreeing to become one of Mizuki's protectorates. Whenever she thought on it though, she always came back to an image of her host's lover cradling her or tenderly stroking her skin after a bout of love-making. Of course, that was all it was, an imagine, since the one that had been in that situation had been Fu. But still something told her being with Mizuki wouldn't have any such moments.

But outside of that reason and although it was the more difficult path to where she wanted to get to, she figured another way to becoming one of Akame's more trusted soldiers was to kick the man standing in front of her ass. Therefore tightening her stance she replied, "Sorry, but I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."

"Is that so?" Mizuki asked his features shifting as he activated his Animal Curse Mark turning into the humanoid tiger form the mark gifted him with. The man then charged at her holding his clawed arm behind him. Once he got within striking distance he swiped at her stomach hoping to spill her guts all over the ground. She leapt back managing to avoid the blow, but Mizuki allowed his momentum to spin him around so he could lash out with a foot. The heel connected with her face, sending the Bijuu flying into and through one of the walls of the mock village's buildings.

Landing inside the empty building, she picked herself off the floor only to see the woman that's vest read only zero-zero-zero, sitting in a window sill. She seemed disinterested in the entire battle taking place outside but said, "Perhaps you should have said yes to his offer."

Nanabi glared at the woman, who was wearing a dark pair of sunglasses, as she replied, "Thanks for the advice but why don't you mind your own business."

Far from being insulted the woman smiled as much as she ever seemed to let herself before saying, "Are you sure? I could handle your little problem for you."

Nanabi got back to her feet as she said, "Again thanks, but like I told him I can take care of myself."

A second later a roaring Mizuki burst in through another section of the small home's wall with his arms outstretched to strike at her. Nanabi raised her arm in an upward swooping motion and as if responding to her will a column of stone shot up from the ground catching the beast man in the stomach as he flew towards her and shot him up through the roof. Nanabi began walking towards the hole she had made in the wall but looked back to see the surprised look on the woman's face.

Nanabi smirked before stepping outside to see where Mizuki had landed. She couldn't blame the woman for her surprise as she doubted there was anyone in the world that could do what she had just done which was use Earth Jutsu without using handsigns. Granted, there were people, who could use sand or water in a similar manner, but the earth elements greatest strength was also why it wasn't such a great offensive weapon and that was the solidness of it. Therefore due to that solidness it required a massive amount of chakra to manipulate. That wasn't to say people hadn't thought of ways to use it offensively, but still for the most part unless in a cave were a person could literally bring the house down, the attacks were slow and unwieldy. Not to mention they often required quite a few handsigns to perform.

Her best example of why Earth jutsu were lacking in offensive capability stemmed from how her body was captured. Nanabi had heard the story from Kyuubi, who had learned as much as she could once the seven-tails had taken the body, about how in the final clash her body had used an Earth Dragon. The old genin that had captured her had countered with a Water Dragon. In the clash between jutsu the more malleable and less chakra intensive Water Dragon jutsu had eventually won out and due to all the chakra necessary for the Earth Dragon had left her body near exhaustion.

But now for Nanabi, Earth Jutsu almost seemed to require no chakra and responded to her beck and call almost as if it was made up of water. She believed this was due to her extreme proficiency with Earth chakra as a result of her time in Fu as well as her host body's own natural talent with it. As she thought of her new talent for Earth Jutsu she drew a parallel to a man she remembered facing when the Senju had come to capture her. He had been so proficient in water jutsu that he could use it in even the most arid of environments and could seemingly create a lake out of a desert.

Reaching the middle of the street, she could find where Mizuki landed, but he found her jumping from the top of a building and landed behind her. He reared his clawed hand up into the sky to slash open her back, but a serpent of stone rose from the ground to coil around her. Mizuki's claws slashed the stone snake causing sparks to shoot off. At the center of the jutsu Nanabi spun and pointed at where Mizuki was standing causing the stone snake to uncoil and launch itself at Mizuki catching him in the chest. The jutsu picked the man-beast off his feet carrying him through a building before smashing him into the ground. The building he went through collapsed causing the area to get covered in dust and temporarily obstructed her view.

It settled down moments later to reveal an extremely pissed of Mizuki snarling and foaming at the mouth. Nanabi took no small measure of pride in seeing some of the foam was reddish indicating he had some internal injuries. Mizuki charged at her roaring in anger so she spun creating another stone snake that she sent flying at her opponent. This time Mizuki was ready though and used his claws to smash his way through the jutsu. Reaching a claw out towards her, Nanabi countered by stomping the ground causing a small pole of stone to shoot up hitting the man in the jaw. He stumbled backwards so she held her hand back as it to punch him and several large pieces of stone gathered around her fist creating a stone gauntlet which she smashed into his head. The blow sent Mizuki down to his knees and he used one hand to prevent himself from completely collapsing. He screamed in pain though as a spike of stone shot through it before unraveling to pin it to the ground. He tried to use his free hand to pull his other one free but a stone snake shot from the ground wrapping around his wrist. It pulled his arm back leaving him wide open for the Bijuu.

Nanabi walked with a deliberate sway in her hips as she willed a blade to appear on her gauntleted hand. "Looks like you're the one in need of protecting."

Before she could brandish her weapon towards him though she felt her seal switch back on as Akame's voice called through the loud speakers, "That's enough. I believe we've seen all we need too." Nanabi directed her attention towards her fellow new recruits and saw a good portion were still alive. She noted that the two brothers appeared none the worse for wear so suspected the sudden end of the test was due to Mizuki's predicament. She wondered briefly what made him so special since Akame hadn't ended any of the other sessions even when some of the prisoners had taken their time in killing their opponents.

However for the moment she let it go as the woman with the triple zero number walked by and snidely said, "Lucky for you that ended when it did Mizuki. I'm sure Akame would grieve losing his favorite pet. I wonder what makes you so special."

A now human Mizuki glared at the woman holding his injured hand responding, "Shut it crone. I don't even know why Akame bothers with you."

"Jealous," the woman replied with an amused smirk, "It's because I'm special too." She then lashed out kicking him in the side of the head sending him into unconsciousness before turning towards Nanabi to say, "But I'm not the only one am I. You are going to bear some watching after all."

The woman then began walking towards the exit she presumed that Mizuki and she had entered from. Nanabi was left with more questions than answers such as why did Akame keep the woman around since she didn't seem to have any intention of helping him, at least from what the Bijuu had seen. Yet unlike Nanabi, the woman didn't seem to hide that fact. Turning to head back towards the main prison to grab a hot shower, Nanabi figured at the very least if the woman was interested in her it would be prudent to return that interest.


Naruto landed on a tree several miles from the village and wondered why his first mission for the day was so far outside of it. Normally when doing a dog walking mission as a genin, his team had gone to the Inuzuka kennels since besides having the best veterinarians. Everything and anything to do with even civilian dogs generally was handled by an Inuzuka business. Hoping this mission wasn't the canine version of chasing after Tora the cat, he looked for his person of contact. He spotted Tsume in the distance and felt elated but considering the businesslike reception he had received from Tsunade and Koharu quickly got a hold of himself. Dropping to the ground he ran up to his lover whose face remained impassive so said calmly, "I'm here for the mission."

He noticed a collar around his lover's neck as she studied him before she said, "Here take this."

Looking at what she placed in his hand he saw a leather lease but not seeing any canine was about to ask where its owner went when she turned away from him. Immediately he could see that the end of the leash was connected to the collar around her neck and before he could ask why she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, Tsume stood before him naked except for the collar. Shocked Naruto began to say, "Tsume... what's the meaning..."

However the woman without turning to face him placed her finger against his lips as she said, "Don't say anything. Just do as the mission says."

He could hear several emotions in her voice the most prominent being embarrassment. But before he could find the words to say something she dropped to all fours and began walking pulling him along. Naruto couldn't imagine what would possess Tsume to do what she was. It was just so unlike anything he'd expect from her due to her pride.

As he followed behind he tried to keep his head straight ahead but being a young man couldn't completely ignore the fact that his naked lover was allowing him to walk her through the woods like a dog. Again and again he tried to understand why she was doing it until it hit him like a slap in the face. She was doing it for him. She was doing something so far removed from what her pride would normally allow to in order to show him how much she cared for him. Still it had shown as she walked stiffly with her head down that her pride was warring with her. It also made him feel like a complete fool for allowing Kanji's words to solidify the doubts he had begun to feel. It made him feel like a bastard for even having doubts in the first place.

Stopping he wanted to tell his lover it was enough but when he called her name she looked up with a look that told him that Tsume wasn't exactly home any longer. The woman turned completely as he let go of the leash her face showing him that her animal side had taken over, which only made Naruto feel worse about his behavior of the past several weeks. Both Tsume and Hana since their involvement with him had not slipped into their more primal side. The reason they had explained being that as long as they were kept well satisfied sexually there was no need for it too. However, due to his recent neglect he figured she had now simply as a result of her own desire that her actions would lead to a romp with him.

Tsume proved this by nuzzling the crotch of his pants with her nose. He felt a little embarrassed by the fact that despite telling himself seeing Tsume debase herself for him wasn't something he wanted the fact of it was that it was a rather erotic sight. Reaching down he cupped her face before saying, "Alright, I get it."

Tsume's face lit up almost innocently if that term could be applied to what they were about to do. She quickly spun around tripping slightly on the leash still connect to her collar. Naruto reached down and took off the collar before tossing it away. Tsume although still lost to her animal lust recognized the gesture of removing the collar turned around again to lick her lover's face. Naruto laughed softly as she rose up on her knees and her tongue tickled him as she showed her affections. She then dropped to all fours and this time pawed at his crotch like a dog would a door when it needed to go outside. Naruto spun her around before releasing his cock and rubbing it along his lover's wet slit asked, "Is this, what you want?"

Tsume whimpered at the contact and then howled in pleasure as Naruto in one push buried himself balls deep into his lover. Naruto immediately began churning her passage as fast and as hard as he could not just to give Tsume what she needed, but also found it difficult to control himself due to the long absent and missed sensation of having his dick completely surrounded by the warmth only a woman could provide. Still even though it felt like he could blow at any moment he wanted Tsume to enjoy it as much as him so resolved to last until she climaxed.

As their bodies continued to move and writhe against each other, Tsume looked over her shoulder. Naruto was always struck by the way some people would describe their lovers as animals in bed. He assumed those people never had been with an Inuzuka since the look Tsume was giving him was anything but the sultry and lust filled ones he received from his other lovers, including Tsume when not lost to her Inuzuka blood. Those looks of lust always screamed to him, "I need you," or "I want you to mess me up." However, the look he was receiving from Tsume and had from Hana was saying, "You're my mate." But it didn't have the same undercurrent of sexual tension, but at the same time implied some deeper meaning. He supposed that in a sense at this moment as far as Tsume was concerned they were man and wife.

Tsume looked away and lowered her head to the forest floor changing the angle he was stroking her insides from. Her voice moans grew more pronounced and when she looked back her eyes were filled with the lust that only a human could give and when he smiled to say, "Welcome back." He barely got the first syllable out of his mouth before she reached back and grabbed his jacket to pull him towards her into a heated kiss. Their tongues dueled one another, and as soon as Naruto reached down to fondle one of her breasts she pushed him away. She followed him backwards until he landed on his back and sat atop him with her back facing him.

"What?!" Naruto said surprised as he stared up at his lover.

Tsume turned her body around while still impaled on the blond's fat dick. When she was facing him again she said, "Shh, I want you to sit there and watch as I take what you've denied me these past few weeks." With that said she placed her feet flat on the ground and spread her legs widely. She then used her powerful thighs to slowly raise her body up giving Naruto an excellent view as his dick inch by inch emerged from her love tunnel.

When only the tip remained buried inside her, she just as slowly lowered herself causing both of them to hiss their approval at his length once more spreading her insides with its intrusion. When she bottomed out she'd simply start the process all over again except a little faster each time. After several minutes Tsume was pounding herself downwards and screaming her enjoyment as his fuck stick hit her deepest spot. She was also aided by Naruto who reaching beneath her thighs aided her on each upstroke.

Tsume hands which had been resting on her knees as she raised and lowered herself moved to her young lover's chest as she neared her release. Staring into his eyes she moaned, "I-I missed this...not just the....sex...fuck...the connection too. Y-you feel it don't you."

Naruto met her gaze and although the lust was there now, he could also see the look her animal side had given him earlier. Naruto understood then that to Tsume this wasn't just a fling and that she was in fact saying in words what her animal side's gaze had conveyed, "You're my mate."

Naruto pulled his hands from beneath his lover's thighs and cupping her face pulled her lips down towards his before saying, "I do." They kissed passionately and lovingly as their orgasm ripped through the pair. Naruto deposited three weeks' worth of pent up release deep into Tsume's milking channel.

After having her insides flooded Tsume broke the kiss and sat up. She slowly raised herself off of the cock impaling her and hovering above it allowed some of the semen mixed with her own love juices to leak out and coat his love muscle. She then sat back down making sure not to impale herself on him again but used her pussy to rub their combined fluids into his skin. She then leaned down to rest her head against his chest to listen to his heart as it returned to normal.

Once it did she asked while also rubbing his chest, "Do you know why I'm with you? Not your plan but you."

Naruto shook his head no, since although she had agreed to help him they had never talked about their more personal relationship. Part of the reason had been due to Tsume trying to keep him at arm's length. Giving him some insight into why she said, "You know my husband left me right?"

"He's an idiot."

Tsume giggled lightly, a rather unusual sound from her as it was a more feminine sounding than he was used to. "That goes without saying," she said amused. But she took on a tone of seriousness as she added, "But the truth is... I'm not blameless in it either." Pulling her head from his chest she met his gaze her own softer than he had ever seen it outside of being lost to her animal side as she said, "I loved my husband. He gave me my two wonderful children... but in return I couldn't give him what he needed."

"What was that?"

"A chance to feel like a man," the Inuzuka matriarch replied, "I was the youngest Inuzuka clan head in history and some say the longest serving. As a result I could never let my guard down...even when in the bedroom."

Naruto began to understand where Tsume was going and imagined that she also needed to be in charge even during their love-making. He was surprised since he imagined the animal side was meant to overcome this so asked, "He couldn't make you submit even when... well you know."

Again Tsume let loose a feminine laugh as she said, "Acted like a bitch in heat." When he nodded she answered, "It's true that Inuzuka males never enter into the Lust. Some say it's because ever since the clan's founding only females have ever been in charge...but that isn't to say even if they mate us we recognize them as the stronger." She pulled herself so that she could stare down into her lover's eyes as she said, "The amazing thing is my inner bitch does recognize you as stronger...but you calm her too." Lower her head so that it rested on his shoulder she said, "I don't know if that makes any sense."

Naruto did understand since he imagined it was also why the thought of any of his lovers being with him solely due to the Binding had scared him so. But hearing Tsume's words could only say, "I'm sorry."

She hushed him softly before kissing him gently before saying, "I understand what it was you feared... it was partly my fault again as well. I should have told you all this before...but again I was afraid to let anyone in too close."

"I should have talked to you all about what I was beginning to fear," Naruto said in reply.

"Yes you should...but that is what a relationship is. Making mistakes and overcoming... the important thing is not to keep things to yourself until they reach a point where they can't be dealt with."

Upon receiving Naruto's nod, Tsume leaned up and seeing his dick hadn't softened reached for it saying, "Good, now that the mushy part is out of the way I still have some time before your next mission." Leaning down she took his dick in her mouth and began showering it with all the pent up lust she had needed to endure for the past several weeks as Naruto wondered what was in store for him next.


The room was deathly silent as the two combatants stared each other down. After several heartbeats they charged and after passing each other the younger let out a grunt as she grabbed her stomach where she had been hit. "Winner Hinata," the Hyuuga branch member shouted upon seeing the clean hit.

The room erupted into a small murmur at the victory especially since although the elder sister had improved a great deal since her own days as a genin. Hanabi was still considered the heavy favorite in their spars. Hanabi stood up before facing her sister and bowing an action Hinata match. The sisters then bowed to their father. Hiashi stood saying, "Hanabi your concentration was lacking. Your opponent may only be Hinata but that is no excuse."

Hinata kept from flinching at her father's tone, but his remark still stung bitterly. "Yes father," the young girl replied with a stiff bow.

"Hinata, you were adequate," Hiashi said sternly before turning and leaving the room followed by Hanabi.

Hinata turned ignoring some of the looks she received fearing she may tear up since some of them were quite sympathetic at least from the Branch Family members. However, although disappoint it appeared her father still saw her as a failure she refused to let it bring her down. Due mostly to the fact that despite her father's words Hanabi had been fully focused on the fight and had still lost. She entered her room and allowed a small smile to grace her lips before stripping out of her practice clothes and showering. Her spirits continued to rise since with her victory against her sister it meant she had reached one of her goal and therefore was deserving of the reward she had set for herself.

Shutting off the water to her shower she toweled off before stepping out of it. She moved to stand in front of her mirror and wiped it clear of the mist so that she could see her reflection. She then activated her bloodline limit. Taking a deep breath she released the genjutsu that hid her chakra's color and did feel tears enter her eyes as a brilliant red showed up. Having not looked at her chakra since the night Sakura had joined the Harem having denied herself the knowledge of what color it currently was as a way to focus on getting stronger. She believed that truthfully it had changed that very same night due to what Naruto had not only promised her, but also because he had told her how much he cared for her.

Putting the genjutsu back in place her chakra turned blue again and she left the bathroom still naked but uncaring. Granted she was alone, but in the past strolling naked through her room was something she could never picture herself doing. Picking up the Kimono she held it up to admire it, but felt a frown threaten to mare her features. It was due to Naruto's pulling away from her and the others. Hinata had been hurt a great deal by his pulling back, but in the end had come to believe it was due to the doubt he had about some of his other lovers. Mainly the ones he had the least amount of interaction with, but since he tried to treat them all equally that had meant he had needed to pull back from all of them just as much.

But that Naruto had not come to her or any of them with his doubts had really left her quite perturbed at the blond. But when she had calmed down, she had realized that although he was intimate with them he hadn't ever really confided in most of them. Tsunade seemed to be one of the few exceptions to this but even she had been blindsided by his sudden pulling back.

To Hinata this had highlighted to her why her chakra despite her long time belief that she loved Naruto had not been red, and that was because she had never seen him as a complete person. She had seen him as someone who never let any obstacle prevent him from moving forward. But as a person that could suffer from the same doubts as her never. As a result she couldn't truly claim to love him as she had only been interested in the things about him that she had felt she needed. Namely his confidence and never say quit attitude, although she knew it seemed kind of silly now considering all they shared. Learning he had doubts too, did a great deal to humanize the man she had claimed to love but never imagined as being as filled with self-doubt as her.

Dressing in the fine kimono she put her hair up into a bun and left the Hyuuga compound to head towards the academy. Reaching her destination, she approached the woman that was gracious enough to meet her even though it was the weekend and her day off. Bowing to her in greeting, the Hyuuga princess said, "Thank you again for letting me use it Suzume-sensei."

Suzume the kunoichi instructor of the academy bowed in return before saying, "I was rather surprised by your request to use the tea ceremony house. You always used to say you'd never have the confidence to perform it correctly. " The woman then indicated the small building where she would grade her students as they practiced the art of serving tea in a refined manner with a nod of her head.

Hinata gave her former teacher a smile the older woman would never have imagined the Hyuuga capable of possessing as she replied, "Well... as you use to say, never say never."

Suzume studied the young woman that seemed to have blossomed, before handing her the key to the small building as she said, "Please return it to my desk in the teacher's lounge after you're finished."

Hinata nodded and watched the woman go before unlocking the building and getting everything ready. She would conduct sweeps with her Byakugan ever few minutes to make sure Suzume didn't decide to drop in on her former student. She smirked to herself as she pictured the scene that would create especially if it was during what Hinata had planned after serving the tea. She knew that the chunin teacher had been a target at some point to provide some insight into the jutsu Naruto had been given. But with the inclusion into the Harem of Shiho and her ability to decode the scroll Tayuya had procured those plans had been scrapped. Still Hinata had a hard time imagining the woman as the potential seductress that Tsunade had painted.

Hinata heard footsteps walking up the porch leading to the tea house and wasn't surprised when the door flew open. Bowing to the young man in the doorway she said, "Please have a seat, and thank you for helping me practice the tea ceremony."

"Um...sure," Naruto replied obviously a little confused.

Hinata smiled to herself, since considering what Tsume had planned for him to experience earlier probably meant actuality meeting at a tea house for tea was the last thing he expected. Naruto sat down although she imagined that if Suzume was present she would have smacked him on the head with the clipboard she had often used when grading her due to his undignified manner in doing so. She could see in his face that he was feeling guilty about his recent decision to pull away from his lovers. He began to say something to that effect when she silenced him by saying, "Please do not speak during the ceremony. It is a time for quiet reflection."

He nodded and even sat a little straighter causing her to smile as she performed the precise movements of preparing the tea. For Hinata the ceremony was a way to display the confidence she had lacked and believed she had gained from Naruto's love and acceptance of her. She also hoped that for a change she could instill some into him. Filling his cup and she placed the ladle she had used down before offering the cup to him. He cupped her hands for a moment before taking it causing the Hyuuga's face to heat up.

Naruto gulped it down so she asked, "Was it good?"


"And what did you think about?"

"How much of an idiot I've been these last few weeks?"

Hinata gently chided him saying, "You're not an idiot Naruto. That wasn't the point of this."

"I know... but it doesn't change that I was one."

Hinata shook her head before gently taking his hand in hers. She then said, "Naruto, please take it from someone who knows how doubts can cripple a person. It's okay. The important thing is that you overcome them and grow stronger as well as learning that you can come to us... to me with all of your concerns."

"Thank you Hinata," Naruto said taking her hand and kissing it.

Hinata smiled and then turned her attention to the tea pot asking, "Would you like some more?"

"Yes, please," he said recovering some of his usual good cheer as he looked around the small building. Hinata smiled and while his focus was elsewhere adjusted her kimono so that it exposed a good deal of cleavage. When his attention once more focused on her, she could feel his eyes travel over her body. "Um...Hinata," he said his voice filled with a combination of confusion and arousal at the appearance of her milky white cleavage.

"Hmm," she replied innocently.

"N-nothing," he quickly said figuring she knew about her nearly popping out of her clothes.

Hinata did know and this time used the precise movements of preparing the tea to silently drive her man wild. For example she'd get a little too close to the flame and then when a few beads of sweat would form would move in such a way that it would trace a line right to the valley between her breasts. As she moved slowly and as erotically as possible given the confined way she needed to for the ceremony she tried to gauge Naruto's reaction and was pleased to see him transfixed. She watched him out of the corer of her eye as his gaze followed a bead of sweat that broke free from her neck to begin its travel down her chest. When it disappeared into her cleavage she saw him lick his lips. Adding a throaty tone to her voice she said, "Your tea is ready."

Naruto took the offered cup from her and she turned to attend to the flame asking, "Would you like some more?"

Naruto downed the drink again but growing thirsty for something else set it down saying, "Don't worry I can get it myself."

Hinata let out a surprised yelp as Naruto pushed her back to gain access to her lower lips. "N-naruto...don't my clothes will get dirty."

Naruto though had managed to reach between the folds of her kimono and not finding anything beneath said, "No underwear Hinata. Something tells me you wanted to get dirty."

Hinata was about to deny it but her lover's head found its way underneath her clothes causing her to moan in pleasure. Pulling his mouth tighter against her snatch she said, "T-that's not t-true."

He smiled against her skin and adding a finger he began to stir up her insides before saying, "These lips are calling you a liar Hinata." He then began to lick her snatch as he continued to finger her, adding another when she began moving her hips looking for more stimulation.

Hinata leaned back further giving up on her meager protests and pulled her kimono away from her breasts so she could fondle them. Pinching her nipples she continued to rub her mound against Naruto's mouth. Having missed the warmth of his breath against her pussy, she felt her body growing tense so pulled a hand away from her nipple to plant it on top of his head to pull him right to where she needed his tongue. He hit her clit with it and she tensed as she planted her feet on the ground lifting her ass from the ground and came hard. Naruto rode out her moving hips as he drank her essence. When her hips returned to earth he pulled his head from beneath her clothes and climbing up her body gave her a deep soul searing kiss.

Tasting herself on his lips really fired her up and when the kiss ended she pleaded, "Naruto...I need it."

Naruto pulled back and after staring into her eyes nodded. He quickly stripped but when she moved to do the same said, "No...leave it on."

Hinata nodded so leaned back pulling her kimono away from her pussy saying, "Please fill me."

Naruto pushed his dick against her snatch and slowly pushed inside. Once he was fully buried within her both of them groaned in contentment at the feeling of being connected again. Hinata wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "Welcome back."

Naruto gave her his trademark grin as he said, "It's good to be back." He then began to move his hips causing Hinata to moan as her body began to feel the sensations Naruto's actions were creating within here. Their movements were slow and deliberate much like Hinata's actions during the tea ceremony. The two lovers peppered each other faces and necks with light kisses as they continued to edge each other to their inevitable release. Naruto pulled back enough to grip Hinata's breast and squeezed it so that it presented him her nipple. Running his tongue around it Hinata pulled him into her tit so that he sucked the nipple into his mouth. Giving it a nip with his teeth her moans raised in volume before telling him, "T-the...mmmm... the other one too."

Following her direction he switched his focus by trailing his tongue from one nipple to the other. "Y-yes..." she moaned after his tongue completed its journey.

Hinata also showed her appreciation by flexing her cunt muscles around his tool causing him to stop his actions for a moment and gasp, "D-damn Hinata you're gripping me so tightly."

"I-it's because you're making me feels so good....Naruto...mmm....more... pound me more..."

"As you wish my princess," he whispered into her ear causing her to emit a tiny squeal of joy. Naruto's pace grew more frantic as his thrusts grew more powerful. As a result it wasn't long before his lover was writhing about beneath him as they both neared their individual ends.

Feeling the telltale signs he was nearing his end he said, "H-hinata...I can't hold out much longer."

"G-go ahead cum..." she said but having a delicious idea added, "Cum in my mouth... I want to taste you as well."

Naruto groaned before pulling out and giving his cock several pumps aimed for the Hyuuga's open mouth while with his free hand he rubbed her pussy. He fired his load just as her orgasm hit causing her to buck her hips and throw off his aim causing him to splatter her tits with his first shot before readjusting and hitting her mouth with the next several bursts. He watched her close her mouth making his cum disappear down her gullet and felt his dick stiffen again from the content, "Mmmmm," that she let out as the warmth of his seed made its way to her stomach. His cock's resurrection was completed from the way she used the index finger of one hand to draw a little spiral pattern in the puddle he had left on her chest. She gave him a sultry smile as she noticed him watching her and beckoned him forward with said finger before putting in her mouth to clean it of his essence. It was an invitation Naruto was all too willing to accept and as he lunged forward couldn't believe he was only on item number two of the list he had been given. As Hinata did her part to help him recapture his mojo, he couldn't help but wonder how he could have doubted his lovers for so long and why the voice that had been pushing him to seemed to be so silent as of late.