
63: Grand Opening: Part III 2

"Why won't this fool just let me be, yo?" Killer Bee said mentally to himself although he wasn't surprised when his Bijuu responded.

"Maybe because you've done such a crappy job of pretending to be the Raikage that he's suspicious of you and your intentions."

"Nah, that can't be it, my impersonation is so much the bomb. I'd be able to even fool his mom." Still despite his stated belief, he couldn't help noticing that the nine-tail's host was keeping a close eye on him. "Hmph, no matter we just have to get through tonight's performance and then Aisha and I can book it back to Kumo with Ay no much the wiser."

"You mean she can get back without getting caught," Gyuki replied sounding upset, "You and I are going to face the Raikage's Iron Claw for sure. He knew we left only seconds after you decided to leave, like a moron."

"Hey now, eight-o don't be like that. You know I only let it look like he can take me to the mat."

"Whatever," Gyuki said. "I still don't see what you find so desirable about that harpy."

"Harpy," Bee said in disbelief before holding out his hand towards the dancing woman, "To call that a harpy you definitely aren't seeing things through my eyes."

"Or your rose tinted glasses," Gyuki quickly countered.

"Hey are you okay? What are you gesturing too?"

Killer Bee looked at Naruto and realized he was holding his hand out rather strangely due to the conversation going on solely in his head. "Don't worry about it, ya fool? I'm just practicing my pose for the statue my beloved shinobi will one day erect in my honor." Feeling a triumphant smirk he said, "See that sounded just like my brother."

"Did you hit your head or something?" Naruto asked causing Gyuki to begin laughing in in Bee's head.

"Hey you little punk you do realize you're talking to the one, the only Kil... um...Raikage."

Before Naruto could respond though, he heard an instrument that sounded out of place begin playing. It had started softly, but soon the haunting melody was overpowering the electric sounding music coming from the speakers. That wasn't the only effect of the music though, as Naruto noticed people beginning to sway drunkenly as if about to pass out. Noticing he was in the same boat, he cursed as although he had learned how to take control of a genjutsu that created elaborate illusions, he was still rather weak against those that manipulated the sense or in this particular case put people to sleep. Trying to break it before he went under, he felt the effects fade as another melody began to play.

He noticed that it was the same for the rest of the crowd and didn't need to look back to see that Tayuya was playing her flute to counter the genjutsu. Listening for the first melody, Naruto cursed as although he had a sense of where the person should be. He couldn't see anyone making him guess that even while battling Tayuya in a battle of hearing based genjutsu, the person was skilled enough to maintain the one hiding his presence. Reaching for his stomach, Naruto twisted his hand over the seal activating his chakra cloak and suddenly could sense the malice the person was emitting, but could sense several other sources of the emotion nearby. Yet focusing on the closest one, he could sense it moving towards the obviously confused and quickly growing terrified Aisha.

At that same moment though, the disguised Killer Bee said, "There you are you sucka. Get ready for a Bijuu powered beat down."

Bee leapt towards the person, who thanks to the help of his Bijuu, was no longer invisible. He flew over the crowd which scattered and began to panic upon seeing the chakra coated shinobi travel through the air towards the scared singer.

However, rather than the stage exploding into dust as Naruto would have expected, a bubble of energy appeared around the jinchuriki's apparent target which Bee slammed into. For a moment the energy field and Chakra covered Bull-like Bee seemed to clash before the large dark-skinned man was sent flying. He hit the ground hard tearing a path through the earth before he came to a rest on a pile of dirt with his henge removed.

The melody stopped causing the genjutsu keeping the presence invisible to end which revealed a young man with blond hair and gold eyes, who was holding a recorder to his lips. The revealed man looked almost childish although also demonic due to the small black horns poking out from his blond locks. He was dressed in a black military like uniform, but Naruto noticed that attached to his right shoulder was a shoulder pad and on the portion covering his upper arm was a familiar Yin/Yang sporting crystal.

Fubuki recognized it as well as she landed next to Naruto, "Shit, this bastard has chakra armor. Where the hell did he get it?"

"I don't know," Naruto said watching the man as he marked the threats appearing from the scattering crowd.

Despite being outnumbered the man smiled as he said, "My quite a few more shinobi then I was expecting. Still, there are quite a few lovely faces to add to my collection." Producing a wicked looking dagger he added, "Although, let's not get ahead of ourselves, and forget about the one that brought me here."

The man threw his blade towards Aisha, Naruto prepared to intercept it not sure he would be able to even with his speed, but was beaten to the punch as Bee pushed the woman out of the way. The dagger tore into his shoulder, but Bee didn't even flinch as he tore it out and the wound began to heal. "You aren't one to learn your lesson are you, Nyau? Or are you really so eager for another beating."

"Things aren't going to go your way this time," the escaped criminal stated boldly. "This time I'm going to be the one carving you up and serving you like the Octopus that you are."

Bee pulled his blades out tossing them in the air and caught them holding the swords in his unique seven sword style. Leaping forward, the jinchuriki made Naruto's eyes bulge as despite it looking strange how he held his blades, the man effortlessly wielded them. His opponent tried to keep up with the wildly swinging blades, but was soon forced on the defensive using his recorder and another dagger he had produced to defend himself.

Naruto deactivated his chakra cloak aware that the more power he used the stronger the chakra armor the man was wearing would become. Sensing several of his lovers approaching from behind him, he said, "Ayame, Koyuki. I want you two to stay out of this."

"But Naruto we've..."

"I know you've been training to fight," Naruto said. "But this isn't one that the unprepared should wade into."

Ayame looked like she wanted to argue, but Koyuki placed a hand on her shoulder stating, "He's right. That is chakra armor that he is wearing. It not only protects the user from genjutsu, and ninjutsu, but also amplifies the users own abilities. On top of that we do not know what improvements have been made to the design. A pair of amateurs like us would only be in the way."

Ayame didn't like it, but noticing that Tsunami, Gaara and Sari were helping to keep the retreating crowd from devolving into a stampede of frightened people said, "We'll help clear the area."

"Good," Naruto said, noticing Tayuya disappearing into the shadows cast by the staircase of the main entrance. She began playing her flute which had a calming effect on the crowd helping Tsunami and the others keep order.

Tsunade walked past her lover commenting, "I hope you aren't considering giving me orders to stay back."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Naruto stated, "You are the Hokage after all."

"I'm glad to see that you remember that," Tsunade said charging forward.

Naruto's gaze shifted from Tsunade to the fight going on the stage as Bee tied up his opponent's blade with one of his own, before attempting to stab him with two more swords which he held with his knee and elbow. However, the armor sparked to life repelling Bee's swords leaving him open for Nyau to stab his dagger into the jinchuriki's stomach, which he then kicked the end of, jamming it further into the larger man's gut as he flew back.

"Bee," Aisha shouted as the man she had often thought of only as a buffoon hit the ground near her. Her gaze shifted to Nyau, who pulled another blade and tossed it at her, but before it could travel more than a third of the distance it was knocked out of the air by a senbon.

The small glass sphere tied to the end of the needle shattered upon hitting the ground and the chemical inside reacting to the air created a massive ice wall between the wounded Jinchuriki and singer, and the man intending them harm.

Nyau's gaze shifted skyward towards Fubuki, who had thrown the senbon, as she flew overhead thanks to her own chakra armor. Fubuki landed before him with the ice wall at her back, and asked, "Where did you get that armor?"

Before the child-like man could answer, Tsunade reached him throwing a punch which the man skipped back to avoid. "Ask him after we kick his ass," the Hokage said.

"Those are big words coming from a woman's whose face will soon be urk..."

Tsunade closed the distance between them easily and slammed the palm of her hand against the man's chin. Although she didn't use chakra to augment her strength as she knew it would cause the armor to react, her hand had still felt as if it had passed through some kind of invisible barrier.

Not sure what the feeling meant, she smirked as the man brought a hand to his mouth which began to fill with blood, as he screamed, "You phucking bith... I bith my tongueth off."

Tsunade followed up with several more shots, but despite the blows landing on his unprotected face she didn't feel as if they were landing with any real force behind them. A fact highlighted as her last one connected and Nyau's face didn't even turn from it. Glaring at the woman, he asked, "Is'th that it?"

Tsunade's face turned from confusion to shock as the man began to grow, from being child-like to a hulking brute. He raised both his hands over his head, and clasping them, intended to drive Tsunade through the stage like a spike. The Hokage leapt away landing on the ice wall, before leaping back at the man as his missed attack shattered the stage floor. She kicked him in the face, but before she could leap away he caught her by the leg, and then grabbing her other one pulled her legs apart as if to tear her in half while saying, "Let'th make a wisth."

He screamed in pain though as Naruto, slid between his legs and aiming up struck out with both legs right to the man's unguarded genitals. Despite the armor softening the blow, even a soft blow to the nuts was enough to get him to let go of Tsunade, who hit the ground and rolled away. Naruto followed suit, as the now hulking man zeroed in on him and raised one of the hands clutching his package to smash his fist into him.

The blow missed, further weakening the floor of the stage as a new hole was punched through it. The structure groaned as a result before collapsing. Naruto and the others managed to leap away while the still recovering Nyau was caught in the stage's collapse.

Landing outside the dust cloud, Naruto saw that Aisha had helped Bee get free, who was standing, although still holding his stomach. The blond Sage could see that the Kumo's jinchuriki wound was healed, but knew it would still be tender for a while from personal experience.

The collapsed stage began to shift about, and wondering how to take the hulking man down considered switching to Sage mode. But, he didn't think now was the right time to gamble on whether the armor would react to Senjutsu Chakra. He also considered trying his new Chakra Beast Mode, but abandoned the idea as it wouldn't be wise to use it due to the limited space and not wanting to damage the manor where the scared people had taken refuge.

Nyau emerged from ruined stage with a yell throwing pieces of it off his body which were sent flying. But before he could take a single step towards them, the familiar chirping of a thousand birds filled the air. Kakashi charged the man from behind coming over the back of the rubble stabbing his jutsu into the man's back. The energy field sprang to life, which blew the Leaf Jounin back. Naruto's eyes drifted to the crystal powering the armor remembering how Sasuke's Chidori had been enough to damage it. However, despite the armor taking a direct hit from the much more powerful Lightning Cutter, it didn't seem as if the blow had overpowered the crystal.

Kakashi recovered in mid-air, landing in a crouch although he skidded several feet still. Nyau roared as he charged the jounin, who had his Sharingan revealed. Just as the man was pulling his hand back to smash it where Kakashi still remained crouched looking like the blowback from hitting the energy barrier was still affecting him, Sakura emerged from behind the stage in a similar manner as Team Seven's captain had. She grabbed the outstretch arm, using her momentum to pull the larger man into a spin before letting go. Once his back was facing Kakashi, the jounin sprung up and grabbed the hulking man from behind. He pulled Nyau into a reverse suplex and smashed his skull into the ground.

The blow obviously dazed the large man, but it didn't finish him as was evident by his quickly rolling to his feet. He staggered slightly, but was still aware enough to fend off Kakashi and Sakura as they leapt at him with a backhanded blow that caught the jounin in the side and sent him into the pink-haired kunoichi. Before the two hit the ground, Naruto activating his chakra cloak and caught them before he then Hirashined back to Tsunade.

The Hokage took Kakashi and from how her hands began to glow, Naruto guessed his teacher had likely broken a rib or two.

Nyau smiled as all his opponent's were gathered near one another and began to charge but he only took a few steps before a paper shuriken slammed into him which then exploded from the paper bombs used in its construction. Konan appeared over the group with paper wings keeping her airborne. Holding one of her hands above her head another paper shuriken appeared, which she threw at the man as he emerged from the smoke. He battered it to the side, but the force of the explosion caused him to stagger if not fall.

Konan kept up the pressure as Bee joined them and said, "Yo, you seem to have some experience with the device preventing me from giving that chump the beating he deserves. I could let Eight-0 off the chain, but that's going to have a very negative effect on the local environment if ya dig me."

"I do," Naruto said with a nod as Konan burst into a bunch of paper butterflies in order to avoid being hit by a piece of rubble, but which Sakura intercepted by leaping into the air and kicking it back. But, the energy barrier screamed to life shattering it before it connected, "Unfortunately it seems this guy has a vastly upgraded model as in the past a jutsu like Kakashi's Lighting Cutter would have at least damaged it somewhat. It also seems this model has found a way to compensate against taijutsu as well."

"Well then perhaps whoever upgraded it, hasn't found a way to prevent it from defending against itself," Fubuki suggested. When Naruto looked back towards her, she explained, "That was how I was defeated by Sakura and Sasuke after all. They maneuvered Mizore and me into colliding which caused our chakra armors to overload. I'll fly into..."

"No," Naruto said cutting her off, "Give it to me."

Fubuki's frowned saying, "Why is it..."

"I can do it, without having to sacrifice myself," Naruto said quickly cutting off her complaint that he would risk himself in her place. "I'll charge him and when the power crystal is about to overload then I'll Hiraishin away."

"Why not just use a clone?" Fubuki asked still not liking the idea even as she accepted that he did have the best chance of pulling it off without ending up in the hospital or worse.

"There's no guarantee that a clone, even the more durable model would withstand the power surge," Naruto replied accepting the power crystal assembly from Fubuki's armor. "If it doesn't and dispels, this asshole is going to have an idea of what we are up to." Focusing on Bee, he asked, "With that being said, if the explosion doesn't take this guy down are you up to it."

Bee smiled stating, "Oh yeah. If you give me the opening, I'll show you why I'm called the Killer Bee."

Naruto nodded and took a deep breath before saying, "Alright, here goes nothing." Stabbing one of his kunai in the ground, he charged towards the man as Konan ceased her barrage. Pulling a second, he threw it towards Nyau's skull hoping not so much to hit him, but to keep it close enough that it didn't activate the energy barrier. A task made easier as his opponent while matching his charge, obviously didn't trust the barrier enough to chance the tri-prong kunai bypassing it, and so angled his head away. The kunai flew past him without altering course causing Naruto to smile as he disappeared in a flash to reappear behind him while shouting, "Got you."

Slamming the power crystal into Nyau's back, he yelled out as he felt the shock of the overload pass through him, but upon hearing the crystal in his hand begin to crack pushed off the man leaving it behind as he reappeared near the kunai he had placed in the ground. He looked up in time to see Nyau get consumed by a large explosion. He scanned the dust cloud that it kicked up and noticed something about to appear. Bee didn't hesitate, going back into his Six-Tailed Chakra cloak before launching himself at the shadow about to appear.

Nyau stepped out obviously banged up, but Naruto noticed the crystal that had powered the armor was missing from where it had been on his left shoulder. A fact which was highlighted as Bee clotheslined the menace caving in his chest. Naruto breathed a sigh of relief as Nyau didn't even budge from where his body smashed into the earth.

Bee ended his cloak holding his one hand up in the air shouting, "I told you, ya fool, ain't no one allowed to mess with Aisha while her number one fan is around."

Naruto sent a look back towards where the singer was standing. Having heard from Kin about what she had intended, he wasn't sure that she could even appreciate what Bee had done for her, especially considering the trouble he would likely be in with the Raikage. However, before he could give the matter more thought his head spun back to Bee as something large smashed into the ground behind him. Cursing, and hoping the other sources of menace he had felt weren't attacking he prepared to reactivate his cloak, but stopped as two shinobi appeared between the Naruto and the others and the dust cloud.

He relaxed as he recognized Darui and Shii, but tensed up again as he heard Bee shout, "Aw man not the clawwwwww..."

Naruto watched as the dust cloud began to light up with the electricity that went along with the vice-like clamp Ay was administering to a pressure point in Bee's shoulder. He sensed Aisha likely preparing to bolt, but Yugito appeared behind her stating, "Going somewhere? I'm sure what Bee is going through will pale when compared to what Lord Raikage has in store for you."

Ay appeared from the dust moments later his large hand still tightly clenched around Bee's shoulder as he dragged the jinchuriki behind him. Coming to a stop before Tsunade, he said, "I apologize for the disruption my subordinates caused to those in attendance. I assure you Lightning will make amends."

Karin approached having exited the manor with Kiyomi after the fight concluded and said, "That is not necessary Lord Raikage. Fortunately no one was harmed, and moreover Lady Koyuki has informed me that her country has been investigating the technology that has been appearing on the black market lately. This person's showing up here might provide an important clue to that investigation. Like who would outfit him with it."

"Perhaps we should ask these two," a new voice called out before pushing Gantetsu and Choseki towards the group.

Ay looked over seeing a woman dressed as an entertainer standing behind the two tied up men and asked, "Who are you?"

"This is Hanare," Tsunade said introducing the former missing-nin, "She's the one that I recommend for the position we need to be filled."

"Really," Ay said his gaze returning to the woman giving her a more appraising once over, "I'm still not sure why you believe we should use a missing-nin for such an important role."

"That is a matter that we can discuss at a later date," Tsunade said. Focusing on Hanare she asked, "What makes you believe these two are responsible?"

"I overheard a conversation they had in regards to Miss Aisha here," Hanare answered. "At the time, I had assumed that they had intended to drop her from their label, and replace her with another act. They made mention of sending out a special invitation and of insuring some merchandise arrived in time for tonight's show. I thought they had hoped to offload her music before dumping her and announcing a new headliner."

"What did you say you bitch, you knew..."

Aisha trailed off after the Raikage focused an extremely angry glare at the woman. Focusing back on Hanare, he said, "Continue."

"Well, considering all that happened. It's easy to imagine the invite that was mentioned was for her stalker, and if so the merchandise might have been the armor he wore." Hanare paused before adding, "I'm guessing that her manager wanted to have her stalker kill her tonight in order to profit from her death as it would likely increase interest in her music if only for a short time. The armor was likely insurance if Lord Bee interfered as he did last time."

Ay studied the former Jomae kunoichi, who moved towards Kakashi as Darui and Shii took possession of the two men she had brought. "Tsunade, I will base my decision for your nomination on how well she has read this situation. I trust there is no complaint about me taking these men off your hands."

"Just so long as anything you learn is sent my way. I can't speak for Lady Koyuki in regards to the Chakra Armor though," The Hokage replied.

Fubuki approached having been examining the remains stating, "There's not much there to salvage I'm afraid. The overload destroyed all the important components. You can help yourself to the remains if you believe it will help you learn anything."

"I believe the Leaf would be better suited to that," Ay admitted due to the Konoha's superior medical techniques. "I trust if you learn anything we might have missed from his stay at Iron Mountain you will inform us."

"Of course," Tsunade replied.

"Good, then we'll be taking our leave. I have some disciplinary matters I must attend to," Ay said causing Bee to groan and Aisha to pale.


Naruto stepped up to the stone wall located behind the manor in preparation for the closing fireworks. He felt someone coming up behind him so said, "Well tonight's just been chocked full of surprises." Turning he smiled at Toki before adding, "I was afraid you were hesitant to be alone with me."

"Perhaps a little," the Daimyo of Bird replied stepping up to the wall to look out over the ocean and some of the brightly lit ships on it awaiting the fireworks. "However, I realize that was silly of me as despite what I have learned on this trip, you are the same man who helped me when I needed it most."

Naruto turned to look out over the water and sensing something remaining unsaid prompted, "But..."

"But, unlike the other women you have helped and have since joined you in your ambition and your bed. I will not be one of them. Regardless of how I might feel about you, I... I cannot accept the notion that you can care for us equalyl and refuse to be with someone who cannot be wholly committed to me."

"I understand," Naruto said keeping the disappointment he felt to himself. Turning to face her he stated, "I hope this doesn't mean we cannot be friends."

"Of course it doesn't," Toki said favoring him with a smile, "And as your friend I will support your goal. I believe its success will only mean greater stability for all the Elemental Countries both large and small."

"I'm glad to hear that," Naruto said placing his hand on hers which rested on the wall as the night's sky was illuminated by the first firework going off. "You are important to me, Toki."

"And you me," the Daimyo replied feeling an urge to kiss him from the romantic setting. However, it passed as Ayame stepped up on his other side. She didn't say anything as she linked her arm with his. Toki then noticed that she was being surrounded as more and more of his lovers began to congregate around him. "I should go," Toki said stepping away to quickly have her spot next to Naruto usurped by Sakura.

Naruto nodded favoring her with a smile as he asked, "Don't you want to watch the fireworks?"

"I caught them on the first night," Toki said, "I need to gather my things so my party can set off early tomorrow and beat the rush."

"Okay," Naruto said accepting her reasoning, "Please take care until we meet again if you leave and I don't get the chance to say good-bye tomorrow."

Toki accepted the good-bye responding, "Of the two of us, I think the one that needs to be careful is you. You are just as reckless as I remember. So please be safe."

"Don't worry Toki, I can't die. Too many people are counting on me," Naruto said with a smile and his eyes twinkling in happiness.

Toki nodded as a particularly large firework went off illuminating the fact that more of the people he had been referencing had joined them. He turned back towards the firework show as Tsunade blocked Toki's view of him. The Daimyo began to walk away, feeling lonely and looked back to see that her view of Naruto was blocked by all the women present that he was with. Although, she felt that fact was exactly why she needed to walk away, she couldn't help but notice that the scene looked just like a family standing together instead of the constant competition for his affection that she imagined being a part of his harem would be.


As the fire work show neared its end, and the remaining rockets were sent skyward a woman watched dispassionately finding the sight only to be mildly entertaining. She grabbed the glass of wine she was enjoying and sipped it as the fireworks illuminated the deck of the ship she was sitting on, showing she wore a white and black uniform similar to the kind Nyau had worn. Her interest in the display ended as a voice called from the radio sitting on the table before her, "Did you enjoy the show my dear?"

The woman reached for the mic that would allow her to respond as she answered, "It was interesting." The normally calm and composed woman had struggled to sound as dispassionate as usual when addressing the man, but still felt the heat in her cheeks which had nothing to do with the wine she had consumed.

"Interesting? What a curious word to use," the radio responded with the man's amusement being easy to hear. "I thought that even you would be more broken up about the death of one of your Three Beasts."

Although not pleased by it, the woman said, "The strong survive and the weak die. Nyau was obviously weak, and should have recognized he was no match for a jinchuriki, let alone two."

"A shame really." The man on the other end said, "I so did admire his passion. Something you could stand to develop. You may be our little Ice Queen, but surely even you have a heart that most desire to find something that can make it pitter=patter wildly."

The woman wondered if the man had seen her reaction to witnessing the battle of her subordinate and the gathered shinobi. After all, witnessing the smile of the blond man, Naruto, she had felt her heart react exactly as the man was suggesting. Finding she desired nothing more to make him hers, in a similar manner as Nyau had needed to carve up Aisha, she said, "Passions can lead us to ruin. Something you used twice now with Nyau. So you tell me, was the test successful?"

"Oh absolutely," the man said pleased, "Nyau's first run in with Bee gave us excellent control data which when compared with the new data will tell us just how much of an improvement he experienced from wearing the Mark III armor."

"What of the weakness that was exploited?" the woman asked with a hint of curiosity even if she did find the armor went against her principles.

"It can't be helped," the man answered, "Even if we added a means to shut the armor down should it contact another set, it would just allow the opponents to try and exploit that by forcing users close together. The tradeoff would be the same."

"I suppose," the woman replied losing interest, but catching sight of the man she now wished to possess as the final fireworks cast their light on the crowd said, "Lord Bison?"

"Go ahead Esdeath."

"I would like to participate in the upcoming operation against Konoha."

Esdeath frowned as after a long silence the leader of the organization Shadaloo replied, "Your services are not required for that mission. Vega and Cammy will be escorting the client during the operation. Keep in mind, he wants as many people to get out alive as possible, something you are not exactly known for allowing, my dear." Her frown deepened as the sight of Naruto faded into darkness as no new fireworks exploded. However, she accepted his decree as he added, "Don't worry, there will be plenty more chances to engage the Leaf in the future."

Esdeath felt a smile appear as she said pleased, "I look forward to the chance."

"I'm sure you do," Bison replied before the radio went silent, and the motor of her ship started to return her to Shadaloo's base.


Kushina sat in the dining room located within Kiyomi's mansion feeling rather uncomfortable due to what had brought her there and who she was there to see. The Uzumaki hated the fact that she was there to see Kiyomi, who had returned from Wave far quicker than her son. The reason being due to the fact that although she was one of her son's lovers, Kushina still harbored more than a little resentment towards her for the life that she had been robbed of because of the Bijuu. However, the two were able to set aside their differences whenever the man they both cared for was involved. Although truthfully, Kushina had to admit that she was the one that tended to need a reason to call upon the Bijuu. Something that Kiyomi seemed to respect, as she gave the woman a wide berth unless their mutual interests aligned. Another reason for her giving Kiyomi such a wide berth since her release from the seal, was also due to the Bijuu knowing of her less than motherly affections for her son.

That was why Kushina was sure the red-headed Bijuu had obviously been surprised by her coming to the mansion wishing to speak with her. Kushina waited for Kiyomi to return with the water that she had requested and began to think about what had brought her there. That being her son, who was due back from Wave soon, and from the giddiness she saw in the other women connected to Naruto expected to be as soon as that day. Yet, while Kushina couldn't wait to see him again, a part of her was dreading it. Primarily as she didn't know if she could bottle up her desires for him any longer as for the past week she had indulged in them to her heart's content.

Kushina felt a familiar sense of annoyance which she directed towards Ino and hoped the Yamanaka could sense it, and yet while a part of the Uzumaki wanted to strangle the blonde kunoichi. Another part of her wanted to thank her as she had made good use of the two items that Ino had left. The first of which, the panties that had been soiled with her son's cum, Kushina had returned although she had masturbated using them, though having needed to do it in her room since the Yamanaka had been sleeping in Naruto's bed. The next morning Kushina feeling guilty about doing so and had washed them intending to give them back to Ino, but that was when she had found the second item. Kushina wouldn't have needed the ostentatious orange color to know that it had been made from a mold of her son's cock, as his dick had haunted her dreams since her first accidental exposure to it.

The red-head had managed to avoid the temptation it had represented all day, but had tried to force Ino to remove it from her grasp by changing the bedspread. That night when the blonde had returned to the apartment, Kushina had smirked internally as Ino had obviously been disappointed that the sheets which had carried Naruto's earthy and arousing scent were removed and replaced with new ones. Kushina had left the sex toy out, and when Ino had entered his room followed handing the kunoichi her panties, while reminding her it wasn't proper to leave such things lying around, and hoping she attributed the fact that they had been missing to Kushina's washing them. She had also told her it was unladylike to leave their pleasure aids lying around.

Kushina had intended to quickly retreat expecting Ino to take it with her since it was apparent she wasn't planning to stay as what had brought her there had been removed. Ino had stunned her into silence though as she had boldly asked, "Does that mean you have a few hidden around here? I'm sure you must, what with having such a handsome and virile son to look at all day."

Kushina had tried to stutter a denial, but Ino hadn't really been interested in it as she did what Kushina asked by simply opening a drawer in the nightstand next to the bed and placing the orange cock inside. "A-aren't you going to take that with you?"

Ino just shrugged as she moved to leave the room, "No, without being reminded of your son's presence. I just don't think that I'll be needing it. Well good night then, and pleasant dreams."

Her dreams had been pleasant, particularly since although she had tried to resist using the toy after Ino had left, she had been unable too. She had drifted off to sleep only after giving herself several powerful orgasms while using the recreation of her son's dick which she had left buried inside her all night, so couldn't help but dream of a life where she got to enjoy him as his lovers did. When she had awoken, she had used it several more times that morning before putting it back in case Ino came to collect it. But, that very night she had been thrilled to find it still there and had again used it to aid her fantasies.

A pattern which she had repeated every night and morning since, but with Naruto set to return knew that she had to break it less she be forced to admit to Ino that she was commandeering her toy at night should the kunoichi come looking for it. With her time in the seal having taught her that when caught between a battle between her libido and her sense of what was right in regards to her son, her libido rarely lost. Kushina figured it would be only a matter of time before she couldn't resist using the toy again, but by then Ino might have moved its hiding place causing her to seek the Yamanaka out and admit that she had been using it and likely why. The mortification of having to confess to her unmotherly desires, but knowing she couldn't resist them on her own had forced her to turn to the Bijuu she had once housed as someone she hoped to be able to discuss the situation with.

"Here you go," Kiyomi said placing a tray with a pitcher of water and a pair of glasses on the table.

Kiyomi watched on amused as Kushina took one of the glasses and downed the contents in a single gulp. The Uzumaki then refilled it but before she repeated the process the Bijuu said, "While you are welcome to stay as long as you wish, whatever is making you so nervous isn't going to abate through busying yourself with tasks other than what brought you here."

Kushina finished pouring her glass, but placed it down stating, "You're right. So I heard the last night of the opening celebration was rather exciting."

The former fox gave an amused and knowing smirk as Kushina continued to bide for time. But indulging her fellow red-head replied, "True, and sadly the excitement eclipsed the firework show at the end, but the night still ended on a high note."

Hearing the note of recalled pleasure in Kiyomi's tone Kushina said drily, "I bet it did."

Kiyomi heard the hidden jealousy in the other woman's voice so said, "Now with that out of the way. How about we talk about what brought you here? If I was to guess it is related to the fact that your son is set to return today, and you don't know whether to hug him or fuck him." Kushina's face colored instantly as she looked away guiltily, but rather than deny it, the woman simply nodded. Kiyomi had to send a mental congratulation to Ino, who had clued the Bijuu into her plan after her quick return from Wave. Kiyomi had even contributed in several small ways so that the Yamanaka could better guide the situation towards the desired results. Deciding to give a push of her own, the Bijuu stated, "Then I would think the solution is simple, you should hug him and then fuck him. Although I suppose the reverse would also work if it might prove a tad bit confusing for him."

Despite her jest Kiyomi kept her face impassive, which was difficult considering the shocked fish out of water look that Kushina was giving her. When she found her voice the woman asked, "W-what did you say?"

"There's no need to force shocked indignation..."

"Who's forcing it," Kushina said angrily, "I... I didn't come here for you to make light of my... struggles."

"Nor am I," Kiyomi said. The Uzumaki's stern gaze told the Bijuu that she believed otherwise and upon further reflection she admitted, "Okay, perhaps I was a little flippant. But I wasn't joking, you should take him as a lover."

"I... I can't do that I'm his mother."


Kushina didn't bother to hide her exasperation as she stated agitatedly, "It's immoral and wrong and..."

"There are plenty of women already bound to him, who would be considered to be in just as an immoral relationship due to..."

"You don't think I've told myself that," Kushina snapped standing. "You don't think I've tried to say that it's no big deal because Naruto has lovers who are kin yet share him. I've been a part of them doing so due to my giving into my weaknesses."

"Then why do you..."

"Because it is wrong for me to want the same thing," Kushina said cutting the Bijuu off. "I'm his mother."

"You're also a woman with needs," Kiyomi replied sympathetically to the woman's emotional struggles. "Needs that I think extend past just the physical although that seems to be what you are fixating on. Have you not considered why it is so many women are willing to share him?"

"It's because he's special," Kushina said her tone calming somewhat, "and he loves and cherishes them all."

"That's right," Kiyomi said sitting almost regally in her chair, "But it does go deeper than his loving and cherishing us. You see, he makes each of his feel special, and it's a feeling that we feel we could never experience with someone else, and recognizing that feeling within ourselves. We also recognize it within each other so gladly share him rather than depriving others of that feeling."

"What are you trying to say?" Kushina asked from a tiredness that didn't just cover her recent emotional outbursts, but her long struggles with her desires.

"I'm saying that the only one barring you from starting a relationship with your child outside of the one you already share is you. None of the women tied to him would pass judgment on your wishing to be with him in such a way."

Kushina seemed to wilt as she said, "I should have known this was a mistake. There are plenty of people who would brand me and by extension him as degenerates should I take your advice."

"You are right of course," Kiyomi said dismissively, "Just as there are those who would say the same about all of us bound to him because we don't insist on being his one and only."

"I... I'm going..."

Kushina began to walk away, she stopped as she prepared to open the door due to Kiyomi calling, "There is something you should know Kushina and which I tried to tell you when I gave you the key to his seal."

Looking over her shoulder, she knew she shouldn't ask due to the smirk the Bijuu was wearing. But ignoring the feeling she asked, "And that would be?"

"His dick feels almost as if it was made for you," Kiyomi replied squirming slightly in her chair as she rubbed her thighs together despite keeping her legs crossed. "The face I wear is Mito's, but my body was cast from the mold that was you. I guess if you want to be technical, your son has been enjoying your body for years now."

"Y...you bitch what gave you the right..."

"Oh get over it," Kiyomi said quickly, "I had no idea of your relationship to him until after I settled on this form. Not that I care even now. I will never understand why you humans insist on having so many rules in regards to matters of the heart. You claim to be able to love unlimitedly, but most insist that that it is only proper to enjoy the physical ways of showing that love with one person. Furthermore I find it silly that two people who love each other and wish to do so physically as well, are hindered due to matters outside of their control such as who they are tied to by blood. There may be something to not allowing a parent to take advantage of their role in order to seduce an unknowing child, but Naruto is hardly unknowing in matters of the flesh."

"That doesn't change the fact that it is wrong," Kushina stated.

Kiyomi shrugged while dismissively replying, "According to who? People who have already made up their mind without taking into account your particular situation or what led you here. I think you will find that freeing yourself from what such people think would be the first step to unlocking your path to happiness."

Kushina gave a weak smile filled with sadness as she said, "Life has already shown me that it doesn't particularly care about allowing me to be happy. Good-bye."


Kiyomi frowned from her fellow red-head's statement before whispering, "Then you should stop being such a coward and take your happiness from it."

"That was particularly cruel of you," a voice called from behind her.

Kiyomi rolled her eyes as she replied, "Reduced to eavesdropping now, are we Mito?"

Mito moved to in front of the Bijuu before replying, "I was curious as to why Kushina would seek you out."

"And yet you call me cruel for speaking the truth, but made no effort to offer her any of your own sage advice." Kiyomi smiled as Mito looked away guiltily before adding, "Perhaps because you couldn't exactly chime in due to your own habits of sucking her son's cum from your granddaughter's pussy."

"It's true that coming from me any words about avoiding such a relationship would ring hollow, but that's why you should have offered her the support she was seeking."

"That is exactly what I did," Kiyomi said her smile growing wider as a result of Mito's disbelieving face. "If she had wanted someone to tell her not to take her son as a lover there were better people then me she could have sought out."

Mito scoffed stating, "It's is rather difficult for her to approach them considering that most of the people that she is close to are also bound to her child."

"Perhaps," Kiyomi conceded. "However, they, like you seem to believe I should have, would have likely at least supported her decision to resist her desire to deepen her relationship with her son. Yet she sought out me, a woman that has no true ties to society's notions about incest. Therefore, I told her exactly what she wanted to hear and even allowed her to take her moral high ground in rejecting what I told her. But deep down, she knows what she wants and wanted to hear someone tell her to take it."

Mito couldn't exactly fault the Bijuu's logic, but nevertheless asked, "Are you sure that's what she wanted to hear?"

Kiyomi smirked as she sensed that Kushina had quickly returned home and was using the toy Ino had left for her due to a seal that she had placed on it and activated from a person's body heat. The fox Bijuu had also made it so that when the seal was activated it would create a sound dampening barrier, but only for the sounds the person using the toy could hear. Those standing outside of it, would hear all the lovely sounds that Kiyomi was sure Kushina made when using the dildo modeled after her son's penis. Her foxmark also alerted her to the fact that sooner rather than later she might have the answer to that question so she said, "Only time will tell."


Naruto stepped into the Hidden Eddy Inn after slamming open the door and calling out, "I'm home."

"Welcome home, Lover." Naruto smiled from the voice even as his eyes grew wide from its owner kneeling on the step leading into the building like a wife waiting submissively for her husband.

Before he could respond, Sakura peeked out from behind Naruto asking the question on his mind, "What are you playing at?"

"What do you mean?" Ino replied innocently while standing, "I just wanted to welcome home the man I love. Not all of us got to spend an entire seven days with him." Closing the distance between them, she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeply before pulling back to say, "You should wash up. I'm sure your mom has prepared something special for your return."

Naruto wasn't sure why he felt there was something in Ino's voice that held a double entendre. But he shrugged mentally giving her one last kiss before saying, "Done with me already?"

"I can wait my turn Lover," Ino said grabbing Sakura's hand, "Besides; I need to catch up with my roomie. It's been seven days since I've had a chance to talk with her also."

"But..." Sakura began to say before being pulled away by Ino.

Naruto chuckled, enjoying the feeling of being home before heading up to the apartment that he shared with his mother. Entering it, he was a little surprised not to smell something cooking considering Ino's words, so called out, "Mom, I'm home."

He frowned not getting a response before hearing a soft and weak sounding, "N.. Naruto..."

Naruto felt something stir from the way his mother had called his name. Although it didn't sound pained, seeing as it came from his room he was afraid something had happened to her while he was gone. Running to his room, he threw open his door shouting, "Mom are you..."

Naruto trailed off as Kushina sat up on his bed her face showing that she was shocked that she hadn't heard his arrival. Naruto's mind took a moment to process the situation, as he couldn't quite understand what he was seeing. Breaking it down he recognized his mother obviously, but she was sitting up on his bed with the robe she wore open revealing her nude body to him, but as his mind processed that she was naked, it then realized the orange object buried inside her was a plastic cock, and if he had to guess was the one Ino had mentioned she was going to have made from the mold she had created of his.

His mother's face turned from shock to mortification as she closed her robe saying, "Naruto... Honey, you're back... I..."

"S... sorry, I should have knocked," Naruto said the fact that he was standing in his own bedroom barely registering. "I... I'm going to go clean up."

Naruto quickly stepped out of his room, and headed to the bathroom to shower. Stepping out of his clothes in the laundry room, he entered the three-headed shower stall and sighed as the warm spray began to cover him. He looked down, to see his cock standing at attention and tried to will the hardon away, but with no success. He considered making the water freezing, but doubted that would do anything as his dick felt stiff in a way he couldn't really explain. It wasn't like his erection was harder than any of the others he had experienced, but if he had to acquaint it to something he would say if felt rather like the first time he had ever experienced one. Recalling the mortification he had felt upon having to seek out the Third Hokage and receiving a speech from the old man which had involved forging swords to be sheathed. Naruto figured the reason why it applied in this case was because like then he had truly been ignorant of the concept of sex. After all, he had left the Third's office more confused than when he had entered not understanding that the forged sword the Hokage kept mentioning had been meant to be the penis and the sheath a woman's vagina.

This time though, Naruto's ignorance had extended to his mother and the fact that she was a woman with needs just like any of the other women he had taken as lovers. Understanding, that his mother calling his name as he entered the apartment had been her fantasying about him, Naruto's dick lurched almost painfully as his memory recalled the sight of her laying with her legs spread on his bed while working the fake dick. Naruto looked down and needing to take care of his hardness before he even dreamed of talking with his mom, he began to stroke himself. Naruto knew he could simply Hiraishin to any of his lovers, who would gladly handle it for him, but to do so would break one of the iron-clad rules he had in regards to being with his lovers. Which was simply that when he was with one, or more, then he had to be with them and not day dreaming of someone else. He felt that was one of the reasons his harem did work so well, as his lovers knew that when together, he was only thinking of them and as such never treated his pleasuring them as a chore that he needed to be completed before moving onto something more pleasurable.

He knew that wouldn't be the case this time as he increased the pace of his stroking, as the only person he was thinking of was his mother and the urge he felt to hear her calling his name in pleasure over and over again. Imagining how her face would look as she came and cried out his name, Naruto grunted and for the first time since taking Ino as a lover came from his own hand. He grunted as his seed began to coat the wall of the shower, but sighed as his climax did little to calm his dick down. Starting anew, he began to wonder if some of the times he thought he had witnessed her image replacing his lovers in the past had been because his mother was stepping out of the barrier that had been meant to separate her from the pleasure his women felt in order to enjoy his dick. The idea alone was enough to get Naruto to fire a second volley, but also cause the pole he was roughly tugging to remain like steel in his grip.


Kushina heard the shower finally shut off, and not for the first time felt she should have left the apartment. Yet, she stood before the counter cutting vegetables for his dinner while still in the robe she had thrown on to pleasure and quickly cover herself should Naruto arrive home earlier then she expected as she used Ino's toy one last time. Still mortified at her son seeing the shameful side her, she only hoped that he hadn't heard that it was his name she had been whispering.

She heard the door to the laundry room that led to the bathroom open, and looked back towards him. She quickly looked away as she saw him wearing only a towel which he explained sheepishly, "Sorry, I...I didn't grab a change of clothes."

Kushina nodded, but didn't look back as she sensed that her son had stopped. She tried to ignore him, hoping he would hurry and put something on, but when he made no move to, she sensed that much like her that he was searching for some way to speak about what he had witnessed. Finally though, she worked up the courage to say, although without looking back, "Naruto... please forget what you saw. I... I was just feeling lonely and... well... you kind of saw where that led."

Kushina gasped as from right behind her, her son said, "I don't want to forget it." She spun to face him finding herself pinned between him and the counter. The movement caused the towel he had wrapped around his waist to fall to the kitchen floor. He continued on unashamed of his nakedness, "Who would want to forget such a sight, or the sweet seductive way you moaned their name as you pleasured yourself."

Kushina felt her mortification grow as Naruto confirmed that he had heard her, and as a result it took a few moments for her to process the pressure against her lips was in fact her son kissing her. She pulled away as she weakly said, "N...naruto... we... we can't..."

Despite her words, Kushina did nothing to fight against her son pushing open her robe, as he replied, "Says who? I know you desire me as a man..."

"But it's wrong of me too." Kushina countered but she moaned as Naruto stepped forward running his cock against her slit

"Mom, you're drenched down there. I interrupted you in the middle of your fantasizing about me. But why settle for a toy and your imagination when I'm standing before you and want to take care of your needs as a woman." Reaching down, Naruto grabbed her by the butt and lifted her so that her elbows rested on top of the counter. Naruto moved slowly giving his mother every chance to tell him to stop with conviction, but her silence was telling. Lining up with the entrance of her shaved pussy, he plunged in forcefully and basked in the sound of his mother screaming in pleasure as she climaxed.

Kushina couldn't believe how good her orgasm felt considering she had it just from her son's entering her. But she didn't have long to savor it, as Naruto began pumping his hips widely as if to prevent her from trying to stop him now that she had some relief. However, stopping him was the farthest thing from her mind as Naruto continued to fuck her, although she was taking a rather passive role in it. Her cries of pleasure changed in tone as Naruto leaned forward rolling his tongue around her nipple before sucking it.

Kushina couldn't help agreeing with Kiyomi's earlier statement that it did indeed feel as if Naruto's cock was made for her. With every stroke Kushina cried out as his dick jammed into the entrance of her womb. Naruto only had one speed as he kept the pressure up, as if hoping to prevent her from coming to her senses. A plan that worked as Kushina's brain filled with pleasure, even though she never forgot the fact that it was her son behind it.

Naruto pulled his lips from her tit, and placed them against hers. Kushina didn't hesitate in parting her lips to grant access to his tongue which pressed into hers. Kushina groaned into his mouth, as the pressure of a new explosion of pleasure began to build within the place that had once housed the man now buried inside her. When the vessel containing that pleasure was about to burst, she pulled away to cry, "Oh Honey, I'm going to cum." A moment later she arched her back in ecstasy as she climaxed again.

Naruto this time around ceased moving within her completely, as if he didn't he would cum along with her due to his mother's milking pussy. Kushina came down from her orgasm as Naruto withdrew from her and let her feet touch the ground. She only remained standing due to her son's strong arms around her waist, and noticing the lack of warmth within her as well as his still hard cock pocking her stomach asked into his chest, "Honey, you didn't cum. Why?"

"Because," Naruto said stroking her hair lovingly, "I'm not sure if I have the right too. You know what my doing so will mean."

Kushina nodded against his chest before saying, "I'm so sorry Honey."

"Sorry," Naruto said worried stepping back to look at his mother, "Do you regret what we did already?"

Kushina shook her head as she replied, "No... I... it's just you have plenty of lovers. What you need is a mother."

Naruto sighed cupping her face as he said, "I have one, and I'm extremely lucky to have her. However, despite what you might think what we just did doesn't change the fact that you are and will always be my mom. If you do desire me though as a lover as well, then it isn't the end of our old bond, it would just be our relationship evolving into something new."

Kushina smiled at her child, but countered, "You didn't even desire me like this until today."

"But I did love you," Naruto said, "And now that I've been with you as a lover. I'm grateful that I have realized what a desirable and sexy woman you are. I can only imagine how jealousy I would be if I realized it too late and you found yourself a lover that wasn't me." Kushina blushed, from the compliment and bit her lip as she considered her son's next words, "Mom, I want to be the only man in your life. I... I haven't claimed you as mine yet, but I won't be able to stop myself next time. You may feel this is wrong, but I can't say I agree. But take all the time..."

Naruto trailed off as his mother let her robe slide from her shoulder to pool around her feet. Holding her arms out to her son, she said, "Honey, you talk too much. Take me to bed."

A wide grin appeared on Naruto's face as he scooped his mother up in his arms. She kissed him as hungrily as he kissed her while he carried her to his bed, where he set her down gently. Kushina though grabbed him by the shoulders spinning him so that he was on his back. She kissed his chest, before moving down and he groaned as she kissed the tip of his almost painfully swollen prick causing him to moan, "Oh mom..."

Kushina looked up hungrily her violet eyes glowing with lust as she said, "Honey, when we are together like this... please use my name... you are not just my son, but the man in my life now."

She then kissed his dick again before parting her lips and swallowing half his manhood. Naruto buried his hands in her hair as he moaned, "Oh fuck Kushina..." The red-head shivered hearing her name pass through her son's lips with such a pleasure filled tone. She worked her mouth over her son's cock eagerly, desiring to give him some relief as he had done for her. As she eagerly sucked him making loud and wet slurping sounds, she reached her hand between her legs rubbing her drooling cunt and longing to feel her son's dick inside her once more.

Naruto's hands tightened in her hair as he said, "Mo... Kushina, I'm at my limit."

Kushina responded by humming into his cock, which set him off. She eagerly drank his cum, making sure not to spill a drop, and when the eruption stopped made sure to clean up afterwards. When she finally let him go, she was sure not a trace of his seed remained behind. Pleased to see his cock still was stiff, she climbed atop of him whispering, "Honey, tasting your cum has caused my pussy to begin to throb. It won't settle down until you fill it to the brim with your thick and potent cum. Now that you've seen this side of me, there's no going back for either of us."

Naruto rolled her over so that he was on top and said, "I wouldn't have it any other way," before plunging his shaft back inside of her.

This time Naruto took his time, slowly working his length inside his mother while kissing and fondling her tits Kushina's toes curled as her feet pointed up towards the ceiling due to her knees resting on Naruto's elbows. Her son and lover kissed up her neck before whispering in her ear, "Your pussy is griping me so tightly, and doesn't seem to want to let me go."

"It's because, I've been desiring this moment for so long," she replied into his ear before sticking her tongue into it, "I was so jealous of your lovers. I so badly wanted to be them."

Naruto raised his face above hers saying tenderly, "And now you are mine forever."

"Yes," Kushina said wrapping him in a hug and pulling his chest tight against hers as Naruto began to pick up his pace within her, "forever."

Kushina basked in the feeling as every thrust brought her closer to the white world of pleasure she visited whenever she climaxed. She moaned out in loss as Naruto pulled free, but cried out when after being flipped onto her stomach her son was once again buried to the hilt inside her. She looked over her shoulder letting her eyes communicate how much pleasure she felt from his violent thrusts as if he couldn't tell from her cries. His hips stopped their relentless slapping against her ass, as he left himself buried inside her while he kissed her greedily. He then began to move again, but gripping her long hair, pulled her up to all fours. Kushina screamed as Naruto used her hair to pull her into his thrusting dick, loving his using the feature she was so proud of as a means to increase her pleasure. "That's it Honey, fuck me. Oh gods, you feel so fucking good inside me."

Kushina moaned feeling him swell inside her, and knew she was soon to be fully inducted into his Family as a lover. Eager for it, she began to throw her ass back against him, but again found her world spinning as Naruto turned her onto her back without missing a beat. Her one leg was trapped on his shoulder as the foot of the other was tucked behind his pumping ass to keep him inside her in case he even considered pulling out. She need not have worried as Naruto lowering his face to just above hers said, "I want to see your face as we climax together and become one, mom."

Kushina didn't bother correcting him knowing he hadn't used her name on purpose, the title being a reminder that although going forward they would be lovers; they were now and always still mother and son. Kushina's grin matched her child's as she said, "What a magnificent son you are, Honey." Leaning up and placing her lips against his ear she whispered throatily, "Now cum for mommy."

"Oh fuck!!!!!" Naruto shouted followed by his mother screaming his name as he buried his cock deep within her, and filled her womb with his seed. Kushina couldn't believe how much cum her son released inside her, but basked in the feeling of the fire that had been burning since she had first stepped out of the green barrier within in the seal finally died out as a feeling of utter contentment swept over her.

Naruto collapsed on top of her, and Kushina held him happily as they each basked in the feelings that they had shared. The moment lasted until Naruto's stomach rumbled hungrily causing him to say apologetically, "Sorry."

Kushina laughed but slipped from beneath him as she said, "Let mommy go make something for her baby." She leaned down as Naruto rolled onto his back and kissed him motherly at first, but it soon grew hungry before she pulled back to say, "Because, my Honey is going to need all the strength he can muster. Now, that I'm yours there's nothing preventing me from getting as wild as I want."

Naruto reached up and began to fondle her tit causing her moan as he began to tease her nipple. "Nope nothing at all," he said, but then his stomach grumbled again so he amended his statement, "Well, except perhaps me not having the strength and energy to keep up with you."

Kushina smiled as she stood proudly and loving the way her son's eyes drank in her naked body as she said, "Don't worry Honey. I'll make sure to take care of your needs, as long as you remember to take care of mine."

Naruto smiled as he watched his mom walk away swishing her hips seductively before whispering to himself "I will, I promise. I won't make the same mistake that dad did."

Naruto closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of his mother resuming her cutting the vegetables she had been before. Basking in the feeling of pride he felt as he listened to her humming pleasantly and contently, he let her melodic tone rock him to sleep confident that it would be coming in short supply after dinner.