Arc 1 part 7

Arc 1 part 7

Kris and Johan stayed in their laying position for at least half an hour, until the so-called third wheel called them for supper. When they suddenly heard Timothy calling them, they became aware of the position they were in, resulting in two tomatoes. Kris's body sprung up and looked shyly at the blond man, and walked to the door. While doing so, Johan also shook up and followed behind, still embarrassment at himself.

The food was quite delicious, Timothy made a tray of béchamel with pasta pieces and a plate of lasagna. He also squeezed some fresh oranges and made orange juice. A reliable brother will always be a reliable brother. After finishing their food, Timothy ordered both boys to clean up the dishes while he rests. Kris walked over to the sink in the kitchen while holding up some plates, and Johan did the same. Both started washing the dishing in the same sink, with the occasional hand touching, and one of them blushing.

This pink flowery scene was of course displayed in front Timothy, he couldn't help but think that they are probably are still not dating, or even confessed. Timothy being the reliable brother, is thinking of a plan to make them confess to each other.

Kris then whispered in a low voice "J-Johan, you should just go and sit with my brother, you are the guest after all" Johan smirked at the tone of Kris's voice, but before opening his mouth, he received a message from someone so he asked Kris if he could check it out. Looking at the text from a certain someone, Johan was quite pleased with it. But annoyed as he is too dense. Walking over back to Kris, Johan held Kris's wrist and told him to rest for a while. After that, Johan was then stopped by Kris, so that he can continue the rest. Cleaning up the place, all men felt relieved.

"Kris, Can I have a second with you?" asked Timothy, Kris of course agreed and was then dragged by his brother. "Kris, Johan doesn't have a place to stay for the moment, he talked to me about it while you were cleaning, can you make him crash in your room? Mine is too small." Kris nodded and went back to Johan telling him about it. While Timothy felt happy with his matchmaking skills.

When it was time to sleep, Kris and Johan went to Kris's room. Kris suddenly realize that he didn't have an extra futon, so he had to share the bed with someone the makes his heart beat faster. In conclusion, Kris seemed to develop a crush on Johan. Johan was cool with sharing the bed with Kris. Both people changed their clothes and wore their pyjamas, then falling asleep on the bed. Well one of them was asleep.

[Rain, what is the situation with Vivian?] Asked Kris [Host, she isn't doing anything concerning. However I received from the higher-ups extra Sub-Missions, it was partly their fault as they didn't input the original full wishes. The extra wishes are:

1. Let Timothy date Crystal (100 points) 2. Have children with lover (100 points)

Sorry host, I can't help you with this situation] Rain informed, [I guess I won't be able to complete all of my missions I guess, but Rain is there always a mistake made by the higher-ups?] continued Kris, [Host, mistakes do happen, but it only happen when the systems are updating and evolving, so a mistake won't happen in the near future, or in 100 years in system timing. And even if mistakes happen, it won't be as severe as this mistake.]

Feeling content with the answer, Kris fell into slumber. When morning came, Kris woke up, looked at his side and sighed. As he was walking to the bathroom, Rain alerted Kris that Vivian is going to do something will ruin Kris's career, when Kris asked what would she do, Rain said that she will bring a look-alike of Kris and make him do stuff and say things that shouldn't be done or said. Sneering at her amateur way of dealing with people, Kris thought of a plan that would make Vivian mess with him, then he brushed his teeth and wore his clothes to go to shooting.

Waiting for his driver, Johan woke up and greeted Kris. Both of them seemed to pretend as if nothing happened, so they talked like they usually do. For the whole day, Kris was shooting his scenes and also get praised by the director from time to time. Concluding all of his scenes in the movie, he called his driver to take him back home. While Kris was resting in the seat of the car, the internet was chaotic, well because their lovely actor Kris, in some leaked videos, captured him saying racist and homophobic stuff, while doing disgusting stuff to people.

This video looked quite real, but some of Kris's fans defended him. It is clear that Kris was clearly gay, whoever didn't see his birthday won't know he is dating Johan, or so they thought. His driver/assistant was informed of this scandal, and quickly woke Kris to question him. The car stopped in a parking lot, and his assistant asked Kris about these videos, Kris seemed to be shocked when seeing these videos and swore that it was not him, because his assistant knew who Kris was, believed him, but other didn't and won't believe him. Reaching Kris's house, his assistant told him not to go out and wait until the PR of his company contact him.

Getting in, Kris saw Timothy, standing and looking at him, "I guess you saw it huh?" asked Kris in a tired manner, Timothy nodded and said "But I know you didn't do it, but who would want to frame you, it's not like a lot of celebrities hate you, and looking at the video, I know the person is not you, you don't have a mole in the left of your lips, but at the right" Both brothers then went in the living room and waited for Kris's PR team to call him.

When they called, they told Kris to hold a conference publicly, and try to prove his innocence, they would try to gather evidence until then, and the conference was set to be in two weeks. Being the cheat Kris is, he told Rain to send real evidence proving his innocence, so no forging. He gathered information on the person that looked like Kris, at showed similarities between the two and brought us Kris's image and showed the difference between the guy in the video and Kris. Then He asked Rain to hack into any surveillance camera capturing the plan between Vivian and some of the people in the video. Which cost 50 points to do so. After a few days of gathering the evidence, Kris anonymously sent the evidence to his PR team.

Kris was laying on his bed with the pillow on his face because the original soul didn't completely disappear, it affected Kris mood, the original seemed to be sad and afraid, so this resulted to Kris tearing up and genuinely feel sad. "Hey, are you okay? You seemed to be down for the past few days" asked Johan, Kris didn't seem to sense his arrival which shook him up revealing his tear-stained face to Johan.

When Johan saw Kris's face, he was immediately mad, not at Kris, but at who made him cry. So Johan quickly pulled Kris to him and hugged him. This action seemed to make Kris more emotional resulting in Kris crying more. Rain was sad that he couldn't do anything to help his host, he forgot how the longer a host stayed in a world the more they are attached to the body and are affected to their surroundings, this was implanted by the higher-ups so that the missions could be finished in a more serious approach. And Rain shouldn't forget that Kris is also a living being that feels emotions, and in this world he is human, and humans felt emotions the most.

"I am scared," said Kris to Johan, "What will happen if people don't believe me? Would I be hated by all you?" continued to cry, Kris. Johan held Kris's chin and made their eyes meet, "I would never hate you" smiled Johan. Kris or Alexis was greatly affected by these words, in his past life, when he was younger, someone as important said these words to him, but that person died. And Alexis was left alone in that world. Kris was aware of his developing emotions to Johan and was suspicious that Johan felt the same way. So he took the initiative to put his arms around Johan's neck and pull him closer.

{End of arc 1 part 7}