Keep his mind occupied

"How is he?" Ling Miwei was the head priestess of the Wind Stone Temple. Or she would have been if they hadn't been dissolved into the Wandering Wolf Sect. She wasn't a tall woman but bore an overbearing presence. But despite her usual snappish demeanor there was true sympathy in her voice, care. 

Her hair was long, silky and straight reaching just above her thighs. And though the outer robe that she wore was plain and unassuming, the dress she donned beneath it was glittering and intricate, with golden swirls embroidered at the breast and silver-blue trimmings. 

Sikong Ren likely would have found her attractive under normal circumstances. He barely had the energy to respond to her tersely, "Better."

The woman nodded, "If there is anything you need, you ought to let me know."