level up, level up, level up!! & Mission!

luke, in his level 2 wolf form, was wandering around the bushes looking for any possible prey he can prey on. his wolf form is not slightly bigger than before by 2 cm. after luke ate that anteater wholely, he gained one level, which is kinda small for some animals that size. but luke thought that maybe since hes a wolf now since birds grew faster that dogs.

luke came to a halt when he heard faint footsteps in the distance. luke grew excited since he's extremely familiar to this kind of footsteps. and just like what he have thought of, a head of deers was eating in the open area right in front of luke .

" now now, which one should i go for?"

luke ask himself while he's looking for a weak and suitable prey for this afternoon. and not to luke's dissappointment, a newbor fawn was sitting not far from his location. the fawn's legs were trembling when it tried to stand up.

" heh, easy kill"

luke couldnt help but grin to himself on how lucky he was. out of all time when hes looking for prey, a newborn fawn presented itself to him.

with a loud howl, luke came out of his hiding place and runs towards the weak fawn. the other deer saw luke and immediately scatter, leaving the poor fawn behind. the fawn was completely unaware of the incoming danger and still tries to stand up.

when luke was about 3 meters to the fawn, he pounced on the fawn with his nmouth wide open, revealing the sharp rows of teeth. with a snap, the teeths sunk on the fawns neck and broke its neck. the fawn didn't even manage to utter a single cry when it was born when it entered another stomach.

luke drags the fawn towards the nearby bushes while keeping vigilant just incase some animals might compete with his game. when luke arrived at the bushes, luke dropped the fawn and took a large bite at its stomach, increasing his experience.

+5 experience

+5 experience

+5 experience

+5 exp...


WOLF FORM : LEVEL 2 ( 50/100 )

he's just 50 exp away from leveling up so luke smack his lips and walk out of the bushes sto look for another prey. not far from the previous location, luke found a sleeping bat hanging from a tree so with a soft groan, luke leaped from branches to branches until he reached the bats place.

the bat was awakened by the disturbance and was shock to see a wolf climbing the tree towards it. the bat tries to flap its wings to get away but luke was just tooo fast and reached him in a blink of an eye. with a leap from the branch, luke bites the bat and drag it together to the ground.

after landing to the ground, luke gave a final chomp and ended the bats life.

+5 exp...

completely unsatisified on how little exp the bat gave, luke continues his hunt and for the entire day, luke was barraged with the notification of his successfull hunts.

+5 exp...

+5 exp...

+10 exp...

+ 8 exp....



night came and luke managed to reach level 6 in his wolf form, increasing its size to regular mans waist. luke gave low chants in his wolf form and with a blinding light, luke shifted from his wolf form to his hawk form. luke flew towards a large tree and settles at a thick branch. luke knew that sleeping at the ground is a complete suicide so he decided to shift to his hawk form and sleeps at the tree.

however, luke was completely unaware of a person monitoring him from another tree...


" june 19 20XX , after a whole week of searching, i finally found the hawk we saw last week. the hawk is still as big as before and as majestic as ever. compared to the other hawks, this one , who we named as the great hawk, was 10 times bigger than a regular hawk. this hawk is completely different than the other hawks! however, other than its size, this hawk is almost similar to a regular hawk. same talon appearance, same wing appearance, same beak apperance and same feather colors. my boss asked me to monitor this one sisnce this might be a undiscovered species"

in another tree, a woman was talking to herself while holding a camera. the camera is aimed at the sleeping hawk from another tree. this woman is no other than jessica, the forest ranger. jessica voluntered to monitor this hawk to help their organization in studying this animal.

jessica swore that in this life, she will discover and name an animal on her own...


morning came and the wild roosters started clattering. luke woke up in a very good mood and stretched his wings like a human. with a flap of his huge wings, luke took off and flew towards the lake.

not long after, luke arrives the lake and immediately dove straight towards the water. he only baths at the shallow area since he didn't know if there is any potential danger lurking within the deeper waters. luke shakes and flip under water and emerges after a few seconds. luke was enjoying the cooing sensation when he saw a shining object beneathe him. luke was consumed by his curiosity so with his beak, luke took the object and lifted it towards the sun. the rays of lights hitting the object made it more shiny, making luke to utter the word.

" so pretty "

however, luke was shocked by what happened next.

the object in the shape of a regular stone emitts a blinding light, making luke to shut his eyes tightly. at that moment, luke was filled with terror and despair sisnce such occurence didnt happen before.

level up!

level up!

level up!

level up!

Ding!~ druid skill : wolf form have reached the max level.

Ding!~ child of the forest effect activated!


>grants the ability { night vision } to the user.


-> this skill enable the host see clearly at night like that of daylight.

DING!~Mission successfuly distributed! mission : [ SAVE THE YOUNG STREAMER! ]



--> A streamer, who risks her life in hopes of gaining popularity and money to treat her mother, who is currently hospitalized because of an ' Intentional ' car accident. protect her from all of the incoming danger and help her achieve her goals!

REWARDS : + 2 levels to all druid skills that still not maxed yet

FAILURE CONDITION : death of the young streamer!

FAILURE PENALTY : -10 levels to all druid skills


luke was stunned by the sudden spam of notifications and there is only 2 words he can say.

" holy shit!"