Marrying the emperor

Early in the morning, Wan'er was forced to wake up and bathed with a flower petal and what kind of flower unknown because Wan'er is still in a daze.

At the time all the preparation finish only then Wan'er realized that her face is like someone just poured a bag of flour on her face.

"NANII KOREEEEEEE" Wan'er become an anime. 😆😆 (Author: I am laughing while writing this because i feel stupid at the same time)

"Get out!" Wan'er has never been so mad in her 'both' life. Even though Wan'er was not into makeup but she clearly know that this is just some stupid arrangement by someone.

"This is stupid" Wan'er erasing the ugly makeup on her face then reapplied the modern makeup style. simple and acceptable yet enhance the beauty of one's face.

After a while someone guided her to a beautiful sedan. Everything was red and Wan'er felt dizzy of looking at those red things. Wan'er is not that carefree person but she actually a very cautious person. once people scheme against her, forever she will never ever trust the same person. seems like the Duke Lian's is full of schemers.

Duke Lian first wife died suddenly when she's back from somewhere and Duke Lian concealed the truth behind her first wife death. Duchess Lian Weiyu was the second wife of Duke Lian and the biological mother of Meiyu. Wan'er is the one and only daughter from the first. Wan'er is arrogant and spoiled at outside but when she's inside the her own room, she is not. Wan'er is committed to her own cultivation and hide it well.

When Wan'er was about to come out from the Duke Lian mansion, A man in red clothes scooped her in a bridal style and bought her into the sedan. people whispering to each other that Lian Wan'er might be the one who requested for the emperor to come out and pick her up but actually it wasn't.

Wan'er didn't make any noise until they arrived at the Palace. even after the ceremony ends and she was sent to the bridal chamber, Wan'er didn't make noise but not after waiting for the emperor for an hour to come. Wan'er pulled down whatever things on her head and let her hair down.

"I am hungry" Wan'er mumble and help herself to eat all of it and after resting for a while, Wan'er take out a weird pill and ate it.

'In case the emperor comes, I better take some sleeping pills' Wan'er jumped on the bed after changed into nightwear attire forgetting the fact that she just married today.

Somewhere out there, "How's the empress?" Emperor Xiang asked his shadow guard.

"Answering your majesty, she's sleeping after meal" The emperor's hand stopped writing and looked at his shadow guard and walked out of his study room.

"She didn't throw tantrums?" The emperor was curious because the rumors outside is nothing like what his shadow guard reported.

When Emperor Xiang arrived at the bridal chamber, not only he was shocked but left speechless too. That maiden was in a nightwear and sleeping peacefully.

"I will sleep here tonight" The emperor sudden decision makes the shadow guard shocked for a while but only nods then disappear. The emperor too changed into nightwear and slipped into the warm blanket and hugged his empress while the maiden snuggle into his chest. 'Oh my, she's cute' The emperor smile a little and closed his eyes.