
81: Revenge Arc: Sins of the Past, Haunting the Present: Aftermath (2)

Toka watched Naruto lay on his back in the middle of a destroyed training field. He had headed there after leaving Seventh Heaven and then created what seemed like thousands of clones before engaging in what she assumed was a physical representation of the mental fight he was having with himself. She had been glad for the confrontation between Naruto and the Akimichi, as it meant that her Family's ambition hadn't been derailed by the Uchiha's actions. After all, she had lived in a time where the prevailing philosophy had been if one of your clansman had been killed you killed two of the clan that had done it. It had ultimately lead to a cycle of violence that even the founding of the Shinobi villages hadn't completely eradicated. Sasuke's attack had shown all too well the mentality was alive and well just waiting for the right conditions to spring to the surface except with the calls being to avenge the village, instead of a single clan. It had been what she had cautioned Naruto about before succumbing to his charms, but some part of her had feared back then that when a person did rise up who hurt him on a personal level that he would give into the seductive call for revenge.

She was glad to see that she was wrong, although she been worried when he had isolated himself. She could understand why he had as sometimes a person just needed to hurt, and with the support network that he had, Naruto had likely suspected he wouldn't be able to do so as much as he felt he needed to. The battle between the clones and him was likely his way of completing that process. She had little doubt he was also beating himself up with all the would've or should've scenarios that could have prevented Iruka's death.

She sensed that she hadn't been the only one to witness the fight so moving towards a tree asked, "Have you taken up your cousin's old habit?"

Neji stepped out from behind it as he said, "Hardly. But considering the confrontation earlier. I was curious if Naruto was as sure of his position as he appeared. It would seem that he isn't."

"Is that what you are taking away from this?" Toka asked beginning to walk away.

Neji frowned as he watched Naruto stare up at the sky as storm clouds began to gather. But, figuring the Senju may give him some insights into the blond's mindset without disturbing him decided to follow. Catching up, he asked, "Are you saying that I'm wrong in assuming his fighting his clones was his way of confronting his doubts?"

"No," Toka replied as she began heading back to her home, "But, you seem to believe that is a bad thing."

"Considering how he challenged those who wanted to take the fight to Sasuke," Neji said concerned Naruto's stance would alienate those close to him when he wasn't even sure of how to proceed, "it may have been prudent to remain silent if he had doubts."

"I once would have agreed with you," Toka said giving Neji a slightly amused style. "But, now I think a person who is willing to question if his actions truly are the best way to proceed is more willing to find it. Back in my youth, I was bitter about the role of kunoichi being little more than baby factories. Our entire ninja careers were nothing more than the time we went about proving our abilities to attract husbands. I didn't want that life, so rebelled. I was so sure of my righteousness in doing so that those women that did I felt were little more than traitors to their gender, and yet, despite achieving my goals I still ended up being unhappy because not everyone was willing to live like me."

"I'm not sure I'm seeing the connection."

"My point is that perhaps if I wasn't so sure my way of living was the only right way of living for a woman, and had been more open to the benefits of settling down with someone I loved. I wouldn't have wasted so much time being angry at everyone. If I had been willing to open myself up to questioning my choices. A better solution could have been found."

"That may well be true," Neji conceded, "But, I hardly doubt softening your stance is the same as letting a murderer and terrorist run free."

"That isn't what Naruto is worried about," Toka said quickly. "And no one is saying Sasuke shouldn't be stopped or punished. But, Naruto recognizes a simple truth that I think escapes most those advocating that justice for those lost is the same as killing Sasuke."

"Which is?"

"That it is something that can only be decided when the confrontation actually happens," Toka answered with a note of concern. "Up until then, all the stances and arguments are nothing but a heated theoretical debate. I believe Naruto understands this, which is why he is addressing the anger he has now, instead of letting it linger until then. Because it will only be after he strikes Sasuke down, if it comes to that, that he'll be able to honestly say if it was about stopping him, or indulging in revenge." The Senju could see that the Hyuuga was considering her words, but that he still was on the fence so added, "It is because he is constantly questioning his motives and beliefs that I believe Naruto will not make the same mistake Hashirama made with Madara and the Uchiha."

"The First Hokage," Neji said surprised. "Are you saying it was a mistake to align with the Uchiha and to find the village."

"No," the Senju said with a shake of her head, "The mistake Hashirama made was in never questioning if he was wrong in so steadfastly believing that Madara could be worked with. You see, back then, no matter how many atrocities were attached to Madara, he would never stop believing that his old friend felt the same as him. After the village was founded, it did sound like that for a time they were able to recapture the happier days of their youth. But, it apparently came to an end when even the Uchiha were willing to elect Hashirama as Hokage over him."

"It must have insulted his pride," Neji said after a moment.

"Perhaps," Toka said not quite willing to write it off as being a matter of pride. "I believe it was because Madara wanted to use the just established village as a means to wage war on the other villages. I believe he felt that so long as differing ideologies were allowed to exist the threat of war would never end."

I hate to say it," the Hyuuga said with a frown, "but it appears he was correct."

Toka nodded, but countered, "Yet that goes back to questioning if your beliefs are the only ones that are right. Attempting to stomp out or browbeat others into accepting yours is far easier than actually trying to work with those who might not believe in the exact same thing as you. Madara only agreed to work with Hashirama when they had a similar view, but when he assumed the Hokageship and it appeared he wanted to work with these other villages that is when he separated from Konoha."

"Which is why he needed to be stopped," Neji said sounding like he was defending the Hokage from her accusation that he was in the wrong.

Toka gave him a soft smile, but countered, "True, but during that last confrontation when Hashirama supposedly cut Madara down. Did he do it because he needed to stop him? Or, because after vouching for him for so long, Hashirama let his anger at being betrayed get the better of him?"

"You seem to believe it is the latter," Neji said wondering how the woman could be sure considering she had already been trapped in a jutsu that would only collapse over a century later.

Toka nodded as she explained why, "Hashirama would later die shortly after that battle. Yet, in the weeks before, Tobirama began putting policies into place. Policies that would later lead the Uchiha to feel that they were being treated as Second class citizens in a village they helped to found. Which although were drafted by the Second Hokage, could only have been implemented under the First's rule with his permission. I don't believe Hashirama would have allowed them to be put in place before his final battle with Madara. But, I believe in his bitterness towards his former friend, he allowed the man's clan to be punished in his place." The Senju let her belief sink in a little before adding, "Yet, if he had been willing to question himself prior, perhaps he would have realized that the reason the Uchiha elected him Hokage was because they recognized a Madara Hokageship would have just had them fighting more wars. Instead, I believe Hashirama still held onto the belief his friend wasn't a warmonger despite the evidence and so the fault must have laid in his clan as a whole. Much as Tobirama always stated."

Neji found the possibility rather shocking so following her logic said, "So, you believe that rather than accepting he was wrong. The First Hokage found it easier to believe the problem laid in their bloodline and so allowed his brother to put safeguards in place."

Toka nodded before stating, "Safeguards which would eventually lead to the clan wanting to rebel which is what ultimately led us to this tragedy. Naruto definitely understands where those wanting Sasuke dead are coming from. But, his willingness to question if it is right or not, is what might hopefully prevent more such tragedies from taking place."

Neji nodded, as he had long believed Naruto had a way of looking at the world which could help those trapped in their own darkness. Yet, he would admit that faith had dimmed somewhat after Sasuke had rejected the blond man's friendship. It had even further after Naruto had apparently decided the Uchiha couldn't be saved and so had fought him with the intention to kill him if necessary. Yet, he recognized that Naruto's current stance wasn't so much born of a regret from those actions, but his fear that sanctioning Sasuke's death out of a desire for revenge, would only create more people like him. People who might believe they were acting with the best of intentions, but would let the ends justify the means. Understanding that, Neji suddenly felt he could see clearly why the blond man had attracted so many women to him. Especially when considering how most people would have been more than willing to say he was right to want the Uchiha dead. "It seems his eyes are still better than mine," Neji said more to himself then for the benefit of the woman walking beside him.

Toka smiled softly from the Hyuuga's words as she said, "No, his vision isn't why he can find the best path through the darkness of this world. In fact, I would say he is on par with a blind man when it comes to seeing what is before him. But, he feels his way through the darkness, and acts as a light for others to follow."

Neji found it to be a rather appropriate way of describing the Blond's abilities. Still, he couldn't help feeling concerned that with Sasuke out there and likely wanting to prove his superiority over Naruto. That eventually even the Uzumaki wouldn't be able to find a path through the darkness the Uchiha desired to create.


Mikoto stood in the living room of her apartment among dozens of packed boxes. She felt a tinge of sadness since it made the room feel empty. But, she felt it was probably appropriate considering that had been how she felt ever since the attack against members of her family and the Leaf Prison. Attacks which had been carried out in the name of her son. Since then, she had secluded herself in her apartment with only Kushina giving her company as she had begun packing her few belongings.

She could understand the other women and even Naruto giving her a wide berth since they really didn't make cards which read, "Sorry, your son turned into a homicidal manic." Plus, it wasn't like she had made much of an effort to reach out to those who had been hurt by the attacks carried out in his name. Mainly as she wasn't all that sure whether she wanted to apologize for him or try to defend him. Ultimately, that was why she figured Naruto had apparently pulled away from his lovers as he wasn't all that sure how to respond either.

She had felt something change a short while ago, as the emotions from the other women bound to him within the Hidden Eddy Inn became noticeably more upbeat upon his return. Still, the feeling caused a certain amount of dread to well up inside her, since it seemed her lover had found his answer. But, she couldn't be sure it was one that included a future with her.

She heard a knock at her door, and frowned since if it was Kushina she would have just barged in. Focusing on her mark, she nearly decided to feign that she was asleep since finding the presence on the other side of the door to be Naruto, meant she would probably see his normally bright blue eyes looking at her with a dullness to them. But, she figured if she did he'd follow his mother's example and simply enter her room regardless.

Moving to the door she opened it slowly and rather lamely said, "Hi."

Naruto having cleaned up after visiting the training grounds could understand her lackluster greeting so ignored it in favor of asking, "Do you mind if I come in?"

Mikoto stepped aside, and entering her apartment he frowned as he saw everything boxed up. Sensing the question that was coming she said, "I was always planning to move to Amegakure after agreeing to join Akatsuki. With everything that has happened. I think it would be best to make that move sooner rather than later."

Naruto supposed he could understand the sentiment, but turning towards her asked, "I hope I didn't make you feel like that as well." Not receiving a response, he guessed by not speaking with her sooner he had, he said, "I'm sorry!"

Mikoto was quick to say, "You don't need to apologize. I can understand why you wouldn't want to speak with the mother of the man..."

Naruto silenced her as he decided actions spoke louder than words as he pulled her into a kiss. She stiffened in surprise at first, but then began to melt into him. After several moments, he pulled his lips from hers as he said, "Don't forget that same woman didn't hold it against me after I tried to kill her son."

"Naruto, I understood why you felt you had to."

"Then why do you feel what he did would in any way affect my feelings for you?" Naruto asked fervently.

Mikoto felt tears gathering within her eyes as she admitted, "Because, if you hadn't given up on him because of what he did to me. Then maybe he wouldn't have tried to hurt you now."

Naruto gave her a soft smile as he moved to wipe her tears while stating, "But he did hurt me then. We might not have been lovers, but I cared deeply for you. Seeing him cut you down only forced me to accept that I couldn't force my own wishes on him. Sasuke needed to walk his own path, and that path has made him my enemy. But, my path has also made you mine, and I'll never let you go."

Mikoto wanted to swoon as she realized his blue eyes were as crisp as ever. They grew a little somber as he stepped away from her and moved towards her couch. He patted beside him indicating for her to join him. When she did, he took her hands in his as he explained, "I should have told you that as soon as everything happened. But, I couldn't face any of you because I... I wasn't sure how to move forward myself. There was a part of me that wanted to give in, and revisit the pain I felt onto Sasuke a thousand times over. But, if I did. Then how could I face everyone, especially you, when I would be acting out of a need for revenge. I accept that Sasuke is your son, but could you accept me if I wanted to kill him solely to make myself feel better."

Mikoto was surprised by his question, and answered, "I could certainly understand why."

Naruto frowned at her response so said, "Yet, that is what makes it so insidious. I can't ask those around me to give up their grudges, and then justify my own."

"But, Sasuke isn't going to stop," Mikoto warned.

"Which is why I will oppose him," Naruto replied confident they would face each other again somehow. "I'm not sure what will truly be in my heart on that day. But, I want to believe that it will be due to his needing to be stopped. I also want you to be by my side when that time comes. I hope you feel the same."

Mikoto couldn't explain how happy hearing Naruto's words made her. So simply replied with, "Yes!"

Naruto nodded before standing as he held his hand out to her as he asked, "Then may I spend the night here with you?"

Mikoto nodded as she accepted it, and then followed him into her bedroom. It had received a similar treatment as the living room although the bed was still made. She felt a little disappointed though when it became apparent that Naruto was simply undressing to go to bed. However, she supposed considering the day's events she understood. Still, she couldn't help smiling as they climbed under the blankets together and Naruto wrapped his arms tightly around her. She felt a surge of energy come over her body and strangely seemed to have originated from her eyes as he whispered softly, "I love you, Mikoto Uchiha."

She could hear her heart hammering in her chest, and pulled her body tighter against his as she kissed his lips tenderly before replying, "I love you too!"

She then allowed herself to be lulled to sleep by his warmth as she promised to do everything in her power to protect him, even if it meant facing her son with the intent to kill.


Mebuki Haruno stared out at the moon from her hospital bed. She didn't really feel anything at the moment, which concerned her simply because she had felt numb ever since Sakura had informed her about Kizashi's death. There had been tears to be sure, but it felt as if they had been a reflex. Almost as if she had been given a painkiller, but on some level her body recognized the pain despite the numbness. The woman understood why she felt that way, which was because for so long she had gone against her nature, it was hard to remember who she had been.

This was because unlike most people that entered the Academy, Mebuki had been forced to because she had been a delinquent. She had been orphaned at a young age, but didn't have a clan who would step in to raise her. Falling into the village's overburdened orphanage system, it had been easy for her to fall into a bad crowd. Moreover, she had considered her parents to be fools so had rejected their desire to protect the village. But, had studied enough about harnessing chakra since she knew that being a hellraiser in a ninja village would require the ability to evade the authorities. In time, she had been running the mostly female gang that she had joined. However, her days of stealing from stalls and picking pockets for spending money had ended when she decided to graduate to actually robbing people traveling to the village.

They had come across an older man as he was approaching the village, and the altercation had gotten physical. Mebuki had managed to get his wallet from him, but in the process had caused him to fall back and hit his head. All of the other girls had scattered fearing that they had killed him, but Mebuki not quite ready to be a killer and aware she would if he didn't get help had carried him to the village. Fortunately, a group of shinobi had stumbled across her as she struggled to make it back. But unfortunately, it didn't take long for him to recover and for it to be learned that the good Samaritan trying to help him had also been the person that had robbed him.

Although the man had been more than willing to have the book thrown at her. The Third Hokage had managed to convince him to give her a chance to accept a plea deal. Seeing it as a slightly better alternative than a juvenile prison, she had accepted. It had been around the same time as Kushina Uzumaki joining the academy, and the two of them had not gotten along at all. She had become somewhat friendly with Tsume, but that was mainly a result of the Inuzuka's falling out with the red head. Mebuki had fallen into somewhat similar habits as she had begun to bully the other girls while amassing some followers. However, Kushina had regularly acted as her foil, especially when Mikoto had fallen from grace in the academy after losing to Kushina and she had seen an opportunity to knock the haughty Uchiha down a few more pegs. It had caught her by surprise when the Uzumaki had leapt to her old rival's defense.

Afterwards, things had settled down as Mebuki had decided trying to settle her rivalry with Kushina with her fists would be more trouble than it was worth. So, she decided to do so by showing her up, and fortunately she exceled at learning unlike the Uzumaki. She would admit it always made her smile as she would constantly be praised for acing every test, while the red-head would be reprimanded for how poorly she did. However, none of it really began to matter as she had fallen for Kizashi.

She hadn't thought much of him at first to be honest. In fact, she had been outright annoyed at him since for whatever reason, he had been smitten by her, and while she had been trying to act tough he would often make her blush with his comments. It had saved him from getting pummeled by her on more than one occasion, as he would use the opportunity to escape her wrath. In time, she found it took more energy to feign annoyance rather than accept that she had come to enjoy his presence, and how he made her feel. Many of her old followers had probably been surprised when she traded in her old bad attitude clothes to adopt a more passive dress that reflected her high grades. Still, she hadn't turned over a completely new leaf as she was more than willing to pummel anyone that harassed Kizashi during the few times he had been unable to talk his way out of trouble.

After graduating, she accepted that she had come to love him and despite having an extremely promising career as a Chunin. One in which she could have easily become a Jounin or even Anbu, had decided to settle down when she had found out she had become pregnant. To her surprise, Kizashi had decided to as well, despite like most boys his age had claimed he wanted to become Hokage. Yet, when he had found out that he was going to become a father, had told her he needed to stop dreaming as he was about to undertake the most important job there was.

The moon began to grow into a blur as the memories of Kizashi through the years as he delighted in being a father to Sakura brought tears to her eyes. It also brought the first real emotions outside of her numbed sadness boiling to the surface. She gritted her teeth as the anger became almost overpowering. The anger at how unfair it was since they had retired to be able to enjoy watching their daughter grow into the beautifully woman. Not so some piece of shit Uchiha could use a flippant remark made by Sakura to wound her by taking her father from her. Remembering how Sakura had blamed herself set the flame of Mebuki's anger too full. So much so that she heard the heart monitor that she was hooked up to beginning to beep more insistently. She also noticed, that in her anger she had clenched her fists so tightly that her nails had dug into her palms.

She forced herself to calm, since the last thing that she needed was a nurse coming to check on her and to find her in such a state. There would be time enough to indulge in such emotions after all. But first she needed to be released so she could honor her husband. But, then she would dedicate her every breath to ensure that she was what caused Sasuke Uchiha to take his last.


Mikoto awoke feeling a sudden chill that she couldn't exactly explain considering the heat her lover gave off. That was something which Mikoto truly came to appreciate most about being with the young man in that he definitely showed his affection. She wasn't bitter about the lack of warmth that her husband had shown her. It had been more of like an arranged business deal by the clan than an actual marriage. That didn't mean they hadn't come to a type of understanding between them, but given the choice she was much more content now then she had ever been.

She tried to go back to sleep, but knew it would be a somewhat daunting task since Naruto's holding her had put her in the mood for some loving. Still, she didn't want to wake him so decided to handle it herself. Having been laying on her side, brought her hand between her thighs and began to give her pussy a through rubbing. She concentrated on her love button as she wanted to bring herself to climax quickly.

She tried to keep her moans to a minimum, but what she couldn't control was how her body responded to her actions. Which was that as she grew wetter the fragrance of her arousal began to have an effect on her lover. Naruto murmured at first as he pulled her closer, before whispering sleepily, "Mmm something smells good."

Mikoto blushed, but she went taunt as he began to stiffen behind her. His dick growing firmer as it began to rise up and having raised her leg enough to begin teasing herself slipped between her thighs until it was pressed up against her slit. The Uchiha bit her lip as she was tempted to guide his dick inside her, but she didn't want him to awaken and find her using him for her pleasure. Although difficult, she decided to try and just go back to sleep.

However, she let out a sudden moan as the hand of the arm Naruto had draped over her, had found its way to her breast which he suddenly squeezed as he rolled her nipple. He then whispered lustfully in her ear, "Aren't you going to finish what you started?"

Feeling embarrassed she said, "I didn't want to wake you and didn't want to impose since you seemed like you just wanted to go to bed."

Naruto lifted her leg up as he lined his dick up with her entrance and pushing inside her said, "How about now?"

Mikoto moaned as he was once more impaled on the Uzumaki's meatlance. He groaned in satisfaction as well, but as he began moving within her said with a slightly admonishing tone. "If you ever desire to be more than held by me all you need to do is ask. The worse that I can say is that I'm not in the mood." He rolled her onto her stomach as he began to kneel behind her, and then began driving his dick into her roughly as he added, "But with an amazing woman like you doing the asking, why would I ever not be in the mood?"

Mikoto knew that there would be times where it would seem inappropriate still. Yet, she could truly say now didn't feel to be one of them as her lover's cock pounded her core time and time again. His powerful thrusts felt like they would drive her through the mattress and she couldn't deny that for all her worries about his view of her changing from throughout the week, Naruto was literally pounding them out of her.

Against his relentless thrusts, she struggled to get up to her knees. At least until Naruto sensed what she was attempting, and then pulled her up to him. Which impaled her onto his dick even more, as she sat on his lap. She threw her head back as she had a small climax and as she stared up at the ceiling her eyes flashed red as they turned into the Sharingan. The tomoe of which began shifting and elongating as if to take on a different design. However, she closed her eyes as Naruto began to bounce her on his dick and when she opened them again they had returned to normal black irises. She had felt another surge of energy, but could only attribute it to the desire that she felt to make the man that she harbored no doubts that she loved to cum inside her.

To make this happen Mikoto, began aiding him in sliding her over his copy while squeezing her cunt around his tool like a vice. Naruto groaned and grasped her breasts possessively as she tried to pull away only to surrender and allow him to pull her back against him. She looked over her shoulder and stuck out her tongue as an invitation.

One Naruto accepted hungrily as he swallowed it before beginning to tease it with his own. She returned his kiss with a passion that she had never shown her husband, and truthfully not even to Naruto either. She couldn't exactly explain what was coming over her, but she knew her heart completely belonged to him now, and that there wasn't anything that she wouldn't do to protect him.

She had to break away as she felt another climax approaching. She leaned forward as she fell to her hands as if experiencing a stomach cramp. But, one she would love to have over and over again as she climaxed again. Arching her back and howling like Tsume did when fully in heat, Mikoto stared up wide-eyed in pleasure so didn't notice as her eyes had once again shifted into the Sharingan, before once more looking as if it was transitioning into something new.

They returned to normal as her climax passed, but Naruto wasn't finished as he spun her so that she was on her back. He slammed back into her fully before sealing his lips to hers as he drove his dick deeper and deeper. He moved down her chest to begin focusing on her breasts causing Mikoto to cry out and her pussy to squeeze his pistoning cock. He groaned as he knew he was approaching his limit, but wanted to her to cum with him.

Something she desired as well as she began rubbing the top of her pussy, while focusing on her clit. Her inner muscles squeezed down on him causing Naruto to collapse forward as he struggled to hold out until she announced, "I'm cumming!!!"

Naruto arched his back as he cried out and pushed his dick inside her as deeply as he could before he began to flood her womb with his seed. Mikoto experienced an even stronger secondary climax as her lover's cum filled her with his warmth. Naruto sagged against her feeling too weak to move and so simply kept the side of his face pressed against hers as he said, "I love you!"

Mikoto in a similar position of weariness rubbed her cheek against his as she replied, "And I you." As she stared up at the ceiling with her fingers ruffling her lover's hair, she couldn't describe how truly content she felt. Nor could she explain why she was feeling so with an activated Mangekyo Sharingan, although it wasn't like she was truly aware that she had unlocked the jutsu so associated with death and misery. She smiled softly as sleep overtook her lover, and allowed his gentle snoring and the comforting feeling of his still being within her easy her into it as well.