
71: Welcome to Club N: Part II

Samui snapped awake as a voice called, "Hey Samui, you finally convinced me to do an escort mission for that shipping company, and you're going to play hooky."

The blonde kunoichi felt a surge of panic, but she didn't show it with action partially due to her knowing her head would make her pay for it. But also because of the warm comforting weight that was lying atop of her chest. A weight which shifted groggily as Yugito removed her head from the comfortable flesh pillows that she had been using as she said annoyed at her sleep being disturbed, "Who the fuck gave Karui the access code to the elevator?"

"I did," Samui admitted earning her the former host of the two tails' ire. It increased as she asked, "Can you tell her I'll be down in a moment? I need to get in a quick shower."

Yugito's annoyance faded and she smiled as she said, "Yeah sure, you do smell like a thoroughly fucked woman should. Although, I'm pretty sure I smell the same."

Samui moaned as Yugito gave her pussy a quick rub before leaving the bed. She watched the woman grab the slip of a dress that she had worn to Club N the night before from the floor, and quickly pull it on. The wrinkled garment and her frizzy hair definitely gave the impression of a woman that had spent the evening drinking and then rutting the night away. For the women of the Hidden Thunder Inn, that had meant returning via the teleportation seal and then continuing with the K-clones that had pretended to be them in case someone came searching for them due to an emergency. She and Yugito had ended up in her apartment as they had been pleasured by the clones that they had partnered with until they had exhausted themselves. Samui briefly wondered where Mabui had retired with the clone she had commandeered, but figured that if Karui had seen her in the common area, she'd be yelling in an entirely different way.

As Yugito picked up her high heels while leaving the apartment, Samui had moved to begin cleaning herself up. She smiled though as Yugito called from the balcony that contained the apartments down to the common area, "Calm the fuck down Karui. Samui will be down in a moment."


Karui was about to respond in kind, but she stopped upon seeing the blonde jinchuriki walking across the balcony. The woman looked to have been in the midst of a walk of shame, but looking at her, Karui couldn't see any shame at all. In fact, she looked like the very definition of a woman who had thoroughly enjoyed herself the night before.

She watched Yugito head to a separate room and step inside making Karui wonder why the woman had apparently slept in the room that she had emerged from. When the door closed, she again looked around the large open room that served as the Hidden Thunder Inn. However, to the red head's eyes, she figured it looked more like a three story penthouse. She had never visited Mabui's home before as she hadn't been that close to her despite her being the Raikage's assistant. She had been surprised though when her teammate Samui had moved into the building along the same time as Yugito had. Mainly as while she could see the white haired assistant living in such a place. It was a little harder to picture the two blondes having the money to do so. Although, she had figured that due to a downturn in the Kumo Economy before it had joined the Alliance that the housing prices had fallen. It hadn't hit Mabui as hard primarily as her duties as the Raikage's assistant provide her with a steady stream of income.

Karui had heard that a company had bought the building Mabui had lived in along with several others. It had then renovated them. But to Karui is looked as if they hadn't so much fixed up the three floors where the three women lived, but had completely redesigned them. The first floor looked to serve as some sort of common area. There was a large television with several couches and chairs arranged around it set off to the side. There were other areas where people could sit and minge, such as a bar area, or dining table which had a door that led off to a kitchen nearby.

It also looked like during the redesign they had cut out the central floor and apartments so that the person from the first floor could look at the many doors along the second level that lined the walls which led to what she guessed were living quarters. The third floor looked to be a combination of the first and second comprising both living quarters as well as the areas set aside for other pursuits. She had heard that the roof had also been changed so that there was a pool along with a hot tub and training area. However, it was fenced off and a privacy barrier often sprung into existence when it was being used from her understanding. All in all, it did make Karui rather curious as to how her teammate had come up with the funds to live in such opulence.

She had come to believe that a part of it was due to Samui being one of the first to jump aboard the bandwagon in regards to the Great Tree Shipping Company establishing trade between the villages of Kumogakure, Sunagakure, and Konohagakure. While it had taken a while for Kumo's economy to rebound due to the increased trade, those that had worked with the company in the beginning had apparently reaped some serious benefits. When most of Kumo's shinobi had been scrambling to get assigned B or A ranked missions, those that had worked with the Konoha based shipping company had been able to count on a steady stream of them, including the high payouts they received from the company's Gold Level Shipments. Since Samui and Yugito had been two of the earliest and at present were the only two kumo-nin trusted with Gold Level Shipments, not to mention Mabui being one of the people that had often worked the stall to assign the missions, Karui figured they had cleaned up. A benefit that the rest of the village was now enjoying as more and more jobs were passed their way as people began to feel the effects of the increased trade.

Karui had been rather stubborn about joining in, particularly with helping a Konoha company establish itself in her home village. Her primary reason being that she still hadn't exactly forgiven the village that had given birth to the man that had tried to kidnap her teacher. But, looking around the penthouse where three of the first women to have done so got to live, she didn't wonder if perhaps her stubbornness had caused her to miss out. Still, it had taken Samui quite a bit of convincing to get her teammate to go along on an escort mission destined for Konoha.

What had actually convinced her though was the pay which was deep into the A territory and bordering S-rank. Naturally, in most cases such a mission would be loaded with danger, since while it wasn't exactly spoken of, most Shinobi Villages didn't just take their customers at their word. In fact, in Kumo at least, although she was sure it was the case in the others as well, the Intelligence Division gathered intel not just on what the other Shinobi Villages were up to. But what was going on in the surrounding towns, villages, and cities within their own borders. The reason for this was obviously to know what kind of danger the village would be sending its shinobi into. However, despite having a rather keen understanding of what was going on around them and in neighboring territories. In the past, the Shinobi villages would let the Daimyo's samurai or magistrates deal with the threats which they apparently rarely did, and would only step in should they be given a mission. Naturally, this was because for all intents and purposes the Shinobi villages were simply paid mercenaries on retainer of the particular Daimyo in whose territory their village was located. This meant that they were allowed to contract with others, but at the end of the day they were beholden to the Daimyo. However, in this arrangement the Shinobi village only prospered when they were given missions. So actively removing threats was actually harmful to their economies.

That was one thing that Karui could claim wholeheartedly was a true benefit of the Alliance her village had entered into, which was that there was actually now a discretionary budget to deal with threats which they were aware of, but hadn't reached the point to where civilians were desperate enough to hire shinobi. After all, depending on the threat it was a major expense to hire shinobi to deal with even minor bandit groups as they often had at least one missing-nin. This automatically meant a mission would have a B designation or above. In most cases this was usually well outside the price range of your average Civilian. This coupled with the fact that most governors didn't exactly account for hiring shinobi in their budgets, which depending on the threat could break them, so they would let the situation linger until forced into a corner or the civilians pooled their resources. This meant that by the time shinobi were called in; they were often accepting the life-savings of people that had truly been desperate. This didn't exactly endear them to the civilians they were helping in most cases. Although, they still tended to recognize the skill and bravery involved.

Which was why to Karui, felt it was such a nice change of pace to be sent into a town or village before things reached such a critical point. It had highlighted for her that the bandit groups weren't exactly idiots either, as they had been caught completely by surprise when a team sent by the Raikage using his discretionary funds had decimated them. In hindsight, she figured it made sense as the bandits likely kept track of when a mission request was sent so they could either leave for safer territory. Or, dig in and fight. Being attacked without a mission request being sent through the normal channels had completely blindsided them. It also caused the bandits to begin operating with less impunity. Since, they could no longer count on the fact that Kumo was going to wait until a mission was received; it meant that they had to be careful in committing acts which would earn them the Raikage's consideration.

However, the missions handed out using the discretionary funds did tend to pay much less than similar ranked missions that were received under the more traditional request system. This was due to the Raikage trying to make those funds last, since the budget did fluctuate unlike with how the missions were assigned before as all the fees were included up front. Still, there was no shortage of volunteers for them since it did allow the Shinobi of Kumogakure a chance to act more like the heroes that they dreamed of being as children, rather than simply well compensated mercenaries. Plus, with traditional missions still being received from countries without Shinobi Villages, the increased trade, and companies like the Great Tree Shipping Company paying a premium for their services, there was plenty of work to be had. Not to mention, it did have the added benefit of Civilians outside of Kumo beginning to change their view of shinobi.

But looking around the Penthouse that Samui and the others called home, it appeared her teammate's personal life had enjoyed even greater benefits then the village. She had also noticed an increased happiness in Samui over the past year. No small feat considering she still wore a calm mask most of the time. Yet, Karui had seen behind it occasionally mostly when on missions when the woman seemed to be staring off into the distance. She wasn't always looking same way, but Karui would bet money that the same subject was always on her mind in those moments. Another change of note that Karui had noticed in Samui was how the busty blond never seemed to mention her assets in the negative. In the past, she had been able to almost count the minutes before Samui would allude to how her breasts were bothering her. It had always annoyed the red-head primarily since she was rather sensitive to her small by comparison bust. Yet, that seemed to be a complaint of the past. Karui had asked about it once when they had visited a hotsprings together, and remembered a content smile appearing on her teammate's face as she mentioned finding a massage therapist that had helped her. Karui had asked about who it was thinking she could stand to enjoy a good massage, especially one that could make even a small smile appear on the blonde's face. But all Samui had replied with was, "I'll consider introducing you to him someday."

Karui again looked around and figured the massage therapists name was the least of the things that Samui was holding out on her about. But she couldn't exactly blame her, since although they were teammates; she had never been particularly close to the blonde. In fact, most times when Bee wasn't on a mission with them, Karui had always figured that Samui was counting the minutes before they could go their separate ways. It had been an arrangement that Karui had been fine with as well, but as she saw Samui appearing from the room Yugito had moments before, suggesting the two had been out partying, a part of her felt like she was missing out. Particularly as her love life was flatlining since the boyfriend that she had been seeing put the kibosh on their relationship when she had made it clear her aspirations were to be more than a baby factory. She rarely talked about it, particularly since while most shinobi villages made use of kunoichi, it was with the caveat that many viewed their true duty as producing the next generation. Karui aspired to become Kumo's first woman Kage, and while she would like to achieve that dream with a man by her side who supported her. She was finding that a difficult thing to find.


"Sorry to keep you waiting," Samui said shortly after Karui turned towards her. She was rather nervous despite the calmness her voice conveyed since her foxmark was telling her that Mabui was nearby, but she couldn't see the Raikage's secretary. As such, she believed that Karui's appearance had caught the woman by surprise.

As she made her way to the staircase that lead down to the first level, Samui detected a slight tone of hurt mixed in with curiosity as the red-head asked, "Late night?"

Recalling the memories she couldn't help the smile that graced her lips as she replied, "Early morning."

Karui's amber eyes reflected the hurt that she likely felt at being excluded. She didn't comment on it due to their having more of a professional relationship then one based on friendship, but still her curiosity on what she missed caused the dark skin woman to ask, "Were there any hot guys there?"

"Only one," Samui replied feeling a cold sweat breaking out on the back of her neck as she approached the closet where her sandals and tool pouch were stored. Hoping to distract Karui, she asked, "Can you call the elevator? It sometimes takes a moment to arrive to this floor."

"I guess those are the hardships of those living in the lap of luxury, huh?"

Samui arched an eyebrow, but didn't comment as Karui went to go enter the code that she had been given which would allow the elevator to reach their floor. She opened the closest door, and found Mabui kneeling as she sat on her Naruto clone's lap. She was slowly riding his cock as he kept his hand clamped over her mouth to prevent her moans from coming out. Samui felt her pussy begin to moisten at the sight as she temporarily forgot about her guest. She remembered her place though as she heard the ding of the elevator so quickly leaned in to grab her sandals and ninja pouch. She did kiss the clone saying, "See you soon," before closing the closet.

Hurriedly pulling her sandals on and treating Karui to the rear sight of the normally unflappable woman looking somewhat less than serene. She made a final adjustment just as she stepped into the elevator causing Karui to ask, "What's the rush?"

"I just remembered that I have a massage appointment scheduled," Samui said as the doors to the elevator closed. "I'm starting to feel a need for some relief."

"Considering that we are late to meet the wagon that we are escorting back to the Leaf, you're going to have to miss it," Karui said with a frown.

"Oh, I don't think so. The man I go to see about relief actually lives in Konoha," Samui replied feeling Mabui's pleasure through her foxmark leaving her with the image that she and the clone had likely spilled out of the closet as soon as the doors had closed.

She could see Karui actually perk up in interest since she had politely shot down her previous inquiries about who she was seeing. Giving her a smile, she asked, "Would you like to see if he can pencil you in an appointment? I'm sure once you've felt his hands on you, you'll agree it is life altering."

"Don't you think you are overselling it," Karui asked a small smile of amusement appearing. "It's just a massage."

Samui surprised Karui as she saw the woman give her a large wide smile that in all her years of working with her, she couldn't remember seeing. But, something told her that in the life she had within the Hidden Thunder Inn, it was something that appeared quite often.


Konan fought back a sigh as she concluded her pitch to the Suna council about reforming the Akatsuki and Councilor Gazo waited all of a heartbeat to shout, "You have got to be joking,"

A small smile graced her lips though as Temari groaned, and her mother Karura said in a stern whisper, "For fuck's sake do you need to yell." She blushed as she realized what she said so quickly added, "Please forgive my outburst."

Konan's gaze lingered on the mother and daughter for a moment, who both looked like they were nursing some rather powerful hangovers. Konan felt a moment of disappointment at missing out on the induction of the new woman the night before, but judged it was the correct call considering the current state of the two Suna kunoichi. Her gaze moved to Pakura, who also looked like she hadn't wanted to drag herself out of bed. Being mindful of the women's plight she replied calmly, "If it was a joke, Councilor Gazo, then I traveled a great deal for nothing it would seem considering the lack of laughter."

Gazo scowled, but before he could reply Councilor Sajo leaned forward asking, "While stated bluntly, surely you can see where Councilor Gazo is coming from. It was a member of Akatsuki operating under your orders that kidnapped our Kazekage, and tried to destroy our entire village. Not to mention your organization harbored one of our greatest traitors."

Konan nodded as she replied, "I can do little to change what has happened. I can only give my word that this new incarnation of Akatsuki only hopes to work towards maintaining the current peace that exists between the Shinobi Villages."

"And what good is the word of a criminal," Gazo said quickly.

"Please remember that you are addressing my guest," Gaara said hastily, prompting a half-hearted apology from the Council member.

While not a Hardliner like most of his fellow councilors, at least those that were members from before Gaara was made Kazekage, Councilor Sajo proved his even temperament as he said, "Again, Councilor Gazo's words while harsh, do contain more than their fair share of truth."

Temari risked aggravating the ringing in her head as she said coming to her fellow Family member's defense, "Let's not forget that while we technically might have labeled Akatsuki a criminal group after Deidara's kidnapping of Gaara, for most of its inception it was an organization dedicated to bringing peace to the Land of Rain."

"None dispute that fact," a councilor named Ryusa replied, "However, even after its terrorist inclinations were discovered could one not claim their goal was still bringing about peace. Not to mention, we only have the Lady Konan's word that its goals were simply peace in its founding days. For all we know, their goals simply were small till they recruited men capable of forcing their ideals of peace upon the rest of us a reality."

Konan leveled her gaze on the councilor before countering calmly, "Much as you of the Five Great Shinobi Villages forced your ideals of peace on those of us from minor countries and villages."

Ryusa frowned but replied, "I'm afraid you will have to level that particular charge against Konoha. Suna had no role in the tragedies that befell your country. That fault lies squarely between Iwa, Konoha, and Hanzo."

"I am not leveling any such charge against you," Konan stated, "However, can you say the same for the countries that do share a border with you?" The councilor knew better than to deny that his village had likely caused suffering in the minor countries that the Land of Wind shared borders with so remained silent. Accepting his lack of reply as acquiescence to her point she continued, "This is not a forum though to bring up old grievances. Some newer than others true, but ultimately they are a product of a world that we can all agree is deeply flawed. Recently, all of us have made strides though to correct those flaws. The Alliance between Kumogakure, Amegakure, Konohagakure, and Sunagakure has shown all those present the benefits of working together."

Gazo interrupted as he said, "Granted, I can't deny that there have been short term benefits, but the issue I take with singing the praises of this Alliance is that in time they always fall apart, and then we'll be at each other's throats again."

"It is thinking like that which insured those past alliances failed," Karura stated quickly to mitigate the pain speaking would cause her.

Gazo scowled at the woman, still not used to a former Hardliner singing the praises of the current Alliance. Particularly considering Karura's past vehemence whenever the old treaty with Konoha had been mentioned. Although, he had been annoyed when she had been given a seat on the council and revealed her new political beliefs. Having spoken to her about them when he had tried to bring her back over to his way of thinking, he could admit that he could understand why she saw the world through a different prism. Particularly, as she had explained that it was through that treaty between the Third Hokage and Kazekage, that her son Gaara had found the friend that helped guide him to become the current Kage and abandon the dark path her letting him become the Jinchuriki of the One-Tails had set him down. Still, while he could understand why she would come to believe in the current Alliance, he still thought of such thinking as naïve so replied, "It is thinking like that which has proved correct more often than not. This Alliance is only a few years old. The Second Shinobi World War lasted over a decade and saw alliances form and fail, only to reform again all throughout. I'm willing to give peace a chance, but don't ask me to believe this current calm is the new norm."

"The goal is to ensure that it is," Gaara said his calm voice being a perfect punctuation to remind those present what they should be striving for. Focusing on Konan, he stated, "Having been one that needed to be forgiven for my past actions, I can understand why you wish to redeem the name Akatsuki. It is a legacy left of your past comrades before Tobi stained it with his darkness. I feel it also is prudent to remind those here that the Lady Konan is here merely as a kindness to explain her goals. She does not need our permission to proceed."

"I thank you Lord Kazekage," Konan said inclining her head. "However, some of my goals would require the aid of Sunagakure to work as I have envisioned."

'How so?" Sari asked before blushing since she wasn't a member of the Suna council, but served as Gaara's aide.

Her boyfriend covered for her breach of protocol by stating, "A fair question."

Konan gave a slight smile before answering, "When Akatsuki was first founded our goal was simply to establish peace in the Lands of Rain. After Yahiko's death, and Nagato and I lost our way, the goal changed to force peace upon all the Shinobi Lands. After all, Danzou's betrayal showed us that even if we succeeded it wouldn't stop the other villages from meddling in our affairs in order to further their own goals. This is something which in essence is likely still going on in the minor countries that border the Five Great Elemental Countries. No place was this shown greater recently then when Naruto Uzumaki revealed Iwagakure's actions in the city that borders Fang and Claw. There it was revealed that Iwa was stirring resentment to cause a civil war to erupt with the most likely result being them stepping in to quell the chaos."

Another Hardliner named Gouza asked sounding indignant, "Are you accusing us of operating in a similar manner as Danzou and his Root? If so, I for one must say that I..."

Due in part to the loudness, Pakura said, "Give it a rest? Let's not forget that Joseki was running his own off the book operations. That isn't the point she's trying to make."

Konan nodded before stating, "My point was to explain that these actions are still going on, not to assign blame. After all, it isn't always inherently wrong since if a local government is seen as Pro-Suna then you would naturally act to insure that it remains so. But, ultimately when these actions take on their darker nature it does cause people to mistrust or even hate the Five Great Shinobi Villages."

"How does Akatsuki fit into stopping this mistrust?" Gaara asked sincerely as he hadn't consulted Konan beforehand in order to gauge his council's reactions in a more honest light. He was aware enough that although he believed in Naruto's vision. He didn't want his own to be clouded by it, since as Gazo pointed out, since their inception the Shinobi Villages the natural state of being was as enemies. So, while he did believe in his friend, he also had to be sure that he always operated with Suna's best interests in mind; otherwise he would be doing them a disservice.

"As you are aware, Daimyo Toki is making plans to create an alliance of minor countries," Konan explained leaning back in her chair. "She is having difficulty getting all the principle players together since some of the feuds between those countries run as deep as they do among the Major ones. But, I believe it is only a matter of time before they realize the benefits, if only to prevent further Iwagakure plots from taking shape. Many of these countries do not have Shinobi Villages instead they rely primarily on villages like Suna, although in the past Konoha received most of those requests."

"A perk they enjoyed under the old treaty," Gouza said snidely.

To many of those present surprise it was Gazo that quickly said, "Perhaps, but one that they have rectified under the new alliance." He sent a small nod to Karura aware that she would have likely made a similar counter argument before continuing, "As such, jobs that we used to receive from countries like the Land of Birds have been returning. Yet, if I'm correct in what you are about to suggest then that might no longer be the case. Instead, it seems that you are hoping to use this reborn Akatsuki as a means to poach jobs from us."

Konan shook her head as she folded her hands on the table before her to reply, "I can assure you that will not be the case. But, it might affect you receiving jobs from these countries that is true."

"How can it be both?" Gouza said mockingly, but wilted as he received several dark glares from the female councilors present due to his tone aggravating their hangovers.

Konan let him wilt for a moment longer before answering, "Akatsuki will not be a group accepting missions for pay, but one acting with the best interests of the Alliance at heart. Akatsuki will act as an organization to insure that plots such as what Iwagakure has put in place in Paradise City are exposed. We will also act to hunt down the remnants of Tobi's forces as although they might be weakened. We cannot take it for granted that they are still not out there plotting. Being unaligned with a particular village will give us the leeway to search locations that would be closed off to the Villages that make up the Alliance."

Sajo leaned forward in interest, but pointed out, "Not to call you a liar Lady Konan, but you can't exactly claim not to have an allegiance to a village or country."

"I am aware," Konan said due to her dual role as village leader and Daimyo of Rain. "Which is why I want for the core members of this new Akatsuki to be comprised of shinobi from other countries as well. That would include Sunagakure. It would be my hope that people seeing that our members come from outside Ame would reinforce the idea it is not just an extension of Amegakure. Furthermore, it should quiet concerns among the Alliance that we are trying to pull the wool of your eyes."

"And what about those much vaunted Minor Countries?" Gouza asked mockingly.

Konan gave a frosty smile as she explained, "They would be rather pleased with the idea I'm sure. A huge reason so many came to Tobi's Akatsuki with requests was because the minor countries opinions of you and the other major villages were never that high." She could see quite a few of the councilors were rather shocked by her pronouncement so explained, "Do not forget. Most of the fighting during the previous Shinobi World Wars was done in our backyards. When those wars began to bleed into your countries you quickly sued for peace. It has long been believed that the reason we minor countries exist in the first place is to act as buffers so you don't feel the full effect of your actions. I will not belittle the lives lost during those wars, but how often have your homes been burned to ash for a war not of your making."

The Blue haired woman's tone hadn't hidden her bitterness from the memories of her past. She suspected that as it was one of the few times that she had conveyed an emotion during the meeting, her point was not lost on even the Hardliners present.

For Karura, who had only seen Konan express happiness since meeting her due to her relationship with Naruto it was a sobering experience, so although she had conspired with the blue-haired woman to insure the meeting went her way, believed it was the proper course of action as she said, "I think we should put that matter to a vote. But, regardless of whether the council decides to support the reforming of Akatsuki, I would like to put my name forth as a potential member."

She did regret it slightly as several hardliners began reacting loudly, but she smiled as Konan said, "I gladly accept your offer. Afterwards, we can meet up with the other woman that I've recruited."

Konan then sat back to watch the Suna Councilors argue over the matter. Confident that they would ultimately agree since Karura's statement had made it apparent that it was going to happen regardless. Konan felt a happiness settle over her as she took the first steps to redeeming Yahiko and Nagato's legacy. Her chakra although already red, grew a shade or two brighter as she thought of the man that despite having a reason to despise that legacy still supported her in her own ambitions.


Kurenai was surrounded in warmth as she slowly came awake which was the first sign that despite how crazy it seemed, the night before had actually happened. As the fog of sleep cleared, the events after she had let herself go began to replay for her to show her how she ended up nestled between Naruto and Yuugao. Her lips curled upwards as she recalled making out with Yuugao after she had welcomed her to what she called the Family. But, the ANBU captain soon pulled away to help her to her feet as she, Hinata, and Yakumo helped her off the stage.

She had been surprised at not feeling more self-conscious about what had happened afterwards as she was taken away, but supposed it helped that most of the women present were in similar states of dishevel. Those not currently still with a clone had clapped or raised a glass towards her. Another reason Kurenai figured she had not been too bothered by her letting her lusts run rampant was due to Anko taking the female server that she had learned was actually the Daimyo of Vegetable onto the stage where she removed the tape covering her nipples and after donning a harness with a familiar orange dildo had begun to ravage her. While Anko had been pumping the plastic phallus into Haruna, she had turned her face to begin sucking a Naruto clone that was standing next to her.

Kurenai having lost track of the real Naruto wondered if the one on stage was him, and had felt a pang of emotion she hadn't really been able to place. She supposed a part of it was perhaps regret at her actions, since it seemed that now that he had his fun with her, she was being ushered off so he could enjoy himself some more. But before the emotion took hold, she was led into a room filled with showers. There the three women with her began tenderly cleaning her of the sweat and cum coating her skin. Kurenai moaned sleepily recalling the sight of Hinata kneeling before her as she began to suck the cum from her pussy while Yuugao and Yakumo continued to soap up her body. She shivered as she recalled coating her student's face in her cream as she came from Hinata's talented tongue. The Hyuuga had then let her taste her flavor which had been combined with Naruto's by standing and kissing her.

The shivering from her recalling the erotic memories prompted the warm body next to her to pull her tighter against him causing Kurenai to awaken a little more as a smile graced her lips. She nudged her face into the shoulder she was using as a pillow while she reminisced on after being cleaned; she was given a robe which she wore as she appeared through the doorway on the opposite side of the shower room. There she found Naruto wearing similar attire and looking like he had just enjoyed a shower as well.

He gave her a charming smile as he said, "Hey, long time, no see."

Kurenai couldn't help letting out a small snort of amusement as she replied, "Actually, it seems we've seen quite a bit more of each other than we are used to."

Naruto chuckled as he nodded. "True." He then folded his arms across his chest as he added, "I guess before we talk about where this leads us, it is time for me to explain to you the truth of the world you now find yourself in."

To say that Kurenai was surprised to learn all that entailed with becoming Naruto's lover would be an understatement. Granted, there were parts she had already suspected, such as her being the last woman in the Hidden Eddy Inn to learn of his secret, or sleep with him. But, that she had also gained a kind of functional immortality, or that so much of the positive development between the Shinobi Villages was due to him and his lovers was something which had never even occurred to her. In truth, a part of her wanted to ask if he could remove the immortality and pretend the night had simply been a dream. After all, before that night she had been a woman that had been willing to deny herself the joy of a relationship and of sexual gratification because she felt she deserved neither. Yet, now she had learned she was being gifted with both on a silver platter and it might last for all eternity, which considering the happiness that she could detect from women like Yuugao made Kurenai aware of how badly she wanted it.

After explaining everything Naruto had asked, "So what do you think?"

Kurenai wasn't sure so replied, "Honestly, I think I need to sleep on it in order to process everything."

Naruto nodded before giving her a knowing smile as he said, "I understand. If you want, I can show you the entrance which leads to our apartments. The Den is connected to the Hidden Eddy Inn."

For Kurenai, his simple response caused the woman inside her that wanted everything being offered, to grab hold and shake the portion that wanted to let the guilt she felt rule their life. Primarily as it highlighted for her how Naruto was able to make his many relationships work. After all, despite having seen her in a way few could claim to have, it obviously hadn't lessoned his respect for her. Furthermore, rather than trying to compel her to accept him or pushing the benefits of joining him like a salesman trying to force a sale, he had simply given her the facts and was now giving her time to draw her own conclusions.

Yet, there was something else that she found that she wanted from him at the moment and figured it would be a way to further confirm that he was the man that she suspected him of being. "There's a bed right here."

Naruto had been in the process of turning to escort her from the Den's Master Bedroom when she had spoken. He turned back towards her replying, "I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable about sleeping down here. The others plan to keep partying the night away, and I can't promise one or two will not make their way in here."

Kurenai smiled coyly before stating, "There's room."

"That there is," Naruto replied with a smile which she suspected was born of memories created on the large bed. Yet, rather than trying to use her words as an opening to create some with her, he began to walk towards her on his way to the shower room stating, "Sleep well Kurenai. I'll ask that they try to keep their activities from spilling in here."

As he was near Kurenai grabbed his hand and when he stopped asked, "Can you stay with me? I...it would be nice if at least for tonight I could fall asleep in a bed with someone next to me."

Naruto's blue eyes stared into her red one and although she wanted him to kiss her, and suspected he wanted the same, he refrained as he answered, "As you wish." He led her to the bed, and climbed on first. Kurenai waited a moment longer, her hesitance due to her being unsure if she should follow the urge she felt from seeing the blond man on the bed. She resisted the desire to leap upon him and feel the pleasure he was capable of giving her again. But, she did drop her robe to reveal her nakedness to him. She had enjoyed the look of desire that appeared in his gaze, but she simply climbed into the bed next to him. She snuggled her body next to him and was glad she had disrobed so her skin could absorb as much of his warmth as possible which caused her to fall asleep within moments.

She wasn't sure when Yuugao had joined them, but could tell the woman was also naked as she was pressed into Kurenai's back. Kurenai although her eyes were still closed could tell that although still wearing his robe, it had opened at some point exposing much of his front. She was tempted to open her eyes to view the cock which had reinvigorated her, but wasn't sure if she would be able to stop with just a glance. She felt Naruto shiver and then let out a soft groan. She found it strange that he would be cold considering how he had warmed her. Yet, she quickly realized it wasn't due to the room temperature as she heard a wet slurping noise.

Her eyes snapped open and she looked down Naruto's body to meet the soft lavender white eyes of Hinata. Her student let Naruto's cock go with a pop before it was quickly swallowed by Yakumo as the Hyuuga tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Giving her sensei a joyful smile, she said, "Good morning Kurenai-sensei. Did you sleep well?"

Yakumo after bobbing her head over Naruto's length several times answered for her teacher as she said, "Oh you know she did. Especially from the smile she wore as she was sleeping."

Hinata nodded before lowering her face to Naruto's cock where she ran her tongue over one side, while the Kurama clan leader gave the other a similar treatment. The two women then each rose up to the tip, where they each kissed it while trying to kiss each other rolling their tongues about to push it between them.

Naruto groaned from the attention before his eyes popped open. He looked down and let out another pleased moan as he couldn't resist pumping his hips. But as his gaze settled on Kurenai, he tried to say, "Oh shit, girls you know I love waking up like this, but..."

His voice was silenced as Kurenai decided her mind had been made up the moment she had asked Naruto to lay with her so kissed him. He stiffened in surprise at first, but relaxed into it moments later. As he enjoyed the taste of Kurenai's lips, he could feel her hand traveling down his stomach until she gripped the base of his manhood. He groaned as she began to stroke what Hinata and Yakumo couldn't swallow as they took turns sucking his cock.

Kurenai pulled away to stare into the pleasure filled eyes of the man that she was going to take as a lover going forward. Not as a desperate woman whose lusts had overcome her reason for a time, but with the belief she could potentially build something beautiful with him. Looking down where her two students were working together to pleasure the dick which had made her feel incredible she realized it wasn't only with him that she would be building a future with. Giving a sultry smile she said, "Okay girls, let sensei have a turn."

She smirked as her two students complied with a quick, "Yes Kurenai-sensei."

Kurenai kissed down Naruto's stomach before reaching his dick which while still giving it slow strokes, she ran her tongue around the head of it. Naruto groaned as her tongue swirled around his cockhead, while her hand traveled over his shaft. She then kissed the end, before slowly engulfing him with her wet, warm mouth. She moaned around him as Naruto lifted her hips so that she straddled his head and quickly began to dine on her pussy.

Their actions awoke the last kunoichi on the bed, who smiled upon seeing her friend lying atop of her lover while giving and receiving pleasure. Her gaze drifted to the two kunoichi kneeling at the foot of the bed as they watched their teacher suck the man they shared and could tell they were also happy to see Kurenai embracing the life that had been offered to her. Moving to join them, Yuugao positioned herself between Hinata and Yakumo before asking amused, "So Kurenai, would you say after last night that you got what you wanted or what you needed?"

Kurenai let Naruto's dick go as she moaned loudly from the blond's tongue probing her depths. Meeting her friend's eyes, the dark-haired beauty answered, "Both!'

Yuugao smiled, as Kurenai returned to pleasing Naruto's rod. Addressing the two younger women, the ANBU Captain said, "Don't let her have all the fun girls. She's liable to hog him all to herself."

Hinata and Yakumo shared a smile before they leaned forward to join the jounin in using their tongues to bath Naruto's dick. A short time later they also began to moan as Yuugao knelt between them and slipped her middle finger into each of their wet snatches. Yuugao's pussy began to coat her thighs in its honey as she watched the three women take turns taking him into their mouths hoping to entice his dick into releasing its cream filling.

Hinata and Yakumo were currently waiting for their turn to pleasure his shaft so busied themselves by sucking on his balls. A few heartbeats later, Kurenai let him go with a wet slurp as she sat back on Naruto's face and began to fondle her breasts. Hinata quickly seized the moment and replaced her teacher's mouth over his cock. Focusing her tongue on the underside of his head she felt him swell and hummed around his length as she prepared to receive his seed.

Kurenai let out a wail as she began to climax from Naruto's tongue. He then groaned into her as he began filling Hinata's mouth in turn. The Hyuuga caught his seed until she couldn't hold anymore. She then pulled away with a pop catching a string of cum on her cheek. But, before she was hit by another Yakumo quickly capped the cum geyser which she swallowed down eagerly.

Hinata smiled as her teacher stared at the cum coating her face hungrily and then opened her mouth to show her the lion's share. She then pulled the red-eyed woman into a kiss where they passed his thick essence between them. Yuugao removed her fingers from Hinata and Yakumo as she frowned at being left out. She waited until Yakumo let Naruto's cock go as she began to swallow his seed to grab hold of it and finding him still hard said, "Well since no one saw fit to share with me. I'll have to see about coaxing out some for myself."

Naruto finished drinking Kurenai's essence and slipped from beneath the kunoichi as she heatedly made out with Hinata. Sitting up, he smiled at Yuugao as she sank down on his cock to say, "Now there's no need to be selfish. I'm nowhere near tapped out yet."

Yuugao smirked, but simply pulled him into a fierce kiss as she began grinding herself into him. She moaned as much from the cock buried inside her as from the taste of Kurenai that still coated his lips and tongue. She felt someone press into her back as their hands came around to begin fondling and teasing her breasts. She ended the kiss and looked over her shoulder to find Yakumo was kneeling behind her. Yuugao let out a moan as the Kurama began to pinch her nipples while she began to place kisses along her neck and shoulder. She tightened her grip on the blond as he cupped her ass, and began to bounce her on his cock causing it to pound against her core in a steady rhythm. She locked her feet behind him and pulled herself tight against his body trapping Yakumo's hands between them. Still, the Kurama leader simply began tonguing the ANBU woman's ear causing her to shiver between the two bodies she was sandwiched between.

Yuugao leaned her head back against Yakumo shoulder as her pussy began to coil around Naruto's drilling shaft. Her increased tightness made her quite aware of when his cock began to grow even larger letting her know her womb's thirst was about to be quenched. Naruto slammed her down on him fully causing her to scream as he began to fill her with his seed. She tightened her grip around him as she climaxed before falling back into Yakumo who gently set her down.

The ANBU captain mewed softly as Yakumo leaned over her to begin licking up the cum that was emerging from the sated woman's snatch. Naruto looked over his shoulder to see that both Hinata and Kurenai were lying side by side as they continued to kiss while rubbing each other's bodies. Sliding up behind Hinata, he raised her leg in the air asking, "Do you mind if I join?"

"I think you know the answer to that," Hinata replied before moaning as Naruto's cock penetrated her.

Naruto moved slowly within the Hyuuga as Kurenai leaned back to take in the sight of her student being taken by the blond. She then caused both of them to moan as she reached for where they were joined and began to rub them. Her actions prompted Naruto to speed up, along with Hinata beginning to rock her hips along with her sensei's rubbing. Kurenai felt a presence behind her so looked back to find Yakumo had joined them. She felt something hard being pressed against her pussy so looked down to find that the Kurama had donned a similar harness as Anko had worn the night before. Spotting a cabinet door ajar which was located between two of the many pillowed benches built into the wall of the room, Kurenai guessed it was where the women stored the toys that they used to entertain themselves while waiting for a chance to join Naruto on the bed.

She moaned as Yakumo lifted her leg in the same way Naruto had Hinata's and then slipped the orange dildo inside her. As the woman moved at a similar pace as Naruto, Kurenai looked over her shoulder to begin kissing the woman that she had trained in the art of genjutsu. Their tongues rolled about wildly before she gasped as Hinata began to rub her pussy like she was massaging the blue haired woman's.

Soon both Naruto and Yakumo began to speed up. This caused the soft moans of Kurenai and Hinata to grow in volume as there depths were more vigorously explored. Kurenai was surprised as Hinata moaned vulgarly, "Oh, fuck...yes Naruto... don't stop. I... I want your cum inside me. Fuck me harder..."

Naruto followed his lover's request as he began fiercely stabbing her with his cock. This caused Hinata's to stop her rubbing of Kurenai's snatch as she instead grabbed the woman for support. Kurenai felt her pussy grow even more desirous of the orgasm Yakumo's thrusts were building within her. Looking back at the brown-haired woman, who was using a copy of Naruto's dick to fuck her, she said, "Yakumo, it seems you're falling behind. I know you can fuck me harder than this."

Yakumo smirked from the tone Kurenai used which reminded her of when she had been teaching her. "Yes, sensei," the kunoichi replied as she redoubled her efforts.

Kurenai moaned loudly as her core was prodded over and over again by the rubber phallus. "That's good... just a little more...faster..."

Despite Yakumo's efforts, Hinata reached her end first as she cried out, "Yes! I'm Cumming!!!!!"

Kurenai watched Naruto jam his dick all the way inside the Hyuuga as he pumped her womb to excess with his cum. Her own climax as a result caught her by surprise as Yakumo followed suit. The pressure against her core caused her to bury her face into Hinata's breasts as she cried out in release. The increased pressure Yakumo felt as Kurenai's cunt bore down on the false cock as she tried to extend the woman's orgasm by pumping it more caused her to reach her end as well.

Kurenai watched Naruto place his face against Hinata's as he held her tight while they recovered their breath. Yakumo mirrored his actions as she snuggled tighter against Kurenai. The four of them wore contented smiles as Yuugao said teasingly, "Sure, leave me out again. I'm really starting to regret giving you those answers Kurenai."

Kurenai laughed lightly as she stared down at the foot of the bed where Yuugao sat with her legs spread as she rested her arms on her knees. "I'm sorry to hear that, because there's no going back for either of us." She climbed from between her two students to crawl towards Yuugao, then to punctuate her point she kissed the ANBU captain passionately. She pulled back with hooded eyes as a thin trail of saliva connected them, before then lowering her face between her friend's thighs. Yuugao moaned out as her tongue began to dance over her slit. She felt a shift behind her and moaned into the flavorful pussy she was enjoying as Naruto knelt behind her to push his cock inside.

Griping Yuugao's hips to be able to enjoy the woman's cunt as Naruto's pounding made it hard to stay on target, she looked forward to what other new experience the day would bring as she grew accustomed to her new life and Family.


Taji rubbed her hand between her thumb and index finger where the foxmark she had been given resided. A moment later the hand was engulfed by another as Naruto took it and began running his finger over the spot. She smiled at the blond man as she would admit to being rather nervous since she was currently waiting on a pronouncement of her condition from Tsunade and a red-head named Karin. The female Uzumaki was currently bent over a microscope as Tsunade stood behind her.

She looked at Naruto out of the corner of her eye and could tell he was rather nervous on her behalf. The fact that he had set aside time to attend the meeting was just a small gesture she knew, but it meant the world to the ANBU medic. It showed her that Naruto truly did view their connection as being a relationship, and was there to support her just as a boyfriend would for a woman he was seeing when visiting a doctor.

The reason for this particular visit was to insure that the spores inside her weren't making any further modifications to her DNA, then had already been made. Although rather sure that her new abilities were the extent of the changes, she did feel a small spike of alarm as Karin said, "Hm, that's curious."

Naruto though was far more nervous on her behalf as he asked, "What is? It's not bad is it?"

"Relax," Karin said looking up from the microscope as she pushed her glasses down again, "It appears that the spores have finished their modifications quite some time ago. The samples located in this slide are not from the ones located in her blood, but from a swab I took of her saliva. Yuugao has noticed that over the course of the past few weeks that male members of her squads have begun acting differently towards Taji. She suspected, and appears to be correct, that Taji has a similar ability to release pheromones to make people susceptible to her as you do."

Taji had noticed how the men around her seemed more willing to please her and would often jump through hoops to fulfil her suggestions or desires. She frowned as she thought of the implications considering her new relationship as she said, "I thought they were just being welcoming. I didn't mean to manipulate them."

"I wouldn't worry about it," Karin said, "Now that we know about it we can try to dial it back as Naruto does in most cases. But, I also believe it is just the tip of the iceberg for this ability. This sample contains pollen that I believe originated in your lungs. It also seems to be similar to the spores Furofuki used to infect you. If I'm correct, then it is possible that you could in essence take direct control of someone, or at the very least make them extremely susceptible to your commands by breathing this pollen on them."

Taji felt rather uncomfortable at the idea of being able to do to others what Furofuki did to her. "I see."

"We can perhaps experiment on learning the strength and weaknesses of this ability at a later point," Tsunade stated picking up on the woman's discomfort. "The reason I had Karin join us had less to do with that, but with how Naruto doesn't seem to be affected by your presence. Believe me, when Yuugao brought her concerns to me. I made sure to monitor Naruto for any changes in behavior."

Taji was rather surprised by Tsunade's statement. Not by her keeping her in the dark about her concerns, since the woman had more than demonstrated the lengths she would go to protect Naruto and her Family. Her surprise though stemmed from the fact that Naruto's behavior hadn't changed, especially as he had been the most welcoming and supportive man in her life currently. Realizing it was just a part of his normal behavior caused her to smile at him and grip his hand a little tighter. Focusing on Karin, she proved her own medical knowledge was impressive as she said, "It is because his semen was what brought the spores back to life. When he bound me to him, it nullified this ability in regards to him."

"Correct," Karin said, "Although you are mistaken in one part. It wasn't his semen which brought the spores back to life. It was his chakra."

Taji frowned as she considered the implications of what she was told. She had assumed his semen had been the cause behind the spores returning to life precisely because rejuvenating her had been the expected end result. She quickly realized the mistake in her thinking since while it might have been one thing to restore cells damaged by time, or even reversing the effect. Actually bringing something back to life was quite another. Her eyes grew wide as she said, "Are you saying..."

"That's right," Karin said quickly, "His chakra has the ability to restore the dead back to life. We knew of this ability for some time, but this little miracle has provided us with some concrete answers to theories we've been floating."

"What theories?" Naruto asked confused, "And why wouldn't you tell me them?"

"Because my love," Tsunade said amused, "We are scientifically minded women by nature, while you are not. You tend to just accept things as is, while we like to think about the deeper aspects of them."

Naruto pouted as he said, "So basically you are saying that you feel that you would have just been wasting your breath."

His pout deepened as Tsunade replied, "Yes, although I feel I phrased it quite politely."

"I thought so," Karin said joining in on the teasing.

"Thank you."

"I get no respect," Naruto said causing Tsunade and Karin to laugh together.

Taji smiled, but her curiosity got the better of her so asked, "I find it strange to believe that neither of you considered the possibility his chakra would restore the spores if it was an ability he demonstrated in the past."

Karin shrugged as she replied, "Well, I suppose the best reason why we didn't is because in the past it required massive amounts of energy to return the dead back to the living. When he did it for Haku, it had been his mother's intention to return Haku and save the sacrifice that was used. She was left drained in the aftermath. The same could be said with Mito. Both times there was a conscious design behind the return. The third time was Karura, but in that instance it was a byproduct of getting caught in a massive release of his chakra. In this case the sacrifice was not brought back, but again we were dealing with massive chakra requirements."

"I understand," Taji said as she pondered what she had been told, "Therefore, you assumed that it was the level of energy which sparked this ability to return the dead to life. As such, the small chakra charge contained in his ejaculate wasn't considered enough to trigger this side effect. Plus, since it was large amounts of Bijuu chakra involved you thought it was the Bijuu's chakra. But now it might just be Naruto's own chakra."

"Precisely," Tsunade said, "As you no doubt realize the reason the binding requires him to cum inside our wombs, unless are chakra networks are weakened through other means is that it passes this charge to us and taints our chakra at the weakest point. It is also this charge that allows a father to pass on his chakra nature to his child along with his DNA."

Taji nodded, as she expanded the theory, "Yes. But the charge is only viable for a short period of time. Children artificially inseminated after several hours almost exclusively inherit the mothers chakra nature. The times vary slightly, but it is believed this charge fades in time." A look of understanding appeared on Taji's face as she said, "Ah, so that was the reason for the show you put on. You suspected that if you waited then I wouldn't end up bound to Naruto as this charge would have faded. You wanted the sample to be as fresh as possible."

Tsunade nodded, and seeing her lover was struggling to understand asked, "Are you following us so far, my Love?"

Naruto sighed admitting, "Not really. I understand that my cum is basically what Binds a lover to me. But now you're saying that it's not really that, but my chakra. But now my chakra, which I assumed was a byproduct of containing Kiyomi's Bijuu form, can also restore the dead to life."

Karin hoping to help said, "Thinking of it this way. Your semen is simply a protein shake with an expiration date in regards to binding a woman or rejuvenating dead cells. This is because the chakra flavoring goes bad really quickly. However, Kiyomi's modifications do not have those same timing restrictions. Therefore, had Taji opted to be inseminated through the medical procedure with a sample that had been attained even a day earlier then she would have gained all the benefits of Kiyomi's modifications that your seed grants without the Binding coming into play. But by the same token, she would have been just your run of the mill ANBU."

Naruto nodded finding Karin's explanation helped. "Okay, but what about how you were talking about it taking massive amounts of energy to restore dead cells."

Taji had an idea and wishing to see if it was correct said, "I'm guessing it is because in the past to restore the dead to life was done on humans. The spores by comparison are relatively simple. I'm guessing that injecting a corpse with his ejaculate wouldn't cause it to return to life."

"Probably not," Karin said, "Although it might cause it to come back as a sex starved zombie like out of one of Anko's horror flicks." Karin began wiggling her fingers before her as she said spookily, "Hear that Naruto, don't take up necrophilia or else it could lead to a zombie apocalypse."

"I'll keep that in mind," Naruto said drily. "But, I do have one question then. How was Kiyomi able to bring Sage back to life?"

Karin and Tsunade shared a look before the Hokage admitted, "That's actually a very good question. To be honest, we should try to figure out if it is an ability that is unique to you and her. It's possible that it is an ability your mother and my grandmother might also share now."

Karin nodded eagerly as she thought, "We can use the dead spores harvested from dead duplicates. By having them channel chakra into them and seeing if they respond we should be able to quickly determine the truth. This might also reveal if the Black Kyuubi or its host has a similar ability. Personally, I believe it is going to be unique to Naruto and Kiyomi, with a possibility of Kushina as well."


Responding to her lover's question Karin said, "Kabuto's likely the one that made off with Sora. Therefore, he's had him long enough to run a whole gambit of tests and experiments on him."

"He has been rather quiet though," Naruto countered. "Maybe it is because he no longer needs to get his hands on my chakra."

"I don't think so," Karin said dismissively, "Keep in mind that Kiyomi's chakra was poisonous to most individuals. I believe we have developed an immunity to its harmful effects to it thanks to you. But in the past it would have killed cells not brought them back. Therefore, anything born of her before she was sealed into you would likely have a similar negative consequence on living cells, let alone bringing them back. I believe that it might be her exposure to you over a period of time which passed on this ability to her, much as your exposure to her lead to your being able to handle her chakra. Your mother simply made use of a Kiyomi's original form which was exposed to your combined chakra. If for example your mother hadn't been connected to Kiyomi's original body, then her attempt to save Haku and Kin probably would have failed."

Tsunade nodded in agreement as she stated, "We'll be able to prove this by seeing if any of the other Bijuu can bring the spores back to life. But, Karin's theory is pretty sound so I'm willing to bet they're going to be unable to." Focusing on Taji, she continued, "In the meantime, we'll continue to monitor you to make sure the spores inside you don't pose a threat. But for now I see nothing of worth to be concerned about."

Taji looked relieved as did Naruto, who helped her off the medical table that she had been sitting on. Tsunade watched them leave before turning to head to her desk where she was working on an experiment of her own. An experiment that if was successful would unlock the power she knew was hidden inside her DNA and a power that every despot or villain from Madara to Danzou wanted for themselves. As such, she only thought it right that she claim it as her birthright, to help usher in the ambition her family was working towards and to keep it out of the hands of those working against it.


Kurenai stepped into the dining room of the Hidden Eddy Inn at suppertime as her first day as Naruto's lover came to a close and felt a small smile grace her lips at the scene that awaited her which was born from a sense of content. The reason of which was unlike before where she had always felt as if the scene she would come upon had recently been reset for her. Now she felt as if she was stepping into a natural environment, which she was sure for most outside the inn would be anything but, especially as it was comprised of half-naked women all huddled around a single man. She smiled as Ino wearing a loose fitting robe rested her head on Naruto's shoulder as he continued to eat ravenously. Even without the foxmark now placed on her ankle, Kurenai would have been able to feel the pure sense of contentment radiating off of the Yamanaka. By comparison Naruto seemed rather nervous about something so seemed to be using food as a means to compensate for it.

Taking an empty spot at the table she began to fill her plate as Tenten asked him, "What has you eating so quickly, Naruto?"

Before Naruto could answer Ino said, "He's just worried about Yukata's little plan."

"What plan?" Sakura asked looking up from some notes that she had complied for Tsunade in regards to what had been learned from research conducted on the duplicates. She wasn't sure why the Hokage seemed so interested in learning how Furofuki had melded her DNA with those of plants and her grandfather, but Sakura could tell it had ignited a passion in the Senju.

Ino smiled as she said, "Yukata plans for Naruto to seduce a bunch of women still yearning for his touch."

"Accept they don't know it's me," Naruto said stopping to eat for a moment.

"Oh hush lover," Ino said amused at his anxiety. Explaining to the others present, she focused on Sakura as she said, "It turns out that ghostly ruse you helped him established has left quite a few women besides Yukata haunted by their experiences. In fact, they started a support group to help relive those moments."

Naruto sighed as he said, "I really didn't think that plan through. But seriously, who could have predicted this. I mean I didn't even use the Temptation Touch on them."

Ino laughed musically as she said, "Honestly Lover, how you continue to underestimate your effect on women is beyond me. Sitting around this table is all the proof that you should need in regards to your prowess as a lover."

Naruto knew there was a certain truth to Ino's words, but still felt admitting it would be rather conceited. He supposed the same could be said for false humility, but still found it hard to believe there were women still hungering for the Ghost's touch, especially as they had no idea who it had been creating the feelings in them.

Sakura smiled practically able to see the gears of his mind turning. Speaking from experience, she said, "Really Naruto, sometimes I miss the old you. He might have been a loud-mouth braggart, but confidence was never in short supply."

"Maybe, but that confidence wasn't exactly warranted."

"At times," the pink haired kunoichi admitted, "But, regardless it carried you through the day. The pure confidence that you would become Hokage so would best any obstacle inspired those around you, including me. In fact, I wanted to protect that dream for you even when I thought you weren't wise enough to recognize it was in danger. It caused me to nearly fail the first chunin exam since I was positive you didn't see the true meaning of the test."

Naruto scratched his cheek in embarrassment as he admitted, "Truthfully, I had no idea. I just knew I couldn't back down. It just kind of worked out in my favor."

"Then this situation with these Suna kunoichi isn't really any different," Sakura said quickly. "You might not have seen the long term ramifications, but just have confidence that it is something working to your benefit. Speaking from first hand knowledge being in your arms is rather addicting, even if they can't see the handsome man attached to them."

Naruto smiled causing Kurenai to say, "So these were the type of conversations I missed out on before."

"Indeed," Miya said although she was still fully dressed despite Kureani's inclusion in the Family. "Although it wouldn't just be conversations your arrival would cut short."

Tenten alluded to what it was the landlady meant as she sat back and slipped off her panties. Displaying her wetness she said, "Now that you mention it, I believe I was the person enjoying a little after meal exercise the last time we were interrupted."

Ino smiled as she made Naruto groan as she began to massage his dick through his pants. Giving the weapon user a knowing smile she said, "That just means you get to go first. I think now is the perfect time to unveil the new way of enjoying desert." Naruto gulped as his lovers closed in around him making it clear that from now on he was definitely on the menu.
