Next time

Of Ariunbayar's three brothers and four sisters, only one of them had a name that Zhang Wang could pronounce. It reached a point where he was just shouting "Altan!" over and over again at whoever, which incited a slew of laughter and frustrated pouting. 

The Chonos tribe was happy that they had returned their little princess without any harm. Ariunbayar's father was a towering man who appeared as though he had a perpetual frown etched into his face. But when he laughed all the wrinkles would pull into his laugh lines. His wide hands slapped into the long table, shaking all the food and plates. Even the yurt itself shook at his might. 

There was throat singing and the haunting ring of a horsehead fiddle played. People laughed and danced, the table wafting the aroma of freshly roasted lamb and milk tea.