
51: Blast from the Past: Part Deux: Toka Senju Part I

A year before the founding of Konohagakure:

The man that would become the First Hokage stood in a clearing near where he and his old friend and current enemy had once dreamed of a world at peace. Those dreams seemed vastly out of reach now due to the many years of bloodshed that he had experienced since his father had learned of about his secret meetings with Madara. He also supposed it was due to the low life expectancy that Shinobi such as he had since the milestones seemed to come much faster for them then the regular citizens that made up the Elemental Nations. He was expecting to hear that he had reached a new one as any moment he expected to hear about the birth of another child.

When he had awoken that morning his wife had told him it was going to be a good day. But as Hashirama looked over the battlefield littered with corpses, he was having a hard time viewing it as such. He could understand why his men would likely view it differently than him though since the Senju had been hired by the Fire Daimyo to stop the march of Frost Country's Samurai Forces, a task made all the harder as the Frost Daimyo had hired the Uchiha to protect his conventional forces from just such an attack.

However, fortune had favored the Senju since Hashirama had gambled that the Uchiha would expect him to attack closer to the border. Playing into that expectation, he had created several squads of Henged Wood Clones to lure off most of the Uchiha defenders. His true force had waited until then to spring the trap, and wipe out both the samurai and remaining Uchiha. Still the rival clan had put up a stiff fight before being overpowered.

He turned his thoughts from his laments about the current state of things as he noticed his cousin Toka Senju and brother Tobirama approaching him both wearing satisfied looks at the handy defeat of the Uchiha. "I think Frost is going to take some time to recover from this setback. The Land of Fire's Daimyo should be pleased," his cousin Toka said as she walked past the corpses of the Uchiha commander and his four sons whom he had killed.

Tobirama nodded before adding, "Still, it was fortunate that Madara does not appear to be among this force. Otherwise I doubt your plan would have succeeded. He isn't one to lose sight of an objective by breaking his main force off to pursue weaker ones."

"True, but perhaps the rumors of division within the Uchiha have some merit," Toka suggested. "That megalomaniacal fool lives to spread chaos it seems. Even his clan must be tired of the constant fighting."

"Don't tell us you have grown tired of the battlefield, Toka," Hashirama teased his cousin. "Have you finally decided to settle down and perhaps find yourself a man?"

Toka rolled her eyes as she replied, "A man couldn't handle a woman like me."

Tobirama chuckled as he countered, "Well, it might help if you actually acted like one from time to time."

Toka ignored the teasing since she had long since grown accustomed to it, and knew her cousins meant it good naturedly. The rest of her clan though, tended to believe that Hashirama was wrong not to force her to become the wife of some of the more prominent shinobi of the clan. However, she knew that part of the reason Hashirama refused to bow to the pressure put on him by the clan elders, who insisted that a woman's role wasn't on the battlefield but at home producing the next generation of shinobi, was because of his dream to end the unending bloodshed that made the lifespan of shinobi so short in the first place. She just wished his dream didn't seem to focus on one day convincing Madara to join with her clan since she didn't operate under the same belief that the Uchiha was as dedicated to peace that Hashirama seemed to think. Although to be fair, she did consider that a form of peace was Madara's ultimate goal, but one that made all others subservient to him.

Hashirama smiled as Toka gave them a dismissive shrug, and although he doubted she would be any more receptive to his advice then the previous times he had given it, he said, "All kidding aside, Toka. You should at least try to find somebody who can make you happy. Our lives tend to be far too short to not enjoy them to the fullest."

"The man willing to not turn me into a baby factory has yet to be born, Hashirama," Toka replied. "Even you have caved to the elders wishes, and have let Mito squander away her life as a kunoichi."

Hashirama grew depressed as he sagged while saying, "Do you really think so? She says she's happy, has she told you differently?"

Tobirama shook his head at his brother's antics wondering how one of the world's most powerful shinobi could be prone to such mood swings. Despite often being the cause of them most often, he came to his brother's defense this time as he said, "Mito has never voiced any displeasure at being a mother. Besides if she did wish a return to the battle field, she could always push her husband to go along with the elders' Kekkei Genkai Restoration Plan." Turning towards his brother he said, "They're concerned that you and Mito are not a good match genetically and taking more wives would increase the chances of your Wood Release being passed along."

"Brother, you're rather proving Toka's point about the role we believe women should carry within the clan," Hashirama replied recovering his poise.

"I'm glad I don't need to point that out," the kunoichi said looking over her shoulder as her instincts cried out at her that something was amiss.

Hashirama smiled as he turned to look over the battlefield once more as he said, "I'd like to create a future where parents don't need to produce children just to keep up with the birthrates of the other clans. I'd like to see a future where children can grow old and..."

"Die you Senju fuck," the Uchiha commander shouted as he pushed off of the ground. Having been surprised that Hashirama rather than confirming the kill had begun to stare off into space, the man had planned to keep his chakra suppressed and escape when the moment arose. But hearing his hated enemy speaking about children as if he hadn't just killed his sons, the Uchiha was unable to follow through. Most especially as while recalling the lives of his children and the hatred their deaths filled his heart with for the Senju had caused a power to grow within him. Focusing on Hashirama, his Sharingan began to morph to take the form of a Mangekyō Sharingan.

As his eyes bore into Hashirama's, space began to distort around the leader of the Senju, but he was pushed to the side by Toka. She screamed as her entire body began to swirl, before being pulled into the singularity that formed where Hashirama had stood.

Although shocked at his cousin's sudden disappearance, Hashirama watched as his brother's face turned into a mask of anger as he shouted, "Bastard!"

"Tobirama wait..." the elder brother shouted as the younger pulled his fist back before he threw it forward causing a jet of water to appear in front of it. The water jet hit the Uchiha in the heart as it ripped a hole straight through his body.

Tobirama turned towards where Toka had been standing even as the Uchiha's body collapsed to the ground. Collapsing to his knees, the white haired man slammed his fist into the ground as he gazed angrily at his brother while asking, "Did you know he was still alive? Did you let your memories of dreaming with Madara sway your hand?"

"No," Hashirama said pulling himself to his feet to look away as he held back the pain of his cousin's apparent death, "But, I didn't check to make sure...I'm just so tired of the killing that I lost focus...I'm tired of losing friends as well as... family..." Hashirama trailed off as he felt his brother continue to stare at his back with a mixture of anger, and understanding.

"Lord Hashirama," a messenger shouted running towards them, "Lady Mito has given birth to a boy."

"Another son," Hashirama said feeling both joy and trepidation knowing his child wouldn't enjoy much of a childhood before being tested in the fires of battle. Having thus far avoided the fate that had befallen his own father where most of his children died early, he said to the messenger, "I will be there shortly. Inform my wife that I am returning." Hashirama gave his brother a grim smile as he addressed him, "Tobirama, I want you to head to the Fire Capital and inform the Daimyo of our success. I would also like for you to ask him if it would be acceptable for me to speak with him in person about a separate matter."

"What about?"

"It's time I stop dreaming and start acting," Hashirama said looking at the spot his cousin had just been standing. "I'm going to ask him for the right to build a village within his borders. One where all the Shinobi Clans can live together in peace."

"Are you insane," Tobirama questioned angrily. "Did what just happen not leave an impression on you? If you lower your guard around the Uchiha, it'll only be a matter of time before you and all the Senju share her fate."

"Brother," Hashirama said determinedly, "Killing more Uchiha will not bring her back. If the cycle of hatred and violence is to end, someone needs to be the first to propose a better way. It may be too late to do anything for Toka, perhaps even too late for our children. But I have to hope that our grandchildren may know a better life then us. A village... nay, a home, where the separate clans can live together in peaceful coexistence. That is something I'm sure all of us long for."

"I won't fight you on this brother if that is your wish. However, can you truly tell me that it is a dream Madara still shares after the number of times you've crossed blades with him?"

Hashirama frowned as he couldn't truly read his rival and friend's heart any longer, but replied, "I don't know. Yet, I'm sure I can convince him to recall it." Tobirama frowned at the answer, but nodded as he set about on his appointed task since having needed to bury his other brothers, he was almost grateful his cousin hadn't left a corpse that needed attending too. Which was all the proof that he needed to understand why Hashirama could hang onto his dream despite the realities of the world in which a man would welcome a son on the same day he needed to mourn a cousin.


Yukata felt rather nervous as she approached Matsuri's apartment due to it being the first time she would come face to face with some of the other women in Naruto's Harem. Although it had only been half a day since awakening in her apartment after her night of love making, she was still reeling from some of the revelations of who some of the Kunoichi that she was now connected to through him were. At least as far as Suna went.

She could feel the women outside her village and had a general idea of how close and in which direction they were. But, who they were still remained a mystery, as did the women in her village; at least until she would come across them as she performed her duties for the day. She hadn't asked Naruto since after finally being with her Ghost, she hadn't wished to talk about the other women she would be sharing him with. Nor had Naruto gone into much detail about who comprised his lovers as instead he had focused on explaining his ambition and his hope that she would aid him with it. To say that she was flattered that a man who had just tangled with the four previous Kazekage valued her help and input was something of an understatement.

However, she did wonder how she would fit in to such a grand ambition with her meager power and abilities. After all, the only reason she was being given a shot to once more follow her dream of becoming a puppeteer was because of the recent trade agreements with Konoha granting Suna more access to the chakra infused wood necessary for puppet creation. She did get a warm feeling at the realization that it was due to Naruto's own dream that she stood at the cusp of completing hers.

Yet, it wasn't just where she would fit into his ambition that she was wondering about, but how his love life worked in general. The truth was she didn't know just how much contact she would have with his other lovers, and truthfully as things currently stood imagined she might be okay with not being with the others in a sexual way at all. She figured this was due to outside of her encounters with Naruto at the Summoning Circle, and losing her virginity to him, in truth she hadn't given much thought about sex outside of the usual fantasies she had about Gaara before they had became dominated by Her Ghost. After all, it hadn't been the perverted nature of the ghost story Sakura had told that had drawn her to it, but the paranormal aspect of it.

She admitted that those encounters had awakened her sexual appetite, but she didn't know if that translated into her wanting to be with women in a sexual way. She supposed that it was learning that Matsuri was also in the Harem which caused her to question how far she was willing to delve into her new life. She wasn't exactly repulsed by the idea, but supposed it was seeing a side of her friend she had never contemplated before, which made her hesitant. Primarily, since she hadn't been so concerned upon learning that Temari, Maki, and Pakura were a part of the Harem, as she had upon learning about Matsuri was also.

She had already half suspected Temari, but had only learned about Pakura and Maki as they had crossed paths throughout the day. She hadn't thought that she had reacted, but in hindsight figured she may have due to a slight smirk appearing on the other women's faces as they went about their business. Yet, when she had felt the fourth woman approach and had seen that it was Matsuri, she knew her mouth had dropped open. Her friend had giggled at her open mouth stare, before asking her to meet at her apartment later. Yukata hadn't so much agreed as just nodded before her brown-haired friend had left.

Yukata figured she would be given the more detailed oriented explanation of her role in Naruto's ambition at the meeting. Knocking on the door to the apartment, Yukata learned that any further explanations about what to expect was not the reason for Matsuri inviting her. It started innocently enough as Matsuri opened the door far enough to stick her head out in order to give her hallway a quick scan before letting Yukata in. But after crossing the threshold of the apartment, that innocence was blown away as she saw Naruto sitting in the center of her friends couch. From wear it was in relation to the door, she could only see the raised backside of one of the two kunoichi that she suspected were orally pleasing him.

Her mind tried to process it, as sitting calmly at a small table in the nearby kitchen with what appeared to be glasses of wine were the two presences that she had felt, but hadn't seen due to their being at the Kazekage mansion most of the day. She was and wasn't surprised to find that they were both Leaf kunoichi as she had heard that Gaara had summoned them to Suna. She had suspected it was to look after Naruto, and guessed that in a manner of speaking they were as they watched the two women please the jinchuriki while enjoying some wine. The fact that they were both dressed, and chatting amicably while occasionally watching the action unfold on the couch told Yukata that it was likely a common occurrence.

Her attention drifted to Maki, who was sitting up on the floor in front of Naruto with her legs spread. She wondered briefly why the blue-eyed woman was nude and alone on the floor, but after hearing the door close behind her, an equally nude Matsuri walked in front of Yukata making her guess that the being alone part was a rather recent development. Matsuri smiled back at her as she called back, "Make yourself comfortable."

Yukata imagined that what Matsuri had in mind would involve her taking her clothes off like the other Suna women present. Still, despite finding herself feeling uncomfortable at the apparent orgy, she took a seat on a chair that had been pushed to the corner in order to make room for the two women on the floor. She watched as Matsuri knelt between Maki's legs to give the woman a deep kiss as her fingers traced down her body before reaching the junction between the older woman's legs.

Yukata's gaze moved to the couch to see that the woman whose backside she had seen upon entering was none other than Temari. On the opposite side of Naruto was Pakura, who much like the blonde kunoichi was tracing Naruto's cock with her tongue. Both kunoichi ran their tongues up to the head of his cock where they each sucked on half of its head causing the jinchuriki to groan. Naruto returned the favor as he ran his hands over both of his lovers' backsides before rubbing his fingers against their slickened folds. Temari and Pakura raised their heads to moan, and then looking at each other, began to kiss passionately and sloppily. The drool from their kiss began to run down their chins and began to coat the phallus they had just been pleasing. At the same time both of the women reached for his dick and touching each other's hand broke apart to smile at one another.

Temari spoke first as she said, "If you don't mind I'd like first crack."

Pakura nodded as she relinquished her grasp of Naruto's dick as Temari moved to position herself over it while facing away from her lover. Yukata watched mesmerized as the woman that she had only known as a tough, but fair commander looked over her shoulder causing her face to soften as she smiled at her lover. She then looked away and Yukata watched as her face changed once more into a visage she never thought she would personally see as it changed to reflect the pleasure she felt as she began to slide down Naruto's long and thick shaft.

Once the blonde woman bottomed out on it, she leaned back into Naruto's chest as she said somewhere between a sigh and a moan, "I can't believe you all convinced me to do this before meeting with Gaara and the others."

Pakura stopped in her moving towards the table the Leaf-nin were sitting at to look back as she said amused, "It took all of three seconds to convince you, Temari. I think you wore that black kimono you favor just so you could strip out of it the fastest."

Temari moaned as she raised and lowered her hips to fuck herself on Naruto's meat stick. "A good strategist plans for all possibilities."

Pakura smiled as she completed her journey towards the table to pour herself a drink and Yukata listened as she said to the women sitting there, "I hope you two are not put off by our asking that you sit this one out."

Sakura replied with a smile, "No, we understand."

Shizune seconded the statement by adding, "We know that we tend to get more unfettered access to Naruto to allow such gatherings to happen. We're more than happy to sit this one out to let you all get better acquainted with each other."

Pakura smiled as she nodded before sending a look back to Yukata who seemed entranced as she watched the dick that had given her so much pleasure the night before do the same for Temari. Her gaze shifted to Temari as the blonde woman began to moan louder as Naruto gripped her tits while she continued to ride his staff. Willing to wait her turn, she moved to join Matsuri and Maki as they knelt in the center of the apartment kissing while they rubbed each other's pussies. The women separated enough to let her join in so that she could pet Matsuri's quim as Maki began to rub hers.

Yukata still was having trouble believing what she was seeing as Pakura joined the other two women. But further still, she couldn't believe just how wet she had gotten from watching her fellow Suna kunoichi not only fuck the man that had taken her virginity, but please each other as they waited for their turn to do the same. Still, despite her desire to join in, especially with Naruto, she decided to try and handle her arousal herself. Reaching demurely between her thighs, she began to rub her pussy over her underwear confident that with all the other action going on she would be all but unnoticed.

But this wasn't the case, as both Temari and Naruto watched her close her eyes as she began to get lost in the pleasure her fingers were giving her. When Yukata brought her free hand up under her shirt to tease her nipple, the two connected lovers shared a smile. Temari had a hard time holding in a cry as Naruto picked her up and carried her towards the dark-haired kunoichi, before setting her down in front of the unaware woman. Temari bent over, resting her hands on the armrest as Naruto began to slam his hips into her from behind.

Yukata concentrated on her own pleasure as she worked a finger into her drenched pussy and didn't notice the other woman's proximity until after she received a rather powerful thrust, she moaned out causing the chunin to sit back as she realized Temari was right in front of her. "T-temari..." she said in surprise as she pulled her hand from under her skirt, "Um...w.what..."

Her question froze on her lips as Temari grabbed the wrist of the hand Yukata had just been using to pleasure herself. She then licked the woman's juices from them and moaned as much from the taste as Naruto's continued pounding of her snatch. The jinchuriki chuckled at Yukata's surprised face causing him to say, "She's missed tasting your pussy."

"T-tasting my pussy," Yukata said not quite sure how or when the sister of the Kazekage would have done such a thing.

Reaching down to grope, Temari's tits he leaned over her back as he said into his panting lover's ear, "Go on and tell her, Temari."

"I...I can't...it's too embarrassing," the kunoichi moaned as Naruto moved one hand to begin rubbing her pussy as well.

Naruto chuckled at his lover as he said, "More embarrassing then sucking her fingers clean of her essence." Looking at Yukata, the jinchuriki explained, "I'd often take the boners that you gave me after you visited the circle to Temari. She'd always suck your cum from my fingers. After a while, she could tell it was you just by your taste."

Yukata was shocked by the revelation, but was more so as the woman knelt down in front of her, pulling Naruto along with her, and pushed her legs up over the chair's armrests. Temari then buried her face between Yukata's outstretched legs, and caused the newest member of the Harem to moan as her tongue began licking away at the well lubricated pussy. Yukata let out a loud moan as her hands sought out Temari's head, but rather than push her away she began grinding her mound against the blonde's mouth. "O-oh...yes...please don't stop."

Temari had no intention of doing so, as her hands worked their way under Yukata's shirt so that she could fondle the kunoichi's tits. Yukata's head fell back against the chair as Temari pushed her bra up and began rolling her nipples between her fingers. Yukata couldn't believe how skilled Temari's tongue appeared to be, but seeing the three women who were pleasuring each other in the center of the apartment by lying in a circle eating each other's cunts, she supposed there were plenty of opportunities to develop said skills.

She began to feel a sensation that outside of the orgasms she had given herself, had only ever been given to her by Naruto. She could tell Temari was close as well due to the woman's muffled moans into her quim as Naruto kneeled behind his lover while drilling his cock into her. His powerful thrusts had the added benefit of increasing Yukata's pleasure as Temari seemed to always run her tongue over the other woman's clit whenever Naruto bottomed out inside her and forced her harder into the muff she was dining on. Yukata threw her head back as she reached her peak from Temari's tongue as she shouted out, "Cumming!!!!"

Temari let out a muffled cry as she also reached the finish as Naruto began flooding her milking cunt with his jizz. Temari sat on the floor, while she rested her head on the cushion between Yukata's spread legs as she caught her breath.

Yukata stared up at the ceiling as she realized that the lifestyle she had become a part of wasn't just about pleasing Naruto, but also about building connections with the other women that she was now connected to through him. Not that doing so in such a sexual manner was mandatory, but it helped foster a closeness between the women that had pledged themselves to the man and his dream.

Yukata pulled her shirt off as Temari began to sit up, and surprised the kunoichi as she pushed her down onto her back. Taking a place between Temari's legs, Yukata began to suck the recently deposited cum from the woman's succulent pussy finding the mixture of the two blondes releases to be almost addictive.

Temari began to moan as Naruto watched Yukata return the favor. He turned his attention to the three women moaning behind him to find them lying on their sides in a circle with their heads buried in-between each other's legs. Maki's mouth was clamped firmly to Pakura's mound as the green haired kunoichi's tongue teased Matsuri's quim in a similar manner. Matsuri completed the chain as she fingered Maki, while sucking on her clit.

Naruto moved to Pakura and pulled her hips away from Maki as he asked, "Mind if I cut in?"

Pakura certainly didn't as he straddled her one leg and placed the other on his shoulder and then slid his cock into her well lubricated entrance. The Scorch bloodline ability using kunoichi moaned in Matsuri's cunny as she was speared on Naruto's thick dick.

Maki watched as Naruto began to pump his schlong into Pakura. She pulled away from Matsuri allowing the kunoichi to lay back and enjoy Pakura's cunnilingus. Crawling up Naruto's back until she was pressed against him, she reached around to feel his chest and teased his nipples. Placing a kiss against his shoulder, she then licked up his neck until reaching his ear where she whispered, "Fuck her good and make her cum, because I want you inside me next."

She moaned as Naruto reached back to cup her dripping mound as he replied, "Don't worry Maki. I won't run out of stamina until all of my ladies are satisfied." Naruto's eyes shifted towards Shizune and Sakura, where he saw despite their earlier calm observance of the orgy going on in front of them. They were succumbing to their own lusts.

Shizune's legs were spread apart widely revealing that she wasn't wearing any underwear while sitting in the kitchen chair as she lewdly fingered her cunt. Sakura was as well although she had both her hands in her shorts as she teased her wet pussy with her knees pressed tightly together. He looked back at Maki as he said, "Still if you can't wait I can accommodate you."

Wrapping his arms around Pakura's leg that was against his chest, he brought his hands together and made the hand-sign to create several of his K-clones. Once the cloud of smoke cleared Maki felt a hard cock pressed up against her to reveal one of the clones had taken up a position behind her. She moaned happily as it lifted her backside up and spread her ass to line its cock up with her waiting quim and moaned as it easily penetrated her. The clone pulled her back against its chest by her arms as it began to roughly fuck her.

Maki saw a pair of clones head towards Yukata and Temari where one sat on the edge of the chair the dark-haired kunoichi had been occupying. It pushed her skirt up over her hips and then pulled her panties down to her thighs before pushing it cock into her. Yukata pulled her face from Temari's muff long enough to moan, before diving back in much to the blonde woman's delight. The other clone knelt next to Temari's face prompting the kunoichi to open her mouth and accept his mancicle which she eagerly sucked on.

Matsuri saw a clone moving towards her and although enjoying Pakura's efforts was eager to be penetrated by the large cock of her lover, or his clone in this particular case. Crawling towards her couch she climbed onto it and spread her legs as the clone stepped up to her. She shivered in anticipation as the clone pressed its dick to her entrance and moaned appreciatively as her tight passage granted it entry. The clone placed its hands on the cushions to either side of her and she rested her knees against its elbows as it began working its large member inside of her.

The last two clones Naruto created approached the two Leaf kunoichi prompting Shizune to say, "Now Naruto, we agreed to let our Suna compatriots have you to themselves."

The clone moving to Shizune chuckled as it replied, "I don't think they're in any position to complain." It sent a look over its shoulders causing Tsunade's first apprentice to look at the moaning Harem members of Suna.

The sight did cause a quiver to start in her pussy which ran up her spine but nonetheless she said, "Be that as it may, we do get to spend more time with you so it's only fair that we..."

The clone came up behind her cutting her off as it pulled her fingers from between her legs. Looking at the drenched digits it asked, "Come now Shizune, do you honestly want to sit out and watch when you're this wet?" Reaching down, the clone took over rubbing her mound causing the Leaf kunoichi to moan as it added, "And besides, you're not breaking your promise if it's a clone, right? Plus it looks like Sakura has already accepted that logic."

Shizune looked over to see Sakura was eagerly sucking her clone's cock causing Shizune to say, "S-sakura... we agreed (moan)... to just watch."

Sakura let her clone's dick slide out of her mouth as she faced her fellow medic-nin while still rubbing her face affectionately against the large phallus. "I know Shizune." She gave the dick another slurp before continuing, "But Naruto made these clones for us to enjoy. It would be rude not to accept...and it's been so long since he's fucked me..."

"Don't worry Sakura," the clone she was pleasing said, "You don't have to wait any longer." The pink-haired kunoichi giggled happily as her clone picked her up in its arms. It kissed her greedily before setting her down and bending the chunin over the table. It then quickly pulled her shorts down and slammed its dick into her cunt.

Shizune watched as Sakura's face contorted in pleasure causing her own resistance to wane as she turned to kiss her clone over her shoulder. She moaned into the kiss as the clone inserted its middle finger inside her and began using the digit to stimulate her swollen and eager snatch.

Pakura's moans grew as Naruto pulled her up from the floor causing her to press her chest against his. Coming face to face with him as she sat up on his lap, she greeted him by kissing the jinchuriki deeply while pressing her feet against the floor behind him to aid him in pulling her up and down his shaft. Looking out the corner of her eye she saw both Shizune and Sakura on all fours in the kitchen as they kissed hungrily while their clones fucked them from behind.

The green-haired woman was brought back to her own situation as Naruto lowered his mouth to her tit and sucked on one of her nipples causing her to moan appreciatively. The moan took on a more surprised tone as she felt his finger begin to prod her ass, and she groaned deeply as it pushed inside past the ring of her anus. "Oh gods, not my ass too."

Naruto pulled away from her breast to smile at her as he said, "Funny, I recall you enjoying having your ass played with."

Pakura threw her head back as she groaned loudly as Naruto slid a second finger into her ass before responding, "I...I do...but...if you keep...gods...I'm going to..."

"Cum," Naruto finished for her as he upon feeling her inner muscles begin to tighten around him, slammed his cock as deep as it would go inside his lover.

It had the effect he wanted as she ended up finishing her sentence as she shouted, "Cumming!!!!" While leaning back with her arms wrapped around his neck as she rode out her orgasm while her insides were coated in Naruto's copious and thick semen. He had to catch her as she went slack and her arms let go of him. He smiled at her dazed look taking it as a job well done. Gently lying her down on the floor, he pulled his still hardened member free of her satisfied quim causing her to moan lightly from the loss.

Looking around the room, he saw his clones had everything well in hand, but decided to take a seat on the couch next to the happily moaning Matsuri. Almost immediately the kunoichi maneuvered herself on her side so that she could suck his man lollipop and moaned around him as she tasted Pakura and his essence.

Naruto rested his hand on Matsuri's head as she worked her mouth up and down his cock as far as she could. He groaned as his clone began to rub her clit causing the kunoichi to moan around his length and the vibrations sent a pleasant thrill through him.

From his place on the couch he had an excellent view of Maki's pussy as she lay atop of her clone, which was on its back. Her feet rested on its knees as it continued to slam it's hips up into her while she rolled her hips about. Sensing Naruto's eyes on her, she got to her feet as she squatted over her clone and began forcefully driving herself on its fuck stick. Several thrusts later, she fully impaled herself as she sunk to her knees while she came. She collapsed forward, as she moaned contently from the seed her clone had deposited inside her before it dispersed a moment later.

Naruto moaned as he felt the experiences of it enter him causing him to ejaculate into Matsuri's mouth. She swallowed greedily and as she caught the last spurt was eager for more so while cleaning his schlong, she reached back and began to fondle the nuts of the clone buried in her pussy. It upon sensing her intentions began to frantically fuck her hoping to get her to cum before it did. Succeeding in its goal it felt her already tight cunt grow nearly unbearably so, before depositing spurt after spurt of its man cream inside her.

A moment later it dispelled causing Naruto to once more erupt into Matsuri's waiting mouth. Pakura and Maki, noticed the trend so crawled before their lover as they awaited the next eruption by licking and cleaning his dick of the cum that had managed to escape while Matsuri had needed to pull back to swallow. Their anticipation grew as Yukata's muffled cries picked up in volume as the clone behind her continued to pound her into Temari's muff. Temari screamed her release as a result of her fellow kunoichi's efforts which drowned out Yukata's as her clone filled her womb to the brim. It dispelled after sagging back into the chair causing the next eruption to catch the women by surprise since they had been focused on jockeying for position. After the first spurt hit Pakura in the hair and face, Maki quickly captured his cockhead and began drinking down his warm cream. She pulled back to let her fellow Suna kunoichi capture the last few spurts as she savored having his taste in her mouth.

Naruto felt drained, but knew he could expect at least two more eruptions as his clones continued to satisfy Sakura and Shizune. He had to move to the center of the couch as Temari and Yukata took positions around his lap as they began to lick and tease his cock with their tongues. He groaned as Temari began to suck on his nut sack and Yukata bobbed her head on his length. When she pulled back to make room, Matsuri and Maki both ran their tongues up and down his length while Pakura focused on the tip. He looked over towards the kitchen to see that both Sakura and Shizune were now kneeling with their arms wrapped around each other while they made out. Their clones continued to pump away at them from behind and he could tell that they were reaching their limit. Looking back towards his Suna lovers as they awaited that moment he could only think, "Fuck, I'm the luckiest man alive." He heard Sakura and Shizune scream as their insides were flooded so braced himself for what he expected would be a massive eruption due to the two clones dispelling at the same time.


Sari sat with her head on Gaara's shoulder as they were apparently waiting for Temari and to her surprise Naruto to attend the meeting about Karura's moving to Konoha for the foreseeable future. She was surprised by Naruto's attending only because she suspected the discussion was going to be a family one. She looked over at Kankuro and felt a little giddy since he had yet to be made aware of what the meeting was for. A fact he mentioned as he said, "Come on Gaara. What is this about?"

"Patience," Gaara said in his usually monotone, although Sari could tell he was feeling rather joyous as well, likely from imagining his brother's reaction. His gaze then focused on a tri-prong kunai that was sitting on the table that resided at the center of the circular sofa that Gaara used when meeting with guests at his home.

He then looked at her and she smiled brightly before returning her head to his shoulder. She wasn't sure why, since Gaara's face still remained its usual stoic self, but ever since their night of lovemaking, which admittedly had only been the night before, she had found herself better able to read his moods. She looked at a clock and was about to suggest at least getting Karura since Temari and Naruto were late, but then a red flash blinded her for a moment and to her surprise more than just the two blonds were in attendance.

She quickly picked out Matsuri and Yakuta's presence causing her to asked, "What are you two doing here?"

The two kunoichi shared an amused look as Matsuri answered, "That'll be explained in a moment."

It didn't exactly take a moment as Naruto said, "I hope I'm not imposing, but when you said you wanted to have a family discussion I figured you meant all of it." He looked at the women he brought and corrected himself, "Or at least those here in Suna."

Sari figured Naruto's explanation was meant to answer why Sakura and Shizune were present. But then a sudden understanding came upon her and directing her gaze to her friends blurted, "You mean you two are with..."

She trailed off as they nodded and she could see Kankuro's mouth was dropping also as he realized that all the women present were in some sort of relationship with Naruto. Gaara ignored their reactions as he said, "Its fine."

"It most certainly is not," Karura said in a stern tone having grown tired of waiting to be summoned.

She looked like she wanted to add more but was prevented from it as her middle child suddenly blurted, "Mommy!!!" Kankuro couldn't believe his eyes even as his body moved of its own accord and he wrapped the woman in a tight hug.

Karura's face softened as she returned her son's hug as she said, "Oh, Kankuro it's so good to be able to hold one of my babies again." She felt some tears gathering in her eyes as she looked at her grown son and seeing the paint on his face said, "I used to remember how you'd sneak into my room to put on my make-up."

"It was war paint," Kankuro said, being mindful to fight back his tears less his "war paint" begin to run.

Karura smiled, but felt it fade as she heard Naruto chuckle. Focusing on her daughter, who was sitting next to the Leaf Shinobi she said, "I do not approve of this so called relationship, Temari. It's bad enough he is a Leaf-nin, but..."

"But it is my choice," Temari said heatedly having dreaded revealing her relationship to her mother since her disdain for the Leaf had been readily apparent. Not to mention the other aspect to it.

Her mother looked like she wasn't going to let the matter drop but Kankuro jumped in as he changed the subject, "Gaara, you sly bastard. I was wondering why you'd let the person Joseki had been grooming to replace him join the council." The puppeteer could see quite a few of those present were surprised by his seemingly going along with it, but pushed on as he added, "You knew she would go along with your desire to bring the Leaf and Sand together."

"It is my desire as well," Maki added as she smiled at her lover, "I've come to understand that together we can accomplish much more."

Karura looked prepared to dispute her statement but was once more prevented from doing so by Kankuro, who said, "I've got a ton of questions." He looked back at his mother as he asked, "First, how is mom alive? Then we can get into just how long you've been keeping me in the dark about all this."

He held his hands out indicating the group of women sitting around Naruto, Sari quickly seconded it as she leveled a pointed look at her friends, "That's something I'd like to know."

Yukata quickly pointed out, "In my defense, I only officially joined last night."

Matsuri quickly countered though as she said, "Maybe, but you weren't all that up front about spending so much time with the Ghost now were you."

"What? He was the ghost," Sari said looking at Naruto in surprise.

"We're getting off topic," Gaara said placing a hand on his girlfriend's knee, who was looking at the blond with a face that was a mixture of surprise and curiosity. He leveled a pointed look at Naruto as he hoped his friend remembered what he had promised to do should he apply his techniques to Sari. From the way the jinchuriki swallowed heavily, he knew that he did. Turning his gaze towards his mother he said, "Mom, please have a seat. I'm aware that when you were on the council with Father, both of your views were more in line with those we consider Hardliners. But please try to understand, we your children do not prescribe to that philosophy."

Karura took a seat followed by Kankuro as she replied, "Gaara, understand the Leaf forced us into that treaty. It was slowly weakening us."

"I do recognize that," Gaara said, before adding, "But, we no longer operate under that treaty. Under the current one, Suna has gone from one of the weakest economies of the Five Great Villages to the second strongest."

"Let me guess." Karura said bitterly before leveling a glare at Naruto, "The Leaf is first."

"Yes," Gaara answered. "But only because they started from the stronger position. However, my point in mentioning a ranking isn't to point out who is stronger. Yet to highlight that much of the bitterness you have towards them is misplaced. Those on the Konoha Clan council who were likely behind the old terms are gone. Danzou is dead, as is his Root Organization. Homura was revealed to be tied to both and has also shared in their fate. In their place are councilors that for the most part understand that a proper alliance can only be built between equals."

Kankuro looked shocked as he sat forward and exclaimed, "Wait a second! Aren't most of the Clan Councilors women now? Don't tell me..."

"Indeed," Gaara said amused by his brother's face taking on a disbelieving look.

Naruto quickly added though, "Not all of them," since he noticed Karura's face showing even greater disdain for him.

"But enough that the Konoha Clan Council can be counted on to act in a predictable manner," Gaara continued.

Kankuro understood what his brother was saying. Shocked from what was being revealed he said, "Let me get this straight. You're behind all of this. The fact that the puppeteer force is having its first recruiting drive in nearly twenty years, and the recent move to become allies with Kumogakure. This is all your doing?"

Naruto shook his head as he indicated his lovers and then inclined it to Gaara and Kankuro while he responded, "No. This is all our doing. We're all working to build a better future in which to live."

Karura's face softened for a moment as she saw the caring looks that the women around Naruto directed towards him, but it quickly regained its sternness since she felt that his words may just be empty platitudes to make them believe that he cared. Personally, she just couldn't understand what it was her daughter was thinking to agree to such a ridiculous arrangement. "Be that as it may," she said with a hint of condescension, "you have to admit that you've come out whether well in this little arrangement you've made for yourself."

Naruto didn't deny it as he said, "I know and I'm aware of just how fortunate I am to be cared for by so many amazing women. The truth is..."

"Not what we are here to discuss," Gaara said getting control of the gathering again. Focusing on his mother he said, "Mom, the reason I brought everyone together is because I want you to live in Konoha for a while."

"You must be joking, Gaara," his mother said, only to be greeted by an unreadable mask in the form of her son's face.

Kankuro stepped in to say, "Joking really isn't Gaara's strong suit." Focusing on his brother he added, "But why man. We just got mom back." He looked at his two siblings before wondering aloud, "Or did we?"

"She has been back for around a week," Temari explained. "We didn't let you know right away since we weren't sure about the particulars or if it would even last. But, she was the person that Kabuto used to murder Joseki."

"I see," Kankuro said not too surprised, "Then she was under the sway of Edo Tensei. But then how is she back?"

"That's kind of my doing," Naruto said. "The reason Kabuto was so keen to draw me out is, including your mom. My Bijuu chakra has been used to bring back three people, although the other two tomes also brought back the sacrifices used to power the jutsu."

"I'm sorry, but that isn't exactly correct," Shizune interjected. She smiled at the confused expression her lover directed towards her before explaining, "Truthfully, we can't be sure that it is your Bijuu chakra which is responsible. In Haku's case, she was intentionally brought back by your mo...Bijuu and as such the method she came up with was done so with the express purpose of saving the sacrifice as well. Mito merely copied it from the knowledge that she gleamed from the Bijuu Chakra she absorbed due to her status as former jinchuriki of the nine-tails."

Naruto nodded although truthfully felt a little lost, Sakura seeing it explained more simply, "Basically what Shizune is saying is that we didn't question the results since the technique used did what it was supposed to. However, Lady Karura's resurrection is making us question what we previously held true. Including, whether or not it is your Bijuu chakra that is behind it. It is possible that it is just a unique element of your chakra, or even a result of your seal allowing more and more of your chakra to mix with the nine-tails due to your... understanding with each other."

"That is all well and good," Karura replied dismissively, "But that doesn't explain why you expect me to live in Konoha."

Gaara held back a frown but replied, "We do not wish to announce that it appears Naruto's chakra can bring back those under Edo Tensei's thrall. Too many people here know that you have passed on, and for the moment there wouldn't be a reasonable explanation to explain your return. At least not one that doesn't call into question Naruto's previous encounters with the jutsu."

"If this is all about keeping his ludicrous life style a secret then..."

"It isn't," Gaara said interrupting his mother with a tone of authority. "It is also about your protection as well. As has been mentioned, your return is different from the others. It is possible that in part due to his connection to the women of the other cases as a result of Edo Tensei, Kabuto was able to gleam how Naruto's Bijuu returned them to life. His goal this time around appeared to have been securing some of Naruto's chakra in the hopes of unlocking just what is behind this ability. Further to the point, Kabuto is a scientist and as such he is likely curious about what made your case different. This may prompt him to try and get his hands on you, and since we wish to keep your existence a secret. We will not be able to properly protect you."

"Yet you expect me to believe that I'll be safe in the Leaf," Karura said crossing her arms upset at the idea of living within the village that had made much of her husband's tenure as a Kage such a difficult task as he tried to prevent his home from ceasing to exist.

Gaara nodded as he replied, "Let's just say Naruto has some powerful allies there which he has managed to conceal."

"Still you can't expect me to..."

"I do," Gaara again interrupted, "This is not a wish from your son in regards to your safety, but a decree from your Kazekage."

Karura looked surprised, but nodded as she said, "As you wish." Focusing on her daughter, she said, "Temari, please tell me this is just a phase or something. I'd expect you to have more self-esteem in yourself then to..."

"What!" Temari said growing angry, "I don't have any self-esteem issues, mother. And for the record, I love him, and he loves me."

Karura rolled her eyes as she responded with obvious disbelief, "I highly doubt that."

"Ladies, please..." Naruto tried to step in.

But he received a pair of quick, "Stay out of it," from both women involved. He didn't want to be the cause of any turmoil between the mother and daughter so was about to try again, but stopped as he noticed Kankuro giving him a pointed look before motioning with his head that he wanted to talk. Extracting himself from his lovers, as Temari and Karura's discussion grew more heated; he followed Kankuro out of the room before he asked, "What's up?"

"Stay out of it if you know what's good for you," the puppeteer said with a shake of the head. "A lot of the people who've spoken to me about my mom over the years have often said that Temari got her temperament from her."

Hearing that the discussion had likely escalated to a full-blown argument, Naruto said, "That might be true, but I don't want to see them fighting because of me."

Kankuro shrugged as he countered, "Well then you'd need to stop being a Leaf-nin and give up all the other women in your life."

Naruto sighed guessing that was closer to the truth then not. Surprised at Kankuro's apparent calm over his dating not just his sister, but a multitude of other women he commented, "You seem strangely unbothered by the revelation I'm with Temari."

"Don't forget Pakura, Maki, Yukata, Matsuri, Sakura, and Shizune. Not to mention a multitude back in the Leaf and who knows where else."

Naruto chuckled at Kankuro's point as he said, "True, but like I said you don't seem all that put off about it. Hell, when I told Gaara, he told me to get out of his sight."

Kankuro shrugged as he explained, "True, but Gaara doesn't have the history that I do with Temari. After our mom died, Temari pretty much raised me as our uncle watched over Gaara. The one thing I can attest to is that she isn't the type to state that she loves a guy unless she actually does. Heck, considering how Gaara changed after your encounter with him, I'm inclined to believe that if you put your mind to it you could make half the women in Suna fall for you, and if the rumors I've heard about kunoichi being hung up on some ghost they encountered during their time with the Training Force are true. Then you may already have."

Naruto felt some concern that his means of luring Pakura to him may have affected more than just Yukata. But, he concentrated on Kankuro as the man chuckled before continuing, "Just try to leave some women for the rest us, okay." Naruto nodded, so was about to return to the room to hopefully calm Temari, but stopped as Kankuro warned, "Also, if you break Temari's heart. You can count on me making sure you come to regret it."

Naruto looked back as he said, "I'd sooner rip out my own heart."

"Oh don't worry, that's exactly what I'd do to you right before I turned you into a puppet."

Naruto nodded and couldn't blame the brother for being overprotective of his sister. As he had little doubt that had Temari ended up perishing as a result of Kabuto's manipulations both he and the Wind Daimyo would quickly learn that there would have been no place in the world for them to hide from him. With that thought he prepared to enter the room to calm down said lover, who when really angry could make him seize up with fear, as well as the woman she apparently had inherited her temper from.
