Here we go again

The location that Yun Ning described was an old residence that was a way's off the main road, located on the side of Mount Wuhong, south of the Crow's Eye and north of Xianggu. It was unlikely that they would have passed it on their journey up, for it was a bit further to the east from the mountain trail that folk usually traveled.

Yun Ning explained that in her parent's childhood, the residence had been occupied by an old couple that used to frequent the tea house on calm afternoons. But that was a time long passed.

For the residence was old, only surviving through the years on Mount Wuhong through a stroke of luck. That luck had ended when fire raged and ravaged their home. The old couple had survived but their belongings had been devoured by flames, leaving nothing salvageable behind. So they did what anyone sensible would have done and left the premise.

What was left behind was nothing more than a skeletal husk of what had been a warm and welcoming home.