Thick, opaque clouds covered the planet, Inas, that was home for Ines and me for a good while. These clouds would move so slowly, that it looked like they never moved. They were mostly dark red, except they turned orange when the light shined through them.
Ines and I enjoyed living in Inas. Nobody cared that we lived there, and barely anybody knew that we lived there in the first place. Being out of sight from everyone gave us the freedom that we needed. In Inas, we built what we wanted, and we lived how we wanted.
Not too long after we started living in Inas, Ines started living in one of the red rocks she carved. These rocks had gold inside them, and Ines loves gold. She loved her golden home and she rarely ever left. After she carved all the red rocks on Ines, she no longer had a reason to leave her home. She had made a good home in her rock, and it had everything she needed.
I spent most of my time on Inas on one of its two moons. These moons were full of red rocks like Inas. I would have loved to have Ines carve lots of the rocks on the moons, if not all of them, but she saw no reason in doing so because she rarely ever visited the moons. Once I gave up all hope on having Ines carve the red rocks on the moons, she took pity on me and carved a home in a red rock in each of the moons. In these rocks, I would stare into the dark black space you couldn't see in Inas. The planet's thick clouds obscured everything that is outside.
Inas' two moons have the most peculiar black sand. It's very soft, and I can form it however I want. But the form doesn't last, and it slowly falls to the ground once made. I brought some to Ines, and she stashed it away in her rock. I did not need to store the black sand like Ines because this sand was everywhere on the moons. The sand covers the surface of the moons, and it has depth to it. When there was no light shining on the moon I was on, the black sand made me feel like I was part of space, which was also black.