
78: Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part V (3)

"Now remember," Tsunade said emphasizing the point she had made earlier in the mission briefing, "there is the potential that this medical emergency is manmade. Unfortunately, the Frost Daimyo is only asking for our assistance in regards to diagnosing and curing his people, despite my request to the contrary. I suppose considering his long standing history of turning to Kumo for his shinobi needs, it is only because of our medical program that they turned to us here. Plus, I imagine that considering the current tension in the Alliance, us sending anything but medical personal would be sending the wrong message." She smiled at Sakura as she added, "Even if one of them can shatter a building with a punch." She beamed proudly as her student's already rosy cheeks flushed further. Suspecting that the initial color had been there due to the man that they shared whom she had felt return for a moment likely to wish her luck on the mission, she felt her own pussy begin to grow moist, especially since Shizune, who was standing next to her, also had a similar glow. Focusing back on the task at hand, she concluded, "Still, if you get even a whiff that this malady is intentional then I want you to contact us. I will dispatch Anbu immediately and have already stationed several squads along the border."

Sakura frowned as she asked, "Could Kumo not construed that to be a troop buildup in preparation for breaking the Alliance?"

"He could," Tsunade said with a smile, "If I didn't already tell him that they were on their way You do know that I have been doing this Hokage thing for quite a while now."

Sakura nodded before replying, "I just wanted to be sure. Plus, it doesn't exactly mean the Raikage will not use it as an excuse to build up his forces along the border."

Tsunade nodded and replied, "True, but a few squads are hardly a troop buildup. Furthermore, I doubt Kumo would risk alienating one of their best clients by hampering our efforts to help his people. Speaking of which, you all have your orders. Good luck."

Sakura inclined her head at the dismissal before following the medics that Tsunade had picked for the mission out of the office. She sighed wishing she could go, partially because she figured analyzing and curing what was ailing the people would be a medical challenge. One which she found had been long missing since it pushed her to expand her knowledge in order to overcome them in ways similar to how shinobi did their enemies. Plus, she would admit that if Kabuto was behind what was happening, she was longing for a rematch in order to show him that the first time they had fought she had been a shell of her former self. But, she knew that was purely her pride speaking.

As such, she focused her mind on more important matters than settling an old score so addressing her assistant asked, "What's next on the agenda?"

Shizune pulled one of the files she was holding and placing it before her said, "The Medical R and D department is asking for you release another Duplicate corpse into their possession."

Tsunade frowned as she read over the paper and as she did, asked in a surprised tone, "Another one? Already?"

Shizune inclined her head and as the department head had made the request directly to her explained. "Sample Ten was too contaminated by my poison for the genetic experiments that they wanted to run. They are hoping to use one of the ones that were disposed of by Miya since they were eliminated outside the poison cloud we unleashed."

Tsunade frowned as her pen hovered over signing since she was tempted to simply destroy all the Duplicate corpses that remained. But, she hesitated in doing so. A primary reason being since despite her disgust with the woman that created them, she knew many discoveries could be contained within the clones. In fact, she had used one in order to identify and map the trait within her genes which could grant her the Wood Release of her grandfather. Still, she knew there were lots of ways the discoveries Furofuki had made could be misused. She had already had to put a stop to plans that the R and D department had created to distill the Aphrodisiac that Furofuki had used to enslave women into a weapon to control enemy shinobi. Something they had also wanted to study Taji for. Even Ibiki had made plans to use it as a means to break enemy kunoichi, and had not been pleased when she had nixed that idea as well.

Shizune could tell she was conflicted so reminding her of the positives said, "It was thanks to the insights that you gained from the Duplicate that you commandeered, which lead you to find the roadmap to unlocking your potential further."

"Possibly lead to," Tsunade reminded her first apprentice since she hadn't actually followed through yet.

Shizune smiled, but countered, "I don't doubt your solution will work, and if it does, could lead to someone born with a defect such as Rock Lee even being able to harness chakra. For good or ill, the gates to this knowledge have already been opened. So there is no going back. All we can do is make sure the path we create with the knowledge is a just one."

Tsunade nodded as she signed the release form but said, "Still, considering how our own people have considered misusing the aphrodisiac that Furofuki used to control those women. I can't help feeling that it would have been best if I just had all the bodies incinerated."

Shizune nodded, but replied, "It could be said that it would have been best if Kanji had burned the scroll he found instead of opening it."

Tsunade frowned at her assistant since Ibiki had made a similar case when she had rejected his proposal to use the Aphrodisiac on enemy kunoichi, stating Naruto's means of influencing the shinobi world hadn't been all that different from how Furofuki planned to destroy Konoha. He had made the case that in the beginning, Naruto had used the Temptation's Touch to get the women that he targeted to lower their inhibitions to increase the odds that they would agree to Bind themselves to him. Therefore, although he had given them an out, it was generally afterwards that he revealed just what Binding themselves to him ensued in regards to his larger plans. To Ibiki, the biggest degree of separation between them was that Naruto had given them a choice. Naturally, hearing her lover compared to the woman that she despised had not exactly gone over very well.

Considering with her having been there, Tsunade was surprised Shizune would broach the subject, but the dark haired woman continued regardless of risking the return of her ire as she explained, "If we only look at the knowledge from how Kanji used it, then it would be easy to make a case that the Binding was evil. Yet, then it found itself in the hands of Naruto." Shizune shivered slightly and Tsunade imagined that she was thinking of just how those hands could bring her to orgasm time and again. She gave a soft smile as she continued, "I know I for one am certainly glad that it did. The point being that it isn't the knowledge which is inherently evil, but the intentions of those who use it. Ibiki, I think, would agree with this thinking as well. Where I think he is mistaken is in assuming that just because they are in our hands at the moment, whatever we do is the right thing."

Tsunade nodded, but said, "Do you agree with him in that Naruto conducted himself similarly as Furofuki? I admit that at times I might fall prey to believing that everything we do is right?"

Shizune sighed but admitted, "There have been times when I imagine others would feel that we have crossed a line or two. After all, Naruto did use the Temptation's Touch on Koharu in a manner that it seems Ibiki would like to use a drug created from what Furofuki injected her victims with."

Quick to defend her lover, the Hokage said, "He did that for me though."

"I believe that is partially true," Shizune countered. "But, to be completely true we have to admit that he also did it for himself. Koharu tried to take you from him, and he reacted in a manner to remove the threat to his happiness in you. In that moment, plots and ambitions all fell away because he was protecting what was precious to him. He reacted in a similar manner with Yugito after all. Her happiness is important to him, and so he acted in a manner to preserve it."

"It loses all romanticism when you say it like that," Tsunade said with a frown.

Shizune giggled but replied, "Perhaps, but that is just another way to color your actions so that they are right or good. Sometimes in order to be honest, it requires stripping away those notions. That is why I agree with you in not letting Ibiki use the aphrodisiac in such a manner. Naruto, felt remorse for how he treated Koharu almost as soon as the anger he felt had cleared. In hindsight, I do not believe he would act in a similar manner with her."

"But you just said that he acted in a similar manner during Yugito's defection," Tsunade said confused.

Shizune smirked before stating, "No, I said he reacted in a similar manner. One of his lovers' happiness was threatened and so he took action. Those actions though were completely different. I believe if Naruto found himself in a similar predicament as he was with Koharu, the actions he would take might be different. But, his reaction would be the same. He would insure our happiness above all else." Tsunade smiled at Shizune using the word our, and she suspected that is why all his lovers ultimately sided with Naruto acting as he had with Yugito. They all understood that someday it could be their happiness on the line, and thus trusted Naruto to act in order to protect it. That didn't mean they might have all agreed with what form his actions took, but there was an understanding that he would ultimately do the same for them regardless of the risks. Shizune brought the point back around as she finished by stating, "But, what Ibiki fails to understand is that just because we are taking action, it doesn't mean they are the right ones. It might not have been with Koharu, or with Yugito, as there could have been horrible consequences if things turned out differently. If they had with Yugito especially, lots of people would be suffering now."

Tsunade looked at Shizune in shock as she asked, "Are you saying we were wrong?"

"No," Shizune said quickly, "Only that we were not automatically right. We acted in our Family's best interests and if things had gone wrong, then we would have to own that we acted in a manner that put Konoha and Kumo on the path to war. But, we acted to preserve that which was important to us. Just like a village performs actions that might be viewed as wrong, but justifies them by claiming they are for the good of the many. In the end, there are no easy answers. Only those who act, and those who judge those actions based on how it affects them. Turning down Ibiki's suggestion to harness a drug to break people was you simply choosing to protect what you believe is important to our village's soul. Just as Ibiki suggesting it in the first place was his believing it an avenue to protect the village's physical existence. Only time will tell which is the more valuable to hold onto."

Tsunade smiled as she figured that when everything was said and done, all she could hope for was that most people would agree that the shinobi world was a better place than they had found it. Agreeing with the wisdom she believed Shizune's words had contained she said, "And you call me, teacher." Shizune flushed from the praise, but it melted into confusion as she added, "Now there is only one thing I find troubling about both my apprentices."

"What's that?" Shizune asked in confusion before letting out a surprised yelp as Tsunade suddenly surged from her chair to lift her first apprentice up and plant her on the desk.

Tsunade thanks to the slits her dark-haired apprentice had added to her outfit to show off her shapely legs easily pushed the material of the kimono aside. She wasn't surprised to find Shizune wasn't wearing any underwear and so was able to see the evidence that Naruto's cum had been leaking from her. Eyeing Shizune's slit hungrily she said, "What bothers me is how my two apprentices could conspire to arrange a quickie with our lover, but fail to invite me."

Shizune let out a moan as Tsunade dove into her snatch to begin licking out the cum Naruto had deposited inside her. She buried her hand into Tsunade's blonde locks as she began to grind her muff against her teacher's mouth but explained, "Y...you got it all wrong. I... I just happened upon them... as Naruto...yes...was giving her a sendoff...fuck...fucking."

Tsunade pulled her mouth away to savor Shizune and Naruto's flavor a moment. She smiled as she playfully teased Shizune's clit with her thumb. She then activated the privacy barrier in her office with her free hand before saying, "Well, I'll give them both a good tongue lashing when they return. Just as I now intend to give you one."

Shizune moaned out and fell back on the desk while Tsunade once more began eagerly eating her out. She pushed her pussy against her teacher's face, and found she really hoped to be present so she could receive another lashing when they returned. Not to mention, another fresh injection of her lover's cum since Tsunade was trying so hard to suction out the one she currently had nestled deep inside.


Aeris bowed politely as she said, "Thank you for shopping with us."

Once the door closed behind the customer, she moved away from it and began watering some of the plotted flowers and plants that were on display in the front window of the Yamanaka Flower Shop where she now worked. She hummed as she performed the routine task as she truly was content with where she found herself currently in life. Her current profession as a seller of flowers tended to be far more rewarding then her many years as a kunoichi infiltrator for Takigakure. She smiled though as she considered that if she had still been tasked with spying on the various villages that she had visited then she would have hit the motherload of information by working at the small flower shop.

Considering the gossip that passed through the place which she could overhear as Kiku Yamanaka interacted with the customers. Aeris wouldn't have been too surprised if the brown haired woman had worked in the intelligence gathering department before retiring. The way the woman could pry information out of her customers while asking about what was prompting their purchases truly marveled the former Taki-nin. Granted, the information seemed harmless, like if Kiku asked a man purchasing flowers hoping to make up with his wife after an argument about what had prompted the purchase. Yet, in the role Aeris and her team had performed in the past, learning that it was prompted by money troubles could have led to them bribing him. Or, if the reason was because of infidelity on the purchaser's part might have led to one of them trying to seduce the man.

Aeris doubted the Yamanaka was using the information for such purposes. Still, she knew that through the various social interactions all requiring flowers from funerals to weddings, the Yamanaka Flower Shop seemed plugged into the pulse of Konoha. Not too surprising considering both the mother and daughter's love for gossiping. It still somewhat amazed Aeris, that despite being so close to the biggest scoop in the village through her daughter, Kiku seemed to have no clue to the Family's existence.

She did attribute the Family's primary success in keeping its presence a secret to just ignorance of the possibility. Even if bits and pieces managed to leak out, the automatic conclusion would not have pointed to its existence. As such, even if Naruto was learned to have a relationship to a woman other than Ayame, the immediate conclusion would probably be that he was two-timing her. She felt on the far end of that some might suspect that they had an open relationship. Still, it wouldn't exactly lead to the idea that Naruto was gathering lovers like most people collected shoes. In essence it existed like a giant blind spot which if you knew the truth might allow you to pick up the signs, but otherwise left most people in the dark, even someone as astute as Kiku.

Letting the thought go, Aeris began to consider how she truly enjoyed working in the shop, which had resulted from Kiku hearing of how she would pick local flowers from the surrounding area and then sell them while standing near the main gate. She had apparently cut into enough of what Kiku considered the returning spouses customer base, that she had decided to recruit her. She also imagined that it was so the Yamanaka could get the inside scoop on her unique love life, since it had been a topic of discussion for a time.

Aeris, truly had come to believe that her new life was a vast improvement over her old one. Not that being a prisoner would be any person's highpoint, but she took more contentment from working in a flowershop then she had from all the missions that she had performed for Taki. Granted, at times she did find working in the shop somewhat nerve-racking particularly because of Kiku's ability to take an innocent statement about having visited a particular place in the Land of Earth and it suddenly feel like the woman was leading an investigation while asking seemingly innocent follow up questions. But, those moments had seemed to come fewer and fewer as she imagined the woman at the very least could sense she held no hostile intentions to her home.

She also suspected that Yuffie was coming around to their new circumstances, or at least was vastly more content then she tried to make it sound. The deaged former squad leader of the Team that had been comprised of Tifa and her, at times seemed more inclined to initiate an encounter with Kiba then she was. But, Aeris suspected this was because Yuffie had taken to working for the Great Tree Shipping Company as one of the guards for its shipments so could be gone for weeks at a time. Although, one of her complaints about her new life was that they had not seen fit to give her a rating which would clear her to guard its valuable Gold Level Shipments. Yet, Aeris having heard just how skilled the woman who were rated for those missions couldn't deny the two of them needed to certainly level up before they could match those particular women.

Aeris, much like Yuffie was still training despite her being content to remain a civilian. Primarily since she had always felt a strong affinity to the healing arts, so getting a chance to learn techniques from Tsunade was a dream come true for her. She had been a little surprised the Hokage seemed so open to training her since she knew of Aeris's Taki origins. Yet, the Sanin had simply stated that having more trained medics in the world could only be considered a positive as far as she was concerned. Having absorbed many of Tsunade's techniques already, Aeris couldn't help but agree since they far surpassed anything she had learned in her home village.

She moved away from the window as she finished her task, and began to inspect a rack filled with readymade bouquets for the person needing flowers in a hurry. Still, despite her contentment with her life there were a few concerns she had about it. The primary one bothering her being Koreshige. She knew it was a concern which Yuffie shared with her primarily due to how in the past they would have targeted him in order to get him to betray his village and clan. In fact, although they had shared their concerns with both Kiba and Tsume, she could tell neither felt he was truly a threat since Naruto had effectively defanged him.

Aeris feared that while they both knew he was ambitious and would concede the point if pressed. Both believed far too much in their Clan's sense of loyalty, even in a person they were diametrically opposed to. Which while it was true that Naruto's handling of Koreshige had caused his star to fade considerably, causing many of those who had bought into his rhetoric to abandon him. It had made those who remained all the more rabid in their belief that the village system was broken, particularly as it seemed Konoha was moving more and more towards peaceful coexistence with its neighbors. As such, it was difficult for them to imagine a world where they could prove themselves without battles or worthy opponents in which to test their mettle.

Moreover, Koreshige was far too ambitious to just give up, but now found his means to raise his stock within the clan blocked. Yet, she feared his methods fed into Kiba and Tsume's belief that they were worried over nothing, since although he might have comported himself as more of a politician then most Inuzuka preferred. He had still conducted himself as an Inuzuka. Yet, both she and Yuffie knew it was such people who while believing that they were entitled to more than they had been able to achieve which ultimately proved to be the easiest marks to convince to abandon loyalty in favor of their ambition. But, thus far Tsume had disregarded their concerns confident that she would be able to keep him in line. Kiba had as well, although to a lesser extent, which Aeris attributed to his faith and perhaps a little fear of his mother.

Still, Yuffie wasn't content to let the matter lay and had butted heads with Tsume over it several times. Recently her fellow Taki-nin had gone silent on the matter, which Aeris from past experience knew meant she was taking matters into her own hands. She was confident that if there was something there to fear, then Yuffie would uncover it before it threatened their new home.

She heard the door open due to it hitting the bell, so turned to greet the new customer. More out of reflex then recognition she said, "Welcome to the Yamanaka Flower Shop." Before she went into the rest, a more genuine smile appeared as she recognized Kiba who was in the midst of telling Akamaru to wait outside next to the large sword he had purchased recently. Her gaze drifted over a little as she saw Naruto walking by the main window and figured the two were breaking for lunch. She also saw a younger orange haired woman walking with the blond man, who was dressed in his typical clothes and Sage cloak. Although unfamiliar with the woman, she figured it was Moegi, whom Kiba had spoken of, and was a source of his amusement due to what he described as puppy love for the ex-host of the nine tails. Although, she knew most of the amusement came from the fact that Naruto's lovers had asked him to refrain from adding to their ranks, which she imagined made some of those interactions harder for Naruto since to Kiba, her desires were obvious. Which considering his Inuzuka's senses, she tended to think meant obvious in a less than visual sense.

She focused on the man whom shared her bed, and could see that despite the improvements in his skill. It appeared that he had come out the worst of the two during their training when considering how clean Naruto had looked when compared to the dirt and grass stains covering Kiba. Inquiring about his condition she asked, "Rough morning?"

Despite her teasing tone he smiled good-naturedly, and guessing it was related to his haggard appearance answered, "I asked Naruto to face me in Sage mode today. The results weren't pretty."

Aeris smirked as she countered, "I imagine for some they were considering your teasing of her."

Kiba frowned slightly since Moegi had seemed to delight in Kiba's ass getting handed to him. Particularly as he had at times teased her about her infatuation, especially as she had wormed her way into his spars with the blond man. Granted, his own training hadn't suffered since Naruto often used a clone to focus on Moegi's, something Kiba felt also attributed to her enjoyment of the one sided clash that was his facing a Sage mode Naruto. Still, Kiba shrugged as he replied, "Hey, I call it like I see it. Besides, she's the one acting all flirty even though he has a girlfriend." Doing an exaggerated impression of the orange haired genin, he added, "Oh Naruto, can you come here? I'm not sure if my stance is right. Can you come correct it for me?" Rather than striking a stance he posed like a swimsuit model loving the camera giving a wink and a blown kiss towards his mate. Crossing his arms, he continued in his normal tone of voice, "Plus as the training goes on she gets more and more excited if you know what I'm saying. I'm pretty sure if he asked her to fuck him afterwards she'd gladly do so even with me there."

Aeris smiled before teasingly stating, "Don't worry. I'm sure she won't steal your boyfriend from you. But it is cute how possessive you are over him. Should I be concerned?"

"W...what!!!" Kiba exclaimed at a loss for words making her laugh at him. The musical sound made him smile as he said after a moment, "I guess that was pretty catty of me."

"Only a little," Aeris replied stepping in to give him a kiss on the cheek. "But, maybe you are just hanging your own frustrations on her."

Kiba sighed before asking, "Are they that apparent?"

"Not really," Aeris admitted, "At least not to those who don't know you. But, it does appear that you must feel that you've run into a wall if you wanted to face Naruto using his Sage abilities."

Kiba sighed before admitting, "My training has really helped me improve. But, there does seem to be an insurmountable wall between me and him."

Aeris smiled softly, but wasn't sure what she could say to make him feel better since she felt that they would sound like weak platitudes to him. Particularly, since Naruto had been handed much of the power he now wielded at birth, and while it certainly had come with certain downsides. At times, it did seem like there were few avenues available to most shinobi to level the playing field.

Still, Kiba had improved considerably and she felt that if he were to face Koreshige again the match would be far from one-sided. But, she knew when compared to Naruto it had to feel as if he had made no progress. There were other methods to gain power, but most had extreme risks or potential side effects, so Aeris hoped that he didn't begin to consider them in hopes of closing the gap in power between him and his rival.

Considering the time, she asked, "Why did you decide to skip eating lunch with the others?"

A grin appeared on Kiba's face before he closed the distance with her to answer, "Being around a girl crushing hard has made me hungry for something food couldn't satisfy."

Aeris then found herself pulled tight against him, and his lips sought out hers. She felt the temptation to give into the kiss, but pushed him back although not with enough force to escape his grasp. "We can't do this here?" she said slightly panicked that Kiku would walk in on them.

Kiba gripped her hand and placed it against his groin and despite her resistance, feeling the bulge pressing against his pants she couldn't help rubbing it causing him to groan. Hearing her mate's response, her pussy began to moisten since she couldn't deny that she found the idea of fucking him there in the shop rather arousing.

Feeling her resistance to his advances melting, he captured her lips again and this time was rewarded when she accepted the deepening of the kiss. Their tongues began to roll around each other and she began to fondle his manhood more insistently. Although the shop was generally dead around then as people ate their lunches, she recovered her senses enough to pull away and say, "Let's go to the back."

Kiba nodded, so she took his hand to guide him past the counter with the register to where they prepared the bouquets and stored other materials people needed for their gardens. She guided him towards a pile of bags filled with potting soil and turned to face him. This time she was the aggressor as she kissed him heatedly while he pulled her tight towards him. She moaned into him as his hands gripped her ass to give it a squeeze and pulled her into his groin.

Having surrendered to her desires, she dropped to her knees and pulled his fly down. His dick sprang free causing her to lick her lips and she began to slow jerk him off. He groaned as her hand traveled over his length and then staring up at him said, "Did smelling that girl's lust really make you this hard? Maybe we should invite her to join us instead." Kiba groaned although Aeris wasn't sure if it was from the idea of taking a new mate or from her rolling her tongue around the head of his cock.

A part of her also found the idea of his taking a new mate somewhat exciting. But, she also imagined it would do wonders for her man's stock within the Inuzuka. Especially as Koreshige had several women who shared his bed, which considering the Inuzuka's being a female dominated clan had been a sign of his being an Alpha which other weaker members of the clan had gotten behind. When Yuffie and she had become Kiba's mates it had prompted Koreshige to target him to in effect display to his supporters that he was the only Alpha male around. Naturally, Naruto's beat down of him had caused his star to fade as quickly as Kiba's had after his defeat. But, Aeris imagined if they attracted some new partners for her mate it would cause Kiba to regain some of the status that he had lost. She did imagine that Yuffie would be a roadblock should it become anything more than a kernel of an idea. Still, knowing there was a man with a massive Harem that he made work, it didn't seem all that crazy an idea to pursue.

Yet, she put her mind to the more immediate task as she began to swallow his cock causing Kiba to shiver in pleasure. She took her time sliding her mouth up and down his meat pole as she made loud sucking noises since she knew they drove him wild. She stared up into his eyes letting him know how much she was enjoying her pleasuring of him. Although she was eager to taste his spunk, he had other ideas as he pulled her to her feet, and then off them as he set her down on the pile of stacked plastic bags of potting soil.

Kiba began to frantically unbutton the front of her dress starting at the bottom and she could tell he was fighting the desire to rip it. When he undid the last button he nipped at her breast through her bra causing her to moan as his teeth pinched the hardened nub. But, he didn't focus on it long as he instead pushed her legs back so that they stood straight up in the air until her hips raised up enough so he could pull her panties off.

Once they cleared her shoes, she felt like a flower in bloom as she spread her legs displaying her dripping snatch. Her scent filled his nostrils and she could see an animal like hunger appear in his gaze which he indulged in it as he dove between her thighs. Aeris moaned loudly when his tongue lapped up her nectar and she would gladly put Kiba's skills at eating pussy up against any man's, including Naruto's. She knew if she let him that he'd eagerly lick her to orgasm after orgasm his tongue seemingly growing stronger the longer he was at it.

Although, he had quickly learned what all her weak points were, making it so that his skill wasn't just in endurance or eagerness. Tricks that he used to quickly bring her to orgasm causing her to arch her back as she fought from crying out too loudly. Kiba quickly lapped up her flowing juices which only caused more to flow. But, before it could develop into a never ending cycle, she cupped his face to pull him up her body. He got the hint so upon coming face to face with her, his dick was positioned at her entrance.

He slipped inside of her causing her to sigh in pleasure as she pulled him into a kiss. He slowly began pumping his dick, having come a long way from the eager boy she had first taken as a lover. Having learned that she responded best to the slow buildup, his pace increased gradually until it forced her to pull her lips from his as she cried out. Kiba took this as his sign to go wild as he began to furiously pound her snatch. He also pushed her bra up so that he could squeeze her tits as he jackhammered her core with his cock. Aeris had to bite her lip to stop from screaming as she felt her pleasure meter reach its set limit.

She fought against it for as long as possible before realizing she didn't really have the time to drag it out. Letting go, she tensed as her climax washed over her. Her pussy's milking of his cock prompted Kiba to announce, "Your pussy is going to squeeze me dry."

Aeris, though had other plans as she felt him swell to release his load so pushed him back so that she could drop down to the floor. She quickly swallowed his cock as he exploded filling her mouth with his warm goo. She made sure to suction him clean as she pulled away and then gave him a view of his cum before swallowing it. She then took him into her mouth again as she cleaned him, and when done with her task tucked him back into his pants.

Kiba breathed heavily as she stood and began fixing her clothes in a rush since she was worried she was pushing her luck. Her mate having recovered some and having found the show of her dressing as arousing as her taking them off, tried to pull her close as she finished buttoning her dress. But, Aeris giggled lightly and avoided his grasp as she said, "Now behave! You've already enjoyed your treat."

Kiba scowled slightly as she began heading for the door to reenter the shop as he said, "You can't expect me to be satisfied with just a quickie. Not when I've been trained to satisfy two ladies at once."

Aeris smiled, although she didn't let him see it so she could sound mildly rebuking as she replied, "Well you need to be as some of us..." She trailed off as she opened the door and found her gaze settling on a magnificent backside. The owner of which was bent over so that she could rest her elbows on the counter while she propped her head up. She turned as she gave a dazzling smile to Aeris as her gaze drifted behind her to land on Kiba.


Ino couldn't help having a teasing tone in her voice as she asked, "Hm, now what were you two up to back there?"

Aeris wasn't sure why she felt so mortified as Ino's gaze focused on her. But, couldn't help giving what even to her ears sounded like a hastily conceived excuse as she said, "I asked Kiba to help me with...um something in back."

Kiba took the excuse and ran with it in a literal sense as he said, "Yep, so now I need to get going to see if there are any jobs available." He gave her cheek a quick kiss adding, "Love you, babe!" before scurrying off.

Ino let the moment drag out for a moment until the door closed behind Kiba before bursting out laughing as he said, "My you two couldn't have looked any guiltier then if I had burst into the room on you."

"I'm sorry," Aeris said quickly.

But Ino waved the apology off as she said, "Don't worry about it. You're not the only one to sneak off to get a good screw in. I'm not just talking about me as I'm starting to believe my mom's parameters for just how those potting bags need to be stacked are just for such an occasion."

"Did you peek at us?"

"That is more from personal experience," Ino admitted although she had been tempted to, but ultimately had been able to guess their position by some of the sounds which had escaped. Then giving a friendly warning said, "Although, judging from some of the pointed looks my mom has sent my dad when needing "help" in back. I would caution you not to leave the shop unattended since she would probably be more upset at missing a sale."

Aeris nodded figuring if it happened again she could have Akamaru henge to look like her. But, figured it would be awhile considering Kiba's hasty exit leaving her to face the music. She smiled at Ino so stated, "Duly noted, although it's probably going to be a while until I need help again. May I ask what brings you by today?"

Ino smiled again something Aeris noticed the woman did a lot and which she attributed to her unique home life. She shrugged after a moment before answering, "I was just passing through to have some lunch at Ichiraku and perhaps get a little help of my own. But noticing the shop was empty couldn't pass up the chance for a little gossip."

Aeris flushed as she imagined Kiba and she might end up as a topic of discussion at the Hidden Eddy Inn. She shook her head as she asked, "I don't suppose I could convince you to keep this between us."

"You don't have to act all embarrassed about it," Ino said with an amused shake of her head. "Right now, Naruto is helping Ayame in back while I'm sure a clone is distracting his little orange haired shadow. If I didn't know how terrifying my mom could be if she feels the shop is being neglected, I'd be getting helped right alongside her."

"I'm sorry our behavior led towards your missing out," Aeris said beginning to relax a little.

"Don't be," Ino said turning to lean against the counter, "I'll have him inside me soon enough and besides, it did get me kind of hot imagining what you two were doing. I'll just be all the more primed when I get my chance."

Aeris shook her head at how relaxed the woman was in discussing her sex life. Still, although she was aware the woman had been living her current lifestyle for years. She did find it strange how Ino truly didn't seem to feel any jealousy towards any of the other women she shared her lover with. Considering the size of Naruto's harem, she couldn't imagine it was easy to schedule free time with him. Seeing an opportunity to pick the brain of someone currently leading a lifestyle her thoughts were teasing her towards she asked, "I find it rather strange how easy you find it to share him."

Ino gave her a curious look before responding, "That's rather bizarre considering your own unique relationship dynamic."

Aeris shrugged realizing a person in a monogamous relationship would probably find her ability to share Kiba just as strange. But, she had a bond with Yuffie long before meeting him, and one which occasionally had been sexual as they sought relief on long missions when surrounded by people they couldn't trust, not to mention their time in prison. Yet, she imagined that for Ino, occasionally she'd be thrust into a situation where she'd be sharing her lover with a woman that she'd just have met, not to mention the vast number of women that she already was sharing him with. Responding with that thought in mind she said, "True, but then again. It isn't like there are dozens of other women waiting for a crack at him like there are for you."

Ino smiled at her and pulled herself onto the counter before crossing her legs. She seemed to peer into Aeris's mind as she said, "But perhaps there might be, right? Is that why you are so curious about my home life?"

Aeris didn't truly commit to the idea that she had considered it, but replied, "I'm merely curious. It can't be easy on you to have to share him with people who are practically strangers in some instances."

Ino shrugged before replying, "Truthfully, it never really bothered me. There was a point where I grew upset at his being willing to throw his life away, one that he had built with me and the others for a stranger. But now that stranger shares my bed with him."

Aeris giggled lightly before commenting, "So, yesterday's stranger could be tomorrow's playmate."

Ino gave her a dazzling smile that made Aeris almost jealous that she would never get to share the blonde woman's bed. She was rather surprised at how the thought just occurred to her, and realized there might be a draw to the lifestyle besides just Naruto. After all, she imagined the ladies of his Harem experienced a sexual freedom that most women could only dream of. Plus, while she knew all those women had a bond with Naruto, she also imagined those bonds extended between each other as well.

Ino confirmed this by stating, "That is a part of it. But, I love my Family as much as I love the man it is built around. My bonds with some of them are stronger then with others, but what units all of us is the common ground we find with the man who touched all of our hearts. That's why I can't begrudge them for being with him. Besides, while keeping us happy is a lot of work for Naruto. We also have to work at it to make these relationships work. If he was the only one putting in effort then it wouldn't be much of a relationship, now is it?"

Aeris supposed she hadn't truly considered that the women had to make an effort as well for the Harem to work as well as it did. She supposed that was because traditionally most rulers that had them didn't really need to put in much effort to maintain them. The man's position and power provided a comfortable lifestyle most women probably would be content with, while in return only needing to make themselves available when he desired them. It made her realize that what Naruto and his lovers had built probably was rather unique which wasn't to say such a harem hadn't existed before. But, she realized that the bonds of the relationships did extend two ways and that probably was the case for those between the women that comprised it as well.

Aeris found that she had more questions, but the door opened hitting the bell which alerted them that the first customer since the lunch time lull was arriving. Ino slipped off the counter and warmly greeted the woman as she made her way for the exit so Aeris could attend to the customer. Helping the woman pick out some flowers so that she could visit her sick relative, she wondered about how so many women could come together and share since she imagined they would need some sort of common ground. She suddenly burst out in a laugh, surprising her customer who she had to quickly assure that what had amused her wasn't why her relative was in the hospital. The woman bought the flowers and graciously accepted her apology for her outburst.

Left alone for the moment she understood that where she had been wrong was in assuming that

what made the dynamic between Yuffie, Kiba, and her work was her prior relationship with her teammate. An easy enough mistake to make since the idea of sharing her mate had been easy considering her past history. But, the reason Naruto's lovers could open their hearts to a new member they may have never met was because they already knew a common ground existed between them in the feelings they had for the man that they would be sharing, and they used that to build their bonds upon.

Still, while having some idea of how such a Harem had been achieved, she found she couldn't exactly say it meant that she would be eager to begin sharing him with strangers or found it particularly appealing outside of a few fantasies. But, she did find that if his taking more lovers would help his standing in the Clan so he could perhaps someday rise to a position of power to reward all the effort at improvement that he was making. That she found was motivation enough, and could imagine other women attracted to him might be willing to agree with. However, before letting her mind run wild with the idea, she would have to first make sure it was something any of the three of them truly wanted, so returned her focus to running the shop.


Katsuyu found that after years of examining humans many of the purposes for their activities continued to allude her. Primary among them being sex, which despite having taken an interest in it since she had learned that Tsunade had become lovers with Naruto, still didn't understand much of what motivated their actions since it wasn't for procreation. After all, she understood the biological imperative to reproduce, but since Naruto seemed to lack the desire to procreate. She couldn't exactly say she understood why he and his lovers threw themselves so passionately at each other if there wasn't that drive behind it. Her curiosity had been quenched somewhat as she gleamed some of the pleasure Sage felt when she had pleasured herself while they witnessed Naruto's coupling with his lovers. Or, more accurately phrased, had spied on them.

Katsuyu wondered how Tsunade would react if she learned that her summons had been conducting herself in a manner similar to how her perverted teammate had. Yet, she could easily explain her somewhat outlandish behavior as being attributed to her scientific curiosity and her need to gather evidence to sate it. Particularly as she doubted even from what she gleamed from Sage's pleasure, it would have much of a hold over her. She did attribute her lack of reaction to perhaps being because her physiology was different and thus the pleasure that she felt during the meld while superior to what she had normally felt, probably came nowhere close to what a human experienced. But, even with pleasure being a sole motivator, she still couldn't comport some of the behaviors that she had witnessed to being just because of that. She didn't think pleasure could be the only reason the women of Naruto's harem would basically bind themselves to him, in many cases knowing that would be the result beforehand.

Plus, she didn't know if pleasure could wholly explain why the humans put themselves in some of the situations that they did. Case in point, she was currently hiding in one of the cabinets located in the Den's master bedroom, and kneeling before the large bed facing her was a naked Naruto, who had his hands bound behind his back with the rope doing so also tied to his ankles. The blond man had allowed Anko to do this to him when she had told him that she had a surprise for him. The summons could easily tell he had been surprised at the way she had trussed him up, but he hadn't complained instead trusting his lover not to step out of bounds.

Anko had then stepped out of the room before returning with a woman that she had called Haruna. She had then stripped the woman naked before tying her up and suspending her in the center of the room. Haruna's hands were also bound behind her back, but her legs were tied so that she was spread open due to the ropes suspending her being tied to her knees. Katsuyu had nearly dispelled herself since Anko had then walked in her direction, but had chosen the cabinet that was one over from her hiding space and which was mounted on the other side of the pillowed platform. Since the cabinets were there to store various toys for Naruto's lovers while they entertained each other on the platforms while waiting to join him on the bed, the slug wasn't too surprised when Anko pulled out items similar to what was found in her hiding place. Yet, Katsuyu wasn't exactly sure of their purposes since one was rather colorful with a little protrusion coming out of the side, while the other was thin and spindly.

She wasn't too surprised when Anko, placed the larger one in Haruna's pussy although she realized what the protrusion was for when she pressed it against the top the woman's pussy. Recalling how the pleasure that she gleamed from Sage intensified whenever the orange haired woman touched it caused the slug to shiver. Yet, to her surprise the second smaller item was placed in the woman's waste extracting orifice. Katsuyu couldn't understand why, although she had seen Naruto stick his dick in there with a few of his lovers on occasion, she had always assumed it to be by accident.

Anko then switched the smaller toy on causing the woman to moan and from the way the handle of the toy in her rear squirmed about made her suspect it felt like a thin snake was wiggling about inside her. The purple haired woman then switched on the one in Haruna's pussy and then walked back to the cabinet before taking a glass off of it. She moved back to the suspended woman and then placed it beneath her. She next pulled the woman into a deep passionate kiss, which when it ended she placed a ball gag into her mouth. She then moved to Naruto and bent over to give him a kiss as well, before pulling away to say, "Enjoy the show while I get your surprise ready."

Katsuyu had been pondering what the glass was for, until Haruna's pussy began to drip its essence into it. Still, she wasn't exactly sure why, but she did begin to understand what had been Anko's purpose in hanging the woman before Naruto as his dick began to rise. She tried to quantify exactly what effect the scene unfolding had on her. Yet, to be honest she couldn't exactly claim she found it arousing. The summons considered sliding from its hiding to spot to inquire as to what Naruto thought of it. Obviously, he was aroused but was it the sight of the naked woman or her moans as the toys caused her to strain against her bonds which caused his dick to harden. Or, was it something not in the room, such as the anticipation of what Anko had in store?

The slug could believe that to be the case, as she had witnessed Tsunade a woman she would describe as extremely prideful, take great satisfaction from servicing Naruto with her mouth. Although, she understood there was now some sort of pleasure derived from his cum, Katsuyu couldn't say the blonde woman appeared to enjoy swallowing his loads to any greater degree than she had in the past. It had led the Summons to try Naruto's semen which had spilled on the ground during one of the Family larger gatherings. Yet, she found it to be rather bitter and far too salty. She had tried it after his chakra change as well, and couldn't say it was any better which she attributed to not being bound to him. Still, she had to believe Tsunade took some sexual satisfaction from her oral ministrations for her to throw herself into the activity so eagerly. All in all, it left Katsuyu with the belief that she just lacked an equivalent means of deriving pleasure in her slug existence which could help her understand what it was that drove these women's actions in the bedroom. She heard the door to the room open, and the sight that she found entering just further lead her to believe humans and their sexual behaviors were strange.


Naruto tried to remain still since Anko hadn't given him much leeway with the rope so would probably topple over if he tried to adjust his position. His dick was growing almost pained from being neglected as the sound of Haruna's moans and the sight of her pussy's juices dripping into the glass beneath her was definitely causing him to want to put it to some use. He imagined that was one reason that Anko had requested she be allowed to tie him up, although he had thought in the more traditional manner of to the headboard of the bed. He focused behind Haruna as the door began to open and his dick lurched rather painfully as Anko reentered.

She was wearing just a black corset and matching silk stockings which displayed her tits and the hard nubs of her nipples. Her feet where adorned with shiny black nine inch heels which clicked along the hard floor as she walked into the room. Naruto felt his mouth water as her pussy was on display which was already wet and glistening. She smiled at him and he imagined she was tempted to make a play to make him act submissively towards her. He admitted that if she came before him and ordered her to lick her pussy that he'd be hard pressed to stop himself. But, she stopped suddenly as if something had pulled against her, and he noticed she was holding something in her hand. Which she suddenly tugged as she said, "Get in here you bitches."

To Naruto's shock, both Tsume and Hana came scampering into the room on all fours. Naruto's dick again painfully lurched as he noticed what appeared to be fluffy tails waving behind them. From the way they were acting he could tell they had been lost to their Inuzuka's lusts. Yet despite the many questions he had, he nearly burst out laughing as they caught his sent and both tried to run right at him nearly pulling Anko off her feet due to the heels she wore.

She recovered quickly pulling back on the leashes causing the two naked women to rear back. She then sounded rather authoritative as she said, "Heel!" Neither Inuzuka really paid her much mind as they strained against their leashes so she pulled again saying, "Ladies, down or else I'll tie you both up and you can watch me enjoy his nice fat cock."

Hana seemed to relent first as she stopped pulling and began to pace in a circle while Tsume seemed to consider attacking the woman holding her leash at the moment. Anko seemed prepared for it, so after a moment elder Inuzuka relaxed as well. Anko smirked as she then tied the two women to the nearest platform before walking by them. She stopped before Naruto, and for a moment he again had the feeling she was basking in his submissive posture for the moment. Naruto snapped her out of it though as he said in a tone that reminded her who was in charge despite his being bound, "Untie me now, my Pet."

Anko shivered from his voice and quickly set about following his command. He quickly stood which felt fantastic after sitting in the same position for so long. He then pulled Anko towards him and kissed her hungrily, he considered pushing her to her knees to service his aching dick. But hearing Tsume and Hana whimpering caused him to focus on them so instead asked, "What's going on here?"

The purple haired jounin continued to rub her chest against his as she explained, "Well, recently a certain someone has been considering letting you take her ass. Which apparently got your Inuzuka's thinking about it."

"Hence the tails I suppose," Naruto said while wondering whose thoughts on the subject had prompted his Inuzuka lovers to as well. Seeing he was distracted, Anko stepped away from him to grab the women's leashes.

"Actually, that was my idea to get them ready," the woman said as she approached with them. "But, they wanted to harken back to when you first claimed them as yours so wanted to be in their lustful state. Only problem was that you've been taking such good care of their pussies they needed a little help entering it."

Naruto understood then that while he had been tied up, Anko had been working the women into a sexual frenzy. Focusing on Hanare, he asked, "Then I take it that the little show was to help me understand a little of what they were going through."

He knelt down as the two Inuzuka came in range and began petting them. He pulled Tsume into a kiss which she returned although in a more licking manner, and he broke into a groan due to her daughter beginning to lick his cock. The mother broke free and then quickly moved to muscle her daughter to the side so she could begin licking his pole as well. Hana pushed back so both women only got a few licks in before the other got a turn. He noticed that Tsume was beginning to get rougher leading him to believe she was starting to feel challenged.

Commanding them both he said, "Get on the bed you two."

Both women obeyed him, and quickly presented their rears for his viewing pleasure. He smiled at the sight as Tsume had kept her pussy bare ever since he had first shaved it, allowing him to see how drenched she was. Hana's pussy was in a similar state and calling to him so he buried his face into her to begin licking it. Hana whimpered appreciatively causing Tsume to growl, but Naruto's hand came down on her rear causing her to yelp. Pulling his mouth away from her daughter's snatch he said, "Don't forget who the alpha is here."

Tsume growled a little as if testing him, but then dropped her head to the mattress as she waited her turn. Naruto smiled and although he had to be a little more controlling then he cared for when she was lost to her lusts, he knew it was because when her animal side took over it was a simple matter of always looking to either supplant the one at the top or be supplanted. Seeing that Tsume still recognized he was her alpha, he decided to reward her. Climbing onto the bed, he grabbed the base of the tail and slowly began to pull it out. She moaned as the toy slowly began to appear revealing that it was attached to several round beads. When the last one popped free he tossed it aside and seeing Anko had already lubed her up simply replaced the toy with his cock.

Tsume howled as he buried his dick inside her ass in one fell swoop. Squatting behind her, he gave her time to adjust to the feeling, but he soon began to move causing her to let out a content sounding whimper which contrasted with the disappointed one Hana let out. Naruto smiled at her, and cupped her mound before sliding his middle finger inside her dripping snatch. "Don't worry, I'll be inside you soon enough."

He could tell his words registered with her as her gaze lit up, so he withdrew his hand to grip her mother's hips firmer and began really pounding her asshole. Tsume raised her head to let out another howl of pleasure, and she looked back at him over her shoulder. He leaned forward to capture her lips and then pulled away to feed her the finger that had just been inside her daughter. Tsume's tongue began cleaning the digit and he felt her asshole tightened around his driving cock as she tasted Hana. His other hand sought out her tit which he fondled causing her groan when he pinched her nipple. Her head lowered back down to the mattress and Naruto knew she was trying to stave off her climax. But, he moved his hand to her pussy which he began to rub, and before long she tensed before rearing up again to howl in climax. Her cry of pleasure joined his as he buried his rod deep into her bowels and flooded them with his cum. She then fell forward limply as she basked in the afterglow.

His cock pulled out of her ass with a plopping sound, and almost immediately Hana began waving her backside in anticipation. He smiled but looked over his shoulder as he heard Anko's moans. His dick although it had barely faded, quickly returned to a steel like hardness as he saw her lying on one of the platforms. Atop of the purple haired jounin was Haruna, who although her hands were still tied behind her, was pumping away at the woman beneath her. Anko leaned forward to suck the Daimyo's nipple and he heard her say, "He watching you my Toy. Do a good job of pleasing me, and I might let you suck his cum out of whichever hole he chooses to fill."

Naruto chuckled but stated, "Aren't you getting ahead of yourself my Pet?"

A look of genuine disappointment appeared on her face as she took him to mean she wouldn't get a turn with him. It prompted her to whine, "But didn't I get your bitches ready for you? Don't I deserve a reward?"

Naruto groaned as Hana growing impatient spun to begin licking his dick to entice him to give her a turn. He focused on the brown-haired woman as she eagerly ran her tongue up and down his shaft. He looked back at Anko answering, "That you did, and do. But, am I your Master in name only? Perhaps it would please me for you to swallow my seed or her directly. How can you promise her, something when you don't know my will on that matter?" He watched both women shutter from his words, and then smiled as he said, "In fact, Haruna."

"Y...yes," the Daimyo said not sounding sure of herself since Anko usually did the communicating during such moments.

"I want her to remember who calls the shots here so she isn't allowed to cum," Naruto commanded as he began to remove the butt plug inside Hana. "That doesn't mean to take it easy on her. But, if she does let me know. I'll punish her depending on the results."

"Yes...master," she said sounding as if she was trying it on. He noticed a look appear as if she didn't like someone else using her pet name for Naruto, but she didn't comment as she was now trying not to let the climax she could feel building within her out. He could understand her feelings on the matter though as he wasn't exactly comfortable with the title as she said it either. But, for the moment saw no need to correct her, especially as Hana began whimpering for his attention.

He gripped her hips, but in a manner which indicated he wanted her to roll over. Hana resisted at first, but then eventually complied with his desire. When she was on her back, Naruto was struck by just how doglike she seemed, particularly her eyes, as she truly didn't carry herself as a person when in her animal like state. Her arms were up by her breasts and although her legs were spread it almost seemed like she expected him to give her belly a rub. Figuring what he had in store would be worlds more pleasurable, he pushed on the back of her knees so that it raised her ass up. He then placed his dick against asshole, and some spark of humanity seemed to return which he figured was due to her having to override her animal nature due to it being apparent he was aiming for the wrong hole for procreation. He leaned in to capture her lips, and at the same time plunged his dick inside her. Hana howled in discomfort, but didn't squirm as she instead remained stock still as her lover. Naruto gave her some time to adjust, and busied himself by sucking on her breasts. She moaned appreciatively, and when she had relaxed began to slowly move within her.

But, Naruto was soon pistoning his dick inside her, and Hana was panting hotly as she felt her climax approaching. He felt something nudge him so looked over to see Tsume had recovered. He smiled as she was still in her animal like state, so leaned back to grip her by the hair. He then guided her mouth down to Hana's tit. Tsume seemed confused and he didn't imagine there were too many threesomes among the Inuzuka when the animal lusts took over, since it did seem to exist as a means to get the female members to drop their guards enough to accept a male's dominance, at least for a short time. He suspected that was why although she had come, she hadn't reverted to normal since he hadn't done so inside her womb.

But, eventually she did seem to get the hint as her tongue came out to lick her daughter's skin. It hadn't exactly been for pleasure since she hadn't focused on her nipple, but Hana had moaned appreciatively which seemed to spur Tsume on more. She continued to lick at her daughter and even began to move up to her face where they began taking turns licking each other. Naruto found the scene especially hot since despite his currently fucking Hana's ass for all he was worth, there still seemed to be something innocent about their actions. He got so caught up in watching the two of them, that his climax caught him by surprise.

But, he reacted on instinct as he buried his rod deep inside Hana's ass and began filling her with his seed. Tsume sat back in surprise as Hana howled in pleasure due to her cumming from the feeling of his dick spurting his cum deep into her bowels. As she arched her back in pleasure, he slipped free of her back passage causing the last few ropes of his cum to coat her stomach and chest. He sat back feeling drained, but it didn't last long as Tsume began licking up his seed. She moaned from the taste as its new pleasure giving effect caused her to nearly climax. Which was why she began more eagerly licking up the rest as she followed its trail down until she came to where it was leaking from her daughter's ass. Hana weakly moaned as her mother's tongue didn't stop and became more aggressively her just fucked rosebud while trying to coax out more of his seed.

Naruto was tempted to plunge back into either the mother or daughter due to how hard watching Tsume had made him. But, his attention was pulled away when Anko moaned, "M...Master please... I... I need to cum."

Naruto turned to look at her, and nearly lost it himself as Anko was now on the floor looking like she was trying to pull herself away from Haruna to him. The Daimyo was obviously doing everything she could to prevent that, even as she used the strap on to pound the jounin's cunt. He was tempted to wait until Anko came, but figured she had been punished enough so created a pair of clones to focus on Hana and Tsume while he attended to his Pet. Stepping from the bed as his clones began to enter his Inuzuka lovers, he walked up to the pair to drink in the sight.

Anko stared up at him with pleading eyes, and so decided to end her suffering as he said, "You can cum now my Pet."

Almost as if the it had been a command from the Binding, Anko suddenly reared back and gave a howl of pleasure that would have given Tsume or Hana a run for their money. Haruna for the most part simply rode out her mistress's climax having enjoyed several while fucking her.

Naruto waited for Anko to calm down from her release before pulling her into a kiss. His eyes grew wide as he tasted a woman's flavor that he didn't recognize, and pulled away when he realized it was Haruna's. He was confused for a moment since it was so strong and he couldn't imagine when Anko had the time. But his eye caught the sight of an empty glass and realized it was the one his Pet had used to collect the Daimyo's dripping essence. He found the idea of tasting Haruna's snatch through the indirect kiss rather erotic and so focused on Anko to say, "You never cease to please me."

Anko beamed from the praise, but it faded after a moment as she said, "I'm your only Pet, right?"

Naruto frowned since he imagined his lover was concerned that Haruna might enter the niche that she felt that she had carved out for herself among his lovers. He supposed that was also why he had experienced some discomfort with the Daimyo calling him, Master. Putting the purple haired woman at ease, he said, "There is only one Anko. So of course you are my only Pet." She seemed to get what he was hoping to convey to her so he stated, "Now, tell me what you want so I can please you as much as you have me."

Anko smiled warmly before wrapping her arms around his neck and responding, "I want your cock inside my pussy, Master."

Naruto straightened and pulled her off of the toy Haruna had impaled her with. He replaced it with his cock as he carried her to one of the platforms due to his clones being busy with Tsume and Hana. Sitting back, he said, "Go ahead my Pet, cum as much as you like."

Anko grinned lustfully at him and immediately began vigorously bouncing on his cock. He leaned in to capture one of her tits causing her to hug his head tightly to her bosom. He sucked her tit hungrily and groaned when her pussy tightened around his cock every time he'd nip at her nipple. Despite the pleasure he was feeling, he focused his attention behind her for a moment. He noticed that Haruna was awkwardly sitting on the floor since she wasn't exactly sure where she fit into the action going on around her. Having a good idea of how to include her, he waited until Anko exploded into a climax. When Haruna looked towards them, he used his hand to get her attention, but noticed a look of confusion as to what he wanted. Helping her along he spread Anko's ass, and then began tapping on her anus like calling out a target.

Anko had powered through her climax wanting to quickly build to another, but she stopped upon feeling his middle finger poking her asshole so said, "Does Master want to fuck his Pet in the butt?"

Naruto grinned at her as he replied, "Perhaps later, but right now I'm quite happy where I'm at."

Anko returned his grin but then it turned into a look of surprise which quickly melted into a look of pleasure as Haruna's rubber phallus slipped inside her rear. She looked over her shoulder as she said, "Mmm, was my Toy feeling lonely?" Looking back at Naruto, she realized he had called Haruna to them so inquired, "Or perhaps Master wants to claim my Toy for himself."

Naruto noticed a hopeful look appeared on the Daimyo's face which quickly fell as he said, "Not tonight. But, she can help me give you an orgasm to remember."

Naruto began moving his hips causing Anko to lean back into Haruna, who also began sliding her toy within the Jounin. The two of the worked in tandem as they pleasured the woman sandwich between them. Anko cried out from the double pounding she received and lost count of the number of times she climaxed from their actions. She allowed herself to be carried away into the sea of pleasure, but then was called back as she felt Naruto swell inside her. Aware as to what it signified she unbound the Daimyo's hands as she said to Haruna, "Pull me off!"

The Daimyo did as she instructed and Anko quickly pulled free of her to swallow her master's member. She moaned as she tasted herself on it, and then climaxed as his cum hit her tongue a moment later. She drank his load thirstily, but as she felt it weakening began to let it collect in her mouth. She waited for the torrent of semen to abate before letting him slip free of her lips with a pop to prevent from spilling any. Standing, she felt Haruna behind her and pulled the woman before her. Forcing the Daimyo to her knees, she bent her head back and then let Naruto seed spill from her lips.

Haruna eagerly held out her tongue as her mistress shared some of Naruto's cum with her. Anko let go when of the Daimyo's head when she was finished his cum to her. But instead of swallowing the seed, Haruna savored its taste and rolled it around on her tongue for Anko's viewing pleasure. The purple haired woman smiled but said, "Stop playing with your food."

Haruna quickly closed her mouth and swallowed before opening it again to show Anko. The Jounin smiled before pulling her back up to her feet where she kissed the Daimyo hungrily as if searching for any trace of his cum. Finding it all gone, Anko looked over Haruna's shoulder and spread her ass before saying "Master, it might not be out of bounds to fuck my Toy's tight little ass to finish off the night."

Naruto was tempted at the idea, having found the two women's kiss had proved an excellent cure for his dick wanting to go soft. But, having cleared it with his lovers beforehand the last time he had been physical with Haruna at the gloryhole Anko had arranged. He didn't want to rely on their permission from the previous time as being a means around their wishes so answered, "No, not tonight." Haruna again looked crestfallen, but he stood to cup her cheek as he said, "I do desire you Haruna. But, want the bond between us to be cemented not just through physical means. So, it might be putting the horse before the cart considering... well everything, but would you like to be my date for tomorrow evening."

Haruna looked shocked, but quickly nodded while stating, "Yes, I'd like that a great deal."

Naruto smiled before softly kissing her cheek and saying, "Good, I'll see you tomorrow." His gaze focused behind her for a moment, and Haruna turned to follow it only to be greeted to the sight of Hana laying beneath her mother with her head buried between Tsume's thighs. Although, form the angle she was at, she couldn't see for certain, it wasn't hard to imagine that the elder Inuzuka was mirroring her daughter's actions.

She felt Naruto's gaze on her face, and turned back to him and blushed as she had gotten lost in the sight. He smiled but said, "If you'll excuse me. I need to thank them for such a wonderful experience. I'd ask you to join us but..."

Haruna smiled softly as she said, "I understand. I look forward to tomorrow."

Naruto nodded, but then pulled Anko into a kiss before saying, "Thank you my Pet. Tonight was amazing."

He then moved off to the bed, but Anko quickly said, "Let's go Haruna."

Despite being distracted as she was by the sight of Naruto joining the two women on the bed, she immediately began to follow after the jounin as they left the room. However, it did escape her notice how Anko had addressed her by name despite being in a situation where it hadn't been required. Not that she probably would have noticed anyway as her mind was also focused on how happy she was to actually have a chance to experience what she assumed would be an actual date with someone she cared for. She found it rather pleasing that the idea of a regular date actually excited her more than if he had just claimed her, although she wouldn't deny if it ended in his doing so she wouldn't call that a loss either.