Art 6- One Thousand and One Nights


Victor appears as if he was being merged with the machine. The scientist could only look in shock as they become one. As Victor opens his eyes, he only sees what seems to be an orange screen, showing all kind of information right to his eyes.

The creatures tear through the walls, Dr. Stone phone reaches his phone to call the only person he knew that could save them. "We're in trouble!" said Dr. Stone through the phone, as one of the creatures was ready to eat him and his co-worker, however, a metallic arm grabbed the creature by the neck and kill it easily. An arm that was coming from Victor's bed.

The cylindrical machine gets deformed to a metallic humanoid figure with blue lines which gets up and starts walking towards the creatures. [Offensive Mode Activated] A robotic voice said in Victor's mind. Several creatures rushed and attacked him, Victor pinned down one while using his free arm as a shield covering from the fire a creature shoot towards him. Then he started his attack by raising the creature that he just pinned down and hitting with its body the others that charged him.

The creatures kept coming to him, with no time to take a breath he got thrown towards debris. He was immediately surrounded by creatures that kept hitting him, as if it was an automatic defensive system, the blue tissue grabbed weaponry around the debris and attached them to him. Little missiles were shot at the creatures from the weapons that Victor received. With energy-based propulsors, he flew and then dropped on a creature killing it in the process.

Dr. Stone stood up and walked to Victor's side only to abruptly halt as two creatures were making their way to the room. A red blur killed the creatures and stopped, making now clear that it was a red-suit man. "I came as quick as I could." said the red-suit man.

Surprising the man, a creature roared at him and intended to attack, Victor heard the same robotic voice and shot a ray cannon at him, making a hole in the creature.

Before Superman met Diana, the group of four was trying to kill as many creatures as they could. Outside the warehouse, Green Lantern made a green turret and shot the creatures, Batman took down the creatures with his fighting skills and bat-objects. Gin just let his panther kill the creatures around him and made his crow fly in the sky surveying the perimeter.

Superman, being one of the strongest on Earth, destroyed enormous groups of creatures easily, even just a group of 50 creatures at the same time was nothing to him. Batman, after seeing the attacks of Green Lantern, made him create a wall blocking the hole that was on the abandoned warehouse.

Seeing that the green wall collapsed after sometime, Batman told Green Lantern to concentrate because his powers are constructed by his imagination, concentration and willpower, saying all this while Gin takes notes mentally.

Superman left when with his enhanced hearing heard an urgent voice saying, "Mayday, mayday. The capital is under attack." Green Lantern, Batman and Gin saw Superman leave.

"Aaaand there goes our big gun." Green Lantern said.

"It seems he left for an emergency. We have to do somethin' about the portal." Gin said while smiling.

"We have no control of the portal so our only options are sealing it or make a trap on it." Batman commented. "Well, I'll try with the ring to close the portal." Green Lantern said.

Green Lantern tried to close the portal but he couldn't. Batman also looked around the warehouse to see if it was possible to bury the building. "The ring analyzed the portal and says that breaking the metal around it will make an explosion." Green Lantern said while killing another creature since he was close to the portal and the creatures kept coming.

"I can try to seal the portal. Whether I succeed or not, I can't tell." A smiling Gin said. Batman and Green Lantern started to keep the monsters from interrupting him.

Gin started the sealing around the portal and with a brush he started to draw a circle with weird designs on it that stopped right at the portal. Batman mentally started to compare the designs to any ancient magical or cultural symbol that he has knowledge of.

As Gin finished, with the brush on his hand, he twisted it and the portal crumbled down and closed. Batman asked him, "How did you closed the portal when Green Lantern couldn't?"

Green Lantern felt offended at the remark but kept silent since he was curious too. Gin only said, "Well, I noticed that it uses energy as fuel to remain open. I only cut off the connection or signal an' seal the space for any other energy that can open it."

"So the symbols on the metallic border of the portal transmit energy from the power source and opened the portal after the box disrupt the space?" Batman asked after hearing Gin explanation.

"Ah more or less." Gin said smiling, "But we have to kill the remainin' creatures and start moving."

"Don't worry leave this to the mighty Green Lantern!" Green Lantern said excitedly as he can now show his offensive power without bothering on two things like attacking and sealing buildings holes.

Gin only smiled and kept quiet, letting his panther attack, since he knows Batman is curious about the circle he drew and his brush. Batman resumed to attacking as Gin will only kept quiet on the things he wants information.

When Gin was out of the sight of Batman he looked at his brush which had cracks on it, while seeing the cracks he thought, `My art of painting drained a bit of my energy as I sealed the space and cut the connection between the receptor and transmitter. Moreover, the art of literature that I used writing words on the circle affected me more than I thought, as I combined two arts. Clearly, my brush could not support my energy. '

While our three current heroes finished off the remaining creatures, a kid was fighting off a creature. Being overwhelmed by the creature, the kid looked at the creature and shout, "SHAZAM!".

The Thousand and One Nights, also called The Arabian Nights, Arabic Alf laylah wa laylah, collection of largely Middle Eastern and Indian stories of uncertain date and authorship. Its tales of Aladdin, Ali Baba, and Sindbad the Sailor have almost become part of Western folklore, though these were added to the collection only in the 18th century in European adaptations.

[As this story or collection of stories doesn't have an specific author or date (English first edition doesn't count), I'll go with Scheherazade story (Copy-paste from Fate Scheherazade biography):

King Shahryar would repeatedly marry young maidens and kill them after one night.

In order to stop such misdeed, the daughter of the vizier, Scheherazade, married the king herself.

Scheherazade planned so that, after spending the night with the king, her little sister Dunyazade would be called over in order to ask for a story. The king took an interest on the story that Scheherazade told Dunyazade and asked for the continuation, but the day had already dawned. Scheherazade then announces that "Tomorrow's story will be more exciting".

Thus, the king continues to allow Scheherazade to live in order to hear the continuation of her stories. An then---

...the nearly 1,000 stories that people read today are, for the most part, additions by later translators.]