
70: Welcome to Club N 2

The doctor approached obviously expecting Kushina to comply with Taji's wishes, but instead she stepped aside to let the doctor leave. He looked at her for a moment as if considering telling her to leave as well, but Kushina gave him a smile that she liked to believe along with her reputation made him think better of it. She waited to make sure he wasn't going to hang around before approaching Taji's bed.

The ANBU waited until she was by the bed to state, "My desire to be alone includes you as well, Lady Kushina."

"I'm sure it does," Kushina said ignoring her wish and slid a chair near the bed before sitting down. "But, is it what you need? After everything you've been through, I think being alone isn't in your best interests."

"Best interest, huh?" Taji said with a scoff, "I don't mean to be rude, but I'm getting tired of other people being concerned about what's in my best interest."

"I'm guessing that they've decided to revoke your ANBU status," Kushina said sadly.

"The writings on the wall," Taji said bitterly, "After all, it's in my best interest, isn't it?"

"I think you know that it is," the Uzumaki replied evenly. "But, it isn't just for your benefit that they would remove you and you know that."

"That's easy for you to say," Taji snapped angrily. "You slept for seventeen years, and at least had something there for you when you awoke. What about me, huh? There wasn't anyone waiting for me. The world just fucking kept on turning, and I awoke to find everything that made a damn in my life was gone."


"Do you want to know the messed up thing?"

"What?" Kushina asked worried for the woman's state of mind.

"Although at the time... I didn't remember what had been done to me...now...now I almost wish they had simply killed me. Because, for a time at least, I had something that mattered to me back... and now, I'm just another victim of that monstrous bitch and a person who's lost everything again."

Kushina pulled Taji into a hug as she had been sobbing as she explained her feelings. "Taji, do you really think just being reinstated in the ANBU would make you happy? I can understand your desire to take back what you feel you lost more than you might think. I was just like you. I wanted so badly to regain the time with my family that I lost. I was even given an opportunity to do so. I saw a chance to change my future, and even though I said it was also for my son's benefit. In my heart, I knew I was only interested in my own."

Taji let go and Kushina could see the interest her story was generating in the woman which she also showed by asking, "W...what did you do?"

"I took it," Kushina said, "I couldn't let Minato know what was coming on Naruto's birthday directly. But, I made it apparent to him that something tragic happened to me. I thought if he knew that, he'd move heaven and earth to find out and protect me."

"He... he didn't," Taji said obviously surprised at the revelation figuring the Hokage's love for his wife knew no bounds.

The medic saw some of the bitterness that Kushina now held for her husband as she said, "No, he didn't. What's worse for me though is that despite having an idea of what was in store for me, and effectively dooming me through his inaction. He chose not to live with the consequences of his decision, but blanked his memories."

"I...I'm sure....I'm sure he felt it was only for the best of the village," Taji said quickly, "and that if he hadn't erased the memories then he would have acted."

"I'm sure you're right," Kushina said giving a sad smile, "Believe it or not, I'm not as bitter as I was because I've found something better here in the present. There still is a part of me that feels his decision was a personal betrayal, and I'm sure that might never change. But Minato was a very good Hokage. I just can't view him as being the same man that I fell in love with anymore. Your willingness to defend him is commendable, especially as his choice also doomed you to the same fate as me."

Taji looked shocked as she realized Kushina was right. But, rather than growing angry she trusted that the Hokage had made his decision because he felt it benefited the village. "I can understand why you would feel as you do, but I have to believe he thought it was best for the village."

"Then that means you're fine with the fate that has befallen you as well now," Kushina said tilting her head in a similar manner as her son did as if she was confused by the woman's response.

"What do you want from me?" Taji said growing annoyed as she was unable to truly answer the woman's question.

"Nothing Taji," Kushina said gently, "I just want to help you see that there can be just as much for you here in the present as you believe was there for you in the past."

"Oh yeah," Taji said her tone tinged with disbelief, "What do you base that off of? You at least have your son. Or, is it you think that whatever it is that you found is also going to make me see the present as all sunshine and rainbows?"

"As a matter of fact..."

"Kushina," Tsunade's voice called from the doorway, "A word if you will."


Tsunade turned to stand just outside the room. She had been helping with the wounded and victims of the battle since being released that morning. She had come to see Taji as she had heard the woman had turned down speaking with a counselor in regards to her assault and had been pushing to be released from the hospital. She had been surprised when she had felt Kushina's presence in the hospital, and more so as she realized she was visiting Taji. She had eavesdropped just outside the door, and although she hadn't been able to hear exactly what had been said, she could tell that the Uzumaki was likely going to reveal something to the woman that Tsunade wasn't comfortable with her knowing.

Kushina basically confirmed as much as she said after making sure they were alone, "Look Tsunade, I'm sure you're about to tell me that we shouldn't let her know about the Family."

"For good reason," Tsunade said quickly before the red-head could explain further. "Kushina, normally I would be the first person to say that Naruto has an amazing ability to heal people's emotional wounds. But, are you really going to suggest to a woman that just went through the type of attack that Taji did that she start a sexual relationship with your son. If so, I don't think you're thinking straight. She needs time to heal."

Kushina bit her lip for a moment, but replied, "I agree with you. But not about what is at the heart of the issue. She actually felt somewhat pleased with the end results of her rape because it allowed her to reclaim her position in the ANBU. We both know that it was the spores that allowed her to ace the exam, and considering the mental trauma that she sustained from her attack even if she could still pass the physical portion, you would still probably remove her for the time being."

Tsunade frowned unaware that a part of Taji had considered her rape as a net benefit. She recalled how she had also at one time considered having Naruto seduce the woman to brighten her outlook. However, she wasn't entirely sure that the present was the best time. She stated as much, "But still Kushina. I know what you are thinking that by sleeping with Naruto, her age would begin to reverse. But have you considered what may happen if she still fails to pass even upon returning to her prime."

"I have," the red head replied with a nod, "It's why I don't think we should just have Kiyomi make her young again either. She needs people that will support her, and Naruto, along with the rest of us would." She could see that Tsunade still wasn't convinced so having a flash of insight suggested, "What if we let her decide?"

"What do you mean?"

Kushina smiled in a manner reminiscent of her son as she said, "I mean, we give Taji a choice in the manner that she receives an injection of my son's seed."

Tsunade felt a smirk appear as she had an idea of what the red-head was suggesting but nonetheless said, "Tell me what you have in mind."


Naori sat behind a large marble table watching the festivities that the Descendants of the Moon were putting on in Jade's honor. The young woman was sitting to her left, while Hanami was sitting to her right. Leading down from the table was a set of marble stairs where the other members of the cult were enjoying the feast, along with other activities. The tables where many of the cultists were eating were arrayed in a circle around depressed section of the room that was filled with mats and pillows. It was where cult members at such gatherings could engage in the other primal pursuit of all living things once their hunger had been satisfied. At the center of the area was a pillar that supported the roof, and which had a carving of the Moon Goddess facing in each direction.

A cultist that had been pacing around the room while picking at the plate he held locked his gaze on a green-haired woman that was chatting with several others. He handed his plate to a nearby servant girl, before approaching the woman. He spoke to her for a moment before she nodded and raised her hand to him to accept his aid in standing. He then led her down to the central area where he pushed her to her hands and knees and then pushed her robe away from her hips to mount her.

The woman eagerly threw herself back at her thrusting partner while Naori's gaze traveled to one of the men the green-haired beauty had been talking to. Despite the fact that his wife was fornicating with another man a few feet away, she couldn't see any jealousy in his eyes the few times he looked over. She wasn't surprised at his lack of reaction as only the most devoted followers of the Descendants of the Moon's teachings knew where the main temple was located. By the time they were invited to join the main branch, concerns over such things as the vows made between married couples mattered little to those that had made them. Especially as one of the primary rewards that the Moon Goddess was supposed to grant to her followers was having ones desires granted, therefore all manner of pleasures could be had and indulged in.

Naori shuddered as several other men rushed down to join in and began to take pleasure from the green-haired woman's flesh. It wasn't a feeling of ecstasy for her, but one of revulsion as memories of her early years in the Cult assailed her. Back then she would have been thrown kicking and screaming to a group of men, who would have had their way with her. All while under the smarmy gaze of the High Priestess that she replaced.

Naori felt a gentle hand grip hers causing her to turn towards Hanami and favor her with a soft smile. Her Hyuuga lover knew quite well the horrors that Naori had endured before becoming the current High Priestess. Still, should one of their followers approach and ask for her to join him in the circle, she would graciously accept. Although, most of their followers tended not to as she was a rather dispassionate lover. Only Hanami truly stoked her fires and that was only in the comfort of their chambers.

She turned towards Jade as the woman said nervously, "W...would I have to entertain in a similar manner."

"Only if you want to my dear," Naori replied and could tell her response calmed the young adventurer. "I know we were rather rough on you, but now that you are one of us, you have nothing to fear. I just ask that you recognize that if it within your abilities to help grant a fellow follower's desires that doing so would please our Holy Mother. Here we are free to indulge in whatever gives us the greatest joy, be that sex, food, or as is seems to be for you, sating your curiosity about the truth of the world."

"Yes," Jade replied eagerly, "You've already shown me so much; it is so hard to believe that only yesterday I was so close-minded."

Hanami leaned forward to look past her lover and focus on Jade as she said, "It is only because so much of the truth about our Holy Mother has been hidden, and with what remains being distorted by lies spread by the ancestors of the betrayers it is easy to see why you were so blind."

"I was," Jade said before a look of guilt appeared as she added, "But I'm eager to begin making amends for helping spread those lies. I can go fetch back the Tablet of Hyuuga from the woman that I sent it to."

"All in good time my dear," Naori replied patting Jade's hand affectionately, "That task shall be handled by others. They are hunting for the ninja courier that it was passed too. In the meantime, Hanami shall be working with you to improve your abilities. You have a basic understanding of chakra, but it will not be enough to see you through the challenges ahead."

"What challenges?"

Naori smiled before stating, "I believe our Holy Mother guided you to us to help locate her stolen body. While Hanami trains you, you will have full access to our network of followers in order to locate where our unseen enemies have hid it."

Jade nodded before standing and despite being the guest of honor stated, "Then I'll get started right away with your permission."

Naori nodded as she answered happily, "Of course, Hanami will show you how you can reach out to the various branches for information." Hanami stood leading the young woman down the steps. The Uchiha watched them leave before her gaze drifted to the pillar and the image of the Goddess that she would see returned to the world. Confident that soon all her dreams would become reality she eagerly awaited the day that the cruel world would be returned to the paradise the Favored Son had told her it had been.


Taji was a little unsure about what exactly she had signed up for. She recalled how after Tsunade had called Kushina out of her hospital room both women had returned moments later. She could tell that despite it appearing like the Uzumaki had convinced the Hokage to go along with what she was about to suggest, the blonde woman still had some reservations. Still, it was the Hokage that made the pitch as she said, "Taji, despite having some concerns about extending this offer to you. I can speak from personal experience that it might be the thing to help you move forward."

"Help me move on how?"

"It's a medical procedure of sorts that will help you recapture the best years of your life," Kushina said quickly and eagerly causing Tsunade to send a quick glare towards the red-head.

Still, the Hokage couldn't deny the look of hope that appeared on the other woman's face. Therefore, she continued explaining along the lines Kushina had established, "That's not entirely accurate, but there are medical benefits to be had."

"What sort of benefits?" Taji had replied the hope that she could remain in the ANBU being quite evident.

"An increased healing factor, improved stamina, and great se..."

Tsunade clamped a hand over Kushina's mouth preventing her from stating the last benefit. Taji was rather surprised by the interaction between the two, but the first two were enough to make her want to sign on the dotted line. Still, Tsunade did cause her to have second thoughts as she said, "I can see the procedure we are suggesting has your attention. But you should know two things. The first is that if you agree, you will find that you are giving a person a means to control you similar to what you experienced with Furofuki."

"What!" Taji said shocked, "W...who would sign up for such a thing?"

A look of worry appeared on both women's faces, but Kushina said, "I'm sure the idea can be intimidating. To date this side effect has been used sparingly, and it would also be used on you to insure your silence if you only accept the most basic membership package."

"Membership package?" Taji said getting confused, "Are you selling me on a medical procedure or a club membership?"

Both women shared an amused look before as one said, "Both."

Taji supposed she could see why they had answered in such a way as she walked through the Hot Spring area located on Lady Kiyomi's property dressed in the light sundress that Tsunade had suggested for the medical procedure. She was following behind Tsunade and Kushina, who had met her at the gate. Taji looked towards the spring area and spotted several nude beauties lounging in the water or sunning themselves. She noticed they were approaching a grotto so asked, "Where are we going?"

"To my private medical area," Tsunade answered as she entered the cave and approached a wall. Turning the torch located there, Taji was surprised as the section of the wall pulled in revealing a secret passage. She stepped in first with Taji following behind as she said, "Currently a volunteer is preparing to milk the specimen for the material we will use for the procedure. If you decide for the standard injection treatment it will not be necessary. I should warn you though as you would be the first to opt for a more clinical injection, we cannot be sure of the results."

"So you are saying there is a chance the procedure would fail?" Taji said concerned.

"Well to date, we only had one member who could technically be said to have joined without receiving a direct injection from the specimen. Although, she only gained the side-effect, where the specimen could control her body when he desired. The other benefits only come from being injected," Tsunade answered. "I've consulted the person that modified the specimen and she believes that should you decide to have the clinical procedure the material should still reverse the aging process and give you the other stated benefits. But, we cannot be sure the bonding process will take that way."

"You mean I might gain all the benefits without the side-effect," Taji said figuring the clinical method the women were talking about might be the way to go. Especially in light of how mysterious they were making the direct injection sound.

"No," Tsunade said quickly, "One way or another we will find a way to insure our secrets. I have a Yamanaka on stand-by to blank your memories if need be, and another Uzumaki who could likely forcibly inject the chakra necessary to bind you with a kiss. Let me make this clear Taji, I will protect all this."

The medic looked around the refurbished tunnel that she guessed might have been comprised of the old Civilian Shelters. Focusing on the Hokage, she asked, "I can see you don't like this idea. So why go along with it?"

Tsunade focused on the red-head beside her for a moment before stating, "Kushina has made a persuasive case for you. She feels your situation mirrors hers so naturally she feels a certain kinship with you. The truth is, I also considered suggesting your inclusion years ago when you first woke up."

"Why didn't you?" The woman asked with a hint of anger tinging her voice as she thought of how the Hokage may have had a way to help her, but had kept silent about it.

"Long story short, more viable candidates became our focus so..."

"So a broken down former ANBU medic wasn't a priority," Taji said bitterly cutting the Hokage off.

"In a word, yes."

Taji looked like she wanted to yell at the woman, but Kushina cut in quickly saying soothingly, "I can understand being angry. But you have to understand, it has been an extremely busy period of time since you awoke. There was Danzou's rebellion, his attempt to disrupt the Training Force that was assembled to keep him in check, the Death of Jiraiya, Pain's Invasion, the Incident in Suna that nearly saw the Kazekage executed, and recently Furofuki's attempt to destroy the Leaf. Plus, any number of other incidents and adventures that you don't even realize have been going on."

"I don't understand."

"That's rather the point," Tsunade stated to the medic, "By going through with this regardless of the method you choose, the world as you understand it is going to change. We just want some assurances to protect our Family and our ambition."

"Family... ambition," Taji repeated more confused than ever, "What exactly is this specimen that is supposed to help me?"

"It's not a what, but a who," Tsunade said. She indicated the door to her medical lab before facing the woman. "This is the moment of truth. There is one other side-effect you should know before making a decision. If you accept the procedure and it works as expected. It will not just reverse your aging process, but will also grant you a limited immortality. You can be killed through conventional means although it might be harder with the increased healing. So, this is a process that can have very, very long lasting consequences depending on the choice you make. Are you sure it is what you want?"

"I take it that if I back out, that Yamanaka you mentioned removes the memories of everything you somewhat revealed up to now."

"Exactly," Tsunade stated unequivocally. "I don't know you well enough to trust you. But, Kushina believes that you will become a good ally, and considering his track record with making people follow him, I would tend to agree. I would just prefer we had gone about it in a more tried and true method."

"What's that?"

Both women gave Taji a wide smile before Kushina said, "Why don't you step inside and find out?"

The brown-haired woman hesitated for a moment, but then opened the door. Almost immediately she came to a stop as she saw a pair of people located in a separate room that was visible through the large observation window. One of them was an olive skinned woman with short golden blonde hair and aqua eyes. She was dressed all in white as she sat on a medical table. Taji didn't recognize the woman, but she had no problem recognizing the man sitting behind her, although the last time she had truly interact with him had been when he had just entered the world. The reason Taji had come to a stop and was staring at them with a mouth slightly ajar was because currently the woman was sitting with her legs spread widely apart while Naruto's hand was inside the front of her pants. She couldn't hear what they were saying, as it looked like Tsunade had recently added some sound proofing. But that ended as the Hokage walked by the stunned woman and flipped a switch in front of the two-way mirror.

The woman's soft moans began to play through the speakers before she said, "N...Naruto... we... we should stop."

"Ah c'mon Tier," Naruto said before nibbling on her ear. Despite the high collar of Tier's jacket, Taji could tell her cheeks were flushed from the rubbing action taking place in her pants, "Didn't you say you volunteered to help Tsunade secure a semen sample from me. I'm still not sure why you have to wait, so I'm just trying to feel good in the meantime."

"B...but I'm the one that's feeling good," Tier said before letting out a soft moan.

"That's not true," Naruto said using his free hand to angle her face towards his. Staring in her eyes, he added, "Nothing gives me more pleasure than to make my lovers feel good." He then sealed his lips to hers.

Taji watched the woman reach one hand back over her shoulder to pull her mouth tighter against the blond man's. She was surprised to find that she had moved to stand right before the window and only realized it when Kushina said beside her, "My Honey sure has a way with words."

"W...what...huh... you're okay with this..." Taji said her brain trying to process what was happening as Naruto began groping Tier's breast through her jacket with his free hand while the one rubbing her quim sped up.

Kushina giggled before answering, "Of course I am. I want my Honey to be happy."

"B...but who is that woman? What's she doing?"

"She was my volunteer to get the semen sample that we would need to implant inside you to reverse your aging process," Tsunade said as she prepped the tools that she would need should Taji prefer that method. "As you can see though, Naruto got a little impatient. It happens, although I would prefer a clean sample not one I need to extract from inside her."

Kushina turned from the window stating, "You know my Honey is good for more than one spurt, He's virile enough to give you all the samples you need"

"What?" Taji said shocked at how blatant Kushina was describing her son's sexual prowess, "but you're his mother."

"I'm so much more than that," Kushina said dreamily before reaching up to touch her son's face through the glass. "He's also the man that helped me get over Minato's betrayal. He will not make the same choice his father made, and so he is the man that I have decided to share my everything with."

"But...but that's..."

"Incest," Tsunade said finding the woman's reaction somewhat amusing, "I think you will find that is just one of many taboos that we have broken. After all, the women that you saw on your way down here are all currently in a committed relationship with him."

"What...but there were..."

"Not even half our numbers," Kushina said proudly.

"That side-effect...he's using it on you to..."

Taji trailed off as both women's looks darkened at what she suggested. Kushina stated quickly and proudly, "My Honey doesn't need to use that ability to make us dedicated to him. Take a look at the woman with him." Taji did as instructed seeing that Naruto had unzipped Tier's jacket revealing a small fox tattooed on the inside of her right breast. Kushina noticing it stated, "Do you see that mark? Each of us wears one, and it signifies our bond with him as well as to each other. We are a Family. That is what we are offering to you."

"By offering me to your son," Taji said sounding rather concerned at what she had gotten herself into.

"Only if it is what you desire," Tsunade said stepping to the mirror on the other side of Taji. "If you prefer your anonymity we will give that to you as well."


"Naruto doesn't know you are here," Kushina stated, "and although he can feel us via the marks that we wear. We have been suppressing that ability for the moment. If you prefer we can have Tier collect the semen sample, and then implant it in you. If everything takes hold, Naruto will issue instructions through the mirror that will prevent you from speaking of our secrets. You can then leave and once you revert to your prime age, another of our members will visit you to restart your aging process. You will recapture the years you missed and then some probably."

"If this member is capable of doing that, then couldn't she just reverse my age to begin with?"

"Yes," Tsunade admitted, "She could also force you to remain silent although her methods are not as precise as Naruto's would be."

All three women turned towards the glass as Tier let out a loud moan. She raised her legs up to the table as she came. The front of her pants began to darken as her juices leaked through her underwear. Tier panted contently before looking back at her lover to say, "I don't think wearing white is going to be an option around you anymore."

Naruto pulled his hand free and brought his fingers to his lips as he sampled her love juices before replying, "Sorry about that, although we should probably get you out of those wet clothes."

Tier smirked before sliding off the table. She leaned in to kiss her fellow blond before replying, "Or perhaps to even the score you should have an accident of your own."

Taji gasped as she could see Naruto tented pants which barely contained his erection. The dark-skinned woman began stroking it through his pants causing Naruto to reply amused, "I don't know. It feels like it would be kind of intentional to me."

Kushina maneuvered herself behind Taji as she stared transfixed to whisper, "Maybe now you can see why even as his mother I couldn't say no to feeling him inside me. That woman joined us only two days ago. Granted, they have known each other for a while, but that is the amazing thing about my Honey, and truthfully what I believe will truly make you whole again." Taji looked over, so she elaborated, "Sleeping with him would give you all those abilities we told you about, but becoming his lover will give you so much more. His love and support."

Taji found it tempting mainly because Kushina seemed to believe in what she was saying, but she replied, "This is just so hard to swallow. You really want me to believe you all share one man and are okay with it. I was anything but okay when I found out Tsubaki had stolen my fiancé."

Tsunade nodded in understanding, but countered, "But that is because you had placed your trust in the vow that his proposing meant you would undertake together. Learning that he had waited only a few months, if that, to move on had to come as a blow."

"It was the same for me," Kushina said quickly, "Minato had promised to love and cherish me above all others, but when push came to shove I was sacrificed for the village and the future Naruto represented. We know going in that Naruto is beloved by other women, and though we pledge ourselves to him, we also do so to each other."

"B...but what if he had to choose between us," Taji asked finding the idea tempting although she remained cautious from past betrayals. "Do you really think if he truly had to choose, he would choose me over you in a situation where he could only save one of us?"

"I trust he would choose the one that he had the greatest odds of helping. Although, I know he would do everything in his power to save us both, and would believe anything less was is a failure" Kushina replied confidently. "I also believe with all my heart that if he was asked to sacrifice one of us to accomplish some objective he desired, he wouldn't hesitate to refuse to do so."

"I...I wish I could believe that," Taji said sadly.

"Then perhaps before you decide you should speak with him yourself," Tsunade suggested.

"That would take my remaining anonymous off the table," Taji said sounding unsure of the idea.

"True, but think of it as getting to know your sperm donor before deciding on a life-long commitment," Tsunade replied. "Truthfully, I was least comfortable with the idea of Naruto not knowing who it was he was donating it for. I believe he has a right to know who it is he is helping."

"I suppose you are right," Taji admitted.

Tsunade smiled before flipping the switch to let her speak to the two in the room on the other side of the glass. "Tier, I thank you for volunteering. But, we will not be in need of your assistance with getting that sample."

The woman sent a disappointed look towards the glass, but then leaned forward to softly kiss Naruto's lips before stepping back as she closed her jacket. "That's disappointing," Tier said as her composer returned.

"You can say that again," Naruto said sending a glance down to his painfully erect cock.

"I will make it up to you later," Tier replied with an amused smile which was hidden behind the collar of her jacket.

"It's a date then," Naruto said contently as he followed behind his lover as she left the room. He watched Tier send a nod to his mother and Tsunade, but he came to a sudden stop as his eyes locked with the brown gaze of a woman that he couldn't claim to know although he had seen her around the village and as such especially couldn't explain why she was in the Den. However, he was able to quickly deduce to what use the sample Tier had been attempting to attain was going to be used for. Although, not sure where he stood on the matter, he smiled awkwardly at his lovers before saying, "Alright, who wants to explain what is going on here?"

Tsunade and Kushina shared a look before his mother said nervously while rubbing the back of her head in a similar manner as he did when embarrassed, "Well Honey, it's kind of a long story."

"I have the time," Naruto said crossing his arms, "But first, wouldn't it be proper to introduce me to the woman you had planned to Bind without my knowledge."

Kushina chuckled mirthlessly as she wasn't sure how okay Naruto would be with what they had planned, but answered, "This is Taji, and you first met her a long time ago..."


Tier hadn't stopped to hear the other women explain themselves. She emerged from the grotto and although she did feel a little self-conscious about the damp spot on her pants. She knew the women still lounging around enjoying the spring would know it simply meant she had been enjoying herself. However, she did feel the vestiges of concern appear as Yoruichi said, "Wow, you've wasted no time in adapting to your new relationship if you are already confident to walk around without feeling any shame."

Tier turned to her apparently just returned sister as she said, "Says the woman that would walk around the house naked after similar experiences with her lover."

Yoruichi gave her a wide grin as she replied, "Well it does save on the dry cleaning bills."

Before Tier could reply to Yoruichi's teasing, one of the three reasons for her concern spoke up stating, "Say it isn't true Lady Harribel. You haven't also taken up with that lowly human."

Yoruichi scowled slightly having spent the last week with the three women that followed Tier. The last two days of which had been spent listening to them complain about the idea that her sister would become one of Naruto's lovers when she had stated as much to shut down Emilou's asserting that Tier would never lower herself to such a level. She walked up to her sister and made her blush as she replied to the woman, "Oh, it is certainly true." The dark skinned woman called attention to the wet spot on Tier's pants while pressing into her back and leaning her chin on the other woman's shoulder as she sent a mischievous grin to the three followers, "In fact, I'd wager she's just gotten done being taken."

Tier pulled free of Yoruichi's hold on her while sounding annoyed as she said, "My time with Naruto concluded before we reached such a point. Although, I can't deny that he did leave me in my current state."

"That's it," Emilou stated angrily, "I'm going to kick his ass." She took a step towards the grotto, and it looked like Cyan and Mila were going to join her.

Tier's gaze narrowed as she locked eyes with Emilou who felt as if she had been struck by a physical force, although it was simply her killer intent, as the next thing she knew she was sitting on her rear staring up at the former Five-Tail Bijuu. The blonde woman made no bones about what she thought of the threat as she stated calmly, but with a hint of finality, "I will tolerate no such actions against Naruto. If you do seek to harm him for my decision to pursue a relationship with him, then my reprisal will be swift and terrible."

The Blonde woman didn't feel the need to ask if she had made herself clear as her three followers' faces made the point that she had. Even Yoruichi had been a little taken aback by it, especially as since her release from the statue, she had never seen her sister threaten to use violence so quickly. Tier's gaze moved to her other two followers before deciding her point was clear and then walked by the three women. All three released the breath that they had been holding once she had left.

Although, the three had been overawed in Tier's presence, Yoruichi could see that with it now removed the anger quickly returned especially in Emilou. The woman growled angrily before standing abruptly to rush off someplace to vent. The other two, Cyan and Mila shared a look before deciding to follow lest she do something rash which would earn them their lady's ire. Yoruichi shrugged as she knew they weren't heading in Naruto's direction, so simply stripped out of her clothes to head down into the Den and to the room where her lover had recently established a massage salon that was staffed by a clone of his. Looking forward to the happy ending that she expected to receive, she almost felt like skipping due to how her sisters kept falling for her lover. She knew Naruto didn't share her belief in the prophecy that the Bijuu's father had told them of. But she couldn't help believing that even if there was no such thing as destiny, Naruto possessed all the qualities necessary to make the world the place her father envisioned.


Taji felt that she must have stepped into a strange world upon entering the tunnels that the women bond to Naruto called the Den. After Kushina had explained why she had wanted to help her, Naruto had simply stated that he needed a drink. He had then invited her to join him, feeling the same need she had nodded. They had exited the medical lab just as a dark-skinned naked woman had walked by. She blew Naruto a kiss before approaching one of the many doors that lined the tunnel. She entered and from what Taji could see of the interior it looked like a small personal massage studio.

Once the woman entered Taji sent a disbelieving look towards Naruto who chuckled in amusement before guiding her to a separate door. He opened it, causing Taji to gap at what appeared to be the entrance of an exclusive lounge one might find in Konoha's entertainment district. Naruto stepped inside prompting her to follow as he head to the doors that led into the main area. The area was devoid of other people and as such the chairs were stacked on the tables, one of which Naruto approached taking them down and offered one to his guest. Taji sat down while her gaze took in the stages and draped off area as Naruto went behind the bar to pour a drink for them. She watched him pour and as he began to put the bottle away she said, "You might want to bring that with you."

Naruto chuckled as he teasingly replied, "Okay, but you might not want to go through a medical procedure sloshed."

"I don't know," Taji said as Naruto offered her a glass which she downed in a single gulp and then accepted the bottle to pour herself another added, "It might make it easier to go through getting the injection the way your mother wanted me too." Naruto frowned slightly as he would likely have to refuse if she got too drunk, but kept quiet. "So is this where your harem comes to dance for your amusement?"

"We take turns," Naruto replied and then took a sip of his drink.

Taji studied him, and then finally blurted, "This just doesn't make any sense."

"How so?"

Taji's mouthed dropped open as she couldn't believe he could ask a question with a straight face. "How about everything I've learned since stepping onto this property?"

Naruto laughed, but replied, "I can understand it is a lot to take in. But we didn't get here overnight, so in the fullness of time from my perspective this is just another day."

Taji poured herself another drink before hefting the glass to say, "It must be quite the life when the Hokage and your own mother are lining up new women for you. I don't think they ever doubted I'd jump into the sack with you."

She downed the glass in a single gulp again and Naruto replied, "That remains to be seen, now doesn't it? What makes you so sure I'd choose you?"

Taji grew jaded as she asked, "Are you saying I'm not good enough for you?"

Naruto sighed, but replied, "Of course not. But, if you think all I get out of this is the thrill of a new woman to sleep with, then you have vastly misread what is going on here. I'll be honest; I'm not thrilled at what my mom had planned. However, I would go through with it because she sees a bit of herself in what befell you on the date of my birth. It is a little scary how my lovers believe in me so much that they think being with me can make people's pain go away or have a brighter outlook on life. I mean, let's be honest here. Everything I learned about you was told to me just a few moments ago. Yet, that scene was obviously set up so you'd choose option B because they thought I might make you feel better about your situation."

"Are...are you saying you can't," Taji said aware that she sounded slightly disappointed.

"I don't know," Naruto admitted swirling the liquid in his glass, "But you do need to understand something." The blond indicated the room they were sitting in, although his words indicated that he was speaking in a much larger scope, "All this, was not just built by me. This isn't a testament to my ego. What I have now, was built together with my lovers. It is a relationship based on give and take. If all you want is for me to heal you while getting a good fucking, then I think you should just go with Tsunade's procedure."

The medic was rather shocked at the man basically turning down sleeping with her, especially considering it was with the blessing of his lovers it appeared. She didn't feel as if it was because he didn't find her attractive so asked, "Would you prefer I just accept my life as it is now?"

"No," Naruto said with a small shake of his head, "I want to help you. But, thus far every woman I've taken into my bed has become a part of my Family. If you don't want that kind of commitment from me, then it is best to handle this in a clinical manner. There have been a few women that despite being useful to our ambition, I couldn't or wouldn't seduce."

"Your ambition," Taji repeated confused.

Naruto gave her a smirk as he explained, "That is what started all this. I had received a scroll that would help me seduce women, so I thought why not put it to a good use and bring the villages closer. Here we are years later and it's become so much more. My lovers have embraced those ideals, and we truly have become a Family."

Taji quickly realized that many of the events related to the much improved relations between the villages that she had awoken to was probably a result of Naruto and his lovers. That understanding filled her with a sense of longing in a similar manner as what had motivated her to rejoin the ANBU. Mainly a sense of camaraderie among a group of people that served a higher purpose together. It was something that even as a jounin that she had never felt mainly because the ANBU were the first line of defense in most cases. Therefore, while regular shinobi took jobs to support the village, it was the ANBU that worked in the shadows to protect it, and squads quickly formed tight bonds in a similar manner as she was witnessing between Naruto and his lovers.

She looked at him worriedly as he leaned forward and let out a groan that sounded like he had struggled to hold back. "Are you okay?"

Naruto sat back in his chair looking slightly dazed and Taji noticed a tightening in his groin. She looked away when the blond noticed where her gaze was centered as they both grew embarrassed at his sudden hardness. Rubbing his head in embarrassment he said, "Sorry. One of my lovers has worn out a clone that she was entertaining. This is one of the side-effects."

"I thought shadow clones weren't sturdy enough for sex?" Taji asked, but then her cheeks colored more as she realized she was sort of admitting to having tried it in the past.

"A benefit of being a jinchuriki," Naruto said with a smile.

"I guess that makes it easier to understand how you can keep so many women happy."

Naruto shook his head as he stated, "I don't use them to spend time with my lovers all that often without me being around. Sure, I might gain their memories or their experiences, but I prefer to be the one to experience the moments with them first hand. I just created a few to staff a massage parlor down here. Yoruichi had a different massage in mind."

Taji smiled as she watched Naruto shift about in order to find a comfortable position and also hide his erection. She did feel herself growing aroused as she could tell that he was much larger than her fiancé had been. Thinking of him, she remembered how the first time they had made love had been the day he had proposed. It had actually been at his suggestion that they wait so long. He had been her first, much as she had been his, but upon discovering the joys of sex, both had begun to go at it like rabbits.

Still, she hadn't gone out hitting the bars or restarting a personal life upon awakening from her coma primarily because her concern had been returning to the ANBU division. Aware that due to his inability to deal with his previous erection he was likely developing a case of blue balls. She nervously suggested, "Would you like a moment to handle that?"

"I would, but my lovers get upset when I do handle things on my own," Naruto replied with an amused smirk. "In fact, since starting on this road I've only done so once."

"What made that such a special occasion?"

Naruto shrugged, before replying, "It wasn't really special. It's just that when I'm with a lover. I want to be there with her. I had just found out my mom desired me as a man, and my head was filled with visions of her. It wouldn't have been right to ask a lover to help while thinking of someone else."

The medic was relatively surprised at his response, but guessed she could understand why it was his mother and Hokage were so smitten by him. She considered pouring herself another glass to help with her dry throat, but doubted it would help. Sounding rather nervous and not exactly sure what was prompting her, she asked, "D... do you think I could help you get some relief?"

Naruto gave her a confident grin as he stood. He pulled Taji close to him and stared into her eyes as he replied, "I'm sure you could. But the question is, do you want too? I can be rather selfish and tend not to give up those who I've been with. Being with me is a commitment that could last long after most relationships end in death do us part."

Staring into Naruto's blue eyes, Taji was finding that an eternity in his arms wasn't sounding so terrible. "I'd like that," she replied, before leaning in to kiss him. Naruto accepted the kiss and responded in kind, but made sure merely to reciprocate. Therefore, as they parted the woman asked, "W...what now?"

Naruto could see the uncertainty in the woman's brown gaze so stated, "That is up to you. Do you want more time to think about your decision?"

For Taji the question helped cause her uncertainty to fade as she had half expected Naruto to leap upon her upon receiving her permission. She suspected that had she been surer of her decision he would have. She understood that as they kissed, he had been waiting for her to take the next step. She also realized his comment about it remaining to be seen if he would chose her, hadn't been meant as a slight, but also a reflection of how she had been dealing with her learning about his Harem by downing glass after glass of alcohol in short order. As well as her thinking she could just have a little fun, while regaining the youth that she had lost. Naruto had wanted her clear headed, and aware that he viewed taking her into his bed and life meant that for him it was a lifelong commitment. Which, considering the effective immortality that she would gain in the process meant a lot longer than even most marriages.