
listening to this while writing this)

That night is the most assuring decision Wan'er ever made. Yuan Zhen visited Fang Lian and told him about it and he told Yuan Zhen that nothing else he wanted than to see her always happy in everything she choose to do. Their relationship is getting better each day passed. Yuan Zhen has been considerate toward Wan'er. When they walk side to side, they looked so perfect. Everyone has been referring them as the sun and the moon. Their presence too stunning and if beauty is a crime then they're the criminals.

"" The twins feature overall looks like Wan'er and that's really make her happy. But at that moment Wan'er was so jealous of Yuan Zhen. Their first word is not 'Mama' but 'Papa' and that's why Wan'er has been throwing tantrums towards Yuan Zhen. Early in the morning, Wan'er and her guard, Ji Feng go to the forest to find some new herbs and maybe capture some hare or pheasant. Unfortunately, they were ambushed by unknown force but Ji Feng know them well. They're from Jun Kingdom.

"M-master! " That's the last words Wan'er heard before her sight engulfed by darkness. Ji Feng was one of the most skilled shadow guard but that day he faced with five martial king and he is at disadvantages. Ji Feng walked slowly to the palace and he lose so much blood. "A little bit more...." Ji Feng was limping to go back. He is heavily wounded and his Qi also drained to the point he can't even use Qinggong. "If only I brought along the emergency fireworks" Ji Feng really regret for not able to save his master. When Ji Feng arrived in front of the palace, the first to see him was Yuxi.

"JI FENG!" Yuxi panicked after seeing his bloody body. Ren Wang also very shocked. "Where's Wan'er?" Yuan Zhen soon joined them in the physicians room. "M-master was kidnapped.... Jun Kingdom" After successfully reporting to Yuan Zhen, Ji Feng fall into deep slumber sleep. His face was so pale and his body is full of wounds. "Jun Xiang! That bastard!" Fang Lian who's also present there was so angry but then Yuan Zhen calm him down. "I know, we shouldn't delay to save her but we also need to consider something. We do not know his intention of kidnapping her and we don't really sure if it is his order to kidnap her. We need to plan this rescue mission carefully" Yuan Zhen said in a cold tone. His words may sound like he's calm at the moment but deep inside his heart is raging to tear Jun Xiang down.

"I will be going with you" Fang Lian said but soon decided that he will join under disguise. Yuan Zhen didn't want to implicate the Lian's reputation because after all, Fang Lian is still Jun's people and if he were to join them on this rescuing mission, Yun Zhen feared that they will be labelled as a traitor. It takes a week for them to prepare everything and some of the shadow guard was deployed two days earlier to infiltrate the Jun Palace. "I am coming, My dear empress" Yuan Zhen finally moved out to the Jun Kingdom with a total of 500,000 troops. The first 250,000 troops was already surrounded the Jun's Palace while the remaining 250,000 Calvary is on the way with him to the Jun Kingdom.

"I finally get you back, my wan'er" Jun Xiang has been harassing Wan'er since her arrival. Not to mention, the current empress, Li Ruyi has been abusing her everyday everytime Jun Xiang was away. Li Ruyi told her servant to prick Wan'er fingers to avoid Jun Xiang to notice her doing. "Don't even dream to replace me as Xiang's empress. You will suffer until you die on your own" Everytime they do it to Wan'er, her mouth will be stuffed with clothes so she won't be able to call for help. Since Wan'er woke up, Jun Xiang has been so patience. He waited for the day when Wan'er willingly gave her body to him but his patience didn't last for long. On the sixth day since Wan'er arrival, Jum Xiang drugged her with aphrodisiac. The next day, Jun Xiang didn't wait for her answer then tear up her dress and was about to go into action but his Shadow guard informed him that Yuan Zhen has arrived.

"Why is the Yuan Emperor is here? is it..." Jun Xiang looked at Wan'er naked body and then leave as fast as he can to greet the notorious colds hearted emperor. "Greeting Jun Emperor" Yuan Zhen folded his fist and then give a formal greeting to Jun Xiang. Jun Xiang can only smile and nodded. "I will be straight forward to you Jun Xiang. I have surrounded your Palace" Jun Xiang stood up and was shaking in rage. "What do you mean by this?!" Yuan Zhen sipped his tea and smile devilishly. "I am here to make Jun as Yuan's territory but i will give you two choices with a condition that I will put the Jun's under Yuan's protection but only if you can give what i want" Yuan Zhen remain seated and continue to talk.

"First choice is, of course you just need to surrender to me and I promise you there will be no bloody war. The second choices is I want a certain someone that can help me and my people" When Jun Xiang heard Yuan Zhen words, he can only tremble in rage because he know it well, who is the person that Yuan Zhen was about to mention. "I want your former empress, Liang Wan'er" Everyone that present at the moment gasp in awe. "Are you sure, you're asking the right person. Lian Wan'er has been missing from my palace and its a year ago" Jum Xiang was trying to avoid the second choice but he also not willing to surrender to Yuan. Surrendering means he will lose his position and everything.

"Then you will surrender?" Yuan Zhen has been provoking Jun Xiang from the first time their eyes met. "N-no..." Juj Xiang still resisting and Yuan Zhen has long run out of patience. "Ren Wang. The battle has been decided" When Jun Xiang heard it, He was scared and immediately called Eunuch Lin to get Wan'er out. When Yuan Zhen saw Wan'er red face, he immediately know that she was drugged. "Wow... I didn't believe that Emperor Xiang has a fetish of drugging people before doing it" Jun Xiang was so embarrassed but hold himself on.

"Now that my request has been fulfilled then excuse us" When they were out of the palace, a horror shriek can be heard from inside the palace. The servants and Li Ruyi met their ending. Just because Yuan Zhen was a little bit late doesn't mean he didn't know what happened to Wan'er during the whole week. "I am sorry, I'm late" Yuan Zhen immediately pulled back to Yuan Kimgdom. He really want to kill Jun Xing by himself but he can't do it because that's what Fang Lian begged him not to do but Li Ruyi death is not included so he just told Ren Wang and few others to eliminate those people who involved in abusing Wan'er.

"Help!" Wan'er wake up in a familiar room and saw Yuan Zhen peacefully sleeping beside her. Wan'er didn't want to disturb him so she slowly get out of the bed and go back to her own chamber. "That Jun Xiang. You'll die tonight" Wan'er wear a black colored man's dress and sneakily go out with her Qinggong. Her rage is like a hellfire that cannot be erased. Wan'er cultivation is not that low but because of constantly given a drug since the first day she was kidnapped.

"Where's Wan'er? " Yuan Zhen has been running around just to find her.