Episode 4.11:Dirty Bastard

A bloody battle transpires on the fuming stage. Player No.6 is in the lead of the fierce battle and anyone can see that he have the most chance to win the game. The sly player smirks at his opponent who is wiping the blood off the corner of his lips.

He has given a big blow at the other's skull which makes his vision blurry and faint. Even so, he won't back down and vow to take the fight like a man. Even with a destructed jaw, Player No.50 is determined to seek his revenge!

"Why don't you just quit?!" Player No.6 questioned with a demanding tone. He knows that he is going to win the game seeing how his opponent is on a terrible stage of health. Player No.50 now remains like a weak small fly in his eyes.

"I won't ... I won't give up even if I die!" The player smiles, determined to continue the fight until the end. He stood up with a frown on his face, it's clear that he is in a lot of pain. "Huh! Come at me then!" his rival sneers at his useless attempt. His right hand forms a tight clench that pops out his stressful veins. "AAAAGGHHHH....!!!!" with a desperate scream, the player swings his last punch with all his might bringing his sweat and tears into judgment on that one stage.

The crowds of audiences scream for the side they acclaim. The masses are truly excited to see who is going to win between the players. It's been hours since the match starts and many fights have ended. Despite that, the crowd is still as vigorous as before.

Player No.6! Easily overcome the Player No.50 spiritful punch! Dodging it with his famous 360 tornado spin plus to draws a one-way kick in a swift second! How is that possible!

It seems that Player No.50 is slammed to the stage once again! Will this battle end or will it continues!

The speaker dramatically proclaims working his sonorous voice. As usual, the crowds will together chant a 'one-word of fury! "Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!" Over and over again. Some even complain of how weak the other is and knowingly feeding the leading player's arrogance.

Akira observes the screen along with the "roommates" that are still in line. Other than him and player No.22, everyone is pretty excited about the fight. Those that have already fought will be moved to the treatment centre. Following then, only twenty people remain in each waiting room.

With the book still in his hand, closed, Akira inspects every player and silently records each of their weaknesses.

He can see how hot and steaming the stage is despite being in a fully air-conditioned building. This stage is made to be round and surrounded by authentic audiences. After a fight, the set will be cleaned and chalked to ensure no spilt blood or sweat might restrict the player's movement.

There is a big reason for his effort. After the first round, the second fight will be in a group of five. Strictly speaking, there will be the strong and the weak in one group. If he is unfortunate enough to be put with the weak ones, he has no choice but to use the opponent's weakness as his hidden weapon to crush them. That is not a problem for him as he already knows what to do in any circumstance. What troubles him is the "Mad dog".

He hides his expression. He can't think properly with all these zombies beside him...

The story of 'Dirty Bastard' doesn't explain the backstory. The

background scenes and their characters count as "unimportant presences." and so the system ignores the 'unimportant' plots to highlight the main's tragic love story. It demands to describe their tragic, theatrical love story as intensely as possible till you can feel the sadness sinking in your bones. From the time they first met and decided to keep their relationship a secret. Then having the courage to get out of their closet to the villainess, hoping that maybe she will understand and bless their 'pure' relationship. Predictably, they are forced to bear the villainess obsession. After all the crying and drama, the white lily protagonist finally died in the crazy illiterate woman's hand. As you know, it ends, with the male lead slashing blood out of innocent lives and falls deep into despair.

'No matter how many times I rewind it, this story still sounds stupidly brainless to me...' Akira frowns but keeps it hidden within his bangs. He really should have a haircut, he thought while blowing it out of his sight.

Thus, he doesn't know how powerful is the 5 group's future generations. The system only talks about the male lead's winning side during the fights with other powerful families. It doesn't specifically explain their whole existence.

Akira anxiously bites his nails due to the original's habit. He only stopped when the match between the two players ends with a satisfying score from player No.50. The injured player barely survives the fight but justice path his way. Player No.6 forgot to strengthen his defence. Thence, an accidental opportunity was given! There is no doubt, Player No.50 has taken advantage of his carelessness and has somewhat won the pedantic battle!

'Ah... he finally won, that guy...' Akira nods his head, satisfied with the performance. 'Although he would win earlier if he didn't slip the first punch... oh well?...'

"I TOLD YOU HE IS GOING TO BEAT THAT SNAKE'S ASS!" A shout flinches him from the relaxed posture. Akira turns over the person who shouted so loud for him to put it out of his mind. His eyes opened wide before blurting a "Mira?.." which make the girl spun to him. "Oh, hello there my dear friend... You just noticed me? I have been standing here since forever...!" The girl huffs with her hands beside her tiny waist. She can't help questioning the boy's density to not noticing his only friend after an hour!

Discerning that his colleague is growing frustrated, Akira smiles awkwardly. He is not good at making friends, indeed! Mira is another case. "I am ...umm ...sorry...?" He claims after a while. His eyes keep searching for forgiveness and Mira is finally defeated with his pouty stance.

"Alright, alright... you win..." This boy! She shook her head whilst slipping a forfeit smile. He is still the same but more open nonetheless. Akira is a total loner at some point and she is quite proud that he loosen up with her. She already lost any related feeling of taking Akira as her 'partner' considering that he is totally dense with her feeling. Once a friend is a friend till the end. She can't handle him... Mira sigh, the pain in her heart is too heavy.

'There goes the good guy...' she murmurs.

Akira lets out a nervous breath considering that the girl is no longer angry with him. He can't have her being a monochrome just before the match. He needs a strong supporter and Mira happens to be one. She is the strongest support he can get for now. The Sakiyurai organization must be passed down to her and not the male lead. He needs to make sure she gets the right to be the head! Akira is stuck with this thought as he glances over the said girl.

"What are you zoning about....hmm?" Mira said as soon as she noticed his stare. "Vlad is not just a fighter, You know... He is the only son of the crown group, One of the big five." She warns while hovering in front of him. On the instant, she boldly pushes a finger at his head. "Do. Be. Careful..." her pointer follows her speech. She may appear rude but Akira knows more than that, Mira is serious when she speaks like that.

On the other hand, he is not worried whatsoever. Akira has given a long thought. Likewise, his healing ability would cover up to 50% of his lack of strength. That should be sufficient enough to buy some time and takes up most of his opponent's energy. "I will.." He covers up with a white lie. Seeing her satisfied with his answer, he smiles again but quickly covers up with his bangs. His 'Yui' was springing out there.

"I should go now. You are next..." She ruffles his bunch of apple-red hair. Akira watches her back disappearing from the room. His attention switches to another woman wearing a black coat. 'That should be the one who accompanies the players to the stage' He affirms while standing up to hints that he is ready to fight.

The woman stops her tracks just a meter from him. "Akira Hirasawa?" She questioned, fiddling with the participant's name list. Akira replies with a slight bow, and the same gesture returns to him. "Great! This way..." She twirls her heels and path away to the stage. The silent silhouette follows behind, still keeping the cold mug. He can't deny the uncertainty he's been feeling.