
42. Reunion

Naruto sat on the wall surrounding the castle that Tobi and Sasuke had used in order to avoid detection while they had planned to seal the jinchuriki Killer Bee. But looking back it had seemed a lot of work to rescue a tentacle. He smiled as he recalled Yugito emerging from the flooded tunnel looking like a half drowned kitten. She had managed to drag the tail up and then proceeded to kick and stomp it repeatedly in the vain hope that her fellow Kumo-nin could feel the phantom pains.

Staring at the severed tail did make Naruto curious though as he wondered if like his own lovers the chakra the tail had represented would regenerate into a new eight-tails. If that was the case Naruto was concerned as it meant that Tobi now potentially had most of the Bijuu. In those terms he figured that both sides had walked away from the battle a winner, although he felt that Tobi had gained more. The question was whether or not he knew it.

Naruto closed his eyes, and "looked in" on Konan to make sure that Tobi didn't make a move against her to obtain the eyes in her possession. Finding her to be okay, and having returned to Ame, he watched the sun near the horizon. Noticing people gathering on the shore near the dock he called down, "It looks like your escorts are here Naho." Having been informed by a messenger hawk to wait for the a group to collect Naho, Team Naruto had spent the past several days searching the castle for any sign of the missing guards or clues Sasuke and Tobi may have left.

The young noble looked up and Naruto could see she was a little scared as well as burdened by the guilt that by allowing Sasuke to stay in the castle she had inadvertently doomed thirty men. The fear Naruto could imagine was due to what punishment she would likely receive. Naruto jumped down to the courtyard glad that once the young woman was handed over he and his lovers would be able to return home.

Naruto took a position on the dock just outside the castle gates as he waited for the guards he expected to guard Naho on her journey to the capital to cross the lake. He frowned though as instead of climbing into the small wooden boat tied to the dock on their end. They proceeded to a nearby boathouse that Naruto assumed was where the spares were kept. Guessing that perhaps the guards wanted to cross in mass, he turned away as he felt Ino approach.

"What are they doing?"

Naruto shrugged as he suggested, "Maybe they want to leave a force in place so squatters don't move in."

Ino seemed to accept his explanation for a moment but then noticing something about the formation of the guards not readying the other boats said, "I don't think so. It almost seems like they are an advanced scouting party."

Naruto arched an eyebrow before taking a second look and spotting how some of the guards had spread out to keep a watch on the area guessed his lover may be right. But who they were scouting for was something of a mystery. For a moment he feared that perhaps bandits had heard about what had happened and believing the castle would be easy pickings had decided to help themselves to some of the finery contained within. Yet he quickly dismissed it as although the soldiers gathering on the opposite bank did appear dirty, he guessed it was due to the speed at which they traveled, as their uniforms were otherwise in immaculate conditions. Although doubting that bandits kept such things lying around just to be safe he nevertheless asked, "You and Karin collected all the samples you wanted to from those white freaks, right?"

Ino nodded as she answered, "Yeah, Tsunade's going to be pleased as she wanted to perform some tests on them. I also performed an autopsy on one..." Naruto wondered why his blonde lover trailed off and noticed that she appeared to be a little sick to her stomach. Knowing it wasn't necessarily due to the task she had just described he wasn't too surprised when she said, "There's not going to be any need to put together a search party for the missing guards."

"What's taking them so long?" Konohamaru asked joining Naruto and his lover on the dock. He noticed that Naho had followed silently behind and stopped just behind him. Her presence around the young Sarutobi had been a constant one during the day during the time they had remained at the castle, while she would spend her nights sleeping with the Leaf Kunoichi Yet despite this Naruto hadn't detected a massive shift in the intimacy between the two. Nor was he surprised by that as he understood Konohamaru didn't want to push his feelings on her so soon after her trust, if not her heart, had been broken. Yet he did take her wishing to remain near Konohamaru as a good sign for the future though.

"Oh no," the girl in question said slipping deeper into the young chunin's shadow.

"What's wrong?" Konohamaru asked turning to face his crush, who seemed more apprehensive then she had before.

"Those men are the advanced force for the Royal Guards," Naho answered as a man on a horse rode up just as a rather expensive and ornate pleasure barge floated out of the boat house. It was maneuvered to the dock as a pair of palanquins carried by several servants arrived flanked by heavily armored soldiers. The man on the horse dismounted before moving to the man powered carriages that had been placed on the ground. The first palanquin was opened just as the dismounted soldier snapped to attention followed by all the other Royal Guard members.

Naruto watched the whole thing bored out of his mind since most official ceremonies among shinobi were relatively simply affairs. He supposed it was something born of being in almost continuous combat for most of their existence, with only the last hundred years being considered a time of relative peace despite Three Great Shinobi Wars having taken place. He knew Iruka would be surprised to know that he had recently taken to reading about the history before the Shinobi Village system. Well truthfully he was read to by Shiho usually before or after a round of lovemaking. He had tried to read the book himself, but just found the history books as boring as the ones he had been supposed to read during his time in the Academy. Yet Shiho had a way of condensing the lessons so that he wasn't uninterested by them, plus afterwards provided the lovemaking didn't happen first, she would quiz him on what she had taught him and every correct answer would usually mean she'd lose a piece of clothing exposing more of her beautiful figure to his gaze.

One thing he had learned was that the rise of the shinobi had led to loss of the military prowess and prestige for the samurai. That wasn't to say they had disappeared, as all of the men in the Royal Guard were samurai, but with no major wars to fight they had settled into the role of ceremonial figures and such. But, Naruto knew that all of the Major Elemental Countries still kept large standing armies. But those armies had remained idle for over a century as shinobi had taken to the battlefields in the official capacity instead of the shadows as they had been used in the past.

He knew that there were exceptions to this such as the Samurai of the Land of Iron. The Land of Iron had been founded shortly after the current Shinobi system had been put in place as some Samurai had been unwilling to allow their place on the battlefield to be taken over by what they had often considered as easily replaceable pawns. Yet they hadn't been hostile to the shinobi unless hired to be so and were one of the few groups respected enough that had a Five Kage Summit been held the Land of Iron would have been the venue. It had also been the sight of an event known as the Elemental Gathering, which was something along the lines of a Five Kage Summit. Except, it was the Daimyo that gathered and it included all the leaders that made up the Elemental Countries not just the Five major powers. Naturally as a result it had happened only twice in recorded history. The First had been held before the Land of Iron had been founded and was where the Fire Country Daimyo of the time had first announced he intended to allow Hashirama Senju to start a village in his lands. This had led to the other powers of the time following suit, with some of the weaker countries also hoping to establish shinobi villages.

The Second had happened when the Demon Moryo had attempted to establish his One-Thousand Year Kingdom. In order to combat the threat and his stone army a five year armistice had been established that forbade the Shinobi Villages from attacking one another so that they could instead concentrate on defeating the demon. It was in the remaining years of this peace treaty during the period of time after Naruto's father had died sealing Kiyomi and the Third had retaken the position of Hokage that the villages of Ame, Grass, and Taki had officially joined the Sand-Leaf Alliance that had formed in the aftermath of the Third Shinobi War. As a result the Chunin Exam format changed to include the genin from other villages for the first time. The Third Hokage had hoped to form a true alliance of these villages as although Moryo had been defeated it hadn't been as a result of any teamwork among the Shinobi Villages. Therefore, the battle against the demon had been more of a free-for-all brawl with the various Shinobi Villages getting in each other's way as often as they had Moryo's. Luckily though, the chaos had worked in the Leaf's favor as they had sought out the aid of the Priestess of Demon Country and thus had been instrumental in her sealing the demon at least until descendants of the clan that had first aligned with Moryo had tried again. With no better results in thanks to Naruto and Shion's efforts.

As the Fire Country Daimyo and his wife stepped out of their carriages Naruto chuckled amused as another and much smaller palanquin was brought before Madam Shijimi. The small carriage began to rattle around violently as the woman tried to pull the occupant out. When she finally succeeded and she crushed Tora to her face, the jinchuriki felt a sense of satisfaction as a result of all the scratches he had received from the feline as it attempted to escape from its owner back during his genin days.

Several soldiers boarded the smaller boat, including the man that had been riding the horse. They quickly made their way to the dock as the Fire Daimyo and his wife took their time boarding the much larger and fancier one.

The horseman stepped from the boat wearing a more elaborate version of the armor the other soldiers were wearing indicating his position as the captain of the guard. Closing the distance between himself and the shinobi the man made his introduction, "My name is Lord Tai. Which of you is Naruto Uzumaki?"

"That would be me," the jinchuriki responded.

"A pleasure," Tai said giving Naruto the feeling he didn't particularly feel the emotion. Indicating his Lord, the Captain of the Guard said, "His eminence the Fire Daimyo wishes to offer his thanks in person. But before I can permit such a thing I must know of any potential threats that may remain."

Naruto looked back to see both Karin and Tenten had joined them so with a shrug said, "We're all the people that are still here at the moment."

"I see... what of the Kumo shinobi that took part in the attack or the missing-nin?"

Naruto would admit he was rather surprised by how informed the man was. But he guessed that before even permitting the Fire Daimyo to get this close to the castle he had likely asked for all pertinent information from Tsunade. Naruto didn't particularly like the tone the man used when asking about Haku or the shinobi of the Cloud. Yet he kept his tone neutral as he replied, "Once the Cloud-nin were able to confirm that their colleague was not here, they returned to their home to begin searching for him. But I'm afraid you are mistaken in calling Haku a missing-nin. She never official joined the Hidden Mist Village."

"I see, then why would your sensei lie about her death at the bridge that bears your name?"

Naruto was finding it difficult to keep his cool not liking the man's tone or semi-hostile attitude towards people he cared for. However, he was glad that he had taken steps for Haku's not being dead after bringing Kakashi into his confidence. Officially, the story was that although Kakashi had seriously injured the kunoichi, he had placed a genjutsu on everyone to make them believe he had killed her. A ruse he had kept in place to trick Zabuza, hoping it would give him an edge in their fight. But after the battle on the bridge had been settled, he had didn't alert anyone to the truth so to protect the innocent girl from enemies looking to hurt her to get even with Zabuza. Not to mention from real Hunter-nin that may seek to eliminate her for the Kekkei Genkai she possessed. A ruse which had only been recently discovered by Naruto and Sakura during their trip to Wave, due to someone tampering with her grave.

At least that would be the official story that Tsunade and Kakashi would give to any nosey people of which the guard captain appeared to be. Before Naruto could respond though Karin cut in to say, "I'm sure Kakashi had his reasons. But anything we tell you would merely be speculation. In any case, she isn't here either. She is escorting my former teammate Suigetsu to a comfortable cell in the Leaf Maximum Security Prison."

There was one person that could poke a hole in the story surrounding, but Naruto wasn't concerned of that happening. Kabuto may know the truth of how Haku had actually rejoined the world of the living, but Naruto doubted that even if he learned of the cover story that he would try to disprove it. There was a concern that he may start rumors to the contrary, but thanks in part to his lovers like Hana, Tsume, and Anko, all expert trackers. He knew that Kabuto doing such a thing would be akin to his shooting out a signal flare that could be used to locate him by pinpointing the origin of where it started. Something Hana was certainly keeping her eyes open for as she was heading up the group tasked with locating him.

"Very well," Lord Tai said waving his gauntleted fist to those tasked with rowing the nobles over. The men began rowing the pleasure barge until it came into contact with the dock.

Disembarking the Fire Daimyo opened a fan which he used to both cover his lower face and to keep cool as he waved it slightly. Stepping before the Leaf-nin and cowering Naho, he watched them for a moment before directing his attention to his cousin. "Naho, come from behind that man this instant." The young noble stepped from behind Konohamaru, her hand looking like she wanted to reach out for his. But an impatient tapping of his foot from the Leader of the Land of Fire had her scurry before him.

"Naho, a leader of people does not hide in the shadows after making a mistake. She accepts them and learns from them. Your mistake in trusting Sasuke Uchiha because of your infatuation with him has cost us the lives of our dear attendants. People that looked to us for guidance and wisdom. You will have to live with those consequences, which I believe is the most fitting punishment I can give you. Now say your good-byes, and get on the boat."

Turning to face the shinobi she bowed as prime and proper as her upbringing had demanded of her despite looking like she wanted to cry. "Thank you for all that you've done for me. I will not forget it." Directing her brown-eyed gaze to Konohamaru, she looked as if there was a great deal she wanted to say. Starting off by blurting, "Konohamaru..." She trailed off unsure of how to proceed until she settled on, "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about Sasuke." She frowned as if her words hadn't conveyed what she was truly feeling but quickly turned around to join Lady Shijima on the boat. Tora managed to get away from its owner as it then leapt into Naho's arms who stroked it less overbearingly then the woman it had just escaped from as it began to purr.

Naruto took back some of the dark thoughts he had about the cat as its actions seemed to help Naho calm somewhat as she dedicated herself to petting the much happier feline. He focused his gaze on the Daimyo to see the man was studying him intently. After several moments the noble said, "Naruto Uzumaki, you've become quite the shinobi of note recently."

Naruto gave a wide smile as he replied, "I like to think I've always been a shinobi of worth. It's just my skills and actions have caught up to my boasts from when I was younger."

The Daimyo chuckled behind his fan as he said, "Well I suppose when one considers who your father was it was only a matter of time. It was quite naughty of Hiruzen to keep such a thing secret especially from me."

Naruto felt a frown threaten to appear on his face for two reasons as a result of the Daimyo's words. The first was the idea that Naruto had been destined to do great things simply because of who his father was. Naruto, wanted to believe it was as a result of the trust his father and mother had placed in him on the day of his birth. He supposed that there wasn't much of a difference depending on one's point of view, but he felt his at least accounted for all the hard work he had put in to get to where he was at. Considering how the noble had berated his cousin, Naruto figured it would be an opinion they shared. The other was the overly familiar way the man had addressed the Third Hokage. Something, Naruto was guilty of too, but the way the noble had sounded had made the blond feel as if the Hokage had been a bad subordinate and not as a man who stood on an equal footing as him.

He knew his feelings may be rooted in the simple fact that as a shinobi of Konoha his loyalty was to the Hokage first and foremost. In turn, the Hokage in return for the land and the money the Fire Daimyo provided the Leaf Village had sworn to protect the Land of Fire. It was supposed to be a partnership between two people on equal footing, not with one subservient to the other. Yet, Naruto was aware that at times it was a very uneasy partnership since despite the man before him appearing to be rather easy going. He had on occasion threatened Tsunade with his willingness to destroy the village if a situation so warranted it. Therefore so as to not offer any offense, the jinchuriki simply nodded his head.

The noble took the gesture as the signal to continue, "First of all you all deserve praise for your bravery. Also, it pleases me greatly to hear that it seems that if only for the time being Akatsuki had been thwarted. I imagine that with its leader dead and with most of its core members also counted in that category the threat they represent has been significantly lessened."

This time Naruto let the frown he felt show as he said cautiously, "I wouldn't be so quick to write them off just yet. The most recent member to have officially joined, a man by the name of Tobi appeared to be wielding considerably more clout then I would expect such a junior member to have. If anything from what your cousin has relayed to us it sounded like he was the one calling the shots."

Naruto had the sense that the noble was frowning behind the fan he was holding at being contradicted. But he sounded pleasant enough as he said, "Something to bear in mind I suppose. There is one thing that I found troubling about the report I received from Tsunade."

"What was that?"

"She said that you formed a temporary alliance with the shinobi of Kumogakure," The Daimyo of Fire Country said in a neutral tone.

"I did," Naruto said with a nod, "But it would be my hope that temporary may give way to something more permanent."

"Yes...which is what I find troubling," the noble said closing his fan. "Naruto...those shinobi only aligned with you because they needed something from you. Considering your...status as a shinobi and your goal to one day become Hokage, it is my hope that you will learn from the failures of the Third and Second Hokage."

"What failures would those be," Naruto asked his tone shifting to anger as well as defensive.

The noble opened his fan again hiding his face and giving Naruto the impression he was amused. But regardless of Naruto's feelings on the matter the man's tone only conveyed a sense of concern, "That would be the failure to see that shinobi from outside the Leaf are inherently dangerous and untrustworthy. They may be capable of working with the Leaf when they need something or are completely out classed like the shinobi of the Sand were at the end of the Third Shinobi War. But, don't forget when those shinobi of the other villages show their true colors it is often the same time that it becomes necessary to pick a new Hokage."

Naruto though was at a loss at how to reply to the Daimyo. He wanted to defend the Villages that several of his lovers called home, but was quite aware that History was on the Daimyo's side. Even his pointing out that the Third Hokage had been killed by Orochimaru would be easily turned into a debate point by the Daimyo by his explaining that it was only because Suna had betrayed Konoha that Orochimaru had succeeded. His hot-headed nature threatened to make a spectacular return by his insulting the Daimyo, but he was saved by Ino, who placed a calming hand on his elbow as she said politely, "You make some excellent points, sire. I don't think any of us can fault your logic in the wisdom of always being on guard for the possibility of betrayal. I think Naruto has proven here that he's more than capable of dealing with it when it rears its ugly head. Yet, I think I speak for all of us present when I say the only thing I sensed from those Kumo-nin was a desire to rescue their comrade. I think that is an emotion that transcends borders."

"Ah, I suppose that would be an emotion shared by those who have tasted battle regardless of where they come from," the Daimyo said after studying the Yamanaka for a moment. Cheerfully the man said, "But look at the time, I came here to give you my thanks and instead ended up dragging politics into it. Please forgive me! Again you have earned my respect and I will continue to lean on your strength in the future to protect the citizens of Fire Country." Turning to his captain of the guard he said, "Tai, remind me to have a medal created for these fine shinobi."

"Yes my Lord," the Samurai said with a bow as the noble stepped into his boat to return to shore.

Tai sent the shinobi a look that made them feel as if they shouldn't bother checking the mail for said medal before rejoining his men in the other boat. Naruto watched them go, not exactly sure of what to think of the talk with the Daimyo. But it did leave him with the impression that if his dream of a world where all the Elemental Countries could exist in peace was going to become a reality. Then it might be time he started looking outside of the Shinobi Villages for those he could convert to his ambition.


Team Naruto entered the village several days later having taken their time in returning to the village although not for the usual reasons due in part to Konohamaru's presence. Something that the Young Sarutobi believed was behind the slightly malevolent aura the women of the team were giving off and directing towards him. Despite his being aware of the truth of Naruto's many relationships, the older of the two rivals knew quite well his friend could be rather perverted himself so as a result of his not wanting to put on a potential show for the young man. Naruto's lovers had not been able to truly take advantage of the time on the road.

The reason for the slow pace was primarily due to Naruto's lovers despite their lack of quality sexy time with the blond they shared wanted him to take it easy. They felt that by staying away from the village longer it would give Naruto time to process everything he had needed to deal with lately. Therefore as a result of the first real downtime he had enjoyed without the threat of some big confrontation hanging over his head, as they entered the last leg of their journey to return home the kunoichi were pleased to see that Naruto didn't seem weighted down by anything. That Konohamaru helped attribute to it due to his monopolizing Naruto's time with training requests was why the Honorable Grandson didn't end up in a shallow grave somewhere.

However, sensing he had overstayed his welcome and seeing Konoha's walls approaching Konohamaru took off running and called back, "Alright, I'm going to see how Moegi's doing. Try and raise yourself up to my level Naruto. I'm sure you can do it."

Responding to the teasing of his friend the blond shouted, "You little jerk, who was it you were just begging for training tips?"

"I don't need waste my time answering a genin," Konohamaru said laughing as Naruto shook his fist at his friend.

Tenten smiled at the sight before saddling up behind him and kissing his cheek said, "He does have a point. I guess we'll leave it to you to report to Tsunade then since we're your seniors."

She took off laughing as did Ino and Karin both of whom kissed his cheek as well, as they followed Konohamaru's example. "Jeez, what's it take to get a little respect around here?" The jinchuriki asked himself aloud amused at his lovers lighthearted behavior, but planned to fuck his village leader on her desk as he gave his report as payback for the ribbing at his lower rank. Which even Karin had apparently decided to join in on despite her technically not having one due to her reservist status.

Lost in thought of all the ways he was going to please his Hokage lover thus alerting the three kunoichi of his now disbanded team of all they were missing by not joining him for the sometimes odious task of giving a verbal report, Naruto was surprised as a male voice called, "Naruto!"

Turning towards the voice Naruto was surprised to find Inari standing next to his grandfather and mother. Having sensed Tsunami's presence in the village, he had been a little surprised by it. but, seeing the three sitting near a building under construction as they enjoyed their lunches supposed he shouldn't have been. Tsunami looked particularly delectable as her normally pale skin had taken on a nice tan, and she had traded in her normal clothes for a pair of jean coveralls that she wore with a halter-top version of her normal pink shirt that could almost be described as a bikini.

Joining the family as they ate with the other construction crews, Naruto smiled brightly as he said, "Hey Inari long time no see. The last few times that I've been to Wave your mom told me you've been following in your Grandfather's footsteps which is why you weren't around."

"My mom's too it turns out," the youngest member of the family of carpenters replied.

"Yeah," Naruto said directing his gaze to his lover as he added, "Tsunami you look as lovely as ever."

Tsunami smiled but her father said, "Indeed she does, and I'm glad to see that the skills that I taught her aren't going to waste anymore. But would it kill you Tsunami to cover up?" Directing his gaze towards some of his workers that were ogling his daughter, he shouted, "What are you loafs looking at?"

"Oh father stop it," Tsunami said amused as the men turned away whistling innocently. "Weren't you the one that raised me to be one of the boys?"

"To my everlasting shame," Tazuna said.

"Don't worry grandpa it anyone did anything to make mom upset they'd need to answer to me," Inari said protectively.

"And to me too," Naruto added ruffling the younger man's hair and causing his mother's cheeks to color.

Directing his gaze to his lover he said, "I am a little surprise to see you here though Tsunami. I figured you'd be busy renovating the Whirling Tides Manor."

"We're nearly finished," Tsunami said proudly. "Right now I'm in the midst of hiring the staff. But it's likely going to be a little while longer before we are ready to open. I have to pour over the resumes of the chefs if we're going to make a stay there a truly world class experience."

Naruto smiled glad that his lover had found something to pour her passions into. "I'm glad that Karin made you the general manager of the manor. I have no doubt it'll surpass the grandeur that it use to have."

Tsunami nodded, and also proud of her accomplishments said, "I'm sure Karin is too since as I have managed to complete the renovations ahead of schedule and under budget it has freed up some capital for the project that brought me here. Something that I could use your help with."

"Really what can I do?" Naruto asked surprised.

"I was tasked with repairing several buildings that the woman Karin works for has recently bought," Tsunami answered with a pleased smile since one of the buildings was the one that had housed the entrance to the Den. "With the recent damage to the village she saw it as a prime opportunity to refurbish a neighborhood that had fallen into disrepair. However, my budget is pretty tight and I could really use your help to maximize my workforce so I can spend most of the money on material."

Naruto kept his surprise at Kiyomi's foresight to himself as he answered, "Sure, anything I can do to help."

Tsunami gave him a pleased smile that also promised him that he would be rewarded for his answer with more than just money. He chatted with the family for several more minutes before a whistle sounded signaling the end of the lunch period. Tsunami got up and surprised him as she began to walk with him towards the Hokage's office. Explaining that she had just been having lunch with her family, she said she needed to head back to her hotel to begin working on the plans for the ideas she had for her newest project. Naruto was tempted to suggest he tag alone, but he needed to give Tsunade his report and also wanted to check on Mikoto's condition.


After giving his report to Tsunade, as well as leaving her in a thoroughly fucked state. Naruto, headed to his temporarily assigned hotel room. Cleaning up from his travels and recent physical exertion the blond got dressed before Hiraishining himself to the seal located in the basement of Kiyomi's mansion. Making his way to the dining room, where he felt his Bijuu lovers had gathered, he felt a little nervous upon realizing it would probably be one of the few calm moments he had with Kiyomi since their argument about her treatment of the Taki-nin. Not sure exactly how to approach the subject and not wishing to start a fight since Kiyomi deserved his praise for her efforts on behalf of his home and for him, he decided to let the matter drop for the time being.

Despite his decision, he wasn't sure how to make it known while at the same time making it clear he didn't like the situation one bit. All while praising Kiyomi for her efforts on his behalf. Distracted with his thoughts, he accidently walked right into someone as they exited the dining room in a hurry to find more of the delicious liquid called sake. Naruto due to his head being down in thought found his face nestled between a magnificent pair of breasts. Surprised at their size, since the ones he was nestled between easily fit into the category of those possessed by Hinata or Tsunade, neither of whom he could feel present in the mansion. He pulled back in surprise to find himself face to face with a woman he didn't recognize. She had wavy strawberry blond hair, and blue eyes that complimented her full lips. Finding her stunningly beautiful, he noticed that she also had a beauty mark on the right side of her mouth.

Not sure who the woman was and aware that she might take offense at his staring up at her from the valley of her breasts he quickly stepped back saying, "Excuse me...I didn't mean to..." He also took the moment to notice that she was currently wearing a bathing robe tied in such a way that her large breasts threatened to spill out due to the amount of cleavage she was showing

"That's okay..." the woman replied with a slight slur to her speech causing Naruto to notice that her cheeks were red in the way common of people who had been drinking. Smiling she said, "But if you really want me to forgive you then there is something you can do for me."

"W-what's that?"

"Get me more sake," the woman shouted exuberantly as she raised her hands in the air and stared up at the ceiling. Seeing she was actually holding a bottle in her hand she said, "Oh there's some." Smiling widely she turned to head back into the dining room and threw an arm over Naruto's shoulder as she guided him into the room also. Taking a drink she cooed happily as she asked, "Isn't sake the best?"

"Um...I can't say I ever have really partaken," Naruto said wondering who the strange woman was. Seeing his Bijuu lovers sitting around the table watching the exchange between him and the woman in amusement he was about to ask them what was going on.

However, before he could the arm draped over his shoulder tightened around his neck as the woman pulled his face down and into the side of her breast. Before he could ask what he had said wrong to seemingly upset her, he found himself nearly drowned in sake as she forced the bottle to his lips. "That's such a crime, when I think about how long I've been around without knowing the joy of this wonderful liquid it's enough to make me want to cry."

Having pity on her lover, Kiyomi said, "That's enough Rangiku."

"Ah you're no fun," the woman pouted letting Naruto go, who promptly began gasping for air. "I also told you that I didn't want to go by that name. Shukaku the Sand Spirit is so much more cooler sounding."

Naruto stared wide-eyed at the woman upon realizing she was the one-tailed Bijuu. Kiyomi sighed indicating this was a conversation they've been having for some time as she said, "And I told you that we couldn't let you go by that name. We've obtained the necessary papers for you to live as Rangiku Matsumoto. It's too late for us to change it now."

"But you let Chomei keep her name," Rangiku pouted as she crossed her arms across her impressive bosom. "Or are you all just jealous that I'm so much bigger than you are upstairs? That's it isn't it...you're all just jealous that blondie hear likes my fun bags so much more than yours. He was practically drawn to them after all."

"I wasn't...it...it was an accident," Naruto said trying to defend himself form the Bijuu's statement.

Turning towards him and pouting she said, "Are you saying you don't like my breasts?"

"N-no...that's not it at all," Naruto said but them found himself mashed into them as she pulled his face into her cleavage as she turned towards her sisters.

"See, I told you," The Bijuu said triumphantly as Naruto tried to pull loose.

Seven leaned in towards Yoruichi to whisper, "Did you tell her about sex yet, because she seems to be pretty hip in how to use her assets?"

Yoruichi shook her head in the negative as she answered, "Are you kidding? She's been singing the praises of sake all day since she discovered it. It must have been something she picked up from the beauty mags we gave her to help her pick a form to live as."

"Regardless," Kiyomi said in a tone that caused Rangiku to sober up if only for the moment. "The reason that Chomei can use her name in her new existence is because unlike some present she didn't do everything in her power to make sure everyone knew it. It's true that it is unlikely that people will realize you and the being that called itself Shukaku are one and the same. But I see no reason to put that theory to the test. Do I make myself clear?"

Rangiku stared at her sister with a hard glare for a moment before letting Naruto escape from the valley of her breasts as she said seriously, "Yeah, whatever. I guess if I want to stay here and keep drinking to my heart's content I'll have to do as you say."

Kiyomi sighed at her sister's willfulness, but let it go as she directed her gaze to her lover. Smiling happily, although there was a hint of unease in her eyes, she said, "Welcome home."

"Thank you," he said spending a moment to give each of his lovers a kiss. He noticed Rangiku's eyes on him, but she turned away as he focused on Kiyomi. Sitting down at the table he said, "It's come to my attention that you've purchased the apartment building above the Den."

"Yes, are you pleased," Kiyomi said brightly glad that if only for the moment the difficulty between them seemed to have faded. "Once Tsunami fixes it up, I intend for you and your other lovers to move in. It should allow for you to meet with your Konoha lovers without arousing suspicion."

Naruto nodded gratefully as he said, "You certainly know how to take care of me." His words caused Kiyomi to blush as she basked in her lover's praise. His gaze turned worried though as he asked, "How's Mikoto?"

Kiyomi's face softened as it showed the sympathy she felt for the woman. Something which had surprised her at first when Naruto had brought the wounded Uchiha back to her mansion. But, now that she technically had children of her own, she felt it was due to understanding the pain that would be associated should one of her children turn against her. Letting the sympathy reach her voice she said, "I think she needs someone close to her to talk to."

Naruto nodded as he felt the same way, so standing wished his lovers a good night as he suspected the reunion between his mother and Mikoto would be a long one.


Mikoto heard the door handle to her room begin to turn so opened her eyes pulling herself away from the memories of what her family had been before everything had gone so wrong. Laying on the bed, and having an idea of who her visitor would be she didn't move to cover herself despite wearing just a pair of panties and her just breasts being covered by the bandages wrapped around her chest. The door opened revealing that as she thought her guest was Naruto. The jinchuriki paused at seeing her attire, but seeing the Uchiha making no moves to cover herself asked, "May I enter?"

Despite just wishing to be alone, something made her nod causing the young man to smile relieved. Mikoto was surprised to find that although Naruto had just attempted to kill her son, she wasn't angry at him. It wasn't just because Sasuke had tried to kill her though as regardless of that her love for her child was undiminished. She supposed it was due to the fact that out of everyone in the village, Naruto's feelings on the matter were probably almost the same as hers. Furthermore, it was an understanding that where things currently stood between Naruto and Sasuke was the culmination of events as much outside of the two young men's control as in. That and it appearing that Naruto had been the last person in the village to have lost hope that her son could be saved from the darkness that so easily penetrated the hearts of the Uchiha really drove home the point.

Appearing nervous and wondering if she despised him for his likely crippling Sasuke, Naruto asked, "How are you feeling? Does your injury bother you?"

Mikoto turned her eyes away from the blond to stare up at the ceiling as he moved to the front of the bed. "The wound no longer aches physically," the Uchiha replied after a prolonged silence.

Naruto frowned at her response, fearing that the woman still wished Ino and Karin hadn't saved her; he tried to think of something to say. But, deciding to leave it to someone that knew the woman better he crawled onto the bed. Naruto would admit that he found it slightly amusing despite the situation when the woman's eyes shot towards his and suspecting that he had something perverted in mind said slightly flustered, "N-now hold on a minute..."

She trailed off as he flopped onto his back next to her, and wasn't sure if it was disappointment or some other emotion such as relief that shown in her eyes when he did. Giving her a disarming smile he asked while holding out his hand to her, "Do you trust me?"

Unable to look away from the earnest blue eyes that shown with concern for her, Mikoto thought back to what Ino had said as she had saved the Uchiha's life. Nodding, she placed her hand in his and felt a pull that made her feel as if she had traveled a great distance in a moment. Disoriented, she found herself in an apartment that felt familiar although she couldn't place it. Everything became apparent as a voice she knew as well as her own said, "Hello Miko."

Mikoto spun towards the voice realizing why the apartment appeared familiar as she had been best friends with the owner. Tears began to pool in her eyes as she saw Kushina standing in front of her dressed in the familiar dress she had worn after getting married. "K," she shouted as she closed the distance between them to wrap her friend in a hug.

Kushina returned the embrace as she felt tears threaten to appear in her eyes as well. Trying to lighten the moment she said, "You still cry so easily for someone who was raised to remain dignified."

Mikoto snorted as she was still torn between crying and laughing at her friend's old rebuke of her upbringing. Kushina laughed at the noise causing Mikoto to smile as the tears began to disappear. Pulling her head away from the red-head's shoulder so she could look at her friend and she returned the smile being sent her way in full. "I've missed you so much K," Mikoto said. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't do anything for N..."

"Shh," Kushina said, "You protected Naruto in the best way you could. If you had tried to take him in he may have been put at risk or used as a pawn." Mikoto nodded and breathed out a sigh of relief as one thing that had always bothered her was that she hadn't been able to do more for Naruto growing up and as a result feared Kushina would be disappointed in her. The red-head added, "I'm also sorry about everything that has befallen your family Miko. Perhaps if Minato and I had done more to include the Uchiha and undo some of the Second Hokage's policies then..."

Mikoto shook her head as she said, "The fate that befell my clan wasn't due to that. It was about power. After a century of rule by the Senju and people trained by them, Fugaku and those that thought like him decided it was time the Uchiha held power for a time." Mikoto was led to the couch in Kushina's apartment as she added, "If only they had tried to follow Itachi's example." Kushina nodded in agreement, and looked like she wanted to say something, but had then thought better of it. Wondering what her friend was holding back she asked, "What is it?"

Kushina bit her lip, but then said, "Minato knew how much Itachi loved the village. That's why when he was a little older and if Itachi continued to show such promise, he planned to make Itachi his successor." Mikoto stared at her friend before turning away to begin crying into her hands. Kushina berated herself as she said, "I knew I shouldn't have said anything, me and my big mouth."

Mikoto shook her head as she pulled her head out of her hands and despite the tears in her eyes gave a genuine smile. "I'm happy you told me. It makes me happy to know that the love Itachi had for the village had been recognized. It also makes his actions all the more understandable. He truly was of Konoha despite being born an Uchiha."

"He got that from his mother," Kushina said placing a hand on her friend's knee.

"No," Mikoto said sadly, "When push came to shove, I choose my clan."

"I think you mean family," Kushina corrected. "Put in the same circumstances I would have made the same choice."

Genuinely touched, but doubting Kushina would ever allow herself to be placed in such circumstances, since if she had married a man who had plotted against the Leaf Village, Mikoto had no doubt said man would be quickly pummeled until he corrected his way of thinking. Wishing to change the topic she said, "But enough about my life. Look at you, you haven't aged a day. I'm so jealous."

Kushina smiled as she replied, "Yeah, well I guess that tends to happen when one dies and is sort of resurrected as a Bijuu."

"I'm sorry that was thoughtless of me."

"Huh," Kushina replied confused until she realized her friend was upset at her comment causing the red-head to talk about her death. Waving it off she said, "Don't be silly. I mean...I wish things had been different obviously. But thanks to Minato and Kiyomi, I'm getting to watch my son grow up. Besides, I know I'm not the only one here that wishes things had turned out differently."

Mikoto inclined her head as she said, "Still it can't be easy for you, what with you having to share him with all those women."

Kushina's cheeks colored as she rubbed the back of her head in a similar manner as her son did when embarrassed as she said, "Y-yeah...it's not that bad...I'm glad Naruto is so beloved...I guess if I did have a complaint it would just be that, I never got to experience the time where I was the most important woman in his life, you know."

Understanding the feeling completely, since she had experienced it for both her children, Mikoto nevertheless felt there was some other reason behind the coloring of her friends cheeks. Having a sneaking suspicion, a smile appeared on her face as she asked, "Really, just how closely are you watching your son's growth. I mean you must have a ringside seat for when he pleases his lovers. Tell me does he get his stamina from his father or his mother."

"Miko," Kushina said hoping her friend was just teasing her, "Don't tell me prison made you into some kind of pervert. T-there's a barrier that appears when Naruto is...entertaining."

Mikoto wasn't quite sure if that was enough to keep the red-head from letting her curiosity get the better of her especially as Kushina's cheeks turned several deeper shades of red. Deciding to tease her friend further she said, "Well if that's the case maybe I should give him a try. He has to be doing something right to keep all those women happy."

"Don't even think about it," Kushina said as she began to pout at her friend's joke, but also out of a sense of embarrassment that Mikoto may end up sharing her son's bed and that knowledge would sorely tempt Kushina into once more stepping out of the green barrier after so recently resolving never to do so again.

"I'm teasing, I'm teasing," Mikoto said apologetically sensing she had likely broached a very touchy topic for her friend. Supposing she could understand why Kushina would react the way she did, since she doubted the red-head wanted to be teased about something that if she did indulge in it there would be plenty of people that would judge her as being as some sort of degenerate. Although truthfully Mikoto felt that perhaps her time in prison had turned her into a closet pervert as something about the idea made her feel rather hot.

Getting embarrassed herself now, she changed the subject so the two of them could catch up on less touchy subjects. Mikoto wasn't sure how long they talked, but realized she must have fallen asleep at some point. Waking to find herself nestled against something warm, she for a wondrous moment hoped everything that had happened in the last seventeen years had been a dream. But reality soon set in as she realized that would have meant waking alone in bed as her husband had only really ever had sex with her for the sake of procreation or for the occasional stress relief. Therefore even in those rare instances she would likely never have woken up next to him as after performing his task, he would return to his own futon. He also certainly wouldn't have wrapped an arm around her pulling her all the tighter against him.

Opening her eyes, she came face to face with Naruto, who apparently had also fallen asleep during her long talk with his mother. Now feeling embarrassed, she tried to pull away without waking him by first pulling her leg off of where it rested on top of him. Pulling her leg back and feeling rather exposed due to her only wearing panties, she stopped as something impeded her progress by as something was pressed up against the back of her knee. Quickly realizing what the obstacle was, she looked down to see the top of a tent sticking up behind her leg. She felt her mouth drop slightly at the size, as a common saying among the housewives of the Uchiha was that the Curse of Hatred wasn't the only curse that the men of the clan suffered from and by extension their wives.

Having never seen a dick that big before, even clothed, except in some of the adult material she would use to help alleviate her desires when her husband proved unwilling or unequal to the task, the Uchiha kunoichi suddenly understood why Naruto had so many lining up to be pleased by him. She was tempted to close her knee around his impressive appendage, but not wanting to prove Kushina correct about her, instead lifted her leg up and over it. Now with an unobstructed view of the morning wood Naruto was sporting, she felt a desire to reach down and free it from its cloth confines. But fighting against the temptation and guessing her many years without getting any loving was getting the best of her, she instead disengaged herself completely. Lying on her back and already missing the warmth, she felt rewarded by her choice as several minutes later Naruto sat up.

He yawned sleepily and likely sensing the body next to him began to lean over as he said still half asleep, "Good morning."

Mikoto realized he was moving in for a good morning kiss, so in order to prevent an embarrassing moment said, "Good morning Naruto."

The jinchuriki's eyes snapped open as he quickly leaned back and began to rub the back of his head in a similar manner as his mother. "Um...morning. Did you and mom enjoy your talk?"

"Yes, thank you. I'm happy to see she is doing well."

Naruto gave her a pleased smile, but then his attention shifted towards the door. A moment later a soft knock sounded as Sakura's voice called, "Naruto, are you awake?"

Mikoto watched as Naruto's face brightened and felt a little jealous at the fact that something like the sound of one of his lovers' voice could affect him so. Guessing the feeling stemmed from her own lack of a similar effect on the man she had married, she watched as he scooted down the bed to reply, "I'm up Sakura." Moving towards the door, he directed his attention back to Mikoto as he said, "There's something I want to speak with you about later. I'll also make sure that you and mom have plenty of chances to talk."

Mikoto nodded, touched that the young man would make time so that she could rekindle her friendship with Kushina. He stepped out of the room and Mikoto watched as the pink-haired girl threw her arms around her lover and kissed him passionately as the bedroom door slowly closed. She leaned back in her bed and let herself imagine what may have happened if she had gave into the temptation she felt upon first waking up. She tried to banish such thoughts, but it proved rather impossible as a concerto of those lost in passion began to play in the room next door which more and more people seemed to join.


Sakura pulled back causing a strand of spit to stretch that connected the two lovers in the aftermath of their kiss. Naruto, felt his morning boner return full force as a result, and although loving his lover's passionate way of welcoming him back was a little surprised by it considering by now she must have known what he had done to their teammate. "I'm not sure I deserved that," he said.

"Oh but you do," Sakura replied pulling out of his arms and pulled him after her into the bedroom next door. Closing the door after Naruto, she again pressed up against him as she said, "I've been waiting all morning to reward you for keeping your promise to me." Leaning up she kissed his lips again, before slowly sinking to a crouch before her lover. Pressing her hands against the tented bulge she said pleased, "I'm glad at least part of you is eager for its reward."

Naruto threw his head back and gripped the sides of Sakura's head as she deftly freed his cock and swallowed it all the way to the base. "Fuck..." he groaned as his pink-haired lover slowly backed off until she let him pop out of her mouth. Surprised that she could now deepthroat him he began to ask, "When..."

Sakura cut him off with a playful giggle as she licked the underside of his cock. She continued to stroke him as she answered, "I'm not just an apprentice of Tsunade for show you know." Kissing the tip of his dick, she added, "Go ahead Naruto. Fuck my mouth till you're satisfied."

Taking his teammate and lover at her word, the jinchuriki began to pump his engorged penis into her warm and wet mouth with abandon. Sakura's hands rested on Naruto's pelvis as she let him pound her throat almost as mercilessly as he would her cunt. Staring up at her lover's eyes she squealed internally as it seemed to drive him even wilder causing him to move even faster. Her pussy feeling a little left out responded by growing wetter, causing the kunoichi to bring her hands to her quim which she rubbed through the thin materials of her shorts.

Sakura beginning to moan as she teased herself caused Naruto to lose it as he buried his dick all the way to the root. Sakura's eyes widened as he grew even larger, before discharging his seed almost directly into her stomach. After several powerful bursts, the blond fell back on to the floor as the strength faded from his legs.

Sakura rubbed her abused throat as she then smiled before saying, "Mmmm, thank you Naruto."

Breathing heavily the blond said, "That was amazing. I wouldn't have taken my time coming back if I knew I had such a reward waiting for me."

Sakura smiled as she stood and then pulled her shorts down. Climbing on top of the bed, she lowered her face to the mattress as she kept her ass up in the air. Giving her rump a shake, she asked, "Then maybe you'd like to give me a little reward in turn. Just don't make too much of a mess as I have to get going pretty soon. I won't make it in time for my hospital shift if I have to go home and clean up."

Naruto stood and pulled his clothes off before joining his lover on the bed. Standing behind her, he placed his feet on either side of her legs before he lifted her skirt up and crouched down to position his cock at the entrance of her tight cunt. Which was made all the tighter due to her keeping her legs squeezed tightly shut. She moaned loudly as Naruto penetrated her and fought against her internal resistance to bury himself fully inside her.

Gripping her hips, he began to churn her insides causing Sakura's voice to rise in volume and alert more than just the woman lying in the next room over as to what they were doing. Trying to muffle her voice she bit down on the bed's comforter, but couldn't maintain her silence as Naruto reached under her shirt to grope her breasts. "N-not that N-naruto...I'll cum...if you keep that up."

Naruto grinned as he kept on playing with his lover's breasts despite her protests as he smiled, "I thought that was the idea." Pressing up against her back, as he stopped his pumping, he whispered, "If you want me to take my time. You're going to have to let the hospital know you aren't going to be in today."

Sakura bit her lip as she was sorely tempted to do so, but knowing how overworked the hospital staff already was couldn't permit herself to be that selfish. Therefore, she began squeezing the cock buried in her with her cunt in an effort to achieve the release she had just said she didn't want. The small action not being enough she began to whine, "Please Naruto...don't be so mean. Let me cum."

Naruto gave his lover a peck on the cheek before pulling back and once more emptying and filling her after replying, "As you wish, my beautiful Cherry Blossom."

Naruto's thrusts having increased in power and speed in his effort to give Sakura her much desired orgasm, caused the woman to no longer care if the whole village heard her. "Yes...oh yes Naruto....you're filling me so completely. Fuck...Fuck me..." Her eyes shot wide open as her lover buried himself completely inside her and emptied his seed directly into her womb. Her cries joined his as she came, her entire body shaking in pleasure.

Catching sight of an alarm clock as Naruto collapsed to the side of her, Sakura sighed due to the time. Rising up enough to kiss his cheek she said, "Thank you for keeping your promise."

"Anytime," Naruto replied pleased at the radiant glow Sakura was giving off. "Do you really have to go?"

Sakura nodded as she got out of bed and pulled her shorts back on while responding, "Yeah, but don't worry you won't be lonely long." Making her way out the door she said, "He's all yours ladies."

Kiyomi, Seven, and Yoruichi having heard the two teammates and wishing to partake as well stepped into the room. Kiyomi approached the bed first and aware of the recent displeasure she had caused her lover was a little wary of joining him on the bed. Seeing Kiyomi's reluctance as getting in the way of their own pleasure, Seven and Yoruichi came up behind her and pushed her onto the bed into Naruto's arms.

Naruto met his lover's green eyes and frowned as she broke contact first. "Naruto, I know things have been strained between us..."

Naruto turned her face towards his as he said softly, "Shh, we can worry about that later. Right now, just let me love you."

Kiyomi nodded as she kissed her former host and pushed him onto his back. He groaned into their kiss as a nude Yoruichi began to kiss and suck on his cock cleaning it of Sakura's release. Enjoying the taste, she began to bob her head on his pole as Seven having also stripped climbed up next to Naruto and began running her tongue over his nipple while rubbing her hand over his hard stomach and chest.

Kiyomi pulled back allowing Seven to take her place in kissing the jinchuriki. Taking a moment to remove her kimono she looked back at Yoruichi as she said, "I would like to be first please."

"Be my guest," the dark-skinned woman said after allowing his dick to slip from between her lips. She held his cock steady as her sister positioned herself over it and began to impale herself on his length. Yoruichi watched as Kiyomi began to raise and lower her hips on the Bijuu tamer buried inside her. Moving to Naruto's free side, she joined Seven in a three-way kiss with the blond as Kiyomi's cries grew in volume.

Seven, caused the red-head's cries to grow louder still as she ended her portion of the kiss to lick down Naruto's chest until she reached where they were joined, and then moved up Kiyomi's stomach to begin sucking on her sister's breasts.

Yoruichi took the opportunity to climb over Naruto as she positioned her muff above his mouth. Leaning forward, she buried her face in the bed's pillows as Naruto's talented tongue began swiping at her clit. She felt a second tongue join his and looked back to see Kiyomi's face buried into her backside. Moaning loudly under the double assault, she tried to stave off coming but found that it was likely going to be a losing proposition as Kiyomi slid her fingers inside her and Naruto began to push on her clit with his tongue.
