Episode 2: The Z system

The girl is in a dire state. Her mind is wholly blank in option. A doll who claimed to be her guardian is glaring at her while waving the tiny embroidered red fan.

[You can call me Cheng]

The tiny creature closes the fan in his hand hence continues his rambles while the girl listens to it attentively... She must know what is going on with her after death...

[A guardian who guides you throughout your way... For your information, you had fallen in a controlled system called the Z system...]

Ava's jaws drop in aghast. Since when and why is she here. "What is a Z system?" the question clamours out of her mouth. Cheng sigh in his heart at the girl insensibility in catching his phrase. Yes, yes the girl is a genius but she likes to play too much to take account of what her mother is doing!

The girl who analyzes his movement puts on a clueless facade..."Is it something that I shouldn't know?"

[No...no, It's a waste of my time to tell you this but I need to... so that it would not lays you in the wrong path]

Cheng hawks around for a while before grinning a sinister one. He tugs the screen beside him and puts it in front of the girl's face...

[Read this...I don't want to explain anything]

[Welcome and congratulations to whoever elected in the Z system. You have been nominated as the second human to ever reincarnate as the undead in your very next life! ... Please accept your mission]

Three small tubes come out from the clear liquid. One of them displays a pocket watch while the others say accept and decline.

"Accept mission..." The 'accept' button forms a thin light before exploring the whole space and disperse... A voice chimed in the dark expanse...

[ Thank you for being the second human to use the Z system network... As the creator of the system, Linda Brown will give you a bonus for you to use it in your crucial state during your following existence! Please enjoy your stay!]

Ava's jaws plummet for the second time once she finished reading the message... "My...my mother is the one who created this scenario!!" How could she don't know about this? Maybe she did plays too much...but that is only because classes are a tedious hell...

During her stay in the original world. Ava is always at the top of the establishment out of 20 more classes. All of the students there can be told the genius of human beings as they live in a robotic - modern environment since their birth.

As for Ava who is the only daughter of the craziest scientists there...she completed her degrees when she was six...Her thinking method is so high that it surpassed all of the kids around her age. She even created a few inventions on medication on beauty which is questionable because of where did she got the proficiency of cosmetics. People ask her " How did you create such things!?.... You are only seven?" She would just shrug them out. If only they knew that the child's father is a maquillage genius, they would all faint in the unfairness. Unfortunately, he died in the unsusceptible apocalypse.

Even though she finished her study at a young age, she still has to attend school to avoid unfairness between the children. She always despises her mother for this. Sending her to the nightmare hole! Every day she would get bullied even though she holds the most outstanding ability.

Ava is not a stupid naive girl! She destroys every person one by one either it's their reputation or their pride...anything that can make them proud then watch them cry and screams at her with bloodthirsty eyes. What did she do during that time? A happy smile for a happy ending! But there will always be a moment when the happy time ends. Her aunt is taunted by this as she is the one who truly takes care of her...

She cried and cried for forgiveness then watch those kids snickering at her with red eyes. Since that day, she promises herself to never listen anymore! having fun and causing trouble was her routine every day from morning to night...

She wants to run away from the reality that she forgot all of the hard work that her mother puts in for her so that she can protect even one last person in her family...

Ava sigh in grief for what she did. How could she only know to have fun rather than saving humanity! And now? Karma comes back to her in the original state, abduct her last person and forge her a path to live in another world desolate...

A hard object hits her head reaping a small 'Ouch!' Before forming into a big pout. She peers at the doll-like creature with the biggest puppy eye to show the sulkiness that she felt. " You are supposed to comfort me...not hitting me with that ugly fan-A!"

Chen covers his mouth with the fan in a blow! [ How could you said that to my three-thousand dollar fan...Ahah!] The tiny creature opens his 'three-thousand dollar fan' harshly hitting the girl with his diva antique. To be honest, it's a torment to whoever gets hit with the tiny lady-like creature because one tiny hit feels like a dozen bulls just crash into you...

The sound of slapping and splashing continues for a full 3 hours before its end once the creature is satisfied with the release of madness...

The girl is covered with blue and black. There are also a few bums here and there from the earlier service...really is torture!

[Do you know what you did wrong?]

Cheng turns his back against the girl on her knees. Ava forcest herself to opens her bumped eyes...

"I am sorry..." She kowtows on the spot but the tiny figure doesn't even budge...

[What are you sorry for?] He asks in a sterned tone... "For calling your fan an ugly duckling"...

[ What!!] Ava winced in place. 'If it's not that...then what?' Cheng turns to look at the girl but then he covers up from the ugliness he just sees. He can't help it! The girl's face is like a batch of swollen grapes and it looked absolutely pitiful...

[Ehem... you are disappointed with your mistake in the last life...isn't that true?...]

The girl nods in agreement with the testimony. Yes, she is aggrieved with her wrongdoings but it's all too late! She can't reverse back time...this is not the 'Villainess reverses the hourglass'!!

[Then? Why are you griefing too long!?... Your mother had created a system that can save humanity! We can reverse time with your level!]

Ava whirled in her mind. " We can?" The longer she stays with this scary little creature...the more she feels like her IQ drops...

[ At first, your mother have already tested the system and it really reverses the time of the world...she had already lived for hundreds of years in the system and finally, she got out once she reaches level 1000!]

This information is too much for the girl to swallow in one gulp. Her mother really had done something astounding during her absence!

[ And here I thought that humanity will survive since she leaves the system...]

Cheng rolled his eyes in resentment. All of her hard work crushed in the hands of traitors... " You were my mother's guardian?"

[ Yes I am...but honestly saying...I didn't do much...just staying by her side and carrying her 'specimens'... And lastly, she programs all my memories and leaves a little bit of recollection of times with her...]

Ava smiled in delight making the tiny Chinese doll shivered in disgust at her face...

Cheng washes the unpleasant image of and swipes his fan in the air. Two ancient objects appear in front of the girl... One is an old-looking knife and the other is a pair of golden flowered Chinese hairpins...

Cheng is satisfied with the bonus. His face stamps a beautiful item is the best! He summoned two screens that contain data about the ancient object...

[Ghost Dream: A knife that can turn into thousands of weapon. The weapon depends on the user's power to access its ability. If the user is a ten level then the knife will last in 10 minutes but it will only access the silhouette of a sword]

[Golden Roses: A complete set of magic release bow. Depends on the users magic to activate its power. If you have a type water magic then the arrow will form a water arrows to undertake the enemy]

The two's eyes twinkle in a thrill. "This is nice!" Ava holds the two items in her grips but it suddenly disappears in a blink. The girl glares at the small Chinese doll for taking her items without any approval...

[ I am just keeping it safe!] Cheng rolled his eyes while taking out a space ring and putting the items in the blue stoned ring. He jumps onto the girl's lap and places the ring on the girl's finger...

Ava is in awe of his action. "Aww...are you proposing to me!" Cheng almost vomits upon hearing the distasteful comments.

[Proposing your sister!...this is a space ring so that someone like you will not lose pricey weapons...understand!]

The girl laughs awkwardly feeling quite embarrassed with her remark. Cheng huff at the girl... There is no way he will propose to anyone..and certainly not that girl!

He rolls his eyes and snaps his finger... A dark chained door appears in seconds buried in dark purple fires...

"What is this?" She asks standing up from the ground while eyeing the unexpected door... Cheng glimpses at the girl with a defiant look.

[This?...this is the door to your first-world...] Cheng swipes his long-sleeved red Chinese robe and unlocks the tied chains... The door opens in a horrid way to see... The awkward girl suddenly feel that this is not going to be smooth?

[Now that you are set... let us begin the game!]...