
69: Night Terrors: Part 2 (2)

Toka watched Naruto leap back as a swarm of insects launched from several Aburame made their way towards him. Her view of him was blocked by the bugs as she and a team had circled around behind the Aburame line to attack it while their focus was on the jinchuriki and Bijuu attacking their position. A moment later though he appeared again as a stream of water that was fired from Nel's open mouth, who was clinging to his shoulder battered the bugs out of the air. She then directed her focus to the Aburame that had sent the insects toward Naruto, causing them to be blown back as if hit by a firehose.

Fu flew into the gap created by Nel's attack and dropped several spheres as she pulled up when a volley of insects began tailing her. The sphere's exploded into both blinding light and smoke which despite the shades that the Aburame wore caused several to shield their eyes. Furthermore, the smoke caused the insects they controlled to grow disoriented. As a result the Aburame were forced to pull back and redeploy a defensive line.

Toka watched them do so, and noticed several members more cautiously moving towards the rear. Marking them as the rear guard, she noticed there were several more than she would have expected. Yet, she figured that with such powerful opponents before them the Aburame knew their abilities to control their insects would be hampered, since while the insects they controlled would obey their commands. They did so while within the bounds of following their instincts. An Aburame for example couldn't force his insects into a situation where the insects themselves knew death was certain, like a cloud of insecticide. Furthermore, they followed those instincts in selecting their targets. In a one on one battle the insects inside them could be focused one hundred percent on a target because both the host was in danger and there was a single source of food for them. But, in group battles in became harder for the Aburame, so most of their stratifies called for them to focus their attention on the stronger opponents first to eliminate them. This did leave them open from attacks that the insects deemed weaker, at least until the Aburame that housed them was in danger. Then they would focus on the most immediate threat.

Toka's plan played against those instincts as she figured with several Bijuu and two jinchuriki, currently the insects of the Aburame saw a buffet they had never seen before. Their being aware of those weaknesses though they had come up with countermeasures such as leaving a rear guard. The group protecting the main force was bigger than most Toka had come across using such strategies during the Warring Clans period, but she figured it was due to the fact that the bait she was putting before them was doing its job.

Gai approached her stating, "Lee's squad is in position. Are you sure we cannot move closer before making our move?"

Toka nodded, before explaining, "The rear guard has likely left a line of female beetles further back from them. Those beetles will cling to anyone that crosses the perimeter letting the guards supporting the main force know we are coming. I'm hoping that with you and your student's speed, even if they mark you that you'll be on them before they know it. We'll be just behind you to support."

Gai gave her a thumb's up stating, "Roger. We'll make it through so fast those beetles won't have a chance or else I'll do three thousand squats."

Toka felt a small bead of sweat appear on her neck as she wondered what the man used to make his teeth sparkle. She looked away stating, "Fine, just get it done. If those beetles do mark you, then the Aburame are going to be able to maneuver you to trap you no matter how quickly you move."

"Roger!" Gai said before speaking into his handless mike to tell his student to get ready to move.

She focused on where Lee appeared across the street, and raised her hand for the rest of her squad to get ready to move. A moment later Lee seemed to just disappear and then she heard an explosion down the street. She felt her mouth drop as she saw Lee with his fist in the stomach of one of the Aburame, who he had smashed against a building. He spun pulling his fist away letting the Aburame slump to the ground as he brought it around and across the face of another. The man's shades were sent flying as he spun in a circle before being sent flying when Lee kicked him across the small of his back.

Toka recovered from her surprise as she realized everyone else was waiting on her signal so dropped her hand. She took off down the street after dropping from her perch followed by the rest of her squad. She wondered where exactly the Leaf had found such talented warriors as she watched master and student tear into the Aburame. She couldn't place either man to a particular clan and supposed that was one of the strengths of the system that her cousin had developed. However, having heard how quickly some were to believe that the Aburame had betrayed the village, she felt that it was a system that even if they won the day would have one of its flaws exposed. But, she put such thoughts aside as she reached the battle taking place and she put her trust in Naruto and the future that they wanted to build.


Naruto could tell the Aburame were confused as a new battlefront opened up behind them. The confusion appeared in how the insects were torn between attacking Naruto's group, or moving to defend their hosts. A fact that Kukaku took advantage of as she fired a stream of lava which incinerated the largest cloud of the confused insects. She then spit two balls of lava into her hands which cooled instantly and then tossed them at a pair of Aburame. The rock projectiles connected with their targets lifting them off their feet. When the men hit the ground they didn't budge causing the Four-tails to say, "This is boring. The only difficult thing is not killing these weaklings. We should just make our way to that tree and uproot it."

"First, we have to take care of the Aburame," Naruto said teleporting beside Kukaku using a kunai. "If the theory that Shizune came up with is correct then we have to hope some of the hives haven't been compromised."

"That's your concern," Kukaku stated annoyed at Naruto for speaking to her as an equal. "I don't care what happens to these insect users. But, you should trust me when I say that tree is the true threat." The Bijuu wondered why she felt a small pang of guilt as Naruto frowned at her words. She could tell that her response disappointed him in a sense and she wondered why it was that it bothered her. She quickly suspected that while a lot of her siblings, especially those aligned with Naruto, seemed to look down on her rather liberal enjoyment of sex with different partners. That same judgmental attitude never seemed to be present when she had interacted with the blond shinobi.

However, she felt it now and heard a coldness in his voice as he responded, "It doesn't matter if we save the village if we sacrifice what it stands for."

She doubled down on her dismissal of his concerns countering, "What about the world then? I'm telling you that tree is stirring something in me and my siblings. We do not want it to bloom any further."

Her words did seem to register some with Naruto as she saw his gaze drift to the tree after avoiding a small swarm of the beetles trying to catch him. Kukaku spun towards the insect cloud and raised her hand at them as she let fire a stream of energy. The blast of chakra tore through the insects popping them as it then connected with the Aburame that they called home. She had turned it down so that the energy blast simply washed over him. Still she hadn't considered that her attack would be just as devastating to the insects inside him. After the energy blast passed over him the Aburame stood for a moment, before teetering over.

To her surprise, Naruto broke formation as he said, "Shit. No." He avoided several swarms that tried to attack him, but then upon reaching the Aburame snatched him up and teleported away. He appeared a few moments later near a previously tossed kunai and hit a nearby Aburame with an air bullet. The attack smashed the man through a glass window which he was tossed out again a few moments later as Toka appeared from it. She ran up to him stating, "We've secured this group. However, Shizune is reporting that the Hives may not be compromised like we feared. According to her, Furofuki likely introduced a new breed of insects into Shino. This breed spread to the others and is directing both their actions and those of the beetles. These parasites are working in a similar manner as the spores she injected the women that she attacked with. She also believes that they are all connected to Furofuki in some kind of hive mentality allowing her to direct them. It's possible that if we kill her both the beetles and spores will die off."

"See," Kukaku stated moving up to them, "We should concentrate on..."

She stopped cold as Naruto leveled a harsh glare at her. She saw it was one that was matched by Nel, who remained perched behind his shoulder. Naruto turned back towards Toka stating, "We keep moving towards the Hive. It's more imperative now than ever. Several Aburame have had their hives devastated through poisonous tags, and other means. Sakura just told me that without a fresh infusion of insects then they are going to die."

"Then let them die," Kukaku said quickly, "The important thing is..."

"Then go," Naruto snapped angrily, "One of my comrades is lying there dying because you see us little different then the insects of the Aburame. I have faith that those tasked with taking down the tree will succeed. In the meantime, I'm going to do everything I can to prevent us from staining our hands with the blood of fellow Leaf-nin. A task I don't require your help with if you are just going to leave a trail of bodies in our wake."

"This is the thanks I get for helping," the four tails said angrily.

Naruto looked back at her, and Kukaku was surprised at how cool the normally bright blue eyes appeared. The blond turned away as he said, "No, you'll get your compensation for your assistance up to this point. But, I wouldn't classify what you've done as helping." Directing his gaze to Toka, he stated, "Let's go."

Toka smirked stating, "Yes sir! Even though technically I'm the one leading this mission."

"Sorry," Naruto said quickly some of his natural cheer returning as he responded to his lover's teasing. "What do you think we should do?"

"Luckily Kakashi seems to agree with you," Toka replied as she listened into her earpiece, "We'll push onto the Hive Breeding Grounds. As you said, it doesn't do us any good to save the village at the expense of sacrificing members of it. What happened with the Uchiha is proof enough of that. However, Kakashi has cautioned us that it is likely a trap. If the insects aren't being reprogrammed then Furofuki is likely using our desire to save the Aburame against us. Furthermore, we haven't encountered any of those duplicates that are falling from the Tree."

Naruto nodded and without looking back began running down the street with Fu and Nel to serve as bait for any Aburame groups between them and their target. Toka split her squads back up so that they could circle around any Ambush groups that appeared. Kukaku watched them leave noticing Tier still standing behind her so asked, "You agree with me, don't you?"

Tier was surprised to see her sister react in such a conflicted manner from a simple dismissal. As normally her pride would have her cursing out the person that talked to her in such a way. Having witnessed the exchange, she both began to understand why it was some of her siblings hadn't attracted the shinobi's desire to bring them into his family and why being excluded seemed to bother them. She suspected that a part of Kukaku's acting out by taking multiple sex partners was an effort to deny that she wanted something similar to what Kiyomi and the others had gained with their lover. A fact that seemed to be highlighted as some of Kukaku's standard partners had fallen to the wayside for one in particular. Tier couldn't exactly see what her sister saw in him, as the man seemed quite fine with the sex without attachment arrangement they had established.

Tier could see her sister was looking for her to back her up, but found she preferred Naruto's way as it was viewpoints similar to Kukaku's that had allowed people to see them as little more than power sources for their human weapons. "I agree with the idea that the greater threat is the tree," Tier stated noticing her sister regaining some of her confidence. But it wilted as Tier walked passed her adding, "Yet, I cannot help feeling that a person willing to trust others to handle the bigger threat and put his own pride aside to complete a mission for his comrades is someone worth following."

Kukaku heard the admiration in Tier's voice and hearing it matched the similar tones held by their siblings bound to him asked shocked, "Don't tell me you are thinking of giving yourself to him?"

Tier looked back at her siblings wondering why she had jumped to such a conclusion, but found the idea actually appealed to her. Turning back to follow after Naruto she replied, "Do you know why when our other siblings look at you with such disappointment at your choices his eyes never reflected it until now?"

"Who cares?" Kukaku replied back rudely.

Tier smiled beneath her mempo as she knew her sister did despite her words. "It is because Kiyomi and the others bound to him obviously felt in time his charm would win us over. That charm is that Naruto truly doesn't see us as pieces on a board to be collected. He doesn't judge you because he can empathize with your decision. For most of our existence we were hunted to be used as pawns by the various powers that arose."

"So now you want to willing be used as a pawn?" Kukaku replied angrily.

Tier shrugged replying, "I find the idea of being useful to his goals appealing. In all honesty, it would be the first such time that a person has allowed me to make the choice for myself."

"He probably believes in that stupid prophecy father gave us," Kukaku countered bitterly. "He believes he just has to sit back and we'll give ourselves to him to make father's words come true." To Kukaku's surprise, Tier actually began to chuckle in amusement prompting her to ask, "What's so funny?"

Tier looked back replying, "I once overheard Yoruichi and him talking. He actually defended your right to live your life as you want. She was quick to point out about the father's prediction, but it turns out that he doesn't believe in destiny. He claims that if father's words come true then it will only be because of those that work to make them a reality. Not exactly the words of one that expects us to just fall over ourselves to be with him."

"Yet, nonetheless here you are considering doing just that."

Tier folded her arms beneath her breasts and shrugged as she said, "As you know I've sparred with him many times since our match during Kiyomi's contest to showcase our skills. I've come to appreciate the time I spend in his presence and find that I want more. But, it is a choice that I arrived at. Whether you one day do the same is of no consequence to me." Tier's gaze focused on the sounds of combat erupting from where Naruto had headed. She then turned away from it as she sensed the approach of several powerful chakras. Due to the identical nature of them, she suspected that they were the clones that the tree had been producing and guessed they were reinforcements for the battle going on. Pulling her blade as she saw spotted them she said, "Oh, there is one other thing you should know. I once asked him what he would do if he had the chance to meet our father."

Despite herself Kukaku asked curiously, "What did he say?"

"He said he would probably slug him across the jaw," Tier replied finding the way Kukaku's mouth dropped open in surprise amusing.

"What why?"

Tier raised her hand causing five water sharks to appear from her finger tips which tore into the approaching clones. She had been just as shocked at the response that she had received from Naruto, but currently she found it filled her with a genuine admiration and warmth as she repeated his explanation. "Because he said that if our father could see the future. Then he should have done a better job of preparing and protecting us from what was to come."

"B...but if father felt certain events needed to take place..."

"I told you," Tier said as she beheaded a Duplicate, "He doesn't believe in destiny, and if father let us suffer to make his ideal future possible, then he feels that is little different then the others that have tried to use us for their own purposes."

"Father gave us life," Kukaku replied quickly defending their father in a similar manner as she had.

"True," Tier said, leaping into the air to avoid several tentacles as Kukaku grabbed a Duplicate around the throat and incinerated. Using her water based powers to stand on the molecules in the air, she dashed towards a pair swinging her sword in a wide horizontal arc which cut the two in half across their stomachs. Coming to a rest she kicked another in the side of the head and sent it flying into a wall. Tossing her blade after it, she pinned it to the building and seeing Kukaku had use another beam attack to fry the remaining Duplicates calmly approached her sword. Pulling it free of the wall, the corpse dropped to the ground as she shook the blood free of the blade before returning it to its scabbard. Focusing back on her sibling she finished her thought by adding, "Yet, thanks to Naruto, we are free to choose what we do with those lives. You can continue to live as you want and he wouldn't have judged you harshly for it. Yet, it was when you discard the values that others have that you became someone he doesn't wish to be associated with. I imagine that even should you throw yourself at him at this point he would reject you."

She knew her words had prickled her sister's pride as she assumed a defensive stance while stating, "Why should that bother me? I have plenty of men that would gladly keep my bed warm."

Tier inclined her head, but countered, "Yet, I imagine it pales in comparison to the warmth that Kiyomi, and the others feel both in and outside of his bed."

Tier suspected she was correct as a slight frown appeared on her sister' visage before she bitterly asked, "And what firsthand knowledge do you base that opinion on?"

Tier's smile remained hidden behind her mempo, but she suspected her eyes reflected it as she replied, "None at the moment, but if it is similar to the feelings that warm me when in his presence now, then I imagine it can only pale should we connect in a more intimate fashion. If he accepts me then I will be sure to let you know." Tier then headed towards the Hive Breeding grounds to once more warm herself in the presence of the man that she was more and more certain would not only make the world a better place for people and Bijuu alike. But, was also the man that her heart had chosen to warm both her spirit and her bed, a fact which remembering some of the cries her sisters had let out caused a familiar tingle to appear between her legs. A tingle that she hoped Naruto would agree to help her fully enjoy the experience that its appearance meant her body wanted to take part in.


Kakashi's hands flashed through dozens of seals before he spit out a giant ball of flame which caught a Duplicate in the chest. The duplicate had been in the process of reeling in a screaming kunoichi using its tentacles. The jounin leapt to the woman's aid hefting her up in his arms as what remained of the Duplicate toppled back. He looked up and cursed as another pair of duplicates attempted to drop down on him from above. But, before he needed to come up with a plan to extract himself, Tenten appeared behind them using the polearm Naruto had given her to slice through them.

She landed gracefully as she resealed the weapon before producing several kunai which she tossed at several more charging duplicates. The Duplicate leading the pact dropped to its knees as several others used it to leap over the wall of vines that it created to block the projectiles. Kakashi and Tenten quickly pulled back as Tenten said watching tentacles appearing from the charging Duplicate's nether regions, "Seriously, when did my life become some bizarre tentacle video."

"Tell me about it," the woman in Kakashi's arms said.

"Oh, I can kind of see the appeal," Kakashi said but regretted it as both women looked at him like he was the one sprouting tentacles.

Tenten simply retorted, "Then why don't you go back there and distract them for us."

Kakashi looked over his shoulder and seeing the Duplicates gaining replied, "In hindsight, please withdraw my previous comment."

Tenten turned pulling a scroll which she opened and summoned the many kunai stored inside. The projectiles peppered several of the Duplicates, but the others grabbed hold of them using the injured ones as shields. Approaching in the charging Duplicates wake was a cloud of beetles causing Tenten to mutter, "Oh fuck me."

She paled slightly as Kakashi while putting the kunoichi he had been carrying down said, "I think that is exactly what they want to do. So, might I suggest we keep pulling back?"

Tenten didn't need to be told twice as Kakashi gave the signal for their forces to withdraw. She did send one last look towards the tree as ever since the Duplicates arrival they had been forced back time and time again. Forcing them further and further away from Tsunade, she sent a mental reassurance to the Hokage and wasn't surprised as she felt it returned via her foxmark.

She turned to follow Kakashi as she shouted, "I know Naruto's mission is important, but we really should consider calling him back. If we keep retreating not only will we be pushed out of the Hokage district, but if might free them to attack the civilian shelters."

Kakashi nodded, but countered, "True, but with the women guarding that place I wouldn't be worried about it falling."

The kunoichi that Kakashi had rescued look back in confusion stating, "I wasn't aware of any special unit there."

Kakashi chuckled as he replied, "Oh, I think you'd find that it isn't so much the women guarding the place that make up this special unit, as much as the ones that due to bureaucratic red tape are technically not a part of our defenses."

Tenten felt a smile appear as she knew exactly to whom Kakashi was referring. The copy-nin added, "But don't worry, if Furofuki is stupid enough to attack the shelter than she is going to quickly regret doing so. In the meantime even though it probably wasn't necessary, I've sent Pakkun out to fetch some special reinforcements for us so Naruto can continue on mission."

Tenten frowned for a moment wondering who Kakashi was referring to, but through her fox mark felt a presence making its way back to the village. Guessing, Naruko was a good stand in for their shared lover she looked forward to how Furofuki reacted when another Sage entered the battlefield.


Kushina frowned cursing Kakashi as he had insisted that she evacuate to the civilian shelters. A part of her wondered why he had asserted that she do so, since he had let the Bijuu help despite not being active Konoha shinobi. She figured that he was using her and the other women such as Haku and Kiyomi as a sort of veiled threat to prevent Furofuki from attacking the civilian shelters. From what she had overheard from some of the radio transmissions the force assaulting the Hokage district was having a difficult time. Yet, despite that there had still yet to be an attempt on the Civilian Shelters.

Kushina believed it was because either via abilities that she possessed or from those she had taken control of. She knew there were several potent chakras located there, and the last thing she wanted would be to provoke them if they seemed content to remain out of it. Kushina was far from content though, which her friend could tell as she asked from behind her, "Are you regretting not reactivating your commission?"

"A little," Kushina admitted, "If so, then Kakashi wouldn't have been able to just dismiss me to these shelters to serve as some sort of repellant."

Mikoto smiled as she said, "I was wondering if you figured that out."

"I've come a long way since the days when I used to copy your answers on tests," Kushina said with a warm smile. "How about you?"

Mikoto shook her head as she answered, "No, honestly I don't know if I could ever willing put a Leaf headband on again. Naruto might have healed the hatred that I harbored for the village by exposing what it has done to my family even if we played a role in our own demise. But, the Leaf symbol will always be stained in my eyes. Yet, even with that said... I do feel a desire to help, but primarily due to the people that are involved."

Kushina could understand her fellow Family member's conflicted feelings in regards to the village. She figured it was especially difficult for her as both of them had heard people mentioning how they had always been suspicious of the Aburame. A state of being that the Uchiha had occupied both prior and especially after Kiyomi had been unleashed on the village.

Both women felt Kiyomi approach them before she stated, "It sounds as if Kakashi's group is having a hard time. I think it is time that we open a new front ladies."

"That would put the civilians in danger," Kushina said turning to look at the Bijuu she once housed. "I'm guessing that Furofuki can sense that it would be trouble for her to attack here even if she could gain new soldiers in the process." Her gaze drifted beyond Kiyomi to settle on Ino, who had been placed in charge of guarding the civilians and was monitoring the radio transmissions.

"To true, but I thinking that Tsunade has sat on the sidelines for long enough," Kiyomi stated. "I have long considered it a possibility to use the foxmarks as a means to empower one another. But that is something we can experiment with in the future. I believe though I have figured out a way to put my theory to a more immediate use. But to do so I will need your help along with Naruto's."

"I'm listening," Kushina said as her interest was piqued.

"I thought that would get your attention. We'll have to wait until Naruto's current mission is finished, but let me go over the details as we wait."


Hinata thrust out her palms causing a blast of air to smash into the Aburame beetles targeting her. The insects became disoriented as a result allowing Konohamaru to charge forward to fry them with a fire jutsu. The young Sarutobi cursed as another swarm appeared through the smoke, but before either of them could react something large smashed into the ground before them. As the dust cleared the two of them found that they were staring at the back of a giant toad which said to one of the women standing on its head, "Mmmm, my grandfather used to tell me what a delicacy the insects that the Aburame bred were. I'm going to go flatten that Naruto for not summoning me here sooner."

"Hey now," Naruko said quickly, "Don't forget who the Boss is and who is the lackey. Naruto agreed that I was the Toad Sage."

"Fine, fine," Gamakichi said, "But it's pretty cute the way you jump to his defense so quickly."

"What can I say," Naruko said hardly embarrassed, "He grows on you. But considering the restrictions on eating the Aburame's bugs is only temporarily lifted. How about you go eat your fill?"

"Now you're talking Boss," the Toad said targeting a particularly large cloud with its tongue. The pink appendage shot out catching the insects that comprised it in an instant. A moment later the summons said amused, "Mmm, Gamatatsu is going to kick himself for not answering your summons."

Naruko smiled as she looked back at her sister and the dog summons sitting on her shoulder, "Let's go. Gamakichi is a little big to be of much use besides as a means of keeping those insects off us."

Dropping down, Naruko landed in front of Konohamaru and Hinata. The Sarutobi stared at the woman dressed in a skimpy version of Jiraiya's outfit and asked, "Why the hell are you fighting in your Sexy Jutsu form? Are you trying to get those Duplicates to target you?"

Naruko flicked his forehead as the boy had stated his question while checking out her form so said, "Eyes up here pervert."

Hinata giggled as she said, "Konohamaru, this isn't Naruto. She is Naruko. She helped out during Pain's attack on the village."

"What?! She's real? I thought the rumors of a female that looked just like his sexy jutsu was just Naruto trying to confuse him or something," the Chunin said in disbelief.

Naruko let a smile grace her face as she sensed threats approaching. Having been filled in by Pakkun, she figured they were Duplicates so holding out her hand formed a Rasengan as she stated, "Let me show you how real I really am." She charged in the direction the copies of Furofuki were going to appear from and using her Sage chakra began to add her water nature to the spinning ball of chakra. For a moment it looked like a spinning globe of water, but due to the friction of the water a cloud of mist began to form around it. The first Duplicate appeared as she thrust her hand out burying her jutsu into its chest.

Konohamaru would admit to being a little disappointed as nothing happened, but Naruko kicked the Duplicate back into its fellows. It landed on them knocking them down as Naruko ducked to the side of the alley that they had appeared from. The Duplicate she had tagged with her jutsu writhed on its fellows before arching its back and exploding into a cloud of superheated steam as the water contained inside its body reacted with the Boiling Rasengan. When the cloud dispersed moments later Konohamaru felt his mouth drop as the other Duplicates had also been killed from the steam bath that had enveloped them. Naruko stepped back in front of the alley to admire her handiwork before turning back to ask, "Not bad right kid?"

Not wanting to sound too impressed, Konohamaru shrugged stating, "Naruto's Rasenshuriken is much cooler."

He noticed a vein appear on Naruko's head, but it faded as Sage said, "That was not the answer Sister was seeking with her question. Both jutsu are equally effective at dealing with adversaries. I do not see what purpose coolness has in determining the effectiveness of a jutsu."

Konohamaru was about to respond that ninja's needed flashy techniques, but before he could Sage's hand morphed into a blaster. She then blasted several more Duplicates that had been moving along the rooftops to attack them. Konohamaru stared at her with stars in his eyes as he stated, "T...that's way cooler than even Naruto's Rasenshuriken. You have got to teach me how to learn that jutsu."

"I suppose it is possible," Sage replied as her hand returned to normal.

"Really," Konohamaru said excitedly, "Okay, what's the first step?"

"You have to die," Sage said calmly.

"Um... okay..."

"Then your body would have to be modified so that I could manipulate it via chakra rods, but you would gain the Rinnegan in the process allowing you to use my abilities. I suppose then mother could return you to life, but you would have no memories of who you were."

"On second thought, I think I'll pass," Konohamaru said drily.

"I thought you might," Sage said beginning to follow after her sister who was laughing at the ghostly complexion the Sarutobi now sported.

Hinata followed behind reporting, "Kakashi, Naruko and Sage have entered into the fray. I will be advancing with them."

She blushed as Kakashi replied, "I figured that was the case when the giant toad appeared suddenly in the Hokage District. His presence is causing the Aburame to retreat. Apparently their beetles sensing a super predator are refusing to even leave their hosts. We're going to use Gamakichi as a rally point to advance. Keep me informed of your progress until we catch up."

"I will," Hinata replied, "Come along Konohamaru or your new rivals are going to leave you behind."

Konohamaru frowned as Hinata's words, although stated in a teasing tone, stung a bit more than she had likely intended. Mainly as they contained more truth then she knew. After all, having watched the powerful women easily deal with the threats he had been struggling with moments before showed him that his goal of surpassing Naruto was getting further and further out of reach. He pushed his concerns aside as he knew now wasn't the time to fret about them and resolved to close the gap in power so that the girl he was interested in could count on him the same way he was confident the Hokage and other women associated with his rival were positive that they could depend on Naruto.


Naruto teleported as Shino tried to surround him with his beetles. The Aburame waited for him to reappear before quickly disappeared from sight as he ducked behind one of the large mounds of earth that made up his clan's insect breeding grounds. "Nel doesn't like it here?" the small Bijuu on his shoulder said her gaze shifting around nervously looking for Shino.

"I can't say I fault you for that," Naruto stated wishing he hadn't followed Shino in by himself. He couldn't teleport out as almost as soon as he had entered a barrier had sprung up around the building. It hadn't cut him off from his ability to feel his lovers so he could still detect them, especially Toka's annoyance at him for rushing ahead into the obvious trap and her concern for him. Inside, he had found that along with Shino there had been dozens of Duplicates as well. The clones he had dispatched easily enough seeing no need to hold back although he could detect several more hiding due to his activated Chakra cloak, but Shino was proving to be another matter as he used Naruto's desire to capture the Hives intact and desire not to hurt the Aburame against him.

He reached down to grab the kunai he had teleported to, but was forced to leap away as vines began to appear from the fertile soil. Already having activated his chakra cloak, he moved quicker than the vines could keep up as he zigzagged between the hives. He came to a stop and looked towards Nel as she said, "Nel thinks she's going to puke."

"Whatever you do hold it in," Naruto said panicked.

But the small Bijuu said, "Too late."

She at least had the presence of mind to let go of him as she ducked behind one of the Hives to let loose her earlier meal. Naruto sensed a new threat and turned to scoop up the bent over Bijuu before moving again as several vines appeared through one of the Hives. Naruto put some distance between the new threat, while still holding the green looking Nel. He frowned as a voice he recognized as it sounded like Tsunade's stated, "Honestly, Naruto you should just give up."

Having sensed the dark feeling that had overcome one of the Duplicates he said, "Furofuki, I presume. It's been a long time."

"Ah, so you remembered the time you visited my forest," Furofuki said appearing from behind one of the Hives. "That pleases me."

"I remember a kind woman that helped supply ingredients for a medicine that Gai-sensei hoped would cure his student. But looking at all this, she never existed did she?"

The Duplicate the woman was controlling shrugged responding, "Who can say? I've done both good and bad over my life. By which criteria would you judge me?"

Naruto gaze darkened as he responded, "By the one that doesn't leave the village in chaos and Leaf-nin fighting against Leaf-nin."

Furofuki laughed as she replied, "Well I guess if that is the case then to your eyes I've must have been rather naughty. Would you like to come give me a spanking?" She held out her hand as she added, "Naruto, I've decided to bestow upon you the great honor of being my paramour."

"You have got to be kidding," the blond man replied noticing the woman's gaze narrowing at him. "Why pray tell would you choose me? I can't have left that strong of an impression from our previous meeting."

"No, to be honest I found you rather simple-minded. Not exactly who I would choose to rule by my side. Yet, now, I don't know how to describe it. But, I can sense the power you possess and that alone would be reason enough to claim you." Furofuki clutched a breast and teased her nipple as she continued, "But then there is the added benefit that taking you from Tsunade would be the thing that shatters her. She is putting on a brave front, but her concern for you is telling."

"If you hurt her," Naruto said letting the implied threat hang between them.

Furofuki wasn't impressed as she said, "Hmmm, perhaps the infatuation isn't as one sided as I suspected. But really your resistance is futile. It is only a matter of time before the tree blossoms fully and all my years of planning finally bear fruit. Whether you submit to me now, or when I ascend to godhood matters little. Either way you will be mine and Tsunade will be left with nothing."

The woman blinked and then felt a pain in her chest. Opening her eyes in shock, she found Naruto staring into hers mercilessly. He twisted the chakra blade that he had pulled while putting Nel back on his shoulder. He pulled the blade free as he said coldly, "I will never be yours, and soon enough Tsunade and I will see that all your dreams turn to dust."

Nel dropped down as the life faded from the Duplicate's eyes. He turned to collect her fearing that he had scared the small child like Bijuu from his display of anger. But he came to a stop as he spotted Shino had circled around behind him. The Aburame raised his arms over his head yet rather than the bugs he contained all the Hives around Naruto began to respond to his command. The Jinchuriki cursed as he prepared to move, but before Shino gave the command Nel leapt from behind a hive. She lowered her head as she appeared like a rocket and used the skull like helmet that she wore as a battering ram as she connected with Shino's noggin. They both fell over, but from the way the gathering insects began to disburse Naruto knew the Aburame was unconscious.

Nel obviously wasn't as she cried over her helmet due to a crack appearing in the gift Naruto had given her. He knelt down ruffling her hair stating, "Don't cry Nel. You really saved my butt just now."

"But, Nel's helmet is broken. It's her most precious possession."

Naruto smiled tenderly as he said, "Well, I'm glad it isn't so precious that you wouldn't sacrifice it for my sake. Besides I think the crack gives it more character."

Nel replaced the helmet back on her head stating, "Really?"

"Yep," Naruto said helping her to her feet.

He smiled as she quickly climbed up him to retake her perch on his shoulder where she stated, "Nel would do anything for you because she loves you."

Although it would have been easy to not take the diminutive Bijuu's words too seriously due to her childlike voice. When Naruto turned to meet her gaze, her eyes didn't seem as childlike as they normally were. Responding to the earnest feelings that he could see in them he responded, "I love you too, Nel. You've also become one of my most precious people." The Bijuu squealed happily as she tightly wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck nearly choking him as he said, "Nel... Nel...too tight."

"Sorry," she said as her childlike innocence returned to her eyes, "Nel forgets how strong she is. Let's go stop evil Tsunade because Nel won't let her have her Naruto."

Naruto chuckled guessing that the barrier had dropped as he heard Toka calling for him. He bent down to collect the still unconscious Shino able to sense the presence of several more Duplicates inside the Breeding Grounds. He alerted Toka to this fact as she appeared with Gai and Lee before teleporting to Sakura to deliver his cargo. Yet before he could teleport back Kiyomi's voice echoed in his mind as she said, "Before you go rushing back Naruto. I have a more pressing task for you to perform."

"Okay," he replied before remaining silent as he was filled in to the details of Kiyomi's plan.


Kurenai tackled a Duplicate that appeared in a doorway of the hospital room that she had just cleared after having heard the sounds of windows breaking. She stared down at the copy of Tsunade's face as she could feel the creature's tentacles rising up behind her. Recalling the horror of her attack, she grabbed the Duplicates skull jamming her thumbs into its eyes and began beating the back of its skull into the floor. After several times she heard the wet crack of its skull breaking and the body beneath her went slack.

She looked up to see Yuugao slicing another Duplicates head off while a woman under Furofuki's control backhanded an one of her Anbu and send the man through a wall. She felt weary as she got back to her feet to attack the woman as she was a part of the task force Kakashi had assigned to guard the hospital after Shiuzne had reported in her encounter with the Duplicate controlled by Furofuki. The Jounin leading Konoha's forces had believed it was likely that with Shizune's presence being discovered Furofuki might believe they were hoping to synthesize a poison to stop her. His hunched had proven to be correct as the Hospital had come under sustained assaults, although thus far they had managed to repel each one.

However, each subsequent attack became more vicious and frenzied as if Furofuki could sense the poison that medics had developed and were in the process of manufacturing in large batches. Before, Kurenai could help subdue the half-naked woman that she recognized was a woman named Yurika. The marooned haired woman that had introduced herself as Fuka Uzumaki latched onto her back. Yurika reached behind her to pull the woman off, but Fuka turned her face towards her and then pulled her into a kiss.

Kurenai found the strange sight slightly arousing, but was stunned as Yurika sagged to her knees. Fuka then let her go before turning towards to other women being controlled and raising her hand towards them summoned vines that burst from the ground to ensnare them. Yuugao used the opportunity to slam the handle of her sword into the base of the captive women's skulls rendering them unconscious. Quite aware that it wasn't a state that would last long she bound them, and had her Anbu carry the women to the room they were keeping the other captives and where the medics were administrating the poison to kill the spores.

Approaching Yuugao, as she checked on the Anbu that had been slammed through the wall, she asked, "How is he?"

"I can keep going," the bear masked man said bravely.

However, Yuugao able to tell the man was pretty badly banged up said, "Head up to the laboratory wing and switch with Monkey."

The man nodded since bravado didn't make living with broken ribs any more bearable, not to mention he knew that by fighting injured it would force his comrades to cover for his inadequacies. Yuugao stood as the man limped off and turned to her friend stating, "Are you having fun yet?"

Kurenai smiled, but before she could answer Fuka stated, "I am. I haven't had this much fun in centuries."

"Centuries," Kurenai said confused, "Just how old are you?"

She didn't need to see Yuugao's face beneath her mask to know that she was glaring at the woman as she said, "Don't listen to her. She's just being a fool."

"T...that," Fuka said as her face was growing flush, "O...or that woman I just kissed might have been with Furofuki rather recently. O...oh gods..."

"Are you alright?" Kurenai asked concerned as Fuka dropped to her knees resisting the urge to bury her hand between her legs.

"I...it's n...nothing a nice hard cock wouldn't cure," Fuka moaned as the aphrodisiac that had coated Yurika's lips and tongue ramped up her arousal.

A duplicate appeared in the smashed front entrance of the Hospital lobby causing Yuugao to curse as she pulled her blade again. Charging it as others appeared she said, "Kurenai, get her to Shizune. She must have developed a countermeasure to drugs these things tentacles produce. It won't remove the feelings completely, but it'll let at least let her be of some use."

"What makes you think that?" Kurenai asked since Shizune hadn't mentioned any such thing. But she had noticed that the medic had appeared rather flushed as well although in a more subdued manner than Fuka. Helping the woman stand, who moaned from the contact, Kurenai couldn't help but wonder if Yuugao's insight that Shizune might be suffering in a similar manner was due to some other means than just a keen eye for detail. A thought that she figured might explain how the women of the Hidden Eddy Inn seemed so in touch with one another, which left her feeling like an outsider most times.

Yuugao didn't answer as she was busy dealing with the new attack, so Kurenai helped the panting woman to the area the medics were. But she resolved that it was time that she got some answers to the strange behaviors she had noticed among the women that she lived with.


Tsunade was wearing an amused smile as she watched her village begin pushing back against Furofuki's forces. Her attention was pulled to her captor as she gasped in her throne looking as if she had just come face to face with something that had terrified her. Letting her amusement enter her voice she said, "I take it Naruto turned down your proposal."

Furofuki stood briskly turning towards the Hokage angrily to state, "This changes nothing. Soon he and this entire village will be powerless to stop me. Look beyond your precious walls Tsunade. This tree is absorbing all of your grandfather's latent chakra."

Tsunade did as instructed and could see the trees surrounding the village were dying with the brown leaves spreading further and further away from it. She focused back on the woman holding her as she said, "Do you get it? That wonderful wood release could even control the Bijuu. Have you ever questioned why?"

"I've never all that much cared," Tsunade retorted, "But perhaps because I'm not a megalomaniac."

"No, I suppose you aren't otherwise you might have spent the time trying to unlock the power contained inside your DNA as I have done."

"Sorry, but controlling a few vines is small potatoes compared to my grandfather abilities," Tsunade replied with a snort.

"Perhaps, but even what he was capable of doing pales in comparison when compared to the true originator of our understanding of chakra. The one they speak of in tones of duality, it is either the Great Uniter or Destroyer depending on your interpretation. Through your grandfather's chakra that I'm sucking from the land, I've nourished this tree which is a duplicate of the one that legends state gave this powerful goddess her powers. Soon it will bear fruit and all will tremble at my power as the world is recreated in my image."

"Look around you," Tsunade said snidely, "Everything you've worked for is falling apart. You aren't going to be recreating anything."

Furofuki sneered at Tsunade as she responded, "Perhaps you are right. Maybe I should kill you now just in case your intrepid heroes do save you."

"If you have the guts, then cut me free and try to best me that way bitch. Or do you prefer hiding behind your pawns."

"Sorry Tsunade, but the last thing I want to give you is a fair fight. Say hello to all the people you've failed when you see them on the other side," Furofuki was about to bury her hand in the Hokage's chest, but was beaten to the punch as she dodged to the side to avoid an attack from behind. She was shocked as a chakra chain hit the Hokage causing Furofuki to look back to find its point of origin. She saw a stunning red-head on the Academy's rooftop behind whom Naruto was standing. She expected them to look horrified that they had missed her and hit the woman that they had intended to save. But instead they both remained calm prompting her to call out, "You missed."

"No," Tsunade said feeling her strength returning as the chain turned red from the chakra that Naruto was pumping into his mother, "they didn't."

Furofuki turned back as Tsunade ripped her arm free of the tree connecting with the woman's face. She expended most of the energy behind the blow to pull free of the tree. But it still was enough to knock her former captor from her perch. Furofuki fell to the rooftop below, but was saved as many of the women that remind under her power created a vine net to catch her.

Tsunade pulled herself free and without the tree trying to drain her chakra felt the full effects of Naruto's chakra topping off her reserves. The chain buried in her chest faded as a red aura appeared over her body. Feeling supercharged, the Hokage dropped down after her opponent taking a moment to feel a sense of satisfaction as Furofuki's eyes widened upon seeing her pulling her fist back to finish off her former rival.

Furofuki quickly rolled out of the net moments before Tsunade landed on it. The Hokage flipped off landing gracefully among Furofuki's captives. "Kill her!" she shouted while compelling them to follow her command.

Taji was the first to respond as she charged Tsunade, but before she reached several spheres landed on the rooftop. Furofuki watched alarmed as green and purple smoke came billowing out of them. She leapt to the trunk of the tree as she felt the spores inside her victims died. She watched more of the deadly smoke beginning to spread throughout the village causing her to cry out as her Duplicates and the plant hybrid insects implanted inside the Aburame also began to die. She watched the smoke begin to disperse on the rooftop to reveal Shizune standing next to her master among Furofuki's unconscious victims.

She could hear the pride in Tsunade's voice as she stated, "Well done Shizune. You created a toxin that targeted the unique cells she used in creating her spores."

"More than that," Shizune said obviously pleased with the praise, "She used those cells in the hybrid bugs she was using to control the Aburame as well. It goes without saying that her Duplicates also were comprised of them."

"Yes, she was quite proud of that achievement," Tsunade stated. "Do you see now Furofuki? All that ego you displayed has come back to haunt you."

Furofuki glowered, but sensed the tree was nearing the point where it would give up its bounty. Hoping to buy time she said, "I imagine your apprentice has made more of that toxin."

"That's right," Shizune said preparing to launch it at the woman.

Seeing Shizune's intent she said, "You wanted to have a chance to show off against me before Tsunade. Now that the tide's turned in your favor are you too cowardly to face me."

"That's rich coming from you," Tsunade said, "But, unlike you, I'm not afraid to put my life on the line. So choose how you want to die."

Furofuki dropped down replying, "I don't mind dying so long as I have the privilege of taking you with me."

She charged toward her hated nemesis, an action that was mirrored by the Hokage. The two women met before the base of the tree. Tsunade slammed her fist into Furofuki's causing it to explode as she released her chakra. Furofuki screamed even as her ruined arm began to heal, but Tsunade quickly followed it up with a kick that connected with Furofuki's side. The woman flew into the trunk of the tree as her insides ruptured from the blow. She was surprised as the Hokage simply stared at her from where she stood instead of moving to finish her off.

"Come on Tsunade," Furofuki said feeling her body healing itself, "finish it."

"I know what you're trying to do," the Hokage said calmly. "You're hoping to buy time for the tree to bear its fruit. But I'm sorry to say. Its days are numbered." Tsunade raised her hand stating, "My Love cut it down to size."

Dropping it, Furofuki saw Naruto holding a Rasenshuriken above his head which he released upon Tsunade's signal. The Jutsu flew at Tsunade but passed harmlessly inches above her head before slamming into the tree above Furofuki where it unleashed its full fury. The jutsu tore into the tree destroying the chakra network that sustained it. The nearly completed fruit that had been growing from it withered and died as it was cut off from the chakra that it had been leeching from the land. Furofuki screamed as she was caught in the blast of the jutsu, but when it ended she emerged from the dust kicked up by it.

She stumbled towards Tsunade saying weakly, "Damn you...Dam...yo..." She dropped to her knees before the Hokage almost pleading as she asked, "Why...is it... you have...everything... and I'm deprived of...everything."

Tsunade felt pity for the woman which despite what she had learned was shown in her brown eyes. Replying sadly she answered, "It's because where you closed yourself off from others. I found those who would take my pain as theirs and to which I will gladly do the same."

"W...what nonsense..." Furofuki replied rejecting Tsunade's answer. The woman fell forward then as she breathed her last.

Tsunade sighed sadly as she stated, "Yet, that is why I'm still here."

She turned to see that her lover had joined her on the roof along with other members of her Family. She smiled warmly as although she would like nothing more to run to Naruto and wrap her arms around him. The family she referred to wasn't just the women that she was bound to through Naruto, but the shinobi of her village. Taking in their tired faces she said, "I don't know about you, but I sure could use a drink."

"Absolutely not," Shizune said sounding much like she had when berating her teacher during their travels when she had gambled or indulged in spirits too much. "You Lady Tsunade are going to check yourself into the hospital."

"Really Shizune, I feel fine," Tsunade said waving off her first apprentice's concerns.

"That may be, but protocol dictates that you are to be confined to a hospital room until a full evaluation can be performed."

"Well as Hokage, I say forget protocol."

"Sorry Lady Tsunade," Kakashi said stepping in, "But with the crisis adverted and due to your capture. Authority has switched to the highest ranked medical personnel on hand."

"Which is me," Shizune said quickly stepping before her teacher. Stepping in close she whispered, "If you behave, and do what I say. I'll see that you get some alone time with our lover. Otherwise, I might just have to make sure he stays clear of you as it might be possible you have been contaminated by Furofuki in some way."

"You wouldn't," Tsunade said feeling the aftereffects of being pumped full of Naruto's chakra.

"Try me," Shizune said displaying a spine that had asserted itself from time to time, but in the end always wilted when Tsunade really pressed.

Sensing that would no longer be the case, she raised her hands in defeat stating, "Fine, you win. Take me away doctor."

Naruto chuckled while watching Tsunade act similar to him when being forced to stay at the hospital. Glad that wouldn't be the case for him this time, he felt his cock begin to stiffen as his mother breathed heavily into his ear whispering, "Honey, you need to get me alone now. Otherwise, I'm going to mount you right here."

Guessing his mother was feeling the effects of his chakra having run through her. He scooped her up while stating, "Sure thing, I guess one benefit of still being a genin is not having to stick around to do paperwork."

Kakashi hearing that groaned as he knew it fell on his shoulders to write up the incident. Thinking about the mountains of dead trees that he would be needed to use fulfill his task he said, "Well, at least we have the wood for the job." He let out a perverse giggle as he imagined his student using a different piece of wood for the task that lay before him.

The sound caused the kunoichi that the jounin had saved earlier to ask Tenten, "Honestly, what does anyone see in a pervert like him?"

Tenten shrugged before replying, "No idea. But not all perverts are bad. Some can actually be pretty loveable."

The kunoichi gave her an appraising look before asking, "Anyone in particular that you are referring to?"

Tenten just smiled as she answered, "Yeah, but my lips are sealed." The kunoichi pouted as Tenten looked for a way to slip away so she could spend a little time with her loveable pervert and his extremely horny mother.


A masked woman in a loose flowing white gown raised her hands towards the heavens while chanting, "And the Black Kyuubi shall signify the return of the chaos that our holy mother tried to quell."

"Praise be to the Moon Goddess, the enemy of chaos," the gathered cult members said as they held a sermon in the hidden temple the main sect of the Descendants of the Moon had used since its founding.

"That is right my children," The woman that had led the cult for almost a century as the latest High Priestess said. She swayed the low dip in front of the gown that she wore allowing her breasts to peak out as she moved. She felt no shame as the cult like most tended to be rather free spirited in regards to sex. She had appeared naked before them many times, although only one follower had ever seen what lay behind her mask as the woman was her most trusted acolyte and lover. However, she was dealing with other matters at the moment so the Priestess in a hurry to rejoin her continued, "Yet despite our mothers kindness she was betrayed by those closest to her and sealed away. An act which has doomed this world to the cycle war and destruction, that is why we are here is it not? Who here has not felt the effects of war?"

"None have known the serenity of peace," the gathered members replied.

"That is the sad truth of this world," the Priestess said memories of her old life flashing before her. "Peace... the peace that the shinobi villages claim to value is a lie. A lie to buy time for their next war and then the next one. Only the peace our mother offered was absolute. Only by returning her to this world will we finally be free of the cycle and be embraced in her true understanding of peace. A world where everyone's greatest desires will be realized."

"Only by bathing in the Moon Goddess's light shall we all stand as equals," the cult replied.

"That is right children," the Priestess said lowering her hands and staring at the crowd. Despite the mask that she wore which covered her face complete accept for an opening around her mouth and chin, the black pupil of her right eye was visible as was the white faded pupil of her left, which signified her blindness in it. "Her holy light will bless sinner and saint, the rich and poor, and the strong and the week. The Black Kyuubi signifies dark times, but through that darkness lays salvation. Since our Holy Mother was sealed away the world has been in a state darkness. But the Black Kyuubi despite all the ills that it represents also represents a sliver of hope. I can finally see the first signs that this horrible night sky bereft of the beauty of the moon is ending. The time of the New Moon has faded and with it the world of man. Soon the Full Moon shall shine brightly upon us once more and we will surrender ourselves to our Holy Mother's will."

"For the Moon Goddess's will is peace," the High Priestess flock replied.

"May the moon shine brightly upon you all," the Priestess said signaling the end of the mass.

Turning away briskly her long purple hair flowed behind her before she walked behind the statue that the Cultists associated with the Moon Goddess, which as their doctrine dictated showed a benevolent woman. Following the narrow hall behind it to her chambers, she could hear one of the two women located their saying, "Let me go!"

Entering her chamber, the Priestess smiled seeing her lover standing before a nude young woman. The captive was standing before another statue of the Moon Goddess that was holding her hands out before her. The shackles binding the naked woman's wrists led to the statues hands as if it was presenting it to her. The Priestess remembered when her lover had been chained to the statue in a similar fashion as she had needed some convincing to follow the Descendants of the Moon's teachings. She smirked as she had as well although her own indoctrination had not been nearly as pleasant.

Her lover also wore a mask and a similar white gown as her. Her mask didn't conceal as much of her face, nor did it hide the fact that her eyes were those of a Hyuuga. The woman that had gone by the name of Hanami in her previous life as the wife of the current Hyuuga head said, "But my dear, if we let you go, you'll only interfere with another or dig sites. Or are you going to deny that you've been the one interfering in our search for relics related to the Moon Goddess."

"I'm not interested in your crack religion lady," the captive and well know Archeologist Jade Chan replied. "As I told your thugs, I was looking for relics tied to the histories of the Senju and Uchiha."

"And the Hyuuga ," The Priestess said, "You've been a busy little one lately. Several of our precious acolytes described a woman matching your description accosting them when they tried to..."

"Destroy the tablet of Hyuuga," Jade said accusingly, "Your thugs are trying to destroy the past not discover it. What's the matter, your Holy Mother have a few skeletons in her closest?"

The Priestess smirked, before in a gentle tone asked, "Where is the tablet?"

"I already offloaded it," Jade replied quickly.

"To whom?" the Priestess asked stepping up behind Hanami, and liking her ear. She slid the front of her lover's gown to the side exposing the pale white skin of her breast and red puffy nipple which she teased to hardness.

"I don't remember," Jade said defiantly, although she blushed as Hanami moaned.

"So young and strong willed," the Priestess said amused. "Hanami, why don't you help her relax? It should help jog her memory."

Hanami stepped out of the Priestess's embrace and pulled her gown from her shoulders letting it slip to the floor. Standing naked before the woman, she activated her Byakugan and then gently pressed several of the woman's chakra points. Jade gasped upon feeling the final touch asking, "What did you do?"

"I've redirected the flow of your chakra to your erogenous zones." She leaned forward blowing on the woman's nipple causing it to react instantly as it hardened. Jade let out a loud moan as the Hyuuga then cupped her gently, "You moan so cutely. Do you want to feel more?"

"Do you worst," Jade said insolently despite her pussy begging to be touched.

Hanami smiled as she said, "Oh no, I intend to do my very best." She kissed Jade hungrily causing the woman to moan into her mouth as she pinched her nipples. Jade started out trying to resist the enhanced, but by the time Hanami pulled away she was panting with barely restrained desire. The Hyuuga smiled gently as she said, "Don't fight it. Let yourself go, and surrender to your desires. When our mother returns, she will create a paradise for her children."

"T...then what are you trying to hide...AHHHH!"

Hanami smiled around the nipple she had sucked at the loud moan Jade had let loose. Rolling her tongue around it, then gave it one last suck before answering, "We are merely trying to destroy the lies spread by the ancestors of the great betrayers. As you know Jade Chan history is written by the victors. Sadly, our mother's story has been coopted by those that profit from the chaos of this world. "

"I... I don't believe you," Jade said while trying to deny the pleasure that she was feeling.

"You will," Hanami said before kneeling before the bound woman while running her tongue down her chest and stomach.

When she reached the junction between her legs, Jade sensing that her resistance would crumble once she felt the Hyuuga's tongue on her pussy moaned, "N..No...stop."

Hanami smiled up at her before stating, "Let me ask these lips if they want me to stop." She buried her face in Jade's mound causing her to shout out as the Hyuuga's tongue began exploring teasing her pussy.

The Priestess watched her lover pleasure their soon to be newest convert. She sat on the bed that she shared with the Hyuuga while beginning to pet her quickly moistening pussy. She felt envious of the moaning young woman knowing just how talented Hanabi's tongue was, especially when she used her abilities to heighten the pleasure one felt. Hanami brought a hand between her thighs and began to rub her slit. The Priestess began to match her own movements with that of the Hyuuga as she also began to fondle her breast.

Hanami actions became more aggressive as Jade no longer resisted and instead began grinding her pussy against the Hyuuga's face. "F...shit...no...stop...please....please don't....don't stop...."

The both the Priestess and her lover rubbed their pussies as frantically as Jade ground her pussy against Hanami's mouth and tongue. Suddenly Jade tensed as she was hit by her climax. The Priestess despite being near her own, flew of the bed to grab the wide-eyed girl by the back of her head. Forcing her to stare into her dark right eye, the pupil shifted to that of the Sharingan, as Jade juices drenched Hanami's lower face. The Priestess bent the woman's will to her own as she imposed a desire to follow the teachings of the Descendants of the Moon and to help them with their goals.

Jade passed out both from the pleasure and being effectively brainwashed while her mental defenses were at their weakest. Hanami pulled her mouth away from Jade's taste snatch and accept a hand up from her lover. They kissed passionately with Hanami pulling away to ask, "So, shall we use her as a way sate our followers lusts."

"My how cold blooded," the Priestess said with a smile, "Is that a trait left over from finding out your clan sold you out to honor the pact they made with our mother's favored son? Would it excite you to watch her being violated?"

The Priestess saw vestiges of the gentle woman she had been likely recalling memories of the daughters she had left behind as she said, "No, but other than that. I don't see why you'd want to bring her into the fold."

"Because she has displayed a talent to find things which others do not wish found," The Priestess said pulling Hanami after her towards their bed. "We'll use that talent to find out where our unseen enemies have hidden our mother's body."

Reaching the bed the Priestess kissed the Hyuuga again and enjoyed the flavor of the woman that coated her lips. She let Hanami push her gown from her body and the fell back onto the bed. The Hyuuga smiled, before climbing over her so that her pussy faced towards the Priestess. She moaned as the Hyuuga's talented tongue began to tease her pussy which quickly reminded her of the orgasm it had just been denied. Pulling the mask from her face, she quickly buried her face between in the Hyuuga's pussy the heady scent and pleasure she felt from her Hyuuga lover, always being what allowed Naori Uchiha to escape from the cruel world she wanted to see washed away by Kaguya's return.