Arc 1 part 9

Arc 1 part 9

After the long ride, Kris finally reached home. Many articles were made after the conference. Furthermore, Kris has gained new fans because of his speech and personality. Kris was happy with the outcome. [Rain, can you please tell me how many points have been deducted from me?] Kris ordered his system. [Sure host! During your stay here, you have lost 380 pts, meaning, you have 620 pts remaining, use them wisely host!] answered Rain.

Kris was sitting on the sofa and thinking about what's the next step. His thought was interrupted by his brother calling Kris to eat dinner with him (Tim) and Johan. While he was taking his seat, Johan asked about how he felt, Kris explained that the whole situation had put him on edge, but now he was relaxed. Timothy also conversed with the others here and there.

When they finished eating, Timothy asked the others to clean the dishes as he had something to do. After Kris and Johan finished, Johan needed to go back home. Kris walked Johan to the door.

Before Johan could exit, his body was turned over and felt the familiar lips on his. Kris had to stand in the tip of his feet to reach his lover's lips. They kissed for a good minute but had to separate away. Kris said his goodbyes while they parted ways.

Kris walked to his bathroom and had a shower. After changing his clothes, Kris went to his room and reached his bed. Kris laid on his bed and fell into slumber.

Kris was woken up by a familiar voice, a voice he had not heard for a long time. The voice was talking to him and making weird face gestures. Kris was familiar with her face, but he never has seen that face in his past life, The life that gratefully ended. Kris shook his head and noticed a mirror, he stared at the person that was displayed, he was not Kris. Alexis stared at himself, noticing his change of appearance. The female's voice yelled at Alexis to pay attention to the story, and he listened.

"Alexis, today I will tell you a story about a little fairy so listen closely,

'little flowers blossoms at night, the lovely colours they display shines through the dark sky. But ever so lovely, its thorns are what contributes to the darkness, shedding blood ever so often, lovely screams are heard at night, they were heard close to those hypocritical little flowers, seeing the pain, the fairy came, promising happiness, even if it's fake, the little flower is really evil, piercing through my skin while I feed it love, my innocence is being tarnished, by a beast that's seen pretty by the rest, "fairy? Where are you?" I said "I don't want happiness, I want death," so fairy closed my eyes, and made me dream of a nice life, one I know I wouldn't have' Now Alexis, remember, fairy only gives one chance please don't mess it up"

When she finished, Alexis woke up once again, he quickly ran to the bathroom, looking at his appearance, Alexis was Kris once again.

[What a nice dream] Kris thought, [Host! You scared me there, our minds unlinked, I thought I lost you UWU] Rain whined, [Well I didn't die, and now the link is working so no worries] reassured Kris. Rain then stopped talking and went offline.

Kris sat on his bed, recalling what had he dreamt. The dream felt so real but surreal at the same time. "What a weird story," Kris thought to himself, "Alexa really was the weird one af- wait who is Alexa!!?" he continued to think. Something was fishy, he felt as if there was a memory he was missing, 'Alexa', the woman in his dream, he has never seen her, talked to her, or met her. So how could he now her name, felt familiar to her face, and felt safe in her presence. The only thing he knew was that Alexa will always protect him, but the origin of this thought was unknown.

[Rain, do you know anyone Alexa? Well, someone, I knew from my past life, you do have information about my past life, right?] asked Kris, [Host, as a system, I am obligated to study your full past, as for a person named Alexa, well I am not allowed to tell you anything about her.... Or the others as you may know,

after all, they are ä̶̢̨̜̤̩̗͕͎̳̌͆͜ͅ.̸̨͖̹̗̝͔͉̖̭̈́̃͝ͅ.̷͓̭̩̩͍̹̟͘r̸͇̙̮͔̽̎̏̊͆̋̈́̂̀͠ͅţ̴̨̹͙̦̳̬̱̲̮͑͆̏̊̄̇̇̈̀̽͘͘͠ͅ ̷͙̲̫̹̗̩̺͈̓.̸̤̠̬̦̾̋̆͋͂͆͛̈̕.̵̦̻͔̀ͅ.̶̢͕̗͖̙̺̪͙̌̾͛̕͜ǫ̸̢̧̫̖̱͍͎̟̫̳̯͎̒ù̸̡̹͓̩̺̩̑̍̍͐͐͋̽̽̎͌́̕!̴̡͈̬̘͒͑̓̈́̋̎̾̐͝͠] answered Rain.

While Rain was answering Kris's Question, his voice at the end became distorted, Kris asked for Rain to repeat his words, but again the last part became distorted. [Host, I think the higher-ups banned me from saying it. Well from what I have seen, you do have parts of your past life that you cannot remember.... Right host?] Rain said.

[Rain, I do have some. Parts of my memories that I do not remember, but that's normal as our memories don't stay forever. However, I have this inkling feeling that something important is missing from my adulthood memories.] Kris answered.

Kris stopped conversing with Rain, and checked the time; it was 6 am, quite early. After laying on the bed for quite some time, Kris's brother called out for him to have breakfast. As they did, Kris's personal phone rang, he looked at the message and smirked. He received a message from a certain someone, well to be exact, from his friend, Jasmine.

Jasmine asked Kris when did he want to meet as he did invite her before. She was free today so she can come. Kris told her to wait for a bit and texted Johan and asked if he could come to his house at 3 pm, Johan was also free, so he agreed, Kris told Johan about his little plan. So, Kris invited both if them and said that the time he chose was 3 pm.

Kris had the whole afternoon to himself, he completed most of mission, while some of them were impossible to complete, Kris was happy with what he achieved. However, Kris could not stop thinking about Alexa, the mysterious woman. Why did he feel safe around her, he needed to talk to her again, she needed to explain some things to him, and tell him who exactly was she? Was she his family? she looked exactly like him but had female features. Ginger hair, fair skin, same nose and lips, the only thing that was different was that she was a woman. And the only this that Kris knows that she was driving him crazy, drowning in curiosity.

{End of arc 1 part 9}