The echo of a deity

The lake was sparkling, orange from the sun's vibrant shine. The lake was not significant and hugged the side of the mountain. From afar it almost looked boring, stale. But a long time ago, Zhang Wang's parents brought him here and showed him a little secret about the place.

He angled the boat so that Yu Yanlin was facing away from the shore. After they were about two li out into the lake, Zhang Wang urged, "Why don't you take your blindfold off?"

Yu Yanlin hesitated a little, wondering if it was okay.

Zhang Wang chuckled, kicking the demon king playfully, "It's safe, I promise! You can trust me."

The word trust felt a bit odd. But Yu Yanlin slowly lowered the piece of leather from his face. The eyes that Zhang Wang had expected to be a glistening blue were still deep brown. That was okay.

Yu Yanlin opened his eyes and saw the mirthful smile on Zhang Wang's face. There was a childlike joy that surrounded him, in a glowing aura that Yu Yanlin had never known when growing up.

Seriously, the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms was beautiful. And beautiful in a way that none of his consorts, concubines or ladies in waiting could ever compare to. A beauty that made him feel relaxed and excited at the same time.

"Look here," Zhang Wang said and dipped his hand into the lake. A shining glow erupted from his fingertips, a light slowly began to pulse from his palms and stretched out into the lake.

Yu Yanlin watched with interest, and the waters below began to stir to life. A sinuous shape moved below them. Rows of shimmering sparkles glittered with the deep lake waters. Fish fled at the long continuous movement, darting away to safety. The glittering jewels shifted, and as it came closer to the surface, Yu Yanlin realized that they looked like scales.

But how! He could hardly feel a presence from below. Curiously, he leaned over the edge of the boat to get a better look.

Yu Yanlin caught a glimpse of giant eyes, lids sliding closed from the side. The shape moved against, concealing its face. Upon closer inspection, Yu Yanlin saw that the scales were transparent! Schools of fish could be seen swimming below the iridescent scales.

He was so caught in wonder that it was only when Zhang Wang extracted his hand from the water and the creature suddenly disappeared that Yu Yanlin realized the creature hadn't a presence at all.

It was like the shadow of something else; an echoing existent from another time.

"What was that?" Yu Yanlin asked.

Zhang Wang's smile was secretive, as though he remembering something distant that Yu Yanlin had no knowledge of. "You noticed, didn't you?"

"Yes. That creature no longer exists."

"That's right. It's the echo of a deity that once dwelt within the lake. My parents showed me this place when I was young. It turns out that it's still possible to call forth the memories of this lake… Kind of amazing isn't it? Remembering that there was a time the gods really existed."

"..." Yu Yanlin nodded silently to that.

The gods have stopped existing for centuries now, their whereabouts mysterious and uncertain. Humans often say that one day the gods will return. Or perhaps immortals hope to cultivate to immortality and repopulate the vacant heavenly offices.

Centuries have passed and with no success. New schools of thought have emerged, believing that the gods have abandoned the world for good. Yu Yanlin cared little about the future of the heavens, but he secretly marveled about the gods in the past. Though many demons were not fond of them, Yu Yanlin found that upon proper inspection of mythology and tales, gods were oftentimes more neutral than not. Chaotic as they were orderly. They were fascinating beings that maintained the balance of the world.

Curiously he asked the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms, "Do you believe that the gods will one day return to the heavens?"

Zhang Wang blinked up. Though he'd be taught growing up in this new life that the proper belief was to be hopeful and look forward the gods' return, he himself had little hope for such a thing to come about. Perhaps it was the atheism he brought with him from his previous world, or maybe it was the lazy pessimism that he allowed to cloud his world-views.

He pursed his lips and gave it a proper thought, "I suppose I might be nice if they returned…"

Yu Yanlin chuckled at the round-about answer that steered away from the question but told so much of Zhang Wang's character. "You suppose?"

"We've existed long enough without the gods, you know? I like to think that we can manage without them." He shrugged.

"The world has been at war ever since their absence, do you truly believe that we are managing?"

Zhang Wang bristled. The boat rocked gently as he reached down to pick up a long oar. "Even in war, life continues. Progress has been made, new philosophers born. And people still experience happiness, sadness, joy and suffering all the same."

"Then you believe that the world will manage even if war continues on centuries on end?"

Zhang Wang sighed, brushing a stray hair out his face. "Look, I didn't say that. I like to think we can get our heads out of our asses without the help of the gods you know?"

Yu Yanlin's eyes sparkled with inspiration, "So you believe that possible?"

Without a blink of hesitation, "Yes."

Eventually, the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms brought them back ashore. Yu Yanlin's blindfold was secured in place as they made their descent from the boat. The sky was now dark with sparkling stars above them. Peace and tranquillity was about them, so distant from the discussion of war they had just shared.

And so strange that Yu Yanlin was the demon king himself. Zhang Wang was slowly coming to terms with the idea that he will never be able to fully wrap his head around that idea. For Yu Yanlin was sweet, he naive in ways that one wouldn't expect. And though there were moments he was cruel, Zhang Wang could not see him as evil either, only someone that strictly lived within the confines they grew up with since birth.

"Come with me!" He chirped at the demon king before wandering off.

Yu Yanlin chuckled at the energy that had Zhang Wang bouncing. He could not understand how someone could possess so much casual and laidback joy. He thus followed the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms down the quiet streets of the village.

There was an inn that still beheld some life. A few old men that crowded around a table playing a game of mahjong. Other groups were eating a late dinner and sipping on wine, faces red with merriment.

Yu Yanlin was struck with Zhang Wang's earlier words. Meanwhile, Zhang Wang spoke with the master of the house, who welcomed them in with joy.

"Young Master Zhang! It's been so long since you've come by! We've missed you mightly! Remember the time you got so drunk that instead of making your way back up Xunfeng Peak, you fell asleep in the barn instead, with the old donkey?"

"Ahh," Zhang Wang groaned, shoulders sagged with defeat, "Please don't mention those embarrassing things!" His face was red from shame, glancing over in hopes that Yu Yanlin wasn't listening.

Unfortunately for him, Yu Yanlin was giving him a gentle smile, chuckling at the details of the story, which caused Zhang Wang to curse under his breath.

"Who is this?" The master of the house's attention turned to the blindfolded man.

Yu Yanlin instantly bowed with respect and said, "I am Bai Hu of Xianggu. I am Zhang Wang's lover." He declared clearly.

Zhang Wang startled inwardly, surprised at Yu Yanlin's brazenness and at the ease in which he was able to lie. He wondered if this whole thing might have been a back idea, after all. And slowly the demon king would grow a penchant for lying…

But it was for the better! One needed to know how to lie to live life normally. He wore an easy expression on his face and slid an arm around Yu Yanlin's waist, "That's right. This is my lover Huhu. I brought him from a very far off place, and I'm hoping that everyone can treat him kindly here."

The master of the inn wore surprise on his face, glancing between the two young masters in front of him. They were both magnificently handsome! A real loss for the ladies that they decided to join hands but… They did look like a good match, indeed! The master of the inn wondered if his daughter would be disappointed or ecstatic that the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms was taken by a man like this.

He laughed heartily at the thought and slapped both young masters hard on the side of the arm. "Wonderful, wonderful! So Young Master Zhang has finally found someone to settle with? I am happy for you! And welcome to our humble establishment! I hope you will find it enjoyable here. I am quite proud of our black-peppered lamb if I'm to say so myself. Anyway, why are you just standing around? Come in already? Let's get you seated…"