Why do your thoughts wander?

Zhang Wang was straddled atop Yu Yanlin's lap, eagerly exchanging kisses with the demon king. Even as fluids exchanged, Yu Yanlin maintained his appearance, with his flickering tiger ears and tail that circled Zhang Wang's calf, rubbing against the skin with care.

Time elapsed, a heated air erected around them, fighting off the cold that rushed into the cavern from outside. Zhang Wang was too hazy in his thoughts to reckon if it was because of the wanton heat that rose around them, or the legitimate workings of a spell at Yu Yanlin's hands.

He wouldn't be doubtful of either.

The Demon King pulled away from the kiss, the smile on his lips was charmingly lazy, with pale lashes fanning over half lidded eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

'You' might have been too corny of an answer so Zhang Wang tried to think of something else to say. "Uh, the weather?" he tried as a joke, laughing awkwardly at his pitiful delivery.