Chapter 1

It was just an ordinary day going to buy lunch at Bedok interchange when it all started. Bright meteors came hurling through the skies, not 1 or 2 but as Ben looked up, he saw the sky was filled with meteor trails, there was too many to bother counting.

Around him other pedestrians also stopped to stare at the sky, many taking out their phones to take pictures, afew even rushing away to who knows where. Ben also took out his phone for a quick snap and whatsapp...he sent the picture with caption Omg meteor shower!! to afew chats then continued walking to the food court to get lunch, thinking its just a rare natural phenomenon.

Screams from the left startled him, he looked there and saw people running in panic. Wtf??? Ben couldn't see any reason for them to be running like this... then he had a sudden thought and looked up!.... Only to see the same sky filled with meteor trails just afew minutes ago. Maybe someone panicked and it started a mass panic?. Not only him, there were many other confused bystanders too.

LOOK AT THE SKY afew kind souls shouted to confused people like him. Ben gave a start and he whipped his head around to look behind him. HOLY SHEET one of the meteor seemed like it was coming straight down to them!?

Ben started running towards the nearest building, blindly following the crowd of people running in panic. Some were running to any nearby building they can find, some were heading to the bigger mall. Families were running with their kids, old people trying their best to move. Delivery riders on their electric scooters banged into pedestrians, it was a big chaotic mess.

Ben saw a malay auntie struggling by herself, still holding on to her grocery bags. Feeling he should do something, Ben changed direction and ran to her. Auntie i help you! Ben helped the grateful auntie with her shopping bags and they jogged towards the nearest building, which was a HDB block with shops on the ground floor.

Everyone was crowding into the shops, Ben and the malay auntie entered the nearest shop which was a hair saloon. Thank you ah boy the auntie said, Ben smiled and said it was no problem as he passed back her grocery bags.

They looked at the meteor rapidly heading their way, it was a scary experience, watching it come closer and not knowing if it was going to hit near them or not. Some people overcome by anxiety kept running to further away places but Ben felt it was useless because they didn't know where the meteor will hit.

The rising tension in the shop was a nasty feeling as everyone looked on fearfully, then the tension level paused... after awhile it receded abit.. Then it became alittle hopeful, and then a great feeling of relief flooded everyone, the meteor passed very closely overhead and didn't hit them!

Ben thought the meteor looked too large and was feeling a anxious mix of "is it the end of the world?" and "should i embarrass myself by lying on the ground" when an incredible boom sounded, followed by a shockwave that hit everyone in the shop. Glass panels burst out in tiny explosions from the shockwave, luckily the shower of tempered glass didn't seriously injure anyone. Screams filled the shop and everywhere else.

After the chaos, Ben got on his feet again and gingerly dusted himself, his hands had afew scratches and little bits of glasses fell off his clothes but thats about all. He took a quick glance around and saw everyone was similarly recovering. The malay auntie was also shakingly getting up, Ben helped her to slowly get on her feet, it wasn't safe to seat with glass all around.

Someone flicked their clothes too hard and afew glass shards sprinkled on them. Ben got irritated by this but its just a small thing, Come auntie lets get out of here. Thanks to them coming late, they were also very near the entrance. They left the shop, Ben helping the auntie to flip her shopping bags inside out to get rid of glass. She kept thanking Ben for his help and after seeing she was doing ok, Ben bid his farewells and left.

He was curious about the area that got hit by the meteor, however the tall buildings around blocked his view from the ground. All around people were coming out of the buildings and

doing all sorts of stuff. Some were trying to help clean up the place or helping others, some were taking their phones out, many were hurrying along to whatever destination they had. His phone rang and it was his mother checking to see if his ok and asking him to come home quickly, nevermind lunch, they will just eat something simple at home with rice and can sardines.

Ben felt like finding the impact site and being a busybody but gave up the idea. It would probably take too much time finding it. Lets check out the foodcourt instead and see if its still open?? Ben made his way to the food court, stopping afew times to help out when he saw people struggling, he wasn't the only one helping out, there were also many others helping out. Along the way he was able to see some beautiful sights, young ladies nowadays like to wear short pants that stop just at their bum or even higher, and it was a good view whenever they bend down to do stuff.

Unfortunately, the food court also experienced bursted glass panels from the shockwave and the whole place was closed for safety reasons. Oh well... Time to eat canned sardines then. Ben made his way back home, his head turning left and right to scan for targets. There wasn't much to help anymore, everyone was already busy handling the situation.

Many shops had staff sweeping the permises and getting rid of the glass shards or sorting out the furniture and shop items. Afew unfortunate who were more badly injured had already being attended to by helpful people or their own families and either waiting for ambulance or slowly making their way back home.

The previous meteor filled sky was already back to a normal sky albeit one could still see afew trails left behind by the meteor shower. Amazing.... Ben thought to himself, who knew meteor showers could also bomb you. The sounds of sirens raced pass, must be the firefighters and ambulances. A shout startled him.


A fit looking man was shouting, his face full of fear as he ran frantically. Was there a Fire? Ben thought, kinda puzzled and alarmed by the mans actions. He walked faster just in case. Soon more screams could be heard from the same direction, which is the same direction the meteor had crashed.

Shit whats happening? Ben started jogging back to his bicycle, people around were also getting alarmed, some even going to investigate the problem. Screams of intense pain started mixing into the cacophony of screams and shouts. A wave of scared people came rushing from that direction, all shouting various stuff like run or help or call the police, some even shouted monsters.

Ben felt frightened by this.... This wasn't one of those pranks right? Yeah no way it could be, he better start running too. Then he saw something unbelievable ..... A huge red and black centipede like insect came crawling very fast, chasing after the running people. It easily caught a fat uncle and took a big bite of him, red blood immediately splashing on its body. Omg... Those red spots on its body were bloodstains!.

Ben couldn't believe what he was seeing, he stood still with his jaws wide open, not able to comprehend whats in front of him. He watched as the centipede took another big bite of the fat uncle and swallowed his legs. By now blood was all over the place like a pond, The uncle was still weakly struggling and calling for help until the centipede wrapped its jaws around whats left of him, chewing and swallowing him like a noodle.

It was only after this live gory show that Ben finally came back to his senses. HOLY SHIT HE HAD TO RUN!!!!!, Ben started running and yelling at top volume, the fear inside him could only be released by screaming as loud as he can!.

WHERE TO GO ? , Ben ran madly to his bicycle, he took a quick look back out of fear and got shocked. More of the alien centipedes were here, either hunting down humans or eating humans. However the scene reminded him of a certain saying..... When the tiger is chasing you, you don't have to outrun the tiger, you only need to outrun the rest!.

Indeed the centipedes were eating all those who couldn't run fast, whether they were fat, old, too scared or disabled, it was the slow that got eaten!. Ben ran with all his might for his bicycle, bumping afew times into other people along the way. He even saw old folks on the ground asking for help, maybe they were injured after bumping into another person or too emotionally affected to move properly but he was too scared to help them. He jumped out of reach of grasping hands, someone almost grabbed onto his legs in their desperation. There was only one thought in his mind, he had to reach home NOW.