Episode 4.8: Dirty Bastard

"My king... Are you not going for a visit today?"

The million dollars chandeliers hanging above his head is complementing the whole concept of the ivory dining room. The amount of money he spent to create the scrupulous mansion are unbiased to his persona. He is a really neat and ambitious person and precisely lives out to his name Aoi, which is a blooming hollyhock flower. Ambition and fecundity have long sealed into his soul and is getting stronger day by day...

The spacious dining room is located beside his personal greenhouse where he purposely kept the treaty's secrets in an attempt to perfect the allaying scenery. He once says that the more dangerous place is the most secure place to keep important things. The greenhouse is completed with hundreds of secret traps, even if someone tries to steal from him, he would need to face death to even get inside it...

Seven and thirty in the morning, as usual, it's his routine to drink a cup of tea with his favourite cookies in the daylight. The King didn't like a secluded place and tend to search for an open spot for him to relax, ignoring any potential assassinations...

He closes his eyes, feeling the breeziness through his lashes and unconditionally relax his hardened posture. He tapped the marbled table calmly thinking about the other's doubt and place down the white translucent porcelain teacup. The red flowers that spread onto the centre of the white cup is truly a work of fine art. It was dedicated by one of the famous cup crafters of the province. The King has an obsession with red colours but not even Al knows what is the reason behind this fact...

Although it is still a suspicion, Al heard that there is a red birthmark that can be considered rare for its fan-like shape. The Mark is said to be some sort of curse that control him into a demon-like child but surely, Al will not believe an unproven matter. They can talk all they want but he will never destroy the king's trust...

The main protagonist squinted his eyes in process of thinking, he could not afford to be so reckless in making any decision. Not when the school is the place where he found his love...

"Hmmm, No... I think I am going to pass" This year, just until his love graduate. Al nodded his head, understanding his intention to conceal his other identity. He bows his head and leads out of the room. Seeing the king's most loyal henchman exits the room, all the guards who were shielding him outside the room attends to him in lines. "Listen here brothers, today, only five fighters that'll reach the top of strength and intelligence have the chance to be one of us... Be prepared to kill them as much as you can....!" An evil smile creeps up his face. Al is the normal sadistic everyday person so it's normal to see him smiling after burying thousands of bodies in one pile...

"Yes, sir!" The loud crowd shout in unison while marching towards the end of the red carpet, laying across the hallway to the black cars. They are all carrying guns and bullets, wearing a sharp face without a single smile. There is not a single person who doesn't have scars as to single-handedly prove their dangerous organisation. They tend to develop a self-made ego and discipline is a must! They are super loyal to their leader and would die in his place. Alas, the love they hold for their true family is as small as the size of an ant. These people are proud to be side by side with their aids but are also cruel to their kin...

The King's restless heart sank under the soft red modern cushion, dramatically pulling out his white brand new cellphone to monitor the girl's behaviour and at the same time, protect her from any danger. He is enjoying the girl's calm and truce walk but not until a group of funky kids halt her way. Their ugly faces change his mode as fast as a bolt and he is not prepared to hold back his disgust. The king's expression turns haggard after witnessing them threatening the girl to surrender which seems stupid as his love didn't get offended. "He" even tried to ignore their existence but those kids still didn't leave "him" alone. The hidden bug was placed onto the girl's button which makes it easy to recognise their faces. "These punks should know their place! ... Be honoured that I am not there to kill you..."

Aoi clenches his jaws in pain, seeing his love getting harassed by a group of worthless people but cannot do anything. He can't afford to suddenly show in front of them with the current situation! Only Al knows of his secret, even his subordinates didn't know that he goes to school! "F**k!"... He cursed.

The phone almost met a dead end when a single electrical power flashes across his ears. It's like seeing the sun and moon rising together in one place. He is in trance. "Did I forgot to take my medicine, today?" He doubts that but this feeling is different. It's difficult to tell which one is right and which one is the left hand as he stares between the two sculptured palms. The buzzing sound didn't cut off even when he tries to shook it out of his head. 'What is this?' The words he wants to shout stuck between his throat. He struggles and struggles to get up but his head feels heavier than before. Aoi tries to open his teary red eyes but he couldn't!

The rosy cushion almost swallows him wholly and his complexion is more dreadful than he thought. He struggles to reach for his medical needs but uncontrollably flops back onto the cushion. His body feels like crushing under layers of heavy metals but the truth didn't give in to his demands. After an hour of fruitless efforts, he finally gave in to the acrimony while striving for help from no man. Not a lift of a finger could save him and he was washed with sweat and painful thirst. Aoi grief in his heart 'Ah...is this the end?'... His petal lids slowly fold to the other side and unconsciously drive him into a deep sleep...