
79: Revenge Arc: Sins of the Past, Haunting the Present: Part I (2)

Sari gazed around the room, and had to admit that it seemed Naruto went all out in everything he did. That was because despite sitting in what she would have described as the heart of his sex palace, before having seen it, she really did feel like she was sitting in a busy restaurant. This was because Naruto had filled it with henged clones to complement the staff moving from table to table. He even had several clones set up on the stage to act as a band while a few clones danced nearby. A lot of it was window dressing though, since the food appeared to be props, and everyone was drinking water. Not to mention the band was simply making hand gestures, since she had already seen one of them go off to change a tape. But, she knew it was about giving the air of normalcy since he probably couldn't be seen in public with the woman he planned to attend with.

She gave a quick though about who it might be, and felt a little amused since it really could just about be anyone she guessed. She thought it would be rather nice if it was Matsuri as she always wanted to go on a double date with her friend, and figured this would probably be as close as she got. She sent a look towards Gaara, but figured that wouldn't be the case. She didn't think it would be because of Matsuri's past interest in Gaara, but because it might put her in a difficult position of having to side against either her lover, or leader.

Sari felt somewhat nervous since although she hadn't really given the overall matter much thought. She feared that she might find herself in a similar situation. There was a part of her that freely admitted that she found the idea that Naruto had been willing to risk the fate of Alliance for one of his lover's happiness, extremely romantic. Yet, she also could easily understand why Gaara had been so opposed to it. But, that was about as far as she had debated the matter since she would admit to a part of her hoped that she might be the one thing Gaara couldn't sacrifice for the village. Yet, if that portion of her soul was the hopeless romantic, the other portion was what told it to face reality and she felt was the cold logical shinobi born from her training which knew there was no sacrifice too great for it.

Sari figured one reason she had avoided answering the question of who she sided with was because she didn't want to have to pick a side. Primarily since she felt it wouldn't be fair to Gaara. In some ways, she felt it would be her repeating the mistake that she had made early on in their relationship, when she hadn't really considered the ramifications of dating someone with Gaara's emotional baggage. In hindsight, she realized that she should have been more patient in moving to a physical relationship, and Gaara's intimacy issues weren't due to a lack of interest. She had nearly thrown it away simply because she hadn't been willing to be patient and although nearly losing him had caused them both to grow closer. She wondered if perhaps they would have developed a deeper understanding of each other had they arrived at their current level of intimacy naturally. After all, in a sense she figured it had come about kind of like relationships that had been born between Shinobi brought together after facing combat together. She felt they faded so quickly because it was a natural way to feel alive after facing death, but they couldn't withstand the pressures brought about by life because it was built upon a single high stress moment in time.

That was why she probably was letting the Shinobi portion of her soul have the greatest say at the moment, since she had become his girlfriend after he had already been Kazekage. She figured that she might feel differently had they known each other before he was sworn in. But, she had come along while knowing that he had sworn an oath to protect the village. Not after building a life together, so knew she shouldn't really expect him to put her above the vow he had made to their home. Plus, she was a kunoichi so knew at any moment he might have to order her into a situation that she wouldn't walk away from.

The doors to the room opened and although she knew Naruto was attached to some powerful people. She had to admit she was shocked when he entered with the Daimyo of Vegetable on his arms. Gaara didn't look too surprised, so she leaned over asking, "You knew he had seduced her?"

Gaara shook his head in the negative, before replying, "No. But, considering he has saved her Kingdom twice it isn't too hard to imagine."

Sari nodded as they approached and then stood with him as Naruto introduced his date, "Gaara, Sari, allow me to introduce the Lady Haruna, Daimyo of Vegetable."

Gaara bowed politely as he said, "It is an honor to meet you officially Daimyo Haruna."

"Yes," Haruna replied politely, "Although I'm sure neither of us would have expected it to be under such circumstances."

"Indeed," Gaara replied not really giving any real indication he felt the circumstances were unusual. Turning to his date he said, "Allow me to introduce you to my girlfriend, Sari."

"A pleasure to meet you," Sari said beaming from the novelty of hearing herself introduced as Gaara's girlfriend having not faded in the least. Plus, how it allowed her to meet people she only really got to read about in the gossip rags.

"Likewise," Haruna said sitting as Naruto held her chair out for her. When everyone had taken their seats, the Daimyo smiled before saying "Naruto told me you also serve as the Kazekage's assistant. Do the two of you mix business and pleasure often?"

Sari's cheeks colored, although truthfully it had only been the one time. But, rather than admitting as much she deflected the question by replying, "Probably not as often as you two."

Haruna gave her a polite smile as she said, "That's too bad, since it wouldn't really reflect well for you two. I'm afraid I'm not one of Naruto's lovers."

"Really," Sari said surprised, "It's just since he brought you here and…"

Haruna giggled as she said, "It's okay. I can really understand why you would believe that."

Gaara had been surprised as well, although his face hadn't displayed the slightest hint that he had been. Focusing on the Daimyo, he asked, "Then does your being here mean you are open to the possibility?"

"I guess that depends on how the night progresses," Haruna answered with a soft smile.

Gaara nodded, but focusing on Naruto said, "I do find your choice of dates today somewhat strange."

"Gaara," Sari said while sending a quick apologetic look Haruna's way, "Um, maybe that wasn't the best way to put that."

The Kazekage focused on his girlfriend before stating, "I didn't mean it as a matter of suggesting she wasn't a good choice. I was merely wondering why Naruto would choose her over women he has deeper relationships with."

Naruto didn't frown although he felt Gaara might be angling to reignite their discussion about how he acted on Yugito's behalf. He had considered bringing her to the date when he had originally suggested it to Gaara after finding out he and Sari were still in the village upon his return. But, he felt that would have been too confrontational even if he felt it would give Gaara a chance to meet the woman that he had felt should have been left to linger in a situation that she didn't want to be in any longer. But, when Anko had come to him stating she had a surprise and would be bring Haruna, he felt it had been a sign. After all, the purpose of his wanting to invite Gaara and Sari out was as a chance to get to know them better. Something he wanted to do with Haruna as well.

This was because for Naruto the disagreement over Yugito had, for him, highlighted a truth about his friendship with Gaara. It was built almost exclusively on their similar paths, but neither of them had a true grasp of who the other was currently. That wasn't to say they weren't truly friends, but it was obvious they had some misconceptions about each other. For starters, Gaara's belief that he would or should treat his lovers as soldiers to be used and possibly discarded over objectives. Granted, on some level he could understand why, since Naruto was gathering his lovers for the goal of bringing peace to the shinobi world. But, what he believed Gaara failed to understand was that didn't make them assets to be moved about on the board and sacrificed so long as the achievement was great enough. His lovers' presence in his life also meant that many of his priorities had shifted, something he felt Gaara needed to understand if they were going to be able to work together.

He felt Haruna's presence fit since if he was going to end up revealing more about himself, then it would give her an idea of what his lovers meant to him, and why he hadn't been able to respond to her needs before. Not to mention, having Gaara and Sari present would give an air of legitimacy to their date that a room full of shadow clones just couldn't match.

"I felt it would be a good opportunity for Haruna and I to get to know each other better," he replied, noticing a smile appeared on her face as a result. "Also, since, it appeared Sari managed to convince you to stick around. I thought it would be a good setting for me to get to know the two of you better as well."

Sari giggled before asking, "What makes you so sure that I was the reason we stayed?"

Naruto gave her a bright smile before stating, "Well, in my head I imagine Gaara returned from the meeting that brought you two here and said, 'Our business is completed. Let us return to Suna." Having delivered the Gaara portion in a fair approximation of his voice. Sari let out a snort, since Naruto's version of events was fairly accurate. Although, she didn't find it nearly as amusing when he imitated her by stating, "But Gaara, this is my first time visiting the Leaf, and you put it such long days. Can't we stay just a few more days and see what it has to offer? What good is being an Alliance if we never get to see the places we are aligned with?"

"I don't sound like that," Sari said quickly, but couldn't deny she had used many of the reasons Naruto had laid out when she made her case to stay.

Gaara let out a soft chuckle, as he stated, "Perhaps not, but he did accurately state the reasons you gave." He calmed again as he focused on the blond as he said, "But, it would seem you're pretty good at reading us. So perhaps tonight's dinner is an opportunity for us to get a better understanding of you?"

Naruto inclined his head before replying, "Of course. After all, I wasn't entirely sure I was right about my assumption just now until I saw Sari's reaction. But, it was a fair guess considering what laid at the heart of our disagreement."

He almost instantly regretted adding the last part since it provided Gaara an opening to readdress that discussion. One he seized as he said, "Yes, our discussion about Yugito led me to believe that you feel I'm too dedicated to my duties. That you believe I should be more like you and willing throw caution to the wind and to risk everything for one person's happiness. Your actions in Kumo may have worked out in your favor, but that doesn't mean I agree with them any more now than I did then."

Naruto sighed, and noticed that Haruna seemed somewhat pensive. But, he focused on the Kazekage as he replied, "Whether you're too dedicated to your duties or not isn't for me to decide. Really, it is the people you answer to. What I'm not beholden to is those people. I am beholden to the women close to me."

Sari seemed hesitant to interject, but asked, "But surely you can understand where Gaara is coming from? How can we work with you, if at a moment's notice you'll destroy everything we've already worked for on the whim of one of your lovers?"

Naruto shrugged, before replying, "How can I work with you if you'll force me to make concessions that make the people closest to me miserable for the masses of Suna?" Focusing on Gaara, he said, "You say everything worked out in my favor as if that provides cover for my actions. But, it really doesn't. I would have taken them still even if they failed spectacularly. Yet, the reason we do know what we do now, is because someone acted, instead of taking the wait and see approach that you advocated for." Naruto leaned back as he said, "I know there are times when we have to take the wait and see approach. The fact that the Raikage isn't sitting in a hospital bed with Karui taking his place is proof enough of that."

Both Sari and Gaara shared a look before the Kazekage asked concerned, "You cannot seriously tell me you would consider attacking the Raikage to install one of your lovers."

"More than considered," Naruto said angrily. He calmed as he explained, "The man has proven himself to be an opportunist and a criminal who cloaks his actions as being acceptable because they are for the Village of Kumo. He attempted to steal Hinata away, and succeeded with Yugito. Who knows what other acts that have torn apart families or lovers he has committed to keep Kumo strong. I know he cares for his home, but I don't honestly know what separates him from the likes of Joseki or Danzou."

Gaara frowned and considered how to phrase his response carefully before stating, "Perhaps we should consider that we've become no different than Joseki or Danzou ourselves. You were prepared to start a war over one woman's happiness, and by helping you in the shadows I would have been just as much to blame."

Naruto's first instinct was to reject Gaara's statement out of hand on principle. But, he had considered the possibility since with war being a possible outcome and his steadfast refusal to let Yugito suffer, he knew some could say he was willing to create suffering to achieve his desires. There was a good amount of truth to that, but he countered, "The difference between me and them though, is that I'm not dressing up my actions up as acceptable simply due to what I hope to achieve. If I had failed, the chances of war breaking out were nil as I would have accepted the responsibility of them. I would have become a missing-nin or if captured Ay would have found out my Bijuu was already gone which we could have spun in multiple ways. But, in the end the responsibility of those actions would have been mine to bear, not Konoha and not Suna's."

"It could have still torn apart the Alliance though," Gaara quickly countered with a little heat entering his tone.

"Which as you saw from Ay's actions was already built on lies," Naruto replied sounding frustrated. "What good is an Alliance when a member of it is only here so long as they see the tactical benefit it affords them. I think you need to consider that creating a new world requires more than good intentions on your part. It is going to require us to at times break the current system."

Gaara looked rather shocked at what Naruto was saying, and replied, "I do not know if I can be a part of that."

"You already are," Naruto quickly stated, "Think about it. A part of the old system was the Balance of Bijuu. My father decided rather than to break that system, to make me a jinchuriki instead, even with all the hardships that came along with it. It's the same with you, and truthfully as a result I don't know if I could have been anything but a shinobi. I'm sure you were never given a choice. I mean your father sent your uncle to kill you to try and make you a better weapon. How fucked up is that? Continuing the disintegration of that system was also a reason to remove Yugito from Ay's grasp."

"What about the jinchuriki of the eight tails?" Gaara asked with a note of concern.

Naruto shrugged, "That isn't for me to decide. I acted because Yugito wanted to leave. So long as Bee and his Bijuu are happy with their arrangement, I have no reason to interfere. Plus, so long as I, Fu, or Yugito are around, Ay can't really feel as if he has an advantage in that regard. But, I do feel Ay's feelings for Bee are different than they were for Yugito."

"Why do you feel that?" Sari asked noticing that Haruna seemed somewhat relieved with the direction the conversation was taking.

"Yugito told me that pretty much ever since the previous Raikage died, Bee has been kept in the Land of Lightning."

"True," Gaara interjected, "But it makes sense for them to use one jinchuriki for offense and one for defense."

"But, listening to Yoshino, she said that Ay kept him in reserve to the detriment of his military efforts during the Third Shinobi war," Naruto quickly replied. "She believes it was because after losing his father, the Raikage was unprepared to also lose someone he came to view as a brother. Most likely because he viewed his father as unbeatable. As the war effort continued to turn against them, he should have changed up his strategy. But that change never came, and as such Bee hasn't taken a mission outside of the Land of Lightning, even when he led a genin team. By contrast, Yugito was always used for missions outside of it."

"So what if this Bijuu eventually reaches out to its sibling to be freed as they have been?" Gaara asked suspecting he knew how Naruto would respond.

"Then we'll cross that bridge when we get there," Naruto replied somewhat surprising the Kage due to his expecting the blond to say they would help. "I made a promise to always do right by the women bound to me. Depending on the situation, I might feel helping the Eight Tails is necessary to honoring that pledge. Chances are, it would be. I mean I made a vow to one day help the bastard that destroyed my mother's chance at a normal happy family if it is within my power because of it."

"You don't seem particularly pleased at the idea," Sari stated not sure who exactly he was referencing.

"I'm not," Naruto admitted quickly, "But, Rin would be, and her happiness is what matters most to me. My mother also understands that if we are going to build a peaceful world it means letting go of our grudges, not just forcing others to do so."

Gaara again was surprised, although he had been made aware of the possibility that Tobi was actually Obito Uchiha. But, to hear Naruto would possibly try to help the man, when in all likelihood the Alliance would demand his death said, "That could again cause another point of contention for us members of the Allaince. From what we've learned, his actions have caused nothing but pain and destruction all across the Shinobi World. Would you really chance derailing the Alliance for his sake?"

"Not for his," Naruto replied, "But for Rin's yes."

Gaara looked somewhat exasperated, but knew trying to point out how one woman's happiness should pale in comparison to the good the Alliance could achieve would likely fail to sway Naruto. He decided to switch tactics as he asked, "What are your thoughts on the matter Lady Haruna?"

Haruna smiled politely before replying, "Why do you ask? Wouldn't you assume as Naruto's date I would side with him?"

Gaara nodded as he stated, "I do imagine that as a daughter who was forced to live away from her family a part of you finds the idea of a man acting as Naruto romantic. But, as a ruler, you have the wisdom to understand that what your father did was for the good of the many."

"Let's just agree that we aren't going to come to an understanding today," Naruto said quickly not wanting to put Haruna in a difficult position considering what truly happened to her.

The Daimyo smiled at Naruto before saying, "I'm sorry."

"What," Naruto said surprised, "You don't have anything to apologize for."

"No," Haruna said looking away feeling a little ashamed, "There was a part of me that thought you had me come as your date tonight just for this situation."

Gaara was a little unsure why he suddenly felt uneasy, but nonetheless admitted, "I also suspected that as well. A woman's suffering used as a bargain chip to help keep the peace between two kingdoms. Why else would you select her?"

Naruto's face took on a look of stunned surprise, which turned into horror as he made the connection himself. He quickly focused on Haruna saying, "I would never…"

Haruna laughed, since she felt there was no way a person could fake the face Naruto was now wearing. She quickly apologized though stating, "I am sorry for doubting you. But, considering what you know about me. I hope you can understand why." She felt relieved as Naruto inclined his head so focused on the Kazekage, "I would be inclined to side with Naruto, but not for the childish notion of romance that you would likely ascribe to it. You seem to believe my time as a political hostage was little more than an inconvenience forced upon me by the station of my birth. You likely would equate it to being born a jinchuriki in some ways, so feel a certain sense of freedom in offering your opinion without fear of me countering about how you wouldn't possibly understand."

Naruto sensing what she was about to reveal said, "You don't need to say anything more."

"No," Haruna replied quickly, "I really do." Focusing her gaze back on Gaara, she said, "To me, Lord Kazekage, your stance on Yugito is easy to understand, but it is also somewhat cowardly."

"Hey," Sari stepped in quickly, but grew silent as Haruna focused her gaze on her for a moment causing her to sense the woman's words were weighted by experience and pain.

Shifting back to the Kazekage, she explained with a voice taking on much of the bitterness she felt from being sacrificed for the political stability of her home, "It is always easy to say let's not rock the boat, especially when it is other people being asked to make the sacrifice, for the good of the many. So, let me ask you a question, what if your home was threatened, and the only way to save it required aid from Naruto? But instead of being willing to just give it as he normally would. Felt due to your stance on Yugito that the only way it would be worth it was for you to let him take your girlfriend from you. That he wanted to explore every inch of her body and bind her to him body and soul as he had so many. Would you be willing to do that?"

Naruto noticed Gaara seemed extremely uncomfortable by the question, not to mention a pronounced blush began to appear on Sari's face that the red-head began to react negatively to. Hoping to prevent a fight between the two since he felt Gaara was truly in a no win situation he said, "I would never require…"

"I would," Gaara said matter of factly surprising everyone at the table.

But, none more so than Sari as she shouted, "What!"

Gaara had expected the response on an emotional level, but logically stated to her, "You agreed with my stance on Yugito. It would be hypocritical of us to expect Naruto to leave her in a situation she doesn't desire, but expect us to be exempt in a similar situation." He noticed the anger his girlfriend was radiating only seemed to increase with his statement, but he continued explaining regardless as he believed his choice to be the correct one, "Her argument is I would not make a choice that I would find distasteful, and she attempted to use our relationship against me. But, you are a kunoichi of Suna, I believe if things were so desperate you would agree to it as well."

Sari seemed slightly mollified by his explanation, but Haruna said, "Are you in a relationship though?"

Both of them looked at her in confusion before Sari asked, "Of course we are. Why would you ask that?"

"Because," Haruna said with a frown as she focused on Gaara, "Your boyfriend answered that question without even consulting you. Plus, his reasoning is that you are a kunoichi of Suna, meaning he would expect such a response from any kunoichi that he gave such an order to. He didn't consider your feelings on a personal level, or that perhaps you only agreed with his stance on Yugito because of your relationship with him."

Sari tried to remain supportive, despite it hurting on a personal level as she said, "Gaara has a right to expect I would follow his orders. I'm a kunoichi under his command, and I don't deserve special treatment."

"Of course you do," Haruna said sternly, "Naruto consulted his lovers before making the decision that would possibly affect all of them. Most were supportive, with the two loudest voices against naturally being Temari and Karura. But, only because they were concerned for how it would affect you, Gaara." She focused her gaze on the Kazekage as she continued, "But, just making such a decision like that on your own, it only shows you feel she is a pawn to be moved on a board. Not an equal partner in a relationship."

"That is ridiculous," Gaara said quickly, "There is no right answer to your question then."

Haruna sighed before saying sadly, "Sometimes there are no right answers to life. Just bad choices. You see, my Father decided to send me away. All the while lamenting how hard it was to do so. How he wished there was another way. Turned out there might have been, since the Daimyo of Claw really wasn't all that into entertaining political hostages for a nearly hundred-year-old treaty. Instead, he passed me off to a subordinate to take care of." She paused as admitting what happened to her to two people she just met proved difficult. A hand reached out for hers, and she smiled at its owner before focusing on his two guests, "Turns out the man that he passed me off to did though. He wooed me, and I fell for him. But, then he broke me, turned me into a sex slave, pimped me out to his business associates, and made me so dependent on him that when I was sent back home I nearly ran off to be by his side. All so he could position himself to marry me, and then assume the position of Daimyo. In honoring a treaty to avoid a fight in order to save his kingdom, my father nearly orchestrated its demise to a different threat."

Sari wasn't sure what to say, so replied, "I'm sure your father would never have sent you if he knew what would have happened."

"I wish I could be sure that is the case," Haruna replied giving a soft smile of appreciation at the woman's attempt to comfort her. "But, my father already made the decision that one person wasn't worth a kingdom. Doesn't the math still stand regardless of how horribly that one person suffers? And in some regards I'm no different than my Father in that I've acted in the manner where the suffering of the few was allowed to continue for the benefit of the many and for myself."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked in surprise.

"The man who did those things to me is still out there, and has even risen his station some," Haruna said sounding disappointed in herself. "But, I couldn't dare confront him less it reveal what was done to me, which would cause many of the nobles beneath me to call into question my ability to lead. Then should I be toppled as my father, I imagine they would turn on each other resulting in a civil war. It was one reason the Three Criminal Brothers eliminated many of the ruling nobles after using them to assume power. Not to mention the shame I imagine I would feel should it be learned of. Yet, my silence has allowed Sasugaki to continue to torment others as I wasn't the only woman under his sway, and I'm sure his criminal enterprises have only flourished since then." Steeling her spirit, she said, "Yet, Naruto's actions in Kumo and what was learned as a result of them, has shown me that the only way such hidden evil can be exposed is to challenge that which makes us uncomfortable. We have to take risks that might have disastrous personal or larger consequences, and that is because there are people out there who understand that to challenge them might require us to give up our complacency, and thus feel protected because of how most are unwilling to do so."

She took a deep breath and paused for a moment before focusing on Gaara again, and said, "You may feel that your willingness to pimp out your girlfriend…"

"Haruna," Naruto said while sending a quick look towards the red-headed Kage and noting how Sari didn't seem inclined to leap to his defense.

Yet the Daimyo persisted, "That is exactly what he agreed he was capable of doing though. Perhaps, there is something noble in your willingness to do so for the sake of your village. There would certainly be something in Sari willing to be used in such a manner." Haruna tried to soften her words partially as she added, "I do not mean to suggest you would undertake these actions lightly. But, I do believe a better answer to my question would have been you couldn't answer it now."

"You mean as Naruto did for mine," Gaara said sounding drained.

"Yes," Haruna said firmly, "Because to me, to do otherwise shows me you were caught up in having a winning argument to what already happened. Which admittedly the question was a reflection of. But, you'd rather have the right stance on the issue, rather than take the time to actually explore it. To me that highlights the greatest difference between the two of you. But, I've probably said too much already. Shall we order?"

"Um, lets," Naruto said quickly as he waved over his clone to do so, which from the way both Gaara and Sari busied themselves with their menus, he guessed they were more than happy to as well. He didn't let out a sigh, but felt that as far as bridging the gap between him and Gaara went, his plan had failed spectacularly. Noticing how Sari was making an effort to keep her gaze squarely on the menu, he feared he had instead contributed to creating one between the two.


"Wow, this is so good," Moegi said excitedly after tasting the first piece of the fish dish, that had been placed before her. "You're an amazing cook Suzume-sensei."

"Why naturally," the Academy teacher replied sounding amused as she adjusted her glasses before placing the finishing touches on her dish and joining the genin at her table. "They may say those who can't teach. But, cooking is definitely one of those skills that can't be faked by just having the right knowledge to pass along."

Moegi nodded, before taking another bite. She hummed contently as she savored the slight taste of lime among the many flavors. She focused on the woman as she replied, "I wish I had learned to cook like this though."

Suzume laughed lightly as she replied, "Well, you could have if you had focused on my classes, rather than decrying how unfair it was that the boys got a second physical training course."

The orange haired girl flushed a little, before stating, "Well, it was."

Again, she gave an amused smile before countering, "But, now that you know that love is a battlefield. I'm betting you wish you had been a little more diligent in my classes, rather than daydreaming as you stared out the window."

Moegi gave a small nod of her head, but wasn't completely willing to surrender as she said, "Well, I still feel flower arranging was a waste."

"More's the pity," Suzume replied taking a bite of her meal, "Flowers, after all, are a way to communicate feelings just as readily as declaring it in a note. From the way they are arranged to the flowers used, it is a way to either create or convey a feeling in those who see them. Perhaps you'd be interested in a refresher class."

"Is that why you sought me out," Moegi said teasingly, "To try and convert over a former tomboy."

"Not at all," the instructor replied before allowing her tone to take on a mischievous note as she added, "Your discovery of a certain young man did all the work for me in that regard. No, this is merely a follow up to see how things stand from our previous discussion."

Moegi sighed, before admitting, "Not good. I tried doing all the things you've suggested." She blushed as she added, "Even coyly flashing him my panties. But, all it did was get him to pull me to the side and say we needed to concentrate on passing the exams."

"I see," Suzume said after digesting the information for a moment, "He didn't just tell you to stop, or that he was seeing someone. Surely he must have picked up on why you were doing it if he made it a point to talk to you about it."

"I think the stopping was kind of implied."

"But, no mention of addressing your feelings for him?"

Moegi frowned while wondering what the instructor was getting at since she kind of felt Naruto had shut her down. Not to mention, although he had helped her with her training, he usually turned the task of actually working with her to a clone while he sparred with Kiba. But, recalling what Naruto had said, she answered, "He said that we could talk about them after the exam. But, really what's the point. He appears so happy when he's at lunch with Ayame, and well love might be a battlefield. But, I wouldn't want to be the villain that breaks them up."

Suzume clicked her tongue chidingly before stating, "That my dear simply means you've given up before the first salvo. Naruto may appear to be happy, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is. After all, he left the door open to respond to your feelings, he just set a date after what he is currently focused on."

She could tell the genin was excited at the prospect as she eagerly asked, "Do you really think so?"

"Absolutely," Suzume said glad to see the woman hadn't given up since it would allow her to keep tabs on him without attracting his attention. At least not until she was ready to. Giving Moegi, an honest smile although she did feel like she was tossing meat into a wolves' den to incite an attack, she explained, "It shows that he is at least open to your feelings, and therefore might be more inclined to return them. If he was truly content with Ayame, then he would have told you that he wasn't interested flat out. But, perhaps cracks that haven't reached the surface have begun to appear and he is keeping his options open." Noticing her plate was empty the instructor asked, "How about some more?"

"No thank you," Moegi said quickly, "I have more training with Naruto tomorrow so need all the rest I can get. Let me help you clean up though."

"Don't worry about it," Suzume replied with a smile as she took the plate from the genin, "I will get to it in the morning."

"Are you sure?" the oranged haired girl asked, "I feel pretty bad about eating and running like this."

"Quite," the ravened haired woman replied, "But perhaps you'd like to take him some leftovers. If he enjoys it then I'll teach you how to make it or some other dish that he might like."

"Sure," Moegi said excited at the idea of bringing him something so delicious as she hoped that it might cause him to skip his usual trip to Ichiraku.

Suzume headed off to her small kitchen area while changing the subject to ask, "How is your training for the exams going?"

"Pretty good," Moegi said with a small frown as she thought about how worried Naruto seemed about the upcoming exams. Having taken one already, she could understand why he wasn't taking them lightly but felt there must be something else prompting him to push Yakumo and her so hard. Commenting on it, she said, "Naruto though seems pretty worked up about something, which is kind of strange."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I know the exams aren't exactly a cakewalk, but it is kind of hard to believe he honestly expects to run into anything that could give him a challenge," Moegi said with an air of certainty.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Suzume replied as she finished boxing up the leftovers, "He might be nervous because of the recent tension between Kumo and Konoha over the defection of the Two-Tails. According to what I've heard, they believe he had something to do with it, and it wouldn't be impossible to believe the Raikage might sneak in a few ringers looking to get revenge."

Moegi frowned but countered, "I don't know. He's been rather edgy about it since the beginning. For that to be the case, he'd have to have known it was going to happen beforehand and he's been hiring kunoichi to ambush us during training long before then. You can't really think Naruto had something to do with that woman's defection, do you?"

"Stranger things have happened," Suzume said with a dismissive shrug. "But who are these kunoichi he's been throwing against your group? Is it really just women?"

Moegi shrugged, before answering, "I don't know. There're always masked and they aren't all the same. Sometimes, I have an idea of who it is, like Sakura or Ino, which leads me to believe he's just asking the people he lives with now or has become friends with. But, it does help us to better prepare to face the unexpected, he's even had a few Suna-nin jump us. At least I believe so due to the jutsu they used."

"But, they're women as well," Suzume asked while trying to sound just casually curious.

She feared she didn't exactly succeed as Moegi asked, "Is that relevant?"

Suzume tried to put the young woman at ease as she said, "It could be. How does he seem with these women? If he's spending so much time with women other than the one he is dating, it might mean there's more hope for you then I originally thought."

The instructor fought back chuckling since she found nothing caused a young woman to lose her focus like bringing up her crush. Moegi beamed happily for a moment at the possibility, before frowning as she answered, "I can't really say. They just appear, wreck some havoc, and then scatter. He says he doesn't even really know when they'll pop in so maybe it is just asked Sakura and she's asking her friends to help out."

"Perhaps," Suzume replied filing the information away, "Anyway you probably want to get going. Tell me how he likes the meal."

"Sure thing," Moegi said happily as she followed the instructor to the door and waved after stepping out of the apartment.

Suzume shut it behind her and frowned as she processed the information she had learned. She knew she hadn't learned anything to concrete, but if she was right in her theory, then she feared that not only was Naruto a Corrupter. He was one whose reach likely extended not just to women in Konoha, but to other villages as well. Considering where Yugito Ni had ended up, it was possible that if Rain's Daimyo Konan hadn't been corrupted, she could very well be in time.

Before she went too far with her conspiracy theories, she forced herself to take a breath. After all, with a willing kunoichi all but gift wrapped for him, Naruto hadn't made a move on her much to both her and Moegi's frustration. The irony wasn't exactly lost on her, that all of Moegi's concerns would evaporate if Naruto had created a harem, at least as long as she was willing to share. Of course, if Naruto was a Corrupter then she didn't doubt that Moegi would come to regret falling prey to him.

Suzume entered her bedroom and moved a heavy trunk that was resting at the foot of her bed. She then began removing floorboards to reveal a secret nook that she had made to hide away the items she didn't want found. As she did so, she was forced to admit that her thoughts about how happy Moegi would be were based on nothing more than hearsay. This was because in truth, she had never actually come across a Corrupter, nor had the woman that had trained her. She did find it rather fitting in a way that the man she now was plotting against had inadvertently been responsible for the death of the woman that had informed her of the men capable of enslaving women, Biwako Sarutobi.

The Third Hokage's wife had also been the woman who had originally designed the kunoichi courses that Suzume now taught. She had informed her that their purpose had been so she could select an apprentice to pass the knowledge onto. Biwako had used the course to mark women she felt fit particular criteria, which was basically an extreme interest in sex or a willingness to use it to their advantage.

Suzume had been both, as she had attracted the woman's attention during the kunoichi's courses about how to act around men of varying types. For the parts where she had been told to be playful. She had been all to ready to flirt, and be suggestive, while other kunoichi in training had just blushed and giggled. Biwako had eventually selected her though when at the age of fourteen as she prepared for the Chunin Exams, and after learning about how the structure of the first test would be an exam, had set out and seduced the head proctor. She smiled as she recalled stepping out of the man's office and making it down the hall only to be stopped by Biwako who had been waiting for her. The woman had asked her if she had enjoyed whoring herself, which Suzume had tried to deny, but knew her attempt must have looked pitiful considering how his cum was staining her underwear, and the answer sheet to the exam was tucked into her shirt.

Yet to her surprise rather than being angry, Biwako had been pleased by her intuitive, although it had resulted in the Proctor being, "retired." Still, even more shocking had been how they had still used the same exam, allowing her to ace it. Her perfect test score and her performance in the second exam, had led to her being selected as a Chunin and Biwako's successor over the Kunoichi program. It had been then that Sarutobi had revealed why, which was to take her place to combat the spread of the Corruption as they described the jutsu.

She removed the last floorboard to reveal a large rectangular box. She opened it, and along the bottom were several felt covered openings, some of which contained ancient scrolls. There were quite a few unclaimed spots, two of which she used to remove the first layer to reveal a flat bottom filled with books and other items. Some of the books, she knew contained translation of the scrolls, some made by women who had been predecessors to her. Others though, much like the original scrolls of Zu, detailed how to learn the Binding. Which as Biwako described it was a rather ridiculously cute way to describe a jutsu that forced a woman to follow any command given to them, especially considering how the first group of women dedicated to wiping the jutsu out had once been slaves to a man that had used it. Fortunately, for those women he had gotten a little careless which had resulted in a new conquest slicing open his throat after he had acquired her, but hadn't put enough safeguards in place.

The freed women though rather than returning to their homes, having felt tainted by the experience, had instead dedicated themselves to finding out what they could about the Binding. Then after coming up with ways to identify other users of the jutsu and ideas of how to get close to eliminate them, the women had all gone their separate ways. According to Biwako it was because if they ever failed and were enslaved again. it would allow a Corrupter to locate and eliminate them. Or worse, enslave them again. As such, Suzume didn't know if there were hundreds or thousands more women like her, or if she was the last. Which had been the intention. Suzume though tended to believe there were probably only a handful of women if that many still around, since her teacher had almost not taken an apprentice. This was because it had almost been six hundred years since anyone had encountered a Corrupter, and as such Biwako had nearly burned the box of scrolls and books feeling keeping them was doing more harm than good in eradicating the jutsu.

She had only relented in her decision due to finding Suzume, who as she said due to her promiscuity stood a better than average chance of finding one. This had made Suzume question why the woman that had trained Biwako had selected her, to which the kunoichi had simply replied that she wasn't always a wife and mother.

Still, Suzume wished the woman was still around since she wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. Not that Biwako would have either, since many of their techniques were really more theory then not after six hundred years. Suzume had practiced them of course, but most of them required facing a Corruptor in the arena that he was most comfortable in. And, if Suzume was to act, she needed to be one hundred percent sure not only because the target was so beloved. But, because she imagined that a reason there might not be many such women as her who were aware of the Binding left around, wasn't just because they had failed to pass on their knowledge and having read some of the accounts of women that had been enslaved, didn't wish to join their ranks. Still, if Naruto didn't snap up the bait in Moegi, she would need to act sooner rather than later. Because if he was corrupting the women of the Alliance then he needed to be stopped before whatever plan he was working towards was completed and he ascended to a position where she couldn't reach him.


Haruna rested her head on Naruto's shoulders, and although some of the unused tunnels that were a part of the network that made up the Den could hardly be said to be the most romantic locations, still found herself happy because of the company. They were heading back having reached a blocked off section, and aware of the locale's failings said, "I'm sure this isn't exactly what you had in mind when I suggested a midnight stroll."

"No," Haruna admitted, "But it was enjoyable nonetheless. I'm actually pleased you suggested it considering how I ruined dinner."

Naruto gave her a soft smile as he replied, "You didn't ruin it."

"I don't necessarily believe your guests would agree."

Naruto couldn't really refute her statement as there had been a great deal of discomfort between them as they waited for the food. After they ate, Gaara had claimed they needed to leave early for Suna. Sari had agreed after just pecking at her plate, and the two had left them alone so Naruto had suggested the walk. But putting his date at ease he said, "You're not to blame. It was probably pretty silly of me think we'd overcome our differences so quickly. I probably should have given it more time. I am kind of surprised Gaara would have said yes to your question though. I mean when he first found out about me, he threatened to crush my balls if I went near her."

"I'm not," Haruna said earning a confused look from her date. She smiled at the blond before answering, "The idea of sacrificing all for a person's village or country is so romanticized it is almost sickening. When he threatened your oh so precious jewels, it was a matter of pride. A pride of a man who made a claim on a woman and didn't want another to take her. But, that same man when caught up in the notion of how important it is to sacrifice everything for a village didn't even think twice about trading her away. All so he could be viewed as a good Kage, so I suppose it is a different type of pride, but pride all the same."

"Still, I don't think Gaara would do it lightly," Naruto said trying to stick up for his friend.

"That doesn't make it any more acceptable in my book," Haruna countered. "He didn't even ask her. It might be that he is a Kage, and she is a kunoichi under his command. It could even be that he believes that if it ever came to his needing to make a kunoichi tied to another person do the same, he should be willing to do it as well. But, you heard Sari, she might understand it on a thinking level. But in her heart, she probably wanted to believe she rated higher than just another kunoichi in his armed forces."

"Yeah, but if I ever found myself in that position…"

"You wouldn't do it," Haruna said as a matter of fact. "You already proved with Yugito and others that your women aren't pawns. And whether he wants to admit it or not. Gaara treated her as a pawn in his argument with you. Even if, and I believe he would, but if he never would actually do it, he made her think for a moment that he was capable of it." Haruna snuggled a little tighter against him before adding, "Plus, I don't think you could bare letting another man put his hands on one of your lovers."

Naruto frowned but admitted, "The idea does make me feel angry. But… if they really wanted to…I would. I would kind of be a hypocrite if I didn't?"

"That isn't true," Haruna said quickly. "As long as you are upfront and honest about it, you aren't being a hypocrite. You would only be one if you said you were fine with it, because you felt obligated, and then began to resent them for taking you up on it."

Naruto nodded feeling better, since a part of him did feel he was being selfish for taking so many lovers while they only had him. "Well, that's one reason why I try so hard to keep them all satisfied, so they don't want to go looking elsewhere."

Haruna smiled at him, and suggested, "It's also why they follow you so devotedly. Which is another thing that separates you from Gaara."

"To be fair, being a lover isn't the same thing as being a Kage."

"All too true," Haruna said, "Which is probably why he is a bad one." She could see Naruto was going to quickly defend his friend so asked, "What do you think of your father?"

Naruto frowned at the change in topic but answered, "Well he was a great Kage, and sacrificed everything for the village. When I was growing up, I wanted to be just like him."

"And now?"

Naruto frowned, but admitted, "No, I still feel he is a great Kage. But, if he had been a better husband… my mom wouldn't be my lover now."

"What about a father?"

"Well, if he had been a better one of those, you probably wouldn't be on my arm right now. So, I can't fault him for that."

Haruna smiled as she explained the reasoning behind her inquiries, "Perhaps not. But, I feel my father was a pretty poor one. Much as yours was." Not hearing a rebuttal, she continued, "That isn't to say they weren't loving or caring, but when it came time to be a good leader or a good father, they choose the former. That is why it does sicken me to here of how their sacrifices are romanticized. Take you for instance. He is remembered as this great hero, but the literal result of the actions he took that night was treated as a pariah until he began to save the village as well. Now that it is learned it was his son, I'm sure his accolades only grew as people think, he used his own son, what a great man. Yet, just because he was a Kage and your father, didn't give him the right to do that to you. I think more people should be a little worried their leader was so quick to sacrifice a child, and more so when that child turned out to be his."

"Well to be fair, my mom also let him seal Kiyomi into me."

"True, but she also believed it to be an act of desperation while she was dying," Haruna countered. "I might be mistaken, but now it appears to me, at least, that she was as much a sacrifice as you."

Naruto again couldn't really dispute Haruna's claim since he felt similarly. It was also a reason why if faced with a similar situation as the one Haruna had laid out for Gaara, he wouldn't be able to say yes. Or, why he couldn't let Yugito suffer in unhappiness. To him, too many people were willing to compromise their ideals so long as they could claim to be moving forward with their goal. Even if that goal was peace. His father had been willing to sacrifice his mother's life and her dreams of a happy family. He also was willing to force his son into the life of a jinchuriki. All because of a prophecy and the small glimpse of the future he gleamed from meeting him. But, to Naruto it just felt like he hadn't been willing to fight for a better tomorrow himself.

He imagined that was somewhat similar to how Haruna felt considering she had also been a sacrifice to the notion of peace at any cost. Considering how things had turned out for her, as opposed to him, Naruto could understand why she was far more bitter how people would romanticize a father or husband being willing to rope their loved ones into their duties.

"Well, not to be flippant, but what's done is done," Naruto said after several moments had passed. "I might be wrong, but it sounded like rather than focusing on the past, you made plans for the future today."

"Yes," Haruna admitted, "Tonight showed me what a coward I've been. Here I was being bitter towards my father for his unwillingness to stand up to an old treaty. But through my silence and inaction I've let a true evil continue to exist."

"After everything he did to you. I can understand why you wouldn't wish to confront him," Naruto said sympathetically.

Haruna though wasn't willing to accept it as she said, "It was weakness and fear. Pure and simple."

"Fear," Naruto said in confusion before believing he understood as he wondered aloud, "That if you came across him again you'd…"

"Become his slave once more," Haruna said as they neared the room that she had appeared in when using the teleportation seal Anko had created in her room. She surprised Naruto a little as she took the lead to maneuver him towards it. "Yes. But now, I now longer have that fear. I also realize that I have a shinobi village at my disposal. I think it is time to use it. I'm going to begin dismantling what I know of his operations. He's done me the favor of introducing me to a lot of the people he worked with to build it."

"If you need anything…"

"Thank you," Haruna said as she opened the door to teleportation room. "But for now, I need to do this myself. Although, I would appreciate it if I could continue to make use of Anko's services."

Naruto nodded before he followed after her, "I guess this is good night then, huh?"

Haruna turned on the seal and arching an eyebrow asked, "Aren't you still under a ban on taking new lovers?"

"I am," Naruto said with a smile, "But, I can't help feeling I didn't show you a very good time tonight."

Haruna leapt forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Sealing her lips to his, she kissed him passionately before stepping back and leaving a small trail of saliva that connected them. She smiled as she said, "I had a lovely time, and it only served to make me look forward to the day the ban is lifted so I can claim you on a night of my choosing."

Naruto smiled as he found he rather enjoyed a Haruna that knew what she wanted and intended to claim it on her terms. Giving her a warm smile he said, "I believe that will be a night we both are looking forward to then." With a flash of light, the Daimyo was gone leaving him upbeat, but with a small sense of dread that he was probably going to be getting an earful from either Temari or Karura in the morning.


Naruto sighed as he helped Miya prepare dinner for everyone at the Hidden Eddy Inn. He was standing at the island countertop of the inn's large kitchen slicing vegetables while reflecting about his day. It hadn't been a horrible one, but had started exactly as he expected having awoken to feel Temari sending him an urgent we need to talk vibe via her fox mark. The talk with her and Karura had gone pretty much as he expected as she had noticed that both Sari and Gaara had been acting off that morning, so had wanted to know what had happened. Needless to say, she had not been pleased when she had learned how Haruna had confronted him using Sari.

He had been somewhat surprised how Karura hadn't exactly joined in, and had even cautioned Temari that it was important they both understand the truth of their relationship. Temari had wanted to argue that Gaara was inexperienced so didn't really understand what he was saying, but she had been shut down by her mother.

Karura had pointed out that Gaara might truly feel no sacrifice was too great for the sake of the village. Moreover, the fact that Temari was making excuses for him showed that she was somewhat spoiled by having someone willing to put her first. The older Suna-nin had also pointed out that despite all his faults, her husband hadn't exactly been eager to let the One-tail be sealed into her as he had been all too aware of the risks. But, that Karura had convinced him since having a jinchuriki would be a major boon to the village. It had helped remind Naruto that the woman had been a Hardliner in her devotion to her village. Although, he suspected she had hoped to be around to surround her son with love and understanding to offset the jinchuriki status.

Temari hadn't exactly been mollified, since she was playing the role of protective older sister. But, she had accepted her mother's explanation that if Sari was going to continue to see Gaara it was best she understood where she fell on his list of priorities.

From there he had headed to the Den feeling a similar we need to talk sensation from Mito. He had teleported to find both Mito and Kiyomi in an unused room of the Den. Covering the walls, floor, and ceiling had been writing that was still so densely packed together it looked like there were layers sitting on top of layers. He had then learned that what the writing represented was the formula that was condensed within the mark of the Caged Bird Seal, which Mito had mapped out using her chakra. He hadn't been too surprised since it had taken Mito almost all day to perform her scan of Neji's mark, but what Mito revealed was that she had never come across such a complicated seal as it had made even the one she had used to seal Kiyomi seem like the scribblings of a child.

Naruto had inquired if she could break it, but Mito had said first she needed the time to truly study it before she could even hope to answer his question. But, the reason she had felt the need to summon him was because she doubted that even the Hyuuga truly understood the seal, or what other effects it could have on those afflicted by it. However, it would be several days before she would have a chance to begin deciphering it as she needed to leave in order to attend the official grand opening of the port in Wave. But she cautioned him that even if she dedicated herself to the task as soon as she returned that it might be years before she could safely remove it, if ever.

Naturally the revelation about the mark had filled him with a certain amount of dread, since it hinted at another clan with secrets that might do anything in its power to keep them hidden. It also made him wonder if perhaps the Elders had been behind the Four Kings that had attacked Kiyomi's home to prevent anyone from getting their hands on a tablet that might have held some of those secrets. But, before his mind began to travel along that track, a sudden pain in his finger caused him to realize he had been so lost in thought he had cut himself. "Shit," he called out as he immediately stuck the digit in his mouth to stem the bleeding.

Miya looked up from the sauce she was preparing to ask, "What happened?"

"Nothing," Naruto said more annoyed then in pain, "I just wasn't paying attention so sliced myself."

Miya approached him saying, "Let me see."

Naruto did as instructed, and although he didn't think he'd heal from a fist to the chest like in the past. His accelerated healing had made short work of the cut so that it was barely a scratch, prompting her to say, "That's it. You big baby." But, before Naruto could defend his outburst, she took his finger and began to suck it. What pain remained was quickly forgotten as his brain instead switched gears to enjoy the sight of the woman treating his poor digit like a small cock. Feeling her tongue coil around it caused his dick to begin swelling in jealousy at a part of his body receiving attention it felt was rightfully its. Naruto groaned as she let his finger slip free of his lips as she asked. "Does it feel better."

"Uh-huh," Naruto replied eloquently as he tried to make sure to record the sight in his long term memory.

But, he quickly focused on the present as she said, "To bad. I suppose we should get back to making dinner."

"Well actually," Naruto said quickly catching on, "I still have some pain from a paper cut I received from an envelope that I needed to seal." He pointed to his lips as he said, "Do you think you can make it go away?"

Miya smiled as she said, "I'll certainly try my best to make you forget it."

She then leaned forward placing a chaste kiss against his lips before leaning back. She giggled softly as Naruto opened his eyes obviously having expected a bit more. She surged forward as soon as he opened his mouth to comment as much, and she quickly gave him one more in line with his expectations. Her tongue began prodding his causing him to quickly take up the dance with hers. His arms encircled her waist to pull her body closer to his. When they separated she asked, "Did that work?"

"Mmm-hmm," Naurto replied contently. "But, now I've experienced some severe swelling that has me concerned."

The purple-haired woman smiled at him as she looked down to see where he was swelling. Reaching down to cradle his package, she said, "Oh my, I should have warned you there were some side effects from my treatment. Don't worry, the swelling should fade in a few moments. But you should seek immediate treatment if it lasts for four hours or more?"

She laughed playfully as Naruto plaintively whined, "Miya."

Rolling her eyes and sounding like she was being inconvenienced, she said, "I suppose I can help you using the same treatment you would receive from any of the physicians that live under this roof." She dropped to her knees and rubbed his groin through his pants causing him to let out a low groan. She then pulled down his fly slowly and moaned hungrily when it finally slipped free of his fly. Stroking his length several time she said, "You weren't kidding about the swelling. I'll need to treat it immediately."

Naruto groaned as she began running her tongue all over his manhood, which only succeeded in making the swelling more pronounced. He let her continue as she saw fit since he knew when she finally got down to business all the teasing would have been worth it. Instead, he just let her do as she pleased as she lovingly went about her task.

Groaning, as she worked his balls out of his fly as well, he would admit that in many ways Miya was an abnormality among his lovers. But, he truly appreciated that about her, since although at times he did fear developments such as his chakra changing colors might indicate that Kanji's taunt about his lovers being with him only because of the Binding weren't exactly baseless. Miya seemed inclined to disprove that fear, since unlike how his other lovers seemed more and more willing to share him at the same time. She steadfast refused to.

It made Naruto realize that it wasn't some subconscious effect of the jutsu forcing his lovers to act that way to please him. But, a simple necessity of the type of lifestyle that they had become a part of. By being open to sharing him, the women willing to do so, could maximize their number of chances with him.

Miya however simply refused to do so, and because of it, at times, almost seemed to be a patient predator simply waiting to pounce. Pounce she did as she took his cock into her mouth almost to the half-way mark, causing Naruto to lean forward and place his hand on her head as he groaned, "Fuck!"

Miya began bobbing her head back and forth, and as she grew more and more into her pleasuring his rod, began to open her kimono to expose her breasts. She moaned around his length due to how as soon as one of them appeared from her kimono, Naruto reached down to fondle it.

However, before either of them could get too carried away, a voice called, "Naruto, are you down here. Sorry, I just let myself in, but…"

"Iruka," Naruto said shocked as the kitchen door began to open.

Miya reacted almost instantly as she ducked into the opening reserved for stools. Naruto quickly stepped in front of her as he faced the door just as Iruka stepped inside the kitchen. As his old instructor smiled at him, he hoped that he didn't appear too nervous since the man had seemed like a living lie detector towards him when he had been in the academy. Although, Naruto did figure it might just have been because he was one of the few people that cared enough about him to call him on his actions.

Clearing his throat, he asked, "What brings you around?"

"I apologize for popping in unannounced," Iruka said quickly as his Naruto was hiding something instincts began to go off. But figuring he was an adult, he ignored it to get to the meat of what brought him by as he explained, "I just left from a meeting with the Hokage. You remember those classes that I've been holding up at the Leaf Maximum Security Prison."

Naruto was trying his best to keep his face normal, but Miya was making it so that he couldn't even remember what a normal expression for him was since she had once more began sucking him off. Trying to ignore the pleasure coursing through him, he said, "I..it rings a bell."

"Well to make a long story short," Iruka said wondering what exactly was making his old pupil so tense, "I feel one of the people that has been attending them has displayed the drive and determination to earn a pardon."

"That's great," Naruto said, although truthfully he couldn't exactly be sure if he was addressing the Chunin or the woman currently pleasuring his cock. Although, he felt it could apply to both, he probably truly meant it for the latter. But, he focused on Iruka so he could truly get back to his own passion in life, pleasing his lovers. "I'm guessing there's something you need from me then?"

It was Iruka's turn to feel a little guilt as he said, "Yes, I hate to call upon the friendship we have. But, Lady Tsunade doesn't want this woman to simply fall into her old patterns. Therefore, she wanted me to assure there was something waiting for here upon release, so I was hoping you could arrange an introduction with your kinswoman Karin. As a former Sound-nin, I was hoping that perhaps she would understand how lucky she was to receive the opportunities that she did to turn her life around."

Naruto almost felt relieved by the request since he believed he could accommodate it without leaving Miya's warm, wet mouth. Calling to Karin via her foxmark, he stalled for time by saying, "I'm sure Karin would love to help. But, her company isn't exactly in a position to be taking on new employees. Their business isn't exactly growing as it was."

Iruka frowned, but before he could respond the door opened as Karin entered sounding a little eager, "Naruto, you…" But she quickly switched tracks although she sounded rather surprise, "…have company."

"Karin," Naruto said giving her an apologetic look mixed with pleasure from Miya's oral ministrations when Iruka turned to face her. "Your ears must have been burning. Let me introduce you to Iruka, he was my academy instructor. He has a request that he would like to make of you."

The red-head gave the teacher a warm smile, as she said, "I'd be glad to hear him out. How about we adjourn in my apartment so Naruto can focus on the more pressing matters?"

Iruka chuckled as he said, "I suppose he would be in some trouble if he wasn't able to provide something for all the hungry mouths he had to feed. Thank you Naruto."

Karin was glad she was facing away from the man as she guided Iruka up to her apartment since she nearly cracked up, and couldn't help adding, "Right now, I bet he's only concerned about feeding one."

No sooner had the door closed then Naruto was bent over the counter as he bit into his arm while he exploded into his purple haired lover's mouth. Feeling like a fire house, he heard Miya gag a little as she was unprepared for just how much of his seed she received. Naruto stepped back while she climbed out from beneath the counter, and found her disheveled appearance prevented his cock from wilting in the slightest despite the relief.

She rubbed the cum that had spilled onto her chest into her skin and noticing his dick still standing out said, "You may need to actually see a doctor. Unless nearly getting caught by your teacher has awakened a new kink for you."

Grinning, Naruto said, "I don't think I'm the one who was excited at the prospect of getting caught."

He stepped forward causing her to ask, "What are you doing?"

"Checking to confirm my theory," he answered as his hand slipped into her hakama pants. He wasn't surprised to find her not wearing any panties, or by the wetness. She moaned as he gave her snatch a vigorous rubbing and then in loss as he withdrew it. Holding the slicken fingers up to her he said, "It looks like I'm not the only one in need of treatment."

He began to undo the sash holding her up her pants causing her to look worriedly at the door despite her breasts already hanging out, "W…what are you doing? What about your teacher"

"He's busy with Karin," Naruto said as her pants dropped to the floor. Spinning her around so that she faced the door, he dropped down behind her and added, "Besides, you need to be punished for being a naughty landlady."

Burying his face in her behind, he clamped his mouth over her snatch and began swiping it with his tongue. Miya let out a moan, which she quickly suppressed but it only urged Naruto to lick her more vigorously. She rolled her head about drunkenly, while biting her lip to prevent her cries from escaping. Naruto eagerly helped himself to her essence and although he could do so all day. Decided to try something a little different. Pulling his mouth from her ever flowing fountain, he spread the cheeks of her ass so that her rosebud began to peek at him. He then gave it a lick causing Miya to let out a surprised yelp.

Although, feeling his tongue against her anus wasn't unpleasant, she wasn't really comfortable with it so said, "N…no… not there Naruto. I know the others have…"

Naruto quickly ceased as he stood behind her and placing his cock against her pussy said, "You don't need to explain yourself. Your pussy is more than enough for me."

Miya moaned as he pushed inside her but said, "Liar, you'll probably just go fuck one of the others' asses."

Naruto chuckled as he gripped her hips to begin sliding his cock inside her. Leaning near her ear he whispered, "But only because they want me to."

Miya just moaned in response as she gripped the counter to just bask in the feeling of being fucked by her lover. She still stifled her cries as best she could, but it proved difficult especially when he lifted one of her legs in the air since it really allowed him to pummel her womb. She could feel a climax building within her, but lost her battle to remain silent when he suddenly pulled out of her.

"No!" she called out frantically as she turned to see why he had stopped. Yet, she need not have worried as once she was facing him, Naruto lifted her up and buried his dick back inside her. She cried out in bliss, and laid back on the counter while he thoroughly fucked her. She bit down on her knuckle to try and stop herself from crying out, but it proved difficult to sustain as Naruto leaned in and began sucking on her exposed breast. It caused her to let go for a moment as several moans escaped her before she clamped down on the digit again.

Her eyes began to take on a glassy look as her climax neared its maturity, which she announced to the world as she arched her back and cried out while slapping the countertop. It only grew in intensity as she felt his cum flood her womb to the brim. She heard the door to the kitchen open up, but truthfully she just didn't care as being filled by her lover just felt too good so just pulled Naruto into a kiss as she squeezed her pussy to coax out every last bit of his cum.

But fortunately, the spectators proved to be used to such sights as Ino simply said, "I'll have what she's having."

Tenten joined in adding, "Can you make that a double?"

Miya smiled as Naruto pulled away to say, "Sorry my dears, but…"

"He'll be right with you," Miya said slipping from the counter to drop to her knees, "right after I clean him up for you." She savored their combined flavor even as his cum caused her to nearly climax again, but rather that invite the two to join her tucked him back into his pants. "He's all yours."

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked, not wanting to cut his time with her short, even as Ino and Tenten pressed into his sides.

Miya simply inclined her head stating, "Your services are needed elsewhere, and if you stayed, I'd never have dinner ready in time.

Naruto guessed she had a point, but with Iruka still up in Karin's room decided it would probably be best if he didn't strut through the house with his lovers. Hiraishining them to the Den, he allowed his lovers to strip him before returning the favor. Falling back on the bed with them in a naked pile. He sat back and watched as they took turns sucking his cock, and truly wondered how his life could possible get any better. As Tenten straddled him to sink onto his dick, he realized that he didn't really need it to be since he felt it was perfect just the way it was. It also crystalized for him why he had been willing to let the peace the Alliance had brought about collapse for Yugito's happiness, which was because if push came to shove, he truly could walk away from everything but the women bound to him. Content with that realization about himself, Naruto laid back to enjoy kissing Ino while Tenten rode his cock as he fondled her breasts.