
82: Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! (3)

Temari was staring at a wall on which a map of the entire Shinobi world was pasted. Covering it were numbers and strings connected to pins which were connected to other pins placed on different parts of the map. She had puzzled out only a few of the meanings for the different identifiers, but that wasn't really her reason for being within Yoshino's study. No her objective was to help the Nara puzzle out where Sasuke would be able to establish a new village, and where he intended to strike next. Addressing the first she said, "We can rule out Tea, River, and Sea Country."

Yoshino turned her attention from her desk where Naruto was sitting in the chair with Ino laying across his lap. Addressing the Suna-nin she said, "I agree with you in regards to Tea. Tsunade's friend Jirocho is too well connected there. If the Daimyo was hoping to establish a shinobi village he would have heard something. I also would tend to share your opinion about River being unlikely as well. The Daimyo there never has shown much ambition of any kind. Yet, I wouldn't be so quick to discount Sea Country."

Temari frowned as she defended her position by saying, "I base it on the evidence that the flying vehicles they used to escape headed west after they assault on the prison. If Sasuke is freeing prisoners, then the village must be close to being established."

"Agreed," the Nara replied, "However, while I also believe that out west is where Sasuke would most likely find the right conditions to let him start a village. I don't believe we can rule out Sea Country."

"Why is that?" Naruto asked finding his attention divided between the discussion and Ino's feather light kisses along his neck.

Yoshino turned towards the man that she had taken as a lover. She had invited him over as she had wanted to discuss with him some of the beliefs that she had arrived at and presented to the Hokage. He had arrived with Ino and Temari in tow, and to her surprise he had quickly come to support her thoughts on what Sasuke had truly wanted to achieve. In hindsight, she realized her belief that Naruto wouldn't want to support her theory had been because if she was right, it meant he hadn't been the central focus of the plot. She felt somewhat ashamed that she had believed his ego wouldn't allow him to accept that. Yet, Naruto hadn't really needed any convincing to come to believe that the only reason Sasuke had involved him was to isolate him to grab Sakura. That wasn't to say Sasuke hadn't targeted Iruka to hurt him, but even if the teacher had survived, he would have probably have considered the operation a success. She suspected Naruto took some solace from the fact that even though it had been a resounding success for the Uchiha. By rescuing Sakura so quickly, they had managed to deprive him of what he truly wanted.

Naruto had also stated that he supported her theory because he also believed that if it had been a primary focus of Sasuke's. The Uchiha would have made sure it was his hand that had personally delivered the blow that had claimed Iruka's life. Not to mention, taken Sakura's.

Recognizing Naruto was a valuable resource in understanding the Uchiha, she had asked him to stay in order to help her understand where he might strike next. Naturally both Temari and Ino had volunteered as well, although Ino appeared more interested in her lover's neck and collarbone than anything else. Addressing the blond man, Yoshino explained, "There are too many unknowns. For starters, unlike when Sky Country tried to reestablish itself several years ago. These new flying vehicles don't appear to be mothballed vehicles like those used during the air raid attack on the village. As they appear to be new designs their operational range is a complete unknown."

Naruto nodded because Shinno, the man behind Sky Country's resurgence, had used vehicles that Sky Country's shinobi had stashed away before going into hiding. By using vehicles that Konoha had extensive knowledge on, it had allowed Shikamaru to calculate with almost pinpoint accuracy where the fleet their devastating air raid had been launched from. However, in truth Sky country had never been an actual land, but had been a name given to the powerful fleet the men and women who called themselves Sky shinobi had wielded. In point of fact, much like Sara's tribe they had been a group of wanderers. Although had tried to establish a land based kingdom during the Third Shinobi War. That fleet had been severely damaged during their bid to do so by Konoha, and as it had tried to escape had actually ran into a Kumo navy which had finished it off. Still, a few ships had survived which Shinno and other survivors had repaired over time, while also building what they intended to be the floating nation they would call home.

Yet, not everyone from Sky Country had signed on as Koyuki's uncle had managed to hire on many of the survivors' best engineers leading to his country's advances in technology. Those same engineers had disappeared in the confusion which resulted from Doto's death. Yet, Yoshino believed even if they didn't know where they had gone, they had just seen one of the projects they had been working on.

Yoshino continued, "Furthermore, it might be prudent for us to consider that Sasuke has adopted a similar mobile platform as Sky Country. Or, has copied Orochimaru's village system which consisted of multiple hidden bases all over the place."

Temari frowned as she said, "While either method is possible. I thought our purpose was to eliminate possible locations. Not add to the list."

Yoshino smiled softly before countering, "Before you go through the process of eliminating choices. You should make sure it includes all of them to avoid overlooking them later."

Temari inclined her head recognizing the older woman's wisdom so asked, "Then why do you think Sea Country doesn't deserve to be eliminated?"

Yoshino approached the map and said, "If Sasuke has adopted a mobile platform then heading west could have soon been followed by him turning north to sea. The last sighting that we have been able to collaborate had them flying into the Land of Earth. Once they entered there, they could have gone almost anywhere. Konoha and the J.A.I.N. are looking to pick up the trail, but thus far we haven't been successful."

Temari nodded aware of as much as well, "I doubt they would have headed south, southeast, or southwest though. The only possible territory that might have been welcoming in those directions is Stone, and they are deeply connected to Earth Country. Unless you believe Sasuke has allied with Iwagakure."

The statement was enough to make even Ino end her playful kisses, since it would be a nightmare scenario. Not to mention considering how the majority of the prisoners had been Kiri and Iwa shinobi, they would have made an excellent gift to help secure an alliance with the shinobi village. However, Yoshino shook her head as she said, "No, Sasuke would be too much of a lightning rod for the Tsuchikage to agree. Earth's Daimyo may support such an alliance which is why I don't think we can completely rule Stone out. But, getting back to why I wouldn't rush to exclude Sea Country it is because the current Daimyo there gives me some concern."

Temari looked towards Sea Country on the map, and seeing a string connecting it to the Leaf's Maximum Security prison said, "You're referring to Amachi's involvement in Danzou's rebellion."

"Yes," Yoshino replied with a nod before explaining, "Thanks to Komachi, we know he was there for a time to help reverse engineer the secrets of the Beast Form from Mizuki. He was even able to perfect it. Yet, after the rebellion was put down those watching Amachi in Sea Country claimed he never went anywhere."

"Which is an obvious lie," Temari stated.

"True, but if you were a Daimyo and a major shinobi village said one of your supposed major criminals was able to leave his cell and travel to the Leaf, wouldn't you show some curiosity in the matter."

Ino pulled her face away from her lover's neck as she said, "I'm guessing when you say supposed criminal, it is because he may have been working with someone in the government. That seems kind of farfetched since Amachi was wreaking havoc on Sea Country's shipping to finance his experiments."

Yoshino smirked as she said, "Was he now?"

"Um, yeah. I was there," Ino said sounding rather defensive. Turning to her lover, she demanded he side with her adding, "You were to Naruto. Tell her!"

But seeing the Nara wearing an amused expression, he said, "Well to be fair, we weren't hired by the Daimyo personally. Maybe there is some piece to the puzzle that we aren't privy to." Ino began to pout at the perceived betrayal causing him to plant a kiss against her cheek as he added, "Let's just hear her out."

"Fine," Ino said sounding annoyed, but was only a front as Naruto's hand began gently rubbing her stomach.

The Nara smirked before saying, "Well, to begin how did Amachi select which vessels to target."

"You're suggesting he had someone inside the government give him the ship manifests," Temari said quickly seeing where the Nara was going.

"Not quite," the Nara replied, "Although along the right track." She moved backed to her desk and picking up a binder handed it to Temari.

The Suna-nin quickly scanned the contents until stopping as she noticed a sea chart filled with lines that started from the port in Sea country. Some of those lines terminated in X's while others continued on to various destinations. Looking at the dates that Yoshino had written in the corner she guessed they covered the period when Amichi had been targeting ships leaving Sea Country. Flipping to the next page which was another sea chart set over a similar time period six months earlier, she noticed that this time most of the lines appeared to make it to their destinations. There were still a few that terminated in X's, but Temari believed them to have been ships that sunk due to storms. There was one stark difference between the two pages as the one which showed the shipments getting through had a lot more ships arriving at various ports in the Land of Water.

Temari quickly ran over what she knew of the two countries before saying, "You believe the Daimyo of Sea Country was aligning with Amachi to develop his own shinobi village or some military force based off of his research."

Yoshino nodded almost proudly as she fully recognized Temari's keen mind. "Very good." Temari beamed from the praise as Yoshino explained her reasoning, "You've noticed that most of the shipments to Kiri were intercepted. Looking at the manifests of those ships reveals only a few of them would be valuable to help his research along."

Temari hadn't read that far, but knowing some of Kirigakure's practices said, "Some of those were gold shipments, right? Kiri charges Sea Country a protection fee, which in the past was little more than a scam since if they didn't pay, suddenly many of their ships would end up at the bottom of the sea. They've taken it more seriously since the new Mizukage has taken over, but I've heard Sea Country has begun bristling about paying it again. The only reason they continue to pay up is because it wasn't just Kiri-nin sinking their ships when they stopped."

Yoshino nodded as she said, "Yes, it turns out Fuka had a great deal to do with the pact being started in the first place. Apparently, she preyed upon Sea Country pretty hard when she was a pirate. In the end they turned to the Land of Water, who had a better navy at the time, with Kirigakure assuming responsibility of safe guarding the sea routes after the founding of the villages."

Temari inclined her head asked, "Then I guess your theory goes that the Sea Daimyo might desire to become the new leading power of the Ocean routes. Back then he used Amachi to save himself some payments since the Land of Water couldn't blame them if the payments never arrived because safeguarding there was their job. But, the Daimyo had Amachi in his back pocket for years and he has even mastered his research. So why aren't we seeing a bunch of Kaima Warriors?"

"Two reasons I imagine," Yoshino replied, "The first is, who are you going to have lead them? Amachi was beaten by a bunch of genin. Not exactly someone you would want to build a village or elite force around, especially if doing so might cause you to be targeted by Kirigakure." Yoshino was surprised her statement hadn't earned her a response from either of the two that had been present on the mission.

But, she remained focused on Temari as the woman said, "Which is why you aren't willing to cross it off of your list of possible places Sasuke might have set up in. The second reason is because of the how Tsunade made it known he had a hand in Danzou's plot. Kirigakure has to be worried Amachi might start mass producing Kaima as it could potentially end their monopoly over the sea routes. Hearing how it appears he was able to slip in and out of prison must have put Kiri on guard."

Yoshino nodded in agreement, "Which is why they would likely have to suspend their plans for a while. I know we've placed eyes on him afterwards, and can only imagine Kiri would have done the same."

The Nara turned her focus back to the map as she began to try to picture where else Sasuke could have started a village, but turned back as Temari said, "Come on you two. This is important."

Yoshino directed her gaze back to where the two blondes had been, and found Naruto still seated in her chair, although with a mask of pleasure etched onto his face. But the only sign of Ino was the back of her head which appeared ever few moments as it bobbed up and down in his lap. The Yamanaka made a loud slurping noise and then peaked up from behind it as she countered, "All I've seen you do is come up with a bunch of theories which we aren't going to be able to verify today. But I have a nice hard cock in front of me, and I can do something about that right now."

Ino returned to her self-appointed task by giving the tip of his dick a kiss before she swallowed it again. She moaned and shivered from the taste of his precum while she took him as deep as she could. She reached into her skirt and began rubbing her pussy in anticipation of his being inside her once more.

Temari bit her lip as she debated with herself about ignoring the two to return to the previous discussion. But, she sighed in defeat since couldn't deny that Ino had made an excellent point. Her decision made she quickly took up a position to Ino's right. Her fellow blonde surrendered his tool allowing Temari a chance to bath it in her saliva. Ino meanwhile moved down to her lover's nuts as she began sucking on one causing him to groan in pleasure.

Yoshino watched the two kunoichi eagerly performing their task. Not quite willing to act in such manner, she approached them. Not wanting her study to get messed up in their lovemaking she said, "Before things get out of hand, please teleport back home. Good night."

She leaned forward intending to give him a chaste kiss. She paused a few inches from his face intending for him to close the distance, and he did, although first he cupped and caressed her cheek before pulling himself towards her. The tender gesture caused her to lose herself for a moment as the next thing she realized she was deepening their kiss and inviting his tongue into her mouth. The rational part of her mind told her that if she didn't want to lose herself to the pleasure she needed to pull away. Yet instead she pressed forward as the kiss served its purpose of putting her in the mood for love.

A feeling Naruto helped along as he reached between her thighs and began rubbing her cunnie through her panties. She moaned softly, and pulled down the zipper of his orange jacket. She then pulled up his shirt where she placed a kiss against his chest. She began licking his nipple while her hand traced down his stomach to encircle the base of his cock. She slowly massaged it while the other two women took turns sucking what remained free.

After several moments, Ino stood and pushed her skirt to the side to show her dripping snatch. Leaning against the desk, she said in a voice filled with desire, "Naruto, I need you inside me!"

Naruto looked like he was about to surge forward. But, picturing her carefully arranged files ending up all over the place, Yoshino said, "No!" But, wanting the same thing hurriedly said, "Not in here."

She quickly pulled Naruto from his chair as she led him out of her study. She was aware that he had grabbed Ino's hand as he passed, who had in turn grabbed Temari's. The two younger women giggled, causing her to shush them since she didn't know if her son was home. Still, she couldn't help feeling somewhat amused herself as she was feeling somewhat mischievous, like she was sneaking a boy into her room. Which she realized was exactly what she was doing.

Arriving at her bedroom, she opened the door and waved them in. The three of them spilled into the room after her, with the two kunoichi almost appearing to attack Naruto as they pulled his clothes off while taking turns kissing him in between each article they removed.

Yoshino closed the door behind them, and activated her privacy seal. She turned to be greeted by the sight of another man lying on top of her bed. She felt a pang of sadness, put quickly pushed it away since she knew she had to continue on with her life. Still, Naruto appeared to sense it as he guided, Temari, who had been kissing him towards Ino's lips. The two blonde kunoichi didn't seem to mind as they began making out while stripping each other as Naruto approached her.

Proving that he had some idea of what had dampened her passion so suddenly he asked, "Are you sure you want to do this here?"

Yoshino smiled appreciatively as she answered, "The duty of the living is to keep on doing so."

Naruto nodded in agreement so pulled her into another kiss. The Nara surrendered to the feelings that it caused to well up inside her, which although she couldn't say was love. It definitely filled her with lust which was good enough for her at the moment. Their lips separated as he pulled her shirt over her head, and then he stripped away her bra. He placed his lips against her neck near her shoulder causing her to coo appreciatively as he pulled down the zipper of her skirt. His hands then traveled down her sides until he pushed it and her underwear down her hips where gravity did the rest.

He then stepped back and despite all they had shared previously her hands moved to cover her nakedness. She knew it was an irrational move, but also understood that it was because in many regards it was a new surrender to him and another step away from her deceased husband. That by giving herself to Naruto in the bed that she had shared with her husband, it was another acknowledgement that she was moving on. That although she couldn't say that she loved Naruto at present, his track record would indicate that given time he would become the one whom her heart belonged to.

Naruto reached out to her and cupping her cheek again said tenderly, "You don't need to rush it."

Yoshino smiled softly, but surrendered to the inevitability as she dropped to her knees. Naruto looked unsure, at least until she leaned forward and took him into her mouth. He groaned as her tongue circled around the head on his cock, before letting him slip free to lick along the underside of it. As she ran her tongue along his length, she buried her hands between her thighs to give her womanhood a vigorous rubbing finding his taste and her efforts made her wetter and wetter.

Naruto surprised her as he suddenly picked her up and easily carried her towards her bed. Setting her down on it, he hooked his arms behind her knees and leaned forward to kiss her hungrily. She returned it, and could feel his cock poking at her entrance. He leaned back, and she knew what he was about to ask so beat him to the punch as she reached between them to press his cock into her. He understood the meaning so pushed forward causing her to cry out as he entered into her.

Naruto leaned back as he began pistoning his cock within her. But, her view of him was cut off, as it was replaced by the glistening lips of Ino's pussy as she straddled her head. Understanding what the Yamanaka was looking for, she gripped the younger woman's hips as she began licking her causing the blonde woman to moan as she fondled her breasts. Yoshino moaned from the flavor, which did fill her with a momentary regret as she had once been the voice of decent when her husband and Ino's father had suggested a foursome between them. To her surprise, Kiku had seemed rather open to it. However, Yoshino had steadfastly refused. Yet, having shared Naruto several times with Kiku's daughter, she couldn't help wondering if she would have discovered some things about herself if she accepted.

Temari watched Ino moan while the Nara buried her tongue deep inside her fellow blond. Wanting to join in on the action, she climbed on top of Yoshino and spread her legs widely to display her pussy as she said, "Don't forget about me."

The Suna-nin heard the brown-haired woman let out a muffled whimper, which was drowned out by her moan as Naruto's dick plunged into her. Ino captured her face as their lover's dick worm about within her fellow blonde, as she pulled the Suna-nin into a sloppy kiss. Soon though it was Temari's turn to whimper in loss when Naruto exited her and slipped back into Yoshino. Still, Naruto didn't abandon her completely as he began to firmly rub her pussy, even as he drilled the Nara's with his cock.

Ino suddenly cried out as she coated Yoshino's face with her release. She then sat back and watched as Temari quickly sealed her lips to the Nara's which the older woman returned. She smiled as she watched her lover switch between the two women snatches as he skillful brought them both to the edge, and then after pounding away at Temari. Instead of sliding into Yoshino, buried his cock between their pressed together cunts. Running his cock between them, it rubbed along their clits and within moments both women began to cry out while clinging to each other.

She smiled up at her lover as Temari and Yoshino kissed gently while their breathing returned to normal. She held out her hand to him, and when he took it, she pulled him onto the bed where she quickly leapt onto him. With practiced ease, she buried his cock within her which she began to ride by rocking her hips back and forth. He didn't remain passive for long as he rolled her over, and then began giving her powerful, deep thrusts which pounded her womb. Ino quivered with each one making her realize she was having a mini-orgasm each time he bottomed out.

Soon the mini-quakes of pleasure became one massive event as she cried out in release. She felt almost like she had a seizure as she could do nothing but shake with pleasure as her pussy tried to coax out his seed. Still, Naruto resisted as he withdrew his cock and looked towards his other lovers to find Temari and Yoshino scissoring their pussies against one another

He watched with rapt attention as the younger woman suddenly fell back to call out that she was cumming. A sweaty and disheveled Yoshino disengaged from the Suna-nin and looking like she had just fought a major engagement crawled towards him as if she was on her last legs. Reaching him, she eyed his cock hungrily and latched onto it pulling a moan from him as he fought to prevent flooding her mouth. It proved difficult as she bobbed her head in his lap rapidly while making loud slurping sounds. Just as he was about to surrender to the pleasure, she let him go. She then laid on her back where she hooked her arms behind her knees and spreading herself said, "I want to feel you inside my butt."

Naruto was surprised, but he quickly surmised that it wasn't the first time she had made such a statement. Moving forward, he pushed his cock against her anus and was surprised at how easily he slipped inside. Yoshino moaned as Naruto stretched her out due to his being larger than her husband. After savoring being inside her for a moment, he began moving and quickly established a steady rhythm.

Ino smirked as Naruto took over pushing on Yoshino's legs so he could drill his dick inside her ass. Crawling towards the panting woman's face she said, "I never would have pegged you for someone who got off from a good butt-fucking."

Yoshino moaned as Ino began rubbing her snatch, but managed to reply, "Really...but you saw me as a stripper."

Ino smiled at the Nara's referencing how they got her to join the Family as she replied, "No, I kind of saw you as a repressed woman who had needed a shot of excitement. But it looks like you were quite a bit kinkier than I thought, even before you joined us." She lowered her lips to Yoshino's as she said, "I'm looking forward to finding out more about you."

Yoshino tensed as Ino pinched her clit causing her to squeeze her ass muscles as she climaxed. Naruto grunted as he finally allowed himself to feel some relief. Yoshino's eyes grew wide as it felt like someone had connected a garden hose to her ass as his seed flooded her. Spent, Naruto fell back onto the bed as he breathed heavily. He smiled as Temari nestled up to him as she said, "We should get together more often to have these theorizing sessions."

Yoshino feeling quite content moved to settle into Naruto other side where she collapsed intending to use him as a pillow. Feeling sleep overtaking her she said, "That can be arranged provided we all remained focused on the task."

Ino slid up behind the Nara and said, "Why do I get the feeling that comment was directed at me?"

Temari smirked as she said, "Maybe because you couldn't keep Naruto's dick out of your mouth for an entire hour."

Ino stuck out her tongue playfully as she countered, "Who would want to? Besides, it's not like you resisted all that much. You just weren't brave enough to get things started. Right Yoshino."

Receiving no reply, Ino looked over to see the woman was sleeping peacefully with her head resting on Naruto's chest. Focusing on her lover, she smiled as he appeared to be in much the same boat. Settling down to join them, she closed her eyes and looked forward to the morning as she fully intended to drink his first load as it was the only proper way to start a day.


Shikamaru was sitting at the table enjoying breakfast as he had agreed to some Rock Lee's request that he join him for some training. He rubbed his hand down his face wondering what he had been thinking. Seeing the time, he began to feel some concern as his mother hadn't made an appearance yet as ever since he had asked Naruto to intervene, she had almost seemed to awaken with the sun. He was contemplating using her as an excuse for blowing off the training, but heard someone step into the kitchen. Focused more on his breakfast, he said, "Morning Mom."

However, not receiving a reply even as she poured herself some coffee he looked over. Still having trouble lifting his head, he frowned as he zeroed in on the person's feet. Yet, they and the legs they belonged to didn't really seem to fit his mother. Not to mention she would almost always be fully dressed whenever she emerged from her room so his gaze traveled upwards. His eyes grew wide as it became clear the woman wasn't wearing anything but a man's t-shirt which just barely covered her hips. As his eyes met the mysterious woman's they nearly popped out of their socket as Ino stood smirking at him.

"I...Ino what are you doing here?"

Her smile widened as she said, "Your mom invited us over for a study session."

"Us?" Shikamaru said confused as his still morning fog clouded mind wondered whose shirt Ino's was wearing.

He received an answer of sorts as Temari entered the kitchen as well wearing a distinctive orange and black jacket, which much like Ino's covering barely covered her ass. She pressed herself up against Ino as she took a sip of her coffee before saying, "Mmm, that hit the spot."

"What did?" Ino said her smile widening even further if possible, "The coffee or..."

"I have to get going," Shikamaru said standing suddenly as his mind played for him the possible scenarios for how the sentence ended. Not to mention how he expected his mother to appear next and with Naruto's jacket and shirt already claimed, he feared she wouldn't bother with clothes. The two blondes broke out into a chorus of giggles as they heard the front door open and close as Shikmaru quickly made his escape from the reality that his mother had slept with the two women and the man that linked them.

His concerns were partially unfounded, although considering his reaction to Temari and Ino's presence. He might have been slightly unnerved at the sight of his disheveledly looking robed mother entering with a shirtless Naruto's arm draped over her shoulder. She focused on the two smirking women as she asked, "What's put you two in such a good mood?"

"Oh nothing," Ino answered for the pair causing them to break into a fit of laughter again.

Yoshino noticing the bowl on the table quickly came to the conclusion of what had happened before her arrival. But simply shook her head feeling a fit of giggles threatening to erupt from her as well. She picked it up and took it to the sink to begin washing it out. Naruto came up behind her and giving her a kiss on the cheek said, "I'll see you later."

Yoshino felt a little like a newlywed whose husband was taking off for work, and aware of what he had to get ready for that day said, "Have a good day at school." Naruto smiled before disappearing in a red flash leaving the Nara feeling like she had reached another milestone on her road to recovery.


Suzume was studying her target out in the open which normally might have put him on guard, but considering he was currently standing in Iruka's old classroom giving a lecture simply meant that under the current circumstances, she was doing her job. She had been shocked when it had been announced that Naruto would be filling in for the remainder of the school year. Yet, she had been secretly thrilled since at the time she had been more confident than ever that he was a Corrupter. This was due to the recent change in his relationship status, and although it could have come about due to the recent tragedies. To Suzume, it had felt like it had happened a tad too orderly. Almost as if the parties involved had agreed to it beforehand.

However, if Naruto had plans to add some up and coming Kunoichi to his harem. She couldn't exactly say she could see it. The announcement by the Hokage, that the Uzumaki would be taking over Iruka's class had ruffled quite a few feathers. Particularly among the teaching staff, most of whom had felt that Naruto had passed the Academy by the skin of his teeth and was receiving some sort of favoritism since he hadn't even made it to the rank of Chunin. Yet, many of them had been forced to eat their words as he had agreed to take the teacher's exam and had done exceptionally well. With that matter settled, it was determined that being a Chunin wasn't so much a requirement as a preference. Besides which, it turned out quite a few people didn't mind having one of the strongest shinobi the village had produced in some time teaching their kids.

Still, Suzume had volunteered to watch some of his classes to make sure he was doing a proper job, and to date she would say he had. She had to admit that she admired how dedicated to the task he was proving to be since he had discarded his normal clothes to wear the standard uniform worn by most male instructors. The only thing he was missing being the flak jacket which would have signified his promotion to Chunin.

Looking around the classroom, Suzume almost considered telling him that he should start since the tight shirt he wore highlighted his fit frame. Which had most of the young women of the classroom staring at him somewhat dreamily. She had to admit to herself that he cut a rather dashing figure. Particularly at the moment, as he was currently teaching one of the subjects that he apparently still struggled with, math. Looking a little unsure, but not wanting to rely on the teacher's guide he filled in blank parts of the equation. Finally arriving at the answer, he looked back towards the class and his eyes met hers. Seeing that he was seeking her input on if he was correct, she nodded and fought back a smile as he broke out into a wide one.

With her apparent approval, he went through the steps that he had taken to get there, and she noticed most of the class found his more simplified explanation easier to understand. Listening to him, she began to wonder why he was going through the effort since with some of the women that she suspected were attached to him, she didn't see any particular standouts in the class which fell into the same calibur. In fact, having looked through Iruka's notes, she would say that most, if not all fell into the standard mold of being more boy crazy than career focused. In fact, the three that she dubbed the most ardent of Naruto's fangirls were perhaps doing even worse academically then he had been at the time of his graduation. Still, Iruka hadn't been quite so willing to write them off, and apparently having been aware they had an infatuation with his former student, had recommended that should they graduate they be assigned to him as genin.

Naturally, Naruto would have needed to be a Jounin which meant he had to pass the Chunin exam. But, considering his track record, Suzume didn't doubt that as soon as he did, he would quickly be promoted to jounin. The female instructor had watched his interactions with those three the closest since she was of the opinion that if Naruto had announced there would be an oral exam, and then whipped his dick out they would have eagerly accepted the challenge. Still, despite it appearing that much like with Moegi, he was aware of their infatuation with him. All she could see was a genuine desire to help guide them on their path to kunoichi.

It was for that reason that Suzume was beginning to doubt if she was correct in her assumption. Particularly, as Naruto was shattering many of the stereotypes that her records of past corrupters had filled her with. Watching him, she was convinced his sole desire was to help make Iruka's last group of students become truly excellent shinobi. She also had the feeling that he wanted to help them heal from the loss they had experienced since many of the students had loved Iruka as much as he had, and thus didn't want them to grow up desiring revenge like the man who had ordered his death.

Naruto noticed the time and with the bell set to ring for the end of the day asked, "Are there any questions about this problem or anything in general?"

A few hands shot up, but Kaede a blonde haired student didn't wait to be called on as she said, "I'm not entirely sure I understand the example you just gave. Can I stay after class and you can explain it a little more?"

Naruto rubbed the back of his head as he said apologetically, "Sorry, I have dinner tonight with my girlfriend and her mom. I want to make a good impression so can't be late." Suzume noticed quite a few would be kunoichi wilt at the announcement. The most prominent being Aoi and Akane, who had been sending dirty looks towards Kaede for taking the intuitive. Naruto followed it up by stating, "But, if you don't mind getting here early tomorrow. I'll go over it again."

Suzume imagined there would be quite a few takers so made plans to swing by to make sure studying was all that transpired. Naruto called on another student who said, "Naruto-Sensei, you marked an answer on my history homework as wrong. But, I double checked the book and I'm pretty sure I'm right."

"What was the question?"

"It was; what year did the battle of Ivory Hawk Valley take place?"

"Hm," Naruto said as his brow furrowed in concentration, "That was the battle between the Senju and Hyuuga. I believe I wrote the correct answer on your sheets, which would have been twelve years BK. Not ten like everyone answered."

"But our books said it was ten," the student said.

"True," Naruto countered, "Which is why although it was marked off. You didn't lose any points."

Suzume was rather curious about something so asked, "I believe the teacher's answer key says it is ten years before the founding of Konoha. What makes you so sure?"

The blond man gave her a wide amused smile. She heard one young girl sigh dreamily in response to it while he answered, "I know a woman who was there. Besides, I also checked it out in several other books which have the correct date. I already sent in a letter to the publisher about the typo and left a note in the teacher's lounge."

"But what if it is on the test," the same student asked.

"Then I'll expect you to put the right answer," Naruto replied.

"But we have an exam tomorrow on these chapters. Isn't it a little late for us to relearn something?"

"Not if you want to be shinobi," Naruto replied quickly. "You might find yourself in a situation where a layout you spent months studying has suddenly changed. What will differentiate success from failure is how well you can adapt to the new information."


Suzume wanting a chance to study another woman close to Naruto cut the student off suggesting, "Perhaps you can have this woman lecture on the battle. I'm sure it will be a unique experience for everyone. You could even modify the test to include information that she provides the class. That would accurately reflect the scenario that you just laid out."

"Okay," Naruto said causing many of the students to appear pleased the upcoming exam would be postponed. But channeling Iruka, he didn't let it last as he said, "But, we'll tack on the chapters that we cover between now and then making it much larger." Hearing the collective whine, he smiled as he flashed back to a time when he was a student and Shikamaru would try to logic his way out of a test. Back then Iruka would often give in only to reveal that as a result the next test would be even larger or more difficult.

The feeling didn't last long though as one of the students that had been more adversarial with him asked, "Is it true you're hiding in a classroom because you're afraid of Sasuke? My dad says that instead of wasting time playing at being a teacher, you should be hunting the traitor down."

Naruto studied the young man for a moment, and could feel the hostility being directed at him. But, he felt it was mostly the kind a child inherited from his environment while he watched the adults in his life. With that in mind, Naruto wouldn't have been too surprised if the child's father had lost someone during the Prison Escape, or in the ploy to capture Sakura. Which was one of the reasons that he had wanted to help guide the students of Iruka's last class. Still, deciding to put a little edge in his voice he said, "I bet your father wouldn't say that to my face." Many of the students began laughing so he quickly added, "But if he wanted to. I'd be willing to hear him out. Provided he was willing to do the same for me."

"What's there to discuss?" the youth said not willing to back down. "Sasuke organized the attack that killed Iruka. Don't you want to avenge him?"

"No," Naruto said surprising almost everyone. "I'd rather continue living the way he taught me. Iruka believed in the Will of Fire more passionately then anyone I knew, but perhaps the Third Hokage. The way he taught it to me was that it meant protecting Konoha and the future generations. That way we honor those that came before us by protecting the same things that they dedicated their lives to. That he didn't live life looking to avenge the past is how he was able to see me for who I was, not by how people perceived the Bijuu that I carried."

"But what about Sasuke? Doesn't it anger you that he is still out there?"

Naruto shook his head in the negative before answering, "No, it worries me, because I see in him someone that I could have become. And thus I know that he needs to be stopped. But that is so there is a future generation, not to avenge the sins that he has already committed. I'll never forgive him for what he did. But, I can insure that there is justice without needing to despise him."

Aoi quickly disagreed with one part of Naruto's statement as she said, "You're nothing like him Naruto-sensei!"

Naruto smiled gratefully as he said, "Thank you," which earned her the ire of the other girls interested in him. But they focused on him as he added, "But, the truth is I could have been just like him. The truth is all of us could, and I fear when people are clamoring for revenge or focused on their own hardships as being unfair, it is an easy thing to do." He could see he needed to explain himself so said, "A few people have given me credit for not becoming some psycho despite how the village ignored me as a child. Yet, the truth is the village didn't need to acknowledge me. Granted there were teachers who should have done a better job with me. But, that was because it was their job to do so. Iruka was simply the first to put the other stuff aside to focus on me as a student."

Kaede seeing a chance for some brownie points quickly stated, "But the village owed you for housing the Kyuubi."

"Why," Naruto countered quickly, "That was a burden my father placed on me. The village didn't ask him to do it. It also turns out he probably didn't need to." Naruto stopped himself since his mother being a host wasn't known. But, he had learned from Mito that his dad could have simply resealed Kiyomi into Kushina thus saving her life, and guaranteeing he'd have at least one parent. Getting back on point he said, "Truthfully, I received as much from the village as any other orphan deserved. Sasuke in many ways had it much worse than me. So why do people think I deserve praise for not lashing out, yet are willing to condemn Sasuke for doing so? I don't really have an answer to that." A few of the students began laughing and he admitted it was a rather lame ending to what he was building towards. "But, in the end I feel that neither of us deserve to hurt innocent people because of our painful pasts. Which is ultimately the only thing that separates us in the end."

"But Sasuke isn't innocent," the student that start the conversation stated.

"Which is why when it comes time to, I'll stop him," Naruto replied confidently. "Yet, calling for blood because of the pain you might be feeling now is really no different than how Sasuke views the world. Keep in mind, there was a time when a young Sasuke was much like us. A young boy who had just lost those he cared about, and desired nothing more than to see the villain he attributed it to taken out. At first I'm sure he wished Konoha would have done more to kill Itachi, and in time it morphed into a desire to do it himself. To avenge his clan. In his quest to satisfy his wish for vengeance. He lost sight of what truly mattered for the Uchiha, justice."

Aoi sounding somewhat timid since she didn't want to question Naruto but asked, "But, if the village sanctioned Itachi's actions, couldn't it be said that is what he is seeking?"

Naruto shook his head before answering, "No, because it would be no different than me attacking the village because of my becoming a jinchuriki. One person made that decision, and any anger I have belongs directed at that person. It doesn't free me to attack the village because that is who he did it for. If I had learned the truth and decide to take it out on Konoha it would be an act meant to hurt my father. To punish the thing my dad sacrificed everything for. I suppose in his own way, Sasuke is doing the same thing. It is an act of spite, not of love. I know everyone here loved Iruka, and the reason I came to teach was because I didn't want to see his last class become filled with the same type of person who took him away from us."

Akane raised her hand and when Naruto acknowledged it she asked, "Are you bitter at the Fourth Hokage for sealing the Kyuubi inside you?"

"I would be lying if I said that I didn't have issues with some of the decisions he made that day," Naruto said honestly. But his demeanor quickly brightened as he said, "But, by not letting them bog me down and pushing forward, my present is incredibly joyful and my future keeps getting brighter." The bell rung so he quickly switched topics saying, "Don't forget to do the assigned reading. I'm not saying there'll be a quiz on it, but I wouldn't rule it out either."

Suzume smiled at the chorus of groans, but had to admit her opinion of Naruto had grown. She still had a hard time imagining him as the type of corrupter that other women such as her had encountered. But, she wasn't willing to rule it out either. Especially after the speech he had just given, as it revealed to her a rather keen insight into his mind, Naruto Uzumaki was focused on a long game. Not about satisfying his whims in the moment, which meant even his benign teacher act could just be him scouting future women he would one-day claim. In her mind, she could see him picking out a few of them, like they were undeveloped fruit to keep his eye on and then if they ripened as he desired, he'd simply gobble them up. Moreover, by introducing himself so early, he could take the role of a mentor slowly building a desire within them so that when the day came they'd gladly jump at the chance to be with him. Granted, it seemed rather unbelievable especially considering the passion he had displayed while stating his reason for teaching the class. But, Suzume knew devils rarely announced their true intentions until after it was too late. Yet, sometimes they slipped up and did so just before giving those they were conning a chance to save themselves. Getting them to do so on command, was something women like her had excelled at for generations. Still, she wasn't sure if now was the time to act so resolved to observe him for a little bit longer.
