
30.5. Target: Yakumo

Inside Naruto's apartment the egg timer went off jerking the clone awake which dispelled itself alerting two of its fellow clones and Naruto that time was up. Naruto reappeared in his apartment holding the tarp and dripping water all over the place quickly made his way to the bathroom.


Meanwhile in two separate village hospitals the clones nodded to the Bijuu they were with indicating it was time to begin.

Kiyomi gave her clone a brief smile before it disappeared and then gathering chakra projected it out in a massive burst. The Chakra Wave quickly shot away not only covering the hospital, but continued on until the whole of Konoha had been covered by it. Kiyomi breathed heavily from the exertion before looking at Koharu to say, "That wasn't so hard." However a moment later she tilted forward to collapse but was caught by the elder who shunshined them to her safehouse.


A moment after Naruto disappeared, a red wave of energy passed through Yakumo's bathroom. She could hear her guards scrabbling outside no doubt about to burst into the room to check on her so she quickly wiped away the seal just as the door flew open. Although expecting it, she was still startled so stood up in her bath and pulled open the screen. However what she didn't expect was the shocked looks of her two guards who stared at her with slack jaws. Looking about the room for the cause of their surprise she caught a glimpse of her reflection and although she still appeared somewhat underfed Yakumo saw a healthy shine to her appearance she had never known. A little taken aback on what to say she saw Sakura's herbs floating in the water so pulling them out said, "I must ask where Sakura got these."

Hearing her Uncle burst into the room she asked her attendants to hand her something to cover herself with and feeling an abundance of energy quickly left the bathroom once covered to face the days challenges.


Gaara stared out of his office window as a large dome of chakra appeared from inside of Suna's hospital. It grew larger until all of the hospital was surrounded in a large blue field that lasted several seconds before disappearing. Although knowing that it meant the denizens of the building it had surrounded would experience a miraculous recovery he sighed already hearing the paperwork being generated from the event he was witnessing. Proof of what he feared was given to him as his older brother burst into his office shouting, "Gaara, reports are pouring in about some chakra wave covering the hospital."

"What are those reports saying?" Gaara asked calmly as he walked around his desk. "Do they fear this is some sort of attack?"

"I don't know..." Kankuro admitted falling into step behind his brother.

Gaara remained silent as he worried about how his village would react to the event. He understood Naruto's reasoning which would be that by having two events happen at the same time separated by such a great distance would throw off Danzou about what the Blond Shinobi had in store for the Kurama Clan Head. But in the world of shinobi the unknown often meant death and it happening unexpectedly often meant a real fear of it being an attack.

However that fear would disappear for anyone that set foot into the hospital as it did for Kankuro as he entered it behind his brother. "What the hell!?" he exclaimed as he saw the doctors and nurses running about in confusion while the patients who would normally be waiting to see the doctors excitedly explained to whoever would listen how the alignments that had brought them there seemed to have been cured.

"How is this possible?" Kankuro asked in amazement.

Gaara remained silent with the answer simply saying, "I believe Konoha experienced something similar several months back. Perhaps we can contact them and see if they are willing to share some information with us."

Kankuro nodded replying, "I'll send the hawk out right away."

Gaara didn't reply as his brother left to fulfill his order. By then the citizens and shinobi visiting the hospital noticed their Kazekage and immediately began to surround him in order to share the extraordinariness of their being healed. As they shared their tales a small smile appeared as he thought to himself that the paperwork no doubt piling up would be worth it.


Tsunade entered the Den from the abandoned apartment building that held the hidden entrance to the tunnels that made it up. She rubbed her eyes from the strain of going over a great deal of the paperwork the city wide event had already generated. Knowing that the next day would bring even more she tried to remain upbeat due to all the happy reports she had received already. But those were tempered by the meeting requests she had also received from the elder Homura and Danzou. With the messenger hawk from Suna detailing how they had experienced something similar albeit smaller she could already hear the two men arguing with her about how it was likely these events were test runs of some secret weapon. She figured that there was no doubt the two men would argue that the beneficial nature of the chakra waves was simply to lure the two villages into a sense of calm before striking. Now that the wave was large enough to cover all of Konoha the next time it happened it could just as likely wipe out every living thing in the village.

She would want to scoff at such a theory when it was presented to her however the sad truth was that as a village leader she would have to treat it as a potential truth. It was depressing to think that in Suna the same thing would likely play out with Gaara and the Shinobi Council there. Luckily for her, Tsunade could assign Yuugao and Anko to head up the task of investigating the event in Konoha. In Suna however with Temari currently attached as the co-leader of the Training Force with Asuma, Gaara would have to assign his brother most likely to the task and while she doubted there would be any evidence linking any of them to the event. Gaara as well as her would still need to consider the possibility as well as how he would handle the truth if they needed to tell him. While Kankuro was friendly with Naruto, she did not want to think about how he would react upon learning his sister was bound to the blond or the fact that his brother had known.

But she pushed those thoughts out of her mind as she entered the large bedroom where Naruto had pleased his harem a couple nights before. She was a little disappointed to find Naruto had yet to arrive although Koharu, Haku, and Tayuya were present. She settled in to wait and fifteen minutes later the blond appeared in the center of the room in a flash of red light. Kiyomi appeared moments later although still a little wobbly but was steadied by Naruto who guided her to the bed.

Upon sitting her down he turned to Tsunade asking, "Is this it?"

The Hokage smiled before replying, "The rest of your lovers are busy dealing with the fallout from your idea. Those not assigned to the hospital are out scouring the surrounding area looking for some hint of how it happened."

Naruto nodded, and turning towards Kiyomi said, "Thank you again. How is Yoruichi holding up? She appeared pretty weak when I picked her up from Matsuri's."

"She'll be fine," the human Bijuu answered, "Generating these chakra waves is as close to chakra exhaustion as either of us has ever come. But I'm sure it will all be worth it."

Naruto was about to agree when Koharu said, "Don't count our eggs before they hatch. Homura has already visited me explaining his concerns that this is just some enemy field testing a new weapon and that was before he learned it also happened in Suna."

"We expected that though," the blond jinchuriki said turning to his lover, "That's why we also had one appear in Suna. My hope is that as the villages get closer these events will be viewed as something happening because we are on the right path."

"Naruto you're still young and trust me when I say the reason I feel this was a mistake is due to the unknown nature of it. It will be too easy for Danzou to twist this into something to inspire fear in the village."

Naruto sighed indicating he understood what Koharu was saying but said hopefully, "That's why the next step will be to expose him for the bastard he really is."

He could see Koharu wasn't going to let the matter drop but Tsunade stepped forward to say, "Nevertheless the die has already been cast. Plus now with Yakumo's vote we will be able to move Suna and Konoha closer together despite Danzou and Homura's resistance to the idea." Naruto began to scratch his cheek nervously something all of his lovers immediately picked up causing Tsunade to ask, "We do have her vote, right?"

"Um... next exactly." The blond answered looking at a spot to his right in order to avoid eye contact.

"She didn't reject you did she," Koharu asked fearing the events such an occurrence could bring about. "I know you didn't plan to seduce her but at the very least..."

"I didn't bring the matter up," Naruto said turning his gaze upon the brown-haired woman.

"Why the fuck not?" Tayuya asked suddenly, "The whole reason for this was to get her to agree to vote with us against that prick Danzou."

"No it wasn't," Naruto said his gaze and voice growing firm. Tsunade was about to reply but stopped when his gaze settled on her. He smiled softly before saying, "I know it was foolish of me, but I couldn't use my ability to heal her for something as petty as gaining her vote for the council. I like to believe what is in that bill we are trying to pass is good for both villages and if Yakumo agrees she'll go along with it. If not, she'll side with Danzou. In the end though there will always be another chance to pass such a thing, but there will only ever be one Yakumo. I'll apologize later if I've wasted everyone's efforts."

Naruto put his hands in his pockets and left the room deciding to enjoy the night air. The others remained not quite sure how to feel until Haku began giggling softly. Noticing all eyes turned to her the former Mist-nin said softly, "And he's the one that fears he'll lose his way. I don't think he'll ever be able to forget that the actions he takes are just as important as what he hopes to achieve." Haku smiled upon seeing that her words seemed to have made the other women accept the potential set back to their ambition, even as a part of her felt guilty about pursuing her own selfish desire over helping her lover.


It had been several days since the chakra wave covered Konoha and for both Koharu and Tsunade the time since it had been filled with meetings, meetings, and more meetings. That morning had been little different for Koharu as it had been filled by a status updates from Yuugao, who would address the full Clan Council later. Naturally as expected the Anbu head captain had claimed to have found nothing of value to learn about who was behind it. Koharu still feared that they weren't out of the woods but for the moment was forced to admit her worries were likely unfounded.

Walking through the halls of the Hokage mansion on her way to a meeting on Konoha's state of readiness should the events be a precursor to an attack. The elder sighed in annoyance since her lover got to enjoy the fact that his idea had not only healed Yakumo. But his teacher Kakashi, Guy, and Yamato from the injuries they suffered from their run in with Pain. What was worse was that due to his being a genin he was left alone to train while his higher ranked lovers needed to attend meetings and such. The blond had offered to help anyone who asked, but since he had a reputation as not being the deepest of thinkers he couldn't really press to be included as in his book the Chakra Wave was a good thing. Koharu's annoyance gave way to a soft smile since his attitude had many of the more jaded shinobi that she dealt with questioning if perhaps they were the ones making a mountain out of a molehill.

Reaching the room of her meeting she saw Tsunade storming out followed by several shinobi such as Ibiki Morino, and Shikaku Nara. Ibiki broke off heading in the opposite direction as Tsunade stomped towards Koharu followed by Shikaku. As the Hokage passed she fell into step besides her asking, "What's wrong?"

She could hear Tsunade practically grinding her teeth as she answered, "Elder Danzou has decided to convene the Clan Council meeting early and has requested our presence."

From the sarcastic way the Hokage had spoken she knew demand would have been a more accurate description. Upon reaching the Clan Council chamber Tsunade threw the doors open angrily and sat at the table assigned to the Hokage while Koharu and Shikaku moved to theirs. Taking her seat she could see that Danzou was just as agitated but for vastly different reasons. She wondered if the concern she could see coming from him was due to his love for the village or because he was upset by this new mystery that he needed to account for in his plan to take it over. There was a time she would have believed it to be the first and now thought it such a pity that she knew it was the latter.

Danzou recognizing them as the last to arrive was about to begin speaking when the doors were thrown open again. Quite a few people jumped not expecting it or that the guards stationed throughout the building would allow an intruder that far inside. However they all calmed instantly upon seeing the panting girl as she tried to catch her breath having run from the edge of the village. Koharu though watched Danzou and saw a small twitch that on anyone else would have been a grimace. She saw that Tsunade also noticed it and as a result her mood picked up significantly.

Able to speak now the girl said, "I-I'm sorry it took so long. The Anbu only just arrived at my home... I don't think he expected me..."

"It's fine," Tsunade said warmly, "I only just arrived myself please take your seat Lady Yakumo."

Yakumo moved to the empty table upon which the chair behind it bore her clan's Mon. She traced her fingers over the carved emblem reverently, but upon noticing everyone's gaze upon her blushed and quickly took her seat. Tsunade then turned towards Danzou and to Koharu all traces of warmth vanished as she said, "Well elder you're the one that summoned us."

"I wish that it wasn't necessary," Danzou said reeking of concern which to Koharu was sure was simply an attempt to get the room behind him. "However it appears to me that since a second chakra event has happened it is apparent that you have failed in your duties to the village."

Tsunade folded her hands in front of her face as she rested her elbows on the table before icily replying, "Would you like to clarify your position?"

Standing, the elder came from around his table and paced leaning heavily on his cane said, "The first event was small and as such any potential damage would have been minimal. However this second one covered the entire village and could have wiped us out completely. A jutsu designed to heal could just as quickly be turned to killing. Yet what did you do to insure such a thing wouldn't happen again..." Danzou paused to let his words sink in before whirling to face Tsunade using his cane as a pivot before accusingly finishing by saying, "...Nothing." Letting the word hang in the air for a moment he began pacing again adding, "That for a Hokage is a grave offense especially since whoever was behind it was able to activate the jutsu from the exact same location. At the very least..."

"Lord Danzou, were you not in the village when the wave happened?"

Danzou was knocked off his tirade by the unexpected question and all eyes turned to the woman that asked it causing her to blush again as she said, "I'm sorry... should I have raised my hand first. I'm afraid I'm not sure of the proper procedures."

Tsunade smiled at the girl for a multitude of reason before she said, "It's fine. But may I inquire as to why you would ask that?"

Yakumo looked down nervously before answering, "It's just that Elder Danzou is leaning quite heavily on his cane. Speaking as someone who benefitted from the chakra event that he would have liked to have never happened I just find it strange he needs it to such an extent. I've never felt as good as I do right now. Plus my Uncle Unkai had an old injury to his knee that forced him to retire. Although he took an active part in trying to suppress Ido when it tried to take over three years ago he limped around for weeks afterwards." Yakumo smiled gently as she continued, "This morning he took part in training with the rest of the Kurama's active shinobi and easily outpaced them all. I believe he plans to file the papers for reinstatement this morning."

All eyes moved from Yakumo to Danzou as Tsunade said with all too much glee in her voice, "That is an excellent point. Why do you need your cane Elder?"

Koharu never thought she would see the day when Danzou would appear at a loss for words. She suspected he was using the cane to play on the sympathies that his needing it generated as it reminded them of the fact he was a war hero. And while she wasn't innocent of using her age or status as an elder to her advantage felt it was just another example of how far both he and she had fallen from the once lofty ideals they had held, although she believed she had discovered herself again thanks to her feelings for Naruto. Danzou though she doubted ever would as he said, "That makes me quite pleased to hear that. Unkai was a damn fine soldier; unfortunately I did not participate in the event since my study where I spend most of my time is deep underground in case of such occurrences happening."

Koharu didn't know if he was telling the truth or not but before Danzou could try and recapture the tone he was trying to establish Yakumo said, "Then perhaps it would be best if you aren't the one leading the conversation on this."

"What did you say?" Danzou said his voice dropping a few degrees giving it an almost threatening tone.

"I'm sorry, perhaps I said too much."

"Actually I'd love to hear your opinion on the matter," Tsunade said obviously basking in Danzou's growing anger.

Nervously the clan head stood before saying, "Elder Danzou is speaking from the position of someone who hasn't experienced what the Chakra Wave could do. I'm speaking from the position of someone who has benefitted greatly and as a result likely holds a far different opinion of the same event."

"That may be," Homura began to say, "but experience has taught us to be wary of things that appear too good to be true."

Yakumo nodded at his point but undeterred said, "I understand where you are coming from even if I disagree. You see this as a potential threat waiting to be unleashed at a moment's notice but what if it's a reward."

"A reward," Danzou said mockingly, "then why would they hide their faces?"

Koharu noticed quite a few of the clan heads were more prone to back Danzou over Yakumo. However the Kurama Clan Head steadfastly said, "Why do you assume it has to be a "they" who wish us harm? Could it not simply be a miracle for which someone prayed?"

Danzou scoffed before saying, "Please stop wasting our time on such silly fairy tales. Here we must deal with reality."

Yakumo looked hurt by the Elder's comment and turned away from him to head back to her seat. However she stopped and once more facing the elder said, "I feel sorry for you. You're unable to see the good in anything even something that has greatly benefited your home." Feeling more emboldened by her words the young woman continued, "I doubt you can do that for anything, can you? You say we must deal with reality here then fine let's do that. Akatsuki seeks to harness the power of the Bijuu for some great and powerful jutsu capable of leveling a country."

"May I ask how do you know that?" Hiashi Hyuuga asked his tone unchallenging merely questioning.

Yakumo didn't turn from Danzou instead only moved her eyes enough to make eye contact with the Hyuuga clan head. "It was in the transcripts of one of the meetings this council has held. I may have been incapable of being here in person but that in no way meant I took my duties lightly. I have read every transcript and every scrap of information I could get my hands on in order to best fulfill my duties. If the council had allowed me to use a proxy I would have gladly given my input on all of the important things that needed to be discussed."

Koharu could see that quite a few of the people who had been for stripping the young woman of her title shifted uncomfortably. The female elder also could see that both Tsunade and Tsume were enjoying the Yakumo's debut on the council. Yakumo focused back onto Danzou as she said, "Akatsuki's goal appears to be to use this jutsu to bring about a change to the shinobi world. Now what if there is another group that has the same goals but instead of using destruction wants to use this jutsu as something to bring us together."

Shikaku leaned forward in interest asking, "What do you mean?"

"Konoha since its founding has always tried to get along with its neighbors. That was one of the reasons the first Hokage split the Bijuu among the various shinobi villages that were founded after our home's founding." Yakumo paused to lick her lips and Koharu noticed the girl's cheeks were beginning to redden. She didn't doubt that the others might mistake this as her growing nervous at being put on the spot or passion, but the female elder as did the other two women from Naruto's harem believed she was beginning to experience one of the side effects of her being exposed to Naruto's chakra. The young Kurama seemed to lose her place for a moment as she closed her eyes causing the women present to fear she might do something rather indecent. But Yakumo calmed herself enough to say, "W-what if those attempts are starting to pay dividends? For all we know Konoha was first since it has long sought peace with its neighbors and now that Suna seems willing to truly reciprocate it has experienced a similar event. This could just be someone or something's way of telling us we are on the right path. I'm not saying we can't prepare for it to become something that can be used against us. Only that it would be sad to close our hearts to the potential fact that this is merely what it appears to be, something beneficial to both Konoha and Suna."

Yakumo returned to her seat and tried to remain still but would squirm about every so often. As the meeting progressed, Koharu had a hard time not joining into Tsume and Tsunade's good cheer especially as it became apparent to Danzou that the more he pushed on the matter the more he began to appear as someone stuck in the past and always looking for the next threat. Due to this he backed off and although not pleased agreed with the security measures that Tsunade had already prepared.

Danzou then tried to end the meeting, but was forced to sit back and watch as Tsunade brought up the other items that the council had pushed back the month before since she saw no reason to reconvene the council again later. Koharu had to once more admit that although her lover's methods at times could be extremely frustrating to her. When the bill TR one-hundred and three came up for a vote and Yakumo's voice was among the chorus of ayes that led to its passing it was hard to deny his methods were the right ones.


Karin frowned at the empty seat next to her since she had invited Tsunami to attend the auction with her. Wondering where the woman had gone to that afternoon she sighed as the current president of the Gato Corporation stood before the audience to say, "Thank you all for attending. Your funds will help fuel this company's rise back to the pinnacle of the shipping world, so don't get too comfortable."

Karin looked around as some of the native people of Wave shifted about uncomfortably since the man's words could almost be taken as a threat. Karin wasn't worried though as her estimates would have the company shutting its door within the year even with the new influx of cash. Gato reputation was just too well-known now for anyone to do legitimate business with them since just being associated with the company was cause for most law enforcement to look into a person's background. In a year she believed the company would go belly up forcing it to sell the asset she really wanted the port it had in Wave. Of course in order to do that she needed to get her hands on the hotel so when she did buy the port there would not be too much trouble from the local populace.

Continuing to look around the room her gaze stopped on the handsome man sitting in the front. His long hair was hanging loosely behind him and he was dressed in an expensive business suit. She knew that when all was said and done he would be the one she needed to beat. She had looked some into S. I. N.'s background and had learned that much as its name suggested it was a group of investors that bought up failed properties to turn around. Most of which turned out to be related to the gambling business. She knew that depending on how serious they were the company could easily out bid her. Her one saving grace was that the Gato Corporation had demanded that the bidding be a cash only affair. Therefore whoever won the auction would need to hand over a big pile of cash immediately. The reason for this was the president of the company was all too aware that some of his competition would be present and they could hasten his company's demise by canceling the payment somewhere down the line forcing it to waste more money and time as it tried to survive.

Vega appeared to notice someone's eyes on his back so she quickly moved on before he could mark her as the one staring and finished her scan of the room by looking to the back of it where her genin protection stood. They stood around a single suitcase resting on a table and she smiled since she didn't doubt that many of the other players for the hotel had seriously underestimated the amount of cash she had brought unaware she had placed a scroll inside that contained all her funds. Her smile lessened slightly since looking at the table that Vega's bodyguard was standing in front of there were over twenty large suitcases.

However such a thing wasn't necessarily a bad thing. For one it gave her a chance to calculate just how much the man had brought from the overall dimensions of the suitcases. She figured that even if they were all stuffed with the largest denominations for the Ryo then both she and Vega had brought similar amounts. It bolstered her spirits a little since a part of her felt Vega had brought all the money for show as a way to get bidders to drop out without even trying. If he wasn't willing to spend it all then she could win on that principle alone.

But she did feel a bit of apprehension from the fact that the man's chakra was telling her that he was more than a pretty face. His chakra was to sharp and refined for him to be anything but a shinobi. Therefore there was a possibility that among one of the suitcases he had brought was a scroll filled with funds just like hers. Yet to be truthful what truly bothered her however was that from his chakra signature she got the feeling that he was more dangerous than the man guarding him.

She adjusted her glasses and was about to turn to the auctioneer as he was about to begin when she noticed Tsunami enter. Waving to the woman, she smiled as her guest said, "Sorry I'm late."

"Where we're you?"

Tsunami simply smiled but didn't answer as the auctioneer began calling out the cost for the property. Karin looked away frowning due to her desire to know as well as how many people were jumping at the prices being called out. Although the cost was still well below what she had brought her pessimism grew since Vega had yet to raise his hand once. Karin had yet to either and she figured they had both come to the same plan which was to wait to see when the other bidders became hesitant to make a crushing offer.

"Can I get ten-million... ten-million," the auctioneer called before pointing to a woman who raised her hand. Raising the price he immediately, "Got ten, can I get ten-five, ten-five."

Karin began sweating a little since in the several minutes since the bidding began the price had already reached the half-way mark of what she could afford to spend. However, fortunately for her the bidding soon began to slow around the fifteen million mark. She was about to throw out a number of seventeen million when Vega shouted twenty-one million. Karin turned her head back to the table where his money was all piled in time to see another henchman bring a suitcase and place it on the table. Vega turned back to look at her giving a smarmy and amused smile which disappeared when Tsunami raised her hand to shout, "Twenty-five million."

"What are you doing?" Karin said in a whisper, "I only have twenty with me. As soon as they count it and realize I'm short they'll just award it to the next highest bidder."

Tsunami smiled brightly and nodded her head towards the table where Karin's money was. The red-head turned to see quite a few villagers carrying bags which they dropped onto the table. The bags were all different shape and sizes but she could tell they were all stuffed with money. She kept watching even as Tsunami said, "For the past month the village has been gathering funds. When they found out one of the people bidding for the hotel was from the Uzumaki clan and what your hopes for it were. Well it was only natural they would put their trust in you."

The auctioneer gave Vega a chance to up his bid but now that he was in the same boat Karin had been he simply shook his head causing the man to hit his gavel on the table and shout, "Sold to the Great Tree Shipping Company." Karin and Tsunami hugged joyful but as she basked in her win Karin felt a cold spike in chakra that felt like it wanted to imbedded itself in her skull.


A henged Naruto walked down the street with an equally henged Haku on his arm. Although the facial features of the woman she was pretending to be were the same as when Tayuya had been henged as her. This time the woman's hair was black and was hanging loosely behind her. Naruto caught some people doing double takes and knew that part of the reason was some people may have recognized them from his date with Tayuya or Tenten who had been next and were questioning why her hair was now black. However he figured most of them were from the fact that Haku carried herself completely different than the other two women had.

Deciding to comment on one thing that Tayuya and Tenten hadn't been he said, "Haku there's no reason to be nervous."

"I-I know," Haku replied although she buried herself into his side a little tighter, "I'm sorry it's just this is so unlike anything I've ever done before. Zabuza didn't exactly encourage me to act like a girl."

Remembering their first meeting Naruto said, "You could have fooled me."

Haku laughed gently but admitted, "Perhaps pink wasn't the most fitting color in order to pretend I was a boy."

He felt Haku's mood drop so asked, "What's wrong?"

"Do you believe I'm being selfish?"

"Of course not." The henged blond said quickly, "Why would you even think that?"

The two of them were walking on the path that ran next to the river through Konoha so Haku broke away from him and placed her hands on the railing that prevented people from falling in. Staring at the water she said, "It's just all of you are all focused on making the world a better place while all my thoughts are consumed with anger at those who would disturb Zabuza's grave."

Naruto came up behind his lover and wrapping his arms around her said, "Haku, you don't need to concern yourself with my goals. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be you to wake up and learn your precious teacher's grave had been disturbed. A part of me is angry as well since it seems that Sasuke would have allowed it as well if the sword hadn't already been taken before they got there. Besides to be honest your hunting for the Kubikiribôchô works for me as well."

Haku frowned since she knew what had happened between Sasuke and Naruto since Kiyomi would tell anyone who would listen why the Uchiha needed to die painfully. She always did it when Naruto wasn't around though making Haku feel that the Bijuu had an insight that Naruto hadn't shared with the rest of his lovers. "You haven't given up on him have you?"

Naruto tensed for a moment before sighing as he said, "It is hard to put into words. I still want to save him from the darkness he has surrounded himself with and imagine I always will. But truthfully I'm more afraid then anything."

"You afraid," Haku said the disbelief she felt easy to hear.

Naruto nodded though before resting his head on her shoulder as they watched the water passed by in the darkness. "Sasuke I imagine could have easily come back to the village after killing his brother. In two swoops of his sword he removed both Orochimaru and the dreaded Itachi Uchiha. If he had played his cards right I doubt even Tsunade would have been able to touch him. If this is visible to me then it has to be to Sasuke as well. Therefore, I keep asking myself, why hasn't he? The answer I keep coming up with is he somehow knows why Itachi killed his family and if that's the case it's the worst possible scenario."


"Because it means when he does come back he intends to settle the score. Revenge is all he has in his life now, and with his brother dead he'll cling to whatever new enemy presents itself to him."

Haku looked back worriedly to say, "Then perhaps I should abandon my quest. Finding Kubikiribôchô is important to me, but you are far more precious."

Naruto smiled but said, "Please don't. I have this feeling that Sasuke and I need to meet again someday. I'm hoping that when it does happen it's as far away from Konoha as possible."

Haku nodded, but couldn't help hoping the meeting never took place. Tired of speaking about depressing matters the kunoichi said, "Naruto, please make me warm."

Naruto smiled and made sure nobody else was on the path before causing them both to disappear in a red flash. Appearing in the hotel room the fake personas were staying in with Tayuya pretending to be the man when Naruto wasn't around, Haku spun in his arms as they both dropped their henges and pressed her lips to his. The two made out as Haku gently held her hands against his chest while he rubbed his along her back. Haku was the one to end the kiss and then smiled sweetly before slowly dropping to her knees before him. Her hands slowly followed before zeroing in around his package which she rubbed tantalizingly. Naruto groaned from her action which grew in volume when her nimble fingers freed his cock. Immediately licking the tip she began to swirl her tongue around his head but was surprised when his strong arms grabbed her under her armpits and lifted her up.

"N-naruto," she said as he carried her towards the bed and then gently laid her down. Stepping back he pulled his pants off and then climbing on the bed himself knelt near her head so she could continue sucking his cock. As Haku's tongue began bathing his love muscle again he busied himself with pulling the sash of her kimono open to expose her body to him in turn. Finding that Haku hadn't bothered with any undergarments, he smirked before saying, "No wonder you were cold." He then lowered his mouth to her pussy to enjoy Haku's gathering juices as it appeared the kunoichi was enjoying his.

The two continued in their actions until Haku surprised him and gripping his hips rolled them over until she was on top. She then spun around and then positioning him at her entrance and lowered herself down causing them both to groan as she impaled herself on his cock. She then began a slow grind as she moaned and pushed his shirt up so that she could see his chest. Naruto groaned as Haku slowly worked her hips back and forth while clenching her pussy in order to squeeze his dick. Her kimono still clinging to her shoulder gave the kunoichi a sultry air as she kept her eyes closed while riding his dick.

"Mmmm so warm," Haku moaned as she began to increase her pace. When Naruto tried to place his hands on her hips, her own intercepted them and she linked her fingers with his holding them in the air in front of her. She then began more furiously working her hips back and forth grinding her clit against his skin. "Y-yes so good..." she began panting still with her eyes closed which opened in surprise when Naruto spun them over.

"N-no," she whimpered when he pulled out. But she then allowed him to spin her so that she was on all fours.

"Don't worry," the jinchuriki said kneeling behind the kunoichi, "But let me really turn up the heat." Naruto then grabbed Haku's kimono pulling it back and off her shoulders. The way he did it forced her arms behind her back and as soon as they were cleared of the sleeves, Naruto caught them and pulled her towards him. At the same time he thrust his hips forward burying his dick in his snow maidens soaking wet and boiling hot snatch.

Haku's eyes shot open from the powerful invasion and authoritative thrusts as Naruto used her arms to pull her back against him with every lunge. Haku moaned loudly every time she was fully impaled on his meatcicle. However, aware of how thin the walls were and not wanting another visit from someone at the front desk to tell them to keep it down, even if it had the potential to be a blushing Ami again, like he had experienced with Tenten a few nights before. He let go of her arms causing Haku to bury her face in the mattress as he gripped her hips to continue his pounding assault.

Haku reached her hand between her legs and began to rub her pussy in conjuncture with his thrusts and the added stimulus caused her pussy to clamp down around his cock causing the jinchuriki to groan in pleasure from the increased resistance. Naruto then spun them around so that he was on his back with Haku's pressed against his chest. He placed his hand on top of her increasing the pressure of her rubbing while he also increased the pace of his thrusts.

"F-fu... ...d-don't if you keep it up I'll melt," Haku panted although she continued to meet his thrusts.

Licking her neck until he reached her ear he whispered, "Go ahead, Haku, melt for me." He then pressed both their middle fingers against her clit like a button, causing her to tense as she screamed her release into the knuckle of her other hand. As she did that, he buried his tool as far as it would go so that her thirsty womb would receive the semen her convulsing pussy was so desperately trying to milk from him. After several powerful blasts of his seed, which triggered another orgasm for Haku they both caught their breaths.

The tranquil moment was ruined though as someone began banging against the wall shouting, "For just one fucking night can you fucking try to control yourselves."

"We really need to find a new apartment for these aliases," Naruto whispered causing his lover to nod before they both began laughing softly.

They both settled into sleep but were jarred awake by a call for help.


Karin and Tsunami were returning to the older woman's home flanked by Team Ebisu. After winning the auction Karin had needed to fill out the necessary paperwork. While they waited for it to process the kunoichi had asked how the villagers had managed to scrape together an additional five million Ryo. Tsunami had explained that all of the people who had contributed were the older residents of Wave and as such had been around when its fortunes began to improve with the construction of the bridge. Due in part to Gato's control of the country and the lessons learned from it they had all saved a significant portion of their new wealth just in case.

The two women had spent the hour after they signed the paperwork with the townspeople that had helped with the purchase of the hotel. There Karin learned that despite their good feelings for the clan she hailed from, the people expected a return on their investment. Karin had surprised the townspeople by offering a percent stake in the hotel based on how much they had contributed. The kunoichi hadn't been surprised to learn that Tsunami had been the one that had contributed the most.

Karin felt uneasy as they approached Tsunami's home. Activating her chakra sensing abilities she immediately detected a large chakra source inside the home and recognized it as Vega's shinobi bodyguard. Holding her hand out to the side she said, "We can't go... watch out!"

Karin immediately tackled Tsunami to the ground with the two of them narrowly missing being skewered by a claw from a masked man who had leapt from a roof above them. "W-what's going on?" Tsunami said frightened as she stared up at the shirtless man whose chest and arm sported a dragon tattoo. His long brownish hair was done into a pony and covering his face was a mask that was somewhat similar to the one Haku wore with a stylized looking seven beneath his left eye. Attached to his left fist was a long three bladed claw.

Team Ebisu took up a guarding position between the two women and man as he bowed elegantly at the waist mockingly. However his voice held a small measure of respect as he said, "It appears our information on your chakra sensing abilities was correct. Although perhaps not as accurate as I could have hoped. I was hoping that leaving that brute inside the house would mask my movements."

As if in reply to what the masked man said. The door to Tsunami's home exploded off its hinges as the large dark-skinned man dressed in a light blue sleeveless shirt and shorts stepped out and slammed his taped fists together. "Enough talking," the man said punching one of the posts of the houses porch and shattering it, "Let's just kill these bozos."

"Balrog you are as vulgar as ever," Vega replied culturally. "A man should always take the time to enjoy the presence of a beautiful lady."

"Pfft, whatever," Balrog said before raising his fists up to his chest and charged the group.

"Karin, get Tsunami out of here," Konohamaru shouted. "Moegi and Udon take the guy in blue. I'll handle the masked freak."

Udon and Moegi having drawn a kunai each nodded and then threw them at the charging Balrog. Despite not altering his straight charge, Balrog moved his torso just enough to avoid each blade catching the genin flatfooted as he reached them. Still when he threw a jab at Moegi, the young genin still managed to avoid it. She retaliated with a kick to his thigh but was shocked at just how solid his muscles there were. She leapt back to avoid his follow up punch, but was caught in the stomach when with a sudden burst of speed he charged her while she was still in the air to slam his fist in her midsection. Moegi flew away and when she landed she bounced along the ground several times

Karin turned back to see how the genin hired to protect her were faring in time to see Moegi get hit. Tsunami saw it as well and said what the red-head was thinking, "We cannot leave them here."

"I know," Karin replied, "Go to a neighbors. I'll help them until..." The red-head left the words empty since they had both been using their fox marks to call for Naruto. However they were both also aware that he couldn't just appear due in part to the genin now fighting to protect them since it would raise too many questions. Neither woman doubted he wouldn't appear if left no alternative, but both hoped it wouldn't be too late. Tsunami took off running as Karin headed to help the genin.

Konohamaru flipped backwards and upon landing immediate created a shadow clone. However Vega tucked himself in a ball and bounced along the ground towards him. The man sprung out of his roll stabbing the clone in the chest causing it to puff into smoke. He then swung the claw around cutting into the real genin's side. Standing straight and towering over the genin the man held his clawed hand up to watch the blood run down it as he said, "Shadow clones...tsk I've always hated that jutsu. Still it does make the game a little more enjoyable. How about you make another and give me another chance to guess which the real one is."

Before Konohamaru could reply Vega spun throwing his arms up to block as Karin flew in with a kick. He screamed in pain as the heel of her high heeled shoe dug into his flesh. She then kicked out with her other leg catching the assassin in the side of the head spinning him away. Landing in front of Konohamaru she remained in a ready stance even as the genin shouted, "What do you think you are doing you moron? We're supposed to be guarding you."

"I know, I know," Karin said waving off his remarks, "It must be the Uzumaki in me that wants me to do something this stupid."

Vega stood back up and despite his injured arm still sounded amused as he said, "Good, it's more fun when the prey realizes there is no place to run so stays and fights."

"Can you buy me a few seconds?" Konohamaru asked recognizing the red-head wasn't going to leave.

Karin was just about to nod when Konohamaru was sent flying as Udon's body slammed into him. Turning she saw that Balrog had tossed the glasses wearing genin. She knew from the way Konohamaru's chakra had dimmed that the genin was unconscious. However Udon's was still active so she suspected he was lying in wait for a moment to attack. Yet a moment later his went dormant as well, but what gave her pause was the way it had happened. Before she could give the matter much thought though Vega was charging her claw held back as if to bury it in her chest. At the last second he was forced to abandon his attack as he jumped away and Senbon buried themselves into the ground where he had been standing. Both he and Karin directed their attention to the rooftop where they had come from to see a masked person dressed as a hunter-nin. Karin felt like smiling but knew it wouldn't due to advertise that she knew the woman so said, "Let me guess you're upset about my buying the hotel also."

"Is that what this is about," Haku replied with a disinterested shrug. "Your antics tonight are preventing me from enjoying the night with my lover. It would be best if you dispersed."

Moegi was aware of the new possible opponent but kept her focus on Balrog hoping to prevent him from double teaming Karin now that both her teammates appeared to have been taken out of the mix. Her body hurt all over even though she had landed far more hits on her opponent then he had on her. Still from the way he smiled she doubted any of hers had seriously hurt him. Charging in once more she pulled a kunai at the last second hoping to bury it into his side which he had left open. However it proved to be a ruse as he hit her with a left cross which he followed up with two jabs to the face. She could barely see straight but was aware of him pulling back for a strong right, but before it could connect a man appeared in front of her and easily caught the blow in his hand.

He looked over his shoulder and she saw that he was wearing a mask that matched the other new arrival. His eyes narrowed upon seeing her injuries and turning to face Balrog tightened his grip on the fist causing the bones to creak.

"Arggh," the man cried feeling like his hand was caught in a vice, "Who the fuck are Y....!"

The man cut off the question by kicking Balrog in his chest hard enough to send him flying. He smashed into the building the other masked-nin was standing on and Moegi could hear the female Hunter-nin sounding amused as she said, "He was also quite upset by the disturbance."

Vega leapt back towards where Balrog lay face down in the dirt and helping him stand said towards Karin, "Some other time my dear."

The masked blond charge forward in anger but both men disappeared as Vega shunshined them away. A moment later the two masked-nin followed leaving Karin and Moegi to attend to the wounded as well as with a ton of questions.


Tsunami hugged her knees as she hid in the old hotel not wanting to involve any of her neighbors. A moment later a flash of red appeared in the room and she charged out from behind the sign-in desk she had been hiding behind when Naruto called, "Tsunami its safe."

She clung to Naruto as she cried from the fear she had felt. He stroked her back lovingly as he whispered, "Shh, it's okay. I'll always be here to protect you." After a while she began to calm but he was forced to leave as Moegi began calling out for her having been sent by Karin.

Giving her a gentle kiss he Hiraishined back to the hotel room he was sharing with Haku and sat down on the bed. Haku pressed herself behind him hugging him loosely as he began to wonder about why anyone would be willing to kill for the old hotel and what he had gotten his lovers involved in.


Yakumo was dressed in a white sports bra and tight pair of black running shorts as she jogged through the village. It had been over a week since the Council Meeting and almost two since Naruto had healed her. Since the day of her healing she had spent as much of her free time as possible training. According to Sakura at the moment she was getting almost twice the normal results from her efforts as she normally would. The kunoichi couldn't tell her how long the effect would last but Yakumo was determined to get the maximum she could from it. Reaching the Hokage Mansion she entered it and ignored some of the looks she received from the people around her at her state of dress.

Reaching the Hokage's office she was about to knock but the door opened for her. Stepping in she saw the person that had opened it was Hinata. The Hyuuga smiled at her before stepping to the side to allow her to pass. She was about to step outside into the hall but looked over her shoulder to ask, "Will that be all Lady Tsunade?"

Tsunade nodded her head and Yakumo could see a smoldering anger in her eyes as she said, "Yes, I want you to find everything you can on this company, and including the two bastards that attacked my genin."

"Yes, milady," Hinata said on her way to the information archives.

Tsunade closed her eyes and when she refocused on Yakumo they sparkled warmly. The young woman for the first time acknowledged her dress as she said, "I hope you don't mind my clothes."

"Not at all," Tsunade said with a smile, "I understand how busy you've been. How are you feeling?"

"Fantastic," Yakumo replied brightly but then added, "Actually better than fantastic. I didn't know a person could feel this good." A little nervousness entered her voice as she said, "W-why have you sent for me?"

Tsunade gave her a gentle smile to put her at ease before answering, "This has to do with the request you made to join the active duty roster tryouts in two weeks. You did manage to graduate the academy, but were forced to drop out when Kurenai sealed Ido away. Still you experienced quite a bit of physical deterioration since then."

"I know Lady Tsunade...but I'm getting stronger."

Tsunade nodded, but replied, "Yakumo I'm not trying to talk you out of trying. I'm just trying to caution you against rushing into it. If you fail the minimum wait to try again will be six months. However, if you simply wait another tryout will be in three months." Tsunade saw her words reached the Kurama Clan head so coming around from her desk placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder as she said, "Yakumo, I have little doubt you will one day make a fine kunoichi. But rushing through and scoring poorly will limit the duties you are assigned. You may still make it through the ranks but you'd have to prove to be an exceptionable shinobi to overcome a poor performance."

"You mean a Naruto and Rock Lee type of exceptional," Yakumo replied.

"Exactly," Tsunade said turning from the woman to sit behind her desk again.

"Then would you please reconsider my request and reschedule it," Yakumo said.

"Of course, you can get the necessary paperwork to reschedule downstairs," Tsunade said.

Yakumo nodded and figuring the meeting was over turned to head downstairs. She stopped though when she touched the doorknob to ask, "Lady Tsunade... is Naruto in the village."

"Yes, why do you ask?"

Yakumo blushed remembering the incident in the bath as well as some of the thoughts she had experienced since then. "Well... um... I've been looking for him but I get the feeling he's been avoiding me."

Tsunade turned to look out her window and suspected the reason was so that Naruto's chakra would have a chance to run its course. Since it had been almost two weeks she knew that Naruto's chakra wasn't behind the girl's desire to find him. "I'm sure it's just your imagination." Closing her eyes Tsunade sensed that Naruto was at his apartment and was not with any of his other lovers so said, "I believe he's spending the day at home today. I'm sure if you head there now you'll find him."

"T-thank you," she replied excitedly as she headed out the door to see if the Hokage was correct.


Naruto yawned as he scratched his behind on his way to the fridge enjoying a quiet day at home. He opened his fridge and pulled a carton of milk out which he swirled around. He was about to take a drink when a knock came from his door. Not sensing any of his lovers he considered ignoring it but when a second insistent knock began guessed it wouldn't hurt to see who it could be. Dressed only in his boxers and an A-shirt he opened the door widely.

His eyes shot open as did Yakumo's open at each other's state of dress. Yakumo reacted first spinning away from him saying, "Sorry."

Naruto smiled as he looked down and said, "It's quite alright. I'm actually wearing more compared to last time. Would you like to come in?"

Yakumo didn't look back but nodded her head. Naruto stepped back as he said, "Come on in then."

The young woman turned and nearly walked into his door frame but corrected enough to avoid the collision. She followed Naruto into the apartment and he asked, "Should I throw on some more clothes?"

"It's okay," Yakumo said taking a seat on Naruto's bed, "I think we've seen plenty of each other."

Naruto headed towards his fridge again as he asked, "Do you want something to drink?" Yakumo shook her head so Naruto grabbed the carton of milk he had grabbed before and taking a swig whipped at his mouth as he sat down in his brown leather chair. Giving her a bright smile he asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I think you know," Yakumo said and filed away the strange look that crossed Naruto's face.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I meant about how you healed me," Yakumo said watching his strange behavior so she could decide to proceed with what had brought her there.

"R-right," Naruto said standing to put the milk away.

As he passed her on his way to his fridge she grabbed his hand asking, "Naruto...why?"

"I already told you," Naruto said wondering why she seemed so desperate for the answer.

"I-I know... but is there something more to all this. The chakra wave wasn't enough to heal me otherwise you wouldn't have needed to invade my bath. Since you already knew it was coming that means you were behind the first one as well."

Naruto stared at her in surprise and she smiled as she said, "I was sick for a long time so read a lot of conspiracy books. I believe whatever you are up to is good for the village. I have no doubt about that, but is there more?"

"Well...um... I'm not really sure what you mean," Naruto said not really sure why he was beginning to sweat a little as he sat at the edge of the bed.

Yakumo then shocked him even further as the woman said, "Sakura is in on your conspiracy that much is obvious. But I would also hazard a guess that Lady Tsunade and Lady Tsume are both in it as well. Tsunade obviously because of how close you are. But, Tsume was the one that submitted the bill that was causing such a fuss between the Hokage and Danzou."

Yakumo slid closer to Naruto making him swallow heavily as she added a seductive quality to her voice as she said, "Then there are the aftereffects of my healing to consider." She placed her hand on his boxers causing the blond to jump a little not exactly used to being the one having the moves placed on him.

Swallowing heavily he asked, "W-what aftereffects?"

"You know," she said throatily into his ear since the blond was looking straight ahead, "the one that made my pussy tingle whenever I thought of you. It's faded since then... although it's tingling right now."

Naruto turned his head to look at her and she seized the opportunity to kiss him. Naruto didn't respond immediately more surprised than anything but when he felt her tongue run across his lips he broke the kiss to say, "W-what's gotten into you?"

A little nervousness and fear appeared in Yakumo's eyes as if she realized she may have completely misread what she thought was going on quickly said, "I-I'm sorry...I heard you were seeing Ayame... but it's just with all these women operating on your behalf and how I felt after you healed me thought..." She trailed off before blurting, "Damn it, I'm an idiot... please forget what a fool I made of myself."

Naruto grabbed her wrist as she tried to make a break for the door. Yakumo looked like she was about to yank her hand free till he said, "You aren't wrong."

Yakumo calmed and sat next to him saying a little in disbelief, "Really."

Naruto nodded before smiling at her as he said, "I never took you for a conspiracy theory buff."

"I wasn't really until I got really sick and Uncle Unkai admitted to me how I ended up with Ido sealed inside of me. A tale about a strange, but friendly doctor sealing an even stranger chakra entity inside of a young baby to one day wreak havoc on her home. That's like one of those conspiracy theories were a young boy is turned into a sleeper agent to one day rise up and become a kage to lead his village to disaster. Ever since then I've been fascinated by them."

Naruto could see her point but feeling a little paranoid at how accurate she had been said, "Still it's a little scary how easily you connected all the dots."

"Not really," Yakumo admitted, "I had the one piece of evidence that I don't think anyone not connected to you and your plans had."

"What's that?"

Yakumo grabbed his hand and pressed it against the thin material covering her snatch as she said, "A tingle in my pussy, remember." She began to rub her groin against it as she began to pant, "For close to a week all I could think about was how much I wanted you to have sex with me. After around five days it faded though and I realized that the reason you had kept away was because you knew that I was feeling like that." Naruto could feel Yakumo's shorts growing damp which coupled with her sultry voice had him sporting an erection he couldn't wait to put to use. "That you knew what effect your chakra would have told me you had used it before and with my firsthand experience of how it felt I figured you must have used it before." Naruto began to take an active role as he spun his hand to cup Yakumo's pussy and began to rub it without her prompting. Yakumo leaned back to moan as she placed her hands behind her on the bed to lean back so she could spread her legs further apart resting one of them over Naruto's thigh.

She closed her eyes as she moaned, "Oh yes... it feels so much better when you do it. Anyways...with a theory I began to listen for any rumors related to you...mmmm... you'd be surprised to learn that there is a whole gaggle of shop keepers that love to gossip about you. From them I learned that you had become quite the stud before settling your sights on Ayame, but you didn't... she's a cover. D-does she know?"

"Of course," Naruto said as he pushed his hand inside of Yakumo's shorts, "all of my lovers know about each other. But you already knew that."

"Yyyyyeeesssss," Yakumo hissed as Naruto pushed a finger inside of her. Her hands slide out from under her causing her body to fall against the mattress. "I-it's the only way they could work so efficiently with each other."

Naruto then pulled his hand from Yakumo's shorts and showed her his drenched finger. The girl blushed but when he pressed it against her lips she immediately began to suck on the digit like a small cock. Naruto smiled at the sight before saying, "I take it you're here to offer me your services then and to become one of my lovers."

Yakumo nodded as she said definitively, "Yes."

Naruto leaned down to kiss her tenderly in a way that stole her breath away. When he pulled away she stared up at the ceiling in a daze until she felt her hips being lifted up as Naruto removed her shorts. When he stared hungrily at her shaved mound she felt a little self-conscious so moved her hand to cover her slit. Naruto easily caught it around the wrist asking, "Why would you seek to hide such beauty from me? By morning I'm going to have become quite familiar with your body."

Yakumo looked out the window to see it was still quite bright out so said, "Naruto its only early afternoon."

Naruto gave a predatory grin as he said, "I know that will give me barely enough time."

Yakumo's eyes grew wide from what the blond was implying but also because around the same time his mouth was pressed against her pussy. "Oh my..." Yakumo whimpered as the jinchuriki licked her nether lips and she squealed as he pressed his tongue inside of her. Soon he added a finger to the mix and carried on like that for several minutes until Yakumo had her first true orgasm. Although while under the effects of Naruto's chakra she had masturbate practically hundreds of times, none of the orgasm she had experienced could even compare as it left her glassy eyed and positive her soul had left her body.

She remained oblivious to the world until Naruto began to raise her hips by pushing her legs back. When her hips were over her head he had her hold the back of her knees. "W-what are you doing," she asked confused as Naruto stood on the bed.

To answer the blond simply fished his hardened dick out and pressed it against her cunt causing her to hiss as if burnt. "Why I'm going to make you one of my lovers Yakumo. That is what you want isn't it?" When she nodded her head Naruto began sliding his length against her slit making it wet with her arousal. Looking down at her, he pulled his dick back and as he pushed forward used his hand to press it down so that it slid into Yakumo's tight entrance. He entered her slowly mindful of the fact that unlike most of his lovers she had not led a very active lifestyle so was not surprised when he encountered the barrier that represent her virginity. Coming to a stop he said, "This next part is going to hurt."

Yakumo nodded her understanding so Naruto pulled back until he almost exited and then thrust forward ripping past her hymen. Yakumo cried out in pain so the jinchuriki remained still. When the pain faded Yakumo gave a small nod of her head and began to moan in a mixture of pleasure and pain as Naruto began moving within her. Yakumo felt totally exposed as she stared up at the standing blond as he piledrived his dick into her pussy over and over again. She could feel it kiss her womb each time driving her further and further over the edge in pleasure. Naruto placed his hands on her thighs to hold her body in position allowing Yakumo the ability to move her hands. She used the moment to pull her sports bra up to expose her petite breasts and began fondling them.

She began shaking her head back and forth as the pleasure grew to be almost too much to bear and began moaning, "S-so this is what sex is like...thank you...thank you for healing me...thank you for sharing this with me..."

She began to moan louder and louder as she neared critical mass and Naruto smiled down at her feeling his own end coming. About to blow he let go of her legs to grab her torso and pulled her up towards him as he sank down to his knees. Pulling her tightly against his chest smashing her breasts against him, he whispered into her ear, "Thank you for becoming a part of my family," and then he exploded inside of her bathing her womb in liquid heat.

"Yessssss," Yakumo screamed as she came and was positive that she died for a moment as a white blinding light exploded inside of her even though her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Naruto held her tight until she rejoined the land of the living. Placing her hand gently on his cheek she pulled him into a light kiss and after she ended it whispered, "I think I'm going to like being a part of this conspiracy."

Naruto raised her hips until she was almost freed of his cock and then as he pulled her back down said, "Welcome aboard." Soon the two new lovers were going at it again full tilt making Yakumo glad she had spent so much time dedicated to building up her physical strength.


Kushina had been relaxing herself since Naruto had told her he had nothing planned for the day. Still she hadn't been caught unaware having half expected one of her son's many lovers to take advantage of his free time. In truth she had been rather glad that he had made up with them since she could tell Naruto was so much happier with them in his life. Plus she admitted that on a selfish note it did allow her some free time to explore her own needs without fear of being caught.

Deciding to take advantage of this latest moment she sat on the couch bathed in the green light and hiking up her dress began to tease her pussy by first rubbing her slit over her panties. She continued doing so until she felt her underwear grow damp with her arousal. Sliding the material to the side she put a foot on the hand rest of the couch as she spread her legs wider and then slid a finger into her folds. "MmmmMmmm," she moaned while her other hand began to mash and fondle her breast through her dress.

She closed her eyes to indulge in some of the memories from her sex life with her husband including the one she was positive had resulted in Naruto's conception. She pulled her finger from her snatch bring it up to her mouth to get it wetter as well as to taste herself on it. She had long figured that although she was performing the actions the whole endeavor was more of a mental exercise and as such the reason she knew her taste was because she had experienced it before being sealed in her son. Still she knew it was a worthwhile one as it did give her some relief from the sexual thoughts that sometimes assailed her.

Bringing her hand back to her pussy she began to rub it vigorously as she began moving her hips. She slid along the back of the couch until she was laying on it and used the foot on the hand rest to raise her hips faster. Moaning loudly now she figured she was close so tried to settle on the image she wanted to use to push her over. However it was chosen for her as her foot slipped due to her frantic movements causing it to kick over the lamp on the table.

It fell off hitting the floor and began to roll. Although it didn't break its changing position caused the green barrier to shift causing her to come out of it just as Naruto pulled Yakumo up against him to whisper, "Thanks for becoming a part of my family." Since her eyes had been closed Kushina saw, felt, and heard everything from the Kurama clan head's perspective. She screamed in release as the feeling of being penetrated coursed through her body followed by the warmth that was flooding into Yakumo's womb. Yet both disappeared as the lamp rolled back towards the couch to once more bath her in its green glow. Already missing the feeling Kushina upon realizing what had just happened simply said, "Oh no," and began to dread the next time the light would switch on.