Most doors to the fairies', regardless of where they are, point to Edwin. Hallways make up most of Edwin, and circular areas with pillows and cushions connect these hallways. The walls of these hallways are hollow. Each wall is split into 5 upright panels, and behind them are the fairies' sleeping pods. Every panel of the wall conceals a single pod. Edwin, being knowledgeable and kind, escorts fairies seeking a place to relax to an unoccupied sleeping pod. They can also order the pods so that the fairies who are in gatherings can rest in pods adjacent to one another.
Ines and I arrived at Edwin the first time we passed through the fairies' door, and we were very confused when we did. We expected to see fairies but there were none. What was there to welcome us was a yellow arrow on the wall. This yellow arrow moved horizontally inward into Edwin, and it stopped a little ahead of us. The arrow waited there for a bit before disappearing. Then a set of yellow footprints showed up on the floor and started walking towards the same direction the arrow was moving to. Ines and I followed the morphing yellow because that seemed to be what it wanted us to do.
We followed the footprints, and we paused where they disappeared. Couple adjacent panels near where the footprints were turned yellow, then they faded away, revealing two empty sleeping pods. The pods were white and formed like an egg. Ines and I wanted to see what were inside the pods, but we couldn't because the surface of the pods was opaque. However, we learned their surface wasn't hard but was like a very dense cloud. So, we pierced our heads inside the pods to examine what's inside.