Walk around in circles

Zhang Wang wanted to pass out.

Not that he was close to actually passing out or anything. It would probably just be easier if he did. No scratch that, just end him already because anything was better than glaring a large black block standing immovable before his face.

Offensively, his main quest progression was blinking [ Total Progress : 100% ] in his face for the past three days.

That's right, because for three days straight he'd been staring at the annoying block of…something, trying to destroy it but to no avail.

The sun was already setting and Zhang Wang was probably going to camp it out for another night but he was seriously contemplating going back to the village to seek out an actual bed. The wind was soft and it wasn't that cold. Frankly, Zhang Wang didn't really have an excuse to leave, he's meditated in solitude for much longer than this.

But it was the [ Total Progress : 100% ] that both offended him and stirred his impatience.