
75: Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part II (2)

Kurenai was a little surprised to find Naruto had taken her to an apartment complex on the opposite side of the village from the Hidden Eddy Inn. The apartment he led her to was a decent sized one on the top floor, and not unlike the one that she had lived in prior to moving to the Inn. The inside was also decorated rather rustically giving it a somewhat cabin like feel to it. She supposed it was to help maintain the romantic feelings that the dates he took his lovers on were meant to create. Naruto locked the door behind them as she removed her shoes and then helped her out of the jacket protecting her from the cold chill of the night. He hung it in a nearby closet as he said, "Welcome to my little home away from home."

Kurenai stepped into the apartment as she smiled over her shoulder to comment, "This would be the third such one would it not, including the places you have in Suna and Kumo."

Naruto chuckled as he followed her in with his hands in his pockets while replying, "Not quite. Those places would be my homes; after all they are where my Family live. Because of this, they are where we all interact together and like you mentioned if someone had wanted to join us they would be welcome to do so." Pulling one of his hands free of his pocket, he indicated the apartment while adding, "This place is one we set up for the personas that we used today, and officially is their residence. But, in practice it serves as a kind of do not disturb sign. The others will not disturb us here since it is where I take them after our dates for some more one to one time. We originally were just going to just stay in the Majestic Leaf Hotel, but were kicked out. Too many noise complaints apparently."

Kurenai giggled softly while she also marveled at the dynamics of how the Family that she had joined worked. She could also see the attraction and need for such a place, since while it was at times exciting and enjoyable to share. There were also times when a woman needed some alone time with the man she desired.

The jounin took a seat on the couch while Naruto moved to the fireplace to start one, and then moved to a bar area where he gathered some glasses. She realized that he had prepared for her arrival in advance as she saw him pull a bucket with a wine bottle in it from an ice box beneath the bar and set it on top the bar. He brought the gathered items over and as he pulled the wine from the ice he was chilling it in, she saw that it was a brand that she favored. He offered her a glass before pouring some for himself and sitting next to her asked, "So what do you think?"

"I think you are putting a lot of effort in for someone who has already gotten to enjoy me in bed," Kurenai said teasingly.

Naruto gave her a smirk as he asked, "Are you perhaps thinking I have ulterior motives?" In mock exasperation he added, "What is the world coming to when a man can't show a woman that he is with a little attention without her being put on guard that he wants something?"

"What indeed?" Kurenai said finding his smile to be infectious.

Naruto laughed softly before saying, "Well if it will put you at ease since it will comport with your world view, then I can perhaps bring up the matter that I would like you to endorse Moegi, Yakumo, and I for the Chunin Exams. But, to be honest, we were going to approach you as a group."

Kurenai was a little surprised by the request so asked, "Why not ask Kakashi?"

Naruto took a sip of his wine before answering, "I would, but Toka is going to need someone to recommend her group for the exams as well, and since even a hodgepodge team needs to find a jounin sponsor it would probably be best if he nominated hers."

Giving him a knowing smile she added, "Plus you felt perhaps because of our relationship securing my recommendation would be a lock."

"Not really," Naruto said with a smirk as he placed a hand on her knee, "But, I did believe I could perhaps give you some extra incentive to agree."

"Hmm," Kurenai said swatting his hand away, "That kind of sounds like a bribe to me. I'm not sure I would want to tarnish my reputation by nominating a team that I wasn't sure was actually prepared for the tests they'll face."

Naruto chuckled as he swung the hand she hit playfully before leaning back in the couch replying, "Which is why I didn't want to mix business with pleasure, and why we wanted to approach you as a group, and to give you a chance to see the team you would be sponsoring in action."

Kurenai was quite aware of how the training session for that team had ended up so growing seductive crawled towards him. She placed a hand on his crotch which she began to massage as she whispered seductively, "Considering that I'll need to travel with your team. I think that there will be time for a little bit of both, don't you?"

Naruto groaned as his dick began to respond to the kunoichi's fondling. Staring into her red eyes, he answered, "Naturally, I'll need to take my cues from the sensei sponsoring us."

Kurenai still found it hard to believe how hard Naruto could get even after satisfying so many women. She gave him a sultry smile as she pulled down his fly and said while lowering her mouth to his dick, "I'll probably find it difficult to say no, especially if your teammates are as responsive as you."

Naruto leaned his head back to bask in the pleasure of feeling Kurenai swallow his manhood. "Ahh... shit," he moaned while feeling her tongue circle around his dick before she began sucking him noisily as she began bobbing her head.

Naruto didn't just remain idle though as he leaned forward and pulled up the hem of his lover's dress to expose her butt. He smirked as he saw that his red eyed lover had decided to forego underwear, something he appreciated as he began to rub her soaking wet snatch. Kurenai moaned into his dick causing him to groan in turn and to begin pumping his hips a little. He also turned up the pressure on her as he began to slide a pair of fingers inside her giving them a twist as he moved in and out.

She let him slip free of her lips while she moaned, and tried to focus on his dick as she licked it. But his fingers felt too good particularly as he reached under her with his free hand and began rubbing her clit. Feeling like she was on the verge of cumming, she backed away to give herself a chance to regroup. She felt incredibly sexy though as she sat back on the couch with her legs spread lewdly in order to display her dripping sex to her lover. Breathing heavy she said, "I trust this place comes equipped with a bed."

Naruto inclined his head and stood before offering his hand to her. The Jounin accepted the help to her feet, and was quickly pulled into a kiss which she readily accepted. They made out as she felt Naruto's hands circle around her back to undo the zipper of her dress. Once she felt it get pulled down, she stepped back to slide the dress down her body.

He took a moment to drink in her naked splendor allowing Kurenai to approach him. She kissed his collarbone while she unbuttoned his shirt, and then pushed it down his arms. Her lips traveled back to his while her hands undid his pants which quickly joined his shirt on the floor. Naruto then picked her up in his arms and carried her towards the apartment's bedroom. He gently set her down on the bed, and then moved towards the front of it. He crawled towards her from the foot of the bed, but stopped once he could lower his head between her thighs.

Kurenai arched her back once his tongue made contact with her quim since Naruto had a firm grip on her thighs. His tongue traveled over the silken petals of her pussy while collecting her honey, before it began diving deep into her in search of more. She moaned loudly as her hands clutched at the comforter beneath her, before she sat up and buried her hands in his hair when he found a particular sensitive bundle of nerves. Her body began to produce even more of her nectar which drove Naruto to work harder to drink it all in causing her to fall back as she fought not to cum. But, her body knew what it wanted so unconsciously she began pushing her twat harder against his chin trying to increase the pleasure that she was feeling. Her eyes opened widely when she exploded into a world of pleasure, and she cried out while her body shivered in gratification.

When she became aware of her surroundings again, she mewed softly as Naruto was still licking her now extremely sensitive folds. Her hands sought out his cheeks and she urged him to climb up her body. He did so happily and he sealed his lips to hers while their tongues danced around each other. She was quite aware of how hard he was as his cock was trapped between them. Eager for it to be buried deep inside her, she pushed him back to create some space, although her lips never left his. Then working by touch, she ran her hand down his chest and stomach until she reached her destination. He moaned into her mouth from her stroking him several times before guiding him to her entrance. It was her turn to moan once he made contact and slowly began to push inside her. When he was fully inside, she couldn't help but wrap her legs around him locking her ankles behind the small of his back.

He began moving and she couldn't help noticing how different it felt to be connected to him this time. She felt it could partially be due to the location, but suspected the majority of it was due to what the location represented. Which was that for the time being, no one existed but her. She had heard some of the other women mention such feelings in the weeks since become one of Naruto's lovers, but admitted she hadn't exactly felt the same thing. But that naturally was due to his quickly seducing several women in Suna shortly after her entry into the network of his lovers, not to mention Yoshino Nara. Since that period, she had gotten to know him better, as he had her, but she really hadn't felt a feeling of exclusiveness to him.

Yet, now with him moving inside her while staring into her eyes, and the promise that for the time being they would be left alone. Kurenai was feeling it hard, and wanted to feel it harder so moaned, "Gods yes, you feel so good inside me, but give me more."

Naruto leaned back to get on his knees and gripping her hips began to pound her flesh. She cried out as she used her locked ankles to urge him to move even harder and faster. Naruto groaned as she also squeezed her cunt around him causing him to say, "Fuck you've gotten so damn tight."

Kurenai moaned happily hearing that and it grew louder as he pulled her up so that he could suck on her tits while he bodily lifted her up and down his shaft. She wrapped her arms around his head to pull him tighter into her bosom. He stopped moving her with just his strength forcing her to put her feet down on the bed so she could begin moving herself. She moaned contently as she did so and soon began to grow louder as her lover reached behind her to begin teasing the rosebud of her anus. He then slipped his middle finger inside her and began pushing it in and out in time with his cock which he began moving to meet her downward thrusts.

Kurenai began to shake her head back and forth as she leaned back. She ended with her head back on the bed as her grip on her lover grew too weak to maintain as if the pleasure building inside her was sapping her strength. Naruto withdrew his finger from her anus as he began to concentrate on just pounding her snatch, which she encouraged with her cries growing louder. She tensed and her legs shot up in the air to wrap around him again in order to pull his dick all the way inside her as she shouted, "Oh shit... I'm cumming so...Fuck!!!"

Naruto didn't need her words to confirm that as her pussy milked him for all he was worth, which he gladly provided. Kurenai felt the heat flooding into her womb which caused her to sigh in contentment as soon as her wave of pleasure finished crashing over her. Naruto collapsed on top as his climax faded into memory, and to Kurenai his weight felt reassuringly good causing her to wrap her arms loosely around him. He pulled back enough to stare into her eyes while saying, "I'm sorry for the delay in giving you a proper welcoming to my Family."

Kurenai smiled at him as she could definitely feel the same level of oneness the other women claimed to as she replied, "Better late than never. But, I hope you don't have any plans as I feel I'm due some extra compensation for making me wait so long."

Naruto chuckled and began moving inside her again as his dick hadn't faded in the least. Staring into her eyes he said, "I'm yours for as long as you need."

Although she wasn't sure that she could necessarily claim to love him, Kurenai was definitely finding it easier to picture Naruto as a man that she could someday claim owned her heart. Especially as he again began showing her body that he already held the keys to satisfying it.


Konan wilted internally when the Raikage said about her proposal, "Surely you must be jesting."

Looking around the room she knew she had allies in both Yugito and Mabui. But, in regards to those that actually held power in Kumo's political hierarchy, they would be able to provide little more than quiet support to her.

Although, Yugito proved she wasn't going to be content with providing just silent support as she actually had been rather pleased when Konan informed her that she wanted her for her new Akatsuki. "Lord Raikage, what Lady Konan has suggested actually has merit if you will just give her a chance to explain."

Ay turned his gaze towards the woman he believed still hosted the Two Tailed Cat. He couldn't exactly say he was pleased by his decision to allow the woman to attend the meeting, since it did put him in a somewhat awkward position. Particularly as if she had not been there, he likely would have simply told Konan to go to hell. But, with Yugito's presence he found he needed to be more diplomatic with some of the reasons behind his refusal. Especially as they were in regards to her status as a jinchuriki. As such he was glad when his oldest advisor Darui replied, "Lady Yugito, please keep in mind not too long ago this woman would have attempted to kidnap you in an effort to extract the Two-Tails. Now she is asking that we simply hand you over."

Konan didn't frown at the man's words, although she did feel a sense of shame and guilt at how Akatsuki behaved in the past. But, hoping the group that she was hoping to assemble would help return it to the original path that it had been created for, she countered, "I do not believe there are many in this room that have not taken actions they may have come to regret. My hope to reestablish Akatsuki as a force for good is a way for me to make amends for my and its past wrongs. Was your admitting to having a hand in the attempted abduction of Hinata Hyuuga not your attempting to do the same thing."

Ay quickly countered, "Hardly. My hand was forced, and my admitting to that was to save the lives of my shinobi who had acted rashly. But, do not confuse that with any regret about the decision on my part. I'm disappointed it failed and cost me a brave and loyal warrior. But, I would have made that decision again and again if I believed it had a chance to succeed as it was to increase Kumogakure's power."

Ay frowned since although he wasn't too shocked by Konan's obviously disappointment. Both Mabui and Yugito also seemed rather disturbed by his response. He couldn't help feeling that he had damaged his esteem in both their eyes.

Still handing over a jinchuriki to maintain it would be foolish in his eyes, which the head of his Anbu stated by saying, "You say that you desire peace, and that is what this new Akatsuki will be working for. Yet, it seems to me that you are hoping to do so using the same model as the previous incarnation. Ten S-Class Shinobi is a force that can shake even one of the major shinobi villages. More to the point, you are asking us to supply one of our two jinchuriki, effectively asking us to cut our own strength in the process."

"Might I point out that Konoha had no issue with allowing Fu to join," Konan countered calmly.

The Kumogakure Anbu Head Captain Tosen shrugged as he stated, "Konoha's claim to the Seven Tails was tenuous to begin with. It also was the cause for the rift between Taki and the Leaf, and what drove Waterfall into an alliance with Iwa. An alliance that seems to be deteriorating from our intelligence sources. Konoha letting the Seven Tails join your group could be seen as a step to normalizing relations with Waterfall. It had originally belonged to a minor village."

"She," Yugito said angrily stressing the pronoun, "was betrayed by Taki to Tobi's Akatsuki. She was saved by Konoha just like me. I, at least had a home that wanted to see me returned."

Konan saw an opportunity to seize an advantage in the exchange, but due to it possibly resulting in hurting Yugito's feelings refrained from doing so. She could see that Mabui also saw it as well, which was that her status as a stable jinchuriki made her an extremely important military asset. Konan couldn't say that Ay didn't care for her as a person, but it was apparent to her that he and his advisors valued her far more as that asset then as a person. She wasn't too surprised Yugito didn't see it since she had never had a truly normal childhood, but whereas a normal shinobi would be allowed to retire someday. In many ways, she was as trapped as the Bijuu she once housed had been. She just hadn't noticed the bars yet. Not wanting to be the one to show them to her just to benefit, she said, "Fu's status notwithstanding. Kumo was the only major shinobi village not to be a part of the previous group. I wanted Lady Yugito to join because I hoped it would send a powerful message that this new Akatsuki exists with the Alliance's blessing. I have received it from both Konoha and Suna, and while I will proceed without it from you. Considering Kumo's current prosperity is a direct result of Konoha forgiving your past actions whether you desired it or not, surely you can see the... political advantages to being perceived as being just as forgiving."

Ay studied the stoic woman's face for a moment before stating, "I do not deny the Alliance has been beneficial. Yet, even though we have agreed to pool resources. Do not misconstrue that as being willing to put ourselves at a tactical disadvantage to maintain appearances. Furthermore, you have even stated this new Akatsuki will act as a monitor against and for members of the Alliance."

Konan did let some concern appear on her face while saying, "If that concerns you then one would think that you have something to hide."

"Of course I do," Ay said dismissively, "Just as I imagine that Konoha and Suna do. Not to mention yourself since you have been attempting to suppress the knowledge that a group has come into being looking to avenge those killed by Pain when he seized control from Hanzo the Salamander."

Konan didn't react since the primary reason she had wanted to suppress that knowledge was to prevent Naruto from learning about it. An effort that she had learned had recently failed due in part to Ino getting the information out of Fuyou at Yoshino's behest. Naturally, the pair had alerted Naruto, who had spoken to her about it, but she had insisted that it was an issue that she needed to handle on her own.

He had shared with her the knowledge that Yoshino believed a third party may now be aiding the group calling themselves The Salamander Resistance. Konan had suspected as much already since the group had become more brazen recently. Although not yet in a particularly violent manner at the moment since it targeted infrastructure systems to prove it could and to be a nuisance. She attributed it to the fact that they claimed her rule was invalid due to how it came about, and were thus hoping to get the citizens on their side. Which would be difficult if they proceeded to butcher the very people they wanted to supposedly liberate from her governance. Because of this, Konan hoped that they could be reasoned with and to that end had tried several times to open negotiations with them. To date, those efforts had failed, but she remained hopeful.

Konan held back a frown as she was worried that perhaps Kumogakure was aiding her detractors, especially as Ay had made it abundantly clear he shared the same opinion as the rebel group in regards to her rule. She let the idea fade as she knew it was discourteous to Naruto's lovers who called Kumo home. She didn't doubt the majority of them would share that knowledge with him, if not her directly. Granted, the Raikage might be keeping the knowledge secret to all but a few individuals, similarly to when he had plotted against the Hyuuga. But, despite some of what the meeting had revealed about his views, she didn't think he would directly act against a member of the Alliance due to the blowback it would cause if such a thing was discovered.

But, her own issues back home notwithstanding, she feared what the minor admittance meant for the Alliance as a whole. She naturally knew that governments had secrets that at times they needed to keep. Ay was counting on that fact being universal in order to explain his concerns about a new Akatsuki possibly uncovering those secrets. But, she felt this was particularly telling, which led her to believe the secrets Kumo might be keeping were exactly the kind that she wanted her Akatsuki to uncover. Pointing this out she said, "I'm sure they do. But, I do not believe their agreeing with my reforming Akatsuki is simply because they believe they are too smart to be caught should those secrets extend outside of their territories."

She could see her statement aggravated the Raikage as he heatedly countered, "Kumo has no interest in toying with pathetic minor countries such as you or our neighbors. To be honest, I fail to see why Suna and Konoha even bothered including you in the Alliance. You're nothing but a terrorist given validation because your government is now more supportive of Konoha and Suna then the one you replaced. Just because they have forgiven you doesn't mean the blood you spilled to get to where you are, has been washed away. You seek to act as the judge of us, well then who sits in judgement of you?"

Konan couldn't deny much of what the Raikage said rang true. Knowing he wasn't going to relent she stood to reply, "You are right that I was a criminal and a terrorist. I've killed innocents to try to bring about my desires, and one of my potential victims is even here with us. But, you are mistaken about one thing. I do not seek to pass judgement, only to insure that all the people of the continent are protected from those who would harm them for their own selfish goals. From people like who I was, and who I fear you still are. You may mask your greed behind acting for Kumo's betterment. But, when all is said and done since you are the one in power are you not simply acting for yourself."

Ay smashed the table before him while shooting to his feet as he said dangerously, "You had best get out before I truly lose my cool."

Konan inclined her head, and began heading for the door. She stopped upon reaching the door to look over her shoulder while she said, "I will leave a spot open in Akatsuki for you Lady Yugito."

"Don't bother," Ay said angrily.

Konan remained calm as she stated, "I wasn't addressing you. In case it missed your attention, joining Akatsuki is something she desires. Therefore, I will respond to that wish by keeping the spot I intended for her open."

Ay's jaw tightened as he refrained from attacking the woman Forgetting his audience though he said heatedly, "You're more insane now than when you tried to take the Bijuu by force if you think that I'll just hand the two-tails over to you."

Konan met the man's angry glare and simply stated, "I never once asked for the two-tails. I requested Yugito Nii be allowed to join."

"They are one and the same," Ay said quickly.

Konan could see Yugito looked betrayed by the Raikage's statement. The Blue-Haired woman immediately regretted not leaving instead of goading the man as she realized she had unintentionally brought about the very matter that she had refused to comment on previously.

Yugito's voice was tinged with bitterness as she said, "I'm not just the Bijuu I carry, and I wish to aid Konan's Akatsuki in helping maintain the..."

"Don't be naïve," Ay said still angry, but in a softer voice as he was addressing his subordinate. "This woman doesn't see you as anything but the jinchuriki of..."

"You don't understand a fucking thing," Yugito said shocking all those present. "For years I've been this village's good little jinchuriki. Even more so then the man you claim to see as a brother since he routinely takes off for his own reasons. This is something I want to do for me, and you're saying no because you can't separate me from the Two-Tails."

"I'm saying no, because that is how the world is," Ay said his voice losing the softer tone it had contained. "You can decry it as being unfair, but you represent a source of power that others covet. I'm keeping you in the village to protect you."

"No you're not," Yugito said angrily, "At least those that would target me are upfront about what they desire. You are just..."

"One more word and I'll have you shipped off to the same island Bee is staying," Ay said with a tone of finality. Seeing Konan still standing there he said, "I thought you were leaving."

Konan paused as she wanted to apologize to Yugito, but knew she would get a chance later so simply turned to leave. She went to the roof of the building where she turned into a swarm of paper butterflies which began traveling to the Land of Vegetables where she hoped the meeting of the Minor Daimyo that she was attending yielded better results.


"So this is the famous Wall that I've heard so much about."

Yoshino looked up from the file that she had been assembling for the man that had entered her study. The scarred Special Jounin stepped into the room while saying "I hope you don't mind my just barging in. Your son let me in."

"Not at all," the Nara said welcomingly from behind her desk, "I was just finishing up with my current analysts and had planned to swing by your department to collect some new reports."

Ibiki moved from the wall he had been examining, which was a blown up map of the Elemental Countries and which covered the entirety of it. But, was now also covered in post it notes, newspaper articles, and colored strings that connected various towns. He pulled several folders from beneath his arm while saying, "I thought I'd save you the trip."

Yoshino's eyes focused on the folder with some anticipation like a child receiving an unexpected present. "Are those..."

Ibiki nodded while answering, "Here is everything we have been able to dig up on the group that assaulted Kiyomi's mansion to destroy that tablet. It includes the autopsy reports for the two bodies that we were able to secure. I'm afraid it leaves us with more questions than answers though. Plus, it seems like looking further into them will be a dead-end in regards to the Cult, likely why they were used. Provided they are even connected to the incident."

Yoshino accepted the folders and immediately opened the one pertaining to the three attackers while replying, "I hope you don't take offense if I wait to draw my own conclusions."

"Not at all," he said with while turning his attention back to the wall the Nara apparently used to help divine some of the conclusions that she arrived at. At the moment, she hadn't provided him anything overly concrete enough to make him a believer in her supposed ability to Divine future events, or even make connections that others missed. But, he knew she had been disconnected from the world for a while, and that was even before her husband's passing. Looking at the Wall that she was compiling from the data that she absorbed, he was becoming somewhat skeptical since a lot of the data he was seeing seemed rather minor to him. But then again, he preferred direct interrogation to the data mining that was also a part of intelligence work. He looked over his shoulder and was surprised to see that the kunoichi appeared to be already half way through the packets about the suspected Cult Members. He could tell she wasn't just skimming them as her eyes rapidly traveled over the page in a manner that made it clear that she was reading at an incredible pace. She suddenly stopped as she said, "There appears to be something of value in this report after all. Something we should be able to explore further at least."

Ibiki was curious so moved to the front of her desk and placing his hands on it looked at the file opposite from her. Having read it already, he knew she had stopped at a section where the three Kumo missing-nin and suspected cultists had massacred a club in the Land of Stone. He frowned as he looked at some of the photos of the people that had been murdered, but didn't exactly see how that might provide a lead for them as the massacre had happened several years previously.

Giving the woman a skeptical look he said, "I'm afraid I don't see the connection. What does a massacre several years ago, and by all accounts seems to just be a bar fight that turned exceedingly violent have to do with the attack on Kiyomi's mansion?"

"It isn't a direct connection," Yoshino admitted as she pulled the page from the file. She stapled the sheet to a cork board on an adjacent wall and used a marker to write a number on it. She then pulled a post it note which she placed within the borders of the Land of Stone where she wrote the same number on it. Facing the Head Interrogator, she explained, "That massacre started as a result of those three playing in some sort of battle of the bands. According to a survivor who witnessed the altercation that is believed to have prompted it, he said he overheard one of them saying afterwards that their rivals would be sorry they disrespected the Heavenly Kings."

Ibiki nodded but added, "But he just thought it was the band's name. He ended up leaving early which is the only reason he was able to share the story. He came forward the next day."

"That is right," Yoshino said seeing a greater connection, "But, according to this report there was no band called the Heavenly Kings registered. Instead, the only group that was unaccounted for entered under the name KYS."

"It's a dead end," Ibiki said shrugging his shoulders, "The band name has turned up playing several performances before, but they apparently stopped after the massacre. They likely changed names since the witness's description of them wasn't worth shit in actually describing them, unless you consider matching the woman by her bust size a viable option."

"I actually believe the reason the band hadn't performed is Shermie might have run afoul of Kanji shortly afterwards," Yoshino said but since that wasn't her point she quickly moved on. "No, what I find fascinating is the moniker the Heavenly Kings."

Ibiki suddenly had an epiphany as he said, "You believe there was a fourth member of the band."

"No not quite," The Nara quickly corrected, "But, I can see why you would think that since the Heavenly Kings is an obvious reference to the four gods who watch the four cardinal directions of North, South, East, and West. A lot of groups after all have laid claim to it over the years. There might possibly be a new group in Iwagakure that is set to debut as Jinchuriki Killers who are going to be called that."

"What?" Ibiki said shocked, "Where have you heard that?"

"We'll visit that in a moment," Yoshino said refusing to be sidetracked. "I don't believe they called themselves that as a musical act, but likely in conjunction with activities connected to the Cult. This would mean there was a leader, one that didn't participate in the attack on the village."

"Because he or she knew it was a suicide mission," Ibiki said still wanting to return to Iwa potential planning to field some kind of group they felt could match a jinchuriki.

"Precisely," Yoshino said with an excited nod feeling the thrill that she used to when assembling a puzzle from the data she collected. But, she could see that was as far as Ibiki was going to take it, so added, "I believe this points to some sort of schism within the Cult. One that could potentially be exploited."

"What leads you to believe that?"

Yoshino returned to the desk to collect the rest of the file before flipping to the end which detailed the attack on Kiyomi's mansion. Finding the passage that she wanted she said, "Just before the man named Kurisu used that suicide jutsu, he told Mira that it was his mother that she needed to be concerned about. As such we suspect the Cult of the Moon is behind it due to their reverence of a Holy Mother like figure."

Ibiki nodded, but said, "Still we can't incriminate an entire religion due to the crazed mutterings of one nutjob."

"Agreed," Yoshino said with a nod, "It would quickly be a losing proposition in the realm of public opinion. But, it does lead to the possibility that the Heavenly King title was one they associated with duties to the cult. Sadly, we still have no idea what was on the tablet despite Shiho's best efforts. However, we do know it was something the cult likely did not want us deciphering."

Ibiki felt the need to state, "Let's not forget that all this is merely a supposition at this point. We have no direct evidence the Cult is even involved."

Yoshino was hardly dissuaded as she replied, "Supposition and theories are my stock and trade. The Cult is the most likely culprit, but even if they are innocent. There is a group that did not want us deciphering that tablet. The way the attack was carried out leaves me to believe the powers that be of this group also wanted to eliminate the Heavenly Kings. Most likely due to their indulging in such meaningless slaughter as the one performed in the Land of Stones. However, at least one of the members likely isn't as ruled by his impulses as the other three were, so while they saw the attack on Kiyomi's as an opportunity to engage in some mindless slaughter. He saw it for the trap that it was and remained behind. He can likely claim credit for a job well done, while divesting himself of potential liabilities."

The theory made sense to Ibiki who said, "While I wouldn't exactly call three people capable of holding their own against several tailed beasts a liability. I'm assuming you are referring to idea that if this fourth member does have plans to assume control of the Cult. Then having three allies that will lose their cool over a band competition aren't the best partners to have."

Yoshino inclined her head while saying, "They likely were the very definition of with friends like these then who needs enemies." She returned to her desk and sitting down stared at the Wall for a moment before adding, "Chances are this fourth member is confident that the other three could not be traced back to him as otherwise he wouldn't have let them go in such a brazen manner. But, he can't be sure so there is a chance he is monitoring the village for some signs our looking into them reveals a connection he is unaware of. If we are lucky then we might be able to find some thread that leads to whoever he or she is. Considering the time that has passed since the attack though, such an agent would be extremely difficult to uncover."

"We could try to look through the visitor logs to search for any person or persons that arrived immediately after the attack," Ibiki said figuring he would do so regardless.

"I doubt it will yield anything," Yoshino said with a frown. "If it is an outside agent then I doubt they would be so careless as to sign the logs unless they had a legitimate reason to visit. Sadly, due to the increase trade there are numerous people that would likely appear to be potential agents, but who have perfectly legitimate reasons for visiting. Not to mention this Fourth Member was confident enough to let the others attack the village, and trusted we wouldn't be able to link them to him. He might wish to keep tabs, but isn't going to do so sloppily."

"I'm guessing then you doubt he'll simply bribe someone in my department for information on the investigation," Ibiki asked although he knew the answer.

"Giving us a money trail to follow," Yoshino said sounding just as dismissive of the possibility. "Doubtful. But, despite how careful our Fourth Member may be, there is another potential avenue to find him."

"What is that?" Ibiki said sounding unsure.

"We put pressure on the Cult to give him up to us," Yoshino said confident it could work, although she knew that it was an even harder task to pull off.

Ibiki nodded seeing what the Nara was suggesting as he said, "Clever. You would want to exploit the suspected schism which made the Heavenly Kings expendable. Put enough pressure on the Cult, and those in charge of the faction that wanted to see them eliminated will create a trail right to him, especially if he is leading the opposition. The problem though is..."

"We aren't even truly sure the Cult is behind it," Yoshino said already aware of the primary issue there was with her suggested potential course of action. "If we're wrong, or even if we are right and handle it poorly our enemies can use it against us. At present it is not a method that should be undertaken lightly. The Uchiha Massacre is a prime example of why. Even though they intended to rebel and force everyone to acknowledge their superiority, the village's actions and subsequent cover-up allowed for it to be cast as being just as in the wrong. Despite it acting for the majority of the citizens' benefit." Yoshino leaned back in her chair as she added, "Plus, if we do pressure the Cult it may lead it to question what makes us so sure they are the culprits, or worth investigating. I would be far more concerned of them turning the tables on us to learn what we know as I imagine we might already be infiltrated by members."

Ibiki looked concerned, but couldn't exactly fault her logic as he asked, "I take it you mean they've been here for years."

"Exactly," Yoshino said looking at her wall where she had marked the locations for several of the larger compounds. "This cult sprang up relatively quickly after the Black Kyuubi appeared. But, I believe them when they say they have existed since ancient times. As such, people we wouldn't even suspect might have been secretly practicing this religion."

Ibiki nodded but confused asked, "If that is the case, then why do you believe the Fourth Heavenly King would need to seek someone outside Konoha to keep tabs?"

Yoshino smiled at him before explaining, "Because of your fearsome reputation for one. A person with secrets isn't going to willingly join your department and take the chance for them to be uncovered. Not unless it becomes necessary. The second reason is we can assume the most powerful faction in the Cult would be the one headed by their High Priestess. This is the person our Fourth Member would likely need to depose. Since he is likely from a weaker faction, anyone that has been revering this Moon Goddess in secret is likely loyal to her. I doubt our hidden Heavenly King would reach out to such a person. But, if we could find such a worshipper then we might find the Priestess would instruct them to give up her rival."

"So our Fourth King wouldn't want such a person found either, and wouldn't take a risk in alerting them of his desire to learn what we know," Ibiki said finding his opinion of the Nara quickly rising. "That leaves his needing to contact a third party not associated with him or the Cult. Or, developing an asset of his own completely loyal to him."

"That is what it boils down to," Yoshino said before adding as an afterthought, "Although it might also be a combination of those two choices. He will likely want to create a few cutouts in case this agent is discovered."

Ibiki inclined his head before stating, "I'll inform some of my most trusted subordinates to monitor the local banks for large deposits. If we're lucky, we'll be able to find and flag any suspicious deposits. Then if it is because someone is trying to get them to spy, we can flip them and create a double agent."

Yoshino doubted it would be that easy, but didn't comment since she was aware the Head Interrogator knew that as well. But, it was worth pursuing since one of the greatest blunders a person could commit in the game of counter-intelligence was overestimating the abilities of their opponents. More than one spy had been uncovered because of making a simply mistake that had been noticed. She still felt a need to caution Ibiki about the true danger of the group as she stated, "We can cast our nets in all the usual places, but the greatest tool the cult may employ to create a spy is its own dogma. I know that I don't need remind you that this Cult preaches indulgence in one's desires, and more than one decent person has been led astray by giving into them."

Her cheeks colored as Ibiki chuckled before stating, "I'm assuming you're speaking from personal experience."

Yoshino smiled at the good natured teasing before stating, "I guess I deserved that for lecturing you about something you already know."

Ibiki turned back to the woman's wall and possessed a better understanding of why she viewed such small details as being so important. After all, she had taken a name that he had read and immediately discarded as unimportant to create a rather compelling case. Still, he knew it could all be rubbish, but his gut was telling him the woman was onto something. Therefore, wishing to readdress her belief Iwa was set to unveil a group of its own asked, "Now back to why you believe Iwa is going to unveil some group calling themselves the Four Heavenly Kings."

Yoshino reached for a cup that was on her desk, and pulled a dart from it. She then tossed it at the map and hit one of the post it notes located in Iwa. He read the number it contained and approached the corkboard to find a newspaper article dated after Naruto had interfered in Paradise City. He quickly looked it over to find it said that a civil war had erupted, but had been quelled by Four Shinobi called the Four Heavenly Kings. He turned to face her stating, "Is this some sort of joke article?"

Yoshino shook her head in the negative and then explained, "Hardly, it is proof of the drawbacks of having a state run media. The Land of Earth as you know has a Ministry of Public Communications. It produces everything from the newspapers to the television shows that the public is allowed to view. Naturally, these stories play up how great the government is, while also proclaiming the evils of differing nations."

"Still, I'm not sure why they would expect the citizens of Earth Country to believe this completely fabricated account of Naruto's actions," Ibiki said putting the article back. "It isn't all that hard to find other sources which would detail what actually happened."

"Sure," Yoshino agreed, "Perhaps outside of the Land of Earth. But, they aren't concerned about our civilians knowing the truth. But, that article is a mistake in that it unveils a narrative that was supposed to have happened, but didn't."

Ibiki quickly looked back at the article before stating, "That seems like a pretty foolish mistake to make. How do you completely screw up all the details?"

"That is the downside of having a media which is more for creating narratives, then for reporting the truth," Yoshino said with a shrug. "What I imagined happen was the Ministry was made aware that the powder keg that Paradise City had become was about to explode. Therefore, they had already written the articles of how it resulted in a war which Iwa needed to quell. When creating a narrative, you want to be first with the information in order to shape opinion and thus facts come secondary, if at all. All that was needed to be known to set the gears of the propaganda campaign into motion was that violence had erupted in Paradise City."

Ibiki began to see the chain of events so said, "Then back in the Ministry's headquarters some bureaucrat hears that is what happened, so sends the word to run the articles. But, finds out afterwards that it was Naruto, not Iwa that stepped in." He chuckled as he added, "I imagine that paper-pusher is likely pushing up daisies somewhere."

"Very likely considering how those types of governments tend to deal with such matters," Yoshino replied. "They tend to feel it will motivate others not to make similar mistakes. Naturally, the word was quickly spread not to run the story, but as you can see some papers had already made it to print before it was received. Whether that article was sold at a newsstand, or some enterprising individual realized there was an opportunity to make a quick buck upon hearing of the recall notice I'm not sure. Yet, it did make its way to a black market and I had Hanare purchase it for me."

Ibiki was surprised, and a little amused as he asked, "Really, there is a black market for falsified newspaper articles."

"There is a black market for everything," Yoshino said amused as well, "Although, the one I had been monitoring is for rare or misprinted books and such. A recall notice would definitely insure that any papers which did survive would quickly find their way there."

Curious about the value of assigning a few of his staff to track such things he asked, "Has keeping your eyes open for such occurrences paid off before?"

"Not on the same scale," Yoshino said resuming her reading of the files he had brought. "Generally, it has led me to question certain election results when a paper is so sure one person is going to win, only for the underdog to suddenly pull off an upset. But other than that not so much."

Ibiki nodded, but concerned said, "You don't seem all that worried about Iwa possibly having a group they feel is on par with a jinchuriki."

Yoshino paused in her reading about an unidentified substance that had been discovered in the blood drawn from both bodies. Suspecting it might have been what gave the group the power surge they had displayed as they fought the Bijuu, she wanted to concentrate on it so shifted her focus to Ibiki in order to reply, "It is propaganda so it is hard to gauge if they actually would be. Likely the article was meant to assure the populace that Iwagakure is still more than a match for us despite losing their jinchuriki. What I do find worrisome is that Iwa was working on something of that nature long before Akatsuki came along."

"I'm assuming that you suspect this since researching and testing would take years," Ibiki stated prompting the Nara to incline her head.

"Yes," Yoshino replied letting some small note of unease appear on her face since although she didn't have any actual data on the group. She doubted Iwa would let it be reported their Four Heavenly Kings could handle a jinchuriki unless the village was confident it could. "It likely has to be some sort of augmentation process that has experienced limited success as otherwise they would have mass produced it. The most likely scenario is the four individuals were the strongest successes to date."

"That doesn't mean there won't be more," Ibiki said cautiously.

"That might be true someday down the road," the Nara said calmly as she was confident that it wasn't an easy process or without severe drawbacks if it failed to take hold. "But, I believe the process is somewhat similar to creating a jinchuriki meaning they likely started years ago. Probably with the intention to augment their shinobi in order to support their jinchuriki and give them an edge in the next Shinobi War. Therefore, it is even likely this program started back during the Third Shinobi War." Yoshino picked up the report that she had been working on when he entered, adding, "I go into even more detail in the report I put together. Let me know if you have any questions."

Ibiki realized the woman was inviting him to leave as her attention had already returned to the files that he had brought her, even as she held hers out for him to take. Accepting it, he began to leave her study, and shook his head amazed at how the Nara's mind worked. Still, he wasn't quite sure if anything they discussed would happen, but could definitely see why she had earned the title of The Oracle.

Yoshino was aware that she was alone once more, but was already completely focused on what she was reading. She was concerned that despite having been thoroughly analyzed the substance found in the Kings' bloodwork remained quite unknown. Although confident that it was what had been behind their powerful chakra, she believed it was probable that not just anyone could ingest it in order to gain a chakra power-up. Looking up at her wall, she focused on Iwagakure and felt some concern that it wasn't a coincidence that they were set to unveil a group that bore the same name as those that had invaded Konoha.

Yet, she quickly dismissed the possibility that there was a link since Iwa had intended to reveal their group almost a year before the suspected cultists had showed up in Konoha. Thus eliminating the possibility that the name being shared by the Iwa group was due to the Kings being decimated by Naruto and the Bijuu. But, she suddenly stood as she considered the possibility that perhaps the name might be shared due to a similar sense of the Divine being bestowed upon the people of both groups. It would be easy to picture that the Cultists believed that they were ingesting something bestowed by their Holy Mother to give them enhanced abilities. Yet, in Iwagakure she easily pictured that the closest thing to a divine being would be the Bijuu. With the Bijuu being the common link, she believed that whatever process was used in both groups likely originated with the Tailed Beasts in some way. She quickly theorized that the unknown substance in the Cultists' blood, might be similar to the chakra-like flesh that had been ingested by Sora which led to the creation of the Black Kyuubi.

She frowned though as she knew there was currently no way for her to test her theory. The Chakra Flesh that Kazuma had gathered had long since withered away, and to her knowledge there had been no study of it since Konoha had been too busy tending to its dead and defense. Even asking the Bijuu to transform would likely fail to provide any conclusive information, since due to their becoming human their chakra forms had merged with their bodies, and extracting their original forms out of the remaining jinchuriki was impossible for the same reason, except for Bee. She knew quite a few of her fellow Family members would gladly hunt down Sora to extract the Black Kyuubi, but since he was suspected to be in Kabuto's possession she doubted either would turn up unless they wanted to be found. Still, she knew that such matters were a little outside her area of expertise, so would turn over finding a means of testing her theory to those better suited to it.


Toki felt a sense of melancholy as she said to the assembled leaders, "As we haven't been able to come to an agreement, we will have to reconvene this assembly at the agreed upon time next year. On behalf of our host Daimyo Haruna and myself, thank you all for coming and at least being willing to consider the possibility of an alliance."

Many of the minor country leaders inclined their heads politely before they stood to begin to mingle while refreshments were brought into the room. But, she detected a smirk on one of their faces. She focused her gaze on the man prompting it to quickly disappear, and she wished she could show him the distaste that she held for him, but doubted it would be conductive to future negotiations. Not that she felt it would matter even if she did remain civil, since it had been apparent that he had intended to act as a spoiler to forming an alliance from the beginning.

The man was the leader of Stone Country and went by the presumptuous title of President, despite the fact that there hadn't been an election to put him in power. But, he had risen to power during the Third Shinobi War, and deposed the previous Daimyo as he had been about to switch their support from the Land of Earth to Wind during the war. The man who appeared to be in his late forties now was named Vinzer Deling, and had seized on the anger the Daimyo's change in support had brought about as much of the Land of Stone's populace had close ties to the Land of Earth. So while the Daimyo had been willing to switch sides especially as the war had been turning against Iwa at that point, much of the populace had been unwilling too. Vinzer had seized control of the government and then pledged his undying support to Earth Country and turned his soldiers against Suna.

Naturally, they stood very little chance against trained shinobi, but with Iwa being allowed through the Land of Stone unmolested, the many tiny cuts quickly turned into massive bleeding as Suna had to pour more and more resources into taking the Land of Stone to prevent Iwa from gaining a clear route into the Land of Wind. It was also a somewhat unique position to take since most minor countries made life hell for both of the sides using their land for their battleground. The leaders of those countries would often only take a side towards the end where a clear winner was close to being declared so as to hopefully aid in getting the shinobi out of their lands that much sooner. Not to mention, an openly hostile government would quickly be replaced if they supported the wrong side too early and that side lost. She supposed that it could be said that Vinzer had taken a principled stand, and had answered the will of his people. But, from her admittedly few interactions with him outside of the assembly, she was left with the impression that he was an astute opportunist and nothing more. She suspected the most principled thing about him was that he would take any action that he believed benefited him. His support of Earth Country during the war had after all, led to a promotion from a relatively low level commander to leader of an entire country. The Land of Earth had even stipulated in the peace treaty signed to end the Third Shinobi War that he was to remain in power. Konoha and Suna had quickly agreed, since deposing him would likely result in the populace rioting and require an occupation force be left behind. Something no one wanted since everyone had been tired of fighting at that point.

Toki really wished that someone had taken a different stand though, since she was confident the man had been working on the Land of Earth's behalf to insure an alliance of Minor Countries didn't form. She had considered not inviting the Leader of Stone, but felt doing so would be a mistake as Vinzer could then charge that only countries with more favorable leanings to Suna, Konoha, or Kumo had been invited. Not to mention, with her Land of Birds sharing a border with Stone, she knew an alliance meant to stand up to the Land of Earth was pointless if she couldn't get the country along her eastern border to support it since if help was needed in Ame, for example, it would require the minor countries' forces to enter the Land of Wind, whose Daimyo likely wouldn't be too pleased at the notion. She knew Stone not going along wouldn't exactly be a deathblow to her goal of forming a minor country coalition, since as a Shinobi Wielding Nation, Amegakure was also a member of the Alliance Konoha had formed with its fellow Shinobi Villages so could receive help from those nations. But, with the Land of Stone literally forming a wall between that same help from reaching her country and those along The Land of Earth's Western Border where it was looking to expand it had caused most of the minor countries to balk at the idea of joining forces. This was primarily since without Stone's support of a Minor Alliance, the Land of Wind's Daimyo would likely need to give his consent for Amegakure and its allies to send forces through his lands to reach them should Earth turn openly aggressive. Since that included most of the military powers capable of standing up to Iwa, very few Minor Daimyo wanted to get on the Land of Earth's bad side.

She felt an icy stare and she lost her train when she noticed the red veiled gaze of Vizner's ambassador and advisor was staring at her. The woman obscured her face with a red mask that resembled a hawk's beak, but exposed her ample cleavage via the dark almost black purple skin tight dress that she wore. The top half of the dress was covered in black feathers which turned to purple silk shortly after descending past the swell of her breasts, before the material began to lighten as one's eyes traveled down to her feet becoming almost whitish purple at the hem of her dress. Atop her head was a headpiece which was adorned with jewels, while on her back she wore a large golden half circle from which two strips of sheer fabric hung. Compared to the business suit of the man she advised, the woman who was introduced as simply Edea gave off the very air of royalty.

She shivered a little from the woman's gaze, so was appreciative as the warm voice of Shion washed over her. "You shouldn't take it so hard that this first assembly didn't amount to much."

Toki noticed that Edea was quickly making for the exit as if she didn't wish to draw the Priestess's attention. She frowned at the behavior, but it was quickly replaced by a soft smile as she turned towards the woman in charge of the Land of Demons. "I know," she answered although she couldn't completely help having a note or two of disappointment in her voice. "In many ways it was a victory to get all these leaders in a single room."

Her gaze drifted to Koyuki the Daimyo of the Land of Spring, and she smiled as she saw the two Daimyo from Claw and Fang were eagerly chatting with her. She imagined they were looking for spoilers to the rumored sequel to the Make-Out Paradise movie that she had stared in. Toki's gaze drifted to the man standing just behind her, and she felt a warming sensation which started in her loins as Naruto had accompanied her to the meeting due to her usual bodyguard being away. She felt a small tinge of jealousy as she imagined the woman had made the most of it as they traveled from Konoha to Vegetable.

But, she quickly suppressed it due to Koyuki having proved vital in blunting a lot of Vizner's arguments against an alliance. Particularly when he had claimed that the alliance was truthfully simply an Anti-Earth Country Coalition. Toki had been unprepared to blunt such a criticism since it was true in a lot of ways. Yet, Koyuki had interjected that the minor countries that shared a border with Earth Country had a great deal to be concerned about as what happened in Paradise City showed. Not to mention it having annexed The Land of Noodles.

Vizner had tried to counter that she was just bitter over their withdrawing from the deal they had made with her to let her film her new movie in their lands. He had used her placing an embargo on the Land of Earth, and thus cutting them off from all the resources Spring had been providing as his example. Koyuki far from denying it, owned up to it claiming that if she couldn't trust them since they refused to keep their word about something so minor. Then she couldn't believe them about their pledge the resources would only be used to fuel modernization efforts.

The President of Stone had tried to make her sound heartless since he claimed her actions only made life more difficult for the Land of Earth's citizens. Yet, Koyuki had stood her ground and displayed she was a rather shrewd ruler when countering that her concern wasn't to the people of Earth Country, but her own, and if she couldn't trust the resources weren't being used for militaristic purposes it would be foolish of her to continue to supply them to avoid bad press in Earth Country. She further pointed out that it was countries that bordered Earth Country that would be hurt far sooner than her if they were lying.

Vizner, had wanted to continue arguing, but his advisor had placed a calming hand on his arm to pull him back in his seat. She had seen that Koyuki had not only come out the winner, but had reminded the other attendants of the Land of Earth tendency to say one thing, while acting another.

Unfortunately, it had not been enough and eventually Toki saw the best she would be able to achieve was to get the other attendants to agree to discuss the matter again at a later point. She just hoped people wouldn't be more amical to agreeing to band together because Earth Country had annexed a few more territories by then.

Shion nodded at Toki's mention of the victory it had been just to get the others to attend, and added, "Don't forget your getting them to agree to another meeting. It would have taken a miracle to get them to agree to an alliance the first time out. Many of them are probably afraid banding together will put a target on their back, not just from Iwa but other villages as well. A united front stating we will not be the battlegrounds for their wars hampers more than just one village."

The Daimyo of Bird smiled appreciatively to the Priestess while replying, "You're right. But, what good is not poking the bear when it is going to devour you regardless of if it wakes up now or later."

Shion apparently had given the matter such thought before as she had an answer waiting. "Most of them are simply hoping the bear doesn't wake up on their watch. Why act proactively, when there is a chance someone else will inherit the problem? For most it is about enjoying the good life while they can."

Toki sighed and couldn't fault the logic behind the explanation since that indeed seemed to be the case with most of her fellow nobles. Again watching the two from Claw and Fang, she now felt annoyed that with their countries nearly having been tricked into engaging in a war between each other. It seemed their biggest concern was discussing whether a new book series that had come out was the spiritual successor to Make-Out Paradise or not. She saw the Daimyo from Claw waving the first book to come out in the new series, and thought she caught sight of a person that looked just like Naruto on the back cover. The Claw Daimyo handed it to his counterpart from Fang and she saw him say that even his wife had loved it. That seemed to surprise the Fang Daimyo who gave it a harder look, allowing Toki to see the person on the back cover did indeed resemble Naruto, but was obviously female and lacked his whisker marks.

Shion could see that despite her efforts that Toki still seemed rather down about her failure. But, she also saw that Konan appeared disappointed as well, and guessed it was because it was the second such setback to her plan to remake Akatsuki into a force for good. Hoping she would have better luck with cheering up her fellow Family member, she excused herself.