
83: Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part II (2)

Suzume yawned tiredly as she entered the academy with a cup of coffee in one hand and a stack of papers tucked under her arm. She knew it might surprise some people, but it actually took her quite a bit of time to get ready in the morning. But, mainly because it was almost like she was dressing for a part, since the woman that arrived at school every morning would not be the same they encountered if they met her at night. Primarily as she didn't want her night time activities to reflect on how people treated her during the day. But, it also served as a kind of convenient camouflage since it would allow her to observe someone, and then approach them on her terms. In fact, Suzume had seduced several of her fellow instructors, all without them ever knowing the sensual and passionate woman they had spent a night with was actually the rather meek and introverted coworker that they ignored in the teacher's lounge.

She always marveled how with a change of glasses, a different hair style, some make-up, and sexy clothes, all of her normally observant coworkers were incapable of recognizing her. Yet, having been sent on more than one mission by the Third Hokage where she needed to get close to a target who normally never dropped his guard. She figured it was just a weakness of the male condition that as soon as blood began rushing to their little head, the drop in blood flow to their brains affected most higher level activity. Still, it was always rather amusing when she would step into the lounge after singling out someone, and would listen to him brag about the hellcat that he had taken to bed the night before. But, it was also somewhat disappointing, since although it was fun to play the Baroness as she thought of herself at night. It was also dissatisfying to her that no one wanted to look past the surface for either of the two faces that she presented to the world. Yet, that was also rather the point of them, but still it was hard not to feel disappointed that people so readily met her expectations.

Suzume deviated from the path that she normally took through the academy in order to look in on someone who was not confirming to her expectations. Recalling that he had promised to meet several of his students early that morning. A part of her hoped that she would peek in and catch Naruto in the act of railing one of the would be kunoichi in his class over his desk. If only because then he would be acting in a manner that she had been led to believe a Corruptor would.

Reaching what had been Iruka's classroom, she slid the door open just enough to peek inside and to her disappointment found him standing before the chalkboard explaining how to find the answer to a math equation. She shifted so that she could peer into the class and wasn't too surprised to see it filled with almost the entirety of the female portion of his class. She felt an urge to step in to oversee the lesson, considering her concerns about him. But, decided against it if only to prevent him from going on guard around her if he was up to something. Still, as she was about to close the door, her gaze shifted to his desk, causing her to again to wonder if she should do more than just observe as covering his desk was various tokens of affection ranging from the standard apple to ramen cups. Not a particularly strange occurrence, especially when Naruto was only a half dozen years older than them in most cases. But, it was a worrying sign because if he was a Corruptor, then she imagined he was at the point where he could begin picking them off one by one. Or, possibly in batches.

After all, even Suzume had begun picturing him when pleasuring herself, and once even with a man who she had seduced, but who had proved to be a rather lame partner. She had surprised herself with how into it she had suddenly gotten when she had pictured her partner as being the young jinchuriki. Although, she had wished the young man had been hung more in line with the orange dildo that she had recently purchased and was quickly becoming her favorite go to pleasure aid. Still, a part of the reason she was fantasizing about Naruto was because she considered it to be preparation for a time where she would need to seduce him. Which she felt probably wasn't the wisest of ways to confront a person who could take control of her. Yet, it was probably not only the best way to not only isolate him, but to get him to reveal his true self.

Still, considering the translated tales that she had read of women who had not only been victims of a Corrupter, but had failed when confronting them. The idea of putting her head in the lion's mouth as it were, wasn't something she was particularly thrilled about doing. Silently closing the door to the classroom, she sighed as she wished that he would act more like the Corruptors of legend as she was sure that with so many likely willing victims to choose from around him, he'd be far easier to catch in the act of claiming them. Yet, thinking about the desk full of tokens, she knew that time was on his side if he was a corruptor, so sooner rather than later she would need to put herself directly in his path.


Tsunade stepped into the medical lab located within the Den causing Karin, who had been prepping for her arrival to turn towards her. The Uzumaki upon noticing the smile the Hokage was wearing said, "You appear to be in rather high spirits considering what's in store."

The Senju nodded, and wasn't particularly surprised by the comment as quite a few people had made similar ones throughout the day. She removed her jacket as she said, "Today just started out on the right foot."

Karin was about to inquire as to why, but was interrupted as Hinata stepped into the lab stating, "You asked to see me, Tsunade."

The Hokage in the process of taking her shirt off inclined her head before responding, "Yes, can you please take a look at my chakra and tell me if there has been a change?"

Karin's eyes grew wide, which was an action mirrored by Hinata before she nodded and activated her Byakugan as the Hokage finished taking her shirt off. Tsunade obviously expected the results as Hinata informed her, "It appears to be orange now."

Tsunade's lips grew into an even more amused smirk as she said, "That's fitting."

Karin though had dozens of questions and began firing them off as she said, "Does this indicate a positive change? After all, it hard to imagine a more positive emotion then love. What brought it about? How did you know? What..."

"Slow down," Tsunade said lifting herself to sit on a medical table. "I don't really feel this change was due solely to my feelings for him evolving. I believe it is more akin to how back in the day we focused on shades of green."

Hinata quickly understood what the Hokage meant as she said, "You're saying like how when Tayuya first joined it wasn't with the same doubts that we had and so hers was a darker shade. You believe this change isn't so much a moving from a strong positive to love, but a similar shift within the spectrum."

"Yes," Tsunade said quickly, "But, I also believe it is a result brought about by Naruto's own change in chakra. But, before theorizing too much, can you ask the others to show you their chakra? I don't necessarily believe I am the first. For women, currently outside Konoha use the usual methods to get them to come to the Den. Also, please inform them that Kiyomi wishes to call everyone together. Apparently, there are a few matters that she feels we need to discuss as a group."

Hinata nodded as she smiled softly stating, "I imagine it won't be too hard to get people to agree."

Tsunade inclined her head as it had been a while since they had done a chakra check. Particularly as Naruto made it a point never to inquire, instead preferring to infer where his relationships were through interactions with his lovers. Still, among the women themselves, a few were obviously curious to know if their chakra matched what they felt it should be.

Karin though was purely curious about what the new color signified, particularly if it was related to the change in color Naruto's had undergone. "So, which other women do you believe would be this new orange color? You've obviously given it some thought."

"That depends," Tsunade replied as she laid down on her side so that her back was facing the red-head. "If Naruto's chakra needed to have changed first, then I imagine the other women who might have experienced a similar shift would be Yugito, Kiyomi, and Ino. If not, and Naruto's chakra shifting colors just allowed the change to become visible, in a sense, then I'd add Temari to the list."

Karin spent a moment thinking about why the Senju would believe the latest chakra shift appeared in those women, and forming a theory said, "I suppose it would be easy to imagine Yugito and Kiyomi considering recent events, and but with your qualifier about Temari, why would you assume Ino in the first group."

Tsunade tensed a little as Karin began rubbing disinfectant along her spine, but rather than focus on the rather painful injection that would be following answered, "I'm guessing you believe the change is related to some great event. But, I don't believe so, especially as I feel mine happened this morning."

She felt the perpetual smile that she had worn return in full force as she recalled what Naruto had whispered into her ear, after she had offered to make him Hokage. "Thank you my Senju Princess! Hearing you say that was truly amazing. But, I have to refuse. Koharu made it quite clear to me when she tried to get between us that I could choose either to be Hokage or have you. I made that decision, and have never regretted it."

Giving Karin the rundown, she said, "Hearing him say he chose me over his dream. It just hit me all at once. Sure, I saw it in action, hell I used it as a part of the reason I supported his actions for Yugito on a personal level. But, hearing his words it was the first time I really understood what he gave up for me."

Karin felt similarly moved, although she doubted her feelings matched the intensity of the Hokage's. She felt a similar smile as the one the Hokage was wearing appear as she stated, "I'm sure he would phrase it not as giving something up, but in terms of what he gained."

Tsunade nodded, before adding, "True. Which is why I believe that this change isn't tied so much to a deepening of our feelings for him. But, by some sort of personal marker of contentment or understanding of his feelings for us that we've achieved. I don't feel I love Naruto more than I did, but I do feel I understand the love that he has for me better."

Karin analyzing what the Senju said, concluded, "Ah, so you believe if Temari's has changed she arrived at that same understanding during the incident with her brother."

"Yes, Naruto's chakra just hadn't reached the level where it was reflected. That is if it is different now," the Hokage replied. Sensing Karin's next question, she added, "Ino's likely changed at Karui's promotion party. After he spoke to Yugito, they had a short exchange where her feelings brightened much as Yugito's had and to me both felt similar to how it did for me."

Karin wondered what these latest changes signified and how it would affect what they already thought they understood about the Binding. However, she let the matter drop for the moment as she focused on the procedure they were about to perform, "I'm about to begin. It'll be a series of three shots where the compound is injected directing into your bone marrow. There if everything takes, it should begin activating the dormant genes of your grandfather's Kekkei Genkai."

The red-head could hear the amusement in Tsunade's voice as she stated, "You do realize that you're explaining this to the person that created the procedure."

"I know," Karin said reaching for the first injector with its extremely long needle, "But, I wanted to give you time to mentally prepare yourself. Are you sure you don't want to give Naruto the chance to be here?"

"Yes," Tsunade said definitively, "If he knew all the details. He'd probably try to talk me out of it. He'd tell me that I'm strong enough already." Karin inclined her head figuring as much as well, so lined the needle up with the first injection point. Tsunade cleared her mind to brace for the pain, but not before adding, "He would think that I'm doing it solely for him. But, I'm also doing this for myself. I refuse to grow accustomed to looking at his back when our enemies finally do begin to come at us in force." Feeling her resolve strengthen, she barely let out a grunt as the shot penetrated her spine to begin delivering its contents.


Tier was dressed extremely casually while using her favorite lap as a pillow, which happened to be Naruto's as she made use of the mansion's library. Outside, of Kiyomi's study, which was much smaller and located on the third floor, the library on the second was Tier's favorite room. She wondered if was a result of the time that she had spent hiding in various ruins since the Bijuu had first split up. Considering how the ancestors of the Uchiha, and later just about every faction in existence had tried to capture them in order to harness their powers. Tier had spent a great many centuries simply hiding. Still, she found that although she resented the humans for their unending pursuit, at the same time they also fascinated her. Particularly, the writings that had covered the walls of the ruins that she had discovered in her search for the perfect place of solitude.

She imagined a part of her curiosity was in trying to understand why it was the humans had coveted them so. Which was why the library called to her so often, since she no longer had to guess at what knowledge laid trapped just outside her understanding. In fact, to her great joy she had found several books which detailed some of the writings she had seen. Not surprisingly, many of the stories she had concocted about what was being depicted had been completely off. The book that she was currently enjoying at the moment for example was detailing the temple that she had been hiding in when the man who would become the First Hokage had tracked her down and sealed her away to later use as a bargaining chip.

Recalling the memory, she felt some of the bitterness that she had for Hashirama Senju return. But, it faded once Naruto, almost as if he sensed the dark turn her emotions had taken, began to rub her exposed stomach. She almost felt like purring, but believed that was more in line with how Yoruichi would react. Still, the quick reminder of her lover's presence, while he stared into the nearby crackling fireplace from the couch they were sharing caused her emotions to reverse course. Her bitterness was quickly replaced by a sense of amusement that the man who had collected and enslaved her and her brethren. Had in turn, had his wife, granddaughter, and cousin collected by a man to be used to move his ambitions forward.

Yet, Tier felt it was a disservice to her lover to compare him to the First Hokage, because the women he collected willing used their power and abilities to support him. Because of that, Naruto had achieved what hundreds if not thousands of people had tried before him to achieve. Unite all the Bijuu beneath him, granted there were still a few holdouts, but Tier was convinced it was only a matter of time. Particularly since two of the remaining Bijuu would gladly give themselves to him, but due to various other circumstances found their path to him block.

She felt even Kukaku was coming around to him, but her pride and the coldness Naruto displayed around her currently were the biggest reasons that she remained convinced she was happy with her current lifestyle of meaningless flings. Although, Tier was aware that one of those flings was not as meaningless as her sister made it out to be. Something which she wasn't entirely sure the man that Kukaku preferred to call on shared. Still, she knew her sister well enough that voicing her concerns would only lead to an argument which she didn't want to have so figured time would prove one of them correct.

Tier could understand why her sister was so standoffish about becoming one of Naruto's lovers. After all, considering the number of millennia that they had spent trying to remain out of human control. Suddenly reversing on that decision, especially when considering just how directly Naruto could control that power via the Binding was not a conclusion some could easily arrive to. Yet, Tier had no doubts it was the correct decision for her, and it was in how he had reacted to Mira's desire to quit protecting shipments for the Great Tree Shipping company that cemented that fact for her. Particularly, as it had come at a time when the company was beginning to feel pressures from its competition. Yet, Naruto had only been supportive, even having to convince Kiyomi to stop pressuring Mira to return.

The memory of which prompted Tier to reach up and cradle her lover's cheek to guide him to kiss her. Naruto followed her silent instructions to receive a chaste, but loving kiss which caused him to ask, "I didn't think a book about moldy old temples would elicit romantic feelings in you."

Tier smiled at his teasing before replying, "No, it was the thoughts which were spurred on by recalling my time among them that has."

Naruto's gaze grew sympathetic as he stated, "It must have been lonely."

"It was," Tier replied as she cupped his cheek again to pull him down for another kiss, "but now I'm here." Their lips met, and Tier had to admit that what she liked most about becoming human was the kissing. It for her was almost a perfect form of communication as so many feelings could be conveyed in a kiss that would be lost with words. But, she also enjoyed how it was a form of conversation which could change in midbeat, such as theirs was doing. Which while it had started off chastely, was quickly becoming more and more passionate. Which was why as she parted her lips to accept Naruto's tongue, she wasn't surprised as his hand which had remained on her stomach began traveling downwards. She spread her legs in anticipation and was glad she was wearing just a tight orange shirt and loose fitting sweats. Especially, once his hand slipped under said sweats where he cupped her mound and began rubbing her increasingly wetter pussy.

Tier moaned into him, and felt her lap pillow begin to harden, which in turn made her wetter from knowing the affect that she was having on him. She raised her hips off the couch so she could push the sweats from her body. Not so much so she could spread out more, but because they were trapping the head she was giving off making her uncomfortable. Which once they were clear of her feet, she did spread out widely and groaned deeply as her lover pushed his middle finger inside her. He rubbed along the roof of her love tunnel causing her to tense and arch her back as he stimulated a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves.

It also served to break their kiss as she moaned, allowing Naruto to shift his focus to her breasts. Where he nipped at one of the nubs poking up from the shirt. Tier's moans grew louder still as he began to also rub her clit with his thumb, feeling on the verge of climax. She tried to pull away and create some space so she could resume on a more even playing field. But she only managed to sit up on the couch before Naruto bent her over, and immediately buried his face in her behind to begin lapping at her cunt.

Recognizing her defeat, she moaned into the cushions of the couch while his tongue explored every nook and crevice in his effort to collect her essence. As she neared her release though, he pulled away saying, "It's no use. You're just sprung too much of a leak." He removed his pants and pressing his cock to her entrance said, "I'm guessing the only way to handle this is to plug it."

Tier full heartedly agreed as she pushed back to meet his thrust, and cried out when his cock kissed her womb. Naruto hunched over her as he rutted within her, and brought the finger that he had used within her before up to her mouth. Tier aware of how much it excited him, traced her tongue around the digit while his cock slid along inside her.

She did manage to exert some control in their lovemaking as she pushed back so that Naruto leaned back into the couch. Now on top, she gripped his knees and rose up almost to the point where his cock would slip out of her before plunging back down to impale herself. Naruto was more than willing to let her take charge as he sat back and enjoyed the sight of her ass raising and falling over his manhood. After several minutes, Tier again changed things up as she moved her hands to rest behind her on his stomach and began grinding her hips down into him. Naruto took the opportunity to free her breasts by pushing the front of her shirt up over them and then began massaging them while tweaking her nipples.

Tier's head shot back as a shock passed from her tits, down to her spin and jolted her pussy. Which coupled with Naruto beginning to move his hips caused her to raise up just enough to give him room to work, while she tried to maintain the moment between sex and bliss indefinitely. However, such a state was impossible, especially as her core weathered the assault of Naruto's cock. It sent up a flare of surrender as she exploded into release, just as Naruto buried himself fully within her to flood her depths with his seed.

As she came down to earth, she also collapsed back onto him cooing contently as his still hard cock shifted within her. She looked over her shoulder and began kissing him in appreciation, which quickly grew heated as they prepared for round two. However, they were interrupted as Rangiku called out, "What do we have here?"

However, to Tier's surprise, rather then it being in relation to the lovemaking that had just taken place between Naruto and her. The door swung open to reveal a kneeling and blushing Cyan who was trying to adjust her clothes to hide the fact that she had been pleasuring herself while watching them. Rangiku looking into the room, and seeing the still connected lovers brightened as she said, "Oh, well that makes sense."

She then stepped into the room and was followed by Yoruichi and Urd. From the slight blush adorning their cheeks, Tier imagined the three had been drinking some, which they confirmed as Rangiku said, "We came up here looking to see if you wanted to have some fun, Naruto. But, it looks like you beat us to the punch Tier."

"Tonight, was my night with him," the former Five tails said in a huff, "just because I wished to spend it reading in his company, does not mean it wasn't fun."

Having stripped out of her clothes Rangiku leaned over her sister as she countered, "For him or for you."

Tier for a moment was conflicted as she admitted that she wasn't sure, but was put at ease as he said, "Sometimes a quiet night spent in the company of a lover is just what the mind and body needs. Especially, if it is followed up with a night of drinking with you."

Rangiku pouted as she said, "Are you saying spending time with me is like work?"

Naruto chuckled before replying, "Of course not! But it can be far more exhausting keeping up with you."

He groaned as Rangiku cupped his balls as she said, "Then I hope you enjoyed your peace and quiet. Because, it's time to put that recouped stamina to the test." She then leaned forward pressing her breasts against Tier's while kissing Naruto over her sister's shoulder.

Cyan wasn't sure what to make about what had just happened. She hadn't meant to catch the show that she had witnessed, but upon peeking into the library knowing it was one of the best places to find Tier, hadn't been able to look away upon finding her bouncing on her lover's cock. From there her body had acted of its own accord as she had started fondling her breasts above her clothes before adjusting them to give more direct access to her tits and eventually her pussy. When Rangiku had called out to her, she had accidently bumped into the door exposing herself to Tier and Naruto, and nearly died from mortification. Only to quickly be forgotten as a new show was about to begin.

Cyan felt a desire to escape, and pretend the event never happened. But, found that she couldn't move, especially as Tier and Naruto were now sitting in the center of the couch. The dark-skinned woman was still facing away from him as she raised and lowered herself on his cock, Cyan found she now had a clear view of the Bijuu's cunt as it gripped the shaft buried inside it. Rangiku was kneeling to the right of the rutting lovers, with her mouth clamped to Tier's breast, while her fingers rubbed small circles around the top of the bouncing Bijuu pussy.

A naked Yoruichi joined them on the couch, and although Tier seemed oblivious to Cyan's presence that changed when she whispered into the blonde woman's ear. Tier's eyes locked with Cyan's but instead of growing alarmed or embarrassed, to the olive-haired woman, it almost seemed to excite her. She noticed that the former Five-Tails seemed to raise herself a little higher each time she rose up Naruto's cock and she plunged down a little harder with each successive stroke. To Cyan, it seemed to be Tier's way of showing her what a dirty woman she could be.

Cyan was somewhat taken aback by the display, particularly the lewd way in which she kissed Urd as the silver-haired Eight-Tails leaned over the back of the couch. Yet, in retrospect it made sense to her. Upon being created, she knew that she and her other Fracción, which they thought of themselves as since they were made up of parts of the tails Tier had sacrificed, had placed her on a pedestal. Which while she was sure Tier appreciated, it also meant they weren't able to really appreciate her as a person. More as an idol that they almost borderline worshipped, and while Cyan was aware of this to a degree. At times, she admitted, she still reverted to the idolized version of Tier that she had.

One that was hard to synchronize with the picture of her tensing as she cried out, "Yes, fill me up with your cum."

She collapsed back against Naruto, and was lifted off his cock causing a small waterfall of jizz to pour out. Rangiku set Tier down on the couch where she had been kneeling and quickly took a position between Naruto's legs as she wrapped her tits around his dick. Working them over his rod, she said, "Tier, you made his cock so slick with your juices, his dick is just gliding between my breasts." She then leaned her chin down to begin sucking it whenever it appeared from between her fun bags.

Cyan noticed she wasn't alone in watching the show, and looking over found the human that seemed to be Yoruichi's shadow. She turned her head to study the woman, and felt her eyes grow wide as she was openly massaging her breasts through her clothes. Yoruichi noticed, and facing them spread her legs to say, "Come her Soifon. Help get me ready for my turn."

The young kunoichi was kneeling before the couch in a flash and happily buried her face between Yoruichi's thighs. "Mmm, always so eager to please," Yoruichi purred while she buried her hands in the dark-haired woman's hair and she rubbed her cunt against her chin.

Cyan felt a sense of jealousy at the human, which she attributed to the closeness that she shared with the Two-Tailed Bijuu that she admired. It wasn't lost on her that in many ways her relationship with Tier mirrored Soifon's with Yoruichi. Except, there existed a closeness between Yoruichi and Soifon that was lacking between Tier and her Fracción. It wasn't just the psychical closeness either, but more of an openness which the two women shared.

Rangiku climbed into Naruto's lap and she guided his shaft inside her. She cried out as she sank down the kunoichi impaler, and buried his face between her breasts while she took her turn bouncing in his lap. Urd moved to the front of the couch where she knelt before Naruto and Rangiku and began to suck on his balls. But, noticing Tier was returning to the conscious world moved to begin licking the cum which had leaked from her, but she paused to say over her shoulder, "Why don't you join us Cyan? I'm sure Tier would appreciate if you cleaned her up."

Cyan wasn't sure how to respond, and looked towards Tier to find the woman seemed rather embarrassed now. She was about to refuse not wanting to be the cause of Tier's discomfort, but noticed that the blonde had also adopted a similar position as Yoruichi as if to present a silent invitation. Cyan felt nervous as she approached, especially as she wasn't sure what to do. But, kneeling before Tier, she opted to focus on the parts that felt good during her own self explorations.

She found the taste rather strange, but not unpleasant yet crew nervous as she began to fear she wasn't doing a very good job. Mainly, as she wasn't earning the same reactions Naruto seemed to be capable of getting from her, or Soifon was currently receiving from Yoruichi. Yet, Tier let out a soft moan as she said, "You're doing fine Cyan. Be more sure of yourself."

Hearing the former Five-Tail's words, Cyan realized a part of the problem was her own tentativeness so she began more energetically attacking the Bijuu's lower lips and clit. Tier's let out a sharp cry as she buried a hand in Cyan's hair to guide her to the spots that she wanted focused on. The woman lost herself in enjoying the cream the blonde was leaking, but still was aware enough to realize that Urd had begun to strip her. She felt a little self-conscious at that fact, mainly due to Naruto's presence, but it was drained away as the hand buried in her hair pulled her up onto the couch where she found Tier's lips soon pressed against hers.

Her eyes grew wide in shock to find that she was kissing the Bijuu that she idolized, but it only grew more surreal for her as after several moments of bliss. The blonde woman spun her around so that she was sitting on the couch, Tier then dropped down to the floor where she pushed Cyan's knees into the air to spread her legs, and then buried her face in her snatch. Cyan was mortified as she said, "Lady Tier, don't, that place is dirty."

Tier gave a small dismissive snort of amusement as she replied, "No more dirty then mine is," before resuming her enjoyment of the Fracción snatch. Cyan buried her face in her hands, but couldn't deny how good it felt, which only grew as she felt a second tongue join in. Peeking between her fingers, she found Urd was also between her thighs and was lapping at her pussy while Tier licked along her thighs. They then shared a kiss, where Urd said, "Mmme, she tastes quite sweet, doesn't she?"

"Indeed," Tier replied before relinquishing her spot to position herself over the edge of the couch where she could begin suckling at Cyan's tits. Feeling the Bijuu's tongue rolling around her nipple proved too much for Cyan as she came. Her world turned white while she filled Urd's mouth with her juices, which Tier quickly partook of as she pulled the silver-haired woman into a kiss.

Cyan lost consciousness for a moment as when she came to, she found that Rangiku had shifted on Naruto's cock to be facing away from him. Both Urd and Tier where now kneeling before the bouncing Bijuu that had been the One-tails and had affixed themselves to her breasts. Cyan found though that her focus was on Naruto, as he gripped Rangiku's hips while she rode him. She wasn't sure why, but felt she could understand him somewhat, particularly his feelings for Tier. As such, she didn't feel a sense of embarrassment as his gaze drifted to her, and he gave her an amused smile as if he couldn't believe the moment they were enjoying together. Cyan wasn't sure what in his look prompted her to lean forward and to kiss him. But, as her tongue sought to explore his mouth and came in contact with his, she wondered if it was the fact that he did see her. That while surrounded by women Cyan felt outclassed her in every way, he had taken the time to share a moment with her.

Cyan also found that she could understand why Tier appeared to enjoy kissing Naruto so often as she found herself getting lost in the act. Eventually she pulled back to breath, as well as to let out a moan as Naruto had pulled his hand from Rangiku's hip to bury it between her legs and had pushed his middle finger inside her. Cyan shimmied her hips as she enjoyed the digit's probing of her, which she felt tense as Naruto groaned, "Shit, I'm cumming."

Rangiku cried out as well after slamming down to make sure his cum was deposited deep inside her, She then stood on shaky legs, but was somewhat supported as Tier quickly gripped her butt and then began sucking their lover's seed out of her. Cyan watched for a moment, and wanting an idea of what Tier was enjoying lowered her face to Naruto cock. He groaned as she swallowed about a third of his shaft, and began rapidly bobbing her head in his lap. She heard him inhale sharply as he said, "Please be mindful of your teeth."

Cyan moaned her understanding as she moved her mouth over him in a more controlled manner, which wasn't exactly easy as he added a second finger to his probing of her. She couldn't deny that she found the flavor rather exquisite which made her realize a lot about what she had enjoyed from tasting Tier's quim had been the seed Naruto had filled her with.

Cyan heard Urd say plaintively, "Naruto, it's my turn to receive some of your cum."

Out of the corner of her eye, Cyan saw the Bijuu born from a piece of the eight-tails kneeling with her face pressed against the floor and her ass up in the air. The dick in her mouth swelled as he said, "I'll be right there." Cyan was surprised that she felt disappointed by his reply, but it didn't last as he added, "But first." He then pulled his fingers from her to pinch her clit, which caused Cyan to explode into another climax and prompted her to surrender his cock so she could give voice to it.

Naruto took the opportunity to stand and crouch behind Urd, who cried out when he slipped inside her. Cyan had a front row seat as she had collapsed to lay in the spot Naruto had vacated, so watched as his dick pounded the tightly cling cunt of the dark-skinned woman. Her gaze shifted towards Tier and Rangiku who were on the floor nearby and were grinding their pussies against one another, before then focusing on the couple by her head. Although too tired to look, from the moans, she imagined that Yoruichi much like Tier had for her, was now licking Soifon's cunt. Which proved to be the case as the waifish woman shouted "Lady Yoruichi," in a manner that made it clear she was climaxing.

Yoruichi then entered her field of view as she stood over Urd so that her butt was facing Naruto. She then bent over as if to touch her toes, and moaned when before even completing the movement she found her lover's face buried in her backside. Naruto enthusiastically ate her cunt, while his dick churned up Urd's insides.

Cyan focused on Naruto's cock as it continued to ream the moaning silver-haired woman he was hunched over. She brought her hand between her legs and rubbing along her slit began to wonder what it would feel like for him to be buried inside her. She moaned as she imagined it would have been like what she felt from his fingers dialed up to eleven. Trying to match his girth, she raised her hips off the couch and buried three fingers inside her. She timed her thrusting fingers to match Naruto's and couldn't help feeling disappointed that she probably wasn't reaching as deeply as he was for Urd.

Needing more she sat up on the couch and still working her fingers in and out, began to use her free hand to massage her breast. She moaned as she began speeding up to match him as he began pumping into Urd even faster. But, she couldn't match the result he achieved with Urd as she raised her head up to cry out as he stiffened and began injecting his seed into her. It filled Cyan with a curiosity as to what Urd was experiencing as his seed poured into her..

Cyan caught herself desiring that Naruto would spin around and plant his cock inside her. But, almost as if they had choregraphed it, as soon as he pulled out of Urd. Yoruichi spun and leapt into his arms as he stood, and impaled herself on his hard cock. One of the purple-haired woman's hands caressed his cheek as they kissed lewdly, while Naruto carefully stepped around the collapsed Urd. He turned so that the bouncing woman he was holding faced Cyan and then knelt down to lay Yoruichi on the ground.

He drove his cock viciously into her, and it allowed Cyan to see the utter contentment that appeared on the two-tailed Bijuu's face every time he was fully inside her. Again, she found that she wondered how it would feel to have Naruto on top of her and hitting places that she never knew existed. Feeling disappointed with her fingers, she withdrew them and her eyes grew wide as Naruto gripped her hip and nearly pulled her off the couch. With her upper half still resting on it, she moaned as he clamped his mouth to her womanhood and his tongue began exploring her depths.

Cyan rested her legs along his shoulders and back as he lapped up the fluids her pussy was producing. Moreover, in greater volume then when she had been pleasuring herself. She stared down her body and found she enjoyed the sight of the handsome man nestled between her thighs. But, Naruto was all business, which was a good thing when that business was giving her pleasure, and in what felt like record time she found herself climaxing, coating his mouth and chin in her release.

She whimpered softly as he moved away, and shared her bounty with Yoruichi who moaned as they began kissing again. Cyan slumped from the couch to land in a heap next to them, and she watched like a puppet that had its strings cut as Yoruichi's legs wrap around Naruto's hips. The purple haired woman locked her ankles behind him and then pulled him deep inside her as she let out a loud cry of release.

When she came down, her legs slumped to the ground allowing Naruto to pull free. Cyan wasn't too surprised to find that his cock was quickly replaced by Soifon's tongue as she took his place between the dark-skinned woman's legs. Yoruichi purred as the young woman lavished her womanhood with attention, as is it sought out the cream that Naruto had left behind.

Cyan then focused on Tier as she and Rangiku achieved release. The two women clung to each other while they climaxed before they fell away to lay on the ground and began shivering in post climatic bliss. Naruto took a seat on the couch beside her, as if to survey the carnage. Cyan's gaze drifted up to him, and to her surprise his cock was still standing erect. Pulling herself up to her knees, she again took him into her mouth and although he groaned in pleasure, stated, "You don't need to do that, Cyan."

She let him slip from her lips as she replied, "I want to," before quickly returning to pleasuring his rod. As she ran her tongue over his shaft, she soon found her space invaded by another face, and upon realizing it was Tier nearly pulled away. However, she realized that was actually probably the opposite of what the Bijuu wanted, and ultimately came to understand why she hadn't closed the distance between Tier like Soifon had with Yoruichi. It wasn't because she had respect for the Blonde woman, but because the admiration hadn't let her see her as a person. Which while she had achieved a minor understanding of that in the past, she had still remained rather demur in her dealings with her. Always relenting in favor to what she believed the former Five-Tails wanted.

Yet, Cyan found she didn't want to surrender Naruto cock to the Bijuu, and so continued to pleasure it. Tier also tried to, and almost seemed pleased by Cyan's unwillingness to relinquish her position. This caused the two women to try to muscle each other away while retaining the prime spot before him. Naruto groaned as his dick ended up getting passed between the two women. To Cyan's surprise when he announced, "I'm going to cum." Tier quickly pulled back surrendering the coming release to her.

Not sure what to do at first, she quickly capped his cockhead with her mouth just before he erupted. She quickly swallowed her first mouthful, only to find her cheeks began to bulge as she sought to capture the rest. When his spewing cock died down, she let him go with a pop to find Tier still kneeling next to her with a pleased smile. Cyan leaned forward, and kissed the Bijuu, who parted her lips in acceptance of the kiss and the cum it offered.

Eventually the two separated from each other leaving a trail of saliva connecting them until Naruto turned her head towards him to kiss her as well. Cyan found the experience to be far different then the kisses she had enjoyed up to that point as his seemed more aggressive, but he was wholly tender as he pulled back to say, "Thank you Cyan. That was great." He focused on the other women present as he said, "I for one think it's time to call it a night."

Cyan stood and was about to move to collect her clothes, but was stopped by Naruto as he wrapped an arm around her stating, "That can wait for tomorrow." They then followed in the wake of the group, as they all moved to one of the unclaimed bedrooms with a bed suitable to house them. Cyan's face grew red as upon getting in the bed, Tier snuggled up behind, her, and then the two of them were wrapped up by Naruto as he whispered something in Tier's ear.

Listening to the other women getting situated, Cyan felt a sense of contentment at being included. She also found that she was anticipating a day when the ban on Naruto's fully taking new lovers would come to an end so she could also fully experience the pleasure the other women had. But, more importantly felt she understood what it was that attracted Tier to him, he didn't see her as a Bijuu, or a source of power. That wasn't to say he didn't recognize those things about her, only they didn't influence his treatment of her. Recognizing a main part of the reason she had placed Tier on a pedestal was because she had considered herself an inferior being to the Bijuu, she could certainly understand the draw of a person who simply saw her as Cyan and cared not for how she came into being.

Tier seemed to know where her thoughts were at as she whispered into her ear, "Now you understand." She then pulled Cyan tightly against her body and soon fell into a deep sleep. A state of being that Cyan soon mirrored with a happy smile resting on her lips.