
60: Target Karura 2

"Fuck... oh yes I can't get enough of your cock," Temari panted as she rode Naruto's dick to what would be her fifth orgasm this session and in as many days with her blond lover. That wasn't to say it was a lot, but Naruto had noticed that Temari had been far more promiscuous during the week than normal. Particularly when around her mother, which was why although always glad to be connected with her, his gaze kept drifting to the door of the bedroom half expecting to see sand leaking in. Temari stopped her bouncing as she said with an air of complaint, "Hey, what's wrong? You don't normally leave it to me to do all the work."

"Sorry," Naruto said groaning softly as Temari tightened her pussy around his love muscle, "But you don't need to be a sensor type to feel your mom's ire. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this in Kiyomi's mansion."

"Forget her," Temari said beginning to move on his dick again, "It's not like it has stopped you from fucking your other lovers here."

Naruto groaned as he began to pump his hips to meet her thrusts while responding, "I...I know, but it's a little different with you. They are not her daughter."

"I'm a grown woman Naruto, able to choose the man that I want to be with," Temari replied pulling his hands up to her breasts, "She can either learn to accept that, or lose me as a daughter. Because I refuse to lose you as a lover. Now fuck me."

Naruto rolled her over onto her back, and stopped moving as he said, "Temari don't be in such a hurry to throw away your bonds with her for me."

Temari reached up and cupped his face as she stated, "That you think that just proves why you are worth doing so. But don't worry, I'm sure sooner or later she'll come to realize that if you can't beat them, join them."

"Wha..." Naruto said but was silenced by a kiss from his Desert Flower. She placed her hands on his ass squeezing it and then prompted him to begin moving within her again. Naruto could no longer hold back and began pumping with wild abandon. Temari broke the kiss allowing her voice to let all those within range know just how good it felt to have Naruto inside her sure that one of those women was her mother.


Karura glared at the door her daughter and her lover had disappeared behind. She was coming to regret insisting that the two of them spar against her since she had wanted to prove how incompatible the two of them were. However, instead she had experienced a rather humiliating defeat especially as Naruto had been holding back in order to work with her daughter to defeat her rather than doing so on his own. This was apparent since he hadn't needed to use any of the powers she had heard that he possessed but simply relied on Taijutsu, with her daughter backing him up.

Karura was still dressed in her shinobi outfit which consisted of an outfit similar to what her husband had worn. The dark shirt was sleeveless, and rather than pants she wore loose fitting shorts. The outfit was completed by a small bag she wore on her back which was where she kept the sand she used to fight. She had called out her daughter and Naruto in order to prove that he wasn't the thoughtful man everyone insisted he was.

Instead she had been the one that had received the lesson as they had worked together flawlessly with her daughter's lover holding back in order that they could defeat their opponent together. She felt her frown deepen as she thought back to the beginning where upon meeting her outside in the training ground on Kiyomi's property Temari had asked, "What do you want mom? Why did you call Naruto and me out here?"

"It's been a while since I've sparred with anyone," Karura replied while watching the two. "With my limited options I figured I'd see if your boasts live up to the hype."

Karura wasn't sure why Temari smirked at her statement but she certainly didn't like how her daughter replied, "Oh, I think you will find that he does."

Dropping into her stance Karura said, "Then let's begin."

"Sure thing," Naruto said eagerly charging forward.

Karura nimbly avoid his attacks, before reaching out causing the sand in her bag to fly out and catch Naruto in the chest. He was lifted off of his feet, and carried towards a tree which Karura intended to smash him against. Temari though pulled her fan and blew Naruto off of the sand causing him to land on his feet. Temari ran to her lover asking, "Are you alright?"

"Yep thanks for the save," Naruto said standing again.

Karura was confused as she asked, "Are you telling me you knew my daughter would interfere?"

"Huh," Naruto said squinting as he tilted his head in confusion, "I thought this was a training exercise where we both take you on. Why else summons us both?"

Temari smiled at her causing Karura to grow annoyed as she responded, "Surely, you don't think that you need my daughter's help to best me?"

Naruto scratched his head as he said, "Probably not, but what does that have to do with anything? This is a good chance for us to work on our teamwork. You haven't fought either of us before and despite using sand you fight different from Gaara."

Karura tried to keep her emotions under control but admitted that Temari's smug gaze was making it difficult. She had purposely worded her challenge so that Naruto likely viewing himself as superior to the women bound to him would believe it was meant solely for him. That he had actually intended to fight alongside her daughter from the beginning surprised her. In truth, she suspected Temari had been lulled into her trap only moving when she had sensed her lover about to get hurt. Aware that he could likely have escaped the sand on his own she asked, "Why did you wait until Temari intervened. You possess several jutsu that could have prevented you from hitting the tree."

"True, but then it wouldn't be much of an exercise if I don't limit myself somewhat," Naruto answered stretching again. "I'll come at you using only Taijutsu and a few jutsu I knew as a genin."

"Do you really think so poorly of Temari and I that you need to use such pathetic techniques?"

Temari laughed earning her mother's glare, but it softened as she said, "He's not really limiting himself all that much mom. He's still a genin."

"I'm a jounin in my mind," Naruto said with a slight frown as he dropped to his haunches to draw circles in the ground with his finger.

Temari kissed his cheek as she said, "I know you are. I'm guessing you meant before your training trip." Naruto nodded causing his Suna lover to say, "Good, I can work with that. Are you ready?"

Her lover stood excitedly while saying, "I'm always ready."

"How about you, mom? We will not be taking it easy on you," Temari said pleased that it seemed her lover had prevented her from falling into her mother's trap of acting as less than his equal.

Karura had nodded causing Naruto to charge forward again although this time it was apparent that Temari was ready to back him up. Karura gestured with her hand causing her sand to fly towards him, but Naruto this time easily dodged it. Impressed she thought, "He's already learned the timing of my sand. Was that the point of his first attack? He knew I used sand true, but most of his experience is likely against Gaara. From what I've heard he doesn't need to move nearly as much as I do."

Karura couldn't give the matter much further though as Naruto had closed the distance forcing her to pull the sand back to block a kick to her side by holding her left palm out towards the area he had intended to strike. The snake like sand flattened in front of her hand blocking the leg. She then closed her fingers and thumb causing her sand to fold over in attempt to grab the limb. Naruto pulled his leg back and flipped away. But before she could go back on offense, she had to bring her other hand in front of her face to block a blunted wind scythe from Temari. The sand absorbed the blow and she went on the offensive charging her daughter. She was halfway to her target when she stabbed at her daughter with her right hand causing a ribbon of sand to fly towards Temari.

Temari was surprised by the speed, but managed to avoid it barely by rolling out of the way. Karura while still running bent her arm to follow causing the sand to instantly correct course and track towards her rolling daughter. It hit inches from her Temari, before arching up and coming down again. This time it would have connected, but Naruto appeared in the way taking the hit and getting smashed into the ground in her daughter's place. She noticed white smoke mixed in with the dust the attack kicked up so assumed it was a shadow clone of some sort. She scanned for his presence and was surprised to see hundreds of clones chasing after her.

Turning to face them, she cursed as she barely avoided the fist of the first clone to reach her. She angled her elbow out at it, and the sand she wielded appeared from the smoke of the other clone's demise to hit the one that had attempted to hit her in the ribs. The clone burst into smoke as well, before she surprised the next three by charging forward using her hands to attack against her opponents. She dispersed the first clone with a chop to its throat, but was forced to block a punch to her chest from the one behind it which had leapt through the cloud of its predecessor. Karura's sand appeared in front of her forming a shield that absorbed the blow; she reached through the sand grabbing the clone's arm to pull it towards her. Wrapping her arms around its throat, she spun and used the clone as a shield to block another of Temrai's jutsu. This time it was a gale force wind that blew her and the clone back.

The clone took the brunt of the force so that when Karura rolled back, she pushed her feet into the clone's back launching it into it a group of it fellows. The human shaped projectile caught several of them tangling them up causing them to burst into smoke as well. Seeing an opening, she lashed out with her hand pointing at the closest clone causing her sand to fly at it and hit it in the chest. The clone burst into smoke followed by the next she gestured at and the next until all the clones were destroyed.

She frowned seeing no sign of Naruto and wondered if this was part of a plan to wear her down since under most circumstances using sand in such a manner was rather chakra intensive. She smirked as she felt that if it was, he had severely underestimated her. While it was true she didn't have the chakra reserves that her husband or Gaara had. She had developed her style of fighting to compensate for this deficiency. The sand she carried in the bag strapped to her back was filled with her chakra allowing her to use it with a minimum amount of chakra and effort. It also made it much faster to respond to her commands. If she had been aiming to kill Naruto, she could have had it puncture multiple holes in a clone or him in a blink of an eye.

The rumbling beneath her feet was the only clue she received of the attack coming from below which happened a split second before Naruto burst from the ground. Karura managed to avoid the fist aimed for her chin by the barest of margins, but before she could defend herself Naruto lashed out with a kick that caught her in the stomach. It sent her stumbling back and served to push Naruto way before she could call her sand to attack him. He landed in a crouch, as Temari sent a wind scythe over his head that blasted the ribbon of sand that she finally manage to send towards the blond man.

Naruto followed behind Temari's jutsu leaping at Karura with a fist intent on catching her in the jaw, but the kunoichi blocked the attack with her sand which quickly reformed before her outstretched palm. He created a clone behind him, which pulled him out of the way as the wall of sand which suddenly grew blunt rods which shot out and upon hitting the clone caused it to disperse. Naruto leapt backwards as the wall turned back into a tendril of sand that hit the various points where he landed moments after he leapt away. Upon his reaching Temari, Karura ended her sand's pursuit since she was sure her daughter would simply blow it away.

Watching the two she could read Naruto's lips as he said, "She doesn't have an automatic defense like Gaara, but it is much faster. Her defenses are a lot weaker as well, but again the speed at which she can switch between offense and defense makes up for it."

"She's reading our lips you know," Temari stated making no sign to hide her words from her mother.

"I do," Naruto answered, "I also have a plan so be ready to back me up."

Naruto took off running, causing her daughter to say, "Wait, at least give me a clue." Karura frowned as the blond simply charged forward again this time forming a Rasengan in his hand. The older Suna kunoichi recognized that attack having heard of the Fourth Hokage's signature jutsu. She frowned since Naruto had shown pretty decent tactics before so couldn't believe that he thought that she would blindly throw up a sand wall in front of the jutsu as she had little doubt the spinning ball of chakra would easily beat her defenses.

Rather than let him get close, she pointed at Naruto causing her tendril of sand to shoot towards him. She hoped to break him of the concentration required to maintain the jutsu while also forcing him backwards. She kept a wary eye on Temari wondering what sort of back-up he had intended for her to supply. She believed it would come in the form of a well-timed wind blast that would force her to block leaving her open to the Rasengan. But so long as she kept Naruto at bay there was no reason for her to attack as Karura could block any of her jutsu with one hand while forcing Naruto back with the other.

The way Temari was smirking filled Karura with some concern since it implied that she was acting exactly as Naruto had expected. She decided to finish the match so sent a second tendril towards Naruto made of the reserve sand in her pack. It would open her to an attack by Temari, but she doubted Naruto could dodge both and if she connected would be able to win the match. Moreover she was confident she could call it back in the time it took Temari to swing her heavy fan and for the wind jutsu it produced to reach her. However, to her surprise Naruto leapt further back then he had in all his other dodges up to that point. Karura figured it was to buy more time before needing to avoid both tendrils of sand, but Temrai moved to intercept him.

Reaching where he was going to land, she closed her fan allowing her to swing it much faster. The blunt weapon made contact with Naruto's feet which as he leapt forward and coupled with his lover's swing sent him towards Karura like a human arrow that was tipped with a spinning Rasengan. The Suna Konoichi cursed as she held up her hands to ward off the blow, her sand appearing before her. But it proved little match for the ball of chakra. She closed her eyes wondering how badly it would hurt, but was tackled to the ground instead.

She opened her eyes to find a mop of blond hair buried between her breasts, which were soon followed by blue eyes as Naruto looked up smiling as he said, "Gotcha."

His smile faded though as Karura's face became redder and redder, and then it dawned on him that the warmth against his cheeks was due to his face being buried between her cleavage. "Get off me you lout," she shouted as Naruto flipped off of her seconds before a wave of sand caught him.

He landed next to Temari, who stated, "That's a bit of overkill to get him off considering the alternative would have been to take a Rasengan to the chest. But I believe the win belongs to us."

Karura nodded as she stated graciously, "I'm sorry I overreacted. It was a well fought match."

"No problem," Naruto replied, "I tend to find myself in circumstances that make a lady want to lash out more often than most. It was a fun match; it's easy to see why Temari and her siblings are so strong."

"Thank you," Karura said surprised at how her cheeks still felt red, but now due to his words now rather than the feeling from his tone body having been pressed atop of hers. She suspected it was because she could feel the sincerity of his words. Despite her feelings about his relationship with her daughter, she was forced to admit his strength and it was a pleasant feeling for him to recognize hers as well.

That feeling though disappeared as Temari said, "Naruto, let's go someplace private. I need to feel that hard body pressed against me now."

Naruto's face turned red in a similar manner as Karura's as the blush returned to her face as a result of her daughter's words. Temari wasn't taking no for an answer as she grabbed her lover's hand and pulled him after her. Karura returned to her feet and followed after wordlessly stopping at the foot of the stairs that led up to the second floor as she watched Temari pull him toward one of the unoccupied rooms upstairs. Her daughter kissed him deeply before the room that she was apparently choosing before she sent one last look her mother's way before pulling him inside. It was a handful of moments later that Temari's moans began to filter through the door and reach her ears. Karura tried to tune them out as she turned to walk away, but she found it difficult to do so as they almost seemed to beckon her to head towards them. Despite a part of her beginning to understand what the attraction was, Karura was more determined than ever to prove to her daughter that her relationship with the Konoha-nin was a mistake and that he was only using her to further his goals.


Fuuka watched as Karura walked away from the stairs with a determined look. The marooned haired woman's gaze looked towards the room with a different emotion which was desire. She tried to remind herself that it was due to her sucking out his chakra, but couldn't maintain the charade for long since most of the drive she had felt to sleep with him had fade. She turned away feeling disappointed, since she knew that even if she offered herself to the blond man much as Temari was currently doing he would reject her.

She continued to maintain her charade of being extremely flirty when he was around, but she couldn't deny that at some point her act was less about making him uncomfortable as it was about eliciting the desires she had awaken in men throughout the centuries of her exists. She suspected one of the reasons was that for the first time since taking her first lover. She would actually get to enjoy the act of making love and judging from Temari's cries she would truly enjoy it.

The irony though was that the more Naruto resisted her charms, the more she wished he wouldn't. The reason for that was easy to understand, since in her many years of unlife she had seduced men and women in order to get them to lower their guard to suck away their chakra and to steal their bodies. From women who had sworn they would never cheat on their husbands, to holy men who had taken vows of chastity to purify their bodies all had eventually succumbed to her lust inducing charm. Yet despite Naruto being perhaps the most oversexed man she had ever encountered, her act barely caused him to raise an eyebrow let alone the type of reaction she actually desired.

Worse still, the way he looked at her almost made her feel dirty, which shocked her considering how over the top some of the other women in the mansion acted towards him. She wondered if it was perhaps due to another of the occupant's extreme dislike for her. But she doubted Mito's disdain for her was enough to color his opinion after all from what she understood the woman whose home she was living in currently had actually killed his mother and father, but yet still found a way into his bed and from how they acted towards one another heart. Still, Fuuka couldn't exactly blame Mito for her negative opinion, since she was aware that her story had become the type of fairy tale that Uzumaki parents had used to caution their children against misbehaving.

Recalling some of the warnings she had heard she could almost imagine Mito's parents telling her, "You better behave or Fuuka of the Hair is going to get you." As such it had filled her with a sort of morbid glee to know that the target Sora had wanted to capture was from her clan. She had let out more than a few self-deprecating chuckles at how ironic it was that instead the monster that had kept children awake at night had ended up being ensnared instead.

Entering the dining hall, she closed the door behind her and felt a measure of relief that the taunting cries of Temari no longer reached her ears. A sentiment echoed by another woman that seemed to share her fate as being one of the few that the Blond Uzumaki seemed uninclined to take as a lover. "That fucking bitch, it's like she's taunting us."

"I don't think her cries are meant for us, Mira," Fuuka said sitting at the table across from the Six-Tailed Bijuu.

"Yeah, well she and that bastard can go to hell for all I care," the white-haired woman responded with a scowl.

Fuuka doubted the Bijuu meant what she said as judging by her provocative dress she likely had intended to try and seduce Naruto upon learning he was coming to the mansion. She frowned though as the sounds of Temari's cries began to enter the room once more as Kiyomi opened the door to enter. She smiled at the two, and it was a gesture Fuuka returned since despite the initial dislike the woman had taken to her. Kiyomi had generally seemed rather tolerant of her presence.

The Nine-Tailed Fox grew amused as Mira asked annoyed, "Can't he take his bitches someplace else to fuck. He's got plenty of space at that apartment building, not to mention in those tunnels beneath the village that I'm banned from entering."

"This home is his to use as he wants, and the Den is only for those that bear his mark with one or two exceptions," Kiyomi answered.

"Yeah, well how does one go about getting one, oh wise and powerful sister? I've thrown myself at him multiple times only to be rejected."

"Ah, so it isn't that Naruto is pleasing Temari that bothers you, but only that you are not enjoying his efforts that have you in such a foul mood."

"No shit," Mira said angrily, "I've even offered to make this body into whatever he desires only to be brushed off with a simple thanks, but no thanks."

"That alone should tell you why he shows no interest," Kiyomi said. "You aren't his type."

"His type?!" Mira said angrily, "He fucks everything that stands on two legs and doesn't have a dick. What exactly is his type?"

Kiyomi sighed before replying, "Back before you became a human you were much closer to it then you are now."

"What the fuck does that mean? I was a disgusting slug back them, stop fucking speaking in riddles dammit." Mira stood up annoyed at her sister as she headed towards the back exit of the dining hall. Opening the door she heard Temari's cries prompting her to shout, "Oh give it a fucking rest." The cries didn't grow in intensity, nor did they lessen though causing the Bijuu to grumble as she headed someplace where she wouldn't hear them.

Kiyomi shook her head at her sister's antics before focusing on Fuuka before stating, "Despite feeling the same as my sister you're taking being black listed surprisingly better than her."

Fuuka shrugged as she responded, "Well considering how I've come to my current predicament it's easy to understand why he would refuse to touch me. I guess I'm just surprised that considering that I'm already bound to him, he would reject my charms."

"Much like Mira, you simply don't understand what it is that truly attracts him. But you are closer to understanding then she is."

Kiyomi turned to leave and smiled hearing the hopeful tone in the other woman's voice, "What do you mean? I haven't done anything different."

Kiyomi looked back at the woman responding, "That's not exactly true. Outwardly you remain and act the same in his presence, but that doesn't change what it is I see going on inwardly. You remind me a great deal of myself, Fuuka. The world both hurt and betrayed us and we responded by trying to hurt it back. Instead we just spread pain and misery. Tell me, do you still feel justified in the lives you took."

"What does it matter? Feeling bad about it won't change what I did."

"No, but it will change what you do. Good night, now if you'll excuse me I intend to answer those siren-like cries."


"Oh god you beast," a familiar voice cried out although it was the first time Kushina ever heard it in such a way, "you slept with both Temari, and Kiyomi today but are still this hard."

"Shh, Mikoto keep it down my mom is in the apartment," Naruto replied.

"Sorry, but I can't help it you feel so good inside me," the woman replied although only slightly softer.

"Oh fuck," came Naruto's much softer moan, "M-maybe we should go down to the Den."

"N... no, I'm so close don't stop even for a second, I'll keep it down."

Kushina moaned out herself as she rubbed her snatch while being driven crazy by her friend's moans. It wouldn't have mattered if Mikoto kept them down since she would have only strained harder to hear them. Kushina pushed her wet panties to the side so she could slide two fingers inside her while her other hand continued to rub her clit. Her feet were planted on the bed as she pushed her hips up and down while imagining herself in Mikoto's place.

She wasn't sure why, but lately she had noticed that in the past week since her friend had come to her to tell her that she was now Naruto's lover quite a few women from his harem had taken to sleeping with him in his bedroom. For Kushina it was almost like being back in the seal, and truthfully she was rather glad since being completely cut off from her son's sex life had left a rather strange void for her. The nightly cries of Naruto's lovers helped to partially fill it, but her fingers were still a poor substitute for what she had experienced towards the end of her time in the seal. Even though the pleasure was greater, the thrill of being able to see her son's blue eyes filled with the love, lust, and devotion he held for each of his lovers as she experienced the slightest fraction of the pleasure those women did was tough to match.

Still she could imagine how they looked now as he filled Mikoto with the cock she wished to experience herself but was denied due to her role as the mother of the man that possessed it. It wasn't just that though as she had truly come to wish that Naruto could become her lover in every way that mattered as he had for the other women she encountered almost daily now. She turned over as Mikoto announced almost as if for her benefit, "N...Now you're taking me from behind like some bitch in heat. Oh you're hitting me so much deeper now. Fuck me... Naruto...."

Kushina rolled over onto her stomach before climbing to her hand and knees with one had still buried in her snatch. She pumped two fingers in and out before needing to add a third as she picked up the tempo of her movements as Mikoto called out, "Faster...now harder...that's it Naruto... I'm so close... coat me in your seed."

Kushina heard her friend climax and followed suit burying her face into the mattress as she pictured her son's thick load spraying over Mikoto's back. Although in truth it was her that she saw in the Uchiha's place as she screamed her son's name before falling onto the bed content. Kushina mirrored the actions that her fantasy self performed as her hips sank to the bed, although as she shook in post orgasmic bliss the lack of warmth coating her back reminded her that she would never get to experience such bliss with the man she truly had grown to desire. She sent a short mental thanks to Mikoto for allowing her to live vicariously through her for the night before slipping under the covers to try and fall asleep before the cries from the next round she was sure Mikoto was about to experience kept her up.


Naruto sank into the warm water of the grotto that connected the various themed bodies of water and springs located on Kiyomi's property. He marveled at how amazing his life was since he still found it hard to believe so many women desired him. He smiled as he recalled waking to the pleasant sensation of Mikoto's lips wrapped around his dick, and his cum flooding her mouth. She had then showed him his creamy load before swallowing it down and kissing his nose before stating, "You said you needed to wake up early. I figured that would be better than waking up to an alarm clock."

"You figured right," Naruto replied causing her to smile.

But then rather than continuing she rolled over to go back to sleep with a gentle, "Have fun today."

Naruto had smiled at her back before climbing out of bed. He would admit to being rather relieved she didn't want to pick up where they left off since he had been worried about disturbing his mother. Lately though he had noticed that several of his lovers, particularly Ino, Mikoto, and Temari had seemed rather keen on sleeping with him in his apartment as opposed to the Den or even theirs.

The night before Mikoto had been particularly vocal so when Naruto had emerged from his bedroom a part of him had been concerned his mother would be upset. They had spoken over the past week about his newest relationship, and his mom had said that she was happy he could be there for Mikoto. She had shared with him that she had believed that while Mikoto had loved her family, she had been with her husband out of loyalty to her clan. Naruto had guessed that the same could be said for her husband as Mikoto had been almost insatiable since they had gotten together. He really couldn't understand how her husband could leave such a beautiful woman alone after having been with her, but Fugaku's foolishness was his gain.

Naruto closed his eyes to bask in the feeling of the various women he was connected to. He frowned as he felt Temari approaching, the reason for the worry was she was supposed to be in a meeting with Shikamaru and Karui in regards to the upcoming Chunin Exams. Naruto wondered if she was going to tell him that the exams had been postponed again. He had been disappointed the first time, but had come to understand the reasoning behind it. After all, there was a lot of going back and forth not just between the three shinobi organizing the exams. But since everything decided also had to have the approval of all three Kage it was taking a bit of time to come up with a suitable format that pleased everyone.

Truthfully though, he was rather glad for the delay as his remaining a genin did leave him a certain amount of leeway in assignments that he might not otherwise have. Plus, he figured it would make the pool of genin he would encounter much bigger as well as giving them more experience. While he wanted to become a Chunin, he didn't want it to be a cakewalk either. Furthermore, since he would be participating with both Moegi and Yakumo, he wanted to make sure they were properly tested as well. More so for Yakumo since it would be her first exam, and while he knew she had grown quite strong, he was worried the tests that she would face individually might prove too much if she didn't approach them seriously. Moegi on the other hand, already had experience with the Chunin Exams so she knew they weren't to be taken lightly.

Wondering why Temari wasn't in her meeting, a part of him smirked figuring that with how horny she had been lately his relaxing soak before meeting up with Kiba for training was about to get a great deal more strenuous.


Kushina was washing the same dish that she had used to serve Naruto his breakfast for what felt like forever. But the alternative was turning to face Mikoto, who with her hair still disheveled while wearing one of her son's shirts looked very much like a poster child for sexual contentment. Kushina frowned as she figured the Uchiha likely hadn't even bothered to put panties on underneath the shirt. She could feel her friend's eyes boring into her back almost willing her to turn, but when that didn't work she stated, "I doubt that dish is going to get any cleaner."

Kushina ran her cleaning rag over it a few more times, just to be sure, before putting it in the rack to dry. She turned to see Mikoto lounging back in her chair with her legs crossed while holding a cup of coffee in her hands. The woman watched her for a moment longer, before turning her dark eyed gaze away causing Kushina to let go of a breath she hadn't even known she had been holding. She wondered why she was so nervous, but some part of her felt like it was because Mikoto knew about her less than motherly thoughts regarding Naruto.

"I really have to thank you, Kushina for not being upset about my being with Naruto" Mikoto said suddenly. "I truly can say I've only been as happy as I am right now twice in my life."

"You don't need to thank me," Kushina said feeling calmer as they appeared to be in relatively safe waters relatively speaking. Her tone was light as she said, "I'd be a pretty horrible friend to stand in the way of your happiness, especially since it seems half the village's women are lining up outside his door at times."

Mikoto nodded before causing Kushina to tense as she stated, "It must have been pretty tough to share the same body, especially with all those women looking to take it for a ride."

Kushina fought back a blush recalling just some of the memories from her time in the seal as a result of Mikoto's words. Forcing herself to sound calm she said, "I got by."

"Still, if it was me... well it's pretty obvious I wouldn't have been able to resist," Mikoto said before taking a sip of her coffee watching the red-head's reaction. "I don't know how you did it." For a split second Kushina looked guilty before regaining control of her face. Mikoto noticed the minor slip so added, "You know having experienced more pleasure this week then in all my other years combined... I don't think I would be able to hold myself back even if he was related to me."

"Wha..." Kushina stuttered with open mouth disbelief, "Y... you can't be serious! You can't tell me you'd sleep with your own children."

Mikoto shrugged nonchalantly before replying, "If they made me feel like Naruto does sure I would. When you think about it we both know women who haven't let the fact that their own flesh and blood are with him impede them from starting relationships. Tsume has slept with Naruto with her daughter present and as an active participant."

"T... that's different though..."

"Is it?" Mikoto stated feigning surprise that the Uzumaki would believe so. "I guess we just see things differently then. But, in this household I'd be willing to bet most would share my point of view. Heck, Temari is planning to get her mother in Naruto's bed."

"It isn't the same thing," Kushina said sounding more like she was trying to convince herself of the truth of her words then the woman sitting across from her.

Not wanting to push too hard, she grudgingly agreed, "I guess you might be right. But if I had a son like Naruto, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off him. You truly must have had a will of steel to resist all that temptation. But, I'm sure you don't want to hear me go on about how I would be weak, so have you given any thought to who might bring you happiness in the future."

Kushina looked down before replying sadly, "No."

Mikoto reached out to place her hand on her friend's lap making her look at her before stating, "Well if you ever want to talk to me about it when you do, you know that you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah," Kushina said giving Mikoto a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

The Uchiha gave her hand a squeeze before leaning back and concluding, "I have to agree with Ino. It is only a matter of time before all the women under this roof are also in his bed. Kushina, I'm sorry to say it's far too late for you, especially with us working to make you claim what you so obviously want."


Karura was henged as her daughter as she sat a few feet from a nude Naruto. Despite how confident Karura had been that her plan to force Temari to admit that her lover didn't value her as much as she believed would achieve its intended results. Sitting near the nude man was quickly robbing her of her nerve. She knew she needed to act fast as she would only get the one shot and it took quite a bit of preparation to get as far as she did. She had first needed to devise a method to fool the seal located beneath the foxmarks that would alert Naruto that she wasn't who she claimed to be.

Luckily Mito had begun to tinker with it some in order to fulfil a request Tsunade had made. Feigning interest, she had managed to learn the basic principles of how the seal worked. By applying one seal to Temari that morning which in essence had hijacked her signal, and by applying its counterpart to herself which in turn received the signal before rebroadcasting it, Karura was effectively able to make it look like she was Temari to any of those without eyes on her. Naturally the charade would be discovered if Temari ran into any of her fellow Harem members, who would obviously be able to alert her that she wasn't where she was broadcasting from.

The rest of the plan was relatively simple which was to quickly seduce him as Temari. Slip him a knockout drug to cause him to pass out, and then transport him to her room where upon Temari finding a naked Naruto in her bed she could prove that the blond man simply saw her as a means to an end. It wasn't exactly a brilliant plan, but Karura had seen more than one relationship end in such a way when an enemy shinobi was able to fool a spouse or lover. When the other party learned that their partner had been unable to see through the henge it tended to leave bitter feelings behind that caused the relationship to crumble.

However, in her rush to put her plan into motion Karura had not accounted for several things. The first being that her seal effectively allowed her to tap into what Naruto and his lovers felt from the foxmarks, and she had to admit his presence felt like a nice warm breeze against her skin. It had felt especially good as she had approached where he bathed since he had simple been feeling a measure of contentment with his life which almost felt like a non-verbal thank you to all the women that he was with. The second was that considering how long it had been since she had been naked with a man other than her husband she felt an incredible sense of nervousness. Which coupled with the fact that she had to admit her daughter had chosen a handsome specimen of man to be with, had made her almost reluctant to begin truly seducing him. In fact, it took all her self-control not to keep sending amazed looks towards the flaccid penis hanging between his legs beneath the surface of the clear water, since although her husband had been slightly above average, Naruto had several inches on him not to mention looked much thicker as well.

The final reason was perhaps the most compelling being that despite her having acted exactly as she had observed Temari behave since being resurrected, Naruto was still apparently on edge around her. In truth, the only thing that she suspected kept him from asking if she was truly who she claimed to be was that she had the foxmark. She could hear the hint of suspicion in his voice as he asked, "So Karui was delayed in making it back to the village so you and Shikamaru decided to postpone your meeting until tomorrow."

"Yeah, truthfully though I felt there was still stuff we could have done, but that slacker wanted to watch clouds or something."

Karura breathed a little easier as Naruto chuckled while saying, "That sounds about right. Still, it isn't like you to pass up an opportunity to get ahead on your work."

Taking a figurative deep breath she decided to plunge ahead with her plan sliding closer to him as she said in a husky whisper, "Well, this week I've come to understand the benefits in taking it easy occasional, especially if it lets me spend more time with you."

Karura felt nervous as Naruto's eyes didn't exactly match what she had observed was reflected in them when he was addressing her daughter. She tried to up the ante by beginning to rub her hand over his dick hoping to cloud his reason. It seemed to work partially so she prepared the capsule she had in her mouth that would drug him once she managed to get him to swallow its contents. Naruto groaned softly as he said almost plaintively, "And here I thought that it was to lead up to our two year anniversary."

"You should know it's because I'm always hot for you," Karura said leaning in to kiss him and preparing to break the capsule to breathe the contents into his mouth.

Suddenly though a firm hand was around her throat as Naruto violently grabbed her. He easily lifted her out of the water planting her on the ground as he said dangerously, "Who are you? It's now where close to my anniversary with Temari. I swear that if you've hurt her, you're only going to live long enough to regret it." Karura struggled to breathe as she noticed the young man's blue eyes were red. Through the foxmark, she felt a few of the women respond to their lovers' agitation but he sent a mental stand-down. She tried to explain that he was wrong, but Naruto didn't even entertain the notion as his grip tightened before he warned her, "Don't lie to me."

Karura was about to drop the Henge when Temari asked amused from the entrance to the grotto, "Naruto, why are you choking my mom?"

Naruto's grip relaxed immediately as he turned to face his lover obviously relieved. But then his face grew confused as he tilted his head to ask, "Your what?"

Temari giggled pulling her kimono open and letting it slip from her shoulders to reveal the nude frame her mother had copied in every detail. Except for one, which she revealed as she turned her back to face her lover and mom. Showing off the seal her mother had planted on her back that morning she said, "Pretty clever idea mom."

"How did you know?" Karura asked still henged as her daughter.

Temari shrugged as she explained, "It wasn't hard to figure out what you were going to do. Your options were limited and you constantly tried to point out Naruto couldn't appreciate me because of the number of women that he is with. Knowing what you wanted to prove, there was only so many ways for you to go about it. Fortunately for me, for most of them you had to find a way around one thing." Karura looked down to the fox mark that was located on Temari's inner thigh causing her daughter to say, "Exactly, and therefore I just had to be extra aware of any attempts you might make to place a seal on me to counteract it. I felt you place this seal on me earlier so sat back to wait for you to get proven wrong."

"You clued him in," Karura said angrily having slipped back into the water, "Were you unable to face the truth?"

Temari laughed and pointed towards an obviously confused Naruto as she stated, "Does he look clued in? I didn't need to tell him anything, I knew your plan would fail from the start."

Karura had to admit that Naruto didn't look like he had any prior knowledge which he articulated as he asked, "Why would you put me in a situation where the first thing I would assume is that something bad happened to you?"

Temari looked apologetic as she removed the seal on her causing Karura to lose the feeling of obvious relief Naruto felt at learning she was okay. It forced the older Suna kunoichi to admit that she was wrong as the storm that had been his anger upon thinking something had happened to her daughter once more had gave way to the sunny feeling. Karura was surprised to find that she actually missed its constant presence. Temari sank into the water closing with her lover as she apologized, "I'm sorry. I got so caught up in wanting to prove my mom wrong that I didn't consider that you may fear for my safety. Let us make it up to you."

Temari kissed Naruto while pushing him back against the water's edge of the grotto. Karura began to move towards the grotto's exit, but was stopped as Temari grabbed her hand. Before she could ask what her daughter was doing, she placed it on Naruto's cock. The still henged woman asked, "What are you doing?"

"Helping you make it up to Naruto for trying to trick him," Temari said breaking the kiss. "You need to take responsibility too. You are the reason he's so hard."

"Temari, I was simply trying to seduce him to..."

"I know," Temari said cutting her off, "But how far were you going to go. You didn't need to fondle his dick to make him kiss you. By fighting not to look at it, you probably helped clue him in to the fact that you weren't me. I have no problem staring at his beautiful cock."

Karura despite her words didn't exactly put up an epic battle to break free of her daughter's grip as she guided her hand over his shaft. Naruto stared at the twin Temari working their hands over his cock and tried to say, "T...Temari, maybe we should stop. I need to meet up with Kiba, and your mom..."

"Do you really want to stop Naruto?" Temari asked with a smirk, "Do you really want my mom to stop?" She whispered into her mother's ear, "Do you really want to stop mom? Don't you want to feel that strong thick dick stirring up your pussy making you glad you were born a woman?"

Karura wanted to deny it, and was about to let go of Naruto's dick, but instead she let out a moan. Her eyes widened as the reason for her cry of pleasure was her daughter's fingers pinching her painful erect nipple. "T...Temari..."

"Don't fight it mom," Temari said into her mother's ear, "We wouldn't be the first mother-daughter pair to come to hunger for this man. It's really quite beautiful to watch a mother and daughter grow closer because of their shared love for him. I want to grow closer to you like that as well. I want to watch you come to understand what it is that I see in him through experiencing everything that I have with him as well." Karura began to pant with arousal, and realized that she was now jerking Naruto's cock without any urging from her daughter. She became aware of where her daughter's freed hand was as she felt it palm her pussy. Her daughter began to slowly rub her as she continued, "And through that shared understanding, perhaps we can deepen our own bond as well."

Temari channeled some chakra into her mother as she released the henge causing Karura to appear nude before Naruto. The older kunoichi turned her face towards her daughter whispering, "Temari..."

"I love you mom," Temari stated before pressing her lips to her mother's.

Naruto watched the two, kiss tentatively at first, but it soon grew heated. The blond man watched eagerly which was why his climax snuck up on his as he suddenly announced, "Damn, I'm cumming."

Karura broke the kiss to watch with her daughter's head pressed against her shoulder as Naruto's dick spewed its copious and thick seed. Naruto panted pleasantly as he said, "Thank you, that was amazing."

Temari pulled her mother's hand towards her face licking her fingers and sucking them clean before saying, "You make it sound like we're finished Naruto. I'm not going to be satisfied until you've cum inside my ass and pussy several times. What about you mom?"

"I... I don't know... this... this isn't proper..."

Temari smiled against her mother's face before kissing it, increasing the rubbing of her mother's pussy she said, "Your body knows what it wants." She slid a finger inside her mother continuing, "You're so wet and warm inside. You don't need to fight it, forget what other people consider to be proper. Right now let the three of us share something incredible."

Karura nearly screamed yes, but she felt warm hands cup her face as Naruto said, "Karura, I would happily take you as one of my lovers. But, this is a potentially lifetime commitment for you in more ways than one. I want you to be sure that you are willing to commit to me, as much as I intend to commit to you."

Karura stared into the blue eyes of the man, who her daughter had taken as a lover and in that moment realized just how dedicated they were to each other. She found it impossible to look away as his eyes searched hers for her answer. An answer she tried to give voice to but found difficult due to her daughter's finger rubbing her insides. "I... I... I want..."

"I understand," Naruto said pulling her into a kiss. She opened her mouth and quickly found his tongue entering to draw out hers. Karura moaned as much from the pleasure of kissing as from her daughter's actions. She wrapped her arms around the man's neck, and let out a whimper as Temari's finger withdrew, but after having her leg lifted by him, she felt something much larger pressing against her entrance. Naruto fed his dick in slowly causing Karura to moan into their kiss. She couldn't believe how unbelievable it felt as he just kept splitting her open wider and wider.

When he had fed her all that she could take, he paused giving her a chance to grow accustomed to his size. It didn't take long, as she was soon moving her hips to feel more of the pleasure his entering her had hinted at. Naruto groaned as she began to also flex her cunt, which finally prompted him into action. Pulling out slowly, he waited until about half of his dick was withdrawn before slamming forward causing Karura to break the kiss and scream, "Oh fuck!"

Naruto began pounding her snatch wildly then as they stood facing each other. She moaned loudly as she wrapped her arms around his neck while saying, "Oh... so... oh... it feels amazing. You're splitting me in half..." Her eyes grew wide as she felt her daughter's tongue begin licking her asshole, "Temari...."

Temari pulled her mouth away to say, "Don't mind me..."

"No please not... that... I'm not ready..."

Temari pouted but Naruto sudden pulled her mom away before pulling out of her tight passage. She whimpered from the loss, as Naruto turned her away from him. He pushed her forward after sliding his dick inside her and then grabbed her by the elbows. Karura gripped his forearms and began groaning in pleasure as Naruto began to once more plow in and out of her snatch.

Temari pressed herself against her lover's back and used her hips to begin driving him harder and faster into her mother whose cries raised in volume. Naruto looked over his shoulder to kiss her, which she eagerly returned while Karura began to use her grip on him to pull herself even harder back to meet his thrusts.

Temari broke the kiss to place her chin on Naruto's shoulder and seeing her mother throwing herself back against her lover asked, "Are you beginning to see why us women are willing to share him mother? Don't you agree it's better to share such an amazing lover then to lose out?"

"Yes, oh fuck yes," Karura shouted, "Naruto... you're amazing... I... I can't believe how good you feel inside me."

Temari smirked as she next asked, "Doesn't it make you want to help him with his ambition? If we had never become allies with the Leaf then neither of us would have ever known what an incredible lover laid within Konoha's walls. Don't you agree that would have been an inconceivable tragedy?"

Karura wasn't truly listening as she felt the signs of her climax approaching. Concentrating to stave it off, she could nevertheless tell from Temari's tone that an affirmative was required, which she gave fearing to do otherwise would stop the dick sliding within her love tunnel, "Yes! I agree with whatever you said...just please...just don't stop please, I'm so close!"

Naruto groaned as he was near his end also, but giving her a chance to stop him from coming inside and binding her to him said, "I'm about to cum!"

"Me too!" Karura replied, causing her daughter to smile at the excited tone her mother used. "C...cum with me... I'm cummminggg!!!!!"

Naruto slammed himself fully inside her sending Karura's pleasure filled scream an octave higher. Naruto cut it short as he pulled against her arms pulling her back up against his chest, where he wrapped his arms around her and silenced her with a kiss. Karura shook in his arms as he continued to pump his seed into her thirsty womb, while their tongues danced. She sagged weakly in his arms as she came down from her orgasmic high.

Naruto lifted her up in his arms like a new bride after he slipped from of her pussy and then let out a soft groan as Temari knelt before him in the water to suck his dick tasting the combination of her mother and him. Temari stood after she had cleaned his dick and made it hard once more. Seeing her mother's open eyes that saw everything and nothing she said, "Let's go down to the Den. It's my turn to apologize."

"What were you apologizing for again?" Naruto asked having a little trouble remembering due to his own pleasure filled state of mind.

"Never mind, I just want you to fuck me until I can't see straight," Temari said over her shoulder as she exited the water heading towards the secret entrance that led down to the Den.

Naruto thought for a moment as he said to himself, "Wasn't there some place I was supposed to be?" But watching Temari's ass swaying as she walked away he pushed the thought out of his mind as there was no place he would rather be at the moment then balls deep inside his Desert Flower.


"Dammit, where is he," Kiba said pacing back and forth as Naruto was several hours late for training.

Deciding to pack it in, he thought, "Man, I'm going to read him the riot act when I see him. The jerk doesn't bother to send me a message he's not going to be here, and what's worse is he said he's going to be out of the village for the next several weeks." Kiba relaxed as he figured that perhaps there had been some emergency that required Naruto's attention. Also, with so many women tied to him, Kiba figured that sometimes it had to be hard for the blond to know if he was coming or going. Figuring he'd wait until after he heard Naruto's excuse to get angry, he decided to swing by the Academy to see if Iruka would lend him an old copy of the training booklets that were given to first year students in regards to Taijutsu. While he wanted to continue to learn from Naruto, he had to admit that with the man's busy life he would also have to take it upon himself to improve as well.

Whistling to himself, he figured he'd also swing by the area where Aeris usually sold flowers having begun working for the Yamanaka flower shop by selling them on the street. He figured he'd also buy a flower for Yuffie as he had found it cute the way she had denied wanting such a thing from him, even as her face had turned red while she had held it close to her heart.

With some objectives set, he headed back to the village although he did begin to wonder what had kept Naruto from meeting him.


Naruto lay naked between two heavenly bodies. All three of them were covered in sweat from their many hours of lovemaking. When Karura had become aware of her surrounding and had found Naruto crouched over her daughter pumping his cock in her tight ass, the woman hadn't hesitated in joining in. Now though, with his loins sated Naruto was still sweating although this time it was the cold sweat of fear as he thought to himself, "Gaara's going to kill me." Karura nuzzled her face deeper into his shoulder, causing some of the fear to fade as he then thought, "But I have no regrets." Pulling the two women closer, he closed his eyes to get a quick nap as soon he'd have to tell his friend that he had also taken his mother as a lover as well.