
62: Grand Opening: Part II 2

Kiba was knocked back, the heavy blade he was wielding adding to his stumble as he tried to right himself. He had nearly succeeded when his masked opponent appeared in front of him and swept his feet out from beneath him. The Inuzuka tried to mitigate the fall, spinning in the air to land on his feet. Although, he did find it rather difficult due to the added weight of the sword. Yet in the same amount of time his opponent rotated to hers and then drove the handle of her blade into his stomach.

The blow sent Kiba flying until he slammed into a tree upside down before falling ungracefully onto his face. He managed to get to his hands and knees although slowly, and spent a few moments looking for the handle of the sword he had been using. He felt the whoosh of something passing over him and which was followed by the sound of it hitting and digging into the tree in front of him. His eyes grew wide as he saw the ice blade which was a replica of the one he had been using buried in the tree. Realizing that if it had been a few inches lower it would have ended messily for him, he spun onto his rear while shouting, "Are you trying to kill me?"

However, instead of seeing the masked kunoichi that he had been facing, he was greeted to the sight of an empty field. That was until the gentle voice of the kunoichi said from behind him, "I assure you, with the number of openings that you have left me if that was my intention then you would be dead even with the aid of your partner."

Kiba looked over his shoulder to see Haku standing on the handle of the Ice blade that she had created while she had lent him the Kubikiribōchō. He still found it a little disconcerting when she spoke due to the menacing mask that she wore which contrasted with her gentle voice. Kiba had still been searching for the handle of the Kubikiribōchō while staring up at the woman easily balancing on the handle sticking out of the side of the tree as she looked down at him. Finding it, he was about to leap up and attack, but a large shuriken appeared out of a nearby canopy of leaves heading directly for Haku.

The former Mist kunoichi didn't even bother to look at the incoming projectile as she formed a small miniature version of the Kubikiribōchō which she held up to block and redirect the attack. Kiba's eyes grew wide as before he could react the redirected shuriken landed between his outstretched legs. Looking up towards the canopy of leaves the weapon had appeared from he shouted, "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Shut up," the voice of one of his lover's, although if anyone asked her, she would claim she was only such due to the presence of his other one.

Yuffie appeared from the leaves a few moments later and landing on the ground rolled before leaping back to her feet. She jumped the final distance between her and Haku forcing the kunoichi off of the blade handle with a leaping kick. Haku landed gracefully as did Yuffie, who snatched up her shuriken as she raced past Kiba and charged the masked kunoichi. Kiba watched for a moment as it appeared the two women were dancing as Haku effortlessly avoided the blades of the Shuriken that it appeared Yuffie was wildly swinging around, but in truth was passing through the space Haku was occupying only heartbeats prior.

Kiba shook himself out of his stupor as he climbed back to his feet lifting the heavy blade and due to it feeling like his arms wanting to come out of their sockets as a result considered dropping it. However, before he came to a decision he watched as Haku used the miniature blade she had created to first deflect Yuffie's shuriken to disarm his lover by stabbing it through the ring at the center. Yanking it free of the former Taki-nin's grasp, Haku managed to get it spinning around the blade before tossing it at Kiba.

It was all the Inuzuka could do to bring the Kubikiribōchō in front of himself to block the weapon while in the same span of time Haku managed to grab the disarmed Yuffie by the back of her tight shorts pulling them back as she dropped the ice blade down the back. The kunoichi responded instantly to the unique attack as she failed to stop herself from falling due to her hands reaching behind her to try and extract the chilly, but blunt weapon. The revived Kiri kunoichi then disappeared from Kiba's sight as he blocked the shuriken being knocked back by the powerfully thrown weapon and his fatigue. Haku reappeared moments later and in a display of strength effortlessly pulled her larger ice blade free of the tree spinning around and clashing blades with Kiba easily smashed him back into the tree behind him.

Haku spun away releasing the pressure pinning him to the tree and without the support he fell forward onto his hands and knees. Haku placed the cold blade against the nape of his neck stating, "I believe that would mean you are dead. Again."

Kiba sighed before just collapsing onto his face a before saying, "I'd ask for a chance to go best two out of three..."

"And did so several matches ago," Haku replied with a smile while removing her mask and then picking up the Kubikiribōchō.

"Oh yeah," Kiba said feeling an urge to take a nap.

Which ended as Yuffie began to none to gently nudge his head with her foot saying, "Can you try not to look so pathetic?"

"Believe me I'm trying, but it feels like my arms are going to fall off and I still have to attend training with my team today," Kiba said working himself back up to a sitting position.

"Well then let us adjourn until tomorrow," Haku said beginning to walk away.

She stopped though as Kiba asked, "If you don't mind my asking, why exactly did Naruto choose you to help with my training?"

Haku stopped in her journey towards Kiyomi's mansion having used the training grounds behind it for the session, before turning towards Kiba asking in return, "What makes you think there was some special meaning behind it?"

Kiba shrugged before resting his arms on his knees answering, "Well it's kind of hard to imagine considering who we are talking about, but Naruto isn't the impulsive idiot he was before... well you ladies came along I guess. If he just wanted someone to step into his shoes while he was gone there are plenty of his lovers already here in the village. Therefore, for him to ask you specifically I'm guessing there is a reason."

Haku turned replying, "Well considering he described you as an impulsive idiot perhaps you've changed a bit as well due to your relationships as well."

Yuffie waved her hand in front of her face saying dismissively, "No he hasn't."


Haku giggled at the exchange before stating, "Regardless, you are correct in your belief that Naruto asked me to step in for a reason. He believes my swordsmanship would be a good fit for you."

"No offense, but it looks like he couldn't have been more wrong."

"Do you truly believe so after only a single day of practice?" Haku asked sounding somewhat disappointed.

"It's not that I did poorly, but a part of my strength has always been my speed. Lugging that big sword around really slowed me down, not to mention it's a pain to swing."

Haku shook her head replying, "That is because you weren't swinging it correctly." Holding her hand out, she created a statue of ice before stepping in front of it with her back facing the statue. Spinning, she pulled the blade from her back slicing the statue from shoulder to hip. Continuing her spin as it began to slide apart, she this time spun the blade horizontally slicing it across the torso so that it fell into four pieces with the untouched legs remaining upright.

Haku easily returned the blade to its resting position on her back before explaining, "A blade the size of Kubikiribōchō isn't meant to be used as a hacking tool. It is meant to be swung in a way that the momentum of the swing itself provides the power while you just guide the blade towards your target. When you used it, you relied solely on your arms to manipulate it which is why you ran out of stamina so quickly. As an Inuzuka you should be well suited to such a sword style considering the type of jutsu you have already mastered. Plus, Naruto felt I could also help you grow faster, since he says you move too slowly."

"Yeah that's easy for a guy that's mastered the flying thunder god jutsu and moves around like a bolt of lightning whenever he uses that chakra cloak of his," Kiba said defensively.

"True, however you aren't as fast as you think you are," Haku replied turning to leave the wooded area and return to the mansion. "Today I fought you moving only slightly faster than when I fought Sasuke Uchiha. Even factoring in your using Kubikiribōchō, you are not that much faster than he was back then." As if to punctuate her statement Haku seemed to fade, but rather than the body flicker technique it was in a similar manner to Rock Lee revealing that it was done simply through speed.

Kiba sighed feeling a little dejected from learning that he was barely faster than a pre-chunin exam Sasuke, and if he remembered correctly that was before the traitor trained even more extensively in order to use the Chidori. Still, he didn't sulk long as Yuffie said, "Well that's just rubbing salt in the wound."

Kiba chuckled before asking, "Whose wound, yours or mine. She did a pretty excellent job of handling us both."

"That's only because I was busy trying to prevent her from taking advantage of some of those openings you were leaving her," Yuffie said folding her arms across her chest.

"Oh yeah," Kiba said annoyed recalling how he had nearly been neutered at the end of the last session, "well at times I was having a hard time remembering you were supposed to be on my side."

"That's funny because at times I have trouble remembering the same thing," Yuffie responded. The two glared at each other a moment before looking away like children. The former Taki-nin sighed beginning to walk back frowning as her wet shorts reminded her that some of the ice blade had melted before she dug it out. Complainingly she said, "Ah man, I'm all wet down there."

Yuffie stiffened as almost as soon as the words left her mouth she realized that they had the potential of being interpreted incorrectly. Something that appeared to have happened as despite his complaints about being tired not moments before Kiba was on her in moments grabbing her from behind while saying, "Really, well I'm sure I can help you with that."

Yuffie squirmed in Kiba's arms as she replied, "Not that kind of wetness, pervert. It's from that ice blade."

"Really," Kiba said sliding his hand down the front of her shorts, "well there's no harm in checking."

Despite the fact that Yuffie hadn't been lying as Kiba began sliding his finger along her slit, her body did quickly begin respond to his teasing. As a result, the former Taki-nin began to calm in his arms as her pussy moistened and started to dampen her panties with her unique wetness which Kiba displayed pulling his hand free while stating, "I don't know. Water doesn't usually cling to my fingers like this." Yuffie blushed especially as Kiba licked his finger clean of her essence before stating, "It doesn't taste like water either."

"S-shut it," Yuffie said although she shivered as Kiba ran his hand down her stomach before plunging it back into her shorts. Yuffie tried not to encourage him, not wanting to admit it felt good, but let out a small one as instead of just petting the outside of her pussy, he buried his finger inside her. "Ah..." she whimpered leaning her head back against his shoulder as his other hand reached under her shirt to begin fondling her pert tit.

Kiba was actually surprised that he had managed to get as far with Yuffie as he had. Normally, whenever he tried to initiate things with her without Aeris present, the former leader of her squad and current deaged teenager quickly shot him down, sometimes rather painfully. He didn't want to think of his current success as being that he had finally worn her down, but rather her accepting that she couldn't claim to be with him solely due to Aeris forever.

Something Yuffie appeared open to as she looked over her shoulder needfully. Something Kiba responded to, kissing her hungrily which the kunoichi quickly reciprocated until needing to pull away as she began moaning louder. Kiba growled in his throat as Yuffie began grinding her ass back against his groin while she rocked in time with the finger inside her. His dick already hard, grew nearly painful as it strained against the material confining it.

Pulling them both down to the forest floor, Kiba pulled his hand free of Yuffie's shorts causing her to whimper as the pleasure from his probing digit faded. The Inuzuka unsnapped her shorts before pulling them down just enough to expose her now undeniably wet snatch and then pushing her onto all fours freed his dick and pushed it inside.

Kiba groaned upon his dick being wrapped in the warm tight wetness that was Yuffie Kisaragi. The Taki-nin for the most part also basked in the feeling of penetration before Kiba began sliding within her. She also had a hard time explaining why she had given into his advances, but admitted that a part of the reason was because it did feel good to be the sole focus of Kiba's attention for a change. Having up to that moment only allowed him inside her whenever she had joined in when he had been with Aeris, she found having him to herself wasn't such a bad thing.

Yuffie cried out in sudden disappointment as Kiba pulled out of her, but before the pleasure could truly begin to fade, she found she was on her back and moments later his dick was churning her insides again. Wrapping her arms around Kiba's neck as he stared into her brown eyes, she cried out every time he bottomed out inside her because of the shorts still wrapped around her thighs which pulled her hips up and into him every time he pressed on them during his downward stroke.

The feeling of pleasure mixed ever so slightly with pain as Kiba pinched her hardened nipple between his teeth through her shirt. Her pussy tightened around him as a result which caused her to gasp when his body also prepared to reach climax by causing his dick to grow bigger. Kiba announced his release moaning, "Yuffie... your pussy feels too good. I'm going to cum." She didn't respond with words instead wrapping her legs around him causing him to say shocked, since whenever they had done it raw she had always insisted he pull out, "Hey, I said..."

"J...just cum," Yuffie replied breathlessly knowing the white hot fluid was all she needed to explode into pleasure.

Kiba groaned as he arched his back pushing his dick fully inside her while howling in pleasure as he flooded her womb and passage with his seed. Yuffie wasn't much quieter as she clung tightly to him, while her pussy milked and massaged his dick for more. The two sagged as the tension of their climaxes fled their bodies before returning in a different form as an amused voice said, "I'm glad to see you two getting along."

Both of them stiffened as they looked up towards Aeris who stood holding a basket in which laid the lunch she had prepared. She giggled as the two looked at her guiltily as if they expected her to be mad, but instead she just knelt before them stating, "Really you two. You act like this is the first time you've been connected like this."

"Well that's because..."

Kiba trailed off, as Aeris giggled again before stating, "Like I said, I'm glad you two are getting along. It was getting a little awkward with Yuffie stalking us waiting for you and me to have sex."

Yuffie blushed before stuttering a denial while saying, "I...I wasn't stalking you because...mmm." Kiba wasn't sure why Yuffie's pussy got so tight around him, wondering if it was a sign that she wasn't exactly being truthful. But it did have the effect of causing his softening cock to once more become engorged therefore he helped his lover out of her predicament of having to explain herself by kissing her. Yuffie took advantage as she wrapped her arms and legs around him again while keeping her lips planted against his.

Aeris just watched as the two began to move as one again, before hiking up her skirt and began to tease herself watching Kiba rut atop of her teammate. Glad she had packed a cold lunch, she hoped Kiba had enough stamina to take care of her as well as while she was truly happy to see Yuffie opening up to their shared lover, she hoped that he would be able to satisfy them both now that it appeared they each truly desired him.


Kakashi was sitting outside the Whirling Tides Manor while rereading a book that he had read thousands of times and despite knowing exactly what the page he was on said word for word. He had been unable to proceed as the sound of a sanshin being played prevented him delving into the story. Yet, in truth it wasn't the instrument, but the woman playing it on a small stage before a crowd of townspeople which prevented him from focusing. Kakashi doubted the appearance of Hanare was a coincidence, and wondered briefly if she was perhaps one of Naruto's lovers. To his surprise, a strong sense of jealousy welled up in him directed towards his student.

He quickly regained control of his emotions as he recognized that any claim he had on the kunoichi had been surrendered when he let her escape. Still, considering what Naruto had thought he and the kunoichi had shared, he wondered why his student wouldn't have informed him, especially as she hadn't been present at any of the few gatherings of Naruto's lovers in the War Room of the Den which he had attended. It occurred to Kakashi then that perhaps Hanare hadn't joined Naruto as a lover yet, but had perhaps been invited to the opening ceremony in order for him to make her a part of his family.

Kakashi snapped his book shut, and nearly stood to go to her, but he stopped himself feeling a bit foolish as a result of the lingering jealousy he felt. He sighed though and relaxed as he prepared to once more try and immerse himself in the world of the Make-Out series. Yet before he could a voice asked, "So what is preventing you from going and reintroducing yourself to her? Are you nervous, or scared?"

"How about not interested," Kakashi answered relatively smoothly, trying and not particularly succeeding in letting Rin's words not get to him.

Rin sat down on the back steps behind the manor next to him, seeing that Kakashi had chosen the location as it allowed him to look at the woman while not exposing himself to her gaze in return. Smirking and amused at her teammate's obvious embarrassment, at least obvious to her, she said, "Are you blushing behind that mask? You can try to play it cool Kakashi, but I've just watched you stare at the same page for over an hour. It's eating away at you, isn't it?"

"What's that," Kakashi asked making it a point to open his book and pretend not to care.

"That she might be here to join your student in his bed," Rin said matter of factly.

She noticed that Kakashi's posture conveyed the opposite of his words as he said, "Naturally it did, but it doesn't bother me. She'd be a good addition to his ambition. She possesses a rather..."

Rin, despite knowing that Kakashi didn't mean what he was saying, couldn't help getting upset at his sounding so nonchalant about passing a woman she knew still carried feelings for him off to his student so said, "Geez, you really are an idiot. We didn't invite her here for Naruto, we did it for you."

"Me?" Kakashi said surprised, "Why?"

"Because your students want you to be happy, and they say that although you've stopped mopping around the Memorial Stone all day, now you have sequestered yourself in a private training ground when not on missions with them," Rin said worriedly.

Kakashi smiled touched by his students' thoughtfulness but said. "That's nice of them, but honestly Hanare would be better served being with Naruto."

"Come on Kakashi," Rin said sounding exasperated, "You can't tell me you would be fine with her becoming one of his lovers."

"I was with you, wasn't I?"

"Yes, but you never looked at me the way you do her," Rin said with a shrug showing Kakashi that she was truly content with her life. "Why are you so unwilling to find happiness? I've already told you that I understand why you did what you did to that Zetsu clone of me. You made the right choice. It's time to move forward. I have, why can't you?"

Kakashi stared into the worried brown eyes of his former teammate, and although he knew telling her the truth was a mistake found himself saying, "Because, one of us might still be trapped in the past."

"What? I don't understand."

"Forget it," Kakashi said quickly, cursing his slip up.

Rin frowned, but refused to let the matter drop stating, "I know you're stuck in the past I was..." Kakashi saw her eyes widen as she jumped to another conclusion saying, "You can't mean that..." Kakashi was unable to meet her eyes as they continued to search his face for answers causing her to say, "No, you can't mean that you think Obito is alive." The shock gave way to anger though as she asked, "How long have you known?" Before he could answer she arrived to her own conclusion, "It's been since you've begun training behind a privacy barrier." Her anger continued to grow as she said, "How could you keep that from me, and why seclude... you plan to kill him don't you?"

"Yes," Kakashi said calmly.

Rin stared at her former teammate for several seconds before trying to slap him. Kakashi turned his head with the blow, although it never connected as her fingers slipped through him. Rin looked at her hand in shock for a moment, before realizing what Kakashi's just demonstrated ability meant due to the information she possessed on those moving against Naruto.

She stood quickly prompting Kakashi to grab her hand asking, "Where are you going?"

"I... I need to talk to... I need to tell Naruto," Rin said fighting back tears.

"Don't. Let me handle this."

"You plan to kill him," Rin said angrily.

"Do you think it will be any different for Naruto?" Kakashi asked. "He was the one that released the nine-tails, and killed his parents. Let me handle this so my student can keep his eyes on the horizon. I'll make sure the ghosts from the past are dealt with."

Rin yanked her hand free before stating, "I can't. I've chosen to believe in Naruto. You're right he might chose to kill... Obi... Tobi, but at least he might be willing to find a higher path."

Rin took off running, causing Kakashi to sigh as he hoped that another of his students wouldn't lose themselves to darkness, once it was revealed that the man who had set him on the path to becoming a jinchuriki had done so by not only betraying his village, teacher, friends, but by also betraying his own lofty ideas.


Toki felt nervous as Naruto walked towards her bereft of any female companions. She had been a little disappointed that morning when as breakfast had been served Shion had not made an appearance. Yet considering neither had Naruto, Sakura, or Ayame, the Daimyo of Bird figured that much as she suspected her dream from the night before of the Priestess giving herself to Naruto was likely accurate. Toki began to take note of the absence of a few other prominent women, a list which included not only the Hokage, but the Daimyo and Village Leader of Ame.

However, after breakfast had been served she had begun to feel a little silly as she started to spot some of the women she had convinced herself might also be in a sexual relationship with Naruto. But that feeling had disappeared the first time she had spotted Shion and the Priestess unable to help herself had given the Daimyo a wide smile that conveyed all it needed to in regards to where things stood between her and Naruto.

The black-haired woman despite her curiosity had been unable to work up the courage to approach Shion. Instead, she had quickly made herself scarce unable to face the temptation that she was positive a conversation with the blonde woman world most certainly fill her with. Yet, with her acceptance that Shion was now in some sort of bizarre relationship with Naruto. Toki found that it was as if blinders that she hadn't even noticed existed had been removed in regards to him and the possibility that he was involved with more than just the women that she knew of.

For example, going back over her list she suspected that not only had she been correct about Tsunade, and Konan. But, women she hadn't even considered were also tied to the shinobi she had felt indebted too. Needless to say, that as more and more potential Naruto lovers began to reveal themselves to her eyes. It became clearer and clearer to her that perhaps the entire reason for the invitation to the opening ceremony of the Whirling Tides Manor was so that Naruto could claim her as some sort of prize. Toki, was surprised that while the idea did fill her with a certain amount of anger, there was also a part of her that would be pleased if that was the case.

Calling on her diplomatic training she schooled her features as Naruto stepped up to her, but due to the conflicting feelings rolling about inside her, even she was unsure which one won out as she said neutrally, "Hello Naruto."

Naruto smiled widely causing the uneasiness inside Toki to increase, although only because she wasn't sure if she wanted to slap him depending on his intentions, or to beg him to make her his woman as well. "Toki," Naruto said politely, with a little embarrassment bleeding into his voice as he asked, "Would you like to step out for some fresh air?"

She nodded and the two of them then proceeded outside. Toki was glad for the numerous performances going on the grounds as it allowed both of them to not focus on the awkward silence between them. But eventually they, passed through most of the various forms of entertainment before approaching a stone wall that ran around the back half of the manor which people could rest on as they stared out on the ocean. Something they both did before Toki finally asked, "So, was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Lots of things," Naruto said turning his back to the ocean and resting his elbows on top of the wall as he stared at her before continuing, "But considering you probably think that I'm some kind of super pervert. I'm finding it a little hard to find the words."

Toki smiled diplomatically before responding, "Are you saying you aren't? From my perspective it appears as if this entire opening ceremony is simply a cover for you to add to your collection."

Toki fought from apologizing as she had come off sounding far colder than she had intended, but to her surprise Naruto replied, "I could understand why you think that. There's more than a single grain of truth to what you said as well. I'm guessing that you realize Shion has become a part of my family as well now."

"Family," Toki said making the word sound dubious. "You can't expect me to believe that you view your conquests as being similar to a man taking a woman as a wife."

Naruto looked at her a moment before shrugging, "I'm not trying to convince you of anything. But that is exactly how I see my lovers." Toki scoffed prompting Naruto to ask, "Why is that so hard to believe?"

Toki looked at the blond man in disbelief before replying, "Because that isn't true love. True love is between one man and one woman, not an orgy."

Naruto chuckled prompting Toki to look at him angrily since her definition of love was what almost the entirety of the world considered right and proper. Yet, somehow he made her feel as if she had said something foolish. The jinchuriki seeing the look that she was giving him sighed before replying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. But truthfully Toki that is your definition of what true love is. It's not mine. Love is something that is both easy to explain and impossible. I find your notion that I could only properly love one person to be rather constricting, it makes it sound like there is only so much to go around and if I love one person so much that means I must love another less. It also implies that because I have more than one lover in my life that it means I'm incapable of recognizing the uniqueness of each. I assure you that isn't the case."

"Then tell me why do you deserve to have multiple lovers when everyone else settles for only one?"

Naruto shrugged standing straighter as a frown began to appear on his lips. Toki followed where he was gazing and saw Kakashi in an apparently heated argument with one of the servers. Despite his being distracted, Naruto nonetheless answered her question as the woman yanked her hand free of the jounin's and began to approach. "I ask myself that question all the time."

The woman with the purple marks on her cheeks had nearly reached them by the time Toki asked, "And what is the answer you arrived at."

"I never bother answering it," Naruto said, "because in the end that isn't something that I can answer myself."


"Because I'm not in a relationship by myself," Naruto said beginning to move towards the server, "Excuse me."

Toki watched Naruto intercept and then guide the woman off to a quiet corner before she lost track of them. She frowned having noticed the tears in the other woman's eyes, and knew that as a result had sought out Naruto as a means of support and shoulder to cry on. A few seconds later Toki suddenly realized that it meant the server had also likely been tied to Naruto as a lover, and without a second thought he had moved to comfort her as a lover should. Toki felt the conflicting emotions inside her settle as she couldn't help a feeling of longing to have Naruto in her life in a similar capacity as well.


Tsunade made her way through the crowd of onlookers who had gathered at the wall in the back of the manor to look at the two shinobi standing on the ocean. The Hokage managed to maneuver herself through the crowd coming to a stop next to Konan and frowned as she saw Naruto and Kakashi preparing to square off. Looking at the blue-haired woman she asked, "Any idea what this is about?"

Konan shook her head before answering, "I'm afraid not. But it is likely related to the turmoil we felt from Rin a little while ago. After Naruto came back from talking to her, he appeared cool, but his true feelings are easy enough to feel."

"What's that knucklehead thinking," Tsunade said slightly annoyed.

"I'm pretty sure he's pass the thinking stage," Konan responded moments before Naruto closed the distance between him and Kakashi.


Kakashi sighed feeling like a child whose sibling told on him to a parent, which considering the man standing across from him was still technically his student was rather an annoying feeling to have. Still, when Naruto had returned from where he had taken Rin, and then loudly asked him if they could spar so that many of the nearby townspeople had quickly chimed in their support of such an idea, Kakashi had been unable to think of a reason not to. Although, as soon as the two had stepped out onto the ocean away from everyone Kakashi had quickly wished he had as a coldness seemed to settle over Naruto.

Hoping to lighten the mood he said, "Hey now don't you think you're being a little..."

Kakashi wasn't exactly sure what happened next as one moment Naruto was standing in front of him and the next the blond had a grip over his face before he was being tossed a dozen feet away. The Jounin managed to recover in the air landing on his feet, yet still skidded along the water before coming to a stop. Looking back the way he flew, the man's eye widened as he found Naruto hadn't paused but chased after him as he had flown through the air. As a result it was all Kakashi could due to step back and avoid Naruto's fist before an uppercut to his chin sent him skyward.

Naruto stopped giving Kakashi a chance to get his bearings before the blond stated, "If you're going to have any chance here you better unveil that Sharingan."

"I don't think we need to take this..."

Kakashi was nearly forced to eat his words as Naruto moved again. The jounin cursed as his student forced him to catch the punch he had aimed for his jaw, but before Kakashi could react Naruto slammed the palm of his other hand up into his teacher's stomach. Kakashi clutched his midsection before saying, "Fine then if that's the way you want. Let's get serious."

Kakashi lifted his headband revealing his Sharingan and to his surprise as he studied Naruto with it, his eye didn't reveal anything of what his student intended to do. Figuring that meant he had a moment to talk he was about to try and explain his reasoning for not telling Naruto about Obito figuring that was the cause for the impromptu fight. But no sooner had he uttered the first syllable then the red outline of his opponent that signaled where an impending attack was heading appeared. However, Kakashi still barely had time to react as Naruto's fist followed only a few millimeters behind it.

Kakashi ended up avoiding the punch by leaning backwards and flipping away several times hoping his student didn't follow as he suspected in the time it would have taken him to regain his bearings Naruto would be on him. Coming to a stop, he wasn't sure why Naruto hadn't moved but didn't look the gift horse in the mouth taking a deep breath and firing several small fireballs at the blond. He cursed when the young man made no move to avoid them as although not overly powerful, they could maim or kill with a lucky shot. Yet, before the first one made contact, Naruto disappeared and before Kakashi could react a kick to his lower back sent him skidding along the water's surface as Naruto used the Hiraishin seal he had planted with the prior blow to his teacher's stomach to teleport behind him.

Kakashi came to a stop and found a pair of feet in front of him. Working himself back to his knees, he looked up to the blond asking, "Are you going to tell me what your point is, or are you just going to keep pounding on me?"

Naruto shook his head stating, "My pounding on you is the point."

Kakashi felt a stirring of his anger before countering, "Don't think I've been going all out, kid. There are still a few tricks up my sleeve"

"Then why don't you bust them out old man," Naruto said heatedly.

"Because you aren't the one I need to use them against and the less he knows about it the better."

"You know Kakashi-sensei for all your preaching about teamwork you really are a hypocrite," Naruto said the anger bleeding out of his voice to be replaced with sadness and some pity.

"Look Naruto, I don't expect..."

"Me to understand," Naruto said cutting his teacher off. "What exactly is beyond my grasp? The feeling of having a teammate giving into darkness, or the desire to shoulder the burden of stopping them by yourself while believing that you're doing everyone else a favor by doing so?" Kakashi looked up at the young man he had watched grow from almost a joke of a shinobi to perhaps one of the Shinobi World's strongest. Kneeling before him, the jounin felt rather silly thinking that his keeping the truth of Tobi's identity a secret had been to protect Naruto.

Kakashi sighed admitting his error by saying, "You're right."

Naruto chuckled placing his hand on the jounin's shoulder saying, "Of course I am, and do you know why? It is because I heard the same thing over and over again when I stubbornly tried to pull away from those who cared for me rather than share my burden with them."

Guessing the blond was referring to the incident related to the doubts Naruto had about his lovers before Kakashi had been made aware of what was going on, he replied, "I'm sure they haven't let you forget it either."

Naruto laughed before stating, "Yeah, oh and speaking of not forgetting, I've been waiting years for this moment."

Kakashi looked up at his student in confusion until suddenly an exploding pain in his rear propelled the jounin up and into the air as a clone that had been hiding under the water burst forth shouting, "Leaf Village Secret Finger Jutsu: One Thousand Years of Death."

Naruto watched the famous copy ninja fly with a smile especially as thanks in part to the chakra the clone had used to help propel the jounin, he flew over the spectators and landed in front of the stage Hanare was performing from. The sound of her sanshin stopping being all the confirmation he needed that he had done his part to help his teacher come into the present if only a little. Confident that others would do the rest, he wondered if he should try to speak with Toki again or give her time to process what he had told her about his own feelings on love.


Rin giggled as one of the spectators upon seeing the technique Naruto had just used and able to hear the shouted description asked, "Is that really a secret Leaf jutsu?"

An obviously annoyed Hokage responded with a, "No it most certainly is not."

Rin placed her hand up against her chest and could still feel the pounding of her heart from when Naruto had told her after hearing everything she had learned that he would beat some sense into Kakashi. But, it was what he said just before leaving to fulfil his statement that Rin was sure had caused a positive shift in her chakra in regards to her feelings for her lover. "Rin, I can't promise you that I will be able to bring back the kind hearted teammate that you remember. I've learned from past experience that you can't force a person to change, but if there is a way, then I promise you we'll find it."

Confident that if anyone could fulfil such a promise it was the man she could claim to wholeheartedly love. Rin turned away to return to her duties less she give into the temptation to run out and show him just how much she desired him at the moment.


"I... I'm cumming," a voice normally heard in quiet and reserved monotone called out reaching levels of passion reserved only for the direst situations or heights of pleasure.

Naruto smiled as the hands buried in his blond locks relaxed allowing him to pull his lips from the pussy he had just orally pleasured. Studying the blue butterfly shaved above it, he was about to announce his own impending release to the woman sucking him, but was interrupted as his head was turned and a pair of soft lips were planted against his. Relaxing into the kiss, he grunted into Mito's kiss as he erupted into Shion's mouth who demonstrated she had learned her lesson from that morning as she quickly swallowed his seed.

She let him pop free of her lips as she savored the last ropes of cum which had coated her tongue, this prompted Mito to pull free of Naruto to crawl towards the Priestess in order to latch her lips to the other woman's. Naruto watched Shion stiffen as Mito kissed her, before relaxing into it as she shared his essence with the red-head.

He laid on his back staring up at the ceiling letting the various moans of his lovers scattered around the bedroom fill him with contentment. A contentment which grew as the naked Konan recovered from the orgasm that he had just given her to straddle him. Reaching up he cupped her cheek causing her to sit back and place her hand over his. His thumb stroked her lip prompting her to suck on it. His dick lurched from the sight, pressing deeper into her pussy causing her to moan in response.

Konan looked at him adoringly, but then he noticed a look appear in her eyes like there was something she wanted to ask him. Having seen it appear several times over the past two days, he asked, "What is it?"

Konan appeared surprised at his insight, but answered, "It can wait."

She tried to raise up so that she could take him inside her, but Naruto held her hips down and then flexing his cock caused her to moan before stating, "No, I don't think it can."

Konan sighed since although she had wanted to discuss something of importance with Naruto, she hadn't expected to have the conversation while naked and feeling the desire to have her lover buried inside her. Still recognizing that the sooner she had the conversation the sooner she might get the two things she desired at present decided to give in.

Naruto then caused her to smile as he folded his hands behind his head before saying, "I'm listening."

Nodding and prepared to hear him shoot down her proposal said, "I wish to reform the Akatsuki."

She could tell the request surprised Naruto as his eyes grew wide for a moment, but then his voice called from the other side of the room, "That sounds like a good idea."

Her smile grew bigger as Naruto turned towards his clone, who was standing in front of a chair with the feet of Rin sticking out from the sides of his shoulders as he pounded her snatch, to say, "She wasn't talking to you."

Rin agreed with Naruto wrapping her hands behind the clone's neck pulling its face closer to hers before stating, "He's right concentrate on your own task."

"Yes ma'am," the clone said kissing her as it began thrusting in her fiercely, rocking the chair back with each powerful stroke.

Naruto looked back up at Konan before saying, "Then you should do it."

Despite figuring Naruto would have reacted similarly to how his clone had, she still sounded surprised as she asked, "Aren't you worried that people will react negatively to such an idea?"

"Not really," Naruto said earnestly, "There are some who probably will, but then it is up to you to show them that the Akatsuki has changed. Whether it is a group or a person nothing is beyond redemption Konan." Moving his hand over her heart he added, "But it is something that can't be forced by others, it must be found within. I know why you wish to redeem the Akatsuki, now show the world that it has."

Despite Rin having concentrated on not much else but the dick burrowing within her, Naruto's words still reached her as much as they did Konan due to their similar hopes about redemption. As a result as she reached her climax she shrieked, "Oh how I love you."

The two on the bed turned towards the just satisfied kunoichi before Konan gazed down at the man the words had been meant for. Rising up, she grasped his hard cock stating, "I concur." Then sliding down his shaft as she began to ride him, intent on showing him in a similar manner."


Shion was experiencing the joys of having a woman's tongue explore her moist tunnel as she watched Konan bounce on Naruto's dick. Looking back down her body, her eyes met with Mito's who not several moments before she had been kissing as passionately as if the woman had been Naruto. The Uzumaki obvious had eaten pussy before as she was expertly bringing the Priestess to what promised to be a fabulous climax.

A climax that hit a few seconds later causing Shion to arch her back as she squeezed a tit with one hand and the other to ball up the sheet of the bed. She stared out towards where Rin sat in the chair with a vacant yet satisfied expression. However, the room began to morph and change until she found she was lying on a circle like bed surrounded by a couch and opaque silk drapes hanging from the ceiling. Rin was also replaced with another woman whom Shion did not recognize, but had raven black hair and red eyes which met hers. The woman smiled contently which she imagined was due to the cum beginning to slowly leak from between her pussy lips.

Shion tore her gaze away from the beautiful woman's before zeroing in on the person still kissing her pussy as it lapped up her just released essence from the orgasm she had experienced. The Priestess gasped as she did recognize the woman, as she had just met her the night before and learned they had shared a similar desire for the same blond man, although at present only she had acted upon it.

The vision faded and Shion smiled as she thanked her future self for showing a way to perhaps guide Toki to that particular future. But refocusing herself on the present she surged forward pushing Mito onto her back so that should the future that she had just witnessed come to pass, she would be able to reciprocate.

Giving Mito's pussy a tentative lick, she moaned along with the Uzumaki as she found that it wasn't going to be difficult to get her to want to practice giving a woman pleasure in order to make Toki feel as good as she had just witnessed her making the Shion of the future.


Kakashi sighed as even his favorite book didn't do much to alleviate his boredom not that he could concentrate on it as Naruto's words about not needing to shoulder everything alone still reverberated through him. Not to mention, the blows he had taken. Yet despite his taking the lesson to heart, he still sat alone in the oversized room which seemed an apt reflection of just how little he had built for himself over the years. Not wanting to think more on the matter or how old habits were hard to break as he had not done much more than briefly talk with Hanare after crash landing in front of her before sulking off.

A knock at his door provided a momentary distraction from his thoughts, but upon opening it to find Hanare dressed up still as a street perform realized avoiding the feelings the woman stirred in him was going to be easier said than done. "Hello," she said overly cheerfully likely due to the people walking by needing to keep up appearances due to her being a missing-nin from Jomae Village.

"Um, yo," Kakashi replied calmly although his surprise at her appearance was evident.

"I've been hired to play for you," Hanare said still in character although a part of her was obviously afraid he would turn her away.

"Really," Kakashi said having an idea that the person in question sported purple-marks on her cheeks. Stepping to the side he said, "Please come in."

Hanare smiled as she stepped into the room and following him into the living room accepted a pillow from him which she sat on as she began to tune her instrument. Kakashi sat against the front of the suite's couch as she plucked the strings making the adjustments until satisfied with the sound. The silence lingered until Hanare asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Well to be honest, I think I'm more bruised now due to the rough treatment I received from the medic healing me then from my sparring with Naruto," Kakashi said sounding slightly amused although Sakura had let her own displeasure about his keeping secrets known to him as she had patched him up.

"You're very lucky Kakashi to have students that care so much for you," Hanare said starting to play something soothing.

The Jounin agreed although said, "If that's them showing they care for me then I would hate to see what shape I'd be in if they didn't."

Hanare smiled softly before stating, "I'm sorry about Sasuke."

"Me too," Kakashi said with a touch of melancholy, "A part of me wonders if there was more I could do..."

"The path he chose had nothing to do with you," Hanare said quickly.

Her cheeks colored though as she realized in her rush to offer some comfort to the Leaf Jounin she misread the intentions of his statement as he finished, "But of my many failures, I can't consider him one of them." Kakashi could tell Hanare felt self-conscious as a result of her misstep so said, "But thank you. Considering, the lesson Naruto just pounded into me it's no wonder you think that."

The awkwardness that Hanare had begun to feel faded as a result of Kakashi's words. A comfortable silence stretched on between them as she played before the Jounin asked, "So what brought you to the opening ceremony?"

Hanare shrugged before responding, "Several weeks ago, I was approached by the woman that asked me to play for you tonight. She introduced herself as a talent scout, although strangely enough she's working as a waitress during the ceremony. She offered me pretty decent pay for attending which as I'm sure you know is hard for a street performer to turn down."

Hanare was a little unsure why Kakashi sounded slightly jealous as he asked, "Is that all she offered?"

"At the time," Hanare said with a nod, "although after asking me to give you a private performance. She said that afterwards I should stop by the suite she is staying at where I'd be offered another opportunity."

Kakashi asked which suite she had been given, and recognizing it as Naruto's felt that Rin was giving him one last chance to act before Hanare too might become devoted to the blond. The masked man felt rather annoyed at his teammate for effectively putting him in such a pressure situation, although he supposed he did deserve to be in it as he had denied to her earlier about harboring any such feelings for Hanare. Feeling nervous he asked, "So how long will this private show last?"

"I need to meet with her in a couple of hours," Hanare said continuing to pluck her instrument.

The nervousness he felt built as he asked, "Well... what if I asked you to skip it and stay with me?"

Hanare missed a string as she looked at Kakashi in surprise. The man gave her a smile from behind his mask as he said, "Well that is if you don't mind missing out on the opportu..."

Kakashi found his ability to speak hampered by the reminder of the bruised sternum Naruto had left him with as Hanare flew towards him and pressed her lips to his through the mask. Kakashi leaned back, pulling the mask down allowing their lips to touch for the first time without the cloth barrier but would not be the last. Wrapping his arms around her, he basked in the joys of the present for the first time he could remember doing so in ages.